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Cherry Orchard

 by Anton Chekhov 

e Cherry Orchard

Anton Chekhov



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nslated by Julius West, 1916

m: Plays, by Anton Tchekoff. 2d series, tr. with an introduction by Julius West. New York, cribner!s, "#"$. 2$$ %.

NT)NT: (n the hi*h road.++The %ro%osal.+The weddin*.++The bear.++A tra*edian in s%ite of himself.++The annie

three sisters.++The cherry orchard.


• -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA AN)03Y 45me. AN)03Y6, a landowner 

• ANYA, her daughter, aged seventeen

• 0AYA 4/A/AA6, her adopted daughter, aged twenty-seven

• -)(N71 AN1)Y)07T'8 9A)0, Mme. Ranevsky's brother 

• )5(-A7 A-))Y)07T'8 -(;A387N, a merchant 

• ;)T)  )9)Y)07T'8 T(F75(0, a student 

• /(7 /(7(07T'8 75)(N(0+;7'87N, a landowner 

• '8A-(TTA 70AN(0NA, a governess

• 75)(N ;ANT)-)Y)07T'8 );738(1(0, a clerk 

• 1NYA8A 4A01(TYA F)1((0NA6, a maidservant 

• F7), an old footman, aged eighty-seven

• YA8A, a young  footman

• A TA5;

• A TAT7(N+5AT) 

• ;(T+(FF7') '-)3 

• 9)T


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• A )0ANT

• The action takes place on Mme. R!"#$%&'$ estate

T O#!

om which is still called the nursery. ne of the doors leads into  ANYA! room. (t is close on sunrise. (t is Mry-trees are in flower but it is chilly in the garden. There is an early frost. The windows of the ro

1NYA8A comes in with a candle, and  -(;A387N with a book in his hand.

A387N. The train!s arried, thank 9od. What!s the time<

NYA8A. 7t will soon be two. = )lows out candle> 7t is li*ht already.

A387N. 8ow much was the train late< Two hours at least. =&awns and stretches himself > 7 hae made a rotten mes

e here on %ur%ose to meet them at the station, and then oersle%t myself . . . in my chair. 7t!s a %ity. 7 wish you!d w

NYA8A. 7 thou*ht you!d *one away. = *istening > 7 think 7 hear them comin*.

A387N. = *istens> No. . . . They!e *ot to collect their lu**a*e and so on. . . . = Pause> -ubo Andreyena has bee

ad for fie years@ 7 don!t know what she!ll be like now. . . . he!s a *ood sort++an easy, sim%le %erson. 7 remember

a boy of fifteen, my father, who is dead++he used to kee% a sho% in the illa*e here++hit me on the face with his fist,

bled. . . . We had *one into the yard to*ether for somethin* or other, and he was a little drunk. -ubo Andreye

ember her now, was still youn*, and ery thin, and she took me to the washstand here in this ery room, the nurse

1on!t cry, little man, it!ll be all ri*ht in time for your weddin*. = Pause>-ittle man. . . . 5y father was a %eas

but here 7 am in a white waistcoat and yellow shoes . . . a %earl out of an oyster. 7!m rich now, with lots of money,

k about it and eCamine me, and you!ll find 7!m still a %easant down to the marrow of my bones. =Turns over the page

k> 8ere 7!e been readin* this book, but 7 understood nothin*. 7 read and fell aslee%. = Pause.>

NYA8A. The do*s didn!t slee% all ni*ht@ they know that they!re comin*.

A387N. What!s u% with you, 1unyasha . . . <

NYA8A. 5y hands are shakin*. 7 shall faint.


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A387N. You!re too sensitie, 1unyasha. You dress Bust like a lady, and you do your hair like one too. You ou*htn

ld know your %lace.

38(1(0. = "nters with a bou+uet. e wears a short acket and brilliantly polished boots which s+ueak audibly.

bou+uet as he enters, then picks it up > The *ardener sent these@ says they!re to *o into the dinin*+room. =ives the b


A387N. And you!ll brin* me some kass.

NYA8A. 0ery well. = "/it.>

38(1(0. There!s a frost this mornin*++three de*rees, and the cherry+trees are all in flower. 7 can!t a%%roe of our

hs> 7 can!t. (ur climate is indis%osed to faour us een this once. And, )rmolai AleCeyeitch, allow me to say to

tion, that 7 bou*ht myself some boots two days a*o, and 7 be* to assure you that they sDueak in a %erfectly unb

ner. What shall 7 %ut on them<

A387N. 9o away. You bore me.

38(1(0. ome misfortune ha%%ens to me eery day. /ut 7 don!t com%lain@ 7!m used to it, and 7 can

NYA8A comes in and brings -(;A387N some kvass> 7 shall *o. = %nocks over a chair > There. . . . =Triump

e, you see, if 7 may use the word, what circumstances 7 am in, so to s%eak. 7t is een sim%ly marellous. = "/it.>

NYA8A. 7 may confess to you, )rmolai AleCeyeitch, that )%ikhodo has %ro%osed to me.

A387N. Ah?

NYA8A. 7 don!t know what to do about it. 8e!s a nice youn* man, but eery now and a*ain, when he be*ins talkin

understand a word he!s sayin*. 7 think 7 like him. 8e!s madly in loe with me. 8e!s an unlucky man@ eery day som

ens. We tease him about it. They call him Two+and+twenty troubles.

A387N. = *istens> There they come, 7 think.

NYA8A. They!re comin*? What!s the matter with me< 7!m cold all oer.

A387N. There they are, ri*ht enou*h. -et!s *o and meet them. Will she know me< We haen!t seen each other


NYA8A. = "/cited > 7 shall faint in a minute. . . . (h, 7!m faintin*?


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carriages are heard driving up to the house.  -(;A387N and  1NYA8A +uickly go out. The stage is empty.

ns in the ne/t room. F7), leaning on a stick, walks +uickly across the stage0 he has ust been to meet  -

1)Y)0NA. e wears an old-fashioned livery and a tall hat. e is saying something to himself, but not a word o

made out. The noise behind the stage gets louder and louder. voice is heard1 2*et's go in there.2 "nter  -

1)Y)0NA, ANYA, and  '8A-(TTA 70AN(0NA with a little dog on a chain, and all dressed in tra

hes, 0AYA in a long coat and with a kerchief on her head. 9A)0, 75)(N(0+;7'87N, -(;A

NYA8A with a parcel and an umbrella, and a servant with luggage --all cross the room.

YA. -et!s come throu*h here. 1o you remember what this room is, mother<

(0. = 3oyfully, through her tears> The nursery?

YA. 8ow cold it is? 5y hands are Duite numb. =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA> Your rooms, the white one and th

are Bust as they used to be, mother.

/(0. 5y dear nursery, oh, you beautiful room. . . . 7 used to slee% here when 7 was a baby. = 4eeps> And here 7 am

*irl a*ain. = %isses her brother, 0AYA, then her brother again> And 0arya is Bust as she used to be, Bust like a nun

w 1unyasha. = %isses her.>

)0. The train was two hours late. There now@ how!s that for %unctuality<

A-(TTA. =To ;7'87N> 5y do* eats nuts too.

'87N. = stonished > To think of that, now?

go out e/cept  ANYA and  1NYA8A.

NYA8A. We did hae to wait for you?

s off  ANYA! cloak and hat.

YA. 7 didn!t *et any slee% for four ni*hts on the Bourney. . . . 7!m awfully cold.

NYA8A. You went away durin* -ent, when it was snowin* and frosty, but now< 1arlin*? = *aughs and kisses her >

to wait for you, my Boy, my %et. . . . 7 must tell you at once, 7 can!t bear to wait a minute.

YA. =Tired > omethin* else now . . . <

NYA8A. The clerk, )%ikhodo, %ro%osed to me after )aster.


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YA. Always the same. . . . = Puts her hair straight > 7!e lost all my hair%ins. . . .

is very tired, and even staggers as she walks.

NYA8A. 7 don!t know what to think about it. 8e loes me, he loes me so much?

YA. = *ooks into her room0 in a gentle voice> 5y room, my windows, as if 7!d neer *one away. 7!m at home? To+

nin* 7!ll *et u% and hae a run in the *arden. . . .(h, if 7 could only *et to slee%? 7 didn!t slee% the whole Bourney, 7


NYA8A. ;eter er*eyeitch came two days a*o.

YA. = 3oyfully> ;eter?

NYA8A. 8e slee%s in the bath+house, he lies there. 8e said he was afraid he!d be in the way. = *ooks at her

h> 7 ou*ht to wake him, but /arbara 5ihailona told me not to. 1on!t wake him, she said.

r  0AYA, a bunch of keys on her belt.

YA. 1unyasha, some coffee, Duick. 5other wants some.

NYA8A. This minute. = "/it.>

YA. Well, you!e come, *lory be to 9od. 8ome a*ain. =5aressing her > 5y darlin* is back a*ain? 5y %retty one


YA. 7 did hae an awful time, 7 tell you.

YA. 7 can Bust ima*ine it?

YA. 7 went away in 8oly Week@ it was ery cold then. 'harlotta talked the whole way and would *o on %erform

s. Why did you tie 'harlotta on to me<

YA. You couldn!t *o alone, darlin*, at seenteen?

YA. We went to ;aris@ it!s cold there and snowin*. 7 talk French %erfectly horribly. 5y mother lies on the fifth flo

er, and find her there with arious Frenchmen, women, an old abbE with a book, and eerythin* in tobacco smoke a

omfort at all. 7 suddenly became ery sorry for mother++so sorry that 7 took her head in my arms and hu**ed

ldn!t let her *o. Then mother started hu**in* me and cryin*. . . .


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YA. =4eeping > 1on!t say any more, don!t say any more. . . .

YA. he!s already sold her illa near 5entone@ she!s nothin* left, nothin*. And 7 haen!t a co%eck left either@ we o

a*ed to *et here. And mother won!t understand? We had dinner at a station@ she asked for all the eC%ensie thin

ed the waiters one rouble each. And 'harlotta too. Yasha wants his share too++ it!s too bad. 5other!s *ot a footma

ha@ we!e brou*ht him here.

YA. 7 saw the wretch.

YA. 8ow!s business< 8as the interest been %aid<

YA. Not much chance of that.

YA. (h 9od, oh 9od . . .

YA. The %lace will be sold in Au*ust.

YA. ( 9od. . . .

A387N. = *ooks in at the door and moos> 5oo? . . . = "/it.>

YA. =Through her tears> 7!d like to. . . . =$hakes her fist.>

YA. = "mbraces 0AYA, softly> 0arya, has he %ro%osed to you< =0AYA shakes head > /ut he loes you. . . . Wh

make u% your minds< Why do you kee% on waitin*<

YA. 7 think that it will all come to nothin*. 8e!s a busy man. 7!m not his affair . . . he %ays no attention to me. /l

7 don!t want to see him., . . /ut eerybody talks about our marria*e, eerybody con*ratulates me, and there!s nothi

l, it!s all like a dream. = (n another tone> You!e *ot a brooch like a bee.

YA. =$adly> 5other bou*ht it. =oes into her room, and talks lightly, like a child > 7n ;aris 7 went u% in a balloon?

YA. 5y darlin*!s come back, my %retty one!s come back? =1NYA8A has already returned with the coffee-po

ng the coffee, 0AYA stands near the door > 7 *o about all day, lookin* after the house, and 7 think all the time, if o

d marry a rich man, then 7!d be ha%%y and would *o away somewhere by myself, then to 3ie . . . to 5oscow,

from one holy %lace to another . 7!d tram% and tram%. That would be s%lendid?

YA. The birds are sin*in* in the *arden. What time is it now<

YA. 7t must be *ettin* on for three. Time you went to slee%, darlin*. = oes into ANYA! room> %lendid?


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r  YA8A with a plaid shawl and a travelling bag.

8A. =5rossing the stage1 Politely> 5ay 7 *o this way<

NYA8A. 7 hardly knew you, Yasha. You hae chan*ed abroad.

8A. 8m . . . and who are you<

NYA8A. When you went away 7 was only so hi*h. =$howing with her hand > 7!m 1unyasha, the dau*hter of Th

oyedo. You don!t remember?

8A. (h, you little cucumber?

ks round and embraces her. $he screams and drops a saucer. YA8A goes out +uickly.

YA. = (n the doorway1 (n an angry voice> What!s that<

NYA8A. =Through her tears> 7!e broken a saucer.

YA. 7t may brin* luck.

YA. =5oming out of her room> We must tell mother that ;eter!s here.

YA. 7 told them not to wake him.

YA. =Thoughtfully> Father died siC years a*o, and a month later my brother 9risha was drowned in the rier++ such

boy of seen? 5other couldn!t bear it@ she went away, away, without lookin* round. . . . =$hudders> 8ow 7 underst

ly she knew? = Pause> And ;eter Trofimo was 9risha!s tutor, he mi*ht tell her. . . .

r  F7) in a short acket and white waistcoat.

. =oes to the coffee-pot, nervously> The mistress is *oin* to hae some food here. . . . = Puts on white gloves

ee ready< =To 1NYA8A, severely> You? Where!s the cream<

NYA8A. (h, dear me . . .? = Rapid e/it.>

. = 6ussing round the coffee-pot > (h, you bun*ler. . . . = Murmurs to himself > /ack from ;aris . . . the master went

. . . in a carria*e. . . . = *aughs.>

YA. What are you talkin* about, Fiers<


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. 7 be* your %ardon< = 3oyfully> The mistress is home a*ain. 7!e lied to see her? 1on!t care if 7 die now. . . . =4ee

r  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA, 9A)0, -(;A387N, and  75)(N(0+;7'87N, the latter in a long acket of thin cl

e trousers. 9A)0, coming in, moves his arms and body about as if he is playing billiards.

/(0. -et me remember now. ed into the corner? Twice into the centre?

)0. i*ht into the %ocket? (nce u%on a time you and 7 used both to slee% in this room, and now 7!m fifty+one@ it do


A387N. Yes, time does *o.

)0. Who does<

A387N. 7 said that time does *o.

)0. 7t smells of %atchouli here.

YA. 7!m *oin* to bed. 9ood+ni*ht, mother. = %isses her.>

(0. 5y loely little one. = %isses her hand > 9lad to be at home< 7 can!t *et oer it.

YA. 9ood+ni*ht, uncle.

)0. = %isses her face and hands> 9od be with you. 8ow you do resemble your mother? = To his sister > You were Bust

r a*e, -uba.

YA gives her hand to -(;A387N and  ;7'87N and goes out, shutting the door behind her.

(0. he!s awfully tired.

'87N. 7t!s a ery lon* Bourney.

YA. =To -(;A387N and  ;7'87N> Well, sirs, it!s *ettin* on for three, Duite time you went.

(0. = *aughs> You!re Bust the same as eer, 0arya. = 7raws her close and kisses her > 7!ll hae some coffee now, th

o. =F7) lays a cushion under her feet > Thank you, dear. 7!m used to coffee. 7 drink it day and ni*ht. Thank you, d

= %isses F7).

YA. 7!ll *o and see if they!e brou*ht in all the lu**a*e. = "/it.>


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/(0. 7s it really 7 who am sittin* here< = *aughs> 7 want to Bum% about and wae my arms. =5overs her face with her

su%%ose 7!m dreamin*? 9od knows 7 loe my own country, 7 loe it dee%ly@ 7 couldn!t look out of the railway car

d so much. =Through her tears> till, 7 must hae my coffee. Thank you, Fiers. Thank you, dear old man. 7!m so *lad

with us.

. The day before yesterday.

)0. 8e doesn!t hear well.

A387N. 7!e *ot to *o off to 3harko by the fie o!clock train. 7!m awfully sorry? 7 should like to hae a look at

i% a little. You!re as fine+lookin* as eer.

'87N. = )reathes heavily> )en finer+lookin* . . . dressed in ;aris fashions . . . confound it all.

A387N. Your brother, -eonid Andreyeitch, says 7!m a snob, a usurer, but that is absolutely nothin* to me. -et h

y 7 do wish you would beliee in me as you once did, that your wonderful, touchin* eyes would look at me as th

re. 5erciful 9od? 5y father was the serf of your *randfather and your own father, but you++you more than anybod

o much for me once u%on a time that 7!e for*otten eerythin* and loe you as if you belon*ed to my family . . . an


/(0. 7 can!t sit still, 7!m not in a state to do it. = 3umps up and walks about in great e/citement > 7!ll neer sur

iness. . . . You can lau*h at me@ 7!m a silly woman. . . . 5y dear little cu%board. = %isses cupboard > 5y little table.

)0. Nurse has died in your absence.

(0. =$its and drinks coffee> Yes, bless her soul. 7 heard by letter.

)0. And Anastasius has died too. ;eter 3osoy has left me and now lies in town with the 'ommissioner of ;olice. =

of sugar-candy out of his pocket and sucks a piece.>

'87N. 5y dau*hter, 1ashenka, sends her loe.

A387N. 7 want to say somethin* ery %leasant, ery deli*htful, to you. = *ooks at his watch> 7!m *oin* away at

n!t much time . . . but 7!ll tell you all about it in two or three words. As you already know, your cherry orchard is to

ay your debts, and the sale is fiCed for Au*ust 22@ but you needn!t be alarmed, dear madam, you may slee% in %eace

y out. 8ere!s my %lan. ;lease attend carefully? Your estate is only thirteen miles from the town, the railway runs by

herry orchard and the land by the rier are broken u% into buildin* lots and are then leased off for illas you!ll *et

nty+fie thousand roubles a year %rofit out of it.


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)0. 8ow utterly absurd?

/(0. 7 don!t understand you at all, )rmolai AleCeyeitch.

A387N. You will *et twenty+fie roubles a year for each dessiatin from the leaseholders at the ery least, and

rtise now 7!m willin* to bet that you won!t hae a acant %lot left by the autumn@ they!ll all *o. 7n a word, you!re s

ratulate you. (nly, of course, you!ll hae to %ut thin*s strai*ht, and clean u%. . . . For instance, you!ll hae to %ull d

ld buildin*s, this house, which isn!t any use to anybody now, and cut down the old cherry orchard. . .

/(0. 'ut it down< 5y dear man, you must eCcuse me, but you don!t understand anythin* at all. 7f there!s an

estin* or remarkable in the whole %roince, it!s this cherry orchard of ours.

A387N. The only remarkable thin* about the orchard is that it!s ery lar*e. 7t only bears fruit eery other year, an

you don!t know what to do with them@ nobody buys any.

)0. This orchard is mentioned in the )ncyclo%aedic 1ictionary.

A387N. = *ooks at his watch> 7f we can!t think of anythin* and don!t make u% our minds to anythin*, then on Au

the cherry orchard and the whole estate will be u% for auction. 5ake u% your mind? 7 swear there!s no other way

ar it a*ain.

. 7n the old days, forty or fifty years back, they dried the cherries, soaked them and %ickled them, and made Bam o

t used to ha%%en that . . .

)0. /e Duiet, Fiers.

. And then we!d send the dried cherries off in carts to 5oscow and 3harko. And money? And the dried cherri

Buicy, sweet, and nicely scented. . . They knew the way. . . .

(0. What was the way<

. They!e for*otten. Nobody remembers.

'87N. =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA> What about ;aris< )h< 1id you eat fro*s<

(0. 7 ate crocodiles.

'87N. To think of that, now.


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A387N. % to now in the illa*es there were only the *entry and the labourers, and now the %eo%le who lie i

arried. All towns now, een small ones, are surrounded by illas. And it!s safe to say that in twenty years! time t

dent will be all oer the %lace. At %resent he sits on his balcony and drinks tea, but it may well come to %ass that he!

ultiate his %atch of land, and then your cherry orchard will be ha%%y, rich, s%lendid. .. .

)0. = ngry> What rot?

r  0AYA and  YA8A.

YA. There are two tele*rams for you, little mother . = Picks out a key and noisily unlocks an anti+ue cupboard > 8

(0. They!re from ;aris. . . . =Tears them up without reading them> 7!e done with ;aris.

)0. And do you know, -uba, how old this case is< A week a*o 7 took out the bottom drawer@ 7 looked and saw fi*ure

n it. That case was made eCactly a hundred years a*o. What do you think of that< What< We could celebrate its  Bu

!t a soul of its own, but still, say what you will, it!s a fine bookcase.

'87N. = stonished > A hundred years. . . Think of that?

)0. Yes . . . it!s a real thin*. = andling it > 5y dear and honoured case? 7 con*ratulate you on your eCistence, wh

ady for more than a hundred years been directed towards the bri*ht ideals of *ood and Bustice@ your silent call to %ro

ur has not *rown less in the hundred years =4eeping > durin* which you hae u%held irtue and faith in a better f

*enerations of our race, educatin* us u% to ideals of *oodness and to the knowled*e of a common consciousness. = P

A387N. Yes. . . .

(0. You!re Bust the same as eer, -eon.

)0. =  little confused > (ff the white on the ri*ht, into the corner %ocket. ed ball *oes into the middle %ocket?

A387N. = *ooks at his watch> 7t!s time 7 went.

8A. =iving  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA her medicine> Will you take your %ills now<

'87N. You ou*htn!t to take medicines, dear madam@ they do you neither harm nor *ood. . . . 9ie them here, dear

es the pills, turns them out into the palm of his hand, blows on them, puts them into his mouth, and drinks some


(0. = 6rightened > You!re off your head?


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'87N. 7!e taken all the %ills.

A387N. 9ormandier? = ll laugh.>

. They were here in )aster week and ate half a %ailful of cucumbers. . . . = Mumbles.>

(0. What!s he driin* at<

YA. 8e!s been mumblin* away for three years. We!re used to that.

8A. enile decay.

A-(TTA 70AN(0NA crosses the stage, dressed in white1 she is very thin and tightly laced0 has a lorgnette at her

A387N. )Ccuse me, 'harlotta 7anona, 7 haen!t said 8ow do you do to you yet. =Tries to kiss her hand.>

A-(TTA. =Takes her hand away> 7f you let %eo%le kiss your hand, then they!ll want your elbow, then your should

. . .

A387N. 5y luck!s out to+day? = ll laugh> how us a trick, 'harlotta 7anona?

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA. 'harlotta, do us a trick.

A-(TTA. 7t!s not necessary. 7 want to *o to bed. = "/it.>

A387N. We shall see each other in three weeks. = %isses -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA! hand > Now, *ood+bye. 7t!s

To 9A)0> ee you a*ain. = %isses ;7'87N> Au reoir. =ives his hand to 0AYA, then to F7) and to YA8A

t to *o away. =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA>. 7f you think about the illas and make u% your mind, then Bust let me

7!ll raise a loan of G&,&&& roubles at once. Think about it seriously.

YA. = ngrily> 1o *o, now?

A387N. 7!m *oin*, 7!m *oin*. . . . = "/it.>

)0. nob. till, 7 be* %ardon. . . . 0arya!s *oin* to marry him, he!s 0arya!s youn* man.

YA. 1on!t talk too much, uncle.

/(0. Why not, 0arya< 7 should be ery *lad. 8e!s a *ood man.


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'87N. To s%eak the honest truth . . . he!s a worthy man. . . . And my 1ashenka . . . also says that . . . she says lots of

res, but wakes up again at once> /ut still, dear madam, if you could lend me . . . 2H& roubles . . . to %ay the interes

*a*e to+morrow . . .

YA. = 6rightened > We haen!t *ot it, we haen!t *ot it?

/(0. 7t!s Duite true. 7!e nothin* at all.

'87N. 7!ll find it all ri*ht = *aughs> 7 neer lose ho%e. 7 used to think, )erythin*!s lost now. 7!m a dead man, when

ld, a railway was built oer my land . . . and they %aid me for it. And somethin* else will ha%%en to+day or to+m

henka may win 2&,&&& roubles . . . she!s *ot a lottery ticket.

/(0. The coffee!s all *one, we can *o to bed.

. = )rushing  9A)0! trousers0 in an insistent tone> You!e %ut on the wron* trousers a*ain. What am 7 to do with

YA. =8uietly> Anya!s aslee%. =pens window +uietly> The sun has risen already@ it isn!t cold. -ook,  little mothe

ly trees? And the air? The starlin*s are sin*in*?

)0. =pens the other window> The whole *arden!s white. You haen!t for*otten, -uba < There!s that lon* aenu

*ht, strai*ht, like a stretched stra%@ it shines on moonli*ht ni*hts. 1o you remember< You haen!t for*otten<

(0. = *ooks out into the garden> (h, my childhood, days of my innocence? 7n this nursery 7 used to slee%@ 7 used

from here into the orchard. 8a%%iness used to wake with me eery mornin*, and then it was Bust as it is now@ noth

*ed. = *aughs from oy> 7t!s all, all white? (h, my orchard? After the dark autumns and the cold winters, you!re

n, full of ha%%iness, the an*els of heaen haen!t left you. . . . 7f only 7 could take my heay burden off my bre

lders, if 7 could for*et my %ast?

)0. Yes, and they!ll sell this orchard to %ay off debts. 8ow stran*e it seems?

/(0. -ook, there!s my dead mother *oin* in the orchard . . . dressed in white? = *aughs from oy> That!s she.

)0. Where<

YA. 9od bless you, little mother .

/(0. There!s nobody there@ 7 thou*ht 7 saw somebody. (n the ri*ht, at the turnin* by the summer+house, a white li

down, lookin* Bust like a woman. = "nter T(F75(0 in a worn student uniform and spectacles> What a mar

en? White masses of flowers, the blue sky. . . .


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(F75(0. -ubo Andreyena? =$he looks round at him> 7 only want to show myself, and 7!ll *o away. = %isses h

mly> 7 was told to wait till the mornin*, but 7 didn!t hae the %atience.

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA looks surprised.>

YA. =5rying > 7t!s ;eter Trofimo.

(F75(0. ;eter Trofimo, once the tutor of your 9risha. . . . 8ae 7 chan*ed so much<

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA embraces him and cries softly.

)0. =5onfused > That!s enou*h, that!s enou*h, -uba.

YA. =4eeps> /ut 7 told you, ;eter, to wait till to+morrow.

/(0. 5y 9risha . . . my boy . . . 9risha . . . my son.

YA. What are we to do, little mother < 7t!s the will of 9od.

(F75(0. =$oftly, through his tears> 7t!s all ri*ht, it!s all ri*ht.

(0. =$till weeping > 5y boy!s dead@ he was drowned. Why< Why, my friend< =$oftly> Anya!s aslee% in there. 7 am s

udly, makin* such a noise. . . . Well, ;eter< What!s made you look so bad< Why hae you *rown so old<

(F75(0. 7n the train an old woman called me a decayed *entleman.

/(0. You were Duite a boy then, a nice little student, and now your hair is not at all thick and you wear s%ectacles. A

y still a student< =oes to the door.>

(F75(0. 7 su%%ose 7 shall always be a student.

(0. = %isses her brother, then 0AYA> Well, let!s *o to bed. . . . And you!e *rown older, -eonid.

'87N. = 6ollows her > Yes, we!e *ot to *o to bed. . . . (h, my *out? 7!ll stay the ni*ht here. 7f only, -ubo Andreye

you could *et me 2H& roubles to+morrow mornin*++

)0. till the same story.

'87N. Two hundred and forty roubles . . . to %ay the interest on the mort*a*e.

(0. 7 haen!t any money, dear man.


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'87N. 7!ll *ie it back . . . it!s a small sum. . .

/(0. Well, then, -eonid will *ie it to you. . . -et him hae it, -eonid.

)0. /y all means@ hold out your hand.

/(0. Why not< 8e wants it@ he!ll *ie it back.

(0 AN1)Y)0NA, T(F75(0, ;7'87N, and  F7) go out. 9A)0, 0AYA, and  YA8A remain.

)0. 5y sister hasn!t lost the habit of throwin* money about. =To YA8A> tand off, do@ you smell of %oultry.

8A. =rins> You are Bust the same as eer, -eonid Andreyeitch.

)0. eally< =To 0AYA> What!s he sayin*<

YA. =To YA8A> Your mother!s come from the illa*e@ she!s been sittin* in the serants! room since yesterday, an

e you. . . .

8A. /less the woman?

YA. hameless man.

8A. A lot of use there is in her comin*. he mi*ht hae come tomorrow Bust as well. = "/it.>

YA. 5other hasn!t altered a scra%, she!s Bust as she always was. he!d *ie away eerythin*, if the idea only ente


)0. Yes. . . . = Pause> 7f there!s any illness for which %eo%le offer many remedies, you may be sure that %articular il

rable, 7 think. 7 work my brains to their hardest. 7!e seeral remedies, ery many, and that really means 7!e none

ld be nice to inherit a fortune from somebody, it would be nice to marry our Anya to a rich man, it would be nice t

sla and try my luck with my aunt the 'ountess. 5y aunt is ery, ery rich.

YA. =4eeps> 7f only 9od hel%ed us.

)0. 1on!t cry. 5y aunt!s ery rich, but she doesn!t like us. 5y sister, in the first %lace, married an  adocate, not a no

YA appears in the doorway> he not only married a man who was not a noble, but she behaed herself in a way

ot be described as %ro%er. he!s nice and kind and charmin*, and 7!m ery fond of her, but say what you will in her

you still hae to admit that she!s wicked@ you can feel it in her sli*htest moements.


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YA. =4hispers> Anya!s in the doorway.

)0. eally< = Pause> 7t!s curious, somethin*!s *ot into my ri*ht eye . . . 7 can!t see %ro%erly out of it. And on Thursda

s at the 1istrict 'ourt . . .

r  ANYA.

YA. Why aren!t you in bed, Anya<

YA. 'an!t slee%. 7t!s no *ood.

)0. 5y darlin*? = %isses ANYA! face and hands> 5y child. . . . =5rying > You!re not my niece, you!re my an*el, yo

. /eliee in me, beliee. . .

YA. 7 do beliee in you, uncle. )erybody loes you and res%ects you . . . but, uncle dear, you ou*ht to say noth

e than that. What were you sayin* Bust now about my mother, your own sister< Why did you say those thin*s<

)0. Yes, yes. =5overs his face with her hand > Yes, really, it was awful. ae me, my 9od? And only Bust now 7

ch before a bookcase . . . it!s so silly? And only when 7!d finished 7 knew how silly it was.

YA. Yes, uncle dear, you really ou*ht to say less. 3ee% Duiet, that!s all.

YA. You!d be so much ha%%ier in yourself if you only ke%t Duiet.

)0. All ri*ht, 7!ll be Duiet. = %isses their hands> 7!ll be Duiet. /ut let!s talk business. (n Thursday 7 was in the 1istric

a lot of us met there to*ether, and we be*an to talk of this, that, and the other, and now 7 think 7 can arran*e a loan

nterest into the bank.

YA. 7f only 9od would hel% us?

)0. 7!ll *o on Tuesday. 7!ll talk with them about it a*ain. =To 0AYA> 1on!t howl. =To ANYA> Your mother will ha

o%akhin@ he, of course, won!t refuse . . . And when you!e rested you!ll *o to Yarosla to the 'ountess, your *randm

ou see, we!ll hae three irons in the fire, and we!ll be safe. We!ll %ay u% the interest. 7!m certain. = Puts some suga

his mouth> 7 swear on my honour, on anythin* you will, that the estate will not be sold? = "/citedly> 7 swear

iness? 8ere!s my hand. You may call me a dishonourable wretch if 7 let it *o to auction? 7 swear by all 7 am?

YA. =$he is calm again and happy> 8ow *ood and cleer you are, uncle. = "mbraces him> 7!m ha%%y now? 7!m ha%%


r  F7).


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. = Reproachfully> -eonid Andreyeitch, don!t you fear 9od< When are you *oin* to bed<

)0. oon, soon. You *o away, Fiers. 7!ll undress myself. Well, children, bye+bye . . .? 7!ll *ie you the details to+morr

*o to bed now. = %isses ANYA and  0AYA>7!m a man of the ei*hties. . . . ;eo%le don!t %raise those years much, b

say that 7!e suffered for my beliefs. The %easants don!t loe me for nothin*, 7 assure you. We!e *ot to learn to kn

ants? We ou*ht to learn how. . . .

YA. You!re doin* it a*ain, uncle?

YA. /e Duiet, uncle?

. = ngrily> -eonid Andreyeitch?

)0. 7!m comin*, 7!m comin*. . . . 9o to bed now. (ff two cushions into the middle? 7 turn oer a new leaf. . .

F7) goes out after him.

YA. 7!m Duieter now. 7 don!t want to *o to Yarosla, 7 don!t like *randmother@ but 7!m calm now@ thanks to uncl


YA. 7t!s time to *o to slee%. 7!ll *o. There!s been an un%leasantness here while you were away. 7n the old serants!

house, as you know, only the old %eo%le lie++little old )fim and ;olya and )sti*ney, and 3ar% as well. They

n* some tram%s or other s%end the ni*ht there++7 said nothin*. Then 7 heard that they were sayin* that 7 had ordere

e fed on %eas and nothin* else@ from meanness, you see. . . . And it was all )sti*ney!s doin*. . . . 0ery well, 7 tho

s what the matter is, Bust you wait. o 7 call )sti*ney. . . . = &awns> 8e comes. What!s this, 7 say, )sti*ney,

. . . = *ooks at  ANYA> Anya dear? = Pause> he!s dro%%ed off. . . . =Takes ANYA!arm> -et!s *o to bye+bye. . .

*? . . . = *eads her > 5y darlin*!s *one to slee%? 'ome on. . . . = They go. (n the distance, the other side of the orc

herd plays his pipe.T(F75(0 crosses the stage and stops on seeing  0AYA and  ANYA> h? he!s aslee%,

me on, dear.

YA. =8uietly, half-asleep> 7!m so tired . . . all the bells . . . uncle, dear? 5other and uncle?

YA. 'ome on, dear, come on? =They go into ANYA! room.>

(F75(0. = Moved > 5y sun? 5y s%rin*?



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field. n old, crooked shrine, which has been long abandoned0 near it a well and large stones, which apparently

bstones, and an old garden seat. The road is seen to 9A)0! estate. n one side rise dark poplars, behind them beg

ry orchard. (n the distance is a row of telegraph poles, and far, far away on the hori9on are the indistinct signs of

, which can only be seen on the finest and clearest days. (t is close on sunset. '8A-

8A, and  1NYA8A are sitting on the seat0 );738(1(0 stands by and plays on a guitar0 al

ghtful. '8A-(TTA wears a man's old peaked cap0 she has unslung a rifle from her shoulders and is putting to

buckle on the strap.

A-(TTA. =Thoughtfully> 7 haen!t a real %ass%ort. 7 don!t know how old 7 am, and 7 think 7!m youn*. When 7 was

my father and mother used to *o round fairs and *ie ery *ood %erformances and 7 used to do the   salto mor

ous little thin*s. And when %a%a and mamma died a 9erman lady took me to her and be*an to teach me. 7 liked it.

nd became a *oerness. And where 7 came from and who 7 am, 7 don!t know. . . . Who my %arents were++%erha

n!t married++7 don!t know. =Takes a cucumber out of her pocket and eats> 7 don!t know anythin*. = Pause> 7 do want

haen!t anybody to talk to . . . 7 haen!t anybody at all.

38(1(0. = Plays on the guitar and sings>

at is this noisy earth to me,

t matter friends and foes<


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like %layin* on the mandoline?

NYA8A. That!s a *uitar, not a mandoline.

ks at herself in a little mirror and powders herself.>

38(1(0. For the enamoured madman, this is a mandoline. =$ings>

that the heart was w

ll the flames of loe returned?

8A sings too.

A-(TTA. These %eo%le sin* terribly. . . . Foo? -ike Backals.

NYA8A. =To YA8A> till, it must be nice to lie abroad.

8A. Yes, certainly. 7 cannot differ from you there. =&awns and lights a cigar.>

38(1(0. That is %erfectly natural. Abroad eerythin* is in full com%leCity.

8A. That *oes without sayin*.

38(1(0. 7!m an educated man, 7 read arious remarkable books, but 7 cannot understand the direction 7 myself

whether to lie or to shoot myself, as it were. o, in case, 7 always carry a reoler about with me. 8ere it is. = $


A-(TTA. 7!e done. Now 7!ll *o. =$lings the rifle> You, )%ikhodo, are a ery cleer man and ery terrible@ wom

madly in loe with you. /rrr?? =oing > These wise ones are all so stu%id. 7!e nobody to talk to. 7!m always alone, alo

ody at all . . . and 7 don!t know who 7 am or why 7 lie. = "/it slowly.>

38(1(0. As a matter of fact, inde%endently of eerythin* else, 7 must eC%ress my feelin*, amon* other thin*s, t

been as %itiless in her dealin*s with me as a storm is to a small shi%. u%%ose, let us *rant, 7 am wron*@ then wh

e u% this mornin*, to *ie an eCam%le, and behold an enormous s%ider on my chest, like that. = $hows with both han

do drink some kass, why is it that there is bound to be somethin* of the most indelicate nature in it, such as a

se> 8ae you read/uckle< = Pause> 7 should like to trouble you, Adotya Fedorona, for two words.

NYA8A. ay on.

38(1(0. 7 should %refer to be alone with you. =$ighs.>


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NYA8A. =$hy> 0ery well, only first brin* me my little cloak. . . . 7t!s by the cu%board. 7t!s a little dam% here.

38(1(0. 0ery well ... 7!ll brin* it. . . . Now 7 know what to do with my reoler. =Takes guitar and e/its, strummin

8A. Two+and+twenty troubles? A silly man, between you and me and the *ate%ost. =&awns.>

NYA8A. 7 ho%e to *oodness he won!t shoot himself. = Pause> 7!m so nerous, 7!m worried. 7 went into serice whe

e a little *irl, and now 7!m not used to common life, and my hands are white, white as a lady!s. 7!m so tender and so d

@ res%ectable and afraid of eerythin*. . . . 7!m so fri*htened. And 7 don!t know what will ha%%en to my neres

ie me, Yasha.

8A. = %isses her > -ittle cucumber? (f course, eery *irl must res%ect herself@ there!s nothin* 7 dislike more than

ed *irl.

NYA8A. 7!m awfully in loe with you@ you!re educated, you can talk about eerythin*. = Pause.>

8A. =&awns> Yes. 7 think this: if a *irl loes anybody, then that means she!s immoral. = Pause> 7t!s nice to smoke a c

e o%en air. . . . = *istens> omebody!s comin*. 7t!s the mistress, and %eo%le with her. =1NYA8A embraces him su

o the house, as if you!d been bathin* in the rier@ *o by this %ath, or they!ll meet you and will think 7!e been meeti

n!t stand that sort of thin*.

NYA8A. =5oughs +uietly> 5y head!s achin* because of your ci*ar.

YA8A remains, sitting by the shrine. "nter  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA, 9A)0, and  -(;A387N.

A387N. You must make u% your mind definitely++there!s no time to waste. The Duestion is %erfectly %lain. Are you

t the land for illas or no< Just one word, yes or no< Just one word?

/(0. Who!s smokin* horrible ci*ars here< =$its.>

)0. They built that railway@ that!s made this %lace ery handy. = $its> Went to town and had lunch . . . red in the mid

to *o in now and hae Bust one *ame.

(0. You!ll hae time.

A387N. Just one word? = (mploringly> 9ie me an answer?

)0. =&awns> eally?


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(0. = *ooks in her purse> 7 had a lot of money yesterday, but there!s ery little to+day. 5y %oor 0arya feeds eeryb

sou% to sae money, in the kitchen the old %eo%le only *et %eas, and 7 s%end recklessly. = 7rops the purse, scatteri

s> There, they are all oer the %lace.

8A. ;ermit me to %ick them u%. =5ollects the coins.>

/(0. ;lease do, Yasha. And why did 7 *o and hae lunch there< . . . A horrid restaurant with band and tablecloths s

oa%. . . . Why do you drink so much, -eon< Why do you eat so much< Why do you talk so much< You talked a*

h to+day in the restaurant, and it wasn!t at all to the %oint++about the seenties and about decadents. And to whom<

e waiters about decadents?

A387N. Yes.

)0. =4aves his hand > 7 can!t be cured, that!s obious. . . . = (rritably to YA8A> What!s the matter< Why do yo

tin* about in front of me<

8A. = *aughs> 7 can!t listen to your oice without lau*hin*.

)0. =To his sister > )ither he or 7 . . .

(0. 9o away, Yasha@ *et out of this. . . .

8A. =ives purse to -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA> 7!ll *o at once. = ardly able to keep from laughing > This minu


A387N. That rich man 1eri*ano is %re%arin* to buy your estate. They say he!ll come to the sale himself.

(0. Where did you hear that<

A387N. They say so in town.

)0. (ur Yarosla aunt has %romised to send somethin*, but 7 don!t know when or how much.

A387N. 8ow much will she send< A hundred thousand roubles< (r two, %erha%s<

/(0. 7!d be *lad of ten or fifteen thousand.

A387N. You must eCcuse my sayin* so, but 7!e neer met such friolous %eo%le as you before, or anyb

usinesslike and %eculiar. 8ere 7 am tellin* you in %lain lan*ua*e that your estate will be sold, and you don!t s



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(0. What are we to do< Tell us, what<

A387N. 7 tell you eery day. 7 say the same thin* eery day. /oth the cherry orchard and the land must be leased

s and at once, immediately++the auction is starin* you in the face: nderstand? (nce you do definitely make u% you

e illas, then you!ll hae as much money as you want and you!ll be saed.

(0. 0illas and illa residents++it!s so ul*ar, eCcuse me.

)0. 7 entirely a*ree with you.

A387N. 7 must cry or yell or faint. 7 can!t stand it? You!re too much for me? =To 9A)0> You old woman?

)0. eally?

A387N. (ld woman? =oing out.>

(0. = 6rightened > No, don!t *o away, do sto%@ be a dear. ;lease. ;erha%s we!ll find some way out?

A387N. What!s the *ood of tryin* to think?

/(0. ;lease don!t *o away. 7t!s nicer when you!re here. . . . = Pause> 7 kee% on waitin* for somethin* to ha%%en, a

e is *oin* to colla%se oer our heads.

)0. =Thinking deeply> 1ouble in the corner . . . across the middle. . . .

(0. We hae been too sinful. . . .

A387N. What sins hae you committed<

)0. = Puts candy into his mouth> They say that 7!e eaten all my substance in su*ar+candies. = *aughs.>

/(0. (h, my sins. . . . 7!e always scattered money about without holdin* myself in, like a madwoman, and 7 m

who made nothin* but debts. 5y husband died of cham%a*ne++he drank terribly++and to my misfortune, 7 fell in lo

her man and went off with him, and Bust at that time++it was my first %unishment, a blow that hit me ri*ht on the

in the rier . . . my boy was drowned, and 7 went away, Duite away, neer to return, neer to see this rier a*ain. .

eyes and ran without thinkin*, but he ran after me . . . without %ity, without res%ect. 7 bou*ht a illa near 5

use he fell ill there, and for three years 7 knew no rest either by day or ni*ht@ the sick man wore me out, and my so

And last year, when they had sold the illa to %ay my debts, 7 went away to ;aris, and there he robbed me of all 7 h

w me oer and went off with another woman. 7 tried to %oison myself. . . . 7t was so silly, so shameful. . . . And sud

ed to be back in ussia, my own land, with my little *irl. . . . =4ipes her tears> -ord, -ord be merciful to me, for*


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ins? ;unish me no more? =Takes a telegram out of her pocket > 7 had this to+day from ;aris. . . . 8e be*s my for*ie

ores me to return. . . . =Tears it up> 1on!t 7 hear music< = *istens.>

)0. That is our celebrated Jewish band. You remember++four iolins, a flute, and a double+bass.

/(0 o it still eCists< 7t would be nice if they came alon* some eenin*.

A387N. = *istens> 7 can!t hear. . . . =$ings +uietly> For money will the 9ermans make a Frenchman of a u

ghs> 7 saw such an awfully funny thin* at the theatre last ni*ht.

/(0. 7!m Duite sure there wasn!t anythin* at all funny. You ou*htn!t to *o and see %lays, you ou*ht to *o and

self. What a *rey life you lead, what a lot you talk unnecessarily.

A387N. 7t!s true. To s%eak the strai*ht truth, we lie a silly life. = Pause> 5y father was a %easant, an idiot, he und

in*, he didn!t teach me, he was always drunk, and always used a stick on me. 7n %oint of fact, 7!m a fool and an id

neer learned anythin*, my handwritin* is bad, 7 write so that 7!m Duite ashamed before %eo%le, like a %i*?

(0. You ou*ht to *et married, my friend.

A387N. Yes . . . that!s true.

(0. Why not to our 0arya< he!s a nice *irl.

A387N. Yes.

/(0. he!s Duite homely in her ways, works all day, and, what matters most, she!s in loe with you. And you!e li

lon* time.

A387N. Well< 7 don!t mind . . . she!s a nice *irl. = Pause.>

)0. 7!m offered a %lace in a bank. iC thousand roubles a year. . . 1id you hear<

/(0. What!s the matter with you? tay where you are. . . .

r F7) with an oercoat.

. =To "# > ;lease, sir, %ut this on, it!s dam%.

)0. = Putting it on> You!re a nuisance, old man.

7t!s all ery well. . . . You went away this mornin* without tellin* me. = "/amining  9A)0.>


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/(0. 8ow old you!e *rown, Fiers?

. 7 be* your %ardon<

A387N. he says you!e *rown ery old?

. 7!e been alie a lon* time. They were already *ettin* ready to marry me before your father was born. . . . = *

when the )manci%ation came 7 was already first alet. (nly 7 didn!t a*ree with the )manci%ation and remained w

le. . . . = Pause> 7 remember eerybody was ha%%y, but they didn!t know why.

A387N. 7t was ery *ood for them in the old days. At any rate, they used to beat them.

. = !ot hearing > ather. The %easants ke%t their distance from the masters and the masters ke%t their distance f

ants, but now eerythin*!s all anyhow and you can!t understand anythin*.

)0. /e Duiet, Fiers. 7!e *ot to *o to town tomorrow. 7!e been %romised an introduction to a 9eneral who may l

ey on a bill.

A387N. Nothin* will come of it. And you won!t %ay your interest, don!t you worry.

/(0. 8e!s talkin* rubbish. There!s no 9eneral at all.

r  T(F75(0, ANYA, and  0AYA.

)0. 8ere they are.

YA. 5other!s sittin* down here.

(0. =Tenderly> 'ome, come, my dears. . . . = "mbracing  ANYA and  0AYA> 7f you two only knew how much 7 lo

own neCt to me, like that. = ll sit down.>

A387N. (ur eternal student is always with the ladies.

(F75(0. That!s not your business.

A387N. 8e!ll soon be fifty, and he!s still a student.

(F75(0. -eae off your silly Bokes?

A387N. 9ettin* an*ry, eh, silly<


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(F75(0. hut u%, can!t you.

A387N. = *aughs> 7 wonder what you think of me<

(F75(0. 7 think, )rmolai AleCeyeitch, that you!re a rich man, and you!ll soon be a millionaire. Just as the wil

h eats eerythin* it finds is needed for chan*es to take %lace in matter, so you are needed too.


YA. /etter tell us somethin* about the %lanets, ;eter.

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA. No, let!s *o on with yesterday!s talk?

(F75(0. About what<

)0. About the %roud man.

(F75(0. Yesterday we talked for a lon* time but we didn!t come to anythin* in the end. There!s somethin* mystica

%roud man, in your sense. ;erha%s you are ri*ht from your %oint of iew, but if you take the matter sim%ly,

%licatin* it, then what %ride can there be, what sense can there be in it, if a man is im%erfectly made, %hysiolo

kin*, if in the ast maBority of cases he is coarse and stu%id and dee%ly unha%%y< We must sto% admirin* one anoth

t work, nothin* more.

)0. You!ll die, all the same.

(F75(0. Who knows< And what does it mean++you!ll die< ;erha%s a man has a hundred senses, and when he dies o

known to us are destroyed and the remainin* ninety+fie are left alie.

/(0. 8ow cleer of you, ;eter?

A387N. = (ronically> (h, awfully?

(F75(0. The human race %ro*resses, %erfectin* its %owers. )erythin* that is unattainable now will some day be

d and com%rehensible, but we must work, we must hel% with all our stren*th those who seek to know what fate wil

nwhile in ussia only a ery few of us work. The ast maBority of those intellectuals whom 7 know seek for noth

in*, and are at %resent inca%able of hard work. They call themseles intellectuals, but they use thou and thee

ants, they treat the %easants like animals, they learn badly, they read nothin* seriously, they do absolutely nothin*

nce they only talk, about art they understand little. They are all serious, they all hae seere faces, they all talk

ortant thin*s. They %hiloso%hie, and at the same time, the ast maBority of us, ninety+nine out of a hundred, l


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*es, fi*htin* and cursin* at the sli*htest o%%ortunity, eatin* filthily, slee%in* in the dirt, in stuffiness, with fleas

ls, moral filth, and so on. . . And it!s obious that all our nice talk is only carried on to distract ourseles and othe

where are those crEches we hear so much of< and where are those readin*+rooms< ;eo%le only write noels abou

don!t really eCist. (nly dirt, ul*arity, and Asiatic %la*ues really eCist. . . . 7!m afraid, and 7 don!t at all like serious

t like serious conersations. -et!s be Duiet sooner.

A387N. You know, 7 *et u% at fie eery mornin*, 7 work from mornin* till eenin*, 7 am always dealin* with m

own and other %eo%le!s++and 7 see what %eo%le are like. You!e only *ot to be*in to do anythin* to find out how few

ourable %eo%le there are. ometimes, when 7 can!t slee%, 7 think: (h -ord, you!e *ien us hu*e forests, infinite fie

ess horions, and we, liin* here, ou*ht really to be *iants.

/(0. You want *iants, do you < . . . They!re only *ood in stories, and een there they fri*hten one.

38(1(0 enters at the back of the sta*e %layin* his *uitar. Thou*htfully: )%ikhodo!s there.

YA. =Thoughtfully> )%ikhodo!s there.

)0. The sun!s set, ladies and *entlemen.

F75(0. Yes.

)0 = !ot loudly, as if declaiming > ( Nature, thou art wonderful, thou shinest with eternal radiance? (h, beauti

fferent one, thou whom we call mother, thou containest in thyself eCistence and death, thou liest and destroyest. . .

YA. = "ntreatingly> ncle, dear?

YA. ncle, you!re doin* it a*ain?

(F75(0. You!d better double the red into the middle.

)0. 7!ll be Duiet, 7!ll be Duiet.

all sit thoughtfully. (t is +uiet. nly the mumbling of  F7) is heard. $uddenly a distant sound is heard as if from

ound of a breaking string, which dies away sadly.

(0. What!s that<

A387N. 7 don!t know. 7t may be a bucket fallen down a well somewhere. /ut it!s some way off.

)0. (r %erha%s it!s some bird . . . like a heron.


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(F75(0. (r an owl.

(0. =$hudders> 7t!s un%leasant, somehow. =  pause.>

. /efore the misfortune the same thin* ha%%ened. An owl screamed and the samoar hummed without sto%%in*.

)0. /efore what misfortune<

. /efore the )manci%ation. =  pause.>

/(0. You know, my friends, let!s *o in@ it!s eenin* now. =To ANYA> You!e tears in your eyes. . . . What is it, lit

braces her.>

YA. 7t!s nothin*, mother.

(F75(0. ome one!s comin*.

r a TA5; in an old white peaked cap and overcoat. e is a little drunk.

A5;. )Ccuse me, may 7 *o this way strai*ht throu*h to the station<

)0. You may. 9o alon* this %ath.

A5;. 7 thank you from the bottom of my heart. = iccups> -oely weather. . . . = 7eclaims> 5y brother, my su

her . . . . 'ome out on the 0ol*a, you whose *roans . . . =To 0AYA> 5ademoiselle, %lease *ie a hun*ry ussia

cks. . . .

YA screams, fri*htened.

A387N. = ngrily> There!s manners eerybody!s *ot to kee%?

(0. =4ith a start > Take this ... here you are. . . . = 6eels in her purse> There!s no siler. . . . 7t doesn!t matter, here!s *

A5;. 7 am dee%ly *rateful to you? = "/it. *aughter.>

YA. = 6rightened > 7!m *oin*, 7!m *oin*. . . . (h, little mother, at home there!s nothin* for the serants to eat, and yo


/(0. What is to be done with such a fool as 7 am? At home 7!ll *ie you eerythin* 7!e *ot. )rmolai AleCeyeitch,

e more? . . .


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A387N. 0ery well.

/(0. -et!s *o, it!s time. And 0arya, we!e settled your affair@ 7 con*ratulate you.

YA. =5rying > You shouldn!t Boke about this, mother.

A387N. (h, feel me, *et thee to a nunnery.

)0. 5y hands are all tremblin*@ 7 haen!t %layed billiards for a lon* time.

A387N. (h, feel me, nym%h, remember me in thine orisons.

/(0. 'ome alon*@ it!ll soon be su%%er+time.

YA. 8e did fri*hten me. 5y heart is beatin* hard.

A387N. -et me remind you, ladies and *entlemen, on Au*ust 22 the cherry orchard will be sold. Think of that? . .

at? . . .

go out e/cept  T(F75(0 and  ANYA.

YA. = *aughs> Thanks to the tram% who fri*htened /arbara, we!re alone now.

(F75(0. 0arya!s afraid we may fall in loe with each other and won!t *et away from us for days on end. 8er narro

t allow her to understand that we are aboe loe. To esca%e all the %etty and dece%tie thin*s which %reent ou

y and free, that is the aim and meanin* of our lies. Forward? We *o irresistibly on to that bri*ht star which burns t

distance? 1on!t la* behind, friends?

YA. =5lapping her hands> 8ow beautifully you talk? = Pause> 7t is *lorious here to+day?

(F75(0. Yes, the weather is wonderful.

YA. What hae you done to me, ;eter< 7 don!t loe the cherry orchard as 7 used to. 7 loed it so tenderly, 7 thou*h

no better %lace in the world than our orchard.

(F75(0. All ussia is our orchard. The land is *reat and beautiful, there are many marellous %laces in it. = Pause

a, your *randfather, your *reat+*randfather, and all your ancestors were serf+owners, they owned liin* souls@ an

n!t somethin* human look at you from eery cherry in the orchard, eery leaf and eery stalk< 1on!t yo

es . . . < (h, it!s awful, your orchard is terrible@ and when in the eenin* or at ni*ht you walk throu*h the orchard, t

bark on the trees sheds a dim li*ht and the old cherry+trees seem to be dreamin* of all that was a hundred, two h


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s a*o, and are o%%ressed by their heay isions.  till, at any rate, we!e left those two hundred years behind us

e *ained nothin* at all++we don!t yet know what the %ast is to be to us++we only %hiloso%hie, we com%lain that

or we drink odka. For it!s so clear that in order to be*in to lie in the %resent we must first redeem the %ast, and t

be done by sufferin*, by strenuous, uninterru%ted labour. nderstand that, Anya.

YA. The house in which we lie has lon* ceased to be our house@ 7 shall *o away. 7 *ie you my word.

(F75(0. 7f you hae the housekee%in* keys, throw them down the well and *o away. /e as free as the wind.

YA. = "nthusiastically> 8ow nicely you said that?

(F75(0. /eliee me, Anya, beliee me? 7!m not thirty yet, 7!m youn*, 7!m still a student, but 7 hae under*one a *re

as hun*ry as the winter, 7!m ill, 7!m shaken. 7!m as %oor as a be**ar, and where haen!t 7 been++fate has tos

ywhere? /ut my soul is always my own@ eery minute of the day and the ni*ht it is filled with uns%eakable %resent

ow that ha%%iness is comin*, Anya, 7 see it already. . .

YA. =Thoughtful > The moon is risin*.

38(1(0 is heard playing the same sad song on his guitar. The moon rises. $omewhere by the poplars  0AYA is

ANYA and calling, 2nya, where are you:2 

(F75(0. Yes, the moon has risen. = Pause> There is ha%%iness, there it comes@ it comes nearer and nearer@ 7 hear i

ady. And if we do not see it we shall not know it, but what does that matter< (thers will see it?

0(7') (F 0AYA. Anya? Where are you<

(F75(0. That!s 0arya a*ain? = ngry> 1is*raceful?

YA. Neer mind. -et!s *o to the rier. 7t!s nice there.

(F75(0 -et!s *o. =They go out.>

0(7') (F 0AYA. Anya? Anya?



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T TH!!

ception-room cut off from a drawing-room by an arch. 5handelier lighted. 3ewish band, the one mentioned in

d playing in another room. "vening. (n the drawing-room the grand rond is being danced. #oice of 75)

'87N ;romenade a une %aire?  7ancers come into the reception-room0 the first pair are ;7'87N and  '8A

N(0NA@the second, T(F75(0 and  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA@ the third, ANYA and the ;(T (FF7') '-)

th, 0AYA and the TAT7(N+5AT), and so on. 0AYA is crying gently and wipes away her tears

es. 1NYA8A is in the last pair. They go off into the drawing-room, ;7'87N shouting, 9rand

nce: and  -es caaliers I *enou et remercie os dames? F7), in a dress-coat, carries a tray with selt9e

ss. "nter  ;7'87N and  T(F75(0 from the drawing-room.

'87N. 7!m full+blooded and hae already had two strokes@ it!s hard for me to dance, but, as they say, if you!re in om

t do as ome does. 7!e *ot the stren*th of a horse. 5y dead father, who liked a Boke, %eace to his bones, used

n* of our ancestors, that the ancient stock of the imeono+;ischins was descended from that identical horse that '

e a senator. . . . =$its> /ut the trouble is, 7!e no money? A hun*ry do* only beliees in meat. = $nores and wakes u

ediately> o 7 . . . only beliee in money. . . . .

(F75(0. Yes. There is somethin* eDuine about your fi*ure.

'87N. Well . . . a horse is a fine animal . . . you can sell a horse.

ard playing can be heard in the ne/t room. 0AYA appears under the arch.

(F75(0. =Teasing > 5adame -o%akhin? 5adame -o%akhin?

YA. = ngry> 1ecayed *entleman?


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(F75(0. Yes, 7 am a decayed *entleman, and 7!m %roud of it?

YA. = )itterly> We!e hired the musicians, but how are they to be %aid< = "/it.>

(F75(0. =To ;7'87N> 7f the ener*y which you, in the course of your life, hae s%ent in lookin* for money to %ay

been used for somethin* else, then, 7 beliee, after all, you!d be able to turn eerythin* u%side down.

'87N. Nietsche . . . a %hiloso%her . . . a ery *reat, a most celebrated man . . . a man of enormous brain, says in hi

you can for*e bank+notes.

(F75(0. And hae you read Nietsche<

'87N. Well . . 1ashenka told me. Now 7!m in such a %osition, 7 wouldn!t mind for*in* them . . . 7!e *ot to %ay "&

day after to+morrow . . . 7!e *ot "& already. . . . = 6eels his pockets, nervously> 7!e lost the money? The money

ing > Where!s the money< = 3oyfully> 8ere it is behind the linin* . . . 7 een be*an to %ers%ire.

r  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA and  '8A-(TTA 70AN(0NA.

/(0. = umming a 5aucasian dance> Why is -eonid away so lon*< What!s he doin* in town< = To 1NY

yasha, *ie the musicians some tea.

(F75(0. /usiness is off, 7 su%%ose.

/(0. And the musicians needn!t hae come, and we needn!t hae *ot u% this ball. . . . Well, neer mind. . . . = $its an


A-(TTA. =ives a pack of cards to ;7'87N> 8ere!s a %ack of cards, think of any one card you like.

'87N. 7!e thou*ht of one.

A-(TTA. Now shuffle. All ri*ht, now. 9ie them here, oh my dear 5r. ;ischin. "in, 9wei, drei; Now look and yo

your coat+tail %ocket.

'87N. =Takes a card out of his coat-tail pocket > )i*ht of s%ades, Duite ri*ht? =$urprised > Think of that now?

A-(TTA. = olds the pack of cards on the palm of her hand. To T(F75(0> Now tell me Duickly. What!s the to%

(F75(0. Well, the Dueen of s%ades.

A-(TTA. i*ht? =To ;7'87N> Well now< What card!s on to%<


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'87N. Ace of hearts.

A-(TTA. i*ht? =5laps her hands, the pack of cards vanishes> 8ow loely the weather is to+day. =  mysterious w

e answers her, as if from under the floor, 2h yes, it's lovely weather, madam.2 > You are so beautiful, you are m

ce, 2&ou, madam, please me very much too.2 >

T7(N+5AT). = pplauds> 5adame entriloDuist, brao?

'87N. =$urprised > Think of that, now? 1eli*htful, 'harlotte 7anona . . . 7!m sim%ly in loe. . . .

A-(TTA. 7n loe< =$hrugging her shoulders> 'an you loe< uter Mensch aber schlechter Musikant.

(F75(0. =$laps P($5(! on the shoulder > (h, you horse?

A-(TTA. Attention %lease, here!s another trick. =Takes a shawl from a chair > 8ere!s a ery nice %laid shawl, 7!m *

t. . . . =$hakes it > Won!t anybody buy it<

'87N. = stonished > Think of that now?

A-(TTA. "in, 9wei, drei.

+uickly lifts up the shawl, which is hanging down.  ANYA is standing behind it0 she bows and runs to her mother, h

runs back to the drawing-room amid general applause.

(0. = pplauds> /rao, brao?

A-(TTA. (nce a*ain? "in, 9wei, drei;

s the shawl >. 0AYA stands behind it and bows.

'87N. = stonished > Think of that, now.

A-(TTA. The end?

ws the shawl at  ;7'87N, curtseys and runs into the drawing-room.

'87N. = Runs after her > -ittle wretch. . . . What< Would you< = "/it.>

/(0. -eonid hasn!t come yet. 7 don!t understand what he!s doin* so lon* in town? )erythin* must be oer by no

e must be sold@ or, if the sale neer came off, then why does he stay so lon*<


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YA. =Tries to soothe her > ncle has bou*ht it. 7!m certain of it.

(F75(0. =$arcastically> (h, yes?

YA. 9randmother sent him her authority for him to buy it in her name and transfer the debt to her. he!s doin* it fo

7!m certain that 9od will hel% us and uncle will buy it.

/(0. 9randmother sent fifteen thousand roubles from Yarosla to buy the %ro%erty in her name++she won!t trust

wasn!t een enou*h to %ay the interest. =5overs her face with her hands> 5y fate will be settled to+day, my fate. . . .

(F75(0. =Teasing  0AYA> 5adame -o%akhin?

YA. = ngry> )ternal student? 8e!s already been eC%elled twice from the uniersity.

/(0. Why are you *ettin* an*ry, 0arya< 8e!s teasin* you about -o%akhin, well what of it< You can marry -o%akhi

t to, he!s a *ood, interestin* man. . . . You needn!t if you don!t want to@ nobody wants to force you a*ainst your w


YA. 7 do look at the matter seriously, little mother , to be Duite frank. 8e!s a *ood man, and 7 like him.

/(0. Then marry him. 7 don!t understand what you!re waitin* for.

YA. 7 can!t %ro%ose to him myself, little mother. ;eo%le hae been talkin* about him to me for two years now,

r says nothin*, or Bokes about it. 7 understand. 8e!s *ettin* rich, he!s busy, he can!t bother about me. 7f 7 had some

a little, een only a hundred roubles, 7!d throw u% eerythin* and *o away. 7!d *o into a conent.

(F75(0. 8ow nice?

YA. =To T(F75(0> A student ou*ht to hae sense? =ently, in tears> 8ow u*ly you are now, ;eter, how old

wn? =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA, no longer crying > /ut 7 can!t *o on without workin*, little mother. 7 want to b

ethin* eery minute.

r &$.

8A. = !early laughing > )%ikhodo!s broken a billiard cue? = "/it.>

YA. Why is )%ikhodo here< Who said he could %lay billiards< 7 don!t understand these %eo%le. = "/it.>

/(0. 1on!t tease her, ;eter, you see that she!s Duite unha%%y without that.


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(F75(0. he takes too much on herself, she kee%s on interferin* in other %eo%le!s business. The whole summer she

eace to me or to Anya, she!s afraid we!ll hae a romance all to ourseles. What has it to do with her< As if 7!d ee

*rounds to beliee 7!d stoo% to such ul*arity? We are aboe loe.

/(0. Then 7 su%%ose 7 must be beneath loe. = (n agitation> Why isn!t -eonid here< 7f 7 only knew whether the estate

ot? The disaster seems to me so im%robable that 7 don!t know what to think, 7!m all at sea . . . 7 may scream . .

ethin* silly. ae me, ;eter. ay somethin*, say somethin*.

(F75(0. 7sn!t it all the same whether the estate is sold to+day or isn!t< 7t!s been all u% with it for a lon* time@ the

n* back, the %ath!s *rown oer. /e calm, dear, you shouldn!t deceie yourself, for once in your life at any rate yo

the truth strai*ht in the face.

/(0. What truth< You see where truth is, and where untruth is, but 7 seem to hae lost my si*ht and see nothin

ly settle all im%ortant Duestions, but tell me, dear, isn!t it because you!re youn*, because you haen!t had time to su

settled a sin*le one of your Duestions< You boldly look forward, isn!t it because you cannot foresee or eC%ect an

ble, because so far life has been hidden from your youn* eyes< You are bolder, more honest, dee%er than we are, bu

, be Bust a little ma*nanimous, and hae mercy on me. 7 was born here, my father and mother lied here, my *ran

7 loe this house. 7 couldn!t understand my life without that cherry orchard, and if it really must be sold, sell me w

braces T(F75(0, kisses his forehead >. 5y son was drowned here. . . . =4eeps> 8ae %ity on me, *ood, kind man

(F75(0. You know 7 sym%athie with all my soul.

/(0. Yes, but it ou*ht to be said differently, differently. . . . =Takes another handkerchief, a telegram falls on the flo

ck at heart to+day, you can!t ima*ine. 8ere it!s so noisy, my soul shakes at eery sound. 7 shake all oer, and 7 c

y by myself, 7!m afraid of the silence. 1on!t Bud*e me harshly, ;eter . . . 7 loed you, as if you belon*ed to my fam

ly let Anya marry you, 7 swear it, only dear, you ou*ht to work, finish your studies. You don!t do anythin*, only fate

about from %lace to %lace, it!s so odd. . . . 7sn!t it true< Yes< And you ou*ht to do somethin* to your beard to make

r = *aughs> You are funny?

(F75(0. = Picking up telegram> 7 don!t want to be a /eau /rummel.

/(0. This tele*ram!s from ;aris. 7 *et one eery day. Yesterday and to+day. That wild man is ill a*ain, he!s bad a*

e*s for for*ieness, and im%lores me to come, and 7 really ou*ht to *o to ;aris to be near him. You look seere, ;e

t can 7 do, my dear, what can 7 do@ he!s ill, he!s alone, unha%%y, and who!s to look after him, who!s to kee% him aw

rrors, to *ie him his medicine %unctually< And why should 7 conceal it and say nothin* about it@ 7 loe him, that!s

him, 7 loe him. . . . That loe is a stone round my neck@ 7!m *oin* with it to the bottom, but 7 loe that stone and c

out it. =$+uee9es T(F75(0! hand > 1on!t think badly of me, ;eter, don!t say anythin* to me, don!t say . . .


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(F75(0. =4eeping > For 9od!s sake for*ie my s%eakin* candidly, but that man has robbed you?

/(0. No, no, no, you ou*htn!t to say that? =$tops her ears.>

(F75(0. /ut he!s a wretch, you alone don!t know it? 8e!s a %etty thief, a nobody. . .

(0. = ngry, but restrained > You!re twenty+siC or twenty+seen, and still a schoolboy of the second class?

(F75(0. Why not?

/(0. You ou*ht to be a man, at your a*e you ou*ht to be able to understand those who loe. And you ou*ht to be

self, you must fall in loe? = ngry> Yes, yes? You aren!t %ure, you!re Bust a freak, a Dueer fellow, a funny *rowth. . .

(F75(0. = (n horror > What is she sayin*?

/(0. 7!m aboe loe? You!re not aboe loe, you!re Bust what our Fiers calls a bun*ler. Not to hae a mistress at yo

(F75(0. = (n horror > This is awful? What is she sayin*< =oes +uickly up into the drawing-room, clutching his he

ul . . . 7 can!t stand it, 7!ll *o away. = "/it, but returns at once> All is oer between us? = "/it.>

(0. =$houts after him> ;eter, wait? illy man, 7 was Bokin*? ;eter? =$omebody is heard going out and falling dow

ily. ANYA and  0AYA scream0 laughter is heard immediately> What!s that<

& comes running in, laughing.

YA. ;eter!s fallen downstairs? = Runs out again.>

(0. This ;eter!s a marel.

TAT7(N+5AT) stands in the middle of the drawing-room and recites 2The Magdalen2  by Tolstoy. e is liste

he has only delivered a few lines when a walt9 is heard from the front room, and the recitation is stopped. "ve

es. T(F75(0, ANYA, 0AYA, and  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA come in from the front room.

/(0. Well, ;eter . . . you %ure soul . . . 7 be* your %ardon . . . let!s dance.

dances with ;)T). ANYA and  0AYA dance. F7) enters and stands his stick by a side door. YA8A has als

nd looks on at the dance.

8A. Well, *randfather<


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. 7!m not well. At our balls some time back, *enerals and barons and admirals used to dance, and now we send f

e clerks and the tation+master, and een they come as a faour. 7!m ery weak. The dead master, the *randfather,

eerybody sealin*+waC when anythin* was wron*. 7!e taken sealin*+waC eery day for twenty years, and more@

s why 7 still lie.

8A. 7!m tired of you, *randfather. =&awns> 7f you!d only hurry u% and kick the bucket.

. (h you . . . bun*ler? = Mutters.>

(F75(0 and  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA dance in the reception-room, then into the sitting-room.

(0. Merci. 7!ll sit down. =$its> 7!m tired.

r  ANYA.

YA. = "/cited > omebody in the kitchen was sayin* Bust now that the cherry orchard was sold to+day.

(0. old to whom<

YA. 8e didn!t say to whom. 8e!s *one now. = 7ances out into the reception-room with T(F75(0.>

8A. ome old man was chatterin* about it a lon* time a*o. A stran*er?

. And -eonid Andreyeitch isn!t here yet, he hasn!t come. 8e!s wearin* a li*ht, demi-saison oercoat. 8e!ll cat

hese youn* fellows.

(0. 7!ll die of this. 9o and find out, Yasha, to whom it!s sold.

8A. (h, but he!s been *one a lon* time, the old man. = *aughs.>

(0. =$lightly ve/ed > Why do you lau*h< What are you *lad about<

8A. )%ikhodo!s too funny. 8e!s a silly man. Two+and+twenty troubles.

/(0. Fiers, if the estate is sold, where will you *o<

. 7!ll *o whereer you order me to *o.

/(0. Why do you look like that< Are you ill< 7 think you ou*ht to *o to bed. . . .


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. Yes . . . =4ith a smile> 7!ll *o to bed, and who!ll hand thin*s round and *ie orders without me< 7!e the whole h


8A. =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA> -ubo Andreyena? 7 want to ask a faour of you, if you!ll be so kind? 7f yo

s a*ain, then %lease take me with you. 7t!s absolutely im%ossible for me to sto% here. = *ooking round0 in an und

t!s the *ood of talkin* about it, you see for yourself that this is an uneducated country, with an immoral %o%ulation,

ull. The food in the kitchen is beastly, and here!s this Fiers walkin* about mumblin* arious ina%%ro%riate thin*s. T

you, be so kind?

r  ;7'87N.

'87N. 7 come to ask for the %leasure of a little walt, dear lady. . . . =-/(0 AN1)Y)0NA goes to him> /u

e, you wonderful woman, 7 must hae "K& little roubles from you ... 7 must. . . . = They dance> "K& little roubles. . .

hrough into the drawing-room.>

8A. =$ings softly>

will you understand

soul!s dee% restlessness<

e drawing-room a figure in a grey top-hat and in baggy check trousers is waving its hands and umping about0 th

of 2)ravo, 5harlotta (vanovna;2 

NYA8A. =$tops to powder her face> The youn* mistress tells me to dance++there are a lot of *entlemen, but few

my head *oes round when 7 dance, and my heart beats, Fiers Nicolaeitch@ the ;ost+office clerk told me someth

which made me catch my breath. =The music grows faint.>

. What did he say to you<

NYA8A. 8e says, You!re like a little flower.

8A. =&awns> 7m%olite. . . . = "/it.>

NYA8A. -ike a little flower. 7!m such a delicate *irl@ 7 sim%ly loe words of tenderness.

. You!ll lose your head.

r  );738(1(0.

38(1(0. You, Adotya Fedorona, want to see me no more than if 7 was some insect. =$ighs> (h, life?


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NYA8A. What do you want<

38(1(0. ndoubtedly, %erha%s, you may be ri*ht. =$ighs> /ut, certainly, if you re*ard the matter from the as%e

if 7 may say so, and you must eCcuse my candidness, hae absolutely reduced me to a state of mind. 7 know m

y day somethin* unfortunate ha%%ens to me, and 7!e *rown used to it a lon* time a*o, 7 een look at my fate with a

*ae me your word, and thou*h 7 . . .

NYA8A. ;lease, we!ll talk later on, but leae me alone now. 7!m meditatin* now. = Plays with her fan.>

38(1(0. )ery day somethin* unfortunate ha%%ens to me, and 7, if 7 may so eC%ress myself, only smile, and een

YA enters from the drawing-room.

YA. 8aen!t you *one yet, imeon< You really hae no res%ect for anybody. =To 1NYA8A> You *o away, 1u

);738(1(0> You %lay billiards and break a cue, and walk about the drawin*+room as if you were a isitor?

38(1(0. You cannot, if 7 may say so, call me to order.

YA. 7!m not callin* you to order, 7!m only tellin* you. You Bust walk about from %lace to %lace and neer do you

dness only knows why we kee% a clerk.

38(1(0. =ffended > Whether 7 work, or walk about, or eat, or %lay billiards, is only a matter to be settled by %e

rstandin* and my elders.

YA. You dare to talk to me like that? = 6urious> You dare< You mean that 7 know nothin*< 9et out of here? This min

38(1(0. = !ervous> 7 must ask you to eC%ress yourself more delicately.

YA. = )eside herself > 9et out this minute. 9et out? = e goes to the door, she follows> Two+and+twenty troubles

t any si*n of you here? 7 don!t want to see anythin* of you? =);738(1(0 has gone out0 his voice can be heard o

make a complaint against you.2 > What, comin* back< =$natches up the stick left by F7) by the door > 9o . . . *o

how you. . . . Are you *oin*< Are you *oin*< Well, then take that. =$he hits out as -(;A387N enters.>

A387N. 5uch obli*ed.

YA. = ngry but amused > 7!m sorry.

A387N. Neer mind. 7 thank you for my %leasant rece%tion.

YA. 7t isn!t worth any thanks. =4alks away, then looks back and asks gently> 7 didn!t hurt you, did 7<


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A387N. No, not at all. There!ll be an enormous bum%, that!s all.

') F(5 T8) 1AW7N9+((5. -o%akhin!s returned? )rmolai AleCeyeitch?

'87N. Now we!ll see what there is to see and hear what there is to hear. . . . = %isses *P%(! > You smell of co*

my soul. And we!re all hain* a *ood time.

r  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA.

/(0. 7s that you, )rmolai AleCeyeitch < Why were you so lon*< Where!s -eonid<

A387N. -eonid Andreyeitch came back with me, he!s comin*. . . .

(0. = "/cited > Well, what< 7s it sold< Tell me<

A387N. =5onfused, afraid to show his pleasure> The sale ended u% at four o!clock. . . . We missed the train, and

till half+%ast nine. =$ighs heavily> (oh? 5y head!s *oin* round a little.

r  9A)0@ in his right hand he carries things he has bought, with his left he wipes away his tears.

/(0. -eon, what!s ha%%ened< -eon, well< = (mpatiently, in tears> Luick, for the loe of 9od. . . .

)0. =$ays nothing to her, only waves his hand0 to F7), weeping > 8ere, take this. . . . 8ere are anchoies, herrin

ch. . . . 7!e had no food to+day. . . . 7 hae had a time? = The door from the billiard-room is open0 the clicking of the

d, and  YA8A! voice, 2$even, eighteen;2  9A)0! e/pression changes, he cries no more> 7!m awfully tired. 8

*e my clothes, Fiers.

s out through the drawing-room0 F7) after him.

'87N. What ha%%ened< 'ome on, tell us?

(0. 7s the cherry orchard sold<

A387N. 7t is sold.

(0. Who bou*ht it<

A387N. 7 bou*ht it.

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA is overwhelmed0 she would fall if she were not standing by an armchair and a table.  0AY

keys off her belt, throws them on the floor, into the middle of the room and goes out.


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A387N. 7 bou*ht it? Wait, ladies and *entlemen, %lease, my head!s *oin* round, 7 can!t talk. . . . = *aughs> When w

ale, 1eri*ano was there already. -eonid Andreyeitch had only fifteen thousand roubles, and 1eri*ano offere

sand on to% of the mort*a*e to be*in with. 7 saw how matters were, so 7 *rabbed hold of him and bid forty. 8e wen

y+fie, 7 offered fifty+fie. That means he went u% by fies and 7 went u% by tens. . . . Well, it came to an end. 7 bid

e than the mort*a*e@ and it stayed with me. The cherry orchard is mine now, mine? = Roars with laughter > 5y 9

the cherry orchard!s mine? Tell me 7!m drunk, or mad, or dreamin*. . . . =$tamps his feet > 1on!t lau*h at me? 7f m

*randfather rose from their *raes and looked at the whole affair, and saw how their )rmolai, their beaten and uned

olai, who used to run barefoot in the winter, how that ery )rmolai has bou*ht an estate, which is the most beautifu

e world? 7!e bou*ht the estate where my *randfather and my father were slaes, where they weren!t een allowed

hen. 7!m aslee%, it!s only a dream, an illusion. . . . 7t!s the fruit of ima*ination, wra%%ed in the fo* of the unknow

ks up the keys, nicely smiling > he threw down the keys, she wanted to show she was no lon*er mistress here. . . . =

> Well, it!s all one? = ears the band tuning up> )h, musicians, %lay, 7 want to hear you? 'ome and look at )

akhin layin* his aCe to the cherry orchard, come and look at the trees fallin*? We!ll build illas here, and our *rands

t+*randsons will see a new life here. . . . ;lay on, music? =The band plays. -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA sinks into a ch

ps bitterly. -(;A387N continues reproachfully> Why then, why didn!t you take my adice< 5y %oor, dear wom

*o back now. =4eeps> (h, if only the whole thin* was done with, if only our uneen, unha%%y life were chan*ed?

'87N. =Takes his arm0 in an undertone> he!s cryin*. -et!s *o into the drawin*+room and leae her by herself . .

. . =Takes his arm and leads him out.>

A387N. What!s that< /andsmen, %lay nicely? 9o on, do Bust as 7 want you to? = (ronically> The new owner, the o

herry orchard is comin*? = e accidentally knocks up against a little table and nearly upsets the candelabra> 7 can

ythin*? = "/it with ;7'87N>

he reception-room and the drawing-room nobody remains e/cept  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA, who sits huddled

ping bitterly. The band plays softly. ANYA and  T(F75(0 come in +uickly. ANYA goes up to her mother and g

knees in front of her. T(F75(0 stands at the drawing-room entrance.

YA. 5other? mother, are you cryin*< 5y dear, kind, *ood mother, my beautiful mother, 7 loe you? /less you? The

ard is sold, we!e *ot it no lon*er, it!s true, true, but don!t cry mother, you!e still *ot your life before you, you!e st

tiful %ure soul . . . 'ome with me, come, dear, away from here, come? We!ll %lant a new *arden, finer than this, an

t, and you!ll understand, and dee% Boy, *entle Boy will sink into your soul, like the eenin* sun, and you!ll smile, m

me, dear, let!s *o?



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T $O% 

stage is set as for ct (. There are no curtains on the windows, no pictures0 only a few pieces of furniture are left0 t

d up in a corner as if for sale. The emptiness is felt. )y the door that leads out of the house and at the back of the

manteau/ and travelling paraphernalia are piled up. The door on the left is open0 the voices of  0AYA and  ANYA

d through it. -(;A387N stands and waits. YA8A holds a tray with little tumblers of cham

ide, );738(1(0 is tying up a bo/. #oices are heard behind the stage. The peasants have come to say good-by

e of  9A)0 is heard1 2Thank you, brothers, thank you.2 

8A. The common %eo%le hae come to say *ood+bye. 7 am of the o%inion, )rmolai AleCeyeitch, that they!re *ood

hey don!t understand ery much.

voices die away. -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA and  9A)0 enter. $he is not crying but is pale, and her face trembles0

ly speak.

)0. You *ae them your %urse, -uba. You can!t *o on like that, you can!t?

/(0. 7 couldn!t hel% myself, 7 couldn!t? =They go out.>

A387N. = (n the doorway, calling after them> ;lease, 7 ask you most humbly? Just a little *lass to say *ood+bye.

ember to brin* any from town and 7 only found one bottle at the station. ;lease, do? = Pause> Won!t you really ha

es away from the door > 7f 7 only knew++7 wouldn!t hae bou*ht any. Well, 7 shan!t drink any either. =YA8Acarefu

ray on a chair > You hae a drink, Yasha, at any rate.

8A. To those de%artin*? And *ood luck to those who stay behind? = 7rinks> 7 can assure you that this isn!t real cham

A387N. )i*ht roubles a bottle. = Pause> 7t!s deilish cold here.

8A. There are no fires to+day, we!re *oin* away. = *aughs>

A387N. What!s the matter with you<

8A. 7!m Bust %leased.

A387N. 7t!s (ctober outside, but it!s as sunny and as Duiet as if it were summer. 9ood for buildin*. = *ooking at hi

speaking through the door > -adies and *entlemen, %lease remember that it!s only forty+seen minutes till the trai

must *o off to the station in twenty minutes. 8urry u%.

(F75(0, in an overcoat, comes in from the grounds.


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(F75(0. 7 think it!s time we went. The carria*es are waitin*. Where the deil are my *oloshes< They!re lost. =Thro

> Anya, 7 can!t find my *oloshes? 7 can!t?

A387N. 7!e *ot to *o to 3harko. 7!m *oin* in the same train as you. 7!m *oin* to s%end the whole winter in 3h

been han*in* about with you %eo%le, *oin* rusty without work. 7 can!t lie without workin*. 7 must hae somethin

my hands@ they han* about as if they weren!t mine at all.

(F75(0. We!ll *o away now and then you!ll start a*ain on your useful labours.

A387N. 8ae a *lass.

(F75(0. 7 won!t.

A387N. o you!re off to 5oscow now<

(F75(0 Yes. 7!ll see them into town and to+morrow 7!m off to 5oscow.

A387N. Yes. . . . 7 eC%ect the %rofessors don!t lecture nowadays@ they!re waitin* till you turn u%?

(F75(0. That!s not your business.

A387N. 8ow many years hae you been *oin* to the uniersity<

(F75(0. Think of somethin* fresh. This is old and flat. = *ooking for his goloshes> You know, we may not meet eac

n, so Bust let me *ie you a word of adice on %artin*: 1on!t wae your hands about? 9et rid of that habit of wain

t. And then, buildin* illas and reckonin* on their residents becomin* freeholders in time++that!s the same thin*@

er of wain* your hands about. . . . Whether 7 want to or not, you know, 7 like you. You!e thin, delicate fin*ers, lik

n artist, and you!e a thin, delicate soul. . . .

A387N. = "mbraces him> 9ood+bye, dear fellow. Thanks for all you!e said. 7f you want any, take some money f

he Bourney.

(F75(0. Why should 7< 7 don!t want it.

A387N. /ut you!e nothin*?

(F75(0. Yes, 7 hae, thank you@ 7!e *ot some for a translation. 8ere it is in my %ocket. = !ervously> /ut 7 can!t


YA. = 6rom the other room> Take your rubbish away? =Throws a pair of rubber goloshes on to the stage.>


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(F75(0. Why are you an*ry, 0arya< 8m? These aren!t my *oloshes?

A387N. 7n the s%rin* 7 sowed three thousand acres of %o%%ies, and now 7!e made forty thousand roubles net %ro

n my %o%%ies were in flower, what a %icture it was? o 7, as 7 was sayin*, made forty thousand roubles, and 7 mean

nd you some, because 7 can afford it. Why turn u% your nose at it< 7!m Bust a sim%le %easant. . . .

(F75(0. Your father was a %easant, mine was a chemist, and that means absolutely nothin*. =-(;A387N takes

et-book > No, no. . . . )en if you *ae me twenty thousand 7 should refuse. 7!m a free man. And eerythin* that

le, rich and %oor, alue so hi*hly and so dearly hasn!t the least influence oer me@ it!s like a flock of down in the

do without you, 7 can %ass you by. 7!m stron* and %roud. 5ankind *oes on to the hi*hest truths and to the

iness such as is only %ossible on earth, and 7 *o in the front ranks?

A387N. Will you *et there<

(F75(0. 7 will. = Pause> 7!ll *et there and show others the way = /es cutting the trees are heard in the distance.>

A387N. Well, *ood+bye, old man. 7t!s time to *o. 8ere we stand %ullin* one another!s noses, but life *oes its own

ime. When 7 work for a lon* time, and 7 don!t *et tired, then 7 think more easily, and 7 think 7 *et to understand why

there are so many %eo%le in ussia, brother, who lie for nothin* at all. till, work *oes on without that.

reyeitch, they say, has acce%ted a %ost in a bank@ he will *et siCty thousand roubles a year. . . . /ut he won!t stand


YA. = t the door > 5other asks if you will sto% them cuttin* down the orchard until she has *one away.

(F75(0. Yes, really, you ou*ht to hae enou*h tact not to do that. = "/it.>

A387N, All ri*ht, all ri*ht . . . yes, he!s ri*ht. = "/it.>

YA. 8as Fiers been sent to the hos%ital<

8A. 7 *ae the order this mornin*. 7 su%%ose they!e sent him.

YA. =To );738(1(0, who crosses the room> imeon ;anteleyeitch, %lease make inDuiries if Fiers has been sen


8A. =ffended > 7 told )*or this mornin*. What!s the use of askin* ten times?

38(1(0. The a*ed Fiers, in my conclusie o%inion, isn!t worth mendin*@ his forefathers had better hae him. 7 on

= Puts a trunk on a hat-bo/ and s+uashes it > Well, of course. 7 thou*ht so? = "/it.>


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8A. =rinning > Two+and+twenty troubles.

YA. = )ehind the door > 8as Fiers been taken away to the hos%ital<

YA. Yes.

YA. Why didn!t they take the letter to the doctor<

YA. 7t!ll hae to be sent after him. = "/it.>

YA. = (n the ne/t room> Where!s Yasha< Tell him his mother!s come and wants to say *ood+bye to him.

8A. =4aving his hand > he!ll make me lose all %atience?

NYA8A has meanwhile been bustling round the luggage0 now that  YA8A is left alone, she goes up to him.

NYA8A. 7f you only looked at me once, Yasha. You!re *oin* away, leain* me behind.

eps and hugs him round the neck.>

8A. What!s the use of cryin* < = 7rinks champagne> 7n siC days 7!ll be a*ain in ;aris. To+morrow we *et into the

off we *o. 7 can hardly beliee it. 0ie la France? 7t doesn!t suit me here, 7 can!t lie here . . . it!s no *ood. Well, 7!

unciilied world@ 7 hae had enou*h of it. = 7rinks champagne> What do you want to cry for< You behae y

erly, and then you won!t cry.

NYA8A. = *ooks in a small mirror and powders her face> end me a letter from ;aris. You know 7 loed you, Ya

h? 7!m a sensitie creature, Yasha.

8A. omebody!s comin*.

bustles around the luggage, singing softly. "nter  -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA, 9A)0, ANYA, and  '8A


)0. We!d better be off. There!s no time left. = *ooks at  YA8A> omebody smells of herrin*?

/(0. We needn!t *et into our carria*es for ten minutes. . . . = *ooks round the room> 9ood+bye, dear house, old *ran

winter will *o, the s%rin* will come, and then you!ll eCist no more, you!ll be %ulled down. 8ow much these wa

? = Passionately kisses her daughter > 5y treasure, you!re radiant, your eyes flash like two Bewels? Are you ha%%y< 0

YA. 0ery? A new life is be*innin*, mother?


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)0. =aily> Yes, really, eerythin*!s all ri*ht now. /efore the cherry orchard was sold we all were eCcited and we su

then, when the Duestion was soled once and for all, we all calmed down, and een became cheerful. 7!m a bank

and a financier . . . red in the middle@ and you, -uba, for some reason or other, look better, there!s no doubt about i

/(0 Yes. 5y neres are better, it!s true. =$he puts on her coat and hat > 7 slee% well. Take my lu**a*e out, Yasha. 7

ANYA> 5y little *irl, we!ll soon see each other a*ain. . . . 7!m off to ;aris. 7!ll lie there on the money your *rand

m Yarosla sent alon* to buy the estate++bless her?++thou*h it won!t last lon*.

YA. You!ll come back soon, soon, mother, won!t you< 7!ll *et ready, and %ass the eCam at the 8i*her chool, and t

k and hel% you. We!ll read all sorts of books to one another, won!t we< = %isses her mother's hands> We!ll read in the

in*s@ we!ll read many books, and a beautiful new world will o%en u% before us. . . =Thoughtfully> You!ll come, moth

(0. 7!ll come, my darlin*. = "mbraces her.>

r  -(;A387N. '8A-(TTA is singing to herself.

)0. 'harlotta is ha%%y@ she sin*s?

A-(TTA. =Takes a bundle, looking like a wrapped-up baby> 5y little baby, bye+bye. =The baby seems to answer

;2 > 8ush, my nice little boy. =2ua; ua;2 > 7!m so sorry for you? =Throws the bundle back > o %lease find me a new

n!t *o on like this.

A387N. We!ll find one, 'harlotta 7anona, don!t you be afraid.

)0. )erybody!s leain* us. 0arya!s *oin* away. . . we!e suddenly become unnecessary.

A-(TTA. 7!e nowhere to lie in town. 7 must *o away. = ums> Neer mind.

r  ;7'87N.

A387N. Nature!s marel?

'87N. = Puffing > (h, let me *et my breath back. . . . 7!m fa**ed out . . . 5y most honoured, *ie me some water. . . .

)0. 'ome for money, what< 7!m your humble serant, and 7!m *oin* out of the way of tem%tation. = "/it.>

'87N. 7 haen!t been here for eer so lon* . . . dear madam. = To -(;A387N> You here< 9lad to see you . . .

ense brain . . . take this . . . take it. . . =ives-(;A387N money> Four hundred roubles. . . . That leaes KH&. . . .

A387N. =$hrugs his shoulders in surprise> As if 7 were dreamin*. Where did you *et this from<


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'87N. to% . . . it!s hot. . . . A most uneC%ected thin* ha%%ened. ome )n*lishmen came alon* and found some wh

my land. . . . =To -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA> And here!s four hundred for you . . . beautiful lady. . . . = ives her mone

the rest later. . . . = 7rinks water > Just now a youn* man in the train was sayin* that some *reat %hiloso%her adises u

% off roofs. Jum%? he says, and that!s all. = stonished > To think of that, now? 5ore water?

A387N. Who were these )n*lishmen<

'87N. 7!e leased off the land with the clay to them for twenty+four years. . . . Now, eCcuse me, 7!e no time. ... 7 m

. . 7 must *o to Mnoiko and to 3ardamono ... 7 owe them all money. . . . = 7rinks> 9ood+bye. 7!ll come in on Thur

(0. We!re Bust off to town, and to+morrow 7 *o abroad.

'87N. = gitated > What< Why to town< 7 see furniture ... trunks. . . . Well, neer mind. =5rying > Neer mind

ishmen are men of immense intellect. . . . Neer mind. . . . /e ha%%y. . . . 9od will hel% you. . . . Neer min

ythin* in this world comes to an end. . . . = %isses -/(0 AN1)Y)0NA! hand > And if you should ha%%en to h

end has come, Bust remember this old . . . horse and say: There was one such and such a imeono+;ischin, 9od b

. . . Wonderful weather ... yes. . . . = "/it deeply moved, but returns at once and says in the door > 1ashenka sent h


/(0. Now we can *o. 7!e two anCieties, thou*h. The first is %oor Fiers = *ooks at her watch> We!e still fie minute

YA. 5other, Fiers has already been sent to the hos%ital. Yasha sent him off this mornin*.

/(0. The second is 0arya. he!s used to *ettin* u% early and to work, and now she!s no work to do she!s like a fish

r. he!s *rown thin and %ale, and she cries, %oor thin*. . . . = Pause> You know ery well, )rmolai AleCeyeitch, tha

o%e to marry her to you, and 7 su%%ose you are *oin* to marry somebody< =4hispers to ANYA,wh

8A-(TTA, and they both go out > he loes you, she!s your sort, and 7 don!t understand, 7 really don!t, why you s

ee%in* away from each other. 7 don!t understand?

A387N. To tell the truth, 7 don!t understand it myself. 7t!s all so stran*e. . . . 7f there!s still time, 7!ll be ready at on

*et it oer, once and for all@ 7 don!t feel as if 7 could eer %ro%ose to her without you.

/(0. )Ccellent. 7t!ll only take a minute. 7!ll call her.

A387N. The cham%a*ne!s ery a%%ro%riate. = *ooking at the tumblers> They!re em%ty, somebody!s already drun

8A coughs> 7 call that lickin* it u%. . . .

(0. = nimated > )Ccellent. We!ll *o out. Yasha, alle. 7!ll call her in. . . . = t the door > 0arya, leae that and com

me? = "/it with YA8A.>


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A387N. = *ooks at his watch> Yes. . . . = Pause.>

e is a restrained laugh behind the door, a whisper, then 0AYA comes in.

YA. = *ooking at the luggage in silence> 7 can!t seem to find it. . . .

A387N. What are you lookin* for<

YA. 7 %acked it myself and 7 don!t remember. = Pause.>

A387N. Where are you *oin* to now, /arbara 5ihailona<

YA. 7< To the a*ulins. . . . 7!e *ot an a*reement to *o and look after their house . . . as housekee%er or somethin*

A387N. 7s that at Yashneo< 7t!s about fifty miles. = Pause> o life in this house is finished now. . . .

YA. = *ooking at the luggage> Where is it< . . . %erha%s 7!e %ut it away in the trunk. . . Yes, there!ll be no more lif

e. . . .

A387N. And 7!m off to 3harko at once . . . by this train. 7!e a lot of business on hand. 7!m leain* )%ikhodo h

taken him on.

YA. Well, well?

A387N. -ast year at this time the snow was already fallin*, if you remember, and now it!s nice and sunny. (nly it

. . . There!s three de*rees of frost.

YA. 7 didn!t look. = Pause> And our thermometer!s broken. . . . = Pause.>

') AT T8) 1((. )rmolai AleCeyeitch?

A387N. = s if he has long been waiting to be called > This minute. = "/it +uickly.>

YA, sitting on the floor, puts her face on a bundle of clothes and weeps gently. The door opens. -

1)Y)0NA enters carefully.

(0. Well< = Pause> We must *o.

YA. = !ot crying now, wipes her eyes> Yes, it!s Duite time, little mother. 7!ll *et to the a*ulins to+day, if 7 don!t m

. . . .


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(0. = t the door > Anya, %ut on your thin*s. = "nter  ANYA, then 9A)0, '8A-(TTA 70AN(0NA. 9A)0 w

m overcoat with a cape. servant and drivers come in.);738(1(0 bustles around the luggage> Now we can *o a

YA. = 3oyfully> Away?

)0. 5y friends, my dear friends? 'an 7 be silent, in leain* this house for eermore<++can 7 restrain myself, in

well, from eC%ressin* those feelin*s which now fill my whole bein* . . . <

YA. = (mploringly> ncle?

YA. ncle, you shouldn!t?

)0. =$tupidly> 1ouble the red into the middle. . . . 7!ll be Duiet.

r  T(F75(0, then -(;A387N.

(F75(0. Well, it!s time to be off.

A387N. )%ikhodo, my coat?

/(0. 7!ll sit here one more minute. 7t!s as if 7!d neer really noticed what the walls and ceilin*s of this house were li

7 look at them *reedily, with such tender loe. . . .

)0. 7 remember, when 7 was siC years old, on Trinity unday, 7 sat at this window and looked and saw my father *

ch. . . .

/(0. 8ae all the thin*s been taken away<

A387N. Yes, all, 7 think. =To );738(1(0, putting on his coat > You see that eerythin*!s Duite strai*ht, )%ikhodo

38(1(0. = oarsely> You may de%end u%on me, )rmolai AleCeyeitch?

A387N. What!s the matter with your oice<

38(1(0. 7 swallowed somethin* Bust now@ 7 was hain* a drink of water.

8A. =$uspiciously> What manners. . . .

(0. We *o away, and not a soul remains behind.

A387N. Till the s%rin*.


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YA. = 7rags an umbrella out of a bundle, and seems to be waving it about. -(;A387N pretends to be frightened

you doin*< . . . 7 neer thou*ht . . .

(F75(0. 'ome alon*, let!s take our seats . . . it!s time? The train will be in directly.

YA. ;eter, here they are, your *oloshes, by that trunk. = (n tears> And how old and dirty they are. . . .

(F75(0. = Putting them on> 'ome on?

)0. = 7eeply moved, nearly crying > The train . . . the station. . . . 'ross in the middle, a white double in the corner. . .

(0. -et!s *o?

A387N. Are you all here< There!s nobody else< = *ocks the side-door on the left > There!s a lot of thin*s in there

them u%. 'ome?

YA. 9ood+bye, home? 9ood+bye, old life?

(F75(0. Welcome, new life. = "/it with ANYA.>

YA looks round the room and goes out slowly. YA8A and  '8A-(TTA, with her little dog, go out.

A387N. Till the s%rin*, then? 'ome on . . . till we meet a*ain? = "/it.>

/(0 AN1)Y)0NA and  9A)0 are left alone. They might almost have been waiting for that. They fall into each

s and sob restrainedly and +uietly, fearing that somebody might hear them.

)0. = (n despair > 5y sister, my sister. . . .

/(0. 5y dead, my *entle, beautiful orchard? 5y life, my youth, my ha%%iness, *ood+bye? 9ood+bye?

YA! 0(7'). =aily> 5other?

(F75(0! 0(7'). =aily, e/cited > 'oo+ee?

/(0. To look at the walls and the windows for the last time. . . . 5y dead mother used to like to walk about this room

)0. 5y sister, my sister?

YA! 0(7'). 5other?


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(F75(0! 0(7'). 'oo+ee?

(0. We!re comin*? =They go out.>

stage is empty. The sound of keys being turned in the locks is heard, and then the noise of the carriages going aw

t. Then the sound of an a/e against the trees is heard in the silence, sadly and by itself. $teps are heard.  F7) c

the door on the right. e is dressed as usual, in a short acket and white waistcoat0 slippers on his feet. e is ill.

e door and tries the handle.

. 7t!s locked. They!e *one away. =$its on a sofa> They!e for*otten about me. . . . Neer mind, 7!ll sit here. .

nid Andreyeitch will hae *one in a li*ht oercoat instead of %uttin* on his fur coat. . . . = $ighs an/iously> 7 didn!t

these youn* %eo%le? = Mumbles something that cannot be understood > -ife!s *one on as if 7!d neer lied. = *ying do

own. . . . You!e no stren*th left in you, nothin* left at all. . . (h, you . . . bun*ler?

ies without moving. The distant sound is heard, as if from the sky, of a breaking string, dying away sadly. $ilence f

nd only the sound is heard, some way away in the orchard, of the a/e falling on the trees.


es &or 'The Cherry Orchard'

3ames Rusk=


M*( : now written in )n*lish as Yermolay

"R: ;etya in the ori*inal

%7# : now written in )n*lish as Ye%ikhodo

R$ : %ronounced fierce

man: alet

T O#!


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man: lit., little %easant

s: a homemade beer 

her>little mother : the translator!s choices for 5amochka, an intimate nickname for mother 

en: orchard

: dacha, a summer acation home

tone: located on the French 5editerranean

ch: scoundrel

one holy place to another : reli*ious %il*rims were common in "#th century ussia

acket of thin cloth: %odduka, ty%ical %easant clothin*

he is playing billiards: 9ae!s billiard terms don!t match any %articular kind of billiard %layin*, and 'hekho adm

w nothin* about the *ame

houli: a %erfume

dear little cupboard : most translators use bookcase

e has died : nyanya, a nanny

iatin: 2.$ acres

yclopaedic 7ictionary: %robably the KO+olume /rockhaus and )fron )ncyclo%edic 1ictionary

ee: anniersary

worn student uniform: all students at this time wore uniforms

cate: lawyer 

a man of the eighties: a %eriod of eCtreme reaction under 'ar AleCandr 777

a dear;: Anichka?


ne: cha%el

port : an internal %ass%ort for moement within ussia

mortale: a com%lete somersault


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t is this noisy earth to me...: words to a %o%ular ballad

kle: historian 8enry Thomas /uckle 4"K2"+"KO"6 was considered a materialist and free+thinker 

ut the seventies and about decadents: %robably refers to the *rou% of French %oets who called themseles decadents

op: do stay

my substance: all my fortune

ncipation: the serfs were freed in "KO"

as very good for them in the old days: this is said ironically

hes: %ublic nurseries@ day care centers

brother, my suffering brother : from a %oem by Nadson

e out on the #olga: from a %oem by Nekraso

feel me, get thee to a nunnery: in amlet , 8amlet says this to (%helia 4777, ", "2"6

feel me, nymph, remember me in thine orisons: see amlet, 777, ", K#+#&

it's awful...their heavy visions: this %assa*e was substitued by 'hekho for one the censor obBected to. The o

a*e was restored after the "#"$ reolution: To own human bein*s has affected eery one of you++those who lied

those who lie now. Your mother, your uncle, and you don!t notice that you are liin* off the labours of others++in f

%eo%le you won!t een let in the front door.

T TH!!

wing-room: ballroom

menade a une paire: %romenade with your %artner 

nd rond, balance9 : the *reat rin* dance, *et set

cavaliers @ genou et remercie9 vos dames;: 9entlemen, on your knees and thank your ladies

9sche: 9erman %hiloso%her, "KHH+"#&&

casian dance: le*inka, a courtshi% dance

9wei, drei: one, two, three 49erman6

r Mensch aber schlechter Musikant : A *ood man, but a bad musician 49erman6

n't want to be a )eau )rummel : 7 don!t want to be fashionable 4/eau /rummel was 9eor*e /rummel, "$$K+"KH&6


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