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Page 1: Chess in Schools Beginner's Guide/Chess Sep05 (D)/C… · Chess in Schools CHESS SCOTLAND Worksheet 1 - How the Rook Moves. The rook can move forwards and backwards (up and down the

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Worksheet 1 - How the Rook Moves.

The rook can move forwards and backwards

(up and down the board) or sideways (across

the board) any number of squares. The rook

captures like every other chess piece - by

removing the opponent's piece from the board

and landing on the square where it had been.

Chess pieces cannot jump over pieces so the

rook's moves are limited to the number of

squares that it can move to before coming to an

occupied square.

To help you to learn how a rook moves try to

capture all the black pieces in a series of

moves. The first few moves are shown.





Extension: Write down the names of the

squares the rook moves to in the above


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Worksheet 2 - How the Bishop Moves.

The bishop always stays on squares of the

same colour. To do this it must move


The bishop captures like every other chess

piece - by removing the opponent's piece from

the board and landing on the square where it

had been. Chess pieces cannot jump over

pieces so the bishop's moves are limited to the

number of squares that it can move to before

coming to an occupied square.

To help you to learn how a bishop moves try to

capture all the black pieces in a series of

moves. The first few moves are shown.





Extension: Write down the names of the

squares the bishop moves to in the above


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Worksheet 3 - How the Queen Moves.

The queen is the most powerful piece. The

queen moves like either a rook or a bishop. It

can move forwards, backwards, sideways and


The queen captures like every other chess

piece - by removing the opponent's piece from

the board and landing on the square where it

had been. Chess pieces cannot jump over

pieces so the queen's moves are limited to the

number of squares that it can move to before

coming to an occupied square.





Extension: Write down the names of the

squares the queen moves to.

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Worksheet 4 - How the Knight Moves.

The knight is the piece whose move is most

difficult to master. The knight moves from the

square it stands on to one of the squares of the

opposite colour nearest to, but not touching,

the original square. It can be easier to think of

the knight moving in an L shape. It can move

two squares up or down and then one across or

two squares across and then one up or down.

The knight is not prevented from moving by

pieces that are between the take off and

landing square, these can be ignored. As with

the other pieces a knight cannot move to a

square occupied by a piece of the same colour

and if it lands on a square occupied by an

enemy piece then that piece is removed.

Problem 1 Place a knight on a chess board as shown.

Place 8 black pawns on the square that the

knight could move to.

For the other problems find the knight moves

that allows it to capture the black pieces. 2




Extension: Try to move the knight so

that it moves to every square on the

board in 64 moves.

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Worksheet 5 - Can you Castle?

It is illegal to castle if the king has been


It is illegal to castle with a rook that has been


Castling is prevented for the time being if the

king is under attack, or the square it must cross

is under attack or the square it will land on is

under attack from an enemy piece.

Castling is also prevented if there are any

pieces between the king and rook.

For each of the following positions say if

castling is possible for either side and if not

why not.





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Worksheet 6 - How to Record a Game.

When recording moves each piece is indicated

by its initial letter i.e.:






Note that N is used for knight for convenience

and capital letters are used for pieces and small

letters for the names of squares.

Pawns are not indicated by their first letter but

are recognised by the absence of such a letter.

(Though for short P can be used for pawn.)

Each of the 64 squares is indicated by a unique

combination of a letter and a number from a1

to h8.

Each move of a piece is indicated by the first

letter of the piece and by the square of arrival

eg Re6, Nc3. In the case of pawns only the

square of arrival is indicated.

If two identical pieces can move to the same

square then we include the letter of the square

of departure or if this does not help then the

number of the square of departure. For

example white has a knight on d3 and g2 then

the move would be written as either Ndf4 or

Ngf4; if the knights were on d3 and d5 then the

move would be written as either N3f4 or N5f4.

Castling kingside is denoted by 0-0 and

castling queenside by 0-0-0.

When a piece makes a capture an x is inserted

after the name of the piece eg Rxe6, Nxc3.

When a pawn makes a capture the letter of the

departing square is given followed by an x

followed by the square of arrival eg dxe5,

hxg7. If the case of an 'en passant' capture the

letters ep are appended to the notation eg dxe3

ep, fxg6 ep.

In the case of promotion of a pawn, the pawn

move is indicated followed by the first letter of

the new piece eg e8Q, g1R.

Check is shown by + and checkmate by # (or

++ )

Play through the game given noting the moves

that have been written down. Fill these moves

into the scoresheet that has been provided.

In these worksheets the white move is on the

left and the black move is on the right.

1. e4

1. … f5

2. e5

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2 … d5

3. exd6 e.p.

3 ... exd6

4 Bc4

4 … Bd7

5 Qh5+

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5… Ke7

6. Qf7#

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Worksheet 7 - Write Down the Moves (1).

From the diagrams write down the moves that

were played in the game.

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Worksheet 8 - Write Down the Moves (2)

From the diagrams write down the moves that

were played in the game.

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Black resigns

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Worksheet 9 - Games to Play Through.

Play through the games given. Make sure that

the position given is the same as the one on

your board.

The first game is a world championship match

between Chigorin and Steinitz from 1889.

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bxb4 5

c3 Ba5 6 0-0 Qf6 7 d4 Nge7 8 d5 Nd8 9

Qa4 Bb6 10 Bg5 Qd6 11 Na3 c6 12 Rad1

Qb8 13 Bxe7 Kxe7 14 d6+ Kf8

15 Nxe5 f6 16 Nf3 Bc5 17 e5 b5 18 Bxb5

cxb5 19 Nxb5 Ne6 20 exf6 gxf6 21 Qh4 Kf7

22 Qh5+ Kg8 23 Qg4+ Kf7

24 Qh5+ Kg7 25 Nfd4 Bxd4 26 Nxd4 Rf8 27

Rd3 Bb7 28 Nxe6+ dxe6 29 Rh3 Be4 30

Qg4+ Bg6 31 Qxe6 Qb6 32 Qd5 Rad8 33

Rd1 Rfe8 34 c4 Rxd6 35 Qf3 Rd3 36 Qg4

Re4 0-1 (White resigned because if 37 Qxe4

Rxd1+ 38 Qe1 Rxe1#)

The second game shows a trap made famous

by Tarrasch.

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0

Nxe4 6 d4 b5 7 Bb3 d5 8 dxe5 Be6 9 c3 Be7

10 Re1 0-0 11 Nd4 Qd7 12 Nxe6 Qxe6 13

Rxe4 dxe4 14 Bxe6 1-0

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Worksheet 10 - Is it Mate? When the king cannot escape from attack it is said

to be in checkmate (or mate). To escape you can

move the king, capture the attacking piece or block

the attack by putting another piece between the king

and the attacker.

Study the positions given. For each position say if it

is checkmate or not. If it is not checkmate say why.







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Worksheet 11 - Find the Mate (Queen)

In each of the positions White can get

checkmate next move using the queen. Find

the move in each position.







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Worksheet 12 - Find the Mate (Rook)

In each of the positions White can get

checkmate next move using the rook. Find the

move in each position.







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Worksheet 13 - Find the Mate (Bishop)

In each of the positions White can get

checkmate next move using the bishop. Find

the move in each position.







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Worksheet 14 - Find the Mate (Knight)

In each of the positions White can get

checkmate next move using the knight. Find

the move in each position.







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Worksheet 15 - Find the Mate (Various)

In each of the positions White can get

checkmate next move. Find the move in each








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Worksheet 16 - Getting Mate with Two


Technique: The two rooks work together to

force the king towards the edge of the board. If

the king gets too close to a rook it moves over

to the other side of the board.

Set up the positions shown and then play out

the moves given.

1 Rb7 trapping the king 1 … Kd8

2 Ra8#

1 Rc8 Kd4 2 Rd8+ Kc3 3 Re7 Kc4 4 Rc7+

Kb5 5 Rb8+ Ka6 6 Rb1 Ka5 7 Ra7#

1 Kg4+ Kd2 2 Rf2+ Ke1 3 Ra2 Kf1 4 Rb3

Ke1 5 Rb1#

Practice against another player taking turns to

have the two rooks.

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Worksheet 17 - Getting Mate with a Queen.

Technique: The white king and queen must

work together. The queen is used to force the

enemy king towards the edge of the board

where with the support of her king the

opposing king is trapped.

Set up the positions shown and play through

the moves given.

1 Qb3 Ka6 2 Qb6#

1 Ke4 Ke7 2 Ke5 Kd7 3 Qc5 Kd8 4 Ke6

Ke8 5 Qc8#

1 Qf5+ Kc4 2 Qa5 Kb3 3 Kd3 Kb2 4 Qb4+

Kc1 5 Qb5 Kd1 6 Qb1#

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Worksheet 18 - Getting Mate with One


Technique: The rook, with support from its

king, is used to trap the opposing king in

smaller and smaller rectangles. Note that when

doing this not every rook move gives check. A

rook which checks without the support of its

king will let the opponent escape the net.

Set up the positions shown and play through

the moves.

1 Rb1 Ka5 (if 1 … Ka7 2 Ra1#) 2 Kc6 Ka4 3

Kc5 Ka3 4 Kc4 Ka2 5 Rb8 (Not 5 Kc3 as 6

Kxb1 draw) Ka3 6 Rb7 Ka2 7 Kc3 Ka1 8

Kc2 Ka2 9 Ra7#

1 Rg5+ Ke6 2 Ke4 Kf6 3 Re5 Kg6 4 Rf5

Kg7 5 Kf4 Kg6 6 Kg4 Kg7 7 Kg5 Kh7

8 Kf6 Kh6 9 Kf7 Kh7 10 Rh5#

Practice getting mate with only one rook.

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Worksheet 19 - Getting Mate with 2


This is an extension exercise and should only

be done by better players.

Set up the positions shown and play through

the moves given.

1. Kd2 Ke7 2. Ke3 Kd6 3. Ke4 Ke6 4. Ba3

Kf6 5. Bc4 Kg6 6. Be7 Kh5 7. Kf5 Kh6 8.

Bf7 Kg7 9. Bg6 Kg8 10. Kf6 Kh8 11. Be4 Kg8

12. Bd3 Kh8 13. Kg6 Kg8 14. Bc4+ Kh8

15. Bf6# 1-0

1. Bc3+ Kd5 2. Bf3+ Kc4 3. Be5 Kc5 4. Kd3

Kb4 5. Bd6+ Kb5 6. Kd4 Kb6 7. Kc4 Ka6

8. Bc7 Ka7 9. Kc5 Ka6 10. Kc6 Ka7 11. Be4

Ka6 12. Bd3+ Ka7 13. Bg3 Ka8 14. Kc7

Ka7 15. Bf2+ Ka8 16. Be4#

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Worksheet 20 - Getting Mate with Bishop

and Knight.

This is an extension exercise and should only

be carried out by the better players.

Set up the positions shown and play through

the moves given.

1. Bd3 Kd8 2. Kd6 Ke8 3. Nf6+ Kd8 4. Nh7

Kc8 5. Nf8 Kb7 6. Nd7 Kc8 7. Nc5 Kb8

8. Ba6 Ka8 9. Kc6 Ka7 10. Kb5 Ka8 11. Kb6

Kb8 12. Nd7+ Ka8 13. Bb7#

1. Bf6 Kf8 2. Be7+ Kg8 3. Kf6 Kh7 4. Kf7

Kh8 5. Kg6 Kg8 6. Nh6+ Kh8 7. Bf6#

Notice that in both examples the king is forced

into the corner of the board that is controlled

by the bishop.

Note: Checkmate with two knights cannot be

forced. The only way to mate with two knights

is if the opponent plays really badly and helps

you to win.

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Worksheet 21 - Find the Fork (Pawn)

In each of the positions given a pawn is able to

move and attack two black pieces at the same

time. This is called a fork. Find the move that

produces the fork in each position.





5 In this position there appears to be a pawn

fork. White has just played the pawn from f2

to f4. It seems to work since it will be

protected by the knight on d5. But what reply

can black make to escape?

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Worksheet 22 - Find the Fork (Bishop)

In each of the positions given a bishop is able

to move and attack two black pieces at the

same time. This is called a fork. Find the move

that produces the fork in each position.






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Worksheet 23 - Find the Fork (Rook)

In each of the positions given a rook is able to

move and attack two black pieces at the same

time. This is called a fork. Find the move that

produces the fork in each position.






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Worksheet 24 - Find the Fork (Queen)

In each of the positions given the queen is able

to move and attack two black pieces at the

same time. This is called a fork. Find the move

that produces the fork in each position.







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Worksheet 25 - Find the Fork (Knight)

In each of the positions given a knight is able

to move and attack two black pieces at the

same time. This is called a fork. Find the move

that produces the fork in each position.







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Worksheet 26 - Find the Fork (Various)

In each of the positions given a piece is able to

move and attack two black pieces at the same

time. This is called a fork. Find the move that

produces the fork in each position.







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Worksheet 27 - Defending Forks

Not all forks lead to the loss of material. In

each of the following problems white can

either escape loss or at least reduce the cost.

First find the black fork then look for the white

defence in each case.







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Worksheet 28 - Find the Pin (Bishop)

A pin is an attack on one piece which, if it

moves, leaves a more valuable piece under

attack. For each of the following positions

move a bishop to pin an opposing piece.







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Worksheet 29 - Find the Pin (Rook)

A pin is an attack on one piece that, if it

moves, leaves a more valuable piece under

attack. For each of the following positions

move a rook to pin an opposing piece.







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Worksheet 30 - Find the Pin (Queen)

A pin is an attack on one piece which, if it

moves, leaves a more valuable piece under

attack. For each of the following positions

move the queen to pin an opposing piece.



In the following positions the queen plays an important part but does not always give the pin. Find white’s best moves.




Worksheet 31 - Find the Pin or Skewer

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A skewer is similar to a pin except that the

more important piece is under attack and when

it moves a lesser piece comes under attack.

These problems are a mixture of pins and

skewers - find the solutions.






6 Positions similar to the one shown

occur often in games. Can you find all of white’s threats?

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Worksheet 32 - Plan the Mate In these problems you have to find a series of

moves to get checkmate. As a clue the position

at or close to mate is also given. Solve the


1a Mate in 1.

1b Mate in 4

1c Can you win?



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Worksheet 33 - Plan Forks, Pins and


In these problems you have to find a series of

moves to get forks, pins or skewers. As a clue

the position at or close to the win of material is

also given. Solve the problems.





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Worksheet 34 - Attacking Overworked

Pieces An overworked piece is one which is

defending two or more pieces. If it is forced to

move then one of the pieces will be captured.

In these problems identify the overworked

piece and find the moves to exploit the





4 In the previous examples a piece was

overworked as it had to protect two pieces.

The following are slightly different.

5 Can white play 1 Qxc3 and if so why?

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Worksheet 35 - Using Discovered Attacks Often when one piece moves it reveals an

attack by another of its own men. This can

prove to be a very powerful weapon in winning

chess games. See if you can find the

discovered attacks in the following positions.







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Worksheet 36 - King and Pawn Endings

In the first diagram the black king is too far

away to stop the pawn from queening. Imagine

a square drawn from the pawn to the

promotion square and towards the enemy king.

If the king is outside this square it cannot catch

the pawn, if it is inside the square then it can.


The black king CANNOT stop the pawn eg

1 ... Kf5 2 a5 Ke6 3 a6 Kd7 4 a7 Kc8

5 a8=Q+


The black king CAN stop the pawn eg

1 ... Kd5 2 a5 Kc6 3 a6 Kb6 4 a7 Kxa7

The following two examples show how to try

to promote a pawn and how to defend the


Set up the positions and play through the

moves given.


1 Ke6 Kd8 2 Kf7 Ke7 3 e5 Kd8 4 e6 Kc7 5

e7 Kd7 6 e8=Q


1 Kd2 e3 2 Ke2 Ke4 3 Ke1 Kf3 4 Kf1 Ke4 5

Ke2 Kd4 6 Ke1 Kd3 7 Kd1 Ke4 8 Ke2 etc.


1 Kd2 Kd5 2 Ke3 Ke5 3 Ke2 Kf4 4 Kf2 e3+

5 Ke2 Ke4 6 Ke1 Kd3 7 Kd1 e2+ 8 Ke1 Ke3


Put the white king on e1, a white pawn on e2

and the black king on e8. With a partner, take

it in turns to try to promote the pawn.

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Worksheet 37 - Openings - Giuoco Piano

Play through the openings given. Try to

understand why the moves are played.

Game 1

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. Nc3 Nf6 5.

d3 Ng4 6. O-O O-O 7. Bg5 Nf6 8.

Nd5 d6 9. Nxf6+ gxf6 10. Bh6 Re8 11. Nh4

Ne7 12. Qh5 Be6 13. Bxe6 fxe6 14. Qg4+

Ng6 15. Nxg6 hxg6 16. Qxg6+ Kh8 17. Qg7#

Game 2

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5.

exd5 Na5 6. Bb5+ c6 7. dxc6 bxc6 8.

Bf1 h6 9. Nh3 Bc5 10. d3 Qb6 11. Qe2 Bg4

12. f3 Bxh3 13. gxh3 O-O-O 14. Nd2 Nd5

15. Nb3 Bb4+ 16. Bd2 Ne3 17. Bxb4 Qxb4+

18. c3 Qh4+ 19. Kd2 Nac4+ 20. Kc1 Rxd3

21. Bg2 Rhd8 22. a4 Rd1+ 23. Rxd1 Rxd1+

24. Qxd1 Nxd1 25. Kxd1 Ne3+ 26. Ke2

Nxg2 0-1

Game 3

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Qe7 5. b4

Bb6 6. a4 a5 7. b5 Nd8 8. O-O d6

9. d4 exd4 10. cxd4 Be6 11. Nbd2 Nf6 12. e5

Nd5 13. Qb3 Nb4 14. d5 Bf5 15. exd6

Qxd6 16. Re1+ Kd7 17. Ne4 Bxe4 18. Rxe4 f5

19. Bf4 Qf6 20. Ree1 Nf7 21. d6 Nd8

22. Bg5 Qf8 23. Be6+ Kxd6 24. Qd1+ Nd3 25.

Qxd3+ Bd4 26. Qxd4#

Now play some games using this opening.

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Worksheet 38 - Openings - Four Knights

Play through the openings given. Try to

understand why the moves are played.

Game 1

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bb5 Nd4 5.

Ba4 c6 6. O-O Bc5 7. Nxe5 d6 8.

Nd3 Bg4 9. Qe1 Nf3+ 10. gxf3 Bxf3 11. e5 O-

O 12. exd6 Ng4 13. Qe7 Bxd6 14. Qxd8


Game 2

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5.

Nxd4 Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 8.

exd5 cxd5 9. O-O O-O 10. Bg5 c6 11. Qf3

Bd6 12. h3 Be5 13. Rfe1 Qd6 14. Re2 h6

15. Bd2 a6 16. Rae1 Bxc3 17. bxc3 c5 18. Bf4

Qb6 19. Re7 c4 20. Bxc4 Bxh3 21.

Bxd5 Nxd5 22. Qxd5 Be6 23. R1xe6 fxe6 24.

Qd7 Qb1+ 25. Kh2 Qxc2 26. Rxg7+ Kh8

27. Be5 Rxf2 28. Rh7+ Kg8 29. Qg7#

Game 3

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. Bb5 Bb4 5.

d3 d6 6. h3 O-O 7. O-O Bxc3 8.

bxc3 Ne7 9. Bg5 Ng6 10. Qc1 h6 11. Bd2 Kh7

12. Re1 Nh5 13. d4 Qf6 14. Be2 Nhf4

15. Bxf4 Nxf4 16. Kh2 Bxh3 17. gxh3 Nxe2

18. Qe3 Nf4 19. Rg1 b6 20. Rg4 Ng6 21.

Rag1 Rg8 22. R1g3 c5 23. d5 Qe7 24. h4 Nf4

25. h5 Raf8 26. Nh4 Nxh5 27. Nf5

Nxg3 28. Rxg7+ Rxg7 29. Qxh6+ Kg8 30.


Now play some games using this opening.

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Worksheet 39 - Openings - French Defence

Play through the openings given. Try to

understand why the moves are played.

Game 1

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 dxe4 5.

Nxe4 Be7 6. Bxf6 Bxf6 7. Nf3 Bd7 8.

Bc4 Bc6 9. Qe2 a6 10. Nxf6+ gxf6 11. O-O-O

Bxf3 12. Qxf3 c6 13. Qh5 Kf8 14.

Qh6+ Ke7 15. f4 Nd7 16. f5 e5 17. dxe5 fxe5

18. Bxf7 Kxf7 19. Qe6+ Kf8 20. Rxd7

Qg5+ 21. Kb1 Qh5 22. Qe7+ Kg8 23. Qg7#

Game 2

1. e4 e6 2. c3 c5 3. d4 d5 4. e5 Nc6 5. Nf3 Qb6

6. Be2 Nh6 7. Bxh6 Qxb2 8. Be3

Qxa1 9. Qc2 cxd4 10. Nxd4 Nxd4 11. Bxd4

Ba3 12. Bb5+ Kd8 13. O-O Qb2 14. Qa4 a6

15. Nxa3 Kc7 16. Rb1 Qxa2 17. Qa5+ Kb8 18.

Qb6 Qxa3 19. Bc5 Qxc3 20. Qd6#

Game 3

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. exd5 Nxd5 5.

Nf3 c5 6. Nxd5 Qxd5 7. Be3 cxd4 8.

Nxd4 a6 9. Be2 Qxg2 10. Bf3 Qg6 11. Qd2 e5

12. O-O-O exd4 13. Bxd4 Nc6 14. Bf6

Qxf6 15. Rhe1+ Be7 16. Bxc6+ Kf8 17. Qd8+

Bxd8 18. Re8#

Now play some games using this opening.

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Worksheet 40 - Openings - Sicilian Defence

Play through the openings given. Try to

understand why the moves are played.

Game 1

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.

Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8. Qd2

Nc6 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. O-O-O Ne5 11. Bb3 Rc8

12. h4 h5 13. Bg5 Rc5 14. Kb1 b5 15.

g4 hxg4 16. h5 Nxh5 17. Nd5 Re8 18. Rxh5

gxh5 19. Qh2 Rc4 20. Bxc4 bxc4 21.

Qxh5 f6 22. f4 Nf7 23. Bh4 Qb8 24. Rh1 c3

25. b3 Qb7 26. f5 Ne5 27. Ne6 Bxe6

28. Qxe8+ Bf8 29. fxe6 Qc6 30. Bxf6 Qxe8

31. Rh8# 1-0

Game 2

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.

Nc3 g6 6. f4 Bg7 7. e5 dxe5 8.

fxe5 Ng4 9. Bb5+ Kf8 10. Ne6+ fxe6 11.

Qxd8+ Kf7 12. O-O+ Bf6 13. Qxh8 Nc6 14.

exf6 Nxf6 15. Bh6 Nd4 16. Qf8# 1-0

Game 3

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 5.

Nc3 Bg7 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Bc4 O-O 8.

Bb3 Na5 9. e5 Ne8 10. Bxf7+ Kxf7 11. Ne6

Kxe6 12. Qd5+ Kf5 13. g4+ Kxg4 14.

Rg1+ Kh4 15. Bg5+ Kh5 16. Qd1+ Rf3 17.

Qxf3# 1-0

Game 4

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5.

Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. Nb3 Ne7 8. Na4

Nbc6 9. Bb6 1-0 The queen is lost.

Game 5

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.

Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Nc6 8. Nxc6

bxc6 9. e5 h6 10. Bh4 g5 11. Bg3 gxf4 12. Bh4

dxe5 13. Qxd8+ Kxd8 14. Bxf6+ Be7

15. Bxh8 1-0 Black is in a hopeless position,

two pieces down.

Now play some games with this opening

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Worksheet 41 - Openings - Queen's Gambit

Play through the openings given. Try to

understand why the moves are played.

Game 1

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. e3

Bb4 6. Bd3 dxc4 7. Bxc4 O-O 8. O-O

c5 9. Qe2 Bxc3 10. bxc3 cxd4 11. exd4 Nc6

12. Bg5 a6 13. Rfe1 b5 14. Bb3 Bb7

15. Rad1 Rc8 16. Ne5 Nb8 17. Ng4 Nbd7 18.

d5 Bxd5 19. Bxd5 exd5 20. Rxd5 Re8

21. Nxf6+ gxf6 22. Be3 Rc7 23. Qg4+ Kh8 24.

Red1 Re7 25. Bh6 Qg8 26. Qf4 Qe8

27. Kf1 Re5 28. Rxd7 Rxd7 29. Qxf6+ Kg8

30. Qg7#

Game 2

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4 4. Nf3 Nc6 5.

Nbd2 Qe7 6. g3 Nxe5 7. Nxd4 Nd3#

Game 3

1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 e6 5.

Bxc4 c5 6. O-O a6 7. a4 Nc6 8. Qe2

Qc7 9. Nc3 Bd6 10. dxc5 Bxc5 11. e4 Ng4 12.

h3 Nd4 13. Nxd4 Qh2# 0-1

Game 4

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. e4

Bb4 6. Bg5 c5 7. Bxc4 cxd4 8.

Nxd4 Bxc3+ 9. bxc3 Qa5 10. Nb5 Bd7 11.

Nd6+ Ke7 12. Qd2 Bc6 13. f4 Nd7 14. Rd1

Rhd8 15. Qd4 h6 16. Bh4 Qh5 17. Bf2 Kf8 18.

e5 Nd5 19. O-O Qg4 20. h3 Qh5 21.

f5 Kg8 22. Rd3 N7b6 23. Bxd5 Bxd5 24. Rg3

Rd7 25. Be3 Bc4 26. Rf4 f6 27. exf6

e5 28. Qxe5 Qd1+ 29. Kh2 Qxd6 30. f7+ Kxf7

31. Qxg7+ Ke8 32. Qh8+ Ke7 33. Re4+

Be6 34. f6+ Kf7 35. Qg7+ Ke8 36. Qg8+ Qf8

37. Rxe6+ Kd8 38. Qxf8+ Kc7 39. Qc5+

Kb8 40. Rg8+ Rd8 41. Bf4#

Now play some games with his opening.

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Worksheet 42 - Spot the Opening

Look at the positions given. In each case state

the name of the opening that the position came







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Chess in Schools


Worksheet 43 - Saving Games - Perpetual


In these problems white appears to be losing,

but is able to get a draw by keeping the

opponent in check. Find the moves which lead

to perpetual check in each of these problems.

1 Black has a big advantage in material. How

does white save the game?

2 Black is threatening 1 ... Re1#. Can white

save the game?

3 The Black king has very few squares to

move to. Can white do anything to save the


4 White’s position looks hopeless. Black is

threatening 1 ... Re1#. 1 Rb1 doesn’t save the

game because of the strong black pawns. What

can white do?

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Chess in Schools


Worksheet 44 - Saving Games - Stalemate

Again, white appears to be losing, but in chess

if a player cannot move and is not in check

then the game is drawn. Find the moves that

lead to stalemate in each of these problems.

1 Black is threatening 1 ... h1=Q (or R)#

How can white save the game?

2 Black, a rook ahead, seems to have an easy

win but white tries stalemate to draw - how?

3 This looks like it should be an easy black

win but if the white king tries to stay in the

corner black can do nothing and the position in

diagram 4, or a similar one, will be reached.

Note that if the bishop was on white squares

then it would be an easy win.


5 Not quite stalemate but white uses the idea

to gain the draw.

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