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Page 1: CHESSBASE MAGAZINE OCTOBER-DECEMBER · 2018-09-25 · Dortmund: At the Sparkassen Chess Meeting Ne-pomniachtchi stood head and shoulders above the competition. e top Russian player

4 | ChessBase Magazine #186



Saint Louis: Caruana moved ahead of the !eld in round 6 and went on to defend his lead success-fully against Carlsen. In the !nal round Aronian and the world champion each had to win to draw level with the US American. "e world champion’s trainer Peter Heine Nielsen provides commen-tary on his protégé’s game against Nakamura. In addition the DVD o%ers several video analyses of Daniel King.

Dortmund: At the Sparkassen Chess Meeting Ne-pomniachtchi stood head and shoulders above the competition. "e top Russian player annotates his win over Kramnik on the DVD.

Biel: Mamedyarov continued his winning streak at the chess festival in Biel and at the end le& Carlsen behind in second place with a lead of 1.5 points. "e way to the triumph of the Azebaijani was prepared by his victory with White over the world champion in the penultimate round.

OPENING VIDEOS (see page 25)

On the DVD you will !nd three openings videos with a total running time of over an hour! E.g. Grandmaster Simon Williams shows you how to get wonderful play with White in the Sicilian Wing Gambit. And that even in the main varia-tion!

Simon Williams: Sicilian Wing Gambit 1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.a3

Mihail Marin: Pirc Defence 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Bf4

Daniel King: French Tarrasch Pawn Sacri!ce

OPENINGS (see also booklet from p. 11)

Stohl: Trompowsky Attack

(Openings in focus)

Schandor!: English 3.e3 – part 2

Kuzmin: English Zaitsev Gambit

Quintiliano: Sicilian Anti Najdorf

Postny: Four Knights Game 4.Bb5 Bc5

Szabo: Ruy Lopez Steinitz 6.h3 h5

Hungaski: QGA 3.e4 Nc6 4.Nf3 Bg4

Krasenkow: Grünfeld Defence 7.Qa4+

Papp: Grünfeld Defence Exchange Variation

Marin: Queen's Indian 4.e3


Carlsen’s convincing

win over Wojtaszek

with 5.Qd2 inspired

Renato Quintiliano to

provide a deep ana-


According to Michal

Krasenkow Black can

comfortably equalise

against 7.Qa4+, but

Alexander Moiseenko

has a great score with


The Polish classic


(Dortmund 2018) is

naturally also a sub-

ject for Igor Stohl

ChessBase Magazine #186 | 5

Editorial 3

Contents 4-5

Top tournaments 6-8

Saint Louis, Dortmund, Biel

Mega Database 2019 – tips and tricks 10-11

Attractive opening traps 12


Introduction to the DVD articles 13-22

Impressum 14

Tactics 23

Nine combinations to solve

Endspiele 24

Nine endgame tasks to solve

Opening videos resented 25



Williams: Move by Move Simon Williams is enthusiastic about the subject he has selected for Move by Move – “a brilliant game by a young Russian grandmaster... attack, attack, attack”. "e winner of the game is called David Paravyan, is 20 years old and already has a rating of over 2600. In Paravyan-Golubov, Korch-noi Memorial St. Petersburg 2018, a Petro% Defen-ce is on the board and you have the chance to !nd for yourself White’s amazing attacking moves.

Rogozenco: #e Classic In his Classic video federal German trainer Dori-an Rogozenco shows us the fourth game from the Tarrasch-Lasker world championship match, Düs-seldorf 1908, a game which was very important for the future course of the match.

Marin: Strategy – “Mutual Isolanis” For his article Mihail Marin once again makes use above all of classical games and dots them with numerous training questions as well as providing a detailed video introduction.

Reeh: Tactics – “Mate or loss of the queen” Oliver Reeh‘s article consists of 29 games with numerous training questions and an introductory text with links to all the games. In addition there are three videos on selected combinations in our interactive format with video feedback.

Müller: Endgame – “Recent rook endings” Karsten Müller’s column contains two introduc-tory texts, 19 annotated endgames, many training questions and !ve classical videos. In addition the endgame expert from Hamburg has recorded two clips in interactive format.

Knaak: Recent opening traps In Rainer Knaak’s database (including three Fritz-trainer videos) eight recent traps are put under the microscope, among them Nakamura’s trick against the King’s Indian (see p.12).


Complete booklet in PDF format

No tiebreak but three happy winners in Saint Louis

The Mega Database 2019

will be released middle

of November along with

the new ChessBase 15


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