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Page 1: CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTIONS 7 MAY 2015 HENRY POTTER · HENRY POTTER The local choice for Boxgrove Ward Including Eartham, Singleton, Upwaltham, East & West Dean ident, he



The local choice for Boxgrove Ward Including Eartham, Singleton, Upwaltham, East & West Dean

Dear Resident,

It is now eight years since I was first elected as your Chichester District

councillor for the Boxgrove Ward, and I am standing for a third term on May

7th. I have lived and worked in Boxgrove for thirty years. Your local district

council has been through the most difficult times these past five years, facing

great reductions in funding whilst keeping your Council Tax unchanged and

yet delivering the key services we all expect and have had for so long now.

The Council has also, at great cost in time and money, gone through the

process of providing a Local Plan to see the District through the next fourteen

years. It hasn't been easy as you all may be aware, neither has it been

favourable to you all. But I believe it is the best plan available given the

demands expected and the resources available in the District out side of the

South Downs National Park.

For me, the biggest challenge in the heart of the ward has been the ongoing

problems regarding the management of the foul sewerage in the Lavant

Valley. Ongoing meetings with the Southern Water Authority over the past

seven years has, at last, resulted in some action to alleviate this

unacceptable nuisance and more work is promised this year. I shall be

keeping a watchful eye on this progress. And so my friends, with your blessing

and vote on May 7th, I hope to be able to continue serving you for another

four years.

Best Wishes,


Henry Potter

Please feel free to contact me; my details are as follows:

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 01243 527312

Mobile: 07792 857973

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