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  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx



    [email protected]


    8+ Years of IT experience with more than 8 years Web Deveopme!"# $+ years Sof"%are

    Deveopme!"# & years as 'ro(ec" )ead along with experience in companies involved the areas

    of *Commerce# Saes a!d Dis"ribu"io!# ,!i!e Tra!sac"io! -ppica"io!s, I!ve!"ory

    Co!"ro# i!a!cia# 'harmaceu"ica a!d i!a!cia -ccou!"i!/.

    Deveoped -ppica"io!sand worked closely with Database

    Gained good experience in working with bac e!d i! S serverand ,race

    Focused in Web designing majoring deveopme!" of dy!amic %eb pa/es

    xclusively worked with different controls like a!ima"io! fea"ures, page components like

    image drag, !oom, side sho%and vent on "ethods like mouse, key, "imer co!"ros

    #ad worked on $nline based projects, Web &.02I3T*43*Tand 5raphics desi/!i!/

    text and image formatting and posting of photographs in #%"& programming

    'nvolved with 6T7)# 7)# D6T7)# S)T# CSSand (cripts 9avaScrip"# D,7# '6' and

    9S'# .3e" a!d 9avaScrip" ibraries 9uery# D,9,# Y;I a!d 'ro"o"ype)

    Worked with C7Sto keep track of content, repositories and publishing them)

    Worked extensively on various projects on W

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    7ade use of 9ive busi!ess compo!e!"s i! impeme!"i!/ %eb co!"e!" %i"h cus"omer

    i!"erac"io!# usabii"y a!d busi!ess processi!/.

    Wored o! usi!/ DS' i! impeme!"i!/ "he %eb par"s a!d depoyi!/ "he appica"io! i! "he

    %eb server.

    -S par" of ,)T'# I had %ored e="e!sivey o! eec"ro!ic forms a!d co!versio!s.

    Worked o! *Commerce pro(ec"implementing customer ease, interactivity for easy checkout)

    Worked extensively on Share'oi!"in creating customer portal in on of the projects)

    Worked on project in 7ediawherein ' implemented to at most complex designs)

    Worked extensively on 7acro media ashon different versions working cross functional on

    other .dobe tools, op"imi>i!/ /raphics using -dobe 'ho"oshop# -f"er *ffec" and -dobe

    Ius"ra"or# -croba")

    Worked on -c"io!Scrip"&.0and -c"io!Scrip"

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    'aca/es : "icrosoft office suites like "(*word, "(*xcel, "(*.ccess,

    "(*$utlook, 3isio

    )a!/ua/es : 0, 022, ava(cript, (-, '-, .)8, .pache %omcat)

    Toos : 3isual )8, %est director, 0rystal reports, 3isual (tudio 488=,

    Flex, 0"(, 5uark /press, (3:, (hare-oint, 3isio, -ower-oint,


    ,pera"i!/ Sys"ems : +:'/, Windows :%, Windows ?=6?@, 4888, /-


    7.S. Compu"er Scie!ce# 3e% 9ersey I!s"i"u"e of Tech!oo/y# 3e%ar# 39#

    ?.*. Compu"er Scie!ce a!d *!/i!eeri!/# -!!a ;!iversi"y# Che!!ai# T3# I!dia

    7?-# I!"er!a"io!a "ech!oo/ica u!iversi"y# Su!!yvae# C-#;S-# "oo ?reaA

    'rofessio!a e=perie!ce:

    Ci"i/roup eb &01& B Ti 'rese!"

    'ro(ec" )ead 2 Sr Sof"%are Deveoper


    Worked as Sr Web deveoperin Ci"i 'riva"e ba!i!/and Ci"i mobie ba!i!/ appica"io!s)

    Working in 9ava based %eb appica"io! pro(ec"with hands on 9ava# 9&**# spri!/s a!d 9S)

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Worked extensively on numerous web technologies including 6T7)# D6T7)# 6T7)# CSS

    &.0# 7), 9avaScrip"# 6T7)# 9uery# CSS

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Worked on different bro%sersI* E#F#8 #G 7o>ia

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    'mplemented Data validation, Form validation, $bjects, (erver communication and mail


    Developed the project implementing Dynamic components using images, pop*ups, tabs, text

    optimi!ation, tables and pre*populated components making use of ava(cript, .jax extensively)

    Developed the .-'s using .jax and son to implement more robust and efficient client facing

    applications) %his reduces the round trip time and avoids the overhead of parsing that is reAuired

    with /"&)

    Couped 9ava %i"h 9so!and making it integrated to +ser 'nterface)

    +sed 9uery, a 9avaScrip"library in the projects to develop .-' layouts and the external user


  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    -T T eb &011 B Ti 'rese!"

    )ead Sof"%are Deveoper


    Worked as )ead sof"%are *!/i!eerin Co!sumer !o"ifica"io!and *Commerce.

    Developed !e% -'IHsand builds the midde%are commu!ica"io! bus)

    ;edesigned public sites which are open to consumer and built the notification platform includingthe smart chat working on 'nternal and xternal -ublic facing sites)

    Worked extensively on numerous %eb "ech!oo/ies including 6T7)# D6T7)# 6T7)#

    CSS &.0# CSS

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Couped 9ava %i"h 9so!and making it integrated to +ser 'nterface)

    +sed 9uery# a 9avaScrip"library in the projects to deveop -'I ayou"s a!d "he e="er!a

    user frame%ors

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    I!"erac"ed a!d %ored %i"h "he ?usi!ess i! deveopi!/ "he -rchi"ec"ure# "he desi/!# "he

    "ech!oo/ies a!d desi/!ed "he ayou" of "he e="er!a si"es a!d "he -'IHs

    Docume!"ed a "he pro(ec"s -'IHs# si"esA upo! revie% %i"h "he busi!ess , making changes to

    their reAuirement)

    *!viro!me!": #%"& =, D#%"&, /#%"&, (-, (F, ava, 4, ava(ervlets, ava

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Worked extensively and managed 'mages and pictures and background effects using6T7))

    'mplemented audio and video in many site using the #%"& = tags and used css9 extensively)

    %he ;ser I!"erfacewas implemented with more customer intractability and customer ease)

    Developed and implemented the application in the web in (- making use of struts framework

    and used the "30 architecture to build the *commerceapplication)

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Worked extensively on various projects on W

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx








    The 6ar"ford# CT# 6ar"ford -u/ &00G B ,c" &00G

    Sr Web Deveoper Co!su"a!"


    Worked as a Web Developer for $nline "arketing and .uto (how 5uote %hroughput -roject)

    'mplemented the project in (crum methodology)

    ;eengineered and redesigned all the web pages and also implemented new web pages for .uto'nsurance marketing)

    (olid #and coding on 6T7), D6T7), 6T7) and (- and used W90 standards)

    +sed D,7 scrip"and developed the project implementing Dynamic components using images,

    pop*ups, tabs, text optimi!ation, tables and pre*populated components)

    0reated the complex +' for the .uto Auote working extensively on CSS&.0and 9avaScrip".

    "ade use of D$$ and H+' frameworks in the projects to develop the layout frameworks and to

    build the various dynamic components like drag and drop, animation and in event handling)

    Worked on graphics, image optimi!ation using -hotoshop and also created 9D images using


    'mplemented the web pages according the user behavior and made the web pages more

    interactive by implementing tool tips and dynamic pop up messages to user using ava(cript)

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    +sed .jax for asynchronous communication with the server and for populating the data


    xtensively used .jax for data selection in drilling down user options and user selections, hence

    allowing the user to browse to different possibilities)

    Developed and implemented the application in the web in (- making use of struts framework

    and used the "30 architecture to build the *commerce complex application)

    "ade use of D,9,on implementing the interface with -9-and ava(cript)

    "ade use of ../ in implementing the xmlhttpreAuest and the web services)

    +sed ../ tags extensively in implementing various components of the page in (-)

    Worked extensively making use of 9avaScrip" Y;Iand 9uerylibraries and created templates

    in implementing and enabling programming ease and worked on with D$")

    'mplemented Widgets in D,9,and also the custom animation effects like fades and wipes to a

    large extent)

    Worked on .nimation programming using "acro "edia Flash and 'llustrator along with

    dynamic programming)

    'mplemented timer controls and even handling in "acro media Flash and had worked

    extensively on vectors

    Directed the creation of database tables and relations

    0oncentrated in implementing Web (tandards in ava(cript to promote high end computing)

    Worked on (3: to manage different versions of the various applications in creating the


    "ade use of (3: in terms with .pache, DI and other markup languages like #%"&, /#%"&

    and /"&)

    Worked extensively on different versions working on Web &ogic @)4 Workshop and .pplication

    Framework and Dreamweaver)

    Worked in #tml, D#tml, /#tml, /"&, /(&%, -#-, ava(cript and (Al in the project and used

    03( for version control)

    %he development was done according to the reAuirement of the various pages)

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    *!viro!me!": #tml, D#tml, /#tml, /ml, /(&%, D$", +', -hotoshop, Flash, 'llustrator,

    .ction(cript9)8, ava(cript, ava, 4, ava (ervlets, (F, (-, (%&, (truts, "30, Web &ogic @)4,

    Dreamweaver, 0((, ../, ;'., D$$, H+', Auery, Flex, Fireworks, W90, Web -ortlets,

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx



  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Developed a

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    %he development was done according to the reAuirement of the various pages)

    *!viro!me!": #tml, D#tml, /#tml, /ml, /(&%, D$", W90, Drupal 0"(, +', -hotoshop, "acro

    media Flash, 'llustrator, .ction(cript9)8, ava(cript, ava, 4, ava (ervlets, (-, (%&, (truts, "30,%omcat, clipse, 0((, ../, D$$, ive, 0ontent D", Web %rends, (itecore 0"(, Dreamweaver, -#-,

    Flex, Fireworks, .crobat, 3'('$, 03(, $racleC8g, Web 4)8, +nix)



  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    +sed D$" (cript in publishing the dynamic web content and editing the web content


    "ade use of 0((, D'3 and %ables of #%"& in implementing the web pages and formatting

    them according to human*computer interaction analysis and made use of (itecore 0"()

    "ade use of .pplication in designing the template for web site making us of (harepoint)

    'mplemented the .pplication using background, 0(( , menu tabs, %ables and content panel and

    custom controls)

    Worked on the ../ implementing the various ../ controls in implementing the framework

    and user controls)

    .lso implemented the /"ttpreAuest and web services in providing dynamic services)

    Developed the user portal designing it with complete control of users and providing

    authentication of users)

    'mplemented Web parts and made use of them to design the entire customer portal using


    Worked with (itecore 0"( for storing, controlling, versioning, and publishing industry*specific


    Worked extensively on tracking and manage multiple versions of content and capture them to the


    Worked on with ive in building the business components and interactions)

    -erformed customi!ation of images using -hotoshop)

    +ser 'nterface given the highest priority to make it more attractive and for headlines to catch the

    eyes of viewers)

    %he +' design was highly reAuired to publish the right content at #ot spots with right


    "ade use of 0ontent D" to maintain the digital library and working with the pictures and video


    +ser 'nterface was developed to meet the standards and the reAuirements)

    3ideo digiti!ing and posting including 5uick%ime, Windows "edia and Flash video formats

    Worked on different projects in %ime which includes online transactions and .pplication


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    'mplemented timer controls and animation features for pictures and texts

    Worked on 0(( and generated reports for business stock exchange and presented -ower-oint

    and .crobat)

    *!viro!me!": #tml, /#tml, ava(cript, D$", 0((, +', W90, (itecore 0"(, Flash, ive, 0"(

    .ction(cript4)8, Flex, -#-, -hotoshop, ''(, .(- ):et, ../, 0ontent D", 5uark /press, 03(,

    -ower-oint, .crobat, (hare-oint, (Al (erver, Web 4)8)







  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx


    Developed the $&%- *0ommerce system)

    Worked extensively on

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx




  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx



    'nvolved in a project in expansion of &arsen J %oubro and enhanced their web pages)

    %he -roject was built using #%"& and ava(cript)

    Dealt with $nline interaction and form actions)

    Worked extensively in developing the +ser 'nterface)

    Worked with $racle ?i Database for Data storage and retrieval in

  • 7/24/2019 Chidambaram 1.docx



    Worked as Web designer

    Worked in their existing project on website development

    Dealt with xpansion of their Web sites for the &atest 'nstruments marketing

    %exts, -ictures were customi!ed with animation features)

    %he pictures were implemented in 9D)

    Flash was used for animation implementation)

    Design and developed a secure password protected area

    *!viro!me!": #tml, D#tml, Flash, Flex, sp, (ervlets, %omcat)

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