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The Fortune, by Ruchi Maniar, 13, eighthgrade, Rachel Carson Middle School

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Page 3: ChildrenChildren’s Children’s ConnectionConnection ...connectionarchives.com/PDF/2012/122612/Herndon.pdf · are immune to bee venom. — Elizabeth Sullivan, 10, Oak Hill, Crossfield

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By Betty Chen, Fifth grade, Floris Elementary

Children’s Connection 2012

Dear Readers:This week, the Oak Hill/Herndon Con-

nection turns over its pages to the youthand students.

We asked principals and teachers fromarea schools to encourage students to con-tribute their words, pictures and photos forour annual Children’s Issue.

The response, as always, was enormous.While we were unable to publish every piecewe received, we did our best to put togethera paper with a fair sampling of the submit-ted stories, poems, drawings, paintings,photographs and other works of art.

We appreciate the extra effort made byschool staff to gather the materials duringtheir busy time leading up to the holidays.We’d also like to encourage both schools andparents to mark their 2013 calendars forearly December, the deadline for submis-sions for next year’s Children’s Connection.

Please keep us in mind as your childrencontinue to create spectacular works of artand inspiring pieces of writing in the com-ing year.

The children’s issue is only a part of ouryear-round commitment to cover educationand our local schools. As always, the Con-nection welcomes letters to the editor, storyideas, calendar listings and notices of localevents from our readers. Photos and othersubmissions about special events at schoolsare especially welcome for our weeklyschools pages.

Our preferred method for material is e-mail, which should be sent [email protected], butyou can reach us by mail at 1606 KingStreet, Alexandria, VA 22314 or call 703-778-9414 with any questions.

Editor Kemal Kurspahic

WelcomeBy Lauren Thrash, Second grade, Dranesville Elementary

By Aiden Smith,Fourth grade,CrossfieldElementary

By KyleighEversole,Third grade,HerndonElementary

By Caleb Easlick, second grade, Oak Hill Elementary

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Children’s Connection 2012

See Crossfield, Page 5

The BestGift Ever

The best gift I ever got wasan iPad. It was a white Christ-mas and I was a very happyyoung girl. I woke up early andI saw this beautiful, wrappedpresent from my Grandpa. Af-ter that I woke up my brotherand my parents. My parents saidyou can now open the presentthat inspires you the most. Ithen opened the present that Ireally liked and there it was, myfirst iPad, and second appleproduct I ever got. I was veryhappy and I wished my grandpaa merry Christmas in my heart.

— A Poldy,

10, Oak Hill, Crossfield


What I LoveAboutDecember

DecorationsEating CookiesCandy CanesElvesMusicBellsEating HamRudolph the Red Nose Rein-

deerSome other things I like about

December:Snowmen, Presents, Family

Coming Over, Putting Up TheChristmas Tree, Ornaments,Hot Cocoa, Snow, Skiing OrSnow Boarding, And ManyMore Cheerful Stuff.

— A Huff,

10, Herndon, Crossfield


Lost inShenandoah

Only one mile of hiking wasnot much of a workout. I wasin Shenandoah National Parkand we were about to hikeaway from our cozy, air-condi-tioned rental in Big Meadows.It was early when my dad and Iset off for Shenandoah Trail.

The scenery at the trail wasbeautiful. The sound of birdschirping was pleasure to myears. After a while we realizedwe were lost. Soon I found theamount of Homo-Sapiens in ourpart was less. My dad was try-ing to use his phone gps, butno signal, No people, Nothing.We were in a terrible mess.— Dhruv Gramopadhye,

11, Herndon, Crossfield


Writing Samples from Crossfield Elementary

A Good FriendA good friend should be loyal

and trueA friend should never lie to

youA good tip you should knowIs that together you and

friend should growYour friendship should be a

breezeYour friendship should flow

with easeYou guys should be as close

as can beNothing could separate you,

not even the 7 seasYou should be so close, like

being stitched togetherYou should be best friends

forever and ever— Eleanor Halkett,

fifth grade, Crossfield


My FavoriteAnimal

My favorite animal is a honeybadger. It’s my favorite becauseit has some cool traits. One ofthem is that their skin is resis-tant to arrows. The skin also issuper stretchy. This is cool be-cause when a predator bites, itcan turn around and bite backalso they’re called a honey bad-ger because they eat honey.They get the honey by stickingtheir hand in the hive and grab-bing the honey. If they get stungit doesn’t matter because theyare immune to bee venom.

— Elizabeth Sullivan,

10, Oak Hill, Crossfield


The AlarmClock

Tick tock tick tock tick tockBing bang bamThe alarm clock, alarm clockBing bang bamTries to wake me up as fast

as it canRoll roll try to turn it offBing bang bamI finally turn it offHave to get up nowYells momBoo hoo hooDon’t want to wake upWant to stay in bed and

cuddle all up— Jessie Taylor,

10, Reston, Crossfield


The Best GiftWhen I was I in fourth grade

Crossfield Elementary

Art Gallery

Artwork by Emily Muha’sfourth grade art class.

By HaileyWang

By JohnDeFranco

By KeatonLazar

By KylieMcLean

By NickGarrone

By AneeshSreenivas

Page 5: ChildrenChildren’s Children’s ConnectionConnection ...connectionarchives.com/PDF/2012/122612/Herndon.pdf · are immune to bee venom. — Elizabeth Sullivan, 10, Oak Hill, Crossfield

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From Page 4

my girl scouts troop went to adisabled girl’s house to give her aChristmas tree. When we got therewe started by putting up theChristmas tree and eating cookiesand cake. Next it was time to deco-rate the tree, then to surprise herwe went to get the presents so shecould have a Christmas morningto look forward to. Everyone wasso happy that we all sang Christ-mas carols, like Deck the Halls andJingle Bells. Finally it was time foreveryone to go home. I will neverforget this experience.

— Madison Bradley,

11, Herndon, Crossfield El-


The Best TeamOnce there were seven boys

about 12 years old who are play-ing baseball. They need one moreplayer then they could play realbaseball and VS other teams. Theyalways practice every day afterschool. Their names were Jake,Jackie, Michael, Ian, Collin, Ryan,

To not litter, like throwing awayplastic and things that are recyclable.Recycle is when things go to a placeand can be used again. If we canmake the world a better place wherewe live and the environment aroundus by not littering we can have a re-ally good life. So when you see litteryou know it’s the wrong thing to do,follow the “green way” and you’ll bemuch better. When you’re talking toan adult say, “If you follow the greenway you will also have a really funlife.”

— Alexandria Roselle

My idea to make the world abetter place is to have a super,hyper extreme, supersonic, extralarge television! My TV can showyou any channel you want; all youhave to do is say the channel. Italso has 3D and 4D mode! It canalso move by itself, it is waterproofand it can also do anything youwant it to do!

— Matthew Quivey

A car and a plane that has solarpower would make the world a bet-ter place. They would use thepower of the sun to control it. The

solar plane has solar panels to ig-nite its ion engines. Once in the airthe plane acts as a glider. The worldwould be better because gasolineair pollution makes more CO2. Theworld could end up like Venus.

— Arnav Krishnan

I would make a robot that cando anything you want! It has a badguy detector. If it doesn’t have abad guy detector, then it will notdo any bad things you say.

— Anish Singh

To make bigger and better com-panies for workers to get peopleout of poverty. If workers havemore money they can have a big-ger TV and the world will havemore fun!

— Abhinav Potluri

I would invent a new car thatyou can lie down in with seatbeltson! I also want to make the worldhave no bullies or people thatmake fun of each other.

— Clarissa Ding

I think the world would be abetter place if everyone picked uptrash. The earth would be cleanand sunny. If we all picked uptrash and made progress we’dhave a better world.

— Annalise Williams

Ideas for a Better WorldFrom FlorisElementarysecond graders.

Children’s Connection 2012

Writing Samples from Crossfield Elementary

and Ruth. But one day after schoolat the sandlot, they saw a boy, whowas about 10 years old and waspitching. Jackie said he throws hardand fast. Ryan said let’s ask himwhat his name is and if he wantsto play on our team. Every one saidok. So they went up to him. Collinsaid what’s your name? The boysaid my name is Caden. Then Ruthsaid you want to be in our team?Caden said sure. When is practice?Ian said every day starting today.So they have eight people on theteam. They were the best team inthe little league majors.

— J Aghanya,

10, Crossfield Elementary

When I Grow UpI love little kids and people al-

ways say I could be a teacher. I amtrying to get the best grade I canget because I want to get into agreat college. My grandparentsalways send college money andmy parents give some to me too.

— Ginny Horvath,

10, Oak Hill, Crossfield El-


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Children’s Connection 2012

Gazing Up, By Mia Bollerer, Second grade,Dranesville Elementary

River Bend and Powhatan, by Noah Dyer, Secondgrade, Dranesville Elementary

Rachel Carson Middle

School Art Gallery

The Logic of aDream, by

Chiara LynnO’Neill, 13,

Seventh grade,Rachel CarsonMiddle School

Tea Time, by Abigail Melton, 14, Eighthgrade, Rachel Carson Middle School

Independence, by Alice Wang, 13, Eighthgrade, Rachel Carson Middle School

Courtyard,by CarolineKulczcky, 14,Eighthgrade,RachelCarsonMiddleSchool

Untitled, by DarjaLoidap, 13,

Eighth grade,Rachel CarsonMiddle School

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From Ms. Curran’s fifth grade class.

A Gift to ParentsIf I would give my parents a gift

it would be love and I would benice to them. I would give themlove because it does not cost anymoney and another gift would beto be nice and I would care forthem and respect them. I lovethem and I always will and thiscomes from my heart.

— Armondo

I give my parents a nice break-fast and a card that says I love you.

— Bianca C.

If I Could GiveMy Parents aGift That Didn’tCost Money

If I could give my parents a giftthat did not cost money I wouldgive them hugs and kisses or a cardthat I made with love and a t shirtthat I decorate or a nickels and abracelet that I will make by handor a book that has a Pic of me andmy mom or my dad or my homemade cupcakes and cookies and acup of milk to go with it or a notebook that has all my good draw-ings in it of me and my mom ordad all so I will give them a letterthat says thank you and I willmake lunch for them and I willgive a pic of me and my dad or meand my mom all so a pic of my sis-ter and me and a big drawing ofmy mom and dad’s country and Iwill clean the whole house forthem and let them watch TV andall so organs all the stuff in thehouse.

— Bianca Gonzalez

I will behave one day. I will givea hug.

— Brian Moreno

What I would give to my parentsis a list that says what I can do tohelp them. I want them to rest be-cause they always work for me, nowI will work for them. I would putthese things on the list-wash myclothes, wash dishes, clean theroom, clean the bathroom, clean thewhole house. Like I said they workfor me, now I will work for them. Ireally appreciate what they do forme because they try to buy what-ever I want and I want them to feelgood, I don’t want them to feel badand to not make them feel bad Ihave to be on my best behavior.

—Bryan Ramos Barela

If I give my mom and my dad apresent that will not cost money, Iwould make a breakfast in bed

Children’s Connection

Creative Writing from Hutchison Elementary

and in the afternoon they will eatlunch.

— Joanna Cabrera

If I could give any gift to myparent that didn’t cost money itwould be…Origami! Origami issomething you create out of pa-per. I really like origami, so do myparents. Once I made a heart forMother’s Day, she still has it.Origami is my favorite hobby andit is a good gift!

—Imtihan Mahmud

If I could give my parents amoney free gift it would be… Ahug and good grades becausethey always like it when I getgood grades. They always smile,sometimes they give me presents. but I just want them to giveme a smile most of the time.

— Isaiah Allen

A gift I would give my dad is asmall airplane made out of clay thatI made because it doesn’t cost anymoney. Also because he works at aplace that has airplanes. Anothergift I would give my dad is card thatI made because it comes from theheart and it doesn’t cost any moneyand another reason is because I canwrite about why he’s the best dadand tell him why am I thankful forwhat he does for us. So that’s whatI would I give to my dad.

— Jessica Todas

I would cook my parents ahomemade breakfast. I wouldwake up before them and whip upa special treat of bacon, eggs, sau-sages, waffles, fresh strawberriesand a nice cup of cold orange juice.Then I’d bring it up to them andhug them and have a good time.

— Nina Lieu

If I could give my mom and dadany gift that does not cost anymoney I would make her a brace-let saying that I love them somuch. I would also give them ahomemade breakfast and I wouldtake them outside and have a nicefamily snowball fight. I would …make them a card to say that I lovethem and that thank you for all thethings they have done for me.Also, I would make my mom a hotcoffee. And, I would make mymom something out of clay. Iwould give my mom a huge hug Imean really big!

—Jocelyn Domingos

If I could give my parents a giftthat did not cost anything it wouldbe a pretty homemade card and abunch of hugs and kisses and home-made breakfast in bed. I will doeveryone’s chores and I will cleanthe car and organize their rooms.—Ruth Alarcon Espinoza

Page 8: ChildrenChildren’s Children’s ConnectionConnection ...connectionarchives.com/PDF/2012/122612/Herndon.pdf · are immune to bee venom. — Elizabeth Sullivan, 10, Oak Hill, Crossfield

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By Matthew Krelovich, Fifth grade, Floris Elementary

Autobiographical PoemsBy Kevin Fu/Fifth grade

Floris Elementary

Funny, smart, energetic, crazyBrother of LaniLover of chocolate, basketball, familyWho feels too tired to start the day, too alert to go to bed, and

happier when he is outsideWho fears heights, scary movies, and sometimes Ms. BlissWho would like to see more of the world, more rainbows, and

more smiles

By Neel Mandapati/Fifth grade

Floris Elementary

Awesome, cool, smart, kindBrother of AneeshLover of Mom, Dad, and AneeshWho feels Friday is the best day of the week, life is fascinating,

and death is sadWho fears bad grades, scary houses, and cockroachesWho would like to see The Great Wall of China, Venice, and


By Sanjana Meduri/Fifth grade

Floris Elementary

Energetic, Crazy, Unpredictable, SportySister of Lavanya MeduriLover o f basketball, books, mathWho feels safe at home, sleepy in bed, thirsty in the summerWho fears solar flares, buffalo stampedes, and earthquakesWho would like to see Egypt, The Taj Mahal, Paris

Floris Elementary

Art Gallery

Children’s Connection 2012

By AngelinePhan, Fifthgrade

By Brooke Wagner, Sixth grade

By Eryn Rhodes, Fifth gradeBy Lily Coticchia, Fifth grade

By Larry Geng, Sixth grade

By Jesse Vasquez, Second grade

By Eryn Rhodes, Fifth grade

By Eryn Rhodes, Fifth grade

By ParmnoorDhaliwal,

Second grade

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Children’s Connection 2012

When I was a 1-year-old I got astuffed animal. I named it Bear.My mom’s friend gave it to me. Iused to chew on the corner and itstill has a hole today. I sleep withit every night and I don’t have baddreams. I’ll keep it always andshare it with my kids someday.

— Aidan Mohr

The best gift ever is my iPodTouch! I play Angry Birds on myiPod. It’s fun. I have a blue iPodTouch. It’s an iPod Touch 5.

— Ilyas Ahmad

The best gift ever would be toget a gold medal in gymnastics. Itwould be really cool for that tohappen.

— Danica Dougan

When I was just born my momgave me a pink blanket. I didn’tget used to it when I was 1 or

WinterBy Dean Zhang, 12, Seventh grade

Rachel Carson Middle School.

The trees are losing leaves to the frosty weather.The squirrels are eating acorns.The bears hibernate.Insects take shelter.People sleep in.Birds fly south to escape the winter chill.Snow falls from the sky making the world a white wonderland.Kids come out to play!And on December 25th, Christmas comes.Winter is a time to play, rest, and sleep.That’s how life isWinter

By Vivian Li,Fifth grade,Floris Elementary

younger, but when I was around 2years old, I would drag it aroundthe house. I really, really liked it!I still really like it, and if I don’tsleep with it, I don’t sleep well. Inamed it Pinky. I take it whereverI go (not including outside places).I will always remember it as mybest give ever!

— Sylvia Cheng

I Wonder….Why Stonehenge was built and

what was it made for? Does thelegend of the Bermuda Trianglereally exist? Are UFO’s (unidenti-fied flying objects) real? I won-der why there are so many hurri-canes hitting the USA. How did thedinosaurs really die out? What erais after the Mesozoic era? I won-der what gold is on the PeriodicTable. How can polar bearsbreathe under water? I wonderwhy the world is the way it is…

— Kaushik Siruvuri

What would the world be like ifthere were dinosaurs in Virginia?I feel like they might protect us. I

hope they store food because thenthey wouldn’t have to waste ourfood. I think they’ll have goodmanners. Well, we will have tosee!

— Parmnoor Dhaliwal

What my teacher will wear to-morrow? What will we do in PE?What will happen tomorrow?When Christmas is here? Will Igo to the mall with my friend,Rayna? I wonder!! I am gettingcrazy!

— Mantra Vivek

I wonder who was the first per-son, what and where was the firstlake, why are there deserts?Which was the first state, countryor continent? There are a lot ofmysteries in the world.

— Brian Du

I wonder why the world isround? People used to think it wasflat. I wonder why stars twinkle.I wonder why castles have moats?I wonder why lots of things hap-pen? I hope I learn the answersto all of these questions later.

— Zahra Izzi

The Best Gift EverFrom secondgraders at FlorisElementary.

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Lucky GirlLucky Girl

Children’s Connection 2012

Artwork from Herndon Elementary

By LilyPickworth,Second grade,HerndonElementary

By Jacob Fast, Fourth grade, HerndonElementary

By Alaina Ruffin, Sixth grade, HerndonElementary

By Navaeh Johnson, First grade, HerndonElementary

By Roman Painter, Second grade, HerndonElementary

By Diana Ibanez-Sosa, Second grade,Herndon Elementary

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Children’s Connection 2012

Artwork byMolly Weaver,15, of Oak Hill,ninth grader atBishopO’Connell HighSchool.

Dranesville Elementary

Art Gallery

Family Helper, Collage, byTasneem A., First grade

Making My World a Better Place T-ShirtDesign, Collage, by Liam G, Kindergarten

Set the Table, Collage, byClayton D., Third grade

By Gabriella Biggs,Kindergarten

By Nura Behgoman,Sixth grade

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Children’s Connection 2012

Artwork from Oak Hill Elementary

By Griffen Doolittle, Fifth grade, Oak HillElementary

By Kathy Li, Fifth grade, Oak Hill Elemen-tary

By AndrewHofinger,

Second grade,Oak Hill


By SophieDiccox,First grade,Oak HillElementary

By CynthiaHuang, First

grade, OakHill Elemen-


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LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPINGWhat I think I feel. What I’m afraid to

think I feel. Moreover, is what I feel symp-tomatic of what I’m afraid to feel? Is it thecancer doing what cancer so often does:create pain and suffering? Or is it simply anolder age than I’ve ever been: middle age,manifesting itself with all the associatedmental, physical and emotional adjustmentsthat come along with living longer than youever have? Unfortunately, the timing of allof it couldn’t be more problematic in mydetermining whether any pain or discom-fort I feel is symptomatic of a cancer on themove or characteristic of an age whoseeffects I’m only beginning to understand.

The underlying and complicating factorto my constant self-assessment is that Idon’t want to think any of the physicaleffects I feel are the cancer. I want tobelieve they’re middle age. As a result ofthis continual denial, I neglect to admit thatwhat I think I feel is potentially cancer-sig-nificant and presume instead that it’s justanother day in middle-age paradise (aliveand reasonably well; not terminal) – it’sbefuddling, sort of. Am I being incrediblystupid, stubborn and irresponsible withrespect to not acknowledging certain symp-toms that might be e-mail-worthy to myoncologist or, have I found the key to livingwith cancer: not making too much ofanything?

I feel this because I worry that once Iopen that door, I’m likely going through tothe other side – and likely not coming back.As my father jokingly asserted about his car:“If I don’t take it to the dealership, theycan’t find anything wrong with it.” Therelated advisory concerning life and healththat I’ve often heard is: once you’re admit-ted to the hospital, you’re not coming out –alive. It’s a slippery slope between the fearand loathing (with attribution to Hunter S.Thompson) of being sick and lying in a hos-pital bed versus what the medical profes-sionals don’t know not being able to hurtme. (I know, I might as well be JudyGarland in “The Wizard of Oz” clicking myheels together three times: I don’t havecancer. I don’t have cancer. I don’t havecancer.)

But the fact that I’m still alive and notjust beating the life-expectancy odds I wasgiven, but smashing them to smithereens, isa kind of reinforcer to “what I feel” and“what I’m afraid to think I feel.” Having sur-vived for as long as I have might just beblind luck or inherited DNA doing what Ihad no reason or expectation to believe itcould: enable me to survive the stage IVnon-small cell lung cancer with which I wasoriginally diagnosed and live beyond the“13-month to two-year prognosis” thatwent along with it. Or, however, why everI’m doing what I’m doing, or not doingwhat I’m not doing or not admitting what islikely symptomatic – or not; all this confu-sion, juxtaposing and double-negativerationalizing might somehow make apositive.

I realize this haphazard approach ishardly a strategy, but perhaps it is and hasbeen so far, a means not to my end. Andconsidering that I haven’t reached that endas yet, maybe the means are justified? Noone knows for sure, and that’s what I’mcounting on. It’s too late to stop now; heck,why would I? See you next week.

Kenny Lourie is an Advertising Representative forThe Potomac Almanac & The Connection Newspapers.


What Am IThinking?

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An expert is someone who knows some of the worst

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