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Chip Brault Chip Brault is an experienced web

designer based in USA. He also help businesses in online marketing and develop e-commerce sites as well. He likes to meet new people from different nations. Here in this Presentation you will get to know his favorite websites design, which he like the most.

Games Radar

Site URL http://www.gamesradar.com This gaming web site has all the stuff that I like. You can easily navigate the

site and find almost all the gaming news and latest topics on games.

Sports News

Site URL:- http://www.sportingnews.com

My favorite sports news site. Nice color combination and quite easy to navigate. Find all the cool images in the gallery and also best photo of the week.

Travel Guide

Site URL:- http://www.fathomaway.com

This site has got all the important thing about roaming. I like Cool postcard section, where you can access images from different countries.


Site URL:- http://www.nationalgeographic.com

Coolest site I have ever seen. It contains all the latest news and what happening around the globe. Easy to find topics and very nice graphics.

Diesel Clothes

Site URL:- http://www.diesel.com As a graphic designer, colors and overall designing of this website attracts me pretty



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