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Page 1: CHOKWE LUMUMBA - Sets Sights On Black Nation

The following content was CUT & PASTED (As of 10/0914) from: http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/new-mayor-sets-sights-on-black-nation/ ; however, the PICTURES have been added by Vogel Denise Newsome for EDUCATIONAL and INFORMATION purposes in hopes of providing the Public/World with a BETTER UNDERSTANDING behind what appears to be the DEATH/MURDER of Jackson, Mississippi’s Mayor Chokwe Lumumba on or about February 25, 2014 – i.e. approximately FIVE (5) months AFTER the following Article ran.


New U.S. mayor sets sights on 'black nation'

Republic of New Afrika leader now guiding capital city's direction

Published: 09/28/2013 at 5:31 PM

Voters in Jackson, Miss., a mid-sized city in the heart

of the Deep South, have picked a Democrat as their

mayor. What’s different about this individual is that

he is a former leader of the Republic of New Afrika, a

group dedicated to creating an independent black

nation out of five southern states.

Now leading the city of about 175,000 is Chokwe

Lumumba – who has a long history of radical activism

and whose plans for the largest city in Mississippi could

be called “revolutionary.”

A co-founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which promotes black “self-determination,”

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Lumumba was sworn in on July 1, after winning 86 percent of the vote in the general election.

He had won the Democrat nomination with 54 percent of the vote.

Despite what could be considered

an overpowering victory, Jackson’s

business owners are extremely

concerned with Lumumba’s

proposals for the city.

One of Lumumba’s primary

goals as mayor of Jackson is to

create a “solidarity economy” in

the city. According to a report

published by the Belfast

Telegraph, a solidarity economy

is an “umbrella term used to

describe a wide variety of

alternative economic activities,

including worker-owned co-

operatives, co-operative banks, peer lending, community land trusts, participatory budgeting and fair


Lumumba also has earned the highest praise from the Final Call, the official publication of the Nation of Islam,

which called his electoral victory one of the “most important progressive political victories on a long list of

important political leaders.”

Further in the article, Final Call noted that: “the seeds of a ‘Black Nation’ have already taken root in the state

where Mr. Lumumba is mayor of the capital city.”

Lumumba discussed this idea of a “Black Nation” forming in Mississippi with Final Call and what can be

done to bring it to life.

“Some of (the counties) are as much as 80 percent black. So, demographically we have a solid, a non-self-

governing territory. What we need to do in that area – and actually what our people have begun to do,

Mississippi has more black elected officials than any state in the United States – and if we can now give that

some political content, some direction in terms of what we want to do in terms of taking these electoral

victories, these economic victories and teach the message that we know from long ago, of self-determination,

of self-governance, self-economic development,” Lumumba stated.

In addition, he calls this area of Mississippi the “Kush District,” and he raised his fist in a black power salute

at the ceremony where he was sworn in as mayor.

Despite a worldview that seems overwhelmingly focused on race, Jackson’s mayor does not see himself as a racist

and criticizes those who feel that he is one.

“People who talk about that are never really going to impact

on the real racism, because they don’t have the understanding

that racism still exists,” Lumumba told a local news outlet.

“A racist, first of all, is a person that either systemically

or individually victimizes someone and actually imposes

some kind of power on them, deprivation on them because

of their race. But, that’s really not our problem. Our

problem is that there are people that deprive people of

jobs because of their race. Our problem is that there are

people who put people in jail because of their race. Our

problem is that there are people that use force or energy

to hurt people because of their race.”

He continued to explain how he is not a racist.

“Mr. Lumumba never lynched anybody. But, there have

been lynchings in Mississippi. Mr. Lumumba never fired

anybody off their job because of their color, but that does

exist in Mississippi today. And so what we have to do to

get to the base of it is recognize its existence first of all,

and once we recognize the existence, we can come up with ways to solve it,” Lumumba commented.

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Ben Kinchlow, author of the just released “Black Yellowdogs: The Most Dangerous Citizen is Not Armed, But

Uninformed,” believes Lumumba’s principles go against the core values and principles of America and will lead

only to further division in the country.

“We don’t need more division in this country, we need people who are recognizing that we have severe economic

challenges that we need to address as a unified people, not as a group of separate individuals that are trying to split

the United States of America,” Kinchlow declared.

Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the

Media Ignore It,” considers it hypocrisy that there isn’t more media coverage of this case when the media

have been heavily covering

a case of a few individuals trying to buy up all the

property and set up an all-

white town in North


“If the mainstream media

really wants to find a race-

based government that is

operating right now in

America, they should go to

Jackson, Miss., because this

is where ‘New Afrika’ is

operating,” Flaherty


“They have basically

established the principles of

the ‘Republic of New

Afrika’ in the capital city of

Mississippi. Everything they do is done through the prism of race: hiring, police work, contracts, and they’re

pretty explicit about it. In their view, the white people have been running the town for a long time and now

it’s their turn,” Flaherty observed.

Lumumba was born in Detroit as Edwin Finley Taliaferro, but changed his name later.

The Final Call, Louis Farrakhan’s mouthpiece, quoted him talking about his goals.

“If you take Atlanta, for an example, over a 10-year period of time, from 1985 to 1995, 500,000 black people

moved to Atlanta. If we had that kind immigration into Mississippi, Mississippi would be well on its way to

becoming what you and I talked about,” a “shining city on the hill,” a virtual “New Jerusalem.”

During his career as an attorney, Final Call reported, he represented members of the Black Liberation Army, and

he was vice president of the “Republic of New Afrika,” which claimed Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana,

Mississippi and South Carolina to be the home of a new “black nation.”

His plans include summer youth

programs such as what he calls

“African Scouts.”

Blogger Trevor Loudon, of the New

Zeal, “Shining the Torch for Liberty,”

said anyone who doubts Lumumba’s

dedication to being a Marxist

revolutionary should watch him in

action in 1998 in Washington.

There he demanded freedom for

black “political prisoners” in the U.S.

He cited convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as one of those needing “liberation,” Loudon reports.

Lumumba also listed another convicted cop murderer, Assata Shakur, of the Black Liberation Army, and Loudon

noted that Lumumba was Shakur’s lawyer.

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“We’re here in the governmental center of the citadel of imperialism,” Lumumba said about Washington, where

the buildings were built “off the blood of our people” and using the “wealth they have stolen not only from

colonies all over the world, but the African colony.”

“This is a corrupt system,” he shouted. “There can be no bargain with this system … there can be no compromise.

… We are New Africans. We come here because we are colonized.”


So from reading the above News Article and perhaps what one may already know, HOW is what former Mayor Chokwe Lumumba and the New Republic of Afrika DIFFERENT from what Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz has done on behalf of the KU KLUX KLAN:

(1) Built a DESPOTISM Government Regime. (2) CONTROLS the United States of America’s Government (State & Federal) –

EXECUTIVE Branch (U.S. White House & State Governors), LEGISLATIVE Branch (State & Federal - Senate and House of Representatives) and JUDICIAL Branch (State & Federal – Courts). Going as far as DRAFTING the LAWS/EXECUTIVE ORDERS, etc. and using CONGRESSIONAL Members (State & Federal) as FRONTS to keep the KU KLUX KLAN’S activities hidden from the Public/World. http://www.slideshare.net/VogelDenise/baker-donelson-invisible-practices-pulling-the-strings-behindthescene-practices

(3) CONTROLS the United States of America’s MILITARY/ARMED FORCES.

(4) CONTROLS the United States of America’s FINANCIAL System

(Banks/Federal Reserve, etc.)/ECONOMIC System. (5) CONTROLS the United States of America’s TELEMARKETING Industry. (6) CONTROLS the United States of America’s INSURANCE Industry. (7) CONTROLS the United States of America’s HEALTH Industry. (8) CONTROLS the United States of America’s GAS/OIL Industry. (9) The List goes on-and-on.

Really, did BAKER DONELSON BEARMAN CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ actually think that Vogel Denise Newsome was going to remain SILENT regarding the DEATH/MURDER of Chokwe Lumumba?

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So WHAT’S UP with trying to KEEP HIDDEN Baker Donelson’s/Ku Klux Klan’s ATTACKS on Chokwe Lumumba’s ADMINISTRATION even AFTER his DEATH/MURDER for purposes of placing what may be seen (after further inquiries/investigations) as HOUSE NEGROES in Office they want to CONTROL! By now Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz may be aware that its USE of FRONTS to HIDE/SHIELD their IDENTITY and ROLE(S) in Crimes/Legal matters have been EXPOSED in Vogel Denise Newsome’s Social Forums. For instance at: http://www.slideshare.net/VogelDenise/baker-donelson-invisible-practices-pulling-the-strings-behindthescene-practices




To Place FRONTS In Office For Purposes Of KEEPING Control Of The Government!

LEFT: Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Tony Yarber (assumed Office

AFTER the SHOCKING Death/Murder of Chokwe Lumumba). RIGHT: Jackson, Mississippi Police Chief Lee Vance (assumed Office AFTER

Chokwe Lumumba’s selection (Lindsey Horton) ABRUPTLY submitted a SHOCKING Resignation).

NOW it appears Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz is attempting to ROUND OUT their REPLACEMENTS by going AFTER Hinds County, Mississippi Sheriff Tyrone Lewis. For those who may not know it, Baker Donelson is LEGAL COUNSEL for the United States Department of Justice and United States Department of Labor and CONTROLS these Agencies as well as DRAFT the REPORTS regarding FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS that are submitted to United States of America’s PRESIDENT Barack Obama as well as the United States CONGRESS! NEWS FLASH: Conflict-Of-Interest, Fraud and other crimes!

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