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  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story

    C o p y r i g h t M y C a b i n e t

    h t t p : / / m y - c a b i n e t . c o m

    T h i s s t o r y c a n n o t b e

    m o d i f i e d o r r e c r e a t e d i n

    a n y w a y . T h i s P D F F i l e

    m u s t r e m a i n i n i t s e n t i r e t y

    f o r L e g a l u s e a n d

    d o w n l o a d .

    2 0 1 1 e x c l u s i v e l y f r o m m y -

    c a b i n e t . c o m

    Kody Ahrens & David Wooditch

    Stanleys Request. You are giving an option to go on two

    separate, yet equally action packed adventures in this many

    ending, Choose Your Own Adventure Story.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    Beware and Warning

    Do not read this book straight through from

    beginning to end! These pages contain different

    adventures for you to choose throughout the story. From

    time to time, you will come to a point in the story where

    you are asked to make a choice. Your choice will directly

    impact the story. Depending on the choices you make,

    the story will either end in success or disaster!

    As a great adventurer, you are often forced to make

    many decisions. Most decisions are life and death

    situations. This book will test your decision making skills.

    You and you alone are responsible for fate. A smart

    decision will end in great riches; where as a poor decision

    will end in serious injury or even death.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    It is March 14 2011, the day your life changed

    forever. Your name is Steve Jackson. You are a great

    adventurer, famous for the discovery of the lost Mayan

    temple. Now you are retired. No longer risking your life

    for fame and fortune.

    One day, after your morning cup of coffee, you head

    out to get the mail. To your surprise, there is a large red

    envelope, written in green ink. There is no return

    address, but it is addressed to you. All of the sudden,

    your mailbox explodes. A piece of flaming shrapnel

    crashes into your red Ferrari and the car ignites. After

    this incident, you ask yourself, should I open the

    envelope, or not?

    If you open the envelope, go to page 3.

    If you choose not to open the envelope, go to page 4.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You open the envelope, luckily, nothing else

    explodes. The letter inside is asking you to go on one last

    adventure. You must find the Fountain of Youth. The

    letter says that if you dont accept, you will be self-

    terminated by the letter you are holding. At the bottom

    of the envelope, you see it is from someone named

    Stanley. If you find the fountain, you will receive big


    Included with the letter is a map to the Fountain of

    Youth. You must travel up to the top of Doom Mountain.

    Many have tried to make the journey, all have failed. The

    question is, do you try to make the journey up the

    mountain by jeep or helicopter?

    If you travel by jeep, go to page 5.

    If you travel by helicopter, go to page 6.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    So you dont open the envelope, you just throw it

    into your flaming car. When you go inside, you receive a

    telegram from a person named Stanley from native

    country Guinea. Stanley asks that you go and try to find

    the native Green Blout Flower in native country Guinea.

    He explains all the benefits you would receive if you

    find the flower including two hundred yen! He also

    explains the flower cures cancer. You now decide that it

    would be in your best interest if you find the flower so

    you set out from your house in California to Africa, where

    Guinea is. You must first decide to travel there by train or


    If you travel by train, go to page 7.

    If you travel by plane, go to page 8.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You decide to travel by jeep. You rent a jeep from

    the nearest Ford dealership. It has all wheel drive and 6

    hp! You pack up all your gear and head out. Its a good

    thing you brought off road tires.

    The trip is bumpy and there is the occasional spike.

    While traveling, you see many wrecked cars and planes.

    All of the sudden, a pit of lava opens up in front of you.

    Its a good thing you added some special modifications to

    the jeep.

    You press a button and the jeep jumps over the lava.

    Once you land, you almost spin out of control. You get

    back on track and come to a fork in the road. One way

    spins around the mountain and the path is smooth. The

    other way is straight up the mountain and it is very


    If you take the smooth road, go to page 9.

    If you take the bumpy road, go to page 10.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You decide to rent a helicopter from helicraft-r-us.

    You rent the finest most light weight helicopter money

    can buy. It only cost you $16,000,000.00. You even rent a

    pilot to take you up the mountain. You pack your

    toothbrush, water, food, and a change of clothes.

    Since youre only renting a pilot for the hour, you

    head out. The journey up the mountain is a smooth one.

    As you travel up, you peer out the window. All you see is

    remains of planes and other vehicles that failed to make

    it up. You tell the pilot to land on the cliff right in front of

    a cave.

    You land safely on the ledge, but your pilot falls out

    and off the side of a cliff. You see that the cave is very

    large and you are afraid youll get lost. You have two

    choices, if you attach a tether to the helicopter and try to

    save the pilot, or try to make it alone.

    If you attempt to save the pilot, go to page 11.

    If you go on your own, go to page 12.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    So you choose the train ride. As you are riding the

    train, you cant help but yell I LIKE TRAINS MUCHO!

    When you arrived at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean,

    you come to a shocking conclusion. The train can travel

    on water! Yes, thanks to new technology, this train will

    go on even the toughest of waters.

    So after a lovely smooth train ride, you arrive at

    native country Guinea. When you get here, you realize

    you only have two days left to find the flower. You must

    now decide if you want to spend a day to get supplies to

    ensure your safety, but risk running out of time. You

    could also choose to risk your life and have plenty of time

    to get the flower.

    If you forge the supplies, go to page 13.

    If you go on the safe side, go to page 14.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    So you arrive at the airport and get through security

    with minimal incidents. You get on the plane and have a

    very enjoyable ride, until you go over the Mariannas

    Trench. You experience some turbulence, followed by a

    loud engine explosion. The lights black out and you pass

    out in shock. When you wake up, youre in the bottom of

    the ocean with very little air left in an air pocket. You are

    never thought of, asked about, or seen again.


  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You decide against the bumpy road and take the

    smooth, long road. Youre glade you took the long way

    because you see a pile of loose rocks on the bumpy road.

    You start to drive up the road, but encounter a problem.

    There is a pit up ahead that appears to be filled with


    You gun it and press the button to make the jeep

    jump over the gap. You wanted to get there in a hurry, so

    you gun it up the rest of the hill. All of a sudden, a ramp

    opens up in front of you. You have no time to stop and

    you fly off the edge of the mountain. About fifty feet

    before you hit the ground, you black out and dont wake



  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You go for the extremely bumpy road. Because of

    your off-road tires, you dont have much trouble. To get

    to the top of the mountain faster, you accelerate to

    70mph. Youre almost to the top and only about 100 feet


    You feel a snag at the front of the jeep and realize

    that you snagged a trip wire. All of the sudden, a barrage

    of boulders fall down the cliff. They smash into the jeep

    and you start to roll down the cliff. Your jeep rolls all the

    way down the cliff. Just when it seems like youre going

    to survive, the roll-cage collapses.


  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    You decide to use a tether. You get a rope out of the

    helicopter and tie it to the door. You tie the other end of

    the rope to your waist. At first you worry that the rope

    will be too short, but then you see that the rope is 1,000

    years long.

    Before you head into the cave, you enjoy a nice

    meal. You need to keep your strength up while in the

    cave. After your meal, you start to head into the cave. All

    of a sudden, the ground below you starts to sink. You

    stepped on a button.

    The side of the mountain opens up and reveals a

    giant fan. The helicopter is so light weight that it gets

    sucked in. you realized that a tether was a terrible idea as

    you get sucked in.


  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    Deciding against the tether, you head into the cave.

    You walk into the cave and the opening slams shut.

    Unfortunately theres not just one door. Door, after

    door, starts slamming behind you and you are forced to

    run. Youre only about 7 yards ahead of the door when

    you reach a pit.

    You peer down and there seems to be no bottom.

    Worse yet, there is a wall of spikes headed right for you.

    Not thinking, you jump into the pit. You just keep falling

    and falling. You end up landing in a pool of water.

    Youve found it! You take a sip of the cool water and

    instantly feel so much better. You even sought a lucky

    break when you see an exit right beside you. You escape

    and tell the world of your discovery and go back into

    retirement with billions of more dollars then you had



  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    So youre in a rush to get the flower and care very

    little about your safety. You start on the journey through

    the jungle.

    After you make it seven hours without a sign of

    disease, you get deathly ill. You walk a couple more feet,

    and then black out.

    You wake up in a Gunobales village where the

    people save you. They also give you thirty Bloute flowers.

    You fulfill your mission with a day to go sightseeing. You

    then find thirty thousand yet. You give Stanley the

    flowers and he earns billions for the cure for cancer. You

    go back to retirement and live happily ever after in your

    little home in California.


    Stanley never gives you 200 yen.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Story 2011


    from my-



    So you go on the safe side and get medication for

    the diseases you may face. It takes a day and a half to

    find all the medications and you set out for the flower.

    When you start hiking through the jungle, you come to a

    shocking lesson form the hit movie The Lion King, that in

    the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion eats tonight. A

    lion approaches you and indeed the lion does eat



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