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  • 8/2/2019 Chris D. Boone et al- Retrievals for the atmospheric chemistry experiment Fourier-transform spectrometer


    Retrievals for the atmospheric chemistry

    experiment Fourier-transform spectrometer

    Chris D. Boone, Ray Nassar, Kaley A. Walker, Yves Rochon, Sean D. McLeod,Curtis P. Rinsland, and Peter F. Bernath

    SCISAT-1, also known as the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment, is a satellite mission for remotesensing of the Earths atmosphere, launched on 12 August 2003. The primary instrument on the satelliteis a 0.02 cm1 resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer operating in the mid-IR 7504400 cm1.We describe the approach developed for the retrieval of atmospheric temperature and pressure from thetroposphere to the lower thermosphere as well as the strategy for the retrievals of volume-mixing ratioprofiles of atmospheric species. 2005 Optical Society of America

    OCIS codes: 010.1280, 280.0280, 300.6340.

    1. Introduction

    SCISAT-1, the first in a planned series of small sciencesatellites developed under the auspices of the CanadianSpace Agency, features a fully tilt and shear compen-sated Fourier-transform spectrometer (FTS) with highresolution 25 cm maximum optical path difference)and broad spectral coverage in the mid-IR 7504400 cm1. As summarized by Bernath et al.,1 the

    primary goals of the of the SCISAT-1 AtmosphericChemistry Experiment (ACE) mission are (1) to un-derstand the chemical and the dynamic processesthat control the distribution of ozone in the strato-sphere and upper troposphere, particularly in the

    Arctic; (2) to explore the relationship between atmo-spheric chemistry and climate change; (3) to studythe effects of biomass burning in the free troposphere;and (4) to measure aerosols and clouds to reduce un-certainties in their effects on global energy balance.

    Use of a high-resolution FTS to monitor the limb of theatmosphere was pioneered by the Atmospheric TraceMolecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment,2 a mission

    that flew four times on the NASA Space Shuttle (1985,1991, 1992, and 1993) and recorded a remarkable seriesof high-resolution 50 cm optical path difference) so-lar occultation spectra. Currently there are two otherhigh-resolution FTSs in orbit: the tropospheric emis-sion spectrometer3 (TES) on NASAs Aura satelliteand the Michelson interferometer for passive atmo-spheric sounding4 (MIPAS) on the European Space

    Agencys ENVISAT satellite. The TES and MIPAS,however, monitor the thermal emission of the atmo-spheric limb (in the nadir mode as well for TES).Limb emission spectroscopy offers improved globalcoverage (day and night) at the expense of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) andor spectral resolution com-pared with solar occultation.

    The SCISAT-1 FTS (called the ACE-FTS) measuresconcentration profiles for more than 20 atmospheric con-stituents with altitude coverage extending from cloudtops to 150 km, taking advantage of the high spectralresolution of the FTS and the sensitivity of the solaroccultation technique. The nominal duration of themission is 2 years. Besides the ACE-FTS, the

    SCISAT-1 payload also includes a dual optical spec-trograph known as the measurement of aerosolextinction in the stratosphere and troposphere re-trieved by occultation (MAESTRO), designed to coverthe 2851030 nm spectral region with a vertical res-olution of1 km, providing measurements primarilyof ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosolcloud extinc-tion. The small instrument package on the satellitealso features a pair of 128 128 pixel complemen-tary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) detectorarrays to provide solar images at 525 1 and 1020 1 nm, closely matching the wavelengths of the

    C. D. Boone (e-mail, [email protected]), R. Nassar,K. A. Walker, S. D. McLeod, and P. F. Bernath are with theUniversity of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry, 200 University

    Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada. C. P. Rinslandis with NASA Langley Research Center, Atmospheric SciencesDivision, Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199. Y. Rochon is with Mete-orological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Toronto, On-tario, Canada.

    Received 22 March 2005; revised manuscript received 26 July2005; accepted 8 August 2005.

    0003-6935/05/337218-14$15.00/0 2005 Optical Society of America

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    Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGEII).5

    In the present paper we describe the spectral anal-

    ysis software and the inversion procedures used toderive the vertical profiles of temperatures and of thevolume mixing ratios of molecular species from theACE IR solar absorption spectra.

    2. ACE-FTS Measurements

    The ACE-FTS instrument is described in more detail bySoucy et al.,6 but a summary of instrument parametersrelevant to the retrievals is given here. Sun pointing isachieved with a suntracker that points to the center ofradiance by balancing signal outputs on a quadrant de-tector operating at 1.55 m. The ACE-FTS uses twophotovoltaic detectors: HgCdTe 7501810 cm1and InSb 18104400 cm1. At full spectral resolu-tion the scan time is 2 s. The altitude spacing of theFTS measurements, controlled by the scan time andthe orbit of the satellite, is typically 34 km. It varieswith the beta angle, the angle between the satellite

    velocity vector and a vector from the Earth to theSun, where a beta angle of zero features the sunsetting (or rising) exactly perpendicular to the Earthhorizon. The altitude spacing ranges from 2 km forlong occultations with high beta 55 to 6 km foroccultations with beta angle zero. Note that thefield of view of the instrument is circular with a di-ameter of 1.25 mrad, which gives a maximum alti-tude resolution between 3 and 4 km for a satellite

    2700 km from the tangent point.Both ACE-FTS detectors are cooled to less than

    100 K (typically 8090 K) by a passive radiatorpointing toward deep space. An example of the SNRperformance for the instrument is shown in Fig. 1.The drop-off in SNR at the lowest wavenumbers isrelated to the HgCdTe detector performance. The re-duced SNR performance at higher wavenumbers isthe result of beam-splitter transmission problems.The dip in the SNR near 1810 cm1 is in the overlapregion between the two detectors. The dip centerednear 3250 cm1 is caused by ice absorption. The ice

    arises mainly from water outgassed from the satel-lites multilayer insulation blankets. Periodic decon-tamination of an intermediate stage window of thedetectorcooler package with onboard heaters re-moves the ice and improves the SNR performance.Every few months a full decontamination of the de-tectors is performed, heating all stages of the coolerrather than just the intermediate stage. The rateof ice buildup slows gradually as the mission pro-gresses.

    Both ACE-FTS detectors are photovoltaic, an im-provement over the ATMOS mission in terms of de-tector linearity, which is important for the study ofaerosols and clouds.7 Spectra measured by the ACE-FTS require no corrections for detector nonlinearity.

    The solar occultation approach features an inher-ent self-calibrating advantage. Measurements withthe ACE-FTS pointed toward deep space are used tocorrect for self-emission of the instrument. High Sunmeasurements (i.e., measurements with tangent al-titudes of 160225 km and containing no atmo-spheric spectral signatures) are used to remove solarspectral features and the effects of instrumental re-

    sponse. Calibration spectra are collected for eachACE occultation.

    3. ACE-FTS Retrievals

    An accurate knowledge of atmospheric pressure andtemperature as a function of altitude is essential forretrieval of volume mixing ratio (VMR) profiles. Forthe altitude range of ACE-FTS measurements5150 km it is not possible to obtain sufficientlyaccurate meteorological data from a priori informa-tion. Pressure and temperature profiles are thereforedetermined from the ACE-FTS spectra. For ACE-FTS processing, CO

    2is analyzed to determine pres-

    sure and temperature, a standard strategy for IRremote-sensing instruments.8,9

    A crucial aspect of the pressure and temperatureretrieval process is pointing knowledge. No informa-tion from sensors onboard the satellite (other than aclock) is used in the computation of tangent altitudes.The future processing of ACE-FTS data will employsatellite sensor data to derive pointing, but the cur-rent approach treats tangent altitudes as unknownparameters in the pressure/temperature (PT) re-trievals.

    Rather than fitting the entire spectrum, we ana-lyze microwindows, small portions of the spectrum

    generally 0.31 cm1 wide) that contain spectral fea-tures from a molecule of interest with minimal spec-tral interference from other molecules. For somemolecules it is not possible to find a comprehensiveset of microwindows free from significant interfer-ences. Thus the VMR retrieval software allows forretrieval of as many as six molecules simultaneously.

    All retrievals employ a modified global fit approach,10

    in which all parameters are determined simulta-neously with the LevenbergMarquardt11 nonlinearleast-squares method.

    The ACE-FTS processing software has undergone

    Fig. 1. Signal-to-noise ratio as a function of wavenumber for theACE-FTS as determined from transmittance spectra collected inJanuary 2005. The sharp drop near 1810 cm1 is in the overlapregion between the instruments two detectors. The drop near3250 cm1 is due to ice contamination.

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    three revisions. The original data release (Version 1.0)was intended for testing the stability of the softwareand for early validation efforts. Version 2.0 improvedon the PT retrieval approach, but a change in inter-polation strategy made the VMR retrievals moresusceptible to unphysical oscillations. Version 2.1 ad-dressed the problem of unphysical oscillations and im-proved other aspects of the retrievals but was usedonly to analyze a subset of the ACE-FTS data. Thecurrent processing version is 2.2 and is similar to Ver-sion 2.1 but with improvements in high-altitude tem-peratures (for the mesopause and above). Version 2.2is used to analyze the entire ACE-FTS data set. Thedifferences between the retrieval approaches for thedifferent versions are described in detail below.

    A. Atmospheric Model

    Calculating spectra (for least-squares fitting) mustinvoke a parameterized model of the Earths atmo-sphere. For the effective sea level as a function oflatitude we adopt the ellipsoid model from the WorldGeodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).12 The accelerationdue to gravity at sea level g0 as a function of latitude

    is derived from the WGS 84 model. In order to keepcalculations analytical (including derivatives for theleast-squares process), the variation in accelerationdue to gravity with altitude z is approximated as alinear function of z, accurate to within a tenth of apercent in the altitude range of interest.

    By virtue of its long atmospheric lifetime, CO2 iswell mixed and has a nearly constant VMR overmuch of the middle atmosphere. At high altitudes,photodissociation and diffusion reduce the VMR.The altitude above which the CO2 VMR dropsoff varies with season and location: typically8090 km (Ref. 13) but extending below 60 km dur-ing the polar winter at extreme latitudes.14 For Ver-sions 2.1 and 2.2 of the ACE-FTS processing, CO2

    VMR is assumed to be constant as high as 75 km forlatitudes below 60 and as high as 65 km for lati-tudes greater than 60. Previous versions assumed aconstant CO2 VMR as high as 70 km for all latitudes.

    To account for the increase in CO2 VMR as a func-tion of time, we adopt the equation used by the Halo-gen Occultation Experiment15 (HALOE):

    CO2 VMR ppm 326.909 1.50155t t0,

    t0 1 January 1977,

    in which t t0 is time in years. We assume a bulge forCO2 VMR in the troposphere, 5.5 ppm greater thanthe stratospheric value. No provisions are made for

    variations with location or season. Note that, becausethe CO2 VMR below 70 km is fixed during PT re-trievals, errors in the assumed profile will unavoid-ably translate into errors in the VMR retrievals forother molecules.

    1. Forward ModelThe calculation grid adopted for the ACE-FTS anal-ysis is divided into 150 layers of 1 km thickness. Each

    layer is assumed to have a constant temperature,pressure, and VMR for a given molecule with no con-sideration of horizontal gradients within a layer. Di-urnal corrections are not currently applied, althoughdiurnal effects are likely to be significant for photo-sensitive molecules such as NO2.

    The raw wavenumber spacing for the ACE-FTSspectra is 0.02 cm1. To achieve accurate results forthe narrow lines found at high tangent altitudes, for-

    ward model calculations are performed on a muchfiner grid, with a wavenumber spacing reduced by afactor of 16.

    The forward model for ACE-FTS is the sameradiative-transfer model used for ATMOS with somenotable exceptions: (1) ACE-FTS forward model cal-culations employ the HITRAN 2004 line list and crosssections.16 (2) Partition functions for the ACE-FTSforward model are calculated from the total internalpartition sums (TIPS) approach.17 (3) The Voigt line-shape function is calculated from the Humlicek algo-rithm18,19 rather than from a lookup table. (4) Noapodization is used for the ACE-FTS instrumentalline shape (ILS). (5) The ILS for the ACE-FTS re-quires an empirical adjustment to account for self-apodization effects beyond the normal field of viewcontribution.

    2. ACE-FTS Instrumental Line-Shape ModelThe finite extent of the FTS scan gives rise to a trun-cated interferogram. This induces a ringing effect forsharp features in the FTS spectrum. The finite scantime can be represented by a windowing function ininterferogram space, a simple rectangular (boxcar)function of the optical path difference or time. Addi-tional instrumental effects are modeled by adjusting

    this windowing function, which is otherwise knownas the modulation function. The ILS is defined as theFourier transform of the modulation function. For anideal instrument the ILS would be a pure sinc func-tion sin xx, the Fourier transform of a rectangularfunction.

    The FTS spectrum SFTS is calculated by convolvingthe input monochromatic spectrum Sinput with theILS:

    SFTS SinputILS d, (1)

    where are wavenumber units cm1. In principlethe integral extends from minus to plus infinity, butin practice a truncated version of the integral is cal-culated on a discrete grid. The number of points usedin the ILS [in other words the extent of the integral inEq. (1)] is a trade-off between accuracy and calcula-tion speed.

    The modulation function MF as a function of theoptical path difference (x in centimeters) for a givenwavenumber is calculated as

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    , x rectx

    , xsin


    r2x , (2)

    where r is the radius in radians of the circular field ofview.

    The first term in Eq. (2), rectx, is the rectangularfunction arising from the finite scan. For the ACE-FTS it will be 1 for x between 25 cm and 0 other-wise. The third term in Eq. (2), the sinc function,represents the effect of a finite field of view.20

    The second term in Eq. (2), , is an empirical func-tion used to account for the additional sources of self-apodization. For the ACE-FTS a relatively simple

    peaked function was selected:

    , x expax2 bx3 cx4, (3)

    where coefficients a, b, and c are adjustable param-eters. The coefficients vary slowly as a function ofwavenumber, and so a linear variation was deemedsufficiently accurate.

    The coefficients in Eq. (3) were determined by anonlinear least-squares fitting of lines spanning from800 to 4000 cm1 with separate results for the twodetector regions. The lines used were restricted tohigher altitudes, such that the underlying spectralfeatures were narrow compared with the ILS. Theresults are in Table 1. The ILS is stable, there is noindication of significant changes as a function of time.There is also no significant asymmetry evident inthe ILS.

    It is common practice to suppress ringing in thespectrum by apodizing the modulation function,21 ar-tificially reducing the abruptness of the interfero-gram clipping by forcing the windowing function totend smoothly to zero at the extremes. In a prelimi-nary study for ACE-FTS retrievals by using ATMOSdata,22VMR profiles retrieved with and without apo-dization agreed within the fitting errors, but apodiza-

    tion induced greater (likely unphysical) variability inthe profiles. Propagating forward the effect of apo-dization on the covariance matrix of the observa-tions23 (rather than using a diagonal matrix) mayreduce this variability, but we chose to avoid explicitapodization.

    When analyzing microwindows without the use ofapodization, it is important to consider the finite ex-tent of the ILS. Enough points must be included inthe convolution to capture all significant far wingcontributions from lines outside the microwindow.The typical extent of the ACE-FTS ILS is 0.5 cm1.

    (All points within 0.5 cm1 are used in the convo-lution with the ILS.) For CO2 greater than 60 km inthe pressuretemperature retrievals the extent of theILS is increased to 1.6 cm1 for Versions 2.1 and 2.2of the processing software.

    In a separate paper the justifications for (and con-sequences of) not using apodization for ACE-FTSanalysis are discussed, but note that the unexpectedself-apodization could almost be considered a benefit,suppressing sidelobes without the need to manipu-late the measured spectrum, as one would with arti-ficial apodization.

    3. Interpolation onto the 1 km Altitude Grid

    In the retrieval process, physical quantities (pres-sure, temperature, andor VMR) are determined on anonuniform altitude grid, i.e., at the tangent alti-tudes. However, forward model calculations occur ona fixed 1 km grid. Piecewise quadratic interpolationis used to cast information from the retrieval gridonto the 1 km grid. For temperature or the VMR theinterpolation onto the 1 km grid uses three measure-ments (at tangent heightsz1, z2, and z3) and takes thefollowing form:

    Xz z z2z z3

    z1 z2z1 z3X1

    z z1z z3

    z2 z1z2 z3X2

    z z1z z2

    z3 z1z3 z2X3, (4)

    where X VMR or 1T and z is the altitude at thecenter of a given layer.

    The PT retrievals for the ACE FTS assume thatthe atmosphere is in a hydrostatic equilibrium, i.e.,that at a given altitude the upward force due to thedensity gradient balances the weight of overhangingair. Interpolation onto the 1 km grid for pressuretherefore takes hydrostatic equilibrium into account.The equation for hydrostatic equilibrium can be writ-ten as


    dz gzz


    kTz, (5)

    where g is acceleration due to gravity, is density,ma is the average molecular mass, and k is theBoltzmann constant. Note that the ideal gas law wasused to write density as a function of pressure andtemperature.

    The average molecular mass ma in Eq. (5) poses adifficulty. It is constant below 85 km, but above

    Table 1. ACE-FTS ILS Empirical Parameters from Eq. (3)

    Coefficient HgCdTe Detector Region InSb Detector Region

    aa 5.61698 104 1.65872 106 2.0205 103 2.6965 107

    b 7.427198 105 1.81971 107 1.51007 104 7.594546 108

    c 1.35606 106 4.52998 109 3.97629 106 1.848666 109

    ais 2400 cm1.

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    that it decreases with increasing altitude. The vari-ation in ma with altitude is estimated by using theNRL-MSISE-00 software (commonly referred to asMSIS) from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratories.24

    For a given time and geographic location, MSIS gen-erates temperature and density from an empiricalmodel, where the inputs to the model are the dailysolar flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm and geomag-netic parameters. MSIS generates number densitiesfor eight atomic and molecular constituents. At alti-tudes greater than 80 km this information is fitted toexpress the average molecular mass as a fifth-orderpolynomial in altitude.

    When an approximate linear form for g(z) and theexpression for 1Tz from Eq. (4) are used, Eq. (5)becomes

    Pz P3 expg0k z3


    maz1 2zRe

    z z2z z3z1 z2z1 z3



    z z1z z3

    z2 z1z2 z3



    z z1z z2

    z3 z1z3 z2


    T3dz, (6)

    ma(z) 28.94 atomic mass units, z 80 kma bz cz2 dz3 ez4 fz5, z 80 km


    where Re is the effective radius of the Earth at thegiven latitude (determined from the WGS 84 model).

    As long as P and T at the measurement tangentheights obey hydrostatic equilibrium, the interpola-tion expression in Eq. (6) ensures that the physicalmodel on the 1 km grid also obeys hydrostatic equi-librium.

    When a fixed calculation grid is employed, the tan-gent layer must be considered as a special case. For asolar ray traveling through the tangent layer the val-ues for pressure, temperature, and the VMR at thecenter of the layer do not represent well the average

    values of the quantities experienced by the solar rayduring transit (unless the tangent height is at thebottom of the layer). Several approaches are availableto address this problem. For ACE-FTS processing the

    absorption coefficient in the tangent layer is taken asa weighted average of the value calculated for thetangent layer and the value calculated for the layerdirectly above. The weighting factor is determined bythe distance from the tangent height to the top of thelayer. This approach assumes a roughly linear vari-ation of the absorption coefficient as a function ofaltitude over the span of 1 km.

    B. PressureTemperature Retrievals

    As mentioned above a prerequisite for accurate VMRretrievals is to determine accurateP and Tprofiles by

    analysis of CO2. The PT retrievals separate natu-rally into two distinct altitude regions, high altitudeand low altitude, and so the two regions are treatedindependently.

    At high altitudes the CO2 VMR cannot be readilydetermined from a priori information. However,there are no features (such as significant refraction oroptically thick clouds) that affect instrument pointing

    in this altitude region, and so tangent heights can bereliably calculated from geometry, from knowledge ofthe relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and satellite.This requires an accurate characterization of thesatellites orbit and an accurate measure of time.Note that there is a known systematic problem with

    ACE-FTS measurement times. The absolute valuesfor time stamps are not considered reliable, but dif-ferences between time stamps are presumed accu-rate. As a consequence only the spacing betweencalculated tangent heights is reliable. Absolute tan-gent heights in this altitude region are determinedthrough the registration procedure described below.

    At low altitudes the situation is reversed: CO2VMR is assumed known and can be reliably fixed, but

    tangent heights cannot be calculated from geometry.The boundary between low altitude and high altitudeis taken to be 43 km.

    1. High AltitudesFigure 2 depicts the high-altitude portion of the PTretrieval. For reasons that become clear below, thecrossover measurement is taken as the third mea-surement greater than 43 km and is typically around50 km. An analysis extends from the crossover to

    Fig. 2. High-altitude portion of the PT retrieval. Analysisextends from the crossover measurement as far as 115 km(Versions 1.0 and 2.0) or 120 km (Versions 2.1 and 2.2). The onlyparameter for pressure in this regionPc can either be fixed or serve

    as a fitting parameter. All pressures are calculated from this singleparameter by using hydrostatic equilibrium.

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    as high as 115 km for Versions 1.0 and 2.0, whileVersions 2.1 and 2.2 extend as high as 120 km.

    For each measurement there are four potential variables (P, T, VMR, and tangent height z) thatmust be either fixed or fitted. The data support atmost two unknowns per measurement for least-squares fitting (two because there is information fromboth the absolute and relative intensities of the lines).

    In the high-altitude region the set of fitting param-eters includes 1T for each measurement. However,the region requires only one parameter for pressure:

    Pc, the pressure at the crossover measurement. Fromthis single parameter (and values for tangent heightand temperature at each measurement) the pres-sures for all other measurements in this region arecalculated from the expression in Eq. (6), integratingupward from the crossover measurement.

    In the altitude range between the crossover and70 km the CO2 VMR is fixed. Above this the CO2

    VMR is fitted. For Versions 1.0 and 2.0 the fittingparameters were simply CO2 VMR at each measure-ment. For these software versions the CO2 VMR forthe highest analyzed measurement must be fixed or

    the process is underconstrained (i.e., there are toomany unknown parameters). We predetermined CO2

    VMR for the highest analyzed measurement by usinga least-squares fitting with P and T fixed to MSIS

    values.With the expectation that CO2 VMR at high alti-

    tudes would not exhibit sharp structure, Versions 2.1and 2.2 use an empirical function to reduce the num-ber of fitting parameters:

    CO2 VMRz

    VMRstrat az z0 bz z02 cz z03

    1 dz z0 ez z02 , (7)

    where VMRstrat is the assumed stratospheric value forCO2 and z0 is taken as the highest tangent height forwhich CO2 VMR is assumed constant. As mentionedabove, for Versions 2.1 and 2.2 the CO2 VMR is as-sumed constant as high as 75 km for latitudes lessthan 60 and 65 km for latitudes greater than 60. APad approximant form (the ratio of two polynomials)is used in Eq. (7) because it requires fewer parame-ters than a straight polynomial, and the extrapola-tion beyond the fitting region is better.

    2. Low Altitudes

    Figure 3 shows the configuration for the low-altitudeportion of the PT retrievals. Analysis in this altituderegion extends from the measurement below thecrossover to as low as 12 km. This analysis can pro-ceed only if the pressure at the crossover Pc is known(e.g., from an analysis of the high-altitude portion).

    As before the four potential variables (z, P, T, andVMR) need to be established for each measurement.The CO2 VMR is fixed to its assumed profile. The

    value of 1Tat each measurement serves as a fittingparameter. For Version 1.0, P at each measurement(excluding the measurement below the crossover)

    represents a fitting parameter. For Versions 2.0, 2.1,and 2.2 the measurements below 25 km use an em-pirical expression to determine pressure in order to

    reduce the number of fitting parameters.The empirical expression chosen was inspired by the

    work of Rinsland et al.,25 where it was noted that thebaseline in the region of N2 CO2 continua obeyed aconsistent function of density for a diverse set of at-mospheric conditions. For ACE-FTS processingwe consider the ratio of the baseline at 2442.6and 2502 cm1 (denote this ratio as Rb). We are notconcerned here with the details of the function and donot rely on theoretical information for the relation-ship. Our only concern is that tangent density be asmooth function of Rb as verified by a study of the

    Version 1.0 results. The density at the tangent height

    tangent is written as

    tangent expa bRb cRb2

    1 dRb moleculescm3, (8)

    and tangent pressure is calculated from the ideal gaslaw. Thus for Versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 the four co-efficients in Eq. (8) serve as the fitting parameters forpressure between 12 and 25 km.

    Note that for pressure the measurement below thecrossover is a special case required for the fittingprocess in this region to be adequately constrained.

    For this measurement the tangent height is fixed toits calculated value, and pressure is calculated fromEq. (6), integrating downward from the crossover.This leaves 1T as the only fitted parameter for themeasurement.

    Tangent heights in this altitude region are ex-pressed as a function of pressure and temperaturethrough the constraint of hydrostatic equilibrium.Starting from the relation for hydrostatic equilibriumin Eq. (5), the integral from the crossover measure-ment altitude zc to the measurement below thecrossover altitude zc1 is

    Fig. 3. Low-altitude portion of the PT retrieval. The high-altitude portion of the retrieval must be performed in a previousstep. Analysis extends from the measurement below the crossoverto as low as 12 km. Tangent heights in this region are calculatedfrom hydrostatic equilibrium.

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    k zc


    1 2zRe

    z zc1z zc2zc zc1zc zc2



    z zcz zc2

    zc1 zczc1 zc2



    z zcz zc1

    zc2 zczc2 zc1


    Tc2dz. (9)Note that the average molecular mass ma is constantin this altitude region. The integral on the left-handside is evaluated analytically. The integrand of theright-hand side of Eq. (9) is a cubic function ofz. ThusSimpsons rule for evaluating the integral representsan exact solution. Making use of Simpsons rule andrearranging yield












    ( )


    Tc2 2Re2zc



    2zc 32 1

    Tc1 2Re zc







    ( )


    Tc2, (10)

    where zc zc1 and zc zc2. Note that is the only unknown in Eq. (10) because zc and zc1are both known. It is possible to determine hence zc2 with the solution of a cubic equation.However, the pressure at the target measurement

    Pc2 does not factor into Eq. (10). This leads to sta-bility problems in the retrieval. Thus we consider alsothe integration from zc to zc2:










    ( )





    2Re2zc 2 1Tc 2zc 32


    Tc2 2Rezc





    ( )







    Equation (11) contains Pc2, but the solution for would involve solving a quartic equation. The two

    simultaneous equations can be combined to cancelthe term in 4, leading to a cubic expression of moreappropriate than the one in Eq. (10):


    Re 1Tc


    Tc13 1Tc


    Tc11 2zcRe

    Re 2Tc




    Tc226kg0ma ln



    2 1Tc1 1Tc21 2zc

    Re 2

    Re 2Tc 3Tc1 1Tc2



    2 1Tc2 1

    Tc1 2zcRe


    Re 1Tc2


    Tc 0. (12)

    The value for is taken as the smallest positive realroot of Eq. (12).

    One then proceeds downward, calculating zc3from zc2 and zc1, zc4 from zc3 and zc2 and so on fortangent heights as low as 12 km. This approach gives

    an atmospheric model that obeys hydrostatic equilib-rium by design. It also expresses tangent height as ananalytical function of P and T, permitting analyticalcalculation of the derivatives associated with least-squares fitting, thereby speeding up the retrievalprocess (compared with calculating derivatives nu-merically).

    3. PressureTemperature MicrowindowsThe CO2 microwindows used for ACE-FTS PT re-trievals are carefully selected to minimize interfer-ences from other molecules, and so interferences areneglected in the fitting. Only the main isotopologue of

    CO2 16





    O is represented in the microwindows.Infrared absorption measurements are less suscepti-ble to nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium26 (non-LTE) effects than IR emission measurements.Non-LTE effects induce a larger percentage change inthe population of the initial state for emission thanfor absorption. However, vibrational non-LTE effectshave been identified in thermospheric ATMOS spec-tra covering the 3 band.27 Thus the PT microwin-dow set for ACE-FTS was restricted to a commonlower-state vibration for altitudes greater than70 km in order to minimize potential residual effectsfrom non-LTE.

    Microwindows were selected in the following wave-

    number ranges: 932937, 18901976, 20422073, 22772393, 24082448, 33013380, and 35703740 cm1.

    4. Pressure and Temperature a prioriThe first step in the PT retrieval process is to gen-erate a first guess for the pressure and thetemperature profiles. From 150 km down to a fewkilometers below the stratopause, P and Tare calcu-lated with the MSIS software. MSIS is primarily in-tended for application to the thermosphere and isunreliable at low altitudes. Thus a priori P and Tbelow 30 km is derived from meteorological data

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    from the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC).The Canadian operational weather analysis and fore-cast system at CMC-consists of the global environ-mental multiscale (GEM) model presented by Ct

    et al.28,29 and a three-dimensional-var data assimila-tion system described by Gauthier et al.30 andLaroche et al.31 High-altitude profiles (from MSIS)and the corresponding low-altitude profiles (from theCMC) are spliced together by linear interpolations:linear in T and in the natural logarithm of P.

    It should be stressed that these pressure and tem-perature profiles are used only as first guesses. Thefitting routine does not impose constraints based on a

    priori (i.e., we do not use an optimal estimation), andso the retrieval results are not sensitive to the firstguess. The only altitude region where a priori infor-mation is crucial is below 12 km, where pressure andtemperature are fixed to the meteorological data. ThePT retrievals would be unlikely to improve on thea priori information in this region, and so no attemptis made to do so. Note, however, that VMR retrievalsextend to altitudes less than 12 km.

    5. First-Guess Tangent HeightsAs mentioned above, tangent heights at low altitudes (ashigh as 43 km) are calculated from the satelliteephemeris. First-guess tangent densities for mea-surements below 25 km are calculated from Eq. (8)by using the following values for the coefficients: a 43.64, b 42.07, c 1.06, and d 0.9357.First-guess tangent heights for the measurementsare then taken as altitudes corresponding to tangent inthe CMC data. These first-guess tangent heights aretypically good to better than 0.5 km for tangentheights greater than 6 km. This is a very robust ap-proach to the difficult challenge of obtaining initialestimates for tangent heights in this altitude region.

    Between 25 and 43 km, refraction effects causetangent heights to deviate from the geometric calcu-lations, but Eq. (8) cannot be used becauseRb is equalto 1. (There is no significant continuum contributionto the spectrum.) In this altitude region, refractioneffects on tangent heights do not vary widely fromoccultation to occultation, and so we use a crude em-pirical expression:

    ztangent zgeom 16.13 0.758zgeom 0.009016zgeom2,


    where zgeom is the tangent height calculated from thegeometry. Expression (13) is not expected to beparticularly accurate (sometimes it is in error by1 or 2 km), but accurate first guesses are not requiredin the given altitude region.

    6. Low-Altitude Tangent HeightsThe ACE-FTS PT retrievals occur on a relative al-titude grid rather than an absolute altitude grid. Thefirst-guess tangent heights described in Subsection3.B.5 are not sufficiently accurate to provide a regis-tration to absolute altitude. For measurements be-

    tween 12 and 20 km, improved estimates of theirtangent heights are determined by least-squares fit-ting with P and T fixed to CMC values. In this pro-cess, selected CO2 lines are fitted with a single fittingparameter (tangent height) along with the usualbaseline scale and slope parameters in each spectralwindow.

    This tangent-height determination is performed atthe beginning of the retrieval process. The altitudesgenerated in this step are stored for eventual com-parison with the altitudes determined during the PTretrieval. At the end of the PT retrieval, all tangentheights are shifted by a common amount to align the

    measurements between 12 and 20 km with the pre-determined tangent heights. Note that this procedurewould not be necessary if one trusted the high-altitude tangent heights calculated from geometry. Itis errors in the ACE-FTS time stamp as well as thepotential for an offset of the ACE-FTS field of viewfrom the suntracker axis that necessitate this ap-proach for altitude registration.

    The CO2 microwindows selected for this procedureare in Table 2. They consist of a set of weak16O12C18O lines near 2620 cm1. It is difficult to findquality CO2 microwindows that extend to low alti-tude, but these 16O12C18O microwindows extend aslow as 5 km with little spectral interference. Unfor-tunately there appears to be an inconsistency in lineintensities between these 16O12C18O and 16O12C16Olines. Fitted tangent heights between 12 and 20 kmdiffer by 350 m when lines from the two differentisotopologues are used. This could be a result of sys-tematic errors in the strengths of the 16O12C18O linesin the line list andor an actual physical difference inthe VMRs from the expected 18O16O isotopic ratio. Toaccount for the discrepancy, the CO2 VMR is in-creased by 3.5% whenever the 16O12C18O microwin-dows in Table 2 are used. With this adjustment,discrepancies between fitted tangent heights in the1220 km range for the two isotopologues are re-

    duced to less than 100 m.At the very end of the PT retrieval process, after

    pressure, temperature, and tangent heights greaterthan 12 km have been finalized, the tangent heightsfor measurements less than 12 km (down to 5 km)are determined by fitting the microwindows inTable 2, again simple by using tangent height as afitting parameter with pressure and tempera-ture fixed. Investigations are planned to determinewhether the N2 CO2 continuum can be used toestablish low-altitude tangent heights rather thanemploying this simplistic fitting approach.

    Table 2. 16O12C18O Microwindows (Altitudes < 25 km)

    Center (cm1) Width (cm1)

    2611.30 0.35

    2616.45 0.40

    2620.84 0.50

    2626.70 0.80

    2636.63 0.30

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    7. Determining Pc Although the pressure at the crossover P

    ccan be

    fitted, it is preferred that an accurate value for theparameter be determined and then fixed during theretrieval process. A first estimate is derived by per-forming the high-altitude retrieval depicted in Fig. 2with Pc as a fitting parameter. One then proceeds tothe low-altitude retrieval depicted in Fig. 3 with Pcfixed to the results of the high-altitude retrieval. Ifthere is an error in Pc, there is a compensating errorin the highest calculated tangent height and littleeffect below that. This is illustrated in Fig. 4 in whichretrieved tangent-height separations are plotted in amanner to emphasize deviations from regular behav-ior. After the first pass at the retrieval [Fig. 4(a)] the

    highest calculated tangent height is clearly an out-lier, a result of compensating for the error in Pc. The

    value ofPc is then scaled to force the highest calcu-lated tangent height to match expectations, leadingto much smoother behavior [Fig. 4(b)] as one expectsfor a properly functioning suntracker.

    The correction for Pc is calculated from knowledgeof the sensitivity of the highest calculated tangentheight zc2 to Pc. The derivatives of tangent heightwith respect to pressures are known, generated forthe derivative calculations in the least-squares pro-cess. An improved value for the pressure at the cross-

    over measurement is calculated as

    Pcnew Pc






    , (14)

    where z is the error in tangent height (the tangentheight calculated from geometry minus the tangentheight calculated in the first pass of the retrieval).Note that there is a term from the measurementbelow the crossover because its pressure Pc1 is cal-culated from the crossover pressure. After the refined

    value for Pc has been determined, both the high- andlow-altitude retrievals are repeated with the param-eter fixed.

    C. Volume Mixing Ratio Retrievals

    Once atmospheric P and T profiles have been estab-lished, analysis proceeds to the VMR profiles of theatmospheric constituents. The fitting parameters arethe VMRs at the tangent heights along with contin-uum (baseline scale and tilt) parameters. The VMR

    profile above the highest analyzed measurement istaken as a constant times the input guess profile.The molecules retrieved on a routine basis for

    Version 1.0 were the following: H2O, O3, N2O, CO,CH4, NO, NO2, HNO3, HF, HCl, ClONO2, N2O5, CFC-11, CFC-12, COF2, HCFC-22, HDO, and SF6. In Ver-sion 2.0 the following molecules were added toroutine processing: HCN, CH3Cl, CF4, C2H2,C2H6,and N2. HDO was removed from the processing toawait a future version where other isotopologueswere also retrieved. For Version 2.1 processing theretrievals of ClO were added. ClO normally has toolow a concentration to retrieve, but the molecule canexperience a dramatic increase in concentration fromchemistry associated with polar stratosphericclouds.32 In Version 2.2 the retrieval of the follow-ing weak absorbers was added: HOCl, H2O2, andHO2NO2. The retrieval of subsidiary isotopes alsobegan with this version, including 13CH4, CH3D,H2

    18O, H217O, and HDO, although there is a known

    problem with the HDO results that will be addressedin a future version.

    CCl4 will be included in the next version of ACE-FTS processing along with additional isotopologues.We also plan to retrieve CFC-113 and HCFC-142b,which have been seen from space for the first time bythe ACE mission.33

    As mentioned above, calculations employ the HIT-RAN 2004 line list. For heavy molecules with noline-by-line information (e.g., N2O5 and CFCs), cross-section data in HITRAN 2004 are interpolated to theappropriate pressure and temperature for a givenaltitude.

    First-guess profiles for the VMR retrievals aretaken from the results of the ATMOS missions. Theseprofiles are perhaps outdated; but the ACE-FTS re-trievals are not sensitive to a priori information ex-cept for the shape of the first-guess profile above thehighest analyzed measurement.

    Fig. 4. Retrieved tangent heights for occultation sunset 3064 mea-sured 7 March 2004, latitude 78.8 N, longitude 93.2. (a) With theinitial value determined for the pressure at the crossover measure-ment the first calculated tangent height during the low-altituderetrieval (indicated by the arrow) is out by more than 800 m. (b)

    After the refinement of the reference pressure the first retrievedtangent height (indicated by the arrow) is closer to expectations.

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    Each molecule is analyzed separately. The micro-windows selected for a given molecule may containsignificant spectral interference from other molecules(particularly for molecules with broad absorption fea-tures such as N2O5). A multiple molecule fitting ap-

    proach is employed to simultaneously retrieve VMRprofiles for the molecule of interest and significantinterferers. The retrieval results for the interferersare discarded.

    Figure 5 shows the retrieval results from March2005 for O3. Ozone retrievals for Version 1.0 of the

    ACE-FTS processing software extended only as highas 70 km. However, the excellent SNR of the instru-ment permits us to see absorption features to a muchhigher altitude. In Version 2.0 and higher the re-trieval range is therefore extended to altitudes higherthan 90 km. As can be seen in Fig. 5 this gives valu-able information on the secondary peak of ozone athigh altitudes.

    The winterspring of 2004 saw a dramatic increasein NOx in the Arctic region.34,35 Figure 6 shows theretrieved profiles for NO and NO2 from February2004. Both molecules exhibit a significant spike inthe VMR at the same altitude. This can be attributedto NO created at high altitudes and transporteddownward. More details on the phenomenon can befound in the paper by Rinsland et al.35

    Figure 7 shows VMR retrieval results from June2004 for HCl and HF. HCl and HF are key species inthe atmospheric halogen budget, and the ACE-FTSand HALOE instruments are currently the only sat-ellite instruments that can measure both mole-

    cules. Comparisons of HCl and HF with results fromHALOE indicate significant discrepancies36 15%with similar percentage differences for the two mol-ecules. This matter is still being investigated, butpreliminary comparisons with results for HCl fromthe Microwave Limb Sounder instrument on the

    Aura satellite show good agreement with ACE-FTSresults.37

    4. Retrieval Errors

    The uncertainties reported for the ACE-FTS resultsare the statistical fitting errors from the least-

    squares process, assuming a normal distribution ofrandom errors. As of Version 2.2 neither systematiccontributions nor parameter correlations are ac-counted for in the reported uncertainties. A lateranalysis incorporates systematic contributions toerrors, such as carrying forward errors in the PTretrievals to the VMR retrievals.

    Recent work has been done by ACE science teammembers in Belgium to develop VMR retrieval soft-ware based on the optimal estimation approach.38 Amore detailed error budget was determined for COretrievals,39 including systematic contributions fromPT retrievals and uncertainties in the empirical ILSparameters in Eq. (3). These errors were found to becomparable with the statistical errors from our re-trievals. This study will be expanded to other mole-cules and to PT retrievals to get a better sense of theerrors inherent in the ACE-FTS retrieval results and

    to provide a measure of software validation.

    5. Processing Details

    Routine ACE-FTS processing takes place on a smallcluster of Sun Fire compute nodes. The cluster com-prises 16 64-bit processors (operating at 1.3 GHz)and 20 GB total memory. The nodes are intercon-nected with a private 100 Mbps network and havedirect access to other ACE computer systems. The

    ACE database server is a four-processor Sun Fire3800 with 5 TB of storage. To maximize the through-put of the cluster, all levels of data processing are

    Fig. 5. Retrieved ozone profile for the occultation sunset 8430measured 7 March 2005, latitude 79.8 N, longitude 133 W. Errorbars are the 1 statistical fitting errors and do not include system-atic contributions to the uncertainty.

    Fig.6. NO(upper panel) and NO2 (lower panel) profiles for sunset2806 measured 19 February 2004, latitude 74 N, longitude 72 E.

    Arrows indicate unusual, coincident peaks in the two profiles near50 km. Error bars are the 1 statistical fitting errors.

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    managed by the OpenPBS job queuing system, whichkeeps each node working continuously. All data forthe mission are organized in databases by using theopen source PostgreSQL software.

    Because of the nature of solar occultation, ACE hasa relatively low rate of measurement opportunities,on average 30 occultations per calendar day. As ascientific research mission there is no requirementfor near-real-time processing, but it is important forprocessing to occur in a timely fashion to avoid fallingbehind, particularly if one wants to reanalyze all thedata for a new version. The ACE-FTS software usesall analytical derivative calculations (rather than nu-merical) for improved speed. All necessary data arestored in temporary arrays to avoid the need for con-tinuous readwrite operations. This makes for a largememory footprint for the software 33.5 Gbytes.

    For additional analysis speedups the matrix inver-sion in the least-squares process exploits the sparsenature of the matrices involved. For VMR retrievalsthe derivatives of the calculated signal with respectto the parameters are calculated explicitly for thefirst two iterations in the least-squares fitting; there-after the derivatives are simply reused (as long as 2

    is not too large). Note that the derivatives for PTretrievals cannot be recycled in this fashion becausethey exhibit greater variability.

    The processing time for a single occultation (a PTretrieval followed by VMR retrievals for 23 or 24

    molecules) typically takes 35 h on one of the SunFire nodes. Because the rate of data collection is onaverage 1 occultation every 90 min, processing is per-formed in parallel on the 16 nodes. This allows theprocessing to keep pace with the influx of new datawith a margin available to permit reprocessing of thedata set with new software versions.

    6. Discussion and Results

    A flow chart summarizing the PT retrieval process ispresented in Fig. 8. The VMR retrieval process ismuch simpler, simply taking as inputs the pressure,temperature, and tangent-height information deter-mined during the PT retrieval.

    Figure 9 illustrates an example of problems expe-rienced with Version 1.0 when there were multiplemeasurements within a single 1 km layer. There is alarge spike near 17 km for the profile in Fig. 9(a),retrieved with Version 1.0 of the processing software,but the spike does not appear when the profile isretrieved with Version 2.1 [Fig. 9(b)]. This is an ex-treme example, the magnitudes of spikes in the re-trieved temperature profile were not typically that

    large (and in fact did not always occur for this situ-ation). No such spikes occur for Version 2.0 or higher.There is also a less obvious spike at the mesopause inFig. 9(a), diagnosed by an accompanying spike in theretrieved CO2 VMR profile (not shown) for the occul-

    Fig. 8. Flowchart describing the PT retrieval process.

    Fig. 7. Average VMR profiles for 20 occultations measured from27 June 2004 through 30 June 2004 with latitudes 4454 N. Errorbars are the standard deviation of the averaged profiles and do notaccount for fitting uncertainties: (a) Average profile for HCl;(b) average profile for HF.

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    tation. Figure 9(b) features improved results in thisaltitude region due to the empirical expression usedfor high-altitude CO2 VMR.

    A comparison of CO2 VMR profiles for Versions 2.0and 2.1 is shown in Fig. 10. The portion of the profilebelow 70 km is fixed, while the portion above isretrieved. For Version 2.0 this occultation showed10% variability in retrieved CO2 between 80and 90 km. Recall that Version 2.0 retrieves CO2

    VMR at each tangent height greater than 70 km,while Version 2.1 retrieves the parameters in an em-pirical function [Eq. (7)]. Also Version 2.1 uses morepoints in the ILS for this altitude region, which betteraccounts for far wing contributions in the microwin-dows. The profile retrieved with Version 2.1 removedmost of the (presumably unphysical) variability.

    Validation efforts for the temperature retrievalsare in progress. Correlative comparisons with inde-

    pendent data (National Centers for EnvironmentalPrediction, European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecasts, radiosondes) typically show good(within 35 K) agreement.1 Figure 11 presents a com-parison of retrieved temperature (Version 2.0) fromthe ACE-FTS with measurements taken by a radio-sonde launched from the Eureka weather station.The agreement is within 3 K, typically better than12 K. The radiosonde measures small-scale struc-ture that the ACE-FTS cannot resolve because of itscoarser altitude sampling. It should be emphasizedagain that a priori information is not used as a con-

    straint in the fitting. Sensitivity studies indicate that ACE-FTS retrieved temperatures are consistent towithin 1 K even for dramatically different initialguess profiles.

    Validation of the VMR retrieval results is also on-going. Preliminary studies with Version 1.0 showpromise but also a few issues that require furtherinvestigation, such as the bias mentioned above forHALOE HCl and HF and a 510% low bias at the

    Fig. 10. CO2 VMR profile from the PT retrieval for the occulta-tion sunrise 4326 measured 1 June 2004, latitude 49 N, longitude93 W. The VMR profile is fixed below 70 km and retrieved above:(a) retrieval with Version 2.0 of the processing software; (b) re-trieval with Version 2.1.

    Fig. 11. Temperature retrieval results for sunset 3064, measured7 March 2004, latitude 78.8 N, longitude 93.2 W. Comparison ismade with measurements taken by a radiosonde launched fromthe Eureka weather station (latitude 80 N, longitude 85.8 W).The radiosonde launch differed from the ACE occultation by33 min in time and 202.5 km in distance.

    Fig. 9. Retrieved temperature profile for sunset 2727 measured14 February 2004, latitude 57.3 N, longitude 133.4 W: (a) re-trieval with Version 1.0 of the ACE-FTS processing software,(b) retrieval with Version 2.1.

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    ozone concentration peak compared with some visiblespectrometers.40

    We thank Marty McHugh for providing the HA-LOE CO2 equation and Manuel Lopez-Puertas forproviding a comparison CO2 profile. Funding was pro-

    vided by the Canadian Space Agency and the Natu-ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council(NSERC) of Canada as well as the NSERCBomemCanadian Space AgencyMeteorological Service of

    Canada Industrial Research Chair in Fourier-transform spectroscopy.


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