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Chris GebhardJon ReesJared MihalyDan Trew

Team NanogelOur DesignOur design incorporates the usage of skylights, Nanogel technology, Solatubes, light shelves, and Illumiwalls. These features work together to create optimal lighting for all environments of the home.

Our Concepts All concepts are based on our Morphology tableSeasonal control skylight glazing panel with passive solar energy switchingNanogelSolatubeGlazed WindowsTranslucent Interior wallsSelection CriteriaWeightConcept 1Concept 2Concept 3Concept 4Concept 5RatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreInsulation of Windows/skylights25%45 R154 R1.2554 R1.2533 R0.7544 R1Provides adequate lighting30%5400 Lux1.54350 Lux1.23320 Lux0.93340 Lux0.94300 Lux1.2Durable, cost effective materials15%33 Lux+R/$0.4553 Lux+R/$0.7544 Lux+R/$0.644 Lux+R/$0.633 Lux+R/$0.45Appealing to residents30%55 Int1.533 Int0.933 Int0.934 Int0.945 Int1.2Total100%Total Score4.454.13.653.153.85Rank12453Continue?DevelopNoNoNoNoAbout our ConceptThe concept we chose to develop included a combination of features:Skylights made with a special design of glassLarge windows made with NanogelSolatubesWe also made some additions to the concept:A light shelf is used to light the entire hallwayThe bedroom features the use of Illumiwalll technologyA bay window was added to the living roomCost AnalysisCost to Prototype: 4 people x $30.00 an hour x 11.5 hours + $39.00 materials= $1419.00$30.00 is median hourly engineer wageWe spent $24.00 on wax paper, batteries and LED lightsWe estimated the cost of cardboard, glue, paint, and transparencies to be $15.00We spent an estimated 11.5 hours working on the prototypeOur final total cost to make this prototype: $1419.00

Energy AnalysisGantt Chart

The Living RoomThe living room features the use of skylights over the areas where light is needed most.The kitchenThe living areaThere is also a bay window made of double insulated glass, along with four other windows that will harness the power of Nanogel technology. All of these features will help to efficiently light the room and control the temperature of the home.

The Living RoomJune 12 pmThe Bathroom/HallwayThe bathroom will be lit using two Solatubes.This will spread the lighting evenly throughout the room.The hallway will have a light shelf running the full length.This will evenly distribute light to the hallway without glare from the sun.The BedroomThe majority of the bedroom walls will be made of Illumiwall, which is made of two panels of glazed glass with a light fixture in between.This will allow light into the room during the day and provide lighting for the room at night.The light fixtures in the bedroom present a gentle ambient light, the color of which can be selected by the customer for installation.

The Bedroom December 9 amJune early morning Building the House

Wheres Seth?

Jon says quit stealin my paint!

Merry Christmas!

Back to kindergarten for Jon.

Hes allergic to sketch-up.

All done!

Questions?Sheet1Responsibility24-Oct31-Oct7-Nov14-Nov28-Nov5-Dec12-DecIdentify Needs External ResearchMission StatementJaredNeeds StatementJonLiterature/patent/external researchDanSpecificationsGantt ChartChrisTarget SpecificationsJaredDesign metricesJonConcept GenerationBrainstormingDanConcept SelectionConcept screeningChrisConcept selectionJaredCost EvaluationJonPrototypingModelJonCAD DesignDanTestingChrisPresentDesign ReviewJaredOral PresentationChrisWeb ReportDan

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