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Page 1: Christ the King Sunday November 24, 2019 He is the guidepost …€¦ · We Gather to Celebrate Prelude “The Awakening” Broughton Welcome and Greeting Rejoice and be glad, for

Christ the King Sunday November 24, 2019

Grace United Church

Christ invites us all to be inhabitants of the kingdom. “Jesus convened a gathering of the twelve. He gave them power and authority to free people from all demonic spirits and to heal them of

diseases. He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick…” Luke 9:1-2 The Voice

“Grace United Church strives to welcome, inspire, and support all in personal and spiritual growth as we walk with Jesus Christ on our faith journeys.”

We Gather to Celebrate Prelude “The Awakening” Broughton Welcome and Greeting

Rejoice and be glad, for this is the day that the Lord has made!

Call to Worship* Let us go to a new country, a new life. What will we take with us? Your love, your patience, your faithfulness. Where will we find this new country? It is found in our conversations, our relationships, and our openness toward each other. When do we leave? Now, and each time the Spirit calls us to be there for one another.

Opening Hymn “All the Way my Saviour Leads Me” VU 635 Opening Prayer**

Dear God, you have given us life for reasons we cannot fathom. Jesus is the hint you have given us of the lessons we are here to learn.

Let us learn them. We live in times we cannot comprehend much less condone. Jesus is the guide you have given us to help love conquer chaos.

Let us follow him. We are confused and afraid.

Jesus transformed vulnerability into power, power beyond the limits of earthly time.

He is the guidepost you have given us as we seek a path higher than the one that we can see.

We can learn from Jesus’ anger at injustice and work to right systemic wrongs.

We can feed from Jesus’ love to cherish and include. We can follow Jesus’ path by manifesting love in action, not just thought.

We can use our hands and feet and voices. We can hold each other up and we can cry together.

We can reflect in a real world the real power and love that is you. As Jesus did. Let it be so. Amen.

Response: Take, O Take Me as I Am MV 85 Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall be; Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.

Invitation to Confession*** When we live our lives following the risen one, Jesus the Christ, God knows we are not perfect. With this understanding, let us now pray together the prayer of confession:

God, you have called us to be one, but at times, we seem to be divided. We are divided because of fear, anger, and jealousy. Sometimes we are divided by the words we speak to each other or actions we direct toward one another. God of understanding, please forgive us for the times when we have sinned against each other, and thus against you. Draw us closer to each other and to you, once again. Amen.

Words of Assurance***

God has heard our confessions. As a loving parent, God has promised to love us unconditionally. Knowing this, we can live together as a forgiven people.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Greeting our Neighbor and Passing the Peace of Christ May the peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.

Children’s Hymn “Walk With Me” VU 649 Time with the Children

Page 2: Christ the King Sunday November 24, 2019 He is the guidepost …€¦ · We Gather to Celebrate Prelude “The Awakening” Broughton Welcome and Greeting Rejoice and be glad, for

Lighting the Christ Candle**** We are a people of light. We are called to bring light into all the shadowed places of living.

We light this candle, remembering that Jesus is the light of the world.

Choir Anthem “There Is A Name I Love To Hear” traditional melody arr. by Denton We Hear God’s Loving Word for us Prayer of Illumination***** Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 23: 5-6 NRSV

A reading from the Hebrew scriptures. Thanks be to God.

Gospel Reading: Luke 23:33-43 Common English Bible The good news of the Gospel. Thanks be to God.

Hymn “All Creatures of Our God and King” VU 217 verses 1-3 Meditation Hymn “All Creatures of Our God and King” VU 217 verses 4,5 Prayers of the People, Lord’s Prayer

God, hear our prayer, and in your love, answer. We Respond to God’s Grace Offering Invitation****** Offertory Appalachian Melody Moore Offering Response Your Work, O God Needs Many Hands VU 537 Your work, O God, needs many hands to help you everywhere, and some there are who cannot serve unless our gifts we share. Offertory prayer******* Life and Work of the Congregation

Hymn: “Rejoice The Lord is King” VU 213 Commissioning and Benediction********

Go from church today to proclaim the rule of Christ! In the midst of self-serving, let’s proclaim generosity. Where poverty reigns, let’s proclaim sharing. In the midst of prejudice, let’s proclaim acceptance. Where suffering is found, let’s proclaim a healing peace. In the midst of loss, let’s proclaim a ray of hope. Where sin and guilt drag people down, let’s proclaim forgiveness. In the midst of tangled values, let’s proclaim the Living Word. And know that God is always with you. And also with you.

Congregational Benediction Spirit of the Living God Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Postlude “Reverence” Hughes

written by *Éric Hébert-Daly; **Cheryl Stenson; ***Fraser Williamson; ****Bob Root; *****Beth W. Johnston; ******Frances Flook;

*******Kate Crawford. Pages 33-52. Gathering Pentecost2, 2019. ********David Sparks. Page 271. Worship For All Seasons II – Year C.

Used with Permission. Today’s service is being recorded and is available to view on our YouTube channel ‘Grace United Tavistock’. Permission to print/stream the

music in this service obtained from One License with license A-621399 and Christian Copyright License # 11316249

Page 3: Christ the King Sunday November 24, 2019 He is the guidepost …€¦ · We Gather to Celebrate Prelude “The Awakening” Broughton Welcome and Greeting Rejoice and be glad, for

Life and Work of the Church

This Week

Sun. Nov. 24 8:30 am Breakfast Club 10:30 am Worship Service, Sunday School, Nursery - Refreshments and social time following Mon. Nov. 25 5:30 pm Pie Making Wed. Nov. 27 9:30 - 11:30 am Sit n’ Knit, Stay n’ Crochet 10:00 - 3:00 pm Boundaries Workshop, Kitchener 7:00 pm Worship committee meeting Thurs. Nov. 28 6:15 pm Book Study 7:45 pm Choir Practice Fri. Nov. 29 9:30 - 11:00 am Play n’ Learn Sat. Nov. 30 9:00 - 3:00pm Christmas Shopping Day Next Week

Sun. Dec. 1 10:30 am Worship Service with Communion, Sunday School, Nursery - refreshments and social time following 10:30 am Group Fundscrip orders due Tues. Dec. 3 12:00 pm UCW Christmas Luncheon Thurs. Dec. 5 6:15 pm Book Study 7:45 pm Choir Practice Fri. Dec. 6 9:30 - 11:00 am Play n’ Learn

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