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Christian Study Centre

Introduction of Christian Study Centre

The Christian Study Centre is an interdenominational organization and working since 1967 in Pakistan.

Aims: To assist the Churches in Pakistan in their attempt to

gain a better understanding of the relationship between Islam and Christianity and the particular nature of their calling as churches in a Muslim state

To undertake and encourage academic research. To encourage dialogue, foster mutual understanding,

peaceful co-existence and promote cooperation in various spheres of nation-building.

To change the negative attitude

Activities of Christian Study Centre

Theological Department1. Arrange weekly class under the Institute

of Theology and Christian Formation(ITCF)2. Developing Contextual theology in

Pakistani context through seminars, workshops and publications

3. Ecumenical programs to develop intrafaith harmony

4. Make research on Islam and Christianity to build good relationship among them.

Interfaith Harmony and Peacebuilding programs

1. Culture of Peace (Composite heritage)2. Interfaith Dialogue3. Developing Peaceful Co-existence in

Pakistan(Religious Leaders) 4. Interfaith Harmony Initiatives, awareness

and protection of Minority Rights (The program, Interfaith Harmony Initiatives, awareness and protection

of Minority Rights in partnership with Joint Future, Sweden)

Culture of Peace

International Exposure Theater Performance

Interfaith Dialogue

Interfaith Dialogue Session

Islamic Scholar on Interfaith Dialogue Session

Developing Peaceful Co-existence Training with Religious Leaders

Group discussion by Participants

Interfaith Harmony initiatives, awareness and protection of Minority Rights

Peace Committee Meeting Cluster Meeting

RBA approach in Religious Tension and CSC’s work

Discuss about the Human Rights specially Freedom of Religion and Freedom of expression through meetings and Dialogues with Religious Leaders of both the communities and request them to guide the people on the right directions

Conduct Seminars and workshops in grassroots level and middle level with the help of religious leader of local areas.

Mediation with the both parties in the situation of conflict. Formation of Peace Committees to resolve the religion

driven conflict at local level (which include different members of areas, e.g. police officers from local police station, local religious leaders, political leaders, women leaders, youth leaders and NGOs representatives)

Get the assistance of partner organizations of the local areas.

RBA in Civil and Political Rights Arrange awareness programs to aware

the people to caste their votes, to elect the right person from their area, to participate in the election process

Lobbying in collaboration with networks to engage policy makers to develop non – discriminating policies and laws

Methods and Strategies

Selection of local partner organizations With the assistance of partner organizations,

approach to grassroots level, middle level and top level.

Establish clusters to expand the circle of networking Focused group discussions, seminars and workshops

on different topics according to need of time by partner organizations

Joint sessions with opinion makers (Religious leaders, Lawyers, Journalists, Teachers, women leaders etc.) for effective advocacy on human rights.

Mobilization through the mobilizers in the areas

Positive Results

Built up trust and relations Removed the confusions about other faiths Commitment of religious leaders and

inclusion of peacebuilding component in their religious sermons

Capacity building and awareness Attitudinal change Developed Networking Decreased Religious tension Increased women participation Involvement of youth in the intervention

Contextual Challenges and How to handle

Unawareness of rights

Women participation is not much encouraged

Arrange meetings, seminars and workshops to make them aware of their rights, right to education, right to freedom of expression, right to participate etc.

Frequent visit of mobilizer to the area with help of women leaders, separate meeting with male members of the family to get their assistance for female participation in the activities

Contextual Challenges How to handle

Being a Christian organization, they associate with the west

Conversion of religion

Global influence

Awareness on national identity

In programs, we invite Muslim scholars to clear the concept by discussing the commonalities among the faiths. Human Rights are given by religions

Stand for the rights (blasphemous movie, Rimsha case)

Contextual ChallengesHow to handle

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