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CHROMOSOME DISORDER TIM.EDITH.GEORGE SCIENCE CHROMOSOME DISORDER PART 1 WHAT IS CHROMOSOME DISORDER? CHROMOSOME DISORDER A CHROMOSOME ANOMALY, ABNORMALLY, ABERRATION, OR MUTATION IS A MISSING, EXTRA, OR IRREGULAR PORTION OF CHROMOSOME Mr.Chromosome CHROMOSOME DISORDER INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Down Syndrome - cause Genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability. The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome: 50-80 CHROMOSOME DISORDER INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Down syndrome - physical characteristics Small chin Flat nasal bridge Poor muscle tone Single crease of the Palm Protruding tongue due to a small mouth and relatively Mental impairment 99% Stunted growth 90% Abnormal teeth 60%Started eyes60% Shortened hands 60% Low muscle tone 80% Short neck60%Flat head75% Flattened nose 68% Bent fifth finger tip 57% CHROMOSOME DISORDER XYY SYNDROME Genetic condition which a human male has an extra male chromosome (or Y chromosome) Total of 47 chromosomes instead of 46. Produces a 47, XYY karyotype, which occurs every 1 in 1,000 male birth. 47, XYY isn't inherited, but usually occurs as a random event during the formation of sperm cells. An incident in chromosome separation during anaphase II called no- disjunction can result in sperm cells with an extra copy of the Y chromosome CHROMOSOME DISORDER Y CHROMOSOME MICRO DELETION (YCM) Causes The Human Y chromosome is passed directly from father to son, and is not protected against accumulating copying errors. This causes Y chromosome to have microdeletion. CHROMOSOME DISORDER Y CHROMOSOME MICRODELETION Symptoms We cannot find other symptoms through medical checkup except for the male patient having small testicles. Though if men have this kind of disorder, they might have happenings like Azoospermia or sever, moderate, and mild Oligozoospermia. Chart from World Health Organization (WHO) -chart to check a amount of sperm Classification of Sperm count Sperm count in millions/mL Azoospermia ( / ) 0 Sever Oligozoospermia ( ) 20 THE COLLAPSE OF Y CHROMOSOME PART 2 DO YOU THINK THAT Y CHROMOSOME WILL COLLAPSE? THE COLLAPSE OF Y CHROMOSOME OPINION THAT SAYS YES According to Nature magazine published in 2002, Prof. Jennifer Graves of Australian National University have said that, According to this speed, after one hundred million years Y chromosomes will totally disappear. For us it is very long time, but if we look at the biological evolution time table, it is very short. Just like we always say blink of an eye. FACT: Animals like porcupine and moles dont have Y chromosome if they are male. THE COLLAPSE OF Y CHROMOSOME OPINION THAT SAYS NO According to Nature (April, 2015), some of the genetics scholars have said that 25 million years ago length of Y chromosomes were becoming shorter and shorter in very fast speed and now it have suddenly stopped degenerating. According to MIT Whitehead labs genetics scholars have said that after testing to human, chimpanzee, and other mammal animals, they have found out that only one gene in Y chromosome have disappeared. Theyve also said that 12 genes in Y chromosomes do important works like combining proteins in heart, lungs and blood. SO WE SHOULD KNOW THAT THIS IS STILL OPINIONS. UNTIL TODAY, THEY ARE STUDYING TO KNOW THE ANSWER. Mr. Chromosome THE COLLAPSE OF Y CHROMOSOME THE END THE CHROMOSOME DISORDER.

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