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Page 1: Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA

Church of the Sacred Heart

Roslindale, MA

Page 2: Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA


Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA

SATURDAY, December 19

8:30 am Daily Mass

4:00 pm Thomas & Anna Robinson Memorial

SUNDAY, December 20

8:00 am Rose Jones 1st Anniversary

10:00 am Jean Marie Dure &

Germaine Senat Memorial

12:00 pm Edilmiro Flores Memorial

5:15 pm Sunday Mass

MONDAY, December 21

8:30 am Al Schwartz 5th Anniversary

TUESDAY, December 22

8:30 am Jonathan LaPorte Anniversary

WEDNESDAY, December 23

8:30 am Jean Rene Anniversary

THURSDAY, December 24 Christmas Eve

8: 30 am Daily Mass

4:00 pm Charlotte, Edward &

Frances Hoffman Memorial

6:00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass

10:00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass

FRIDAY, December 25 Christmas Day

8:00 am Nativity of the Lord

10:00 am Nativity of the Lord

SATURDAY, December 26 8:30 am Daily Mass

4:00 pm Vigil Mass

SUNDAY, December 27

8:00 am Sunday Mass

10:00 am Virginia Salinas Anniversary

12:00 pm Josefa Emilia Soto de Báez Anniversary

5:15 pm Sunday Mass

Those we know and love who share in Christ’s suffering

through illness: Lucy Algere Knox - Yaritza Baerga - Heidi Barbuto - Danielle

Broderick - Evelyn Broderick - Francisca Cruz - Fran Dolan

- Christine Carroll - Kathleen Durepo - Robert Federico - Ga-

briela Gonzalez - James Gordon - Eleanor Havey - Chet Havey -

Ruth Harzbecker - Jane & Paul Heanue - Candy Hickey - Rich-

ard Fraser - Ed Girvan - Andres Hernandez - Ileana Thompson

- Anthony Iarrobino - Christopher Keegan - Mary Kearns - Car-

mine Lavoi - Jessica Lopez-Hernandez - Robert Lynch - Barba-

ra McAveeney - Jennifer McGoldrick - Helen Kearns Moffie -

Bridget Mulkerrin - Joseph Mutascio - Genevieve Norton -

Jahaidy Nova - John Reilly - Evelyn Shanahan - Ernst & Yvrose

Toussaint - Midge Whelan.

May Christ heal all their ills.

Mass Intentions From the Pastor’s Desk

The Year of Mercy has begun. In case you're

tempted to be a bit jaded by yet another "special

event" courtesy of Rome, don't be. This Jubilee is full scale; the way the Great Jubilee of the

Year 2000 was. Pope Francis inaugurated the Jubilee on Dec. 8

by opening the Holy Doors of St. Peter's Basil-

ica. That, by the way, is no small feat. Jubilee

doors are not simply unlocked with a key; they

are unbricked first. Yes, unbricked. At the end of a Holy Year, the doors are sealed up behind a

wall until the next Jubilee begins. That's what occurred when Pope St. John Paul II closed the

Great Jubilee 2000.

More than anything else we'll encounter this

year, the door is an image of mercy. Whereas a

wall is the boundary between what stays in or is kept out, a door is meant to allow movement

between "in" and "out." But that movement can only occur when the door is open. A closed

door is just part of a wall. It might as well be bricked up.

With this Jubilee, our Holy Father Francis is

challenging each one of us to step over the thresholds of our comfort zones. He is inviting us to take a risk and move beyond what we've

allowed into our lives toward what—and whom—we have kept out. I begin this Jubilee

Year of Mercy with many questions. What new doors will be opened for me? What new doors

will I open for others? What doors, perhaps old and forgotten, will I open to God?

Our Lord, after all, never forces his way in. He calls, but waits for us to answer. He leads, but

we must choose to follow. He knocks, but we are the ones who must open the door to his

grace. God does not ask more than we can give; he gives us more than we ask for. May his Holy Spirit tear down the bricks in our lives. And

may this Extraordinary Jubilee Year be the

hinge on which our hearts swing open to mercy.

Jaymie Stuart Wolfe is a wife and mother of eight children, and a

disciple of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales. She is an inspira-

tional author, speaker, musician and serves as a Children's Editor

at Pauline Books and Media.

Msgr. Frank Kelley

Page 3: Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA


Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA

Our parish Tithe Our project for generosity needs some help. Would

you be able to help? We need some parish members to help

find opportunities for Sacred Heart community to help oth-

ers. Please contact me if you can help.

Also, do you have a charity to recommend to us?

Please let me know what or to whom we can be of help in

the weeks to come. Fr. Kelley

11/01/15 St. Vincent de Paul Society (second collection)

11/08/15 Campaign for Human Development

11/15/15 Wounded Warrior Project

11/22/15 Retired Religious Sisters (second collection)

11/29/15 Italian Home for Children

12/06/15 Christmas Flower Collection (second collection)

12/13/15 Pine St. Inn

12/20/15 Roslindale Food Pantry

12/25/15 Christmas - Clergy Benefit Trust

12/27/15 Sacred Heart Youth Choir


PARISH STEWARDSHIP Thank you for your generous support and response to our follow-up on the increased giving campaign. Fr. Kelley


Volunteers who are in contact with children or the elderly

are required to complete a CORI form each year. If you

have not done so already please come to the rectory office

to fill out the form. Please remember to bring a govern-

ment issued photo ID and your social security number

which will be necessary to complete the CORI form.

We gratefully acknowledge the Gift to the Memorial Fund given to the Glory of God in Memory of:

Patrick J. Ahearn by: Martin & Josie Grealy

John Mitchell by: Pat Girvan & Family


Stewardship of treasure involves trust in

God. You have to really believe in God’s Provi-dence and trust that if you give 10 percent of your

income to the Church and charity, for example God will help you live on the rest

October October October

Week 2013 2014 2015

1 9269 8110 8500

2 7443 7706 9036

3 8147 7891 8651

4 8242 8076 9210


(includes Mass offertory and electronic giving via parishpay.com)

Parish Tithes for October 2015 (5% of monthly offertory)

Grand Annual Collection 1 $980

Lost Coin Women’s Fund 2 $442

World Mission Sunday 3 $442

Sacred Heart Confirmation

Outreach Day 4 $442


GRAND ANNUAL RETURNS We are entering the last weeks of our Annual Appeal for Sacred Heart Parish. Last year we raised a total gift of $67,064.70. We need another 39

donors to meet last year’s total of 360 contributors. Make your gift offering to our parish’s annual appeal in the last weeks of 2015. To this date in early December we have real-ized $58,753.01 from 321 donors. Thank you for these generous contributors to Sacred Heart Parish. We still need to hear from a number of our parish members in order to meet last year’s goal. You can give by placing an offering in the offertory basket or by sending your gift into the rec-tory. Thank you very much, Msgr. Frank Kelley

Still need some last minute gifts for Christmas? We will be selling some fair trade cof-

fee, tea and chocolate by Equal Exchange after the 10 am Mass today, December 20 at the coffee

hour at St. Theresa House. We’ll be tasting and selling Organic Mind, Body & Soul, Organic

Love Buzz and Café Salvador coffee and selling Carmel Crunch chocolate and tasting a few more chocolates. Come on down, enjoy some

coffee and baked goods by Fornax and buy some stocking stuffers.

Sponsored by Sacred Heart Catholic Re-lief Services Ambassador program. If you are in-

terested in finding out more about this pilot pro-gram, contact Mary Celeste Brown at [email protected]

Page 4: Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA


Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015

bAPTISMS september 2015 Troy Alexander Muñiz; Joziah Batista; Ariana Al-

exandra Betancis; Eva Castillo; Alanis Castillo; Anthony Alexander Cruz; Mileyna Deyanira Guz-

man; Geomar Villar-Guzman; Carlos Miguel Villar-Guzman; Kafael Alejandro Gonzalez; Chase Chris-tian Espino; Harper Isabella Espino; Priscilla Isabel Rios.

Classes - Spanish Saturday, December 19 Class 10:00 am

December 26 No Class

January 2 No Class

Classes - English Sunday, December 20 Class 11:30 am

December 27 No Class

January 3 No Class

Confirmation Program The Confirmation Winter Semester

Will start on January 10, 2016

Adult Catechumenate Saturday, January 9 Class 11 am

Giving trees Sacred Heart Parish will continue our tradition of

our Christmas Giving Trees to benefit the Ital-ian Home for Children. Trees are set up in both the

upper and lower churches during Advent decorated with orna-ments which have a child’s name, age and wish list for Christmas.

Please take a tag, purchase the requested item, then attach the tag to the unwrapped gift and place it under the tree. Please do not

wrap the gifts. All gifts should be received by Sunday, December

20 to allow the staff of the Italian Home to prepare for Christmas. The staff and children of the Italian Home appreciate your contin-

ued generosity.

Christmas 2015 at Sacred Heart Christmas Pageant Rehearsals

Dec 19th Saturday 11 am upper church

Dec. 23rd Wednesday 6 pm to 8 pm


December 20 Regular Mass schedule

December 22 at 12 noon

Sacred Heart School pageant, all grades

December 23rd 9:30 am School Mass

Grade one tells the Christmas story, upper church

December 24, Christmas Eve

Confessions 1:00 to 3:00 pm lower church 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Vigil Mass

Lower church 6:00 pm Family Mass & Christmas Pageant

Upper Church 10:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass—Spanish Upper Church

December 25, Christmas Day

8:30 am Christmas Day Mass

Lower Church 10:00 am Christmas Day Mass

Upper Church No Mass in evening on Christmas Day

December 26 & 27 Feast of the Holy Family

Saturday, 4:00 pm Lower Church

Sunday, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12 noon in Spanish 5:15 pm

January 1, Feast of Mary, Mother of God

Thursday, December 31 4:00 pm Friday, January 1 8:30 am and 10 am

Today’s Liturgy

I am writing this reflection just after news of the

horrific terrorist murders in Beirut and Paris. We are Bos-

ton veterans of the anguish we share with many others in

places around the world. Our hearts are weighed down

with sadness. Will this carnage never end? How do we

confront the fears wished upon us by groups that have lost

all sense of human value?

When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Eliza-

beth’s husband Zechariah, the first words were “Be not

afraid.” Zechariah then learned that Elizabeth, despite her

years, would bear a son, with the name John. And in to-

day’s reading from Luke, we are present in the room when

John, hearing Mary’s voice, stirs within Elizabeth: “the

infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the

Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice ad said, “Blessed are

you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your

womb.” John’s stirring is the spark of joy inspired by

Mary’s visit. It is also the pulse of hope, against all fears,

then and now.

Hope, love, and faith find their beginning in us,

and we share in our perseverance against the fears of our

time. In Elizabeth’s words, “Blessed are you who believed

that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be ful-

filled.” Greg Tobin

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Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015

CUARTO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 1ª lectura: (Miqueas 5, 2-5) El canto jubiloso del profeta Miqueas anuncia la restauración de Jerusalén. El profeta ve a Jerusalén libre de su condenación. 2ª lectura: (Hebreos 5, 5-10) El sacrificio de Cristo santi-fica aniquilando el pecado. Esta salvación se confirma con su entrada en el santuario celeste, por la resurrección.

Evangelio: (Lucas 1, 39-45) Hoy vemos el encuentro de dos grandes mujeres, Isabel y María. Es la escena de la visitación. La presencia de María nos dice que la promesa del Mesías está cumplida. Ella, por su fe, es alabada por Isabel.

En este período del adviento, dos son los personajes centrales que aparecen en escena: san Juan Bautista, el precursor del Mesías, que juega un papel muy im-portante en nuestra preparación espiritual. Y María Santísima. Es ella quien ocupa, sin lugar a dudas, el puesto preeminente. Ella es su Madre y, sin ella, no habría navidad. Es ella quien lo trae en su regazo vir-ginal, quien lo dará a luz en muy pocos días y nos lo ofrecerá para nuestra adoración. Ella es quien mejor puede ayudarnos a preparar nuestro corazón. Y es ella quien aparece hoy en el Evangelio como prota-gonista. María va a la montaña de Galilea a visitar a su prima Isabel, que está ya esperando a su hijo, el futuro Precursor. Y ese maravilloso encuentro en la fe realiza un milagro: Juan Bautista, todavía en el seno de su madre, siente y reconoce a Jesús, el Me-sías, también en el seno purísimo de su Madre Vir-gen; y es tal su regocijo nos cuenta el evangelista que la criatura saltó de alegría en el vientre de Isabel. Su madre, llena del Espíritu Santo, le dirige a María aquellas palabras tan inspiradas que los cristianos rezamos miles de veces desde que aprendimos a re-zar cuando éramos chiquitos: ¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús!. Bendita es María por su fe y por su aceptación amo-rosa de la Voluntad de Dios en su vida; bendita por-que creyó en el anuncio que Dios le dirigía a través del ángel y porque lo abrazó con todo su corazón. Ésta es la mejor manera de prepararnos para el naci-miento del Niño Jesús. Ojalá también nosotros, como María, le hagamos un lugar a Dios en nuestra alma. Más aún, que le demos el lugar más importante, el primero. Que sea su santísima Voluntad, la fe y el amor a Él lo que verdaderamente cuente en la balan-za de nuestros pensamientos, decisiones y comporta-mientos en el quehacer diario y en las mil circunstan-cias concretas de cada día. Que sea la caridad, la hu-mildad, el servicio, la alegría lo que nos caracterice como cristianos.



14. La peregrinación es un signo peculiar en el Año San-to, porque es imagen del camino que cada persona realiza en su existencia. La vida es una peregrinación y el ser humano es “viator”, un peregrino que recorre su camino hasta alcanzar la meta anhelada. También para llegar a la Puerta Santa en Roma y en cualquier otro lugar, cada uno deberá realizar, de acuerdo con las propias fuerzas, una peregrinación. Esto será un signo del hecho que también la misericordia es una meta por alcanzar y que requiere compromiso y sacrificio. La peregrinación, entonces, sea estímulo para la conversión: atravesando la Puerta Santa nos dejaremos abrazar por la misericordia de Dios y nos comprometeremos a ser misericordiosos con los demás como el Padre lo es con nosotros.

NUESTROS ENCUENTROS Los martes: Oración del grupo de la Renovación de 6:30 a 9:00 pm en la Iglesia de abajo. Los jueves: ADORACION EUCARISTICA, de 6:30 a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia de abajo. Los viernes: Encuentro del coro a las 7:00 pm en la biblioteca Tercer viernes del mes: Encuentro de Parejas a las 6:30 pm en la casa Santa Teresa. Todos los domingos después de la misa de 12:00 pm: Cafecito Latino para todos en el salón Murray. CONFESIONES: Sábado 26, a las 3:00pm

AVISOS: BENDICIONES EN LA MISA LOS DOMINGOS - 1er. Domingo: Niños/as recién nacidos no bautizados - 3er. Domingo: Niños/as recién bautizados - 4to. Domingo: Parejas casadas que cumplen aniversario

MISA DE NAVIDAD (Nochebuena)

(Jueves 24 de Diciembre)

Santa Misa a las 10:00pm: Iglesia de arriba


Nunca eches en cara lo que haces por los demás. Pues Dios es mucho mas grande, y no te

saca en cara lo que hace por ti.

Un hombre y su mujer se van de vacaciones a Jerusalén y mientras paseaban el esposo falleció. El de la funeraria le dice a la esposa: - Tiene la opción de llevárselo a su país por 10.000 dólares o enterrarlo aquí por 1.000 dólares. – Me lo llevo, dijo la mujer – ¿Como va a hacer ese gasto pudiendo enterrarlo en Tierra Santa? – Hace muchos años aquí murió un hombre y a los 3 días resucitó…sinceramente por 9.000 dólares prefiero no arriesgarme!!!

mi correo es: [email protected]

Page 6: Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA


Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015

MISSION STATEMENT Rooted in the universal call to discipleship, the mission of Sacred Heart and St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Roslindale and Forest Hills is to preach Jesus Christ. Proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ takes many forms: preaching, wor-

ship, education, service, works of mercy, and evangelization. The staff and the congregation are guided by the overall mission to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death in this time and place.

By this mission we are to be judged.

Rev. Msgr. Francis H. Kelley, Pastor

Rev. Mario Guarino, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Jesus Quiles

Mrs. Kathy M. Sherrod, Pastoral Assoc.

Parish Secretaries: Mary Dillow & Margaret Laboy

Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan, Sr. Priest, In Residence

Sacred Heart School:

Mrs. Monica Haldiman, Principal

1035 Canterbury St, Roslindale 02131

Office: 617-323-2500

Fax: 617-325-7151

Tuition: 617-325-0229

After School Program: 617-325-3656


Sunday Masses:

Saturday Eve: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 5:15 PM,

12:00 PM in Spanish

Weekday Masses:

Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM

Saturday: 8:30 AM


Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM, Lower Church


Call Rectory for arrangements.


Call Rectory to speak with one of the priests at least 6 months be-

fore the marriage.

Rectory Office 617-325-3322 FAX 617-325-2145

SUNDAY, December 20

Coffee– English 11:30 am St. Theresa House

CCD English 11:30 am School

Coffee– Spanish 01:00 pm Murray Room

TUESDAY, December 22

Prayer Group– Spanish 06:15 pm Lower Church

Boy Scout Troop 7 07:00 pm St. Theresa House

WEDNESDAY, December 23

Youth Choir—English 05:30 pm Upper Church

Pageant Rehearsal 06:00 pm Upper Church

Haitian Bible Study 07:00 pm Rectory

Adult Choir—English 07:30 pm Upper Church

THURSDAY, December 24 Christmas Eve

FRIDAY, December 25 Christmas Day

The rectory office will be closed Friday, Decem-ber 25 for the Christmas holiday.

Parish Resources The Week Ahead

The Parish of

169 Cummins Highway Roslindale, MA 02131

Tel: 617-325-3322 Fax: 617-325-2145 www.sh-roslindale.org

E-mail: [email protected]

Sacred Heart

We Need Your Help!

Box Tops for Education

Sacred Heart School is collecting as many Box Tops as we can! We

have entered into a friendly competition with Holy Name School, to see wo can raise the most money from Box Tops!

CALLING ALL FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS of Sacred Heart School to please save you Box Tops for our school. Send

them into school or drop off at the rectory and Church. A box will

be located in the back of the Church for the entire academic year. Come show your Sacred Heart pride! Ask friends, relatives and co-

workers! Thank you from the Scholars of Sacred Heart School! If you have any questions contact Elaine Tutein, Box Tops coordina-

tor at [email protected]

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