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BERN REFORMED UCC 2019 CHURCH PROFILE -------------------------------------------------------------( 1 )------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHURCH PROFILE 2020 Bern Reformed

United Church of Christ www.bernreformeducc.org

3196 Bernville Road, Route 183, Leesport, PA 19533

(610) 926-1161

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Table of Contents

Statement of Consent ............................................................................................................................... 3

Validation .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Symbol / Logo ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Mission ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Worship ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Music ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

Christian Education ................................................................................................................................. 11

Youth ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

Facilities .................................................................................................................................................. 12

Demographics ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Historic Cemetery ................................................................................................................................... 15

Fundraising .............................................................................................................................................. 16

Paying Down the Note ............................................................................................................................ 16

Budget and Renovation .......................................................................................................................... 17

2020 Budget and Current Annual Income .............................................................................................. 18

Compensation ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Recent Pastoral History ......................................................................................................................... 233

Arts & Culture ......................................................................................................................................... 23

Education ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Cost of Living ........................................................................................................................................... 27

Who Are Our Neighbors? ........................................................................................................................ 28

The Future ............................................................................................................................................... 33

Prayer for Our Search Committee .......................................................................................................... 33

Search Committee Members .................................................................................................................. 33

Attachments: ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 34

References: ............................................................................................................................................. 35

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Statement of Consent

The covenantal relationship between a church and those called by that church to serve as

pastors and teachers and in other ministerial positions is strengthened when vital information is

openly shared by covenantal partners. To that end, we attest that, to the best of our abilities, we

have provided information in this profile that accurately represents our church. We have not

knowingly withheld any information that would be helpful to candidates.

As the committee charged with the responsibility for identifying and recommending a suitable

new minister for our church, we have been authorized to share the information herein with

potential candidates. We understand that a candidate may wish to secure further knowledge,

information, and opinions about our church. We encourage a candidate to do so, recognizing

that an open exchange of relevant information builds the foundation for continuing and healthy

relationships between calling bodies and persons seeking a ministry position.

The 2020 Bern Reformed Church profile was created by the members of the Search Committee under the direction of its Consistory leadership. Our contact information is on page 4. Signed, by the Search Committee:

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Validation The Search Committee maintains that the Bern Reformed congregation is in good standing with the United Church of Christ Southeast Conference and that all information, history, congregational information, compensation figures, and church finances contained here within are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Any interested candidate may contact the search committee chairperson and/or alternate at the contact information below. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and will endeavor to acquire any additional information that is not contained in this profile. Signed:


Conference Staff Person Assisting Our Church: Rev. Dr. Susan Minasian Brea Rarick

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Introduction Our story over our 284-year history is as complex as it is fascinating. The original church began in 1736 as one of the first German Reformed Congregations in Pennsylvania. One hundred years later, Lutheran families in Bern Township organized with the Reformed congregation and held public worship in the same church building for the next 162 years. In 1998, the two congregations dissolved, and the Reformed congregation remained at its historic location where we worship today. We seek

➢ A person of faith who is a spiritual communicator who will effectively preach the teachings of Jesus Christ to a multi-generational congregation.

➢ An engaging teacher who is energetic with children and the youth of our congregation. ➢ A spiritual leader who encourages us to use our faith in our daily lives. ➢ A compassionate leader who will love the congregation and help guide its members to

fulfill their vision and goals as directed by God. ➢ An enthusiastic leader who is willing to develop congregational participation in

community outreach and stewardship. We have gathered information about our church by

➢ Pastoral search committee, 2014 ➢ Congregational questionnaire, 2014 ➢ Pastoral search committee, 2019 ➢ Congregational questionnaires, 2019

Bern Reformed UCC is seeking a settled pastor to lead us into the oncoming decade. The efforts of our recent search committees have led the congregation in an effort to assess our priorities, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. We affirm the following:

➢ “We believe in a loving God and the Holy Spirit who guides us to Him.” A strong personal faith and effective preaching skills are two essential pastoral qualities that will help our congregation relate faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.

➢ “We believe community outreach and the nurture of children through youth ministry are critical to the long-term success of our church.” The expansion of ideas for community outreach, the growth of children and youth participants through educational programs

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and worship (children’s sermon), and the confirmation curriculum are likewise priorities for the future of our congregation.

➢ “We believe we are a caring and loving congregation.” We seek to maintain our traditions all the while knowing we can further define our place in the community. We wish to increase congregational participation and use our church’s facilities to their full potential in hopes of building new relationships in our neighborhood.

We are a congregation that is generally traditional, with a focused commitment on the loving relationships that have been developed within the congregation through the work and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are a church that has very active participants who lead a variety of church committees: Consistory, Music, Christian Education, Fund Raising, Property (repairs, improvements, expansions), Sunshine (loving outreach, celebration, and prayer ministry), Budget / Endowment Fund, and current Search Committee. While the past few years have been successful at Bern Church, we look to continue the work begun under our retiring pastor with someone new who can be our spiritual leader to guide our members and create new traditions. We continue to maintain our faithfulness to the long-standing, integrated character of the United Church of Christ and each of its integral components.

➢ Christian -- By our very name we declare ourselves to be a part of the body of Christ - the Christian Church. We continue the witness of the early disciples to the reality and power of the crucified and risen Christ, Jesus of Nazareth.

➢ Trinitarian – We believe the teaching that God is triune. He has revealed himself to be

three coequal and eternal persons in the form of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

➢ Reformed -- We confess the authority of one God. We affirm the primacy of the scripture, the priesthood of all believers, and the principle of Christian freedom. We celebrate two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion).

➢ Congregational – We believe that the basic unit of the church is the local congregation which exists in covenantal relationships with others to form larger structures to carry on Christ's work.

➢ Evangelical – We believe that the primary task of the church is the proclamation of the good news of God's love revealed with power in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we gather each Sunday for the worship of God and each week we engage in the service of humankind.

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Purpose We are a welcoming and caring Christian community whose purpose is to share the love of God with all those needing food for body and soul.

Symbol / Logo

The cross logo features our passion for a HEART filled with love and compassion, guiding PEOPLE into fellowship and community. The DOVE reminds us to seek the peace generated by the Holy Spirit. The TREE of life is sustained by ongoing spiritual growth; creating a godly family dedicated to generous stewardship and care for all God’s creation.


➢ To place God first in our lives. ➢ To share and strengthen God's love and grace through our worship experiences. ➢ To grow and be strengthened through prayer and scriptural studies, and loving support

of one another. ➢ To accept the joy and cost of discipleship, following Christ's example. ➢ To be good stewards of who we are and what God has given us, while reaching out to

those beyond our congregation, attempting to be instruments of peace.

Scope of Work

Preparation and leadership of Sunday worship including scripture study, crafting of liturgy and children’s sermon. This also includes sermon preparation, preaching, offering of prayers, and coordinating with musical staff, and assisting with bulletin creation. Faith formation and spiritual vitality through prayer, Bible study and service. Identify helpful resources and opportunities and help lay persons take advantage of those opportunities.

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Leadership development by working with people in the church to create ministry and programs of service. Pastoral care in collaboration with lay people with priority on hospital visitation and crisis care. Community engagement and direction for the church to be an ambassador of God’s love. Be a representative of the church in local organizations and fundraising events. Preside over weddings, funerals and baptisms as requested. Provide strategic planning for current and new directions in ministry. Attend scheduled church meetings and give leadership as needed to those programs, in collaboration with lay leadership. Participate in wider church activities such as conference and association meetings. Involvement and resource person to the Christian Education Director in youth activities, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Provide leadership for Confirmation, counseling and referral to outside services, as deemed appropriate, study and prayer, to increase personal and congregational faith and understanding of our beliefs to improve our ability to pass along those tenets that Jesus taught. Supervision (shared with council representative) of office secretary and Christian Education Director. Provide support and leadership in encouraging healthy conflict resolution. Carry out administrative responsibilities that include preparing a written annual Pastor’s report, contributing to the church’s website, calendar of events, and announcements, responding to emails and phone messages in a timely manner, and working in assistance with the church’s secretary. Report to Consistory on a monthly basis regarding completed pastoral duties. The Pastor will receive an annual review conducted by selected members of the Consistory. This is consistent with the annual reviews conducted for all employees. The scope of work listed above is based on a ¾ time pastor. For the purposes herein, ¾ time is based on 30 working hours per week. The scope or work and ¾ time duty hours are negotiable between any candidate and the church’s consistory.


Bern Reformed UCC has one weekly worship service every Sunday at 9:30. This service is celebrated with the musical talents of our organist and choir. Many worship services incorporate handbells, vocalists, and piano duets; and other recent soloists have featured instruments such as the cello, clarinet, and flute. The music and worship service at Bern are mostly traditional. However, Bern Church supports and hosts a variety of musical experiences which include holiday performances, the Reading Philharmonic Orchestra, the Phoebe Berks piano quartet, the Turtle Moon Native American Flute Circle, and summer fun groups like Ostrich Hat. The worship service is led by the pastor; however, lay leadership, ushers, acolytes, deacons, and sexton all play a role. Worship content is accentuated by a recently upgraded audio system,

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video projector, and screen, which have played an essential part in the worship experience over the past five years.

We are looking to expand our worship gatherings as we transition from supply pastor to settled pastor. Other worship sessions / activities include:

➢ Blessing of the backpacks ➢ Confirmation ➢ Baptism ➢ Funeral / memorial services ➢ Outdoor worship in the grove ➢ Exchange ministry with local churches for Thanksgiving Eve and Wednesday Lenten

services ➢ Blessing of the animals ➢ Incorporating youth leadership ➢ Experimental Saturday evening services ➢ Music Sunday ➢ Live Nativity ➢ Maundy Thursday Service

A tentative 2020 Special Worship & Communion Schedule has been developed.

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The average weekly attendance typically ranges between 80-100 members (2019). Currently, our church has approx. 250 members and the weekly attendance average is 86. While our church has experienced declining membership in the past decade, much due to attrition, our weekly attendance average remains basically the same.

Music “Bells are ringing; voices, singing!” The music program at Bern UCC plays a dynamic, integral part in the worship experience at our church. We have a very active 12-member choir, the “Voices of Bern,” which rehearses mid-week from 7 – 8:15 p.m. and sings every Sunday. Our 10-member bell choir, the “Bells of Bern,” rehearses mid-week from 6:15 – 7:00 p.m., performing one Sunday each month, ringing on holidays, and accompanying selected anthems with the Voices of Bern. When the choirs are on hiatus during the summer months, we have vocal and instrumental music offered by members of the congregation as well as outside guests and friends. Through these programs, we share as a family the vocal and instrumental contribution of all ages and encourage everyone to share their God-given talents. We gather to practice and present our

praises in song and harmony as we seek to give our best back to God as we lift up His name.

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Christian Education Bern Reformed UCC looks to expand Christian education for all ages. The limited Sunday schedule is mainly due to the current pastor’s working in ‘supply’ status. Teenage worshippers meet before the worship service from 9:00-9:30. The youth Sunday school program runs concurrently with the congregational worship service. The youth exit the service for their classrooms after the pastor delivers the children’s sermon. They are divided into three (3) age appropriate classrooms: Little Lambs (pre-K), Lords Loving Lions (K to 3rd grade), and Young Prophets (4th to 6th grade). Teens in 7th grade and up meet separately, help the junior classes, or remain in the worship service. Currently there is no adult Sunday school or Bible study, again due to the current pastor’s working in ‘supply’ status. The Christian Education Committee has goals of further developing both Sunday school and fellowship programs in the years to come. This year the summer program focused on the fruit of the spirit, outreach organizations, and missions. The pastor leads the confirmation classes. Six (6) youth were confirmed in 2018 and there were five (5) youth in the 2019 class.

Youth The youth group had several fun activities during 2019. Some fellowship events included a bowling trip, Easter egg hunt, church sleepovers, and an

organized bingo activity at Berks Leisure Living Center. Youth members were sponsored in a trip to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., participated in Celebrate Your Faith Night at the Reading Fightin’ Phils, hosted Rally Day, organized a trip to Duncan’s Corn

Maze, game night, Mother’s Day flower sale, and Christmas caroling activities. The group also hosted a First Aid and CPR

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certification class, assembled 148 Christmas shoeboxes through Samaritan’s Purse, and attended a Mercy Me concert.

Facilities Bern Reformed UCC Church is the primary place of worship and can accommodate about 300 people. It was built in 1919 and has been renovated numerous times in the past several years. The sanctuary was beautifully remodeled in 2010 with new electrical, heating, and central air conditioning systems. The building has several classrooms, a fully equipped large kitchen, and a recently renovated spacious social hall that can seat most fellowship gatherings. Connected to the sanctuary are a nursery and chapel.

The most recent renovation project, commenced in 2019, includes the modification of space to include a new secretary’s office, pastor’s office, choir room, and general office space. The addition of an elevator during spring of this year made the building fully accessible for handicapped individuals. There is an exterior ramp for handicap access to the second floor of the church and walk-in access to the social hall from the parking lot.

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Chapel: The chapel, which is adjacent to the sanctuary, is equipped with comfortable and stylish seating and can accommodate dozens of people during times of fellowship. It also has a small café area and adjoining newly renovated restrooms.

Sanctuary: The sanctuary is brilliantly decorated with new and old. Lovely stained-glass windows behind the altar depict Jesus Christ in the garden; the disciples are pictured along the windows to His left. An impressive mural of Jesus faces the congregation, who sit in the original mahogany stained wooden pews which also extend to a balcony section. The organ, pulpit, and altar chairs are stained to match. Recent renovations to the sanctuary feature a redesigned altar, choir, and music area. Pews at the front of the sanctuary and choir rows were removed and replaced with plush chairs to accommodate those with special needs. This also allows the sanctuary to be more versatile for hosting children’s time, musical performances, and any other special worship events like baptisms and weddings. The renovation also allotted extra space for two pianos in addition to the organ. The audio and video systems were overhauled, and a video projector and screen were added. These elements enhance the worship service, sermon, announcements, and any other performances hosted in the sanctuary. The new design incorporates a more open floor plan with convenient access to the adjoining chapel.

Grove: Bern Reformed UCC is privileged to own a grove area across from the church building. The grove is several acres of grass shaded by large sycamore trees, which are airy and provide for a genuine picnic setting next to a lazy creek that flows through the middle. The grove area is accentuated with amenities such as the church’s sign board, several storage outbuildings, restrooms, fully functioning kitchen, band stand, ball field, and covered picnic seating area. The grove hosts many of the church’s fund-raising functions such as the popular Strawberry and Peach Festivals, Fall Festival, and Family Fun Night.

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Social Hall: The social hall and adjoining kitchen allow our church to host many fellowship and fundraising events. The folding tables and chairs allow for quick and versatile room set up. The kitchen is large and fully equipped, allowing the social hall to feed scores of people at one time. The kitchen is also a handy amenity for many of the church’s fundraising activities such as barbecue dinners, sandwich sales, and basket social.

Other Structures:

The church’s red barn adds a traditional Berks County element to the property. It is convenient for long term storage and adds a special touch to the Live Nativity scene each Christmas.

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Members from the congregation play a role in the Live Nativity scene, and for the night the barn is home to Christ’s manger, donkey, sheep, goats, and other friendly livestock.

Demographics In 2019, an age demographic survey was completed with the church’s congregation. There were 151 total respondents. The demographic is as follows: 0 to 5 YOA 1% 6 to 18 YOA 15% 19 to 34 YOA 9% 35 to 49 YOA 19% 50 to 64 YOA 13% 65 to 74 YOA 21% 75+ YOA 21%

Historic Cemetery A view of the rear of the church from the old historic cemetery with birthdates extending back to the 1700’s. The current cemetery is located across Route 183 adjacent to the church grove.

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The fundraising profits for 2019 were $26,000.00. Last year the fundraising committee granted $13,000.00 to help pay down the note and contributed another $15,000.00 for the elevator project. In 2019 they granted $13,000.00 for resurfacing the parking lot. Popular fundraising events include the sale of grocery cards, sandwich sales, barbeque dinners, Strawberry Festival, Peach Festival, basket social, apple dumpling sale, Christmas cookie sale, and a November gift calendar.

Paying Down the Note

In March 2013, our church took out a promissory note in the amount of $276,643.00 for a large renovation project. At the end of 2016, the balance was $148,586.00. At the end of 2018, the remaining balance was down to $4,463.00. The note was paid in full in February 2019, four years early!

PAY DOWN THE NOTE/ASSET IMPROVEMENT Annual Total 2018 Annual Total 2017 Annual Total 2016 Deposits $ 82,400 $ 151,545 $ 58,731 Required principal payments $ (26,528) $ (26,528) $ (26,528) Additional principal payments $ (7,000) $ (35,200) $ (22,338) Other disbursements $ (92,475) $ (4,200) $ (19,876)

Ending Balance $ (43,603) $ 85,617 $ (10,011)

Opening note balance $ 37,991 $ 99,720 $ 148,586 Payments $ (33,528) $ (61,728) $ (48,866)

Ending note balance $ 4,463 $ 37,991 $ 99,720

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Budget and Renovation Annual Annual Annual 2018 2017 2016

Beginning Cash Checking/Savings $ 186,097 $ 72,399 $ 88,559 Paypal $ 144 $ 106 $ 106 Fundraising $ 1,791 $ 1,836 $ 1,767

$ 188,032 $ 74,341 $ 90,432

General Deposits $ 172,130 $ 179,257 $ 183,580 Interest $ 633 $ 494 $ 435 Disbursements $ (128,280) $ (151,631) $ (190,163)

$ 44,483 $ 28,120 $ (6,148) Pay Down the Note Deposits $ 82,400 $ 151,545 $ 58,731 Disbursements $ (126,003) $ (65,929) $ (68,742)

$ (43,603) $ 85,616 $ (10,011) Fundraising Deposits $ 122,634 $ 124,683 $ 120,449 Disbursements $ (122,434) $ (124,728) $ (120,381)

$ 200 $ (45) $ 68

Ending Cash Checking/Savings $ 186,977 $ 186,097 $ 72,399 Paypal $ 144 $ 144 $ 106 Fundraising $ 1,991 $ 1,791 $ 1,836

$ 189,112 $ 188,032 $ 74,341

Bern Reformed Church is solvent and financially healthy. In the past five years, we have aggressively taken on large renovation projects to the sanctuary, chapel, and social hall. Other church space was refurbished including the creation of a new choir room, pastor’s office, secretary’s office, and general office. Many of the church’s restroom facilities have been conveniently relocated and remodeled. The church now includes an elevator that was completed in late 2019. No debt was added to the budget as this project is already paid in full.

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Overall, the debts taken on with these construction projects were paid down quickly (as mentioned in ‘Paying Down the Note’) and at the same time, the church was able to increase its cash savings. This is a testament to Bern’s committed congregation, volunteers, and strong consistory and committee leadership. Below left and below center are pictures of the finished office and pastor’s office respectively.

2020 Budget and Current Annual Income

Bern Reformed UCC 2020 budget

Category Code 2020 budget WEEKLY ENVELOPES 201 140,400 OCWM - envelopes 101 7,020 OCWM - OGHS 102 - OCWM - All Saints - Special - Bethany - Phoebe - Schuylkill Valley Food Pantry - Christmas Fund - Plate Offering 202 4,000 Initial Offering (Envelopes) 203 300 Fuel 204 300 Lenten/Ash Wednesday 205 500 Maundy Thursday 75 Good Friday 75 Easter 206 900 Thanksgiving 75 Christmas Eve 209 5,000

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Live Nativity - Building Fund - Christian Education 703 250 Community Concerns 901 250 Family Activities 700 - Music Program 601 250 Property Rental/Sales 350 6,000 Worship Supplies 509 1,400 Yearbook/Directory 209 300 Youth Progam 701 1,200 Interest Income 500 Miscellaneous -

Total Income 168,795

Pastor's Salary 201 Pastor's Social Security 203 Pastor's Professional Expense 204 Pastor's Sabbatical Leave 205 Pension 206 Medical Insurance - Pastor 207 Dental Insurance - Pastor 209 Life/Disability Insurance - Pastor 209 Continuing education 211 Supply Pastor 210 42,900 Music Director Salary 212 16,806 Music Director - Employer's FICA 214 1,286 Supply Organists 215 300 Choir Accompanists 216 - Sexton Salary 217 12,162 Sexton - Employer's FICA 219 930 Website Mgt - Salary 1,640 Website Mgt - Employer's FICA 125 Secretary Salary 219 12,240 Secretary - Employer's FICA 220 936 Workers' Compensation Insurance 221 900 Christmas Gifts 222 -

Total Salaries & Benefits 90,225

Code 2020 budget OCWM 101 7,020 OCWM - Lent OCWM - OGHS 102 Bethany Children's Home Philipines Volunteer Home Care-Topton OCWM - All saints

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Phoebe 105 Harvest Home/SV Pantry Emergency Fund 107 Opportunity House Christmas Fund Live Nativity Distribution Reading-Berks Conference of Churches 111 -


Sexton Supplies 301 375 Fuel 302 7,000 Furnace Maintenance 302a 200 Electric - Church & Office 303 6,400 Property Insurance 305 12,500 Mowing - Church 306 2,400 Pest Control 309 300 Repairs & Maintenance 310 4,500 Elevator Maintenance 310a - Trash Collection 312 900 Water Testing 313 900 Kitchen Supplies 314 410 Snow Removal 315 100

Total Property Expenses 35,985

Grove Expenses: Mowing 401 200 Gas - Propane 403 150 Water Testing 404 60 Maintenance 406 1,500

Total Grove Expenses 1,910

Office Supplies & Expenses 501 1,900 Offering Envelopes 502 500 Photo Copier Lease Payments 503 3,600 Communications 304 1,920 Postage 504 1,000 Pastor Supplies: Communion Kits,etc 505 - Confirmation Supplies: Bibles,Manuals 506 150 Good News Ministry 509 - Worship Supplies:Bulletins,Candles,Flw 509 1,800 Pastor's Emergency Fund 510 500 Yearbook Directory 200 Music Program 601 1,500 Piano Maintenance 311 300 Pastoral Search 1,500

Total Operating Expenses 12,970

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Family Activities 700 1,500 Youth Work 701 - Conference Expenses 702 250 Christian Education 703 1,500 Stewardship 704 300 Church Advertising/Licensing 705 700 Endowments: $20/Deceased Member 707 - Miscellaneous 709 - Community Concerns 901 250 Interest Expense 425 Goodwill 902 50

Total Miscellaneous Expenses 4,975 TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES 153,085


Source Amount

Annual Offerings and Pledged Giving $133880

Endowment Proceeds (as permitted within spending policy, such

as a cap of typically 4.5%-5% on total return) $0

Endowment Draw (beyond what is permitted by spending

policy, “drawing down the principal”) $0

Fundraising Events $135787

Gifts Designated for a Specific Purpose $40665

Grants $0

Rentals of Church Building/Grove $3735

Rentals of Church Parsonage $ NA

Support from Related Organizations

(e.g. Women’s Group) $0

Transfers from Special Accounts $0

Other (specify): Interest income $437

Other (specify): $

TOTAL $314,504

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Endowment & Other Assets Endowment total: $60,908.52 Information pertaining to Bern Reformed UCC’s endowment:

Q: Are funds drawn needed, regularly, or under certain circumstances? Funds are only drawn for items above and beyond regular operating expenses. Most recently, funds were drawn for camperships and AEDs. Q: What is the percentage rate of draw last year compared to 5 years ago? In 2019, $3,094 was withdrawn for AEDs. There were no withdrawals in 2014. Q: Describe draw on endowment, if any, to meet operating budget expenses for most recent year and past 5 years. Draws on endowment are to be used for mission and ministry that extends or enhances the church's program beyond the regular budget. So, no endowment funds are drawn for operating expenses. Q: At the current rate of draw, how long might the endowment last? Only interest on the endowment fund may be expended so the principal balance will remain in the fund for perpetuity.

Other assets include the following:

Reserves: $100,000 Checking: $50,000

This is a very challenging time to answer the question of reserves/savings/investments with any degree of confidence. Amidst this Pandemic, membership giving is somewhat down and all major fundraisers were cancelled. However, our treasurer has given our current numbers and best appraisal. Bern church has never failed to pay its financial obligations to a Pastor.

Compensation Bern Reformed UCC is currently looking for a ¾ time pastor whose compensation will be within the UCC salary guidelines based upon experience and responsibilities. The ¾ time would be based on a 30 hour work week. The position has the potential to become full-time for someone with the ability to cultivate and generate relationships and the willingness to invest time to grow the ministry. The above figures include a housing allowance. The percentage to be considered as housing allowance is to be determined annually by the pastor and the church’s consistory. Additional benefits may be provided based upon the candidate’s needs and desires. These include a pension, life and disability insurance, and Social Security allowance, and full health and

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dental. The amount provided for these benefits will depend upon hours per week agreed upon by both the candidate and the consistory.

Recent Pastoral History

Staff member’s name Years of service UCC Standing (Y/N)

Pastor Paul Cronin 2015 - 2017 Y

Pastor Bruce Dalious 2000-2011 Y

Pastor Loretta Roberts 1982-1999 Y

One of the last three persons serving in this position left involuntarily or under pressure. Issues that may have contributed to the involuntary termination include: “conflict of personalities in the church, inadequate performance, pastoral style inappropriate for this church, and ethical issues or issues of fitness for ministry. From that experience, our church learned to communicate more openly about the expectations, concerns, and needs of the church on a regular basis.” This situation was referred to and then handled by consultation with the Association Committee on Ministry.

We have used the services of interim pastors between full time pastors.

Arts & Culture Berks County: Berks County is Pennsylvania’s Americana region with many thriving museums, galleries, festivals, events, and outdoor recreation areas that are guaranteed to keep any person or family busy for a long time. Arts and culture lovers can spend hours touring the grounds of the Reading Public Museum, arboretum, and planetarium; visit the gallery at the Goggle Works Center for the Arts or sign up for an art class or workshop; visit any one of the numerous heritage events such as the Kutztown Folk Festival; catch a performance at the Santander Performing Arts Center or the Miller Center for the Arts; take a stroll on the Union Canal trail; or stop for lunch, have a drink, or window shop at any of the specialty shops and restaurants in West Reading.

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Here are some pictures of Penn Avenue in West Reading where many small businesses join with a weekly farmer’s market to provide interesting shopping experiences.

The opportunities to bike, hike, or paddle through the natural scenery of Berks County are limitless as well. Berks County has top rated biking trails, walking trails, fishing waterways, and recreation areas. Some of these areas include Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Blue Marsh Lake, the Appalachian trail, French Creek State Park, Bear Creek Mountain Resort, Union Canal biking and walking trail, the Pinnacle, the Tulpehocken Creek, and Schuylkill River.

A panoramic view of Blue Marsh Lake. The main entrance to the lake and the surrounding boat launch and family beach area lie about a mile from Bern Church.

The Reading, Berks County Travel Guide is available online and features many of our local communities and the entertainment and attractions throughout. Bern Township: Bern Township is home to many of Berks County’s institutions. Therefore, the community outreach and stewardship possibilities are almost limitless. Bern Township houses the county’s jail system, immigration housing center, Easy Does It, Inc. recovery center, and Berks Heim (the county’s assisted living facility). In recent years, our church has participated in the ‘Adopt a Berks Leisure Tenant’ program at Berks Leisure, another assisted living home in Bern Township. In all, there are hundreds of individuals in these facilities who rely on the help of others in one form or another. Delivering the message of the Holy Spirit to these individuals is a challenging evangelical opportunity. We at Bern Church recognize the overwhelming outreach possibilities right in our back yard.

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This is the Gruber Wagon Works, a piece of our local history, moved in the 1970’s from its former location that became part of the Blue Marsh Lake. It is now part of the Berks County Heritage area near Grings Mill Park.

Bern Township also offers many amenities. It is home to the Reading Fairgrounds, Blue Marsh Lake recreation area, Agricultural Center, Union Canal trail, the historic Gruber Wagon Works and Covered Red Bridge.

The covered red bridge that crosses over the Tulpehocken Creek along the Union Canal running/biking trail.

Bern Township is a safe community in which to live and work. The township has a 24/7 police department with 12 full time sworn police officers which allows for a police response in a matter of minutes. Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center and emergency room is also located in the township, only 3.4 miles from the church. Two major highways connect the township to surrounding communities and keep traffic headaches and commuting time to a convenient minimum. Also, not far away is the Reading Hospital and Medical Center, which features a trauma care center and specialized care medical campus. Penn Township: A significant portion of Bern UCC’s grove property lies within Penn Township, unique because it borders such a large portion of the northern end of Blue Marsh Lake. Hundreds of acres of the township are dedicated to public lands and fall under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Penn Township is naturally beautiful with miles of lake shoreline and hiking trails, and hundreds of acres of public fields and forests. It is truly an outdoorsman’s delight for hikers, boaters, kayakers, horseback riders, and hunters. Penn Township is also conveniently located along State Route 183. Residents of Penn Township truly enjoy living in a quiet, rural township that is only minutes from some of the most populated and commercial areas of Berks County.

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Here is a picture of a section of the Blue Marsh bike trail along the lake.

Many members of Bern also appreciate one of Penn Township’s most popular establishments - the Creamery at Plum Creek Farm, which is only a stone’s throw away from the church’s doors.


Education in Bern Township is provided by the Schuylkill Valley School District. Its campus, which is in Leesport approximately six miles from the church, consists of elementary, middle, and high school buildings with a newly renovated sports complex.

The Schuylkill Valley High school

Schuylkill Valley Elementary School was recently named the Pennsylvania winner of the prestigious 2018 Exemplary Reading Program Award from the International Literacy Association, chosen over hundreds of other school districts that applied. Also close by in the Schuylkill Valley area, is the King’s Academy, which provides a Christian-centered learning environment for all grade levels pre-K to 12.

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Education in Penn Township is provided by the Tulpehocken Area School District. It is the western-most school district in Berks County and educates approx. 1,450 students. The district maintains two elementary schools and one junior-senior high school (shown

to the left). It too has recently renovated buildings and a sports complex. Tulpehocken’s Penn-Bernville Elementary School was the Recipient of The Blue Ribbon School for Excellence Award Lighthouse School in 2011, the only Pennsylvania school to win the award that year. The award acknowledges academic excellence and progress accomplishments. Berks County offers many local choices for students going off to college. Albright College, Alvernia University, Kutztown University, Penn State University – Berks campus, Reading Area Community College (RACC), and The Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences are spread across the county. The Berks Technical Institute provides advancement for technical students. RACC also provides many options for adult learning courses.

Cost of Living The Greater Reading Chamber Alliance recently conducted a study to analyze the cost of living in Berks County. The results of the project indicated that Berks County "is a good place to do business, and a good place for employees to live." The data concluded that the cost of living in Berks County is 91.2 percent, or about 9 percent less than the national average. It also pointed out that the cost of living in Berks is 21 percent less than the cost of living in the Philadelphia area, and more than 14 percent less than in the neighboring Allentown area. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in Berks County is $59,580. The median home value in Berks County is approx. $174,800.00. The Greater Reading Area has a rich history, captivating natural beauty, cultural vitality, low cost of living, excellent educational opportunities, and recognized advanced healthcare; it is easy to see why people have always been attracted to our unique community.

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Who Are Our Neighbors? To the left is a map showing the UCC churches within a 5-mile radius of Bern Reformed UCC. The following data represents the demographics within this area.

Below, is a map showing nearby churches including churches of other denominations.

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Population Projections The population of the area showed a sharp increase between 2000 and 2010 and is projected to grow at a slower pace moving forward toward 2028. The chart to the left illustrates these projections. The percent change is illustrated in the next chart.

The area experienced a large increase in population (possibly due to housing starts) in the 2000 – 2010 time period that has since cooled off, perhaps due to the financial downturn in 2008. This chart shows a projected leveling off of population growth in the area.









2000 2010 2018 2023 2028






Population With Projections










2000 - 2010 2010 - 2018 2018 - 2023 2023 - 2028



t C



Time Segment

Percent Population Change

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Age Demographics: The chart below illustrates a breakdown of the area’s population as of 2018. It shows that the population is weighted toward an older demographic with the baby boomers advancing into the 65 to 74 age bracket.

This chart shows a breakdown of school-age children. The larger proportion of children in the 10 to 14 range coincides with the larger 5 – 13 number in the preceding chart.














Age Group

Population by Age Group 2018




Population By School Age

5 - 9

10 - 14

15 - 17

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Household Types

The vast majority of households in the area are of the family type with a rather large portion in group quarters (institutions, college, military, prison, etc.). The population breakdown by gender is virtually 50/50.

This chart shows the percentage of the population age 15 and older within the area with respect to their marital status.


Group Quarters







Marital Status 15+

Never Married





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Our area includes the county prison, the county home, and a rehabilitation unit all within a couple miles of the church. Here is a great opportunity for outreach to those in need of spiritual assistance.

It can be agreed that the future of any congregation lies with its young people. There is a large group of youth and young adults within our area. Sadly, they are missing from church. With an ageing congregation, it is imperative that this is addressed. Summary: Our church participates in numerous community outreach programs such as monthly meals at the soup kitchen in Reading, the local food bank, contributions to local first responder groups, as well as the OCWM contributions in the weekly offering. We hold two summer picnics (Strawberry Festival in June and Peach Festival in August). We also host an annual Live Nativity including crafts for the children, music, hot dogs, cookies, and apple cider, and of course three enactments of the nativity story, all free of charge. We hold card showers for shut-ins within the congregation and have a program where members can “adopt” a resident at a local senior center, visiting them and remembering their birthdays etc. All of these activities involve people in our community. As the data above shows, there is plenty of room for increasing and refining our outreach.










Institutionalized College Military Other

Population in Group Quarters

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The Future

We are committed to building in accordance with the plans of our Divine Architect, in whom we trust to reveal our future according to His design. With our church renovated and our debts paid, we look to a different type of building -- that of constructing bridges between our congregation and the surrounding community. As the profile indicates, the opportunities for outreach in our area are both challenging and promising. We hope to make use of our new facilities to offer a place where, through the work of the Holy Spirit, our Bern and Penn Township neighbors can come together for the improvement of the quality of life for all. Equally important to our future is the continued nurturing of the many wonderful relationships fostered within our congregation, where God’s love and the support of the Spirit are abundantly evident. We pray to move forward as St. Paul admonishes, “to serve God with gladness.” It should be noted that, during the Covid 19 pandemic, we have held services in our beautiful grove with masks and social distancing. Those individuals who find it difficult to walk or set up lawn chairs are able to hear the service from their cars using FM radio equipment. During inclement weather or as it gets colder, we will hold services in our sanctuary with masks and social distancing as well as utilizing FM broadcasts to our parking lot for those individuals who prefer not to meet inside the sanctuary. As members become more comfortable with indoor services and numbers exceed recommended levels, a plan is being developed to offer indoor services to members on a rolling weekly basis.

Prayer for Our Search Committee

God of the past, the present and the future, creator of worlds and seer of possibilities, help us to understand the information we have been given. Help us to know your best hope for us and our church. Show us the way you would have us go. Show us the path you want us to walk. We wait to hear your voice. Amen.

Search Committee Members Kay St. Angelo Lori Heydt Linda Mitchell (Deceased) Kenneth Noecker Eric Schaeffer

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Attachments: (available upon request)

➢ Bern Reformed UCC, Annual Report, 2018 ➢ Reading, Berks County Travel Guide ➢ Tentative Worship Schedule, 2019 (Note: Due to Covid 19, the 2020 schedule is in flux) ➢ Symbols of Bern ➢ Look for the Star! ➢ 2019 Slide Show

Resources: https://bernreformeducc.org/ (Photographs, information, history, events, ministry) https://www.facebook.com/bernreformeducc.church

https://www.visitpaamericana.com/ (Fun events, entertainment, dining, and attractions in the Berks County area)

https://greaterreading.org/ (Economic, business, and resources of the Reading-Berks area) https://www.readingeagle.com/money/article/study-berks-is-competitive-in-affordability http://www.co.berks.pa.us/berks/ (Berks County government, resources, and services) http://www.co.berks.pa.us/dept/assessment/documents/co%20twp%20sch%20tax%20rate.pdf

(Local assessment and tax information)

https://youtu.be/D2XcwErprdg (Berks Time Train segment featuring Bern Church)

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REFERENCE: Jim Roth -currently serving as extended “Supply Pastor” Phone- Home: 610-287-7087 Cell 484-941-4344 email: [email protected] The following areas of strength are described along with an observable limitation.

1. STRENGTH: This congregation, of 300+ members, boasts a steady worship attendance that hovers around 100. These are largely people who regularly contribute to the Church’s ministries, have extended family connections, and historical roots. They contribute well financially, take turns assisting in worship, help at fundraising events, and provide leadership in a comprehensive array of strong functioning committees.

CAVEAT: There is a growing imbalance of a majority of Senior Adults.

2. STRENGTH: The church has been beautifully maintained inside and out; with sanctuary renovations including a large screen projection system. There is a newly modernized social room, a completely refurbished choir room, pastor’s study, and secretary’s office. By the end of March 2019 an elevator will have been installed. The church sits along a very busy highway with thousands of commuters passing by daily. The congregation owns a sizable grove across the street, where they host annual Peach and Strawberry Festivals with live professional entertainment.

CAVEAT: There is no (immediate) community surrounding the church, thus most members travel a few miles to attend worship each week.

3. STRENGTH: The congregation is led by very strong, capable leaders. They skillfully administrate and direct the functioning of Christian Education, Community Outreach, Fundraising, Prayer Chain, Property, Worship & Music, Youth Ministry, and Consistory (which is the ruling body comprised of Elders and Deacons).

CAVEAT: They have a tendency to operate these specific areas in isolation. Metaphorically, they may be compared to an all-star team that benefits by a Pastoral Leader (coach) who can cleverly and subtly weave them in functioning together. A pastor who chooses to dominate or impose his/her will, rather than establishing camaraderie, is bound to be short-lived.

SUMMARY OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: My tenure at Bern has been that of a combined five, going on six years, before and after a period of eighteen months. Friendships are easily established in this congregation. Each and all of these dedicated members loves to feel they have a direct, personal connection with their pastor. They are an extremely intelligent group, many school teachers, professionals, business owners, skilled artisans, all who savor an in-depth, study of the bible accompanied by a challenge to apply its lessons, meaningfully, into their daily lives.

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REFERENCE: Steven Wolf - 617 Bossler Road, Leesport, PA 19533; 610-926-6887

I am a participating non-member at Bern UCC. My wife is a church member along with her father and has grown up attending Bern UCC. I grew up attending a local Methodist church and after my wife and I were married, we continued attending our own churches. When we had children, we decided to attend Bern UCC as a family, but I have not become a member there. I have been attending Bern UCC fairly regularly for over 14 years.

Bern is a very welcoming church and I have felt that way from day one. Any time someone new shows up on a Sunday there are many folks saying hello and welcoming them – beyond the formal welcoming committee. It’s just the nature of the members.

Bern is a larger congregation than the Methodist Church I had attended so we have more church family and everyone is very nice. There are quite a few community events which our family enjoys participating in. We attend and help out with the strawberry and peach festivals in our church grove and my wife also organizes a fall festival which we help with.

Our church also does some work with our local food pantry and our family likes helping there as well. The church also has a free live Nativity event each Christmas season which draws in quite a few people. Again, our family helps out with this wherever we are needed. It is a nice community draw.

As with most churches, there are a core group of members that attend regularly. Bern struggles a little with “younger families” but I don’t think that is uncommon these days. The younger families that do attend are all actively involved in events and helping too. This could be an area to be developed, but families are just busy all the time and it is tough.

The church family is great at volunteering their time and talents to get things done, and many have helped with church improvements over the years. Improvements are quite often generously funded by member(s) too.

The church also supports many local charities with some of the fundraising efforts throughout the year. There are also members that sponsor residents at a nearby senior living facility and we often hear how the residents enjoy those touches with our church members. The children also do an annual Christmas caroling event at the facility which the residents enjoy. I can’t say that I’ve really had a significant experience with the church that drew me there, it was just an easy integration into Bern through my relation with my wife.

After reviewing what I’ve written, I think the strengths I see in this church are certainly the members and their involvement and contributions in all aspects, and also the large number of community events and outreach activities. Everyone who participates in these activities works hard to make them successful and at the end of the day it is a great feeling that you helped bring joy or sometimes help to others.

Respectfully submitted, Steve Wolf

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