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  • 8/10/2019 Cities, Social Cohesion and the Enviroment (Swyngedouw and Cook)


    Social Polis Survey Paper

    Existential Field 5

    Cities, social cohesion and the environment

    Erik Swyngedouw and Ian R. Cook

    School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester

    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    April 2009

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    This review will consider the nexus between social cohesion, the environment and cities,with a particular emphasis on new theoretical perspectives, a review of recent research into

    socio-environmental practices, policies and politics, and chart key new research avenues. At

    first glance, the relationship between urban social cohesion and the natural environment may

    sound like a peculiar nexus to focus on. Cities have long been viewed as places where nature

    ends and where urbanism begins, a perspective still prevalent today in many urban policy

    practices. Yet, cities are inhabited by a magnificent variety of flora and fauna, are built out of

    natural resources, produce vast quantities of pollution and effluents, contain mesmerising

    conduits for all manner of resource and other environmental flows, and have become central

    nodes in the commodification of nature (Heynen et al., 2006b; Hinchcliffe and Whatmore,

    2006). It could be argued, therefore, that cities are places where nature and its societal

    relations are being intensely reworked. The issues of social cohesion and exclusion are also

    important as the production of urban environments is interlaced by uneven power relations

    and dynamics of inclusion and exclusion. Social cohesion/exclusion become etched into the

    particular processes through with nature is reworked through urbanisation. Even a cursory

    glance at the contemporary city reveals serious socio-environmental inequalities and a

    distinctive lack of social cohesiveness in societal relations with the urban environment.

    Consider, for example, the unequal exposure to environmental bads such as air pollution,

    inadequate green space and nutritious food that characterize many urban areas. Likewise, we

    should look at the often narrow section of people who have access to environmental goods,

    people who more-often-than-not possess power, money and white skin. From this

    perspective the nexus between social cohesion, the environment and cities is a vitally

    important issue.

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    The paper begins by examining the 19thcentury and early 20thcentury antecedents to

    urban sustainability from Engels exploration of the English industrial slums to the Chicago

    Schools social ecology approach to the city. It will then move on to consider a

    contemporary and increasingly hegemonic view of the nexus urban sustainability arguing

    it to be inherently flawed through its technocratism and ignorance of social (in)equality and

    (in)justice. It will then consider two more sophisticated approaches that emphasize issues of

    (in)equality and (in)justice in the urban environment, those of environmental justice and

    urban political ecology. The final part of the paper pinpoints four areas of research that

    urban researchers must examine if we are to understand more fully the nexus between cities,

    social cohesion and the environment.

    The Urban Question as an Environmental Issue: 19thand 20thCentury Antecedents

    Written in the mid 19th

    century and with exemplary accuracy, Friedrich Engels (1971 [1844])

    The Condition of the Working Class in England showed how processes of social exclusion,

    uneven socio-economic power relations and the capitalist urbanisation process articulate

    with uneven environmental and ecological conditions. He showed how class relations are

    shaped and defined by relations of access to and control over nature, resulting in the

    production of distinct urban ecologies and urban environmental processes as well as a highly

    uneven distribution of environmental bads and goods. Smoke, health, illness, food, light and

    air, sex, and dirt were, for him, the tropes through which the socio-environmental insignia

    that characterised the urbanisation process and the urban condition in the grand

    metropolises of the 19thcentury were narrated. Not only social commentators commented

    on the disturbing consequences of the urbanization of nature, natural scientists, like Jacob

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    Moleschott (1852) and Justus von Liebig (1855), were also contemplating the myriad ways

    through which urban and environmental process interacted. They considered the city as part

    of a metabolic-organic exchange of energy and substances between organisms and the

    environment. von Liebig argued that the metabolic rift the temporal/spatial separation of

    spaces of production and spaces of consumption through the emergence of long-distance

    trade on the one hand and the process of urbanisation on the other influenced negatively

    the productivity of agricultural land, while exacerbating the problematic accumulation of

    excrement, sewage and garbage (and its disastrous social consequences) in the city. This view

    would be effectively incorporated by Karl Marx in Capital:

    large landed property reduces the agricultural population to an ever decreasing

    minimum and confronts it with an ever growing industrial population crammed

    together in large towns; in this way it produces conditions that provoke an

    irreparable rift in the interdependent process of social metabolism, a metabolism

    prescribed by the natural laws of life itself. The result of this is a squandering of the

    vitality of the soil, which is carried by trade far beyond the bounds of a single

    country (Marx, 1981 [1867], p. 949).

    Together with the discovery of bacteria and the revolutionary replacement of

    miasma-theory by perspectives that focused on these living creatures as the source of

    disease, decay and death in public health discourses (Gandy, 2004), late 19thcentury urban

    proto-sociological perspectives would explicitly link processes of social exclusion and social

    inequality with urban environmental and sanitary conditions. This insight, together with

    mounting discontent of an impoverished working class living in environmentally precarious

    conditions and the modernising-civilising desires of an enlightened technocratic elite and

    public policy makers, ushered in several decades of concerted attempts to both re-imagine

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    the city as wholesome and more socio-ecologically balanced and to sanitise the urban

    through the mobilisation of a wide range of new technologies, engineering knowledges and

    policy practices (Richardson and Chadwick, 1887). The city became engineered as an

    extraordinarily complex set of conduits to move people, matter and energy in, through, and

    out of the city. The city became, in Paul Virillos (1986) words, a metabolic vehicle. This

    proto-ecological-urban transformation would lay the foundations for a new garden city

    ideal (Howard, 1902) and attempted to bring a manicured and civilised nature into the city

    as pioneered most notably by Frederick Law Olmsted (see Beveridge et al., 1995). On top

    of this, it would open up the terrain for an entirely new type of profession, the urban

    planner/designer. Considering nature-society relations became, in fact, the trademark

    objective of urban reformers in an attempt to produce a more cohesive and socially inclusive

    and wholesome city, a sustainable city avant-la-lettre.

    Emerging understandings of urban social metabolism, the rural/nature/city interplay

    and the intra-urban socio-ecological conditions played an important role in the emergence of

    late 19th century urban politics as well as in the emergent disciplines of ecology1 and

    sociology (particularly in the contributions of A. Schaffle, A. Compte and H. Spencer (see

    Padovan, 2000). Beginning in the 1920s the work of the Chicago School (Ernest Burgess,

    Robert Park, Roderick McKenzie and Louis Wirth among others) began to associate ecology

    with the city through the notion of social ecology. Although social ecology would later be

    criticised for imposing a set of imagined ecological behaviours on human populations, it was

    highly influential within urban studies for many decades. Its shadow would linger for a long

    time, even in the work of those who radically tried to distance themselves, like Henri

    1The introduction of the concept is usually associated with the 19 thcentury work of Eugene

    Warming and Ernst von Haeckel.

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    Lefebvre (1974) or Manuel Castells (1972), from an empirical and theoretical understanding

    of the city on the basis of an ecological metaphor. Nevertheless, a radical de-naturalisation of

    social theory and political practice together with a strict conceptual and practical separation

    between the city as a political-economic-social-cultural artifact on the one hand and nature as

    a set of organic-physical forces on the other would define most mid-20thcentury approaches

    to the city.

    Of course, some lone voices would continue to insist that the urban and the

    physical/environmental are inextricably interconnected. Lewis Mumford, for example, wrote

    in The Culture of Citiesthat the city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-

    heap. But it is also a conscious work of art (Mumford, 1938, cited in Braun, 2005, p. 636).

    A few decades later, Raymond Williams pointed out in The Country and the City (Williams,

    1975) that the transformation of nature and the social relations inscribed therein are

    inextricably connected to the process of urbanisation. He insisted that socio-environmental

    conditions within the city are intertwined with socio-environmental transformations

    elsewhere. In other words, no matter how far one moves from the city, one cannot really

    leave behind the socio-ecological traces through which the city and the urbanisation process

    are sustained. Murray Bookchin (1992), of course, also insisted on the intricate and politically

    choreographed patterning that fuses together ecological processes, environmental practices

    and the urban condition. It is these considerations that led David Harvey to state

    controversially that there is nothing unnatural about New York City (Harvey, 1996, p.


    Urban planners, designers and architects had, throughout the century, been

    beavering away at bringing nature into the city (while remaining blissfully ignorant of the

    rampant socio-ecological problems their visions for a harmonious and integrated urbanity

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    inflicted on places and people in distant ecologies). Olmsted had already reveled in how the

    sanitising and purifying delights of air and foliage would turn parks and green havens into

    the new and true centers of the city. Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright the gurus of

    20th century urban modernism both introduced nature into the city also became a means

    of restoring a healthy vitality to the city (see Fishman, 1982). While Le Corbusier advocated a

    geometrical symmetry in which regimented green spaces would provide the setting for his

    machines for living, Wright pursued a much more organic integration of nature and

    building. While both intended to take further the 19thcentury ideals of marrying nature with

    the city as a means of restoring social harmony and achieving wholesome living, their vision

    of nature was infused by a particular, romanticised scripting of nature in the city, a scripting

    that maintained a strict separation between the human world of the artifact and the physical

    world of non-human nature.

    The engineers, in the mean-time, had brought clean water, air, light and sanitation

    into the houses of most urban dwellers in the global North (Kaika and Swyngedouw, 2000),

    while planners drew the contours of new urban expansions that aspired to marry urban life,

    the presence of nature, and the interests of rapid urban modernisation. The suburb became

    the space where this new socio-environmental assemblage was reworked. Of course, little

    attention was paid to the extraordinary energy and other resources required for producing

    and sustaining such environmental modes of urban living.

    By the late 1960s, the ecological problem became more acutely foreground as a

    major political and social issue. A growing recognition that a galloping capitalist

    modernisation and urbanisation might have irredeemably detrimental effect on present and

    future urban life began to make its mark in scientific enquiry, public consciousness and

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    political debate. McHargs (1969) seminal book Design with Nature proposed the first

    guidelines to ecologise the city, to bring nature squarely into the multiple relations that

    structure the urbanisation process. For him, nature is a single interacting system and changes

    to any part of it will affect the operation of the whole. Ever since, this systems view of

    ecology as a network of interrelated and intersecting processes with all manner of positive

    and negative feedback loops would increasingly become the dominant perspective mobilised

    to make a case for and create a sustainable or more environmentally-sensitive city

    (Haughton and Hunter, 1994). Not surprisingly, these budding attempts to ecologise the city

    harked back to largely 19th century conceptions of ecological systems as inherently (or

    naturally) balanced and harmonious, and translated socially into a view that scripts a

    dehumanised nature as morally superior and ecologically more sustainable than the man-

    made artifacts of man-made urbanity. Mimicking natures process would not only produce

    sustainable cities but ethically more equal and humane ones too. A few years later, a budding

    environmental movement, arising around the single issues of nuclear power that was

    considered as the emblematic symptom that symbolised the socio-environmental

    conundrum and contradictions of the time, and the alarming signals of a rapidly depleting

    resource base (as documented by the 1972 Club of Rome report) began to demand a much

    more thorough engagement with the environmental question. The environmental question

    became increasingly understood as a global one, but in which cities played a decisive role in

    shaping the dynamics, however uneven they may be, of global environmental

    transformations and problems. This new engagement would require new modes of inquiry

    and new forms of imagining the society-nature and, thereby, urban-environment interplay.

    However, the advent of an ecological sensitivity coincided with a period of rapid, if

    not unprecedented, urban transformation during the final decades of the 20thcentury and the

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    beginnings of the 21st century. Cities have witnessed the (re-)opening of inter- and intra-

    urban inequalities and uneven power relations, together with an unprecedented increase in

    wealth for an excessively small part of the worlds urban populations. All this amidst

    stagnating or falling resource entitlements for the urban poor in both the global South and

    global North, the rise of neo-liberalisation, and after 1989, the disintegration of really-

    existing communism and the re-emergence of the polarising inequalities and exclusions

    associated with a transition to rampant neo-liberal capitalism. In the mean-time, the de-

    naturalising approach to the city that characterised so much of 20th

    century urbanisation

    theory and practice was replaced by an increasingly hegemonic view that nature/ecology

    needs to be taken seriously in terms of designing cities and organising the urbanisation

    process (Jenks and Dempsey, 2005; White, 1994). The dominant vision of this new marriage

    between city, society and ecology is, of course, sustainability. This vision assumes, if not

    stipulates, a necessary and possible harmonious lining of nature, society and economy,

    whereby the survival of humankind is predicated upon forging a new relationship with a

    nature that seems increasingly out of synch with itself (Haughton and Hunter, 1994). This

    vision invokes a romanticisation of nature with nature portrayed as being inherently benign

    and harmonious on the one hand and increasingly lost and desirable on the other.

    In the remainder of this paper, we shall explore these new directions, in particular

    those that pertain explicitly to questions of socio-environmental inequality and persistent

    conditions of social exclusion. The theoretical and practical arguments revolve around two

    common-place and interrelated, yet strangely disconnected, ontological views about the city.

    These views differ about what exactly constitutes the city and to what extent can it be

    considered an appropriate geographical object of academic enquiry or a relevant political-

    economic scale of governing. The first view political ecology inthe city focuses on the

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    socio-environmental conditions as produced and distributed within the city as a bounded

    territory. The second view the political ecology ofthe city considers the process of the

    urbanisation of nature, i.e. the political, social and environmental processes through which

    nature becomes urbanised (Swyngedouw and Kaika, 2000). The former concentrates on the

    citys internal characteristics, its technical, physical, social and environmental connections

    and interactions, its institutional configurations, policy prescriptions, design and planning

    techniques and procedures, and the social conflict and struggle over environmental

    amenities. The latter, meanwhile, views the urbanisation process as inserted in much wider

    social, political, economic and environmental networks, sustained by socio-ecological flows

    of matter, people, energy and information. Both perspectives will be considered in this paper

    and, as we shall see, lead to rather different understandings of the issues of socio-

    environmental cohesion and dynamics of socio-ecological exclusion/inclusion. With respect

    to the former perspective, we shall consider the burgeoning literatures on urban

    sustainability and urban environmental justice. The latter will be considered through the lens

    of the literature on urban political ecology.

    Urban Sustainability: The Fantasy of Socio-Ecological Urban Cohesion

    The mainstreaming of urban socio-ecological concerns during the late 20th century was

    marked by a number of emblematic moments, such as the 1987 Brundtland report and the

    1992 Rio Earth Summit, and the popularity of a few accounts that showed that the socio-

    ecological footprint of cities was indeed truly global (Giradet, 1992, 1999). Albeit highly

    selectively, the emergent sustainability argument challenged previous urban practices that

    brought nature into the city regardless of the wider ramifications by considering how the

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    production of urban environments impacted on issues such as global resource use and

    depletion, climate gases, soil erosion, deforestation, acid rain, as well as the livelihoods of

    peoples in distant places.

    As Braun (2005) recognizes, urban sustainability is frequently viewed from two inter-

    connected perspectives. First, perspectives that emphasize ecological rationality, focusing on

    the most efficient and effective use of natural resources and the rational socio-ecological

    management of urban processes like land use, water, energy, materials and the like. Second,

    perspectives that focus on ecological systems relations and the technocratic management of

    human-environmental relations, usually through mobilising new technologies, planning

    perspectives, design principles and architectural forms. These two perspectives are

    occasionally accompanied by a third perspective which recognizes the wider socio-ecological

    networks in which the urbanisation process is embedded and the conflicts and compromises

    involved in delivering urban sustainability.

    As will be argued later in this review, much of the sustainability argument and

    practices is sutured by a fantasy of socio-ecological cohesion which can be achieved by

    means of the mobilisation of a combination of ecologically sensitive technologies, good

    managerial governance principles, appropriate institutionalised modes of stakeholder-based

    participatory negotiations, changing consumer cultures and individual habits, and sustained

    by a hegemonically accepted growth-oriented neo-liberal market system as the idealised

    delivery mechanism. There is an unending stream of literatures that regurgitate this argument

    ad infinitum (Da Cunha et al., 2005). Although emphases and orientations vary, they are

    ultimately concerned with what can be done within an urban socio-ecological order that is

    considered given. Echoing the concerns of many others (see, for example, Keil, 2003; Keil,

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    2005; Swyngedouw, 2007a), Haughton (1999, p. 233), summarizes the problems with this

    approach most eloquently:

    A sustainable city cannot be achieved purely in internal terms With the

    emergence of ever-thickening and extending patterns of global economic trading,

    and increasingly global exchanges of environmental resources and waste streams, it is

    futile and indeed virtually meaningless to attempt to create a sustainable city in


    The neo-liberalised urban sustainability framework inserts urban environmental

    policies within the logics of ecological modernisation which promotes the economic benefits

    of reducing environmental pollution and of mobilising more ecologically rational resource

    management operations (Gibbs, 2006; Mol and Spaargaren, 2000). It promotes market-led,

    technocratic approaches to greening capitalism and almost completely ignores issues of

    social justice and the processes of social inclusion and exclusion that run through urbanenvironments and the very technological advancements they are advocating. Although

    contemporary rhetoric of sustainable development in academic and policy circles often

    incorporate the social as a supposedly integral part of the sustainable development triad

    alongside the environment and the economy (see Whitehead, 2007), its advocates in practice

    frequently sideline issues of justice and equality in favour of the requirements and dilemmas

    of the economy and the environment (Baker, 2007; Keil, 2007). As Portney (2003, p. 158)

    argues, many cities that purport to be working toward becoming more sustainable do not

    address the issue of inequality at all. In light of this silence around the issues of social

    cohesion and inequality, we need to consider alternative ways of thinking about the nexus

    between cities, nature and social cohesion. The next section, therefore, will consider the

    literature on urban environmental justice.

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    Urban Environmental Justice: The Distribution of Urban Socio-Ecological Bads

    The burgeoning literature on urban environmental justice focuses directly on the

    relationships between social inclusion/exclusion on the one hand and urban socio-

    environmental conditions and socio-political practices on the others. Environmental justice

    (hereafter EJ) is at once a normative concept and a social movement (or rather a group of

    social movements). As a whole, EJ focuses on the differential exposure to environmental

    goods and bads experienced by different social groups with a particular emphasis on

    environmental bads (Bickerstaff et al., Forthcoming, p. 4). Due to the importance of both

    activists and academics in EJ, Sze and London (2008, p. 1332) contend that EJ should be

    understood as a form of social praxis, drawing from and integrating theory and practice in a

    mutually informing dialogue. The movement itself emerged in the US out of two

    emblematic environmental events that took place in the 1970s and 1980s, one that formed inopposition to the location of toxic sites near deprived communities and another that

    protested against environmental racism (Schlosberg, 2003, 2007). The pioneering work by

    academic-activist Robert Bullard and a report by the United Church of Christs (UCC)

    Commission for Racial Justice acted as the catalyst for a thorough academic engagement

    with the EJ movement and concept. Bullards early work argued that hazardous waste

    facilities were disproportionately located and deliberately sited in predominately black

    neighbourhoods within the US South (see, for instance, Bullard, 1983, 1990). Like Bullard,

    the UCC (1987) claimed that across the US, black communities have suffered from

    environmental racism a process which the then-Chief Executive of the UCC, Benjamin

    Chavis (1993, p. 3) later defined as:

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    racial discrimination in environmental policymaking... in the enforcement of

    regulations and laws... in the deliberate targeting of communities of color for toxic

    waste disposal and the siting of polluting industries... in the official sanctioning of the

    life-threatening presence of poisons and pollutants in communities of color [and...]

    in the history of excluding people of color from the mainstream environmental

    groups, decisionmaking boards, commissions, and regulatory bodies.

    To quote Byrne et al. (2002, p. 5), the work of Bullard and the UCC connected

    what had previously been largely isolated stories of risk into a racially identifiable pattern of

    injustice. Since these formative studies, the number of EJ studies has grown spectacularly

    across multiple disciplines. Empirical studies have frequently focused on the citing patterns

    of Transfer, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) and polluting industries, their social

    implications and community resistance to these (e.g. Kurtz, 2002; Sze, 2007). Research has

    broadened out in recent years to look at a wide variety of issues from hazardous material

    transportation (Schweitzer, 2006) to the unequal protection from socio-natural hazards

    (Bullard, 2007; Colten, 2007). Taken together, these studies have contributed towards a re-

    understanding of environment and justice, and the importance of race and class within

    environmental injustice. These issues will now be considered in turn.

    Echoing work in Political Ecology, EJ activists and scholars have sought to

    denaturalise the environment, placing emphasis on its social relations and social production.

    This is captured by the EJ activist Dana Alston who reasoned that: [f]or us, the issues of

    the environment do not stand alone by themselves. They are not narrowly defined The

    environment, for us, is where we live, where we work, and where we play (Alson, quoted in Whitehead,

    Forthcoming, p. 7, emphasis added). Furthermore, EJ activists and scholars have rejected

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    notions of pristine nature to examine the urban environment of the black lung producing

    workplace, the asbestos clad home, and the smog-laden playground (Whitehead, ibid., p. 8).

    The notion of justice has been central to the EJ movement. Debates have arisen

    within the academic literature as to what type of justice the EJ movement has and should

    aspire to. David Schlosberg (2003) argues that although the literature and movement is

    abound with references to justice, they are often vague or imprecise about the forms of

    justice they envisage. Developing Iris Marion Youngs (1990) work on the politics of

    difference, Schlosberg (2003) suggests that three dimensions of justice are central to EJ:

    distributional justice, procedural justice and recognitional justice. In a later contribution,

    Schlosberg (2007) adds a fourth dimension of justice: the justice of capabilities. It is

    important to examine each dimension in more detail. Distributional justicehas long been a core

    focus of the EJ literature. It refers to the belief that environmental bads should not be

    concentrated in, or nearby, disadvantaged communities but (re)distributed more equally.

    This argument, centered on a Rawlsian notion of distributive justice, has received stern

    criticism from Dobson (2003) who suggests that calls to redistribute socio-environmental

    problems fails to tackle its root causes. Moreover, Lake (1996) reasons that EJ activists and

    scholars have over-emphasised distributional justice and played down the importance of

    procedural justice. Procedural justice refers to the need for fairer and more democratic

    decision-making process and the involvement of disadvantaged groups within this. As

    Schlosberg (2003, p. 92) argues: [t]he construction of inclusive, participatory decision-

    making institutions... is at the center of environmental justice demands. For Lake (1996)

    this dimension is important not simply because it is more inclusive but also because the

    realisation of distributional justice can only take place through a prior incorporation of

    procedural justice. Recognitional justice refers to the call for recognition and respect for the

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    disadvantaged communities who suffer from environmental injustice and those who

    participate in the EJ movement (Schlosberg, 2003). For Schlosberg (2003, p. 60), [t]he

    simple point here is that there is a crucial link between a lack of recognition and the

    inequitable distribution of environmental bads; it is a general lack of value of the poor and

    people of color that leads to this distributional inequity. Finally, the justice of capabilities is

    about re-establishing the capabilities necessary for a healthy, functioning community

    (Schlosberg, 2007, p. 72), a dimension that goes some way to counter Dobsons criticism

    that EJ ignores the production of environmental problems. Schlosbergs most important

    insight, however, is that these dimensions of justice cannot be conceived of or actualised in

    isolation. The justice of capabilities necessitates a political focus on distributional justice:

    healthy communities require some form of redistribution of environmental bads and goods.

    In order to achieve distributional justice and the justice of capabilities, procedural justice and

    recognitional justice are necessary.

    Moving on, much of the work on EJ has examined whether spatial patterns of

    environmental inequality are linked to the issues of class or race. Numerous studies have

    used available environmental and demographic data, GIS software and quantitative methods

    (e.g. bivariate statistics, regression analysis) to examine the spatial relationships between

    environmental problems and population characteristics. From these, several commentators

    have agreed with Bullard and the UCCs early assessments that race is the key determining

    factor in EJ (e.g. Boone, 2002; Pulido, 2000). Others, however, contend that environmental

    inequality is not solely determined by race. Instead, they argue that it has clear class

    dimensions with toxic hotspots frequently located in working class communities of varying

    racial compositions (e.g. Boer et al., 1997). For Ringquist (2005, p. 223), this seeming

    inability to identify the social determiners of environmental inequality has blunted the

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    legitimacy of the EJ movements demands. In contrast, Downey (1998) believes these class

    versus race debates are misguided as neither class nor race-based inequalities operate in

    isolation. Instead, they are interdependent with both structuring patterns of environmental

    inequality. Therefore, he reasons that studies should examine the interplay between these

    two axes of inequality.

    Following these debates, a number of recent studies have emerged venting their

    frustration with the literatures lack of understanding of how gender relations shape

    environmental inequalities and the EJ movement. Amongst other things, these gender-

    informed studies have shown how women (especially working class and ethnic minority

    women) suffer disproportionately from environmental bads; the effect of toxicity on

    womens bodies (Knopf-Newman, 2004); how women are marginalised, and even blamed, in

    environmental policy-making (Buckingham et al., 2005; Sze, 2004); and the role of women in

    the EJ movement (Kurtz, 2007). Clearly, then, class and race are not the sole axes of

    domination that shape EJ.

    The literatures linkingclass, race and environmental injustice have received further

    criticism. Bowen (2002), for instance, has accused scholars of using quantitative and

    qualitative methods that lack rigour and, in some cases, producing studies of low scientific

    quality (ibid, p. 5). This, he reasons, means that their claims of racial and class

    discrimination cannot be proven until more sophisticated quantitative methodologies are

    developed. Other empirical studies some of which has been sponsored by the waste

    industry has found limited or no spatial correlations between toxic hotspots and minority

    groups (e.g. Anderton et al., 1994; Derezinski et al., 2003). Moreover, others have suggested

    that a localitys class or race composition is less important to decision-makers than issues

    such as land value, transportation access and workforce availability when deciding whether

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    or not to locate there (Been and Gupta, 1997). Pastor et al. (2001) counters this by arguing

    that one of the key reasons behind the siting of TSDFs in minority areas is that these areas

    are paths of least resistance where residents frequently lack the power and voice to resist

    the siting. Another criticism of the EJ literature is that many quantitative studies are a-

    historical, measuring toxicity and demographics at one point in time. This, it is argued,

    overlooks the possibility that minority populations have moved into the locality after the

    toxicity had been installed or worsened (Been, 1994; Been and Gupta, 1997).

    Pointing to the possibility of minority move-in and the black box nature of the

    decision-making process, some scholars and policymakers have suggested that these are not

    deliberately discriminatory decisions as there is no intent evident (Been, 1994; Boerner and

    Lambert, 1994) This argument is fundamentally rejected by Pulido (2000) and Morello-

    Frosch (2002) who reason that the focus on intentional, malicious acts of discrimination is

    too narrow. Morello-Frosch (ibid, p. 491) notes:

    Given the insidious nature of discrimination in contemporary society, intent-based

    theories of environmental inequality are over-simplified by limiting inquiry to the most

    proximate causes while overlooking the institutional mechanisms and historical and

    structural processes that determine distributions of environmental hazards.

    As a result, Morello-Frosch and Pulido both stress the structural and more subtle

    processes that create the conditions for environmental inequalities. Morello-Frosch

    highlights inequalities in the housing markets, the racial division of labour and economic

    restructuring as being important factors. Pulido, meanwhile, argues that institutional racism,

    or white privilege, is a key structural process creating these inequalities.

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    In the last few years, studies of EJ have moved beyond the US. In part, this reflects

    the mobilisation of EJ campaigns to other places in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and

    Australasia (Agyeman, 2002; Schlosberg, 2007; Schroeder et al., 2008) and the rise of

    transnational EJ movements and networks (Carruthers, 2008; Pellow, 2007). As Carruthers

    (2008) notes, many of these movements do not frame themselves as being an environment

    justice movement but do focus on the relationship between social inequalities and the

    environment, the key issue for EJ. Moreover, EJ-esque movements are often hybrid

    incarnations drawing influences (and, on occasions, resources) from movements elsewhere

    whilst emerging from often longstanding localised social and environmental struggles

    (Carruthers, 2008). Studies of EJ in Europe have continued with the themes of US-

    orientated work on EJ such as the struggles over toxic sitings and social inequality of

    environmental pollution and policy (Davies, 2006; Laurian, 2008). It has also taken on board

    earlier criticisms of EJ to (re)consider issues such as the role of women in EJ (Buckingham

    et al., 2005) and the (lack of) procedural justice in policymaking (Watson and Bulkeley,

    2005). A forthcoming book edited by Agyeman and Ogneva-Himmelberger (Forthcoming)

    also investigates EJ movements in Central and Eastern Europe, considering environmental

    inequalities during state socialism and following its collapse. Perhaps the biggest contrast to

    the US studies of EJ is the qualitative rather than quantitative nature of much of the

    European EJ research although a growing number are using quantitative methodologies to

    detail the sociospatial patterns of environmental injustice (e.g. Laurian, 2008; Walker et al.,


    This internationalisation of EJ research and movements has brought with it

    questions of how EJ should be conceived in different contexts. Some scholars have

    suggested that EJ needs a universal definition of environment justice. Schroeder et al (2008,

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    p. 554), for instance, reason that: the core issues at the heart of environmental justice

    struggles are universal. The same basic spatial logic applies in all instances some places are

    defined as dumping grounds and some are clean; some livelihoods are deemed expendable

    and are swept off the land in the name of progress and others are protected via systems of

    privileged access. Others are not so sure. In a study of EJ in Canada and South Africa,

    Debban and Keil (2004) reason that researchers should view EJ as being situated in

    contingent, multi-scalar and often quite different political, social and economic contexts

    where calls for justice are frequently based on localised perceptions of justice. As we will

    argue later, with the complex internationalisation of socio-environment problems and

    movements, and the emerging transnational EJ movement networks, it is necessary to

    understand how discourses of justice travel.

    Urban Political Ecology

    Whereas the EJ literature is primarily focused on the patterns of sociospatial environment

    inequality, the urban political ecology (hereafter UPE) literature is primarily concerned with

    the political-economic processes involved in the reworking of human-non-human

    assemblages and the productionof socio-environmental inequalities. These processes are not

    backdrops to environmental injustice but actively constitute it and, as such, cannot be

    ignored. This section will outline how UPE scholars understand environmental inequalities

    and how this can complement the work of EJ scholars and activists.

    Unlike EJ, UPE is a school of critical urban political-environmental research

    (Heynen et al., 2006b). UPE takes many of its bearings from the wider and more voluminous

    academic school of political ecology (for reviews, see Castree and Braun, 2001; Keil, 2003,

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    2005). Led by the seminal work of Piers Blaikie (1985; Blaikie and Bloomfield, 1987), David

    Harvey (1996) and Neil Smith (1984) amongst others, urban political ecologists have sought

    to understand the social basis of environmental problems. A number of seminal urban

    political ecological monographs have set the terrain of urban political ecology, in particular

    Natures Metropolis(Cronon, 1991), Dead Cities(Davis, 2002), Concrete and Clay (Gandy, 2003),

    Social Power and the Urbanization of Nature (Swyngedouw, 2004), Nature and City (Desfor and

    Keil, 2004), Cities of Flows (Kaika, 2005) and In the Nature of Cities (Heynen et al., 2006a). UPE

    has exposed two key popular misunderstandings about the relationship between society and

    nature. The first issue is the artificial ontological divide between nature and society that

    exists in popular understandings of nature/society. Political ecologists argue that nature and

    society do not exist independently of each other, but are intricately tangled often to the point

    of blurring. To illustrate this point, some writers have argued that there are few, if any,

    spaces of nature which are pristine or unaffected by human processes (think, for instance, of

    the global environmental effects of increasing carbon emissions). Furthermore, as Castree

    (2001) has demonstrated, capitalism has sought to reinvent and commodify more and more

    of what we traditionally see as natural (e.g. seeds, organs, genes). Similarly, UPE scholars

    have countered the myth that towns and cities are places where nature stops (Hinchcliffe,

    1999, p. 138), positing instead that nature has become urbanised and used in the process of

    making and remaking the cities. Drawing upon the work of Bruno Latour (1993) and Donna

    Haraway (1991), several UPE scholars have claimed that capitalism and urbanisation are

    fundamentally hybrid processes through which social and biophysical elements are

    assembled, entangled and transformed, and socionatural cyborgs are produced (see

    Swyngedouw, 2006). Rethinking nature and society relations in this way has important

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    implications for how we think about environmental justice. As Castree and Braun (1998, p.

    34) state:

    The crucial issue therefore, is not that of policing boundaries between nature and

    culture but rather, of taking responsibility for how our inevitable interventions in

    nature proceed along what lines, with what consequences and to whose benefit.

    A second bone of contention for political ecologists is the Malthusian-influenced

    explanations of environmental degradation and resource depletion, which implicate

    overpopulation and poor people as the primary cause and culprits. This argument is

    vigorously refuted. Instead, it is argued that capitalism is responsible for these ongoing

    environmental atrocities. Drawing influence from Marx, scholars such as OConnor (1996)

    and Henderson (Forthcoming) have shown that the ceaseless quest for surplus value

    compels capitalists to extract and commodify more and more biophysical resources. In doing

    so, capitalists and their labourers degrade the very resources that are necessary forcapitalisms reproduction. For many UPE scholars, the notion of metabolism is vitally

    important. Metabolism is the process whereby biophysical matter such as water or cows are

    transformed into useable, ownable and tradable commodities (Coe et al., 2007, p. 161)

    through the exploitation of human labour (Swyngedouw, 2006). Labour is exploited in this

    process as they are alienated from the commodities they produce, do not share the profits,

    do not own or have control over the means of production, and often suffer poor working

    conditions. In this light, the act of metabolising nature is a key process through which

    environmental injustice is exercised.

    Power, urbanisation and scale are also central to UPE studies and, as we shall

    explain, all three provide useful frames through which environmental injustice can be

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    understood. To begin, UPE scholars assert that unequal power relations are inherently

    bound up in the metabolism of nature and, therefore, the urban environment is created by

    and embodies unequal power relations (see below). Those in power are able to control who

    has access to resources (e.g. parks, water), the quality of these resources, and who can decide

    how resources are utilised (Swyngedouw, 2004; Swyngedouw and Heynen, 2003). Although

    the state plays a vital role in shaping these power relations (as we will explain later), class and

    other forms of social power are seen as the primary structure of inequality. In contrast tothe

    EJ literatures foregrounding of racism and increasingly emphasis on patriarchy, UPE studies

    have rarely analysed these structures of inequality in depth (or for that matter, heterosexism,

    ageism or able-bodyism). The wider Political Ecology literature, nonetheless, has paid more

    attention to gender and race relations. Within this, a number of studies have sought to

    demonstrate how gendered and racial identities are constructed and performed, and how

    these identities influence their access to particular types of knowledge, space, resources, and

    social-political process and vice versa (Nightingale, 2006, p. 169; see also Rocheleau et al.,


    Urbanisation (that is, the production and reproduction of towns and cities) is

    produced through particular forms of metabolism according to UPE scholars (e.g.

    Swyngedouw, 2004, 2006). Exploitation and injustice are wrapped up in the making and

    remaking of the urban under capitalism. Directly and indirectly, key processes within

    contemporary urbanisation such as white flight, suburbanisation, gentrification,

    deindustrialisation and the development of new urban service sector-based economies alter

    the lines of environmental inequality in the city (Morello-Frosch, 2002; Pulido, 2000;

    Schweitzer and Stephenson Jr., 2007) (Domene et al., 2005). Environmental inequality

    cannot be understood in isolation from these intersecting processes. As well as being critical

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    of accounts that ignore the urbanisation of nature, UPE scholars also insist that studies

    should not overlook the importance of spatial scale in the production of, and contestation

    over, environmental injustice (Heynen, 2003; Swyngedouw and Heynen, 2003). On the one

    hand, activists utilise material and discursive scalar strategies (such as lobbying national and

    international governments) in order to advance their struggles (Kurtz, 2002; Towers, 2000).

    On the other hand, extra-local processes actively shape urban environmental injustices, from

    regional government decision-making over waste management to global climate change. As

    scales and the relations between scales are socially produced, particular scales can be

    empowered or disempowered (Swyngedouw and Heynen, 2003) (Bulkeley, 2005). Therefore,

    local communities can suffer from neglect or be exploited by actors and institutions

    operating at wider scales. Likewise local activists and communities can have their abilities to

    jump scale curtailed by actors and institutions at other scales. What is clear, therefore, is

    that excessively localist readings of environmental injustice are completely inadequate at

    understanding the production and contestation of environmental injustice. Further

    discussing the nexus between environmental justice and scale, Heynen (2003) reasons that

    environmental justice produced at one scale may lead to environmental injustices at other

    scales. For instance, the greening of an upper-middle class neighbourhood could accentuate

    the unequal distribution of trees across the metropolitan area. Similarly, the production of

    environmental justice in one place may be produced through the degradation and

    exploitation of places elsewhere.

    In summary, then, UPE scholars focus less on the instances of environmental justice

    and injustice than their EJ counterparts. Rather it is the socio-ecological production of urban

    inequality where emphasis is placed. These approaches are by no means incompatible.

    Indeed, UPE can draw upon the insights provided by EJ studies of the experiences and

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    patterns of environmental injustice to highlight empirically the inequality produced through

    urban metabolism. Emphasis on metabolism, urbanisation, scale and power, likewise, can

    add conceptual and theoretical depth to the more empirically-driven analyses of EJ scholars.

    New and Future Directions

    Although many of the ways in which we understand the nexus between cities, social

    cohesion and the environment have become increasingly sophisticated, particularly in the

    field of urban political ecology, important gaps remain in our understandings of this nexus.

    In this section, we will explore four pressing issues that need to be addressed and how recent

    developments within the field can be utilised to address these.

    The Socio-Ecological Circulation of Urban Metabolisms: (Hybrid) Natures and (Cyborg) Cities

    The urban political ecological approaches explored above illustrate how the city and

    urbanisation more generally can be viewed as a process of de-territorialisation and re-

    territorialisation of metabolic circulatory flows, organised through social and physical

    conduits or networks of metabolic vehicles (Virilio, 1986). These processes are infused by

    relations of power in which social actors strive to defend and create their own environments

    in a context of class, ethnic, racial and/or gender conflicts and power struggles. Under

    capitalism, the commodity relation and the flow of money attempts to suture the multiple

    socioecological processes of domination/subordination and exploitation/repression that

    feed the urbanisation process and turn the city into a metabolic socio-environmental process

    that stretches from the immediate environment to the remotest corners of the globe (Kaika

    and Swyngedouw, 2000). Metabolism is not confined to the boundaries of a city but involve

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    a complex process of linking places, and the humans and non-humans within these places, in

    uneven and contingent ways. These often deeply unjust networks through which cities and

    their inhabitants are linked with people and places elsewhere have begun to be revealed in

    recent work on the transportation of e-waste, household recycling and redundant ships from

    the cities of global North to those in the global South (Buerk, 2006; Pellow, 2007).

    Circulation and metabolism have become increasingly popular and theoretically

    advanced lenses through which to understand a series of interconnected, heterogeneous

    (human and non-human), dynamic, contested and contestable processes of continuous

    quantitative and qualitative transformations that re-arranges humans and non-humans in

    new, and often unexpected, assemblages (Gandy, 2004; Swyngedouw, 2004). Such lenses

    permit grappling with the social and the physical in non-dualistic and deeply political ways.

    The modern city becomes viewed as a process of fusing the social and the physical together

    to produce a distinct hybrid or cyborg urbanisation (Gandy, 2005; Haraway, 1991). Cyborg

    metaphors, in particular, are valuable ways in which to understand these urban assemblages,

    as Matthew Gandy (2005, p. 28) details:

    The emphasis of the cyborg on the material interface between the body and the city

    is perhaps most strikingly manifested in the physical infrastructure that links the

    human body to vast technological networks. If we understand the cyborg to be a

    cybernetic creation, a hybrid of machine and organism, then urban infrastructures

    can be conceptualized as series of interconnecting life support systems. The modern

    home, for example, has become a complex exoskeleton for the human body with a

    provision of water, warmth, light and other essential needs. The home can be

    conceived as a prosthesis and prophylactic in which modernist distinctions between

    nature and culture, and between the organic and the inorganic, become blurred.

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    Natures and cities are alwaysheterogeneously constituted, the product of actants in

    metabolic circulatory processes. Metabolic circulation, then, is the socially-mediated process

    of environmental-technological transformation and trans-configuration, through which all

    manner of actants are mobilised, attached, collectivised, and networked. These relations are

    invariably infused with myriad configurations of power and social struggle that saturate

    material practices, symbolic ordering and imaginary visions. Urbanisation, in fact, is a

    process of geographically-arranged socio-environmental metabolisms. It is mobilised

    through relations that combine the accumulation of socio-natural use and exchange-values,

    which shape, produce, maintain, and transform the metabolic vehicles that permit the

    expanded reproduction of the urban as a historically determined but contingent form of life.

    Such socially-driven material processes produce extended and continuously reconfigured,

    intended and non-intended spatial (networked and scalar) arrangements. These are saturated

    with heterogeneous symbolic and imaginary orders, albeit overdetermined (Althusser, 1969)

    by the generalised commodity form that underpins the capitalist nature of urbanisation. The

    phantasmagorical (spectacular) commodity-form that most socio-natural assemblages take

    not only permits and facilitates a certain discourse and practice of metabolism, but also,

    perhaps more importantly, naturalise the production of particular socio-environmental

    conditions and relations (Heynen et al., 2006b).

    Empirical research has begun to explore the assemblages, power inequalities and

    injustices wrapped up in the metabolism of cities (see, for instance, Desfor and Keil, 2004;

    Gandy, 2003; Kaika, 2005; Swyngedouw, 2004). However, we believe further consideration

    of the metabolism and circulation of cyborg cities is necessary. On the one hand, it will

    reveal further the contingent, constantly shifting and deeply uneven power relations and

    injustices wrapped up in its production. On the other hand, it will help us think critically

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    about the types of cities we want to live in the future, and what metabolisms and circulations

    make up these urban utopias. Such a research project requires unraveling the complex,

    shifting and power-laden social relationships that operate within cities, and how these are

    mediated by and structured through processes of ecological change. As part of this, future

    research must examine how the urban is constituted through socio-ecological metabolic

    flows (such as energy, CO2, water, food, gas), sustained by a series of technological

    infrastructures and social, political and institutional support structures, and how these are

    wrapped up in the production of highly uneven socio-ecological configurations. Not only do

    we need to map, chart, analyse and understand the socio-ecological metabolism of cities, past

    and present, we also need to critically imagine the metabolised socio-ecological relations that

    would operate under the more radical utopian alternatives for instance, of a post-carbon

    communities (e.g. Heinberg, 2006; Hopkins, 2008) that are beginning to emerge. As part of

    this agenda, research must pay attention to the networked relations that stretch beyond the

    contemporary city to different scales and places (urban and rural), as well as those extra-

    urban relations that are being proposed (explicitly and implicitly) in urban utopias. How,

    might we ask, will a post-carbon city affect its inhabitants and, just as importantly, what will

    its ramifications be people in places elsewhere?

    Neo-liberalising Urban Environments

    The state plays a pivotal role in the process of environmental injustice. Whether deliberately

    or not, it helps shape who is exploited, ignored, rewarded and listened to, and how this

    privileging is exercised. It also has considerable power to exacerbate, displace or alleviate

    existing socio-environmental injustices or create entirely new ones. Many EJ and UPE

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    studies have briefly highlighted the role of formal state institutions and actors as decision-

    makers in, for example, the decisions about where toxic facilities should be located or how

    non-renewal resources will be utilised. Studies by Donahue and Lavelle and Coyle (1993)

    have also shown that while state laws can be highly discriminatory (e.g. allowing some

    groups and not others access to environmental resources), the enforcement of these laws can

    be just as discriminatory, if not more so (e.g. less rigorous enforcement of environmental

    protection laws in minority communities). These insights aside, the varied role of the state

    and the practices of governance are somewhat under-researched in the EJ literature and, to a

    lesser extent, its UPE counterpart. We argue that studies need to take on board insights

    offered by political economic studies of state restructuring, and the expanding literature on

    neo-liberalisation in particular, in order to fully understand the role of the state in

    environmental injustice.

    Across European towns and cities in context-specific ways the aims and means of

    the state appear to be undergoing neo-liberalisation (Da Cunha et al., 2005). As part of this,

    the state at various scales is downplaying collectivist and welfarist commitments while

    focusing more and more on speculative, competitive projects that seek to bring inward

    investment, jobs and enhanced business profitability to the locality (Brenner et al., 2005;

    Smith, 2007). Studies in political ecology have shown how environmental management in

    Western Europe and North America increasingly revolves around neo-liberal strategies

    most noticeably privatisation, commercialisation and commodification which seek,

    ultimately, to open up new avenues for capital accumulation (Bakker, 2005; Castree, 2008;

    Himley, 2008). A number of studies have begun to bring these insights together by

    examining the neo-liberalising dynamics of urban ecological politics in European cities.

    Vincent Bal, for example, teases out how roll-out environmentalism fuses with the

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    dynamics of urban entrepreneurialism and neo-liberalisation tactics in Manchester, Saint-

    Etienne, Nantes and Leicester (Bal, 2008, 2009a, b).

    Rather than being viewed as a uniform, fully actualised or coherent political project,

    scholars have conceptualised these changes as being messy, geographically diverse, path-

    dependent, amorphous, unstable and processual. It is a geographically and historically

    variegated process rather than a monolithic end state: neo-liberalisation rather than neo-

    liberalism (Brenner et al., 2005). While Smith (2007) argues that towns and cities in Central

    and Eastern Europe (CEE) are undergoing an uneven and path-dependent process of neo-

    liberalisation, no studies to date have explicitly considered the neo-liberalisation of societal-

    environmental relations in CEE. Although a small number of studies have explored the

    marketisation, privatisation and selective democratisation of CEE national environmental

    policies (e.g. Pavlnek and Pickles, 2000; Whitehead, 2007), these studies need to be

    complimented by research into the nexus of urban neo-liberalisation and environmental

    (in)justice in CEE. Such studies must also pay close attention to the production of

    environmental inequalities pre-1991 and the influential legacies of totalitarian market


    Studies have also shown that a key aspect of neo-liberalisation is the highly selective

    pluralisation of the state, whereby new non-elected officials, experts, and private actors are

    being incorporated into the governance, delivery and financing of public policies.

    Nowadays public-private partnerships are commonplace governance bodies while non-

    binding voluntary standards are increasingly prominent forms of industry self-regulation

    (Guthman, 2007; Swyngedouw, 2005, 2009a). Although these new forms of governance are

    dressed up as being less insular and top-down, they have been criticised for excessively

    empowering businesses and business elites and negating issues of democracy and

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    accountability (Swyngedouw, 2005). Even when marginalised groups are involved, their

    involvement is frequently tokenistic, the subjects for debate limited, and their abilities to

    radically alter decisions almost non-existent (Swyngedouw, 2007a).

    Clearly then, neo-liberalisation has implications for environmental justice. It could

    hypothesized that neo-liberalisation is widening rather than resolving environmental

    injustices in our towns and cities, making it more difficult for minority groups to have equal

    access to good quality environmental resources or for procedural equality in environmental

    decision-making to be achieved. As yet, we do not really know. Empirically grounded studies

    are needed to test such a hypothesis, and to see how the nexus of neo-liberalisation and

    environmental (in)justice is actualised in different urban contexts. As part of this, the socio-

    ecological implications of neo-liberal technologies and strategies such as auditing, joined-up

    policymaking, urban spectacles, place marketing and gentrification should be critically

    analysed. Following Doolings (Forthcoming) study of ecological gentrification in Seattle,

    work needs to be done on the nexus of gentrification and the urban environment. This

    should include critical studies of the greening of state-sponsored gentrification through

    eco-housing, sustainable communities and the green marketing that is produced alongside

    these eco-(re-)developments. Studies should also consider whether urban green space is

    being redeveloped and reclaimed for the gentry through the exclusion of disadvantaged

    groups such as the homeless and the poor a process that Dooling argues is taking place in

    Seattle. The social injustices, displacements and rhetoric that are wrapped up in this

    environmental policy demand our attention.

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    Urban Socio-Ecological Movements and the Struggles for Justice

    A key focus of the EJ literature is the ways in which people from disadvantage communitiesin various localities have formed, or joined, movements to struggle for environmental justice,

    inclusion or equality. As Agyeman (2005) points out, rather than taking a progressive stance

    that outlines a vision of socio-ecological utopia, these movements have overwhelmingly

    taken a reactionary, defensive stance, demonstrating against existing or proposed injustices.

    Through case study research, the EJ literature has examined the formation and evolution of

    movements, their translation of grievances into repertories of action, their collective

    identity politics, and their influence on the targeted mechanisms of injustice. The UPE

    literature has focused less empirical attention on these movements but insists that how

    socio-natural relations are produced, by whom and for whom are subjects of intense social

    struggle and contestation (Swyngedouw and Heynen, 2003).

    In their book, From the Ground Up, Cole and Foster (2001) argue that involvement inan Environmental Justice Movement (EJM) can improve the lives of disadvantaged

    communities in several ways. It can enhance their consciousness of the processes and

    patterns of injustice, as well as increasing their self-confidence, capacity and expertise

    (p. 153). However, they readily admit that the struggles of EJMs have achieved at best mixed

    results in terms of their core goal: preventing environmental justice. To take one example,

    many toxic facilities continue to be built in disadvantaged communities despite being subject

    to intense protest from EJMs. What is striking about the EJ literature, however, is the lack of

    criticism directed towards the EJMs rather than the social structures and injustices they are

    faced with (Brulle and Pellow, 2005). Further research must ask difficult questions about

    EJMs. For instance, have movements developed agendas and alternatives that if

    implemented would simply act to reproduce or relocate injustices? Have they misunderstood

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    or overlooked any environmental injustices? How inclusive are these movements? Are these

    movements goals co-opted by more powerful bodies and, if so, how and why? Why have

    some movements dismantled or failed to achieve their goals? Why have certain

    disadvantaged communities not developed EJMs? What unequal power relations run

    through these movements and how does it influence their operations? These questions, of

    course, are suggested as way of better understanding these movements rather than as a

    means of undermining or belittling those who participate in such movements.

    On top of a sporadic engagement with the social movement literature, the EJ and

    UPE literatures have rarely engaged with the Geographies of Social Movements (GSM)

    literature. At its core, the GSM literature considers the importance of spatiality in the

    emergence and performance of social movements (see, for instance, Leitner et al., 2008;

    Miller, 2004; Nicholls, 2009; Routledge, 2007), and we believe that engagement with this

    literature can provide more nuanced understandings of how the relationships between

    ecological conditions, urban politics and social movements operate. Understanding the

    spatialities of socio-ecological movements is essential because they are socio-spatial

    manifestations operating in and across particular places and scales. They cannot be

    understood outside of their positionality in particular socio-spatial contexts (Leitner et al.,

    2008). As noted earlier, work in UPE and political economy more generally has

    demonstrated that social movements engage in scalar strategies such as jumping scales and

    discursively framing their plight as an issue at one scale or across multiple scales.

    Furthermore, these movements are embedded within a shifting political terrain in which the

    power of, and relations between, political scales are being continually reworked. Like scale,

    place is also important to the dynamics of social movements. For Nicholls (2009, p. 80),

    peoples sense of place influences their normative evaluations of what battles are worth

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    fighting for, what battles are best left to others, who to cooperate with, and who to dispute.

    Questions, therefore, need to be asked about how those involved in producing, receiving

    and contesting environmental inequalities view place (e.g. their workplace, community,

    house) and how this influences their willingness to pollute, exploit, struggle, persist and so

    on. Much EJ and UPE research has demonstrated how the physical environment of place

    (e.g. factories, sewers, housing) influences the day-to-day inequalities that communities are

    faced with. However, little is known about how these physical environments can act as

    facilitators or barriers to collective action (Leitner et al., 2008). To understand the

    geographies of urban socio-ecological movements, we therefore need to view scale and place

    as being contested, in flux and relational (Massey, 2007; Swyngedouw and Heynen, 2003).

    A small number of studies have pointed towards a growing interconnectedness of

    place-based urban socio-ecological movements and a supposed internationalisation of

    environmental politics (e.g. Carruthers, 2008; Faber, 2005; Pellow, 2007). These studies have

    provided valuable insights but more research is needed on how and why such movements

    alter, expand, or rescale their spatial focus; how and why their structures, tactics and

    discourses are replicated by groups in other places; and how and why they liaise and share

    resources with other groups. We also need to understand how meanings and values are

    constructed and contested within these trans-local and trans-national networks (Miller,

    2004). How, for instance, are one groups understandings of gender/environment relations

    projected, evaluated and reworked when they engage with groups in place elsewhere? To

    what extent have these meanings and values been universalised and, if so, how do

    communities in particular places ground these universalised meanings and values and with

    what implications? Following Routledge (2007) we also need to ask difficult questions about

    the uneven power relations, disagreements and fractures within these networks. Of course,

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    research must not forget those groups who do not engage with, or rarely engage with,

    groups elsewhere. After all, many urban socio-ecological movements remain locally-based

    and inward-looking. It could even be argued that they are primarily preoccupied with

    removing environmental injustices from their backyard, showing less concern about whose

    backyard they may be relocated into. Therefore, following Massey (2007) we should also

    consider how socio-ecological movements perceive otherplaces and communities, and how

    this influences their responsibilities to, and liaisons with, these distant others.

    Urban Socio-Ecological Imaginaries: the Discourses of Urban Natures

    (In)justice and (in)equality in the urban environment cannot be understood without

    reference to discursive practices and their intertwining with material practices and outcomes.

    Three important and inter-linking claims have been made in the more radical literatures on

    sustainability, discourse and the post-political condition which are pertinent to the nexus ofcities, social cohesion and the environment. First, Nature and its more recent derivatives, like

    environment or sustainability, are empty and floating signifiers (Swyngedouw, 2009b).

    Second, there is no such thing as a singular Nature around which an urban environmental

    policy or environmentally-sensitive planning can be constructed and performed. Rather,

    there are a multitude of natures and a multitude of existing, possible or practical socio-

    natural relations. Nature becomes a tapestry, a montage, of meaning and equivalences, held

    together with quilting points (or points de capiton) through which certain meanings of Nature

    are knitted together, much like the upholstery of a Chesterfield sofa (Stavrakakis, 1997;

    Swyngedouw, 2009b; iek, 1989). Third, the obsession with a singular Nature that requires

    sustaining or, at least, managing, is sustained by a particular quilting of Nature that

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    forecloses asking political questions about immediately and really possible alternative urban

    socio-natural arrangements

    In part due to the growing global awareness of the environmental crisis,

    contemporary representations of Nature have become more acute. The Real of Nature, in

    the form of a wide variety of ecological threats (global warming, new diseases, biodiversity

    loss, resource depletion, pollution), has invaded and unsettled our received understandings

    of Nature. This has forced yet again a transformation of the signifying chains that attempt to

    provide content for Nature, while at the same time exposing the impossibility of capturing

    fully the Real of natures (iek, 2008b).

    These radical arguments are structured by the fundamental belief that the natures we

    see and work with are necessarily imagined, scripted, and symbolically charged as Nature.

    These inscriptions are always inadequate, they leave a gap, a remainder and maintain a

    certain distance from the natures that are there materially, which are complex, chaotic, often

    unpredictable, radically contingent, historically and geographically variable, risky, patterned

    in endlessly complex ways, and ordered along strange attractors (see, for instance, Lewontin

    and Levins, 2007; Prigogine and Stengers, 1985). This means, quite fundamentally, that there

    is no Nature out there that needs or requires salvation in name of either Nature itself or a

    generic Humanity. There is nothing foundational in Nature that needs, demands, or requires

    sustaining. The debate and controversies over Nature and what do with it, in contrast, signal

    rather our political inability to engage in directly political and social argument and strategies

    about re-arranging the socio-ecological co-ordinates of everyday life, the production of new

    socio-natural configurations, and the arrangements of socio-metabolic organisation

    (something usually called capitalism) that we inhabit. The notion of urban sustainability and

    sustainable planning/development have symptomatically become the hegemonically and

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    The discursive framing of Nature as singular and in need of saving together with the

    simultaneous post-political arrangement has enormous implications for inequality and

    injustice in the city. It could be reasonable argued that they rupture hopes for environmental

    justice, whether that be procedural justice (through the removal of real debate and dissensus)

    or the justice of capabilities (through blockading potential pathways to building a more

    socially and environmentally just society beyond the current status quo). As yet, research has

    yet to fully delve into the complex linkages between discourse, post-political management

    and environmental (in)justice. More research is therefore needed on this issue. It is necessary

    to ask questions about what visions of Nature and what socio-environmental relations are

    being promoted; what quilting points are being used and how they are being stitched

    together; and who are promoting these visions and why. Future research must also look at

    what issues and whose voices are being silenced in the process and how these discourses are

    competing with, altering and being altered by other alternative discourses. In this respect,

    research also needs to consider the discourses of the more radical voices such as those of the

    environmental justice movements or the post-carbon protagonists. As part of this, it must

    critically examine how they portray nature and socio-environmental relations in the past,

    present and the utopian/dystopian future.


    This paper has considered the important nexus between cities, social cohesion and the

    environment. It has critically overviewed a number of approaches through which this nexus

    has been considered by academics and non-academics, most noticeably those of urban

    sustainability, environmental justice and urban political ecology. It has argued that while

    urban sustainability is fundamentally flawed suffering from technocratism and an

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    ignorance of the social the approaches of environmental justice and urban political ecology

    hold significant merit. A fusion of these two approaches can offer a deeper understanding of

    the processes and patterns of environmental injustice and exclusion. Such a fusion,

    nonetheless, must place considerable emphasis on the citys positionality in wider political,

    economic and ecological processes and networks. Ontologically, it must be a political

    ecology ofthe city, not a political ecology inthe city. Nevertheless, a simple fusion of the two

    approaches as they stand is not enough. As this paper has shown, four key areas in which

    further research are necessary if we are to get a more nuanced understanding of this nexus.

    The key areas for future research can be summarised as follows:

    1. Research into the metabolism of past, present and future cyborg cities, focusing on

    the shifting power relations and inequalities within these transformations and the

    extra-local networks and processes that constitute urban metabolism;

    2. Research into the linkages between urban neo-liberalisation and environmental

    injustice, and the dynamics and ramifications of neo-liberal urban environmental

    projects such as ecological gentrification;

    3. Research into the geographies of environmental justice movements and the

    contradictions of operationalising and networking such movements;

    4. Research into the relationships between discourse, post-political management

    arrangements and environmental (in)justice, together with critical research into the

    visions of, and marginalisation of, alternative discourses.

    Following this four pronged research agenda, we believe, can bring new life into

    political ecological and environmental justice research. We also believe that it can help

    stimulate a critical and political rethinking of the types of city-natures that we want to be

    living now and in the future.

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