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  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    CIVILll NGINIIERING' '''',,1--'-Ll'-'-,,'


    'Tile pmKipnl m )\ .imm, on osquare elem enr G ihc ll "strc s5 (p, I on tileplane :lllC'

    51J ,'\:.'mrn'b 0

    1r.ON/mm''d l i l Nimm'

    In the plane trussohown abt11\lm,bers 7.ero l l>n :0 'a -'b 5' 7d 9

    In th epin-jomted p lune tmsshownulx>ve_.;hal;, the l ) < H , ~ u d ~ a11d l L t ~ or];_,,.,m mcmonl:ll ''

    Lcru\' 50 t e n > J i e )c_ 50 kN tL< lmpr-. m e r i ~ 1 ith hing.e>at centre and end, cam e.; apom t load Patdi< mnoo fmm lef t a'P of 20ma ndri eof 5m.W hl ;, the'a lue of i> the lell lunge r

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    b 'hoy c'poncniiallv between panelP ' m ~

    c V ~ r y lino.-ly h c r c ~ n pand pninr'd Varv followmf . a cub1c idauonhown tn the figureg1ven ~ b o v c > \ ',]\at is the vcnical mact1onat fl?

    1 7 - U ~ II 6/Jil.I

    F A' I '' f_} j- ' -h x lite mo\-cmcnt . 1 1 k o > l l ""Yinterl"etence, whidi type ~ f~ p a r a t i o n i [ .enerall\' pefe11ed''

    DeltJb D1amuml

    i44m 1I--=- "l -o:s ~"' ~ H

    ' "CO '('I -----c- 01'i --- "- l ~WIJW H"" Jir puirlt lo"d \', \ ' ~ H I ' o v ~ T ' HS1mply s u p p n r t ~ d h ~ J l 1 1 . what 1 1hape of



    ~ c > f , ~tltc gmph for m n ~ i m u m positive or11egati>e shear force'' ;, 1 1 - . a n ~ ) c will> m ~ i m n m ndintc W

    at centre and ooorn at mo simplesuppons_b


    A t r i a n ~ l e wi

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    A s s ~ d i o n (A): Pomt< ofpot r r C ~ t cxpla>atwn of Ac. A is true but R ;, falsed_ _,_'" talse butt{ " trueA,n(ion (A); PCT v l u ~ aro u ~ J toc:olculatc tf_c tot" cqut,alcnt traLic\'olumc en ruad.Reason tR): Pet ' vlue ofany\elncle 1San indic,to of relative dam>ge camed >ya -.:ehide to a ravement as compared top:o. smgcr car.a_ f oth A and K a:re indivkually tme and

    11. ;, the coneot e;:phnati,-, of-"b. Eth A ond R arc imlividual:y true loutR is not he corre"t c x p l a ~ a t w n of Ac. A lruc bull< l abd_ A;, fahe butt

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10




    . :D ' : r ~ , D. j ' ' X ;.[i 0 '&-l'CO C?- 'I-13JO H ;oo,_,00 o 1' ;o lC- CDO acu>n1cs .>,_ Band Cm have

    b e ~ n tD incttr dire ct com inm pee< 1[)CJ tOr ctwnydurJIH >n m day. Uldicaled. What 1' the mmm"mtottll cost of he w ho le s ~ t ofactmnes for nmtal dnm rirm of 8 days with mnc o n ~ i d c r i n ~ L'>i:rhcadco:;b'?" R

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    ' 1000 k):' B c D 3 1 'b. ' 3 1c ; ' '1 1 3\krcur}' (dcnsil}' 13600 kgm;.a = 0.49,\' 01mJ i 0") " con Jincd m a,,ide bn:akur. A 2 mrn inkm:o: diameteropcncndcrl cdp lbry tube i> m,

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    ltl tlw dc,cign of m odem concle lC l ie haf'< nsed

    I transle12 In e'pnnswn_1oim J In contract\Oil jo in ts4 ln warpmg_1omtsWlndl ul a \ ~ [ l ~ n l g:ivcn a b u ; ~ C

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10



    a. Mmimum anduH nlm unlpt) te ntial

    b Ma,imHm encrj y ~ n dmaximum;m ten tial energy

    c M.,x i-m um rm en ria l andminim umkinetic energy

    d Maximum kine tic energy andmm1mum poum tia lh ~ r e " d ' Alemb.-n, princ iple

    em ployed '"ln til ede'i[;Tl "'long'" "lu m nCIOI p a c r D I I ' ' ,a da} m the abo.-cP oin t' 1\. R Hnd C mne'hat is the JlelTilC intire dnuc tion ' 'a 3kunit>b. (5/3) k unit>

    5m tlnd.. 50% olidutimr tn 5 yCRfS when Sllbjectcdto ' . ~ . . . pressut"e 1noren

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10



    \' ih rato,-. rolkr' "'" mbhlc foro.>mpact ing a_ ( rg anic foilb. Clan'- S

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10




    1 C onocos

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10



    d. To allo" Jhc al ic;h into Ucoham her

    .l,n C'ICil(b rcC' H()Jloadof 76S kg:da}. Ifrw o fixed aeraror;;"'llh"'-Y '""' tnm >f"r""P"L11y oft> :, ; kgofU)HPhour arc to beln rves for5 pDOpk Ifthe late ofae

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    " 2, 3 Md 4 o n \b_ 1.3and4onvc. ] .2 . nd4on\d. 1.2:md3on:)or tota rmction time of 2 S seconds.

    , y , B f f i ~ i t of f i i , , t i ~ n ll ~ ' i e n r ~ , - ~XO km h. what is te stopping 'ight di1tancenn a tighwa;.''"- 124 'b. 132mc. 76md. 56 m[n higlm:oy ~ c o m d r i c dcS gn. cumul:oli,-c

    ' P ~ ' - ' d d i , t r i b ~ h o ~ i> d.-:o>n ond the d ~ g n;, chcckCe

    I 0 vl l5\\':01ch On< of the J ( > l k > w i ~ g 1< the Cut redot,.lcmc'Tlf?l'enetntinn to kno bitumen 3rade ifrr_mc ()no tooth)faninohd. One m i c r o ~WO. W ~ t c h ono ofthcfollo\\ingCompared to IFR conditioncapac1:y o: a mm\ay opco;diMnsa. Is highc..-b. Is lowcrc Is tbe .arned.

    ai11'011 and ltigloway dueto

    of repetiti>ns4. S 1 2 . ~ of \'chick

    \ l : ~ i c h of the statements given a'ove areco:rccl?a l .2and4onlyJ.,, 1.2ducl3oiLI_t< l 4 nn vd. 2 ; and 4 .,nly

    lf,2. A water _1ct lUll m in area hao a vdJcityof IS m'' if L1cjct impmges nornally ona plate whJch " m-_ ing at vdocitv 5 m ' 'in the Jircdion oflhe _let, what ' lhc forceof utllintwn of an on the plate due tc this imp.,ct? DenS }

    \i'hich o;e cfthe following is ~ t e eonoctstattJm en: 1On a )iahoml H1gh Y GSB may bo usod" S u h - h : o < ~ and m i n : o E ~ layerb_ Drairage layer a ~ d prim< coatc. \1,'caring course ami dr:om:oge :oyerd_ Sub-b e and tack coat

    tO O ~ g m'))ill)-..,-

    b 2010 i' 201l00Nd -1-11111 i

    ](_,_ In " h y d u l i ~ JUIIP ~ ~ u n m g m 'hori7o;tal rectangular channeL the sequentde)tbs are 0 _ l m and L2 m_ \\'hat ;, theap:no'< mate \'alue ot energy lms thejump''a. 1 5 mb 0.9mc IU md. 0.:>, m www.examrace.com

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10


    0--1. h a li ial mocld, the h o r i ~ o n t r:ociodop:cd io 1 m 48(10 12-h

  • 8/13/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 10




    m' 3 1 ~ 6 n 1416Km

    ' ' ,I 1 the l>gure llm f

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