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Page 1: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

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• " ~ j " .. " ~ l " ,H .. . ' " ., l ,

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XO C96-"" 1'9 TEE

DEL.~l:-lE EASTI/'., tt Ii. '.~ .",

0.,""' •• "'. Cl.>.SS ACTIOt-:

meEK R.E:cmrrf\!PT

Tbtl mue, c:tmt bdcn the cO''" "" Wfd ... day . ..111$_ 1:1. 2001, .,... "" Q,jor '0

SlIo) .. Cause .. t.) tho 1U ... f'VCOC! City F.lcment><y S<:bool 01 ....... (,"Ra, ... "","OOd""i .. '>wid

DOl bt !>t!d ;~ eon:=.rt ro. "ooll~ ,.., R~vrni"''''''' C=to~'" A"IOt> 1'l:Ln. odopuoJ .....

ord ... oflll;1 Cc-u: on la'ltaf';' 10, 2Il()O. A~'" .... fully <OHl<\or'"i tho put, .. ' wri~ •• om!

o .. ! lI,um",,., u d tho tXI""j,,", t<'Cord in ,h .. cAi., '.t C""" IQu,d Rlve • .,.OO<! ;" <:i,-jl

CCnt=pI &lid .u .. d Ilm !'uri,,", npW>.lI'on 01 mt c",,"", -"f WOI:Id be lei forti'. i ••

sq..,. ",do!<. l'b< Covn W3 IO¢l< \B>Il.,. !Un ....... 'M '""" .fm • ..."rc;m~'. tOOl.".

SIII<'tio!I and ord.r~ RI'rtt,.'QOd to Sllbm~ loy AU!U" ]1, 2001, ~h .. det1il. "';:>'~"'I ilS

plilll to ",ilit .. on wt;;d. con,ull,n. Of. ~!i<: hul1':Otl'I1lr, 11 it. firM, to impl.", •• , ,lit

R>,-mo",god C""'"",i,-. A<lI;)II Plan. TIl: Cour: 'III,., i. ~'rr of,"o COE',.n.!

p t...lI1llts' .. Spns.. ... (0 R;" ......... "OOd '. pmt-btannl a:t:mwim. :IaIed ,,,,,,,,,,bo:- 4, _ 6-

lOOI, 'O$pC!C1,.,.ly, a:Id Ra"MI'wd'$ ,..~Iy IIIt:<1O, fil«! $'plel:ll:., 13, 2001

Page 2: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T


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H.-ins .onlOd"od .11 0; It. $\Iilpl.",",nl» fitinl', .. d II" ''''''01".1 ~.,.in. tho Com

1 P"""u, fun .. , ,xl'lo,,,,,,.,, of '" f«ina of,,,,,,,.";,,,, """ .. " fcnh til. mar"..r ill .. hiell

:; 'b ....... h.U f<O<~ ~ du. JI:I ...... , ! L f ACT!I'!'LSAnOBQ1r)lO , • •

• , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

T~. pta",',ff. ;. , ~'" ,",,00 .... , hi""",, .. ,d:\ ph1>1"~ ftl<D:'~ or It.mir.! 'lUtr.lmn

"he .:oo:uI o:r I=-e ' !lm:iod >ekcoI .n R.o, rn ... "OOOi.1 ~IoIMI" "",all4bm<:t .... ""

"'usb!)' j,OOO .Ie:n<n~ , tud...."", in &0.1' r.'o ..... 1Ie. C.lifcrt!i.L Pllln"m' ,uil. filed L,

I~ .• 1I'l;<d ,n., !U" .... ,,·oed "'S' in ,101,,_ "f~ 1"llj',id",4 "'i.h D""bih,les

Eduo .. "" Au ("IDE'\~). :0 US C. , 1-100 .. r~ ... ,,-. 11 .. """" .... ,. l!jj tecn:o.l lI'O'$

&O, .. m,"II «I"".""" of 6 .. b:~ .h,lJfen. :J~ dI, 10L'. ... ~;r.cd. disoblN. ,!:;klrn • •

".",tel ,o , "fi .. '~'" p1Ib;oc <d~,""""· lho.l inc1yd, f." lwiVldu,ii,«I Edue3tion

Pion (-!~P") ull"",d ,~ .,..,h ""~ 'hi ld', tmiqu< <>=I,. l(l1; .S.C. tt I oIOO(~). l~ l -l{d). In

:-:", .. ob<, 19'1;, obu CO:.1 cmili,d • 01 ... """,,,,,oed of 1cJluId1<n ",ilt w",b!~n.,. "''110

... ' ..... Oft n_. 0, ,",'ill lot ;~ rile 1II:w. ,",,(\;nl "', <h;~ !h_ j",,"'i<:I;<m .... 0). R,o'"enIIWood

E .. ",".lOry Sol><><I Di,n-k, .nd .... :,0 w<<<. ore "" ..... 0\" .... 11 b. ie~ .. !\I",,< """,1.<1 10' r",.

'PI'"Of"'" p~bI, •• du,.:ia1 ~ 1 .... 1 onJ .talc II",*"" s.". }I .... 4. 1991 Or.k: w. Z.

n. pbiJo"rr cI"'" eb.o.lle::lt.d ..... 1'). upcrt ofR.av<n>\OoOCd·, 'poe,,1 ed"~1''''' elfon •.

01 :<,,,'1$ In"" aliQ that R.aven ... "od f.,11 '" (1) l d''JU'te l)' ;d"'''f) ,biIJ,." "itl1 dillbli;I'''.

(2) odr'IIJ.'<I~ ........ I<! ... -.1""10 ch,lJr<n """" \hey"", id<nrif.od, (l) rol1~,," 1"""""

... oa~ ie <I.""."""".a ]!I<!sid ... 1 Educali<>D>l """ .... "lrP>") roo- ch,kmn ,,,lit <1." .\001;' .... (" l """""I)' ,,,,,,Jauo--_t l[Ps. ( I) "'"''''' .. " d .. "'P"i"'''''' of chil ilt.n Of

<iil.bil" ... to ,hal ",h;,h " """ .... ') .• (6) h,,,, ""d n"J .to'n a&.;"" .. ly lI'Ii ""d .o.l

... donJlaJed .poe .. 1 .~~ DIr. on:! (7) ". ... ,.",;n M"'fUlt< '0<0'" Tho ''''''p/aiolt

lIont .... ~.,.d """ ~ ... Cahfom", :)op>n ...... ofEdI:.ouioa KOr"") 1w.d fall<d on .u


Page 3: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , , , • , , , .. " , " ~ I " ., " " , >

I ;s " ~ I " ~ . " , .

;~ " " , " " " n tl

" " " " "

QIIlJp"_ tc rlfrc~ .. lr .-,1" 'pn:,;a! <duu~ ... Kf\ ,: .. II Ra ....... U>C a::>d ...,"". <hal

""",1.0 DO p""'ida! " -",, a frco: ."" """''''''''' .. J'I''>Iio ed":':I~ ,

In '''1'''''>< 'Q L" LI.~ ...... CDE .,,,rla,ed I Oo:npr<lI<nll'"' .l\' •• ~i"''''ft '~t9 Ib,

Illtiat"", in til< 'Q"'rl"n~ s... 1.ly :2. I ~i Ra.,4a .• O<cl , 9. Tho r .. "I"n~ !allllll)' 8,

1998 "'p"'''. ,oUlpil.J 0.' • I •• ", ~f .I~ profe"ion, ' <IllY, ,"blLan"a .. ~ the pl.,ruiff,·

all<I" ;"'" tIm!"', '" i.l<>p; .. d l>Jn.umpii""'" ",ilb loj:«1l: tdu.:o:ion ftq"""",.n .. :

The f<>Ul .. of "'" ~".'";.",''''' ,.tw ... tb.: Rawu ... OOol CITY Ue!l'.mUI'Y ~booI o.scri" .. "<>0 (i) >W<"II',,,,.lr kl.-:>til~ .. i~g. «1'miD$. asstisinJ !boost "''''01. .. ,~! C.<~"",i<>nI.f r;;;"~1 ~"'i<bll!_" fre. '1'.~~I' fl'IbIi< cd ..... ,,,,,, JO.n PllpilI".dI nee!" , 1."lduiI'(1ii: d.W,)!XJIftI' ~ ... p:......,w>Dn or ",di. Jduol",c,J ed,/U\"", pro&nm< ). (31 --o"J lUI po;p!. Iu,-. K« .. 10 quLiftc<l ""It "'" I ~) 1Ila< .. '>e dir.n:lil 0C1 p!n'odl~ I [1'''''''' JO ........ Ibo. <":upl.once '" ,11111.,. _ feanlla .. , " lUlll:.ailled. n. resu/I:> .)'" indiul. ",", (5) III< (CD E] h.u "'" fully lID;>Im'otlllt<! Ibm Momt<riog ,~bilj,y 'v n ........ "" ,""f il, ..... p""idtd I ~ ap9<oprl.:e ptilib< ",:"",u'JIl ar,d 1111' UIIIplllnc. " II'lOLnlll t,.d. . . .


Page 4: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

1 Th" "' .. ""'''' m:oq...e "u I lolly"" surpr .... l0 ., ..... (DE 1)1 ~=>"w.l. COF

~ I\)d p .. 1OU>Iy = ,.wed Ra'ff.I, .. o",r .. pecral ed""allOlll«'"l'" ,Q 1993 L"UI rorm<llhc

J Du:l"i<t 10 be n=ompIlI,1I '" lumenrus .... "'. s... Ga. 1. 199" Ordet 1.1 9. A«<>rd,,,>;!~ Dr

4 O,,·Jd Rq;.c.te. foam Leader ofrh. I!IIIS C~mplia",,< Rtp(ln. ··Tht ""viell> f.,I",. <0

5 IInpltmen' CD~'s drr.c,,,·tl is the I"edom,nan, ro,,,,,,, thll ~Hnswood·'lICn ,ompli",,<c [j

sull IllerlOU as,l.s.· J~.l : 2. 1997 Rag,"'I. 0«1. 1 _8 I\I ...... OOC·. flll""<1OIak.


IQ I99S. illl """.,...0<1 ""t'l o-.r..i<!. """."I,",u Or. AIL~ Cor.;!,"" ""d Or. J\a:hlem

",.' '. pd"CrnI I :o.eed, Aw .... :erJ (""l\A~) ofRl' ...... wd "'.11. ll. [(1m Go-< 0«1. f 9.

Page 5: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

1 11: ... J'surK~ or. Ie"", OfMlODI1 > kno',n, e:"<prnt~ c«IiUIw:,I.' Ihor

~'o::::',=.' ::":':~:'::~:',: roocmO<1 Uf',1O .. ., R .... ~I\\JOd Ind ils.iX'd • c . ~pon On J ,I;-- I' . lW8 ~'~L<~ =f,,,md !he -.,Je,,,, •• d f.,iln' ;~ Ill.

Q~I~oi. 1 educ:a1!Qn i<l<r.llfil~ In 1M 1m Co;rn;>ha"". Re .. :m, "!la. lJ, 100 I Go. om. Ill> I.

I <I9l Con:p1 ....... RtpCIfI in f:n~"" 1)"1'ift'l\-""& &f.<~"1D Ro' .... "ood"l; a..e DecL

M 11·1 '; UlI. P to Pb.· Au,. :Q, 1999 ,\to!. (0l1'1rtII.I Su,'I'lO'l J

S ... d upon ,he)/.o. Ir:d !he 1m Compl :ar.oe Repon. On. 0 ... o.j Ceultor d:vclop<d

:,~::~~:~:,~;:~:'::'~ !'Ian ,-RCAI',) """,,n CO~III'" • "C<lmprol>ms,,-•. ":o::.f"""inllt .• i.II"nt: 11110 a modol of IOEA cOm;.I:""" •. " .0.0"

~ 26. Si>«'f.cal~. ~ ItOP ,,,idn I~. ~.J ".,ded 10 b:u!J 1U.,-m\ ... OO<IlfltO o:w.ph.U'.., .... 111-. iIO''Cm.II\&''w <I'l10 ,_brlaJ CIOtep"'; (I) Ill<

<k"<l<>prn",,' QfI)"$IlrQS and ="'" rcqwtd ' 0 eol"" !t .• ;wo~III:><\ of I & ... 'ppl'Ol'I'I't.

«lu<.uOlll (,PA?E-) In lb. I ... , , .. "tc~,,' •• n\'j' .... .m'n' C'UU:"): 12 I~. provU;"r. of

qulI"ne<l and tn.,..d PO""""'! :0 I .. .",! ehi.dn:n ,"lIb ,,.Ib lmH. I) 11:. proper

,d.-:JI:fimion. .. f« .. I, llnd us.>Smrnl ~n for <l1~<l,~. ,nt'l, 01' SI.tSj:m~ o(bl,'IAA,

~:.at»tiu ... *'" (4) .... aoa::oJ Rr.1':ttrAll1.ll1ol1 of apport .a:, 1IIOo"A:u.I ""'''''IlttIFfOpatIf

(,1EPS1 rOl' each ct:iLJ .. ilh 4i.\atJihl;es in .... LRE, AUf.I). ZCOI Gu l.k<l. , . 11. 21.) I,

Withi~ =b ,>tel/Of)". lh. ReAP id"",,!\es ~p<"<"lfl' C<lI'Tc<li,', l<tivil1U, oxpe<t«l , •• ul:>, a

.0 limd;". fQl I""'~"""il\g "'" .. ,,;v\ry, ~ l~d"',dual "'~on.i'lll for prrl'onnaru:<, ... 'ld

" " " H Sub""ssior. of PI ... " 1. G"." .11 ... r,~ •• 00". R".="ood ~ nO! drmo"",.:ed Lli.J.l ".

<'o;d,"'i",}' b"M~ .0 .xplQI< .h •• I"'~.~ 1>0 •• of ON, Coo ."d Coult .. I, .i:h" ~,u"'Y or !S .... ".nt<:<!.


Page 6: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • • I w ,~ • ~ I • > I a ., • , < • -

, , 0 , • • '" " " u

" " "

", ... "'tS to ~e"rmm. C~tllp .".",:: 11:., 18; >I,' ruw ,>,eg. 9, 2001 Coult., De,\. " \}.-II.


R",.ns"'oo~ hod," oppxrunay to ",'to"- th' d .. ft ReAP in a Ie~~ of Ol .. ~nil ane!

r"£<lUI"" v",,,,,,, ,honge,. See AU8· 9.1001 CO\l~~' D,d. ~ 12. AUi_ 13.2001 Co. O<,!.

, J' . CD[ formally "s"~d the ReAP a! i" rOm"",,, .",ion plan on Sop""",,,, 1 L I ~S

(lalor modcfit<i O<l Dt«",be, 1~. 1998). ot>!,ging :<O"m\wO<)o to imoJemrnt the pl.n b)' Juoe

30. 2('Il1. s..~ C"nsent Ow .. .. J; 20 U.S C j I~ 12(lXll); e.1 [duo. Code § }JOll ,We"

20(1). ROI'.",wood had .1$0 .g:r~. b",k i[ " lay l')9g, ',., 'omply witk [the I9'JS

Com.li,,,,,. R'pe,,) ""d [rhe) RCA? order."j ~ CDE p",,,,,,-.i 10 r<gl.l.tkn on.d Ltw .....

pan of a proposed ""nlc,,,,m o:',h,. , . se. Ott. 23, 19'J8 S.gy Oed" E.h.-B t ;;. 0" MlIJo1

29, 1m. the LOW't p,.l",unUliy Ipprn,-e<!the RCAP as tl>\$ubs"",h,-. ,"m,d,. fo,

plam,,fl,' d.,,,,. for HlJunCtwo "hef .ubj<C!1". ta..,..,,; t .• ,noS purruo,m ,~ Fed R- C;v. P.

23. The Court. ho"'ewr, ~J",,!<d the p.m.,' propo;ed 0 ... ,,11 <en!,,,,,,,,, ar!h. 0 .....

wholly rnOlleq""'-" to v<O,tc, ,lie uller •• " ", !he c~a ... ' At lhtl ... rIEl!! -- approxlnlOl'ly two<

Page 7: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, ~ l .! - , o j it . ' " . " , , -

I .. ~.luIf~..,,:s liD - Ill. COWI"''MIIed lta, ...... OOI>O! thalli "'all """"':)' troItO>l..r ~

2 !U.vQS'.'rod"'I:l •• del<r<oY4,b .. uo , • , • ,

I'm gr.>." •• y 1I1l\Ibk<!. b , "'" fq:'<'allh.a'- r" iIf.vely 11O;.b~ 11)1 the .l'P" ..... , "mud. of rt.. !(".nl":.od .. hOot d!Slr'" In hp,c ~fme '~O<'II in ,hi, "''t l';o:hmg .. ¥.'l'tns,.'co,l'llpproach 10 .'lilli!lI!IIIOO •• fO'OII\ tht '"~"I':i", or l1is C1S< up to IrA ln cl"d"8 It> Ojl,f Olch to :IllS IflCnOn fQl' rrelL",i .. ry "ppm,,'1 - I"'S me ~UOn to beli .. ·• <hat It. KlIco\ d,nriot ".d:l'Il!><4 the i:Ilplioationl of LIS co.aut! Of ,. rorunir.td to mo_I •• (c,.ward and .,l\'1noini lb.. rrmtd ... 1 p1O(tU m i prodI.ctiH on<! tom'lIlaj,. "'~M.r.

~ I ... "b :9, 19WTt ... 9. • • " " " " " " " " " " " " 2l

" ,. " " " "

5<'\ ..... , """"'" ...... or. :.tll't"'.btl l , Im,lbo ~l11n .. pd I ",uoh u:';scn~:1

, .. it« """'-"'Ill deen., ,"'blCb "I'" "",oopatmd ~ J«cmbe 10. 1998 RCAl' .. "th.

rm:~y for PI:unnr.',· dilln, fOf ''!June!:'', .01:,[" Conlml [)e( ... III 1M G:»tsec.t

~" •• wu 'hen prelom.OU1.y lPl'",v, d on No,'embt, 1, 1m, 'lIJ!d f,,,lty '~pf(l,ed on

JlIIU .. ')" lS. 1000, 4l<r no:,..e to <1<, " .... , In th" .""" Qfdo, 'ho CO"" mad. tl'.o RCAP.

"h.c~ II rrl""",,~ in Ill. oON<'M <!<n ... -. iba! Ofd". oflbo C(lO.I!': thl' w:l be .d««d u

11\ Ofdel of tilt C.,...., .1I.i "'" ..... ~ ~ modiliro 0< S><pI>k ...... ed only opon eo... -w<0\-al."

Jm U.:ooo 0r6M II 1. , I. ". CO"" Mner:o< ~U".~J po:n\Il:ll :0 th. Decree bet."

1\ll':H~11:is ,,"Jli .. full...",. 0II1l.~,..:y 1.2000 .

In ':I,,1y lOOO •• 1 ~.". If']»rC11\ t>a: Il,av"" ... ood bad dono "rIUIl!}' notl"r.~ to

beal' 'mp:.r.lrntml the RCAp·· lI""""gb i, bad boo. ~d IWU< ¢f "I '1'<",,1 edu<lnon

tlo:ftckn::its [or year •• tho COt ~ .• d (ormall)' ]",ctd 1M M,CAP 0".,. ~ y= tuh.,. ill

50<1,,,,,,1><, I~S. ltd RI,.'tru .... 'O(Id ,u,lfhW agrttd to ,m",,,,,r., 1M ReAP ~k in May

1m ill Of"" t.> -.1< tt.ll ,,""'. AC«Ir.t",Iy. "'. Cotm Me.m .. " ... furct.d '" ~6

III L"" Cooun. fn =:lItCn .. lit tbe p.,::it$, ~ ~y....,,,,,,, of :>w>r ¢f tho ct'IlI",,1 ReAP

iltadlt!l<'S. l:mk r ,~"" _1C:mI. opted t" by Ro'"C:II"'"OOd. it "'&I Sltl: r<q"JI~ :0 a..1t\C"l"'

r"oal iteM ,""'f ..... ..,"""''' by J .... XI. Zoof. ~ut the .... '11 ... ("" :unpl .. , •• tt). "1"«.110


Page 8: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • , • , • , • , .. " , " ~ J " " < •

! l " ! f " " . " !I • " , " '" " " " " " " " "

"'u¥lIIn _"tfe ""b>~3!!I.I.)' •• ,,,,,<ltd from Ihe PI'"'''' d.Kh"~. Su \lay '5. 2tlOO Ord ..

"'pprO'l'I~' ~!odlf .. d Re AP II I 1 be COlIn .",ph .. ",d Ili.in tIm "I~' Rr 4.1' ... mhfJ.d

obo,', ~;:,nsliN:n a flJll] «<Ie, "rth: ('our: ;ond shill be mf'orc.d .. Ir mt ... oftbe CO<lI1.

'" th;l mpt ... the Coun DOIn WI II a;><:u tIi.a1 It.. ;><nonl.) idm!,~"" .. II,. -r ........ RO$p<!:,sible" for e>cb WIT":,,,,. utiO. ,n til.< RCA? llo:.lIlH a:;;,.."r~M .. for :iI,

.~r"J-'C""Y <o01pl.""" QJ J/JCII (JI;11o~ . " lIi. l\ 1 (.m,*~iudd.dJ.

." '~.c acrnbo' l1l(I d,U:e<: 11} Cf lh .... qulrt<! RCA!' act;, Inti Iftc,.wd, \he \lo.M«",

""""~Iy R'PO<" ~"c. be.;l.~ IQ lhow. ~,~ ttld of '"""'.'1Ii rw.H:ornpl.....,. \\",10

1M nrl~ ftp.)I1''''45",lOUOshovo od ccrnpblr.« rat .. !a!IiIi~, fro .. j~~ to &'\ 71, !h<y

drQW«l dI • ., .. ,<~Ly 10 27 ,2'/% iot /U", "'ell 0% rer July 1!Id "'''1''''' 8 II % for s.,.,mb<r,

:lad .ttr. 01'0 (or o..~""", &Ild M\'emb/:, In -':o,'emb", 20(10, p\J.Jn!.ffi wNl. 10 the C ......

up,";'" ~ .. COA,. ... ...,. ,.pro .... lbe Ildc of ,mp:"'.tn"t:on oflhe ltCAP. b '.sron"

ac4 iI: ~ 10 btl;> fx,~"" lad encoo:nt<' ........... !l>!flOll .Iron b' R.a, ..... .$~ til:

Coon <om:nt""lOd :rIOClt,l~ ctuan&> " th' COllrlbous'1C >ddJw '"_ pml;~111& ID RCAP

imttt:l>(mStlClllU thoy ItOM, Thl's. IT'''''~l\I ...... e .",nd.d 1»' ,he CO~!'I ~!onj,or, '~U/lu!,

lin<' ""'rllber of <ht 'lear.!. of nll.:en ofR,,"<>JWOOd, ~ ... h,-Ol\SI'"OQd S~"HI'Id.on: ond

AssimIII: S<1perirr._ mpo:tOlbl. [or S;>e<ul EdXlOO:l. !he Swt S:o;>erL",,,,,:Ie:lI of

f'II~li< ltU!N::''''' or • srnior dtsogn<-e. rruI etltler III< ul><!nflDO<! iod&. or co\1tl ,tal'!':

Compl!."". ",\~ rIOr\.\hel,$.I <or.n"~N 10 .ho.' · ... >1 .b)' ..... 1 <tiel (a% for Decem,.,

2000, ~ .~9t. (or f"""' .. ")" 2001, m for M:u-oh 2(01), WId. R,a,...,. .. QOd ..... aclIle> ,r.,

FIf1I..\1 ..... pl .. x: or!"""", odd,:.ou,1 meaUK', 11:. dqre< cfp:a.~.u1 to"';>I":IOO ""'1$ oftetl

III;'wm.l In:my .' . ...". pun.1 ccm~II ... ~ n .. "ftu,,:y me"", tNt tho r"""e",c,,, ..... ""

.. ,i,n«l.O<l Ill .... no< t'ul\y ao<l off,(,h'cly ImplmlffUIOd . .... 'u<h. t~t o,'e",n ~ompli."et

pic"". ,"'," . _""moly bloal<

... , !he J>U>< um<. R..,., .. W\lOd' •• W"o.a.:h 10 !\CAP 1mpIem,~tlO'''''' W", 10" tl".a.:

<~.~ .. lIICI OCKoe\omn ....... ,!i" ...... l<.",n'_ M Dnc cur:rpIc, I~ /U'c"...'OOd IIad

&Jf0<410 th. ReAP, j,...t.ud ICWffi}I)' ~'hh RCAr .'''''S )0, lit, 31, JK. 30. omIj~,

Page 9: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

II NpfO$"'- .",i>o'IIY' SIr 1>«_ 8. 1000 Ord., &1 2. n.. CQUI"", "")mcd the ro"'" i!\

., IbOIH!be Dilm<1". &b,l,lY 10 p<rfonn tho

ReM all(! the Co:-mcm Dt""~' &nd of t!It pO!entt&1 _d iat die

»pufurm "" ._,p&DCkd r~1t '" <muIlr.1 I:IM lilt w:cial e<lu.. ... ,1Q6 :«<Is cflht r ."",If

"'.mbcn .... meI.- 0.. !. :OOO<h!tt" 2·; . .->.M!h<:Humpl. cO"'~1m RCAP , .....

.I • ~'hoch "'qu".d !be D,s\:",,, I" dc-;'olop • plan lQ pro";;!' men"xe<j ttain;ni coa;:hm8 10

compononl : fth. RCAP Ahh~~ ~HTI "m.u:tC"IOU." CI-'P<''''''''Uel.

flu ltd :0 !e\~10? I pI&n. Dlocb. I.., ."'pIt......,, ;, Sn J1ll. 1~. :!(-ol

• Tht Co:an op.ll "'-uuc .... p¥t1eS "of!l!. c-t., ",,""'-'" CO:!C .... abcr.n lbt

Dimi'("1 'PFom-.' IJIal>ilil; '0 perform the fm",onl m,od..,." by \he RCM .ru \he Cor-"",'

o.~r«. and offh. pOIe1IIl.1 o .. d for l'" COl 10 pert""" ~."rr.pd'" NI, " hn. 24. 2001

Order 1I 2.

In early ~t.mh 200! _ (ute 0D00I!t, bo{JIt the ReAP .. .., to hi", been fuU~

;"'1""\1<11<1:<1- RI, ...... ,.-OO!1 '''ponde<IlO!'' Dlo",",eli ,..,ord 01 noncomp!i.,... b)'

p:-opollr_s ,h., <lI. COWl .>le<\<! tho already mod,f,ed RCA? Jeadl;n.s sull$lao,;.lly. Ito iomc

.un up «l "'-0 Y""'_ P1alllnfl5 !Ill, tHDe oIljcctl<l to .ny c."TllOomli ofl"" RCAP dudl_1.

'OI1,illl;<<I L'I>'~. ap;Pf1*b "'~d re;hl/[ OII.y '" I'urthn d<lay ,"-!he Iha:I """"". ;:!OF ....

Sa Pb.· t>I:ucb 7, :!\XII lM:e:. A?rillo, ~OO I Sag)' ::..ct. Exll. 0 (-1,1,. loU abool"'tly I\ol

I II,. D.f.od'~'l· <"'" ... for an add,H""d "'" l-'" ex''''';>o~ ]l<!r>iX , •• ,

20 More impomruly. "'-0 hI" JlO C<'nru""ce w., ~ Oef.Qdm,,· l:ro", 1(l rel.h ~~:IlJ1<'

21 ,,,til II>< RC,,-P 10 Ibe lId\IIe ~J be ... y .:.en l·=."fullllln ~ .. !lie ~."). On M ... ch

n J,. 2(101, pWn,lITI Hit<! & \lD\io.:l for ... Onl.flo Show Caisc \\ by Lltf<n<!.ul,. Shwl4 N~

n be neld 1ft CUl\\.lli~\ ufC""" me Be SOI\ctioMod.

" ,, 1------

Page 10: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • ~ , L is ) ~ i ~ .

" -. . , ,

I At the "FlI .10, ~O!)l MOIJI\i; on ~bl~II!JS' "'Ql1O!l.W Coun oa.oe.t .... '" CDE ODd

2 rJai""ffs' >=WOl<ntlhll the -"""",,, _ .. of RCAP ,mpr.r.<"ll~!I0.~ IS i",'*n~.- Apnl

) JQ. 2001 Of. ~1 4 ~p«tlO<ally. 'IIIe Co\In nded, opon ,., ..... ' of the 'Kord. WT

• , • , • ,

(T]1le ~!oonor , .&SI 11 lI".on:hly ,~port ,~,d. p ..... r:t • ,uri< p.~e", of CIlumml Mn-<omp~.o", ,,-,tlj IIIc RCA.!' Of Ir.~ 100 i'~!n$ '~'I R".,,",IO'ooc! $hcuJd ha'. ""mpl.,ed tly no .... u,<itr tho .K><l,fi ed RCAI' ,1,,,Jli"". " h .. r..,I,d '" IIIlly . oJ iatllf<l<TQf\I\' romp:'" onr tv.~.Ih<rdI. or 67 . ,d _. _!Lolf ~,..,t 01 <hem. EI." 1I>¢f< d1S"~'"1l to 1M " tho rlct ,~"h. 67 l!Id ·.·lu.l( per.m'" no\ ,dlttd to m;!>OI' 0< <cILtI"",1 poru of 'h. RCAI'. 1\ ~ III< let}" <ore oi tho ,."""'ill plan

Id.ll "'~,6

" " " " " " " " " " " " " u

" " " " "

1'" Court wu also <1Js!U~~ !~., Rl,eos"o:><l","oric:nl ~Ii .... d ~ ",no:;, • lad< M

ro",.UDltllt to impl.mm"<>1 lilt mn«ly. Th. Court ~I<>IIlIi:, '<ported thl! lhe

Su~nn'.n<lenl and I pnncip;al hid oxp ... ,,«l ''''~lII.ntllt~t .... ,. lok,ly to diS<OIll"i<

RCAI' <oo:>;>I,.r., •. Su, ~., .. ~n),,· .. ~ liy 7, 2001 ~I.m. • • ",<b.d I(l Coon', ~I.y 17.2001

0r\IeT ~ Or """lift RO$p. ' " C':$ AIo'riI 3Q. :!«II Ordtt A""jus! cot u« br..re lilt

beM'lll& "" ~:U:t:fft' e(IfII<I"(PO a"JOl.OlI, ill RCAP :..,,;., ICIDon fer pnnc;pob .... VO<)

1"X'.lya::t ... 4e<!. 0.. "".gIII', .~pI"""IO~ for "'ell 'Pant IhoOI ':III '"ni<t'd 1tIO<t " .... iI."' .. 1Iwl " ..,. .. · .. 01·· Su ;l.lay 11, 2001 Q,dn.:2.

Acooodini!y. at dUI Sime A""I 30th I: •• "",. tho CQlln l",iIl ''''rhuized I<>

Rlveo;,.,ood th.t \~ "'~'bY' .",rude. and fo.i\o;r"t~ ·tmb,,,,,. Inc r.m.dy, ...... deQI~

<Ii$Nltin&- Speo,f,<ally, ilIe ea..n: wlrned !II, 0iStri;:, tlm:


Page 11: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

--j ~ i I -, • j ~ ! ] • , • ,

, , ) ... ,..,, :;~, :001 T, at '·1. i l

, , , , , , " " " " " " " " "

TIl< CO"" ma~ ,ku 'Ralr! \I'll "=1 mclir .• d" 10 f...:l R,,'ml"-ood I~ <rnt.mp! .,

Ill" fin .. IIf . .. 9. AS ,nd,oll,d lobo," •• Ro.'-on,1mOd .'>1 l"'l'r.l~ oul of <""pH",,,. "-,,h 1M

CO ... ., order.d d .. <l~no .... tort!! in llIe ReAP, and ~:! fat.,d 10 ~ttlOIIllflt. thaI n haJ

I,b:<n III "'iLSOU~:. 51'._ 10 ccmpll ...... iii. at 6 (MRs, ~ ... 'OOoJ <I"., noc "''ftl ""k. I

Mfl(M ."."...,: «> J ... IiJl.- I!:. a;poli"'lI.c1< of I""'W"" it hu mltt."). 01:1 of L~ 1Ir.:r\d.uc.

of Q.w-. h",,-,,-.,. !lie Coun fln.~ 1<= ~.DltJ"'tl)' ' s.J\I.nldiot Or<!o: :0 S~"" C~

.. C<l<l.'rnIpt bot.,... ofa posstb .. omb,tully c:eao.ed toy lb. Mor.,:o!""s Ri;>on Cask A$ tM

COUt'! '.'pb.,,.d. w~,.o Ra • ...., ... '\lO.: rnl~ (or .•• rq>ea:.d~,) I d,adl"" In u.. RC.~P.lb< Monito,', p~i"" y .. ", 10 <kl,\llnt'" !hi. frub.," tl" R'pVl1 C&nI..,d "knlic'y . "r<" i~d

lim.tln,'· "'hen"" woold ,.·,'hll tho I,..". Ill. porUl ........ ,.na.~tr .... II 'w"'. WI only

Il' .• CO.1l'< toul<: modIfy ... ReAP d .. dli,., '" J3<I .~. 2(lOO Ordor It " ~ t. a:>d ,her,r ... t>e Mo:mor could :>01 ", .. i!I:cnily .>Jtr.d ~eadll::es bill "'I/:.,. ... .ly ~ "'''''''','''ri~~ <l>:u.

".(nI'~-". :0 """'P""s.llf R>r ItW .",btguily !be Mocn ... ·' I!r:n'>OIoc) ""Pl u.·o ,,<&,«1.

..>d '" I"" R.,'"",,·oo<: ~'e:y b",d;, of:!:!. <!QI:bt, m. to.:1 co:.ur.utd pl.l,"c:r,· <:C<I!mll'I

"""10:1 fo. ,hre mon!h.o IQ "n obe C4un an Q!=p.xtunll)' '0 uv:tW .<14",,,,,-"1 n:;oothiy <01>«\

19 CII'" fill ,II. rnoruho April doro"", juoc.

l O The Cm:n t\IrtJ>t, or4tn'd :~., bo'.h the Ranns .. ·_ Su~.nn'.nd<n~ Dr. KlIlght. and

21 CDE 'j RlI"t ll$,,-cO<llililOtl. C\fut~ ritt:n>n. . ;;pta: pcnllfllll)' III C(tl.""l","try JIl Go)" "' ...

22 ob< Dc\1 """e ",,,,,tbs 10 "'"d').' rqm:.:n& <lie e!!o:u ~"" "Dido 103 ""91 ... ",,, tl.r ItCAI', In

II od.ht ..... CO[ ..... ~ ro ... ::s, .. ,,!Uy "'= .... In "'"'"11«'10 tho DiIl.'"ICt.

2~ S!>e<:,r",.;~. i, " .. ~"e<I'~ 10 P'0J\'f< l w~ pi., utd iCb..-d:Jk of &eU"U .. fo: :lie V,st"",

~, I" follow ~\&: .... ., de ...... J t03 <""'rk:.: .~cI, ReAP «qui,."' .... '. I""'!de <II, Dinri<, ,,-,m

26 .:1 •• «,~' Il"a •• ina ."j ".~"j<.1 .,' ..... nce re$0Ill'''' 10 :ompl. ,. tile ,,'o'k p.ir .. "'4 wo.k

" "


Page 12: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

< , 0

.1 u , , , • :5 ! • • • , £ I , • , ,

cIO$']} WIth Ro,-."",<>Od ",""noeIIO ..... r< foe ... UIlde;moo the ."io", n,.dod 10

l c""'"p!ot! ttl. "0:1< pi.". &« M.o' 10, 200 I Or<ier a, 2.

l Th. C<>,.rI ;:on,luded <he Ap"] 30. 2001 he"';n. by ober",n; ,h., if R" ...... """<!

~ ";:M""~d Its !",n,m M "onmlent """·'Q;npi;an,.:- an:! ~;d "", ,how. hO",-", ... tic

j rutl'Ar"""d '" ~oth . ;:UO" .nd anitlJd.:' 'I "'<>oIl prcmp!:y ,,,u, the ",4.: to sho'" <"1$' '''-',y 6 RO\'.",wv.><i >bOllld roll>< held" con''''';l!. April 30, 2001 Tr 11-11. The COUll ap.on

1 """,,,",d RII,u .. <""ood Ih'lliI. COIlrt "'Quld "cn!e, '''''h ."",ei" ool [ons .. oppel< 10 b.

~ TlI~L!'D1lly n",os •• ry to procul'< Ra".,,,,:Oo><!', <om,I",,,,,, "n" the Con .. " 0..,,,, •• nd wi!ll

9 tb.RCAP,"fd .• ,12.

10 In .arl)' ~lly. CDE ccr.du<td • V.nticllion R.,',= of R"''''''''-~' Th.

I I wnikuion \elm, "hlCh or,clu<lod outside <"n,u[lOn:o, Ie'> i'.I:;.d.5" 'N:!tt' files. ""

12 !O,."i.wed o<l,,,,n"trll=, specL3lll1d ~.~,"I rou,.,iOll luff, pu."" of 'hildren wib

13 <h»hih"e, ""d 'pecial ed=uoo "uden,.. Aug, 9. :001 Roster ... , Decl .. , 18; Au~. D.100\

14 /'inm"" 0.,1. , ~. an.d., 10 CDE', k esp, '0 OSC. _,,!i,oo p"di<tably. lhe V,rifico,i""

1 S !lev,ew OlXlft""ed IMI .. of »lo.)" '.!(N I. 11-.= wei. S< i,e"" of 'Y"'''''o IlOn,ompli-""e

16 based 00 ov" 400 Uld,,',dl>aJ pxble"" "Oled I" the """en: mOl, Aq. Il 2001 Pin""", Ded_

17 1 ~ , In .tlcn . !he "VieW leam r""nd mOl me" W1S "'g""'. ,ym,"" noflCt)lttplia>lCe w;,h ,lie

18 IDU .... 1ll1L"lj ir. the pcn'~J!w denial 0/ FAP£ In t),~ uu: to chil4nn kith aisabf/iliG in I'le I

19 Disrri:-t:' Aug_ 9, 2001 Ros",n" Ded "j 21 {elllp!" •• ". a<l<led I,"

2~ Unfom:no:ely. in ,be pmoo ~ 1.y thmugIJ Juoe. I("eru;wood ~hL'ved J"'PJI'lL"'m~ly

21 IInl. ;>rogr." -1lO"'i:h'l",din~ !!Ial it w", "",!or the Ih.-...t 01 con,emp' proceeding ••• u~j"",

22 I<l ~'>e LnlO,.ifi.d ,cru:iny .[,he Cowl •• nd 'he benefiOL"Y of g,,,,,ly rnh""c~ 1eohT\j,~1

• Dr, D"'ld R .... U." who .",istod w,th \'etLlk"ltn R" '0,.., ~o!d, • Mastto'! e><:gr •• orul on ~<l.D. 10 [due"ion Ad" in;',,,,;on from III. State Um""""y"~ l\"e,.. Y Qrk ., Albony, Ao:onj! o~.r thin!!" Dr Roo,."., h;&, ",~·.4 a. , "on,w,",,1Io m~ ""d local td",,"ion >gOlL"",' 'n "p.'I"al .ducll.lklr. ,..<10.. '" o,.r 20 "",'<;i .!IIl U,S. lemto"es.t.~nd ~., .. t'V<d OS 00<111 """,i,,,, or ,,,,,,,~l"ml in "",i",,, <»<,_ As ""od wp'''' note 4. <h. uist:i«IIa< asked Dr. Ros-.en" (0 se",e .... "''"''.ta'.1.


Page 13: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

< " • ~ j • • . j , I ~ ~ ~ " "

, , , , , • , • • " " " " .. " " " " " " " " • • n

" " " " "

wista.'Io<e from !be LDt. ~.~, 10:h< COI/r.'£ .... pnl )0 1001 "\Ihn;:_;'.KId ,h-••

"-'''''''1IUy ~ on MI) ll, ZOOI. /Uft. ~7. :001. ud July 2'. 2001. 21 ..-h:ct> ~ h .... ..t

lto\I"""l' frorn both!)f "" 'JII!"'.<1 M .. P:".,,,, .. ...:I ~"ed IlIWO"'JlI docum""'!10<1

Whil.,,,,, .. " 'IS .. buzz 01 W1\ 'Ij , and ~ ... Court ~I.:lriy CN,ht ,l:c .~""",n of th.

Ra,., .. wood $uptTln"n<kI\l, ' .<lU11 p.O&'o$ :. ,1 I~"" of w~ cculd and .lIo~lrl ha". bo<cl

K~ompb,be<I cunni !II11 mne ptn(ld. Th. ).!or",""S fff':ln ~1or~1 f;w \loy lind JIIM!h~

p..!i:t) <c"",I""". raid of only 7~·.I"d 4.H" rt<p!C~'''lr,

Th. <tsIJ:IOD}' :I~ lU ptnod "Ol;Wf<! ..".,. 01'111 . ...... dy.fl.Dc:hOll '"

1I,a\'C'I:$>I't>OII .."" hu ,mpt(le4 .,.It ~""':"".b.t.,ica ~r lll. l CAP "".J"'4 from be b""~I"'I

of _ •• hllir.'>InI1\-':a!1o:l. ..... "' .. .man. J"". 27. l OOI Tr tl7!. 10 m. ·' •.• ff.";, .. ...,.. of

~ """'."01 ~"pe"",.n;kn,. '" PL~II\'n, luly !~. 1001 Tr.,ll 7~ Kni~h'. lulv 26. 100 I T,

at 6l (upl"" ''-ll: Ehlt AI$"''''' Sop<Mt<tlde1l ","!>e'nl r=pb<.JI, 10 tte f,;!u:-. to Mlow

.hnlU1ll""eIl "" ,,"'''''IRS mid. <n OpeD cOW'"_ A. wscuu<d. 1+0. d.'I'~' repres..",u_OIlI

rro.n Or Kr:~.1 ohl1 «!WII s<!I"!1H woukl be coa:plet<d on !he .tl: :\.:tw-.. lJ>&Iiy IUCh

pxc:i ... ,.-.,.. XII f~lii,~ 0\.( I,le My b""""~. II,. eo.c....1l.o .ued qo .......... ,..~

"'" StI;>fn.' .... d ... fH.r:dot. _ July l6, ZOOl 1, :0: S. "'lI.oh qu<'SI"'" hi,.., oel) bceII

hel&b"....t by J!>t .. «n' mITI "ffra·J<laI •• ",.",lOflI .. iii. oct""' ."


Page 14: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

1 AI !be =I cftllr thrtl-ll'O,,:!I por04. tlIr Co<n ocn<ludN :ho ... !lot< .I>m: ll4 bC"C"rI

1 so,,,,, ~ III .",ruU. RI'-em"ood Iud :101 6c".":riU .. N I:".t "dnm.ol~ 1:ln:.V<Y.InO' III !101~

1 "",kl<! .. d .n",d.~ o,'n !he P't\'lO~1 :m .. menlt. ~fflury 10 ditluadt !he Cou.., Ii"",

4 i"n,,'i pl1L~"rfi' '"'lUff' for on Ord .. 10 Silo", CIO$<. Jij.Y 26, 2001 rr .• 10-1_111

~ "'coO/di"IlI}·. <1".' Coun o.~."d R"'cn,wood to ~~O ... ('U!t "l".y I1lhou:d r.ct be hel~ '"

6 o""",,,ml" r~, ,"io1111l1S <1" •• RCAI', .01m';\ .. l 6",1 orJo, ai "'. C""" 00 JonUoUy II!, :1000.

~ The Coon funtn lllre:l<d 111. CO.ll1 MOOl!o<", P""P'I" I r.pon ", .. ern; ,....."" ... 004·' I '"'""p: ...... d'l"on> _ upcn ~'" M l_un. _10<''''1 cr fl. ""'0",",1 ~....,,,,, J:L"JIW\'

9 ~OOO_ r .... l~!. III< C ...... o:d<ra! all or e:. ~.,. <0 .bo~nI !he • .,.. of ..... ' r<,lC:dJu Ie II>< Cw.., .. '>wid OOll.HIrf ill ~NtT <0 toefCC cnmplWl<' "".h me RCAI' .;; -:11< ~ • .". or.

11 r.I<lI"-i! of O(>:l'empe.


I ~ lJ~c:., "ell "'~«Il.i\\. tio.il .0:l."'P" O<CutS "hm • ~ d.iObe)'s ~I ip<'<LfI< >Il<t

IS Llen.-~ .. ,'O.:n <X<ler by ,,1" .... 0 tdt all rrOSOf:lble >l<pI ",thuL 11:0 prIJo's PO"~ 10

16 ''-''''Ply - Go-Ildto. /1M: " 71101 ,\in!coL P~,woe 0/ ,ht. 10 f _'d 6Sl. 60S (ilb ('-.r.

17 l!>9l ) 11 .. .(liliail) tIw p!&L."~· hurd ... ,., c!el-.;l:>\t1lI: •• )y <II: .. l1l<I """''''''''4 e''-~. !8 ,haL~" .l!.j;«! """LenlI'o" >iaI.ILO:J • lpecifi; .,,~ .,.finh. onl..- " f ill< Co\:r1. /If,; Sro", ¥.

19 S<m P""'C<lcu. %8 1'.2<18'0. 8'6. r:, 9 (9,h eir 1'.192). Th: ~ lhcn 'M'l< 10 the .. 20 'on'."".,.-; -'0 de"""CS"'lC "'b~ \hoy wen ..",bl. «> com.ly·' SIMI, %S f ,ld .1 8lo. n, ~

~ \ To "fufy th .. burlML •• ",,"c,oon IOU;' ,1>:»o"!h.al 'Ioey .""" "t\ . ..-; "U~I11b!<:II"" to

2~ ''''''pI)." fJ • Soi.o( .. ..". .... .,". 'f«Do""ld, ~4~ f.2d 196, ~O-I C9<IL Cu. Ig--~l (is .... I.

II .. hc;I-... d<-f~"" ",-"" p<rfo<fu.d "all I<aio1Jf'.>b;' 1oIcp> ",,!un !toti: p<)"O<"" It,L ir.un

~~ ""'-.pfuD«"").

21 The J>'l'l'I<»< of .",',1 00"=1" i. "'m.~,al. noIl"'nll!Vt'. AI ""h, ,he f. llar. to.

26 00lIl1'1) nocd 11<>' be wM1l1 Or In,,,,,,,,,,,"I. >nd BoOO f.ilh '. 00' • d,f." ... Go· Video. 10 F.ld

27 ., 6~j: $lema. %8 F.ld II 3S6. lnJ .. d, in,"'" i, .. , ..... l"·..,~ .. Id Wb.,. ,\'ery , • .-blt

" "

Page 15: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , , , , • • " " • " -

~ l n ~ , " ~ l " ~l " &i .' " • • • " - "

" " ~2

" " " " " "

eX~n his be"" m16: \0 ,o"'pl~'. tQ ... ",~ .• r ..... ,,~hmC41 Of :nod",,,.,, ,-;.,1>." .... ,,,,lI no!

$Up;>orI1 fiMLng of <onl.m~, Go· Virho. a F .3d .. 69$: G"",al Slv<>i C"'1' • v.,,,,,u..,,

(IOC_. 18 ' f .2d 13'6. l.'7'1 .~~ CII'. : 9S6). :o.I~, il cCt\t .... p' a~proft'\att i~"'e 1"'-,<:,', att"",

i! '~4 on I good /lI:tIll:ld mo$(lr.OhI. ,m.rpltUllon~ of :h. dea •• _ c;.,../"j..eo. 10 r ld ..

69~ . T<Y.IIM' r<"UO<'s .,;pllm«l btlo-.. tl;,j CJIM"( :cnclU<!es t!w I find ftl d civil ""''''''11< is am~ly J~" fi,d m thl.! em.

,I l"iI>iDr,"" of Q ¥«1jIc """ IXfh<iu COfUf ~

(I) IIlI«~ .. "" ,GIl' is" ~JPIdI1< cnJ M!_,.· COW\' Orr/D

M du crib«! a""ve. I.lIe ItCAP ,. do; ide<! inlo f.,. C"'lron .... "Ii of"'hich oooll.h,

d.\lIil,d <XIITt~tiH ""'1'0<11.' P'W$O d.adlir .• f<lf ,ollpleli~.<h. ~o:Hon. and the p""",n

~por.sibk fo< lh< .... '011. Rl"ou"""'" m::",OIhd.u con,.w, t!w 11lt "-CAP is 1>01

"'fI"I~kTJly $p«!f.., orAl <kill'l." .. ~ tnforcoabk 011 =.""'pc. 011 III fl,<, ~ .. _""""' .•

<ilolas",,,,,,,s. RI., .,......_ •. \"' .... ,. 19r<td \0 ,mpl=<1lIlhc ReAP IJId ,"w ;1 In

cnfora.bl. order of th. Coon m Wll.,."m or chl. cu. ,eo C<>:l$.nt [)e(n" 1E 16 ("Upao

~ ap;IfO\'l1 orlb .. o..;,u b~ l'M Co,." th .. o..OIK, <ru:luduljl..11 or t .. exhibits. o.nd l'>e

RCAP , lI'.)U b<w>: •• ~tK of l!le Cou."I. I.IId IMiI bu..p.~d Q 1m <N,x, ",:t,tt! /1y

rlrzJ C""",") (<ml'ft.,,, adcIeoIj; IN ~/IO J ... 18. 2000 orncr1'll. ~ I ("",rn""'i Comtn.

Deer« and m. k;\ti RCAI' '" fl.>.! Old .. ohlle C<:.'IlIl'''' ,hi:! be .n(OI~ .. :an order orll:e

G.>IrI") M""oveJ, Rl"fltswood in e>:""r papen conc.de> .b~t the ReAP "" •

<ompre!l:r.slw d(:co;n;.tll! lia: """"m -tpt.:'.jk ~'1OfI to Jtt Du:ncr act! '" fOCI

""""PLE,.s "'" !lie ReAP', -W':' lIlI\" - "'tu!e .. """ """"",.,Id",, the 1a.,«, pocn: .. of

....,·io. dol,,·.,), ." SU Ro,·em .. OC>d' . Aug l:. 1001 S"MllS>lOn II 1 (.mpha,i, .~d.~l; ...

0/'0 ""II. 12. 2001 Tr. at I ~ (R' "nl"ucd :lescHI"1liI RCA~ IS "J\) ~tt.I!I.< Ik" " cao t>t ,' ...... «1 ... dI«J.:l;';'""). GI"ffl tI>o .bo, •. 11. ....... ,,"00II., «Id",,\>Or. LUI .1;0 RCAl';1 lOCI

'""8"¢".01 """'fiDite <Q ,OP;IOII" pm::«din~ for corne .. ", ""'",.,le ..


Page 16: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

Ra,,,,,"'oo,fl ~ ltSU I'fl:n>nly CD In co.Ucr.tlOl: ,hal Itt CDE..,J m. C"""

l Mon:,.". m,..~ on ""'" 10 -1fIdo:- OtJn:n of Ra'"e"'''ood·. 10'"","- "hrll, j, j .. viow.

J dtn"lOlll""'es the ..... b,a .. OuHtwocttf of\he RC .... P ... ~dr..,.,.nt,. Th_ COE £I:<! Ib< C<lUrt

, MeMo" "",we,,.,., • .-.,-. -!iradl~'· dLr.-.,.~.lhm" . Th. ~Ul" U~r "" .. ·. h .. ~Df

5 !tt"or .. wO<><!·s oO<ll~I;'DC' with RC .... P .. quit, ,,,...,,, wll.l. COE "II uswilLll whell-.cr

~ Ra,,",,,w<><>ol Iud oOmjll .. od .nc.em,n,,] ".~" "<P .o.i,inn II h.4 ~11i~«1 in "",,,thl)'

1 "ott.~, Mr 11:< ",,,,,tho M~> tr~""'" July ~OO I. Ace ... o.nalr. ' h" >fill1IlCru mtaS: fuL '

I Ra' ........ ood aloo iIlp!!" IhII sotIe RC .... P p''''''''''ons a::.lmb,ruOUS (,r 100 ~bje<I;'.

, bee..,.." dlsag.-.; ",ib 1M ~\o:ri1O(S &S>t<",",'~' of .... OOsm. ... 'J dttItt of «'mIpLtt'c . . 10 Th. fKl :hoI R."CDIVo-ood may di~ "llh the \~OI\"or'I'S1CSSI1l''''' 1>0 ........ .,.. don n:M

I ' .11Ob1,,~ ~,., It .• RCAP ,.,"'1.""'" i. \"I8ut L~d ""'~'II"(III$. f ..,aUy ..... , . .... rtjDl

11 Qrt""nJo tha' • r.w of t~. 259 ;!I<!;"i<!u,1 ;1 .... ' l!Ck.~ l .. ro"O.' lPCc Lfiri l),. 'his " 'odd "0'

\1 Irn6c-< <he •• ,"'" RCAP unml¢:"tC.bl •.

" 1 S (1) Loidvl« "'a .1I)/M"'"

I~ l bor. COIl be IlO ttt"." d .. pc:c tho: Ra,'ns"''OOol iI .. ,10111>0:1 of :be RCAP,

11 AJ'bou&'- Oe KCAP ""11 10 be tu:ly ""?~od b)' hili" : 001. ,u M.l)' H. 2000 O,do­

II (adopI"'llllOd,n,d I(C .... I'). K,,·msv.ood t.a.! .., br nude onl¥ -, .. Of}' ru .. gtr progmC

19 )o.lll " ""'·S AcguSl 3. lUQI Rtt:p, 10 Ct 's UorfCt"". n .lor.,lor·, R~") .. ~; ;« alsu Ii, I t

20 10 ("""tulo !ht~ bU been Iol<M SIr.,l l 1mOW\n ~fP<'Ji<.lS .n lem' ore", lit. dim",,"" IIQI

2l P"'l"'lSCd \ '<ry fOlIO\O'lld 1M WI~O\"I'.'! ('" ;"""'ntJ ~\llItd ty the Kt· .... P'").

22 AI of JIIl~· 2001. RI\"nswllO'l ..... )'" to <o"'ply \\tr.!l tho "'"'. oot\, (1i25\~) 0' \he

21 RC.'\!' «<paton:>. Mo~ .. ,!!It 1Iur~ ohlle RCA/' n .... llt>t hid (It'" lUy

" " "


Page 17: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T


1 ""pl.monled CO"".",. for th. melt pan. 'ht -aU! chl.:lo:ij;lnt {RCAP' ,,,,i,'h .. " ... ,h .,

1 J<t~", lIP ~" RCA P Commtr.t •• ~IWLng •• "rtnt 10 partiCIpate on tho ~PLP'" 's Comm"nK)l

J Ad"jsory Coumtl. d'·'-.~"I""i ;>01"'" a>d ~tdurt1 to pre" ide ,tdf "itt aou" I. ~ p<>~..aIOIIII ~''''IUf'' v.nll!.!! :1:0:1 ,,,,,r .. ,,,,,,",, p,.t.nu:r:",. mocthly l,q of ..... ".otd J d.:>cw,,,"II.O ,lit """"tOr. and rtq~~,.,,,, COIl'" "f"",ple m.nuaI. pO.,,,,,, ond r·,,«.h~ ..

,; fro", OCR. MOM .. 'I Koron" , a d,scusa.:l ~bM" Ii>~ ' 4 ":II! 01' II"'''''' r.oc-<COl:lpl;.moo-- PI"" • pm 11'= of.

9 d:>rnct LU: j. lI:1SS,v<ly om of =";>Iu.~,c "'ldl ~"1 """"'""11 ,.~u:mn."u . ."d r. "non . 10 1\;)limp"", •• u.lI011 "fit.' K<' . .oJI. S# aiM ,>."" 9, lOOl Ro\lo"er Dec\. · II ("In e~,h (!f ~.

11 "11>.\ ore» ... 6. curr<1ll 61". , .. well .. "'(""""tion «\!",,\ed dO/"'il 'he "enfio.~on

!:! "vi.,.. !"OCt"- c",dr~ IlIaI :IIer< "grooa. J)1Ita:ic t"oOtW:OIIlpti>o.ce" nh me [OEA "1lI!~

I:; in .... pc!'\'UM <1::111' or fAl'E .. !be llU: lO duldl." ... jm di.al>lll~" ,~ L"" D:W1Ct. ;.

1£ ~ "I;, AY," l.I. 2001 Pimnlll [)tot "11 {Tbt ··,nes.<"".bl. ",,~Iusl(>n" fr(>:D Ih.

Il Vrr:Oca<l oo R""i,-, .. lJ>d MQlIhor', Rq:x:n tords " -. JllOf<luodly r"l.d syn,m in e'<"1)'

16 ~oru<a .~~

I~ .... I!:~ Com ModlOl' :tpC"~ the -...os: i"Jb\:Unll,-, p:I ofdl. ,e",od!,," .. .-_

IS iroplc:nrn"n(l<l :>1"..';:0,', R<pOf'II' S. Sp.."f\cally. \l><l};MClIw "faded 10 impl • .,....:

19 In) :1)1""" 1(11 d.,·doping poloo .••• 1Id proc.d",., hLltn1, traLnmi," or JUI""';""II ""at,nod

20 .... rr. ~rni.8 proP" lEI',. C"Oi1dud<>g 1i0:'1; IEI' ""." .. , a:td .. loCIS:tI'r.1J. Of mon;lcri1~

?l 00.:1 .,...1..-,;", tt-.. <Io1:>t, y of MI"I1C>' Of 1M pnl$rfSS of WldrntS tOWa::~ L ..... rEP 101' ... .,01

1:; l .. ",I • .,.I:.i." AUI_ n. 201;1 Pin ....... 00:<1 r T; I« <lilo Jo,t.lnl'«', Kq:on. >I 3 (oud.,,"!

2J ., • .., in .. I:lc!i lil~< progr . .. hOl bo.n made). NOIlbly, in 1OGl' L-.U the OLSIn<I" on fl:'!

24 /",10' """"~ Fu .... "pi'. IlIlI'JuSh the RCAP ,oquir .. pl""", m;~.~1S 111 !ht "'a\1

" " " ' ..... of ",",,,t 1001 MOM",', Roi>Ofl. of d" o;"""m RCA? !.CUm" (l.B. :'rot:$h ~8 2. IV} th" or. d""tod .0 lIain in" "'<oI<.n 0 ... ·1 )" '" b: {"lOy impt:Ib<nlod.


Page 18: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , J nudctI:s. .. .,tl1h~ .rllllbtf ~f dlltblrd ltudal" III CO'lllly HI!<onwrM "'<>st''''' ri>lnl

4 .Imo .. 5<I ..... ' .n' !rom 61 ,n 1~5 ~ !rlI,n : OOO MoXll1C'" R. p<>" t, 5,

, 1b. [J,,:n<l dots no1 miO)"~siy disru" <h.l "l'l,fi(an1 ~n",,,, of ,h. RCAP mn .. i~


""Impl.",.n,,"_ ROoM-r, II ir:lpli(nly cone,'; .. lhlf PO"''' "\ en as PM 10 hi,. I <""'01, .. , to

~ mUe • ;>Ia;l :0 1ttplonletlt :ll. RCAP. A< t"x 0,.,,,,,, ,"k>l~.d.' the "''''"'' ",

r. nteds ' '''''' 10 -"""", -.:p .. "" . ;,,"u tIw n'.,}""" .an ,,~ on to •. ' \0 m>Lt

. rL~ in aI d:c cDle ,-... """ or lh< C_ Ilr.:fft pI.",,:lf. " "nly rtle to: AuJ. n. 200] T, . : ! ~ , Sa wa 1U\'';''''''"",n AUI 1!,

S. ,,,,,,, .. ,,,,, ot j -l (Det::nbo", o; , trict". rIa" to b,re .cqllS"I~: "" ho "'ill ;"'" 11I1~

I '1 mfonm"oo Illd ,.....,we .. "Of!Sary " to im~l.tT .. m .o]'t,"1

.erv.:. d. I,,"!)' 1)'1" '" Iluol mon. tll< re<;uu=<,,, ofl'!. COM<':lr 0.'10'-) "

l.o • .'>on. lbe .. -..:I,me ts b<IOb ,I .. , and conH",onj _ onde.d ",-....-hoblnl _ "",

~t!\c: and <leHr.::. ord..- of the COI:l'"_


Page 19: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

B. U .. <,/'(11 R''''Q~dlf Sr'P$ "'"k,n 1'0"'" tD Co "ply

2 I :~,., ... , ....... «1 11" .. IU"Or.:IIS 1 "'110/ •• :ho CO<.t\ ISI~ ,"",~Iv o-otIviuod I~"

1 RO\u .. _ hi, r...l..-J '" IAe In rruonatle "'PIl:I. "5 pcvo·.r to '(m~ly .. ,til flit IIC .. ?

~ I.de.d. :< i> "'"tely ,,-i<knll'", Rlvon . .. ·ooCo [(>, ,he mol! p .... \'" ... "j th, RCAP O<ln

~ 0& ...... _ to be t\ <>ide! ............... chln.,p '" bt <",tnc,J . Th ,,,.:ord GO Ill .. pol"' _ , bodo c:o"'F<l~' .. 1II<I "' ..... ' ... :"'"'1. 7 TI,. ","n.:xIl.-~djni up 10 I" C~wt·. J.n .... ")" I~. 2000 fI..,1 'PPlo,>! Qfl~ RC-"P

, prO>.c.. ... niq; t.:Wros; Mtf dO\elopmrnl of :he RCAP it! 1m, PrJ. a.c-'cou!rtc

, .... '1""'" alxJo.t '""" .. -.:t\ I IlICnth "'-.. I penod 0(""'<111:>' month> In tho DIIlI''''1 oam.!in;,::

10 ....,ml. " ith 1"'.'-11"'10, ' .. 'h . ... l"ycbolQil it\, &"".",1 Ilmlti ..... ucn it.tff and PII!C!\I>.

II Thtou}h tl .. """ .. i,. ""''''''1. /bey b<c1f1"l' "ar (unl,.. "'"'f'J..!.-<IV>"ood·, <fforu to

12 ,n:P\C1l:C111l>< kCAP. A"" 9. :0(11 C"'~II", Oed. f 16; AU). 13, 1001 a .. 0«1 f ;) ....

D Dr. C<>u],., d<",{b.,J, ~urinlll"''' 20 IMnths "or!<:

" " " " " " " " 12 Au&- 9, 2001 Couk« Oed. 'l'" 11·19 Dr C"·$O'oo."'I.O" w.~ 11III'b,r:


Durin. [Ib< 20 m«>thIJ • ..-.: """ r", p'O~1 b rho Diwi"·IIt~.~ of III. bct Ibo •• c:hon~. On 1ti~'U .. -ood·1 >en "" deli'(f)' I)'5ICm "'U r..cm"y, Al L ""","_ 00 ,)":0",,, . ff ....... ,,, • .....so to ..ru.<. .. ''''''plom:. In 4ltt-Ct _ition. ,,-, f~ "'1fIY Ad,." ... or ,~>; ...... c :0 ,he imrl..".,,:ancn of "" ReAP 1»' Dr, J~. l~r.a, I:'~ CIf"""- of ,.",,,,1.J,,,,.,,,,,, $O"'!'''.

26 ... ~g. Il. ZOO1 <leo Do.I, ~ B. Duo., Ihcu ft\"" .. "" .. onli .~ ... "m~'~ <I.libor.,!on," Dr_

n C~", .. -.J Dr. ON bctIr n$ip\.d ,~M.o:' Lm har Ihcil ,.."tior_ .... .onilo<iq ReAP

" "

Page 20: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • i i " iii! H ", ,. " ,

, , , , , , • , " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " " " " " n


''''~nll''O'' rOf CUE. Jd. M Dr. COlli .. , e.plaloM. ol""""lill "!']""f1'''' ., ' .. , In

. _,II .. ",,) ~i~Tkult md 1.111 lei«! d~"iOll {or "'.," thoy ,..,,! "mau-... d ",,,h t~ • • hol~:.

I"'k of 1""" "" L,d ( .... : flO <I",,,,,. of imprO'om"" '" n .• DISIT~'udmm"',,"'i<m'1

r.I"",e "'lot!- 9, : CI(}J COJ~ff 0:<:_ • ~: . Alii- 13. lOCI Gte;)eo; l f JS (-II .... 0 .. ' .....

lbal """ Q( """ tl:' fIiJ ,"" ':q.; ... " ',1bn «>OpeI"!lOI or lUd!oril), \\. had .....,. •• , ""1,

FrOllI Ill. tcmt of ,!'Ie .<sepal;"", in Mal' 1m 1>:oCl" !he " Th.1 oftll< Coun

MOIli ... , in J.nlGU)' 2.000. bltl~ odd";"",,, FroplJl "'lj ""ok. Il<crs,S<lsm"" noted carli .. , •

~"'B of "'e ReAP lkadlcMS. E.-en III •• ppt~ortbo Coon ~ lo;.M .. lmd rml

c""" lJ'P"""ai ort!:. RCAf» did h:tle 10 ~ "'5U"_ ;>r<'P'<'fS, "' 1$ rt11."",d bY Ibt

Q>OI,llnfl.,.,no,,,h bl •• k ftp;lrlcords mow; .. Blgl'3,ble ~ue'" Itnee ';:'ic!.2000, 0lJ";.a:

tIli. I""i<kl, Ind.r:.!Jip in the O;su,<: in ~,. arU of sptml ! <!uo.o.tl.o'"tm"r .. C: locl;.llllltr lI\~

;""trO<1""l l"1l,,1 jl'St r..:cr..ly. 1M Bo:rd of Tr,oslta - tho bodj ~111/:'~11l} ,.,.""""ihl. br

'l"'<i.oI 01. '".;0., c<xnpl~. ill Ra~ ........ '00<1 - ne'"erc""Fm.~ air cel'''e:ns :0 u.

"~O"'OI, ODd \he: M .... 'Of "'" ~ or .. 1<<<1 fO ...... d a B".,-l ",ro,,,,, .0 C1><1W tho Re.,p MoO 'I ... ·• !I.<PO" ' I! . Si"lIllrt}', "6. n,c<ls,uy 1u~"".b L]: fro", ~e dO:lI"«'s

Sttp<rMl'.'>.!'''' >m<l fu",," ASso<:Ja" S~-pmr,ItJ>d."Q; on 'I.eAI' Implm .... l31_ tw mtl}'

be ... ill ... o.kn< • .... llbe .... l, II,.. la<:~ otlndcn/l'P .. b. b«Il palpal.'lo ~ kl As m.. C<><n M","1Of Iw rcpor.c:l, :he S~pmn:mde," b ... in his prtsme., and In tbc ~~~ Of

,,.rr, '.,"~I •. ne<l.toI;l ,be RCAP.,d ' "8Ie>l«l tN. h il ,""f." Ihat Klt,"eflS"'C'Od JuliO

;"'.,:.". ... " . «O\..Ji,1 pi,,, ,,·~n .. Otl".<:r efunlru de !WI. Stl<h ~O\lfl>s .~.,. m<Jr. Ots\jr.e<:t

10 <Iml" ••• "". RCAP ,.u,.. ilI&u """" .... ..,d ...... iilc mll:o c:ttt"'. and Jdtp:.,ae:l1l1t.

= .. dy. s... Apnl ~7, 2001 Mb .... Y.emo, I~.ac:~cd Il Mty L1, .2001 Orller Rc Dr. K.o,'I1"', R.'P. '" c;, ", AJ1f;1 Jo, 2001 0".\<"

One .. rioo.e. (O_qu."". uf dl< lock u~ I.allors~ip h.I. ~n IlIe: Sup«ir.!ead<",',

faih;rc \0 ,,1I«t.ydy "'F<" , .... '" 1.,IJ K'<O~n",bt. prir..oipal> OIII! JIItr m .... "" ... nlul", '0

"fC<ia; d .... !O<I. r,,,,, ._ .. ~." :he SoIf>eI;"",IIIlrn, "",,<11 0 .. I 4trec,.'·' \0 be. p:in.:I~11

0, , .. If "JUd,ns opo< .. 1 . d~,","", III"' ..... ~ ""Y "",n ~u ~",,,r ... ,o<I, S#- ' .B. Au! I J,

Page 21: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

lOQI t'lnn:Jn DeoL 1 9 •• :-""~hod 10 S.1te·, R.SjI. to OSC (Ahhoogh llf"..."waod .. ' ..

1 requited '0 .. no 13 5<'t""l lhe •• ,mj '" Pom", 8.h,ic, 7ra ,"in ll, "!'l/t~, .<Wn m<>nlh, of

1 sc~«IlIhl\a ~ffon. by the 'IlI ,Mtl. illOh><bl 1<:",,1 4if«1i1 .. NI S"~inttndrn. ('hul.. ~b.

4 Kn.!tM.o ,talT, oool) "'-0 tCO!:IS httl ,o:n;>"',d 'Cht 11'''.:''11 o..r--~ ho .... ,Ischtd-.l<d ....

S U) .tUHlIt, II do,."", "~\Ie" fOl' ,ndry o.n;j SllUro.y. 1'1 ... n"",e .. o", 1Ul.. up .... i<>.,. n1<

6 ... n f"IO<! to I~ Q'" 'Jp "put.dl, for t1!\ '",111ft<! \Oi.,",. The .. t ",~. no di",,,,bl.uy

7 cor,"q""""" fOl' p!'t"Cll'Ill <II' .,.IT ,,"'00 r",lt<! to ant"" . , _ rr,u, <hoi. 0( .. ·.,," unJ. ,

S "' .... IO.,.., .... ff :hl d~ 4ir<'u,... ond ~. RCAP itself lI. un1ml"''"''''''' on

9 ICIl":CSIlt) "'ln1>ion;' lbt CO',," Mor-"'or 1w ',mll>rl;' rQ><".e<l tlutl

" " " " 1 ~ Moo!!,,,,. Kcport"' H i , In l<1 1t.olhtr ex.;tll'llll •• • me:no fro", :II< SoJptno .. "dmt

1 ~ <Q . .. mm,. RCAP.,.q"u.;! ... "i"i for p"ncL~.!J W(<lt 1"'i"I}' \IIllIuded ... hen oi~1U ,,[.ho

16 ~~,.. IJ P""'''plj, lilted 10 a:.r!ld Su ":')" 17. 200, Ori .. R.o Knitl,', R<:sp. to 0 :,

Ii Apnl JO, lXIl OrJtr ar.d . ,u d"" ... :.:h<-rero

" 19 ~I. The MOImOl' fQWId to. ''''''pI'' I' "' \l:. Di,,,,e, "''11 nOt mok,nl ,IS ""n II>ff

~O ."_ .b,lt IpocCllly bi.""ed _.sul!>n!> ... en: .'"l.atl.1<: au;'t !htm. Sa June Tir.1eli ....

21 R'f'1'"I. Sect,on II ae IS t'1llt ~r:-' 0: spt;1ll .d""otcn ,~ mb l>tnpists. • • d

22 ;>I)'(!Io'O$lJU k.tm"."~~ ~..., "'" ",0& n'.' ~' tile di<m .. I!i>t t« ,n<l""~n ",nwl:ltnts

2J hir.d ~r tho M""""" "'<t . .... ,I.~r !<, an'" tit.." L' l\."pl""",,,,,, RCAP :-e.:;U= .... ,

Z4 4 U j"j; 'u ol.~ 'i. I t 19. ~U, Pitt"" •• 1", CtItLfi.d abou, :he D,otrice', f.i!ut. to prtmtp,h

~s foil"", "I' ell """""1,,,,,, tn.>Ufe" mall< a>,,~blc by Chr CDl .. ~ olro A"f. 9, :001

" " 28 " One ...... :1 <x"",!,I, ~On«111' In .,peri.nerd OO($""nt, ludy Hoe(""II<f. ,.f.fft~ to


Page 22: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , • , • , • , " " , " ,

~ I " " -.

:5 j " 'I " , '" P. - , " 11 ! ,

" , " ,. " u

" ,. " " " "

~ .. ~L , 17 (""RIthe. !ba. omtn.:mg tho 111M"", of e~p<"'5t >lid res:>l:l"CC. ,~

\flIliThn:o II> spoc:al Nut1tlQll JlfOIlom. !ht upper 1'I#°'llt",""" ~ 10 rega::! rIIr eIT ....

10 !T.uobif\li ""pl""'"I!..~om ['1<J of!llt RCAl' u un"·'!..~ i!ll(rf"eD<"~ .\01. 9, 2iJOi

Cculler tkol. , I r("1 ..... Imost [n~ .... 1 :akmg 1<1"" '0,. of Ihe ~:~, O\"1il,bk 10 :h.

OI!!,,, , pursun! \0 the Rc.>.r I~ odor' <oO',pl .. " In~ .Qund l'I'3'nc .. in , ,,,,dal ~du<:.t;o""l:

),olonuQf', R<;><fI "' 6 (-Or..., tile mar",,,," ba. I"''''' til_ c.s:rict de'1l il.4 iUioJ"'<t on _."oa

pIl'!",,\at "'quiromor.u. b<I: tho 4"ln<:l .... DC< ~l:o"'<d up,").

A I cj=1$Od .00. .... ,!II: IIIIWIL ~ pr«ttdI.'Ip frn":~ c~pa ..... d ~ ",,'.:00<1',

,:.arion ill April 200 I. ""d,5OIUlJIlP'OVt<I P"O!'<'SS d:d resuk h " dt .. to Il>< Cnn.

110 .. ·.' ..... tI:a.o "'. <lop"" of 1""""'" .. .". stU !l..",! fot 111m "fwt n(~o.: '" ..,..".. dr.m". imp .• metn,,,.., OrlM RCAl' ,n. "",.to.' m .. ~et Mo,.,,"e<, II,. ,,·idrnco .. .... .. .. con<ill1l(d to ai" q"'ltIOnl 'Ialmlng :11' l)"U:lOt', comm,el"nl and abIlity 10 impl.:n.n, tl:t

ReAP. One 'X1IIlpk ~t many iI ;..t$. P,run>n ', leltLlncnyr,.ud,1\S! I ~"'~ .~, ar.ct:d<d

frJ Mar about ~"'IL;>le," .... tin& tILe Imui .. ·s LRE pl .. ~:

(lDt oftlle real to:\UtlU "'U II tlu: tII<t"ll3K " ~~ lb.! \l:. )U\"tIlSWOL>I!\ p<!SOII ,, !Io .... , 10 bl lndoa lIus ' ffor.. <Iu. " ·U 1M r;m rllnu,b..... • on!orrxd oClhI' role I.>d us tIU' .... 0(11:< [LRlJ ~tan Non.,. btftI "i'f'OYOd .,..oj d,drl"l ba,' •• :opyo!tk"PP""M pi ...

lune 4. 2001 rr. ZZ. Su <Ji.o AUI. I J. 2001 P,t:m3.1 l)oool 1 e, In,,hod 'Q CDE's Rup. '0

OSC ("The district ,...If '<pOll thai ,he,' do 0<Jt krulw d .• L·", ~QIt<r Of procedure in key

...... ")" An:! on AUjIl~ I l. 200' , Ih. CO\Ir1 Monitor blued scv., now d,=,,,· .. '"

~ ~ al"" .,,"~, II, 2001 'i~""'" Oed 1. 9 at $ (AI!houS~ !he ReAP "'q~;leS tht ~1,"iOl t~ " ...... I.t< lEP 0J>d utll<t ip<o>; ,1 «Ioca, .. n docum .. " In me pttrniLl)' Ia"¥'-"ir, o! tile ""ern" ond pM."". ~L< Ji,."" '"ini".I't fa.k<I '" d.v •. op a p:"" ror 111" ' ''"''''''. fillrd 10 i.., lu;.l, tILe d"" ,,,,'. mu It ,I; "10,1 offoce iLl tll< I"""''', II d I.,., Dii od '0 i"..plc". ••• ' the pl. n " " MI1.I.lly d".]opcd PC' CDt """"".i<>.:> '" """,..., ~ I~I S,,,,fu. " L"r.h=;ty for!he ""ICCI. There "'., no follow IhrOUP by {.h. A .. ,OIaIL' SY>mr,rc;>do! .. Cf Spoc:.iI

Page 23: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • ~ l • • , . is J , . ; I " , ] , • --

RI'~ ... ",ood .<g>r<1mr ICM-ili .. lhl.t !k Dl.""" :u.a '~~CIdlt (j,led lQ ,,,,,,.plo,, " " I "'

.n, <I" COWl " U no. p<,,~d.d 11" I~~" n. :I >eon , lu :f,'it'nliy d .. ma,; , , hr.!!. of lI,itu<le

J <X 0;1"", 10 d,s","d, i. from '"""'I th. Orde:" to ~h<l'" (0<$00. A, P~\ IOUsiy I\Oltd. III,

e.:.... t~pkM tlool ~ lUI ~"' ~'>s Iw1 "Str>.J IllF~ :0 ~til~t ttl. li."1li:moM •.

if DO< ..,.on:I'\'ft".~, 0(6. 'MII M$I'''''' ~upmn!.nd.n: crSp«oal E~II<'''O'L - AUl\lil ll.

6 200l n, .16; ,

• , " " " "

In sl\Q:'I, tl>t m"'2"' Pf"i"<:'l,o,h;',-.d lQ a. ,,- lm.!}' dO<_~:I .bove- oor:.bintd

",ill tbc latk of drtcti.-. k.6enI<!p i1I tb< ..... ~h ..... 'tll t<!IO;:o:'OI'I, an.! m.: rl>lur: Ie ruUy

",:Iia ", .. iIa~1e m.owcu.lMk. ~ "":""'y on 11111 o. CIistn« b&! 1>" '"Uk<:>.1l

''''!IOMb!. "c;>:I ill ta po"" "" to .,Iue-.-. imp:<1II..,"'''''' "fth. RCAP s« C-<> VUl'Q. 10

F .3J II 69', ne ,,,,,oro . Iso "'IJ I'~'" <ll~1 R.i, <1I''''OC<! ''')P''on'l 'lmON" l" i. " M' f",,~

F",," OJ :100:4 >bo,-, Rawn'..-oool .lirrj~..! " ,b. I<UIIG' 22. 211Ollleaml! th ... prior 10

<OAI<Il\pI pr(l<"~;"J$. !!tis :He ~id "'" ~_1110 -S",~t·I.t:mn('ll - Au," l:.


Page 24: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

• ,

• , '" " < " •

" I " t! " " i3 j " ! ! • " . " . • •

!;lI)1 TI. II 12. Wld~ m. ., .... ,...~ d, .. ~ ,:.o.e u:dI:~'cs an odIn,ft'''''';O"!bat "­

ol\c:l bo." .ffinnal"d~ reSIll:nl. ""'Jus, InIIltnn,' •. en" I '''''riY in.o-.ti,"

a(!rr.,"an:ion ha .. by d.rmj,ion.lIO! <loot . '· ..... 'blllJ: ... 1\10" if< """""'0 r .. "' ... bl~ :.":~I)_

S"oodlh. SU!><,rinte,d,n, , .. ~!Jed on Moy :001 'hH 'n" u. "bo.n ,n [tho C .....

).\Qn,ror"s) offi~. mOre u~s 1ll1tt wt .,,,,,a Ill"" [.b. ho,) b«I1 ir .iru:. h •• o.rn hore

[$Il11~ back in Ja",,:Iry 1000j." ~ I.y 31, :001 Tr. " ~ i Aru;\ in )" ,. 'Olli, ,,,. ,,,,,,,f,..j Ib • .t. """" /W ;ell peopJ: ""<!I'll". en RCAl' iltpleme<1I.\1011 in dn'f.,ent coJ!Oon't< \\' .. ~ •

t1:uc 1:ICf'~ .!'foru .. e.o be <orun<ru.d, su:-tly th:y ~14 b· ... bte<I ~n bIa

"" Sl!DIw :r.!he O.m,C(Hw-mt papaW to bin III ow'" _n,. '" dn_. pion .. oM 1t:1:<1Y 10 htip n ,mplc1ua' :he RCAI' "cltul)- H''''' .. it:!,. 1'1 11""' ... m.. (~ Iu ..

'owl uk." bol""'. Tb¢ IIII\HU. bo Sl;~ for the other m~ V 'tllf$ j, """. i.lI.r.d.! 10 al:!.

.~po;n'i"1I • B<»!d ofT mllHS illtloom mltlOe '0 ""ga~. ,n K:;,-e "",<lip. of d>< ::tC,>, P

PfO<u •. !i>rtt:mg on .ili..,.,. with tho Uni,· ... ,')' ¢f Sla f,~~o·J EdJCl'>;:m ~rnr ... t.

... .d oboamng t!:. coopc1"t;OC ~rtht Sao Ma\eO C"""", Supen",.t>d.n· ofEc!uo.t1C>t1. l.i~~d

Sic>Ia~. HJI<aJi. ass ~ .S,,» 211. : 16 (D. Haw 1995) ('"l b •• ...".. &nd """""C<!' con:!..-:, Flans oif:rod by DeletJu.tS are I.lu<'..obk. 1:<.oI~. are IIJO ....,dtrKe of pm."io'ls

m~,,>" ,." .~"'." bI.", bMl uk"'."").


No",",h,tar\C'ns: .11 of tM abo",. th. D1<11:<:1 '·~~1"C1U5Iv ctnton:u tllst the C"""

11OIl<'II\<: ... 1;0<1 !hat " r.I~" fact. ,ok., oil , • .,cnlbl, n.", "';thm i" po~'." to

...,th ,II< RCAl'. ~ .• of Ill' ptelr."d argu""nli, h,"",,,·tt, .ro ft"lSU><;". ,irs:.

tllst " 11>1 ",.d, • ... ~bs,.n:u.l ,rogrm" ;, bo<h facruallj' ,rocore", &ltd

Ka,...,._ C'Ophan,n t'w (1) !be ~looJtQf 1CIenI,f:C<! seo."enl

=o:coph.ilmn:tJ o~ It< LJIS!nct." ""d I:) thaI 1ft,. RCAP ,""" for .. h",h d.,

Page 25: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T


~ ! , , ;5 J , -;j ". !! ~ • ,

I D",,;;," in ", .. utili cOInFlim,.' 0:. ,,,,,,,,,,,N " .. ,," <tern! (0 ... b,,~ 111. Oi,In<l !\;>,

l ~d ~C"1Ti'I~tt.~ lbeD 1I:c :h1lnC' ,! .:tbt:f in fl.!! Of puual "~I :ore< of, .. -J=ty

l •. ", ~8~. _ Oflh: RC"'~." , , , , , , " " " " " " " " " " " " n

" " " " " "

Wlu\( ~ (mu"pa!'I'li cOll''''I:.',.'.-lDdc ..... ~ • .cI,v'ty ~ •• oe<:"""'!' b)

.l<r""""", the f..;11 bas!lOl O<h,"~ ," ",,,ndd oI.>je<!lv,. This ._,plllnt ... Ill', dHJII:e

l'U'io.: <OlllpliL~<' on 17 RC .... P HO"'S ,"",. It ~LI' "gro. •. 'YI'."'" noocomp".n" ... ,m Ill.

IDEA , ...... Ina '" tloe pc" .... , .. donI.1 01 FMC 111111. l<U \Q cbi:drm .. jilt di .. b·I~ ... IfI

Ihc: D .... it~ .. AIIg. ,. :tOO I R,"<'!:.r ()eol . , 11; S<r 1;1,0 July 200: \'mf"::IIiOtl R"'IO'\\'

(nn<1illi '4 ., ... or ')11011110 lI.OII.<ompIil'.c.~ lo&od. M ml"'" bow hord Ro,-...,."ood a,,) D)l1O ......... ;be r.lC:lbrn .... 'P:n L'" ~ I"",IOI', R.".,.... ~ bor.~111 hnt ;. lb, rho hcvt

o:~'" ~ CAI' mmins ~nimpl'nm1ttd. L:!tle progr'" h .. l>eJn ~d. i. crilicll .,. ...

iDd.Joi.li.l, L""":lg,. pl~'1Ii 1ti><kr ... 1n :II< InS' ,osrrict" • • :""""me,II &i',"opri&:e 10 lh<ir

IW. d .. , .. d~",~ m:~,(lr sq>m-isooa. mJ?I.""",ing .;l!)r~'.d p«Xtd'JIeJ II: I n~."h<!- or

Ol ... , .I'I'I~pli'tcly q~ini =.CIS. . nd .... st"" daablod l Nd<n:s ",1>0 are alw F n~li<h

""" .... < 1 ......... 5NsocI.o.o I. ....... _0110 ....... 9.2001 Ror.mcr DecI. U H. 26

(Ra> .... "ooc! b., zn.W '0<11) n..-alifibl. p",!rfu" ... ~d "the 11\"Il"~ of eIIildren WI1~

diubil,,, .. iu Ill< Di>!tie, n.., .. 1ft_!)' <b'nae:! ov" <h. ~." ,I\tte y.au"}.


Page 26: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

1 Ii"'" tf 1l:~ "'!Ida_nlll 01..",0. ,equltod b) 1M RCA? ~Ic,. rmf'Ol'Ulllly. R"· ... ,, .. OQd·,

~ (vc~s On ,"bUlllt,.1 r,o.r<S1 "m"ph,.d. AI «, ferth abc",. ""l""rM..,' inquiry '"' 110'

.... , 11 took "lll rtl$Oll.lhl< "tpS .. ml1n It • ..,.. .... I<> «JlI"tpt)~ .. illl die RC' AP c;.,..VuloIo, lG

J P ld at 0>9~. AS •. ' plllm, d ,bow. ,h, Di",lct . I,my h.,. 00: IttO' tI-.is httrC~"

a 3,1'-..uwoad • '''''' or;umon' •• • b . n "-.s tm>:1Xe4 r<l!ll """ .. ,.oy fun'lr.

'I' .""=, '" OU',,,,,,,,, u. coc.1n>1 •• f>mt DO brn"., I. ftIlphuize! !lui It< .''''m., S"p<"""'lHk,,, for Sp«:\lIUucOl.on .nd Di"c",", 0; Sptci.1 E,;,,,ulion roi,th ,,,,i~

:::';;:~":: 2000 I .... ug .t ".tII DO ~w edu",,,1OI) ~"p fur b:r moo"'" oc:il

Th:so 'o<"'Ci~ It-") c.xund. ", .. ,td I "a...~ hole frOQI .. hi.."", '~f)" 1'1,,, .. to< brnb. J~I) 2~, 20011 •. '18. AI ~"MII.bo" ,n 1-"":;001. ~o ... ",· .. , til! h,,,OfY 6f

.. , .. ,

Dime bepn 5oU,"I IIlJO , -dtt-It io)k" y .. n -eo, Hu •. _1. ,""

, I~ fioo:t. It" RCAl' lIQOXomph,,,,,. Rttllld al:tad)' dir.l.b<-<! 10 5l H

ill th • • WI) """"Ill rrio.:o Ill< dcj:cnI" of!!>. IIIii' ft qurllien. Se" M""'IOf 'llul)'

18, :001 R'p"n C"II repon (for- .II",. :001 Trm. lme.): JU ~bo t(n'lhi Julv 26, 2001 Tr."

Page 27: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

< • ~ ~ ;:, : 1 , -, I .' - , " i -,

, , , • , • ,

• • " " " " " " " " " " " " n

" N

" " " "

21 (1<b<no-1odJ'''I 51 ,H~ """_pi'''''' "''' prior t~~.IR ot"........, ... "'i ..... ,

S;:pmD'~~~ ne OlSu,a 01 ... cone. "' .. '[01:"", •• !!Ie 1," & ...... ",cnlt., oh ... ..

,ncI"i<llaI\' ""' .... til., . "'Ilk h~~. I~ "" ~ " Ral M!"'OO<! R"", <II 0'iC " I.'

~ dJd rhe Ro\-.m .. ·ood·~ pt:tOmll"'" "linificM.tlv ;:nprCH Il'o.Cf k (,ll.d tho .... ';'<1:10'

Super;IU.ndrn, polL:''''' In JlO\Wy. Fi".lIy. the Co"", Mler mal ml"~ ReAP re~u;mr.""

U. lhe <hr«t ",>pom;.b,hl)' of "~'f tho S"!'Cf,o,..,dtn IX <h. AJto;:;"t. S~n'.nd<r., _

"'" :h. "',"'=, ~~r_te:IOt". cr O" .. ,or QfSpoctl] [du: .... cn. Mow"" Repi>'t Ill.

em .... III 01 !he ,benet ,lie fall :!OOCl StOif~ gop d.,.. hnle to dt~ .. Ih! lla..-I'0,,"<>Ild

IIu OIh: .... ~'" uk." ~I, nuooal>l. $Ief" .. ,,!!'" liS J>OVI<t'O totrN 'O',m lilt ReAP.

The l)!'!I'l<I.!n...,.... Ih:!, ~ " ... 1"""'.",t<j from I:KM "~r bon. .. IWe= duuil "'"

pttioo ~'Y tI:rouJh Jcly 2001 <I"" to oct.ODS by ,h. eDE .. ;pe~ifl.~.ny. ,: ,,,,,,,ods 6 .. th.

eOE fllle<! to wi .. I~ !>by, lu~ •• I~d July ,'OJ\( pillU to, .... DiSt/;" 10 Ih: RCAP

rtquiu"",,,,. b<mg "'I>l!uo:.d Ii)< .b ... nOll""_ M. ~onS<qwoe •. :h. D,,,,,kt", ./for.$.

"lIicl1 "-U' f~ 011 til< "on. ,1 .. .,., Iltled 10 ~lat. \llIO InIP'O"td J'f'>&J'" on :k

Mon.",,'!!'tpOII tanIs. 'Mull', fill • ,-ann)" ofruKlf'.s. .... ,,"(lit; ~EI$ "'<I, 001 ao eloRly

",kle:;! '" IIot ,leIIIs !>tm, lIIOImlrtd IU "'0:-' .... -v.: I"".., bton. .... .., waDl do;. f~ol folly

;"'0 account, <li. eo:.n u ~ <oo,"':.~ Ill .. :II. Dtslri<;\ 1OC1I: III ,.._bIe "=I>' in ;,,; 1>01' .....

'0 con:ply d .. ,,,& ,ha Ihro. 11I"'''~ I"'n<><l,

Fifll. putt;ni aside ~"e U!I.! of RLAI' co:n~b!n:e, (hit D1smC! f.III~.Q" I~ ;u .ITOIII

." compl<:« L~' "'(/I~ ~Ianl fa: """'plc,'"tho ""'Jo.:".,." oflh. lU:y woO; llii. iloml "'Or<

no! CO!lI~leted .. of July 2~, 2001 I''''''\I~ lilly 26. 1001 fl. -)·74; '" <JUQ Sc.lllk<l..

Page 28: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

1 hI •. II (.ho""nllltll\lS o(nlll1ltrow J:m~ "'m plan i""'"l) Q<".Ir IIIn .. 1I; c~"'pl<tt or no' , .",.pln.). ~':OOd. "'.pi!¢ ,ip,Ii,",,' OV<'fl.1' bct>o..., '.It< Jon. "'en: plan lod ,,,,,,.

, ~f :Wlt1tOI,JN ~I [)eeL Exh. B.the )imi-. ... 1Ud< ~.II"S

SU lu~. RCAP Repor: Cord I.Od ~OI!;)<O ·Up M«;'''''''i S~N' S)o'n'lp$i •. r,,,,·I).

, " ! I . Lr,,,,, e,'en Ir.ro

•• I;WWOII. AIlbt M"" 1l.::OO1 :, .. ,mJ. tor tumrk lilt

ropro_"': W' , 'lno<IIl!e:D. ,,·ttO ~ ",orl<<d ~ lad Of '""-Id be dar.

In I nu"..ber ¢t III, .. cut, tho "em. :m ."I1",,! dOl' .• ·' h sM".

mer. complm ()=l<""" bel'l\'OCII tJ-•• ".on. p!.lns w the ReAP m""itx-J1J

Ra.'n:s'"Wd·, '~'''''.'' .~ (ard ~~Il> tor Mlj' ,

Page 29: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, 6 ' _ . . :n " ., j j •• • ~ .l' ,

I 1I1lpr<l'<mmt .,.'m lI.a.1 I.". comlil1on b<en por:'«" '10<. ci ''''''''' <100. !hi. 1S .... dolf'"

: ,,"'" ~....,.. ~mc!.rr~ .. 1 P>tOl!hlt R,v"""""",,, Iw fl ,lld \(I ~L' !luI d ""' ' Ik""

J III ,.""",able <tep'" thl" Lt, po~·t' I~ comp'y "Hh the RC",P .,-.,. tn, I,r. 0:<10",".

~ The Da<r>< •• 00 mph.>illrs llul lio« 19%. it Iw .ad I~ ....... '" to "'0 po:! )~.

, ill""'~pu"", ont Um< cor.sum"'ll'\obli; R«o:da Act ,.Q .... ,. In add,!!OO,;h,

6 S,p-'"f1",.ndm. was '~Vi«l ""11 .• 0<1 tIlm .ud 'IId lOq.,r.«I nf. ,.,.;..,11 !"lon~' ."..,a.

1 I\'hil. ~ 0\"01> DO (\OIIl>. t:.U\f4 Ott!¥;!' or\/! '"",urcos. Ib_)" do 1W'I_"iIb tII.t

I COI'llp<lI " a ,,,,,d..,,oo Ill., til< D .. tnCl hu r., ltd <0 , ... III r.alOOlblo ~"r! '>"'"m JJ JIO'" or

9 \C c""'pl)' '. ,W"be Kl.AI'

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

• ~ .... I :~'. Ill< Ots:n:1 wg,oCItS :Jut ... la:k of rwx """ ... WIder"'" ReAP 5/>ou:d

II< .,,,,,,,M boelu,. tht KC"P L! o,-uly . mb",,,,,, and or .• p.\lS_ 'Jb: time!.., •. , "",,'" "h"h

til< DUnn " -IS ' "'I"irtd 10 "".""",Iov. m., : Ell (OIT<C"j,-. &;"or~ ........ <) ..... '0 ,,-"",'" h>ra

..... d ... th. Coc$<'r~ ~...., ..... "rn«!- ""'CI",,,eJ 10 an "p"cullOn il" .. , tbe Di<tncI ,,,,,.Id

eGlnpkl. e.<;~ [;,k " 'hllio Ie" 0&.1 ~ 0 0,,',," R.· .. ~''' col'' R .. p. :0 OS<: "' 7. AU"

I .. IIw .. ,ro •• , "'" COWl '_5:blot tht RCM ~I~ « 'r.l.~lit" <hu the 0..:ri<1 "'".

""' ...... ,,~. of RCAr ''''','''"=* III <tlff.,.,., ..... $1.".. I~y p\:lllUllI 10 tht CI",full,.

pLmr.c< I.~"'nc. provldw re. ill Ill. ileA? Th~,. the '~J'lli"" lMll11< Dim'", hl l only

.... " <b)-. 10 C(>r::P~Hac" wr."irj loOn .... ' )" IDIsrcw< !he UICOlI oflhe RCAP. S""''''- ",1Iilo

lh< RCAl' 1$ no doub, .",bili"" •.. II b.fi1$ "'" $O"I1C :U ninrt cf the flI1lb:er.a al hand_

R>,'"",'AM . g:r .. <l 1O 1bI: 6",.Uoel <;or ... ",N ,~ N>Ih lb. OOlIi .... ' ReAP aDd ill III< mod,~d

RCAP or"~. ",e the 0 _<111 .u c.~ 10 m .. \I:I1 I I RCAI' 01:110""""1. ,II chuF

c f WId"" b .. <kc mil"! Ill'" roO:o r().~t . n. D.su-I<: " .0 f:If off the mu'<. hewo"" •. 'hI ilS

,otn;>l<.~ ""I' Joclto",.

Page 30: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

\ DI. BE\1tP)' EO!! CONItMP7

l .0.1'1 oli t1!:ed. H·COU:U no ... ;.hor",' powe, '0 , ofor.;e '","pli,,,,," "'th ,hu, (." ,/\0\

" J/"IIe. 8c>~ f 2d • 86!. '" .. :0 ad'Qu",.1) a.!d"ffl tit. ".k ., hand Syail...w. ~n

l! :l76. A' tile .. ,no um.:.. fedenl coWls moil bo- mtndfu: of",< H· tn...,."" or. .. ,. and

. , Id. (ci"'tton o".in.d) . .0.$ <lIOh. m..., "'LtlI

,= ... ~ ""'''I; -.lit ·kl.Ol po .. iblo N\'·tf K'~"''' \0 lb. red pr.~'- 1.1 ., !lo)

01 S61: ,H rAI~ Mus-. \ ..IMkilu. 4~~ I ' S :n. Jl

a' loalau!hoti<)". daolriCl "<lU! mm aU",. ,,<elf thot "" I.",.

,h. t.uk.~ Wh .... If h .... CO"l'I!lP: ~n,'iQns ... i"'""" 1l '"

" -a. chul",.,.""" lIIlJ.'Utuck ~flhe h mL

b) ro:lI!I:".IOd :(IQl'JLIII<Y. Ed .... prcbabluffec;;'"m01i Qr I"., iUliilffie<l .ane\oon

tci~&IIIi1 ~:.r the ,"~It ckl"ed: t'~~d ,lfjnt ft.",u.,. <if ,l"" " I.:~jll~ S!at<J. Jll) t' .~

<>17, 101 (19J ').

In II ... c .... , pla!lllll~ ."d!be CDE 11k !he Coun \0 ""'ponrily I:">rUf .. Ibo: I.pl

, 'I" • . forth. Di nnC't Th. admTrti.tmor

of IlL. D;"ric! unn: u:h !LIn • . ,


Page 31: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

-• , ~ l > .

" ~ I ! ! ~ ~ i t • ,

, , , • , • -• • • " u

" " ,. " " " " " " " " " " "

!IS II>< Ci .. I." m:>~e, ct.",. the fae! tbat )"".1 offie al\ u< ".[~:,.d ,"olUl: rUt

(\hem] bc;"Ond Ihe rtKh Oflh~ I.~ ," ,11""z'~. M(;~i~. 5!O F.ld S2", SJ~ (:.~ elf

If~SJ ThU1, cwns "' =P<""t:tol !<) lFJ'O'''' ,.C."..,. 10' .... O'tt SIll. Of 10<.1

ina"ud~n'. i.'\dw;~llou. S<hools. If nee'$<>.,) to enforco I ."un or~.r_1i .,!J.l

l'ppoin.,nl ret. i,'", f"" Bo"on H,p ~ch""lt Du.,~ \ B~rr .. %' f,Supp. SH (0 0 r

19'1-)[Ipp:>in,,,,, rtO.h·.' fcc Cornm",>01'1 "" M<!'I~ H.&:th Sm·I~I.c v .... ""'" ,.

A!"o.-:, ~66 f $upp. ~lS. 63>-J5 "'.0. Ala. 19'~111;'''(lJ''U\S ,.w.a (J< ,',.bu. $",,.

fl11<>m); Turna •. ~lby. 2~J f .supp. ~24. no IS D. Ga. 19601(S •• ," ,""",",.".,derl

'PI"(Iin'cd re«ivr. r~r 1'.1u,f=o CO\1n!)' sctlNl or!!:II): (hn, IV ~. L .... "'''''.I. [990 Wl

nS17 '(.D. l .. ht<. :6, 15l9OH't'PO'~,q r«t1\tT 10 0\'0= .... clI!ld.~ . .."...·;<01

',<fICin); not JrMlz"(O~~./>Dt i..ioc C"". 1",,- • (A,."., '.~f ~ Dip" q(.Ikr.laI

J/..,c.-dari,,", 677 l'.!!.Zd 1l7, 41. ~:III.'3Q (1997) (appo"""i ... ,,~ ,·It of",,, De.....,."." •

ufM .... 1 11.=<11"011 ; Jft ll_rlJlly .\1(, .... %II r.2~ at S6! ( ..... h. n tho it.., inmIs,,·. nl<1b ..... fl~ '" r«tIf) ,!Ie probl....s. fIIO:. """'",.., IIItUure5 .,.. i" .. ufix,lo"').

M pla:r.~ {f, Ind CDE ""1<00 .. 10<1". h~w.,.." OttltM~ • ""'I !.I.Il...,'''' of. Io;al

•• :hwi dlltr;C\ is 01\ "~'''Of<1uur; r.medy" to be "" 'cud eely -"h.n ,n. f.e" in~ic.,. tha,

.11 011>« "",0<1,., ,,;u !"ail." CD E Rosp Ie> ose II 1. In .\/oIsP~. !~) r.!.:! ~n. for tum;>I<.

..... COUt ob>....,..."C<! I!"~ "~"'«t ~,,! ,,,,.:nr:<KIn .. ",. opor;t~on of' sctoooll)'IIml if "'"

'" be w.kCln-.-d, iInd it Shaull! not W cQIIllna.d .onl~ th.n nt<e$S1ry. Bu. If 11\

c. ",,,,J"'-ary cIrcUOlS ..... "" •• it i. !to or.!y " ...,.. .. Ok attern.twe to noncom,Ii .. "". w,th.

''''"''0 l~ 1. it may. ",it!! 'h' •. ttt 'tStroiD!. be Ql.kod'" II. at SH; ,N also"

''''"'lOn ooe •.• uch 01 a ,,<,~·er1I"r. IJ let the job aoo'");j\·"''''''''' 46(; F.S"p~. ~t 6JS

(""11>0 ntr;oo>rJ"wjo • .rcumun<:cs ofu;, ...... <ik' .. tt III .... ,. O"1y .M."' .. "· ... to_

COIIlpl",,,. ,..;,h ,10< Co<rt', ordr:J is u, ap;>oir""''' or. "",,-r. 'ill" !ht Abbcna

26 pruon>."); iJr.><:C() •. I.""",,", ~l .. s"PI' . • 36. 4~6 r.;. D. Cal. 19 '8) ('I'1'<wmh,p LI

:n ' ....... «ly of I .. , "00If" .


Page 32: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , , • •

• • " " - " -

~ ~ " "

, ., " ! 1 " • • " j , " " ,

" " " " " " " " " "

1"111,,10", ..,~ CDE "to"""1y as,e" Nt Ih. lIMe fa d<f.,.:nc. to koal effie .. l. III

Ra""Jwood h,. pls .. d ""~ thll fu~h ... n. mpU lQ ;mpltr"" :h. RCA~ ~nd" tho <IIIT.n,

:odrnlllistuuO<l "'ill t: fuI,I •. 1"'1:11 .. ""-... ..,,p as tl"~ COI.I. .. ', 001) ,,,ble or<ion. Tb ..

n: .. ), ".U t.:roo. Le",,*wn '.';.= "".4 oOll.~~~a fom:lm .. til \he (aU ~. <on<1u1rd

as ",:><II , SH A .... 9. 100 I ~ .. fttr Decl . , !s (~In "'. lb=<t cf I" .... "ft~ dlar.iCl 11 :h.

''''' admmh' ,.,1Icn. I <&nOOl """11M lhe ,,,,,o~l!\ll """Iomema""", ~(th, ch.nges ll".t

DiSlri<: "''''I! maI;o III Ofdo! Lo toClply w'lh It. IDEA"/". "4:. 9, 1001 CO\l~.cr Dt<:1 f 21

(""1',1;1-"1 CpiniOll !bat lICk .. II .. =11"" admmwruoon .. ...,tac .... 1\0 dftcb,'. <bailee

.. il\ w.. ~. In R1\(n."vod I ~.lp<1ty ><lCI ablb~ ,<> pro;'!dc rAPE ",d:i\;!reo " 'Ill

<flu-b',hies); Aug . 1,;,2001 PltlmlIIl)t.ol, " J~. 10 (samel.

Hie CO"" i. ,100 4«pll e;iinlllIl1 ~'1at lbe "II"";'" IJ Pic:t4 OI'llhc sfUdenli b),th.

0-.. .,.; .. ', /It'iurt '~l""'-Ji\c *<l.q~.'" .;>t:ul ed"CltIOn 501\"l<<S". oft ... ~t.I. As 01.

CuuI ... <It"",ed, • ..".,,} e!u\dr", ~"" atndy SJ'!ft'Od """" 1110 los, of cdu,.~cm1

<>WiII'\'O"'I}' at m:",.1 tunes ,~ IIIt ... l" '0. TIIou Iollel ... 11. b< ~'lfiC\lI' to """"oe.~ A",. 13.

1001 Co,lm 1)",,1., 12. s.~ ~I,o July 2:. 1991 K'IIda I, C"d. ~ l' ("IOlm to IWO j'e.,., of

Iao.:l "~P<0\l"" st"k~I , .... )' ~ ... lrr"·"',~I. i.JIIf} to Lt.. ,,.,,6 .. ,,1' de\ .. lo;Imcn" .

Tk Coun 11\0 Il0l .. <1:., """'Y of .... chil.:rm stn'od by 1(a, .".,,"<IOCI life 1ow·1I>CQDO. 1."Id

_, .. ::rum """ I :nin<xil) FO\!r'S .... ,1Il hmj[N 't:n;lub JIlo~",,;;y .. '110 aIJtt<!y fa<e b(h<.

drop(lO: ' . ... "od I~w<f .mployrnont mt"<. FOf 'h<n~ srud<:,,, v .. ho f&co ,!I. aadmo ... 1

ch.lU,,,!!, or . diub, lil)'. !he 'iI~ of lnjJry tro:n I.>.k of .pe<taI ed",.u"" ~".", .. IS "cn

"""0 P ",'c. H .. ..,!tUII [)c,.; ~ 11.

IY, .. " .. u;..J ;;00'''111>. 00"-"'''''. _ ..... C ..... LI >!!lIp'; 10 8" '0 ~ one I1l<10.

_,,"nor)' iii «."""",,< 111.&1 il IS .. ~.bk Jt .ffecl;,dy '''t>!tmmdni tho RC.o\J', It

assoru 'h' i, M" ""ods ,....Jy .nJ .bl<: "' t"" kl< th. ]\.CAP willt ~1It\,ed ""I<""I",~ 11ld

oddniou] "''''''''',0>. a.-.d thaI n il "po"ed II> ...... ,"~."'''''I pi""tSl." b,·".,.,."tIW R.~1y

., 6 "pol"" ..... ,b., a.. 80.01'1 ofT",,,, .. tal b<coou 1~I»ul:IlIlll oort' ,.,'0/,..;1 in !be

ReAP ,. the 1'">' fo ... "«~I ,nd 110. owom"d , .ub<:.,mm:".., or.,,'<> "'tIt".b<:rs wh<J ... ill


Page 33: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , , • , • , •

• , " u

< " ~ ! " u

.g ! " ~ i "

" ! , • " , " " U


" , . "

" " " "

eOI'i< II! •• :0,,, g,-orngh t "fthe RCAr :mpl.mort.""" ?'''''O'$!. m~l~d l "1I .n$uri"~ mot

OOl'l;rat1j "" promp".1y IW<>'-~~ aM fu~'ns f" ...sa t, ••• lOp pr:oOty. II fI.~ """' .. "'.

11" .... 1' hu ~ ... :11I,.n:. "'''h IUe'lbon oflhe t;n,veo-ry Qf S .. , Fruci5co", [""' .. ,on

DerU-..tII'Ol ",110 .. -, I ula' !h~ ~"..; ~'\~1 "'m b";!dlr~.lnd M\-.lo~m."l of Q\O";~h,

't<:IIIl I~1 $n.1I Dfcl., Exh. 0 p.<I. 01 Dr. Paine", ~1ilchell). The Dillrict h" .1<1'1

oba:r...-.! &.\jllr .... cfl from L't. ~ M .. U'O(:"",,~ SUI-'Cf,n:etcrn, 1t,I! it ,dl ani ..

b,-.QSVI"O<Id m Implftnonll""" oft ... RCAP Abo lI<WIy O~ 1xcJ " Dr. P..,..;' o..-.,.;~.

HOOI .... "t.o i, .xp<!<1<d to......., II tile A .... :>"! Suw,irJo.>.1-rn for Spe.o,;tl Erlu". t'on. and

wllOm CDE ~ .... p'""N .. "qu,,, oopSblt." Jul; 26. 200! T" ., 17. 00., impOrt." "i(I.

\0>-0\ poloiu- ave abo Te<:<o"~1y i>cen Md, ,,,,,Iud,,,,, IEP coord ..... ",. Sl:ldtn, Sou.Iy Tum

("'SST"") j\ci~'r.or ald Dm M""g(f KJ,' .. """ood jN.r1,(,lJrlj. ~=. h;lo."'tf. !hoI ~

h.a1 1 ...... 1~ on OIO:sid. co"mll3n~ Or. Mtcb .. ll'o"'l<ll1 wh, wi] l pf114 60 d.ys d"n"ll ,he

pmO\l Sep ... "b:-r I, 100 1 , Mart~ JI, ZOO." to PfO',de 'le:bnkllan""",,' &00 .uppon. "

....... ~,200: Tr. lI S; Rr'",,",,'~'1 "'''i :' 1. 2001 S"brusoiO!l. [.h, ....

Ai'boogh 0.. Nonnoo', ccnmot J"'O" ,<I<, no .pet ,flo>. Rl":m\\ rod 1t1'" tit)! 0..

I'illmoc tl <x;>eCl.d 1(1. (1) pm';~. I co1!:p .. b",,,,,'e nord, ' ''' :>smeQl (b>.' Oc:oba Il.

2(01 ), 1'2) lleYe!oS' • c"""'prual r,.,r.., .. -ork sui de\'<iopmot, pIon ro: • conmo"ly KCOfMJ

... af 40 ..... .<1 rdl,t<! d>:ab.e rer uu by all th, !>U'Ia, III <!<"p • Khool-b....d

,,",,,11<":' 1!:""il0rm, S)·Slem. (0) dellP • ~o"'tonna. q",.lioy >S''''''''.ce 0"" "';lnlml

.y .... n, -.: '-!UIltol pt:1"'"M":< "'." .... " .. "1 .~"'10ft1. (}) Ill"" ,1\0 di,trio,', obihry 10

ia:pIt .. :UI .. boo~\>uCCl .0:1 [)j>U'ot·boHd p!u'" /0) pr''';u """,:lilY ft'JXIfU OQ

impk'"""i«l of cetrp,a"", »,'10"'1. and (7} .. lIrk eoope",livoty " "Ih the &1,,1

Sop .. i/'ll,mk " •. ""d 1\1I11 .. n, Sup"lnrtnd, .. fu< Spwli !oduc.oUM, b\lll<!mg.blsN

lud."I,,;>. <ho Monitor, onoI 1!:, ponies I" 1m,; :,!, ""Oflhn and _I~ ""'co ..... ~ ,

,. Tho 'on~." Ik!<! .II""~ [)j I\"'mll~ upon '''''sul",ilHl with Lio D.o. ,,!. 10 1den,"1Y I >n.:I ... &u.O<,.,e> of T1te. S",doy G,,,",,, 111<, rO! p.",<ulor ' ''irn.-n<IlU ..... up '" 60 ""t(h,;c,nll ~~.

Page 34: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

bt .d4r .. .w. ",oo'lI>rrol1ld ren:>e<i !\tv<",wood I AOi. ) I. ;>001 .1lbrn"'L<l"", '.f In oil

~ fO',.e<1>, Dr. N¢rclal will ,.pon to ~ .. ( Bowl a,,~ S~pon!\"n.i"1. /.t. I. l. ) l1x Coon ",;n.a"" 1k<p:><.1 :1 ... Ro .. " .... "<H>d win ~ .b;. tOcf'i~.n.~ .n.!

• cff<CII"tly p<UlIc i,. ~ ",.", ""~ lIIe U"Nrw:. at" Dr, ~'r1I\ll'I W !II< Sn .. <1j C;oop.

5 If I~.C f,ndilJlI<"al poblcm lies "it!" •• !Ie O",ncr',.op l'ld,,>h,~. ,h." .M h,,:nt ofa pan.

6 IQ>c: COfljul..." " 'bn .. porn ~ III< Boord oK Strptn..1'<1I\It'o. • ..u Us IIIMei .ulhori)' ",II

• DOl ~~'."'''''r "",,",cd, The sp<CIfk tub .... l~ ... ~ 1Or!Jr. \:on:uu alw '~'lCq<nlionl &I to

8 !he D,,,,,<l" •• ~_h. Fe, '."mplc, ","lui. " " und<mUldable d· ... ' Or "IoRnan ~·""IJ w~,!

9 ,e u:\d< .. Ac ...,,,. l"iti.l.1 rv~Iu>'ion of IlI¢ DiilnC1', htlLdllOj of RCAl' im~l~n .. "~

10 WldctW.iDI' M""""pr.h<IU;''t .mI, as-w;,,,,.,,,," • .".. .. , ':>dIk .... ' .",m·!hv.!hc ,<c.."

II "<nn •• ,;,., J.",i.". "" ,:"",,,,,., "'o .. "I1~· ,.pons. ~.~ou.!Il>e C'Jrrffil stale orRCAP

I ~ <o'\I\>li, ,,., • . II \0 . 110 urw:lt., wh~· 0.. ;.10""'. " •• <Is to d' .... l<>p • "para" $Chool·~wd

I J .""",1""". >y~",,,, Of I .... r. ... ..on;",,,u, ')'51= ...... u .... art L"eU . !lead, "'" md bJ.

14 .... J.C..... f i:;uUj. Ih< .tN>-. . IIrl'IS art oOlliokod 10 l)r.,f." It<':AP II""" .~ III\IS illl

I ~ diff""' ........ <",I"" .. ,'" .. ,,'" of RCA!' 1m?I.me"",I"" IhlIIII< 0.,,,,,,. Upt""10 I;h,",'.

16 """"""" 10 hi' '"aU'"'''

lJ S"~""'nJio8 \hQc COIX,ms. Ib( COI:l1 'Wi' 't~~tt3r.,.y ooatluJ .. 1!Io: il is

18 CON"''''''' un<lo, ,.,.. p'c<c&nt 10 "'~ R.",'l .... ood Ol"o< hi! ~,~ '0 ",.-snit I? IN. It 'i ""j>O.bl, or .ff'''tndy implemcn:ine ,h. RC".P 1ft • p,omp!llId (ft"' ''O: (ltallr>er

20 "',,"' ... rl.lint;ih 110: .. , CDE ,ort p:'0\'1~" Ihe eo..n .. lIh any au,t:.onl) ,." hod •

:! I l'O;CI .... rsh'i> ofa ... hod <to"' ..... "u ,mp<lS<"O! It !hos jltI:<""" cfll>e cou.:' pro.."""';",-",

I I RIll".cr, II>< utbo'.I)· «Ii<..l ~I"'" ounoertl$ stll!ltiC'llI in "lIi'h th. Co .. " tOO~ L'It 1&1 • .--

23 It<p of> r«<"',,~ip 0"1~ .r", IlL< ~I'lrl" or ""' il)' h~ I1etn .F.o,d.d furth<r Oppom.M' ••

N PottJO'-'brll ... ha ... h.t<. I~" I) .1ri<1 illdh·.,y.,~, bololtdly .• IM"'", '" ~tfRll~

!S «'''1'''''' ""It'> "" Co.:rt I ... <la. Us .. ..-nscd _' I"otm.:I tml;,..; ........... ~.z !Mer. so.-.. 26 co.,. .... , ~",""" q ... "icn.bly tutT""",, "',' KI ;"'1'<0>< ' .. "t. ••.• n of I":''''. Ihe pro~'

27 " ... ,,, .. of d;,,<lflJon "qui,csllr .. ,II< Ccun r",,"i,k !he Dim;« "i.h one I", orporl"mil)' '0


Page 35: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, • ~ l ' " - , ~ , Q, ~ J . ' " .. ,

I pllJl¢ ~.$ «nr.=pI tela .. Ih~ Cor rn<>nS t" lilt "'Oll imMl\ •• od ~~"",,,d~ ,,,,,,.d',­

! "iltjo '" F""'e:. , , , • •

• • " " " " " " " " u

" " " 2!

" ,. " " " "

lr, ru,hJl' :hlS «m(t~110'" ,he COU~ bas t1"" Ill< ... IfICO <:en,idt .. lOon tIu., .... ~ht1

COL OOr pI'lOU" ~I\. j'tI P"'$tOI«l ,h. COUrt" ,& ""',. "!lUI .hl IbWl.t M1IOn of.

rt<tiwoh,p .. >':0 spec;r" 1dr."n,mIIO<\I) 11>,.. bt." 1'f01>C •• d "to CO" be .,..h,,,.d: flO. hU

u)' .",h Idrr.lrul"""" l'\IlIm~Q"Y Ippr~"'h f~, brmi'nl I!>. O!>lr.<t >lit<> <ompl,."c< on ••

.m"", "mmo~l. :)oN. J. ~, 961 f Sui'!'. II ljl)..~ L Itn ".,,tIl .... ,,-h.u..r r .... w.r.tll~

II j¥l"f>t<!. """" ........ .:1 <ansockr" heM • , .... ".-"" ,,'Otlld PfO'i~ ..mC"~,.., lEd I"""npl


nu. i. "'" to .. ) lint Itlll Co-.m " "<!I'1f:4 to star.d ... "hr1>' bot for an u:>due!l:!lt

"'hJ~ .!\Id<n1S COIl""'" \0 :>t dtfnl'ld or <ntlcal set\i.<ilil4 ,\Jr., po .. ;bl. ,rrep.,..\>Ie

Injury. \\'1',,1. ""me <~"", nuy bJ\'. ".".ci ; .... <p!I<.tl~ 100$ perioCl 0(""'. b.r"",

1P!'<'""jng • te<.j' ..... 1ft • I Ciary, 1m II L ! 7l3l7, It "18 (rem'" ."""i."d .1'1" IS

yw, ~ r.,I«1 ml:Ni<S ~ IS plllr."j'fJ okrn <, tb<: ""5.:.0.1;0' <11 tbow OU<' .• n:I """ .r.endllll

loss of ~ . .... <If rnl~ll"" tWo e'N AOI. ." o:::a1I. 11<l~ Ix fCfItM ~' •. A$ d''''1r$$<d i:o

.t<CI-OII [ I~. tbs COl"" M.! l:.u.ty nb.'<t«! ~ nnIbc1 01 klJ<l' ,. ... d.C'! .. ">Cl

on:mnodi.", 1I<p.L n..", llKiu<Ie 1<', .. 1 ""ril«1 .. vn""'!O R.o'·m .... ood, IIx OX"""",,, of

~.d!j,..1 in :he mod,C.4 ItCA~. the ,n"'~"~n 01 CDOOIhI;' ~0W1 rn=1l/!1 In~' 2(100,

,he .. ..." il'. l«h,i,,1 a!ljJtaj\~ llld ~rPO" pro,',d,d by 1.1. cue, and the I~.ree-"",.th

c.,.,unualioo of til, h"""8 On ~11 "torr.' conlOln>" "'<>!ton, 'QlIlb,O«l ,,',til m<"";I~ ~'OV"., h .... ,ni> in COUl'l. luboW':' bo cia. thrn. lll&' IIIi. j. not • atl:lllo" " whlcb ue Coon " -~Il

bet""''''!! to ,xIwlII IeUn .tmod", Roth«. this IS I ~_,ft .. tllch I =1>« oft.....- $l<'jlI

hI" , 11,,>0' 1>= tllt'4 .,( U"'~I,td ,,1IlI.,. .. """"11, \l'1uj.,,, d .... "11$...: .~, tilt C"":1

""",l..sn ,1m ... roopr:1ec! to otrH !h" D,o."" one II1Of" O9P"ltUrJIi" '" ~=«1U:-". thll "

1"" II>< &b'Il')' o:I<l .~m;r\mltl1' 10 .~,,,j,·.ly I[d emottnlll Imp(.m , ", Ih . RCAI' bob,


Page 36: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, •


, . '

" " " "

Ao;:ordini:Y. ;>oJ in !igk of l1. abov •• llIe Court nO.' d..-t'm1,n,d rlllt " ",ill rr.u.d "

!o\lo\\, Th~ oon""", Ix",,,," 0.. "om.an and Ir.. 0"",., b.i.\o on ~tp\emlxt I. 200t .00

,""dud<, on ~:ar,h 3\. 100l .• ['0,;<><1 of 7 Illonth •. 1hi,;, "'0<' ,hom IImpl. "me .... ithm

"'hl,h to j,.ctge ...-beth., Ra,-.,.,,,<)Od"s prot •• ...,. '.n,wed '''",,"Lm,n, and ~.n".J .b,hty

,'lit In f",' mr .. t". imo the .ffe,,"'" lnd .rr,<i.nt i:npiemm,.,;on of lIle ReAP In

panioular. the CO"" "ill "'US ",1l.~~,.,. R. venl"<>Od h"" occompll"C'd ~ ... rollo";",:

m rmoo froID DOl\' through D,wrb<! ; 1. 200 I

(0, \\ n"h" R."tr .• w<>Od h" oompl<10d "" ___ iOpUlent oi.a~ pl~,.s. pol ic;",

p:"".du,e, ",d metiod, of "'P'I"";'IOO nand,nC'd OJ the ReAP iII • m1n.!l<r

fully ro",pl,m! \\ilh ReAP ,",,";,.=11 by Ill< go'tt1.1'~ re.mom"'rin~ dl[O

or ~'.mber J I . 1001. "-b,eh,,,'., 11 ea,:fal. Com~letiOll of 'he .bcv. ,ho'JI~

on,"" th .. ' .1 pi.., .. p'ocdure., and pol;,,,, ">o=ry 10 'mpl ..... ,"! the

ReAP or. in platt, and ,o.1lph",,; w;lh RCA? ,e<;u~'I:l'nt\. 'oy the end Qf ,h.

Page 37: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

t Ib) Wheth« the Dj,InC' h .. <ompl ied WIth .tt "n"t n.p,",p.dfl,d b>- the

l Mon;tor ir hi. mon."y ,..porto by the .p<c;f,.d "'·"'O"ttO""' <11" •• " "" SIloh.

J ,be D " L~<1 "'u,' ,ompl,· orilh _n ,..mQr.l1ori'3 d>t .. rh'" curren!!, taU. or ""II

J f,n. within 'hi' peri<><' of:;m~ _ , 6 (2) P"jOO from hnuary 1 '00) !IJf9l1?h MOTct 11 . :)(02

i (I) \\ b<lh" Rawn,woOO ho, .. ",f..d ... ',,,,d ,0: or .. m_=m ... · for

g R.".n';-',"oOC 'lIT~'"" b>' ~!"'h 3 L 2001 . !l, -ou«ome" the C<l~rt " r<fernng

9 to bodl :h. ·'E.'i>"Cttd R.,ult<" and "S",dard for .~ ".",n~ H itch'"

10 Completion" column. ~"oO<l for .;«oh oorree"," "iL"I)-' idendt1ed in the

II ReAP. 1h" ~'m .""blc the C¢1:rt '0 JooSe whe<h..- Ka~e"s .. ,OO4 " ~bt. '0

" " " " " " :0

" "

" ,.

010\'0 boyood die d",.lopm<'1lr of !XlI." ... p~-'. lJ:.1 p'OC'~ill<S . • nd

.ff«"v.I~· ""d t,-r,,,,,,tly ,mplemen, th. COT< . 1""'0" ofrh. RCAr.

Th ... Iected .. , of 01l100OlOS ( lind 8/l}' oppro;>rul." blen", r".mQdtoring ~>., ..

t-e,,,,= l,fIU",), I, 2002, .n~ March 3 I, 2002, fer ObllioioS such O'Jt<om<.) !OO.td

bt ~oo~"'n' ",m "'bi, • MClionin;: .tId """1""<'.' ","ooi dim,. W;;n~ all

..... "".bl. stOP' "'thin tIS p""-.r, shcul.:l b;; expected to .. ~te>'e. Th<y Ih.!1

(i) n o Di'lrkt .I"lt fl!< o.od <e,,' by h.nd " fu • p,o~.d

sp<dr« Set of o,."'om.> (",;oh 'uggt"~J '<>-"'ct\i:o.in~ d:.! .. " of

''''''''I) 31. 2002, f~b'taIY l8, 2(l{i2,"' ~!a"'h ll, 20(2) by M

ia"" ,lw, 10 cal."d .. d.y. frQ'" Ih< Jot< oH ,), D'~<I_

" .. ~." "O'P'" .r< t)'pk.tl) i"<rem.".1 ""I'> d.,i;r,n<d '0 ."L" the D;,me' in . ohi" hg <","plt.nc. with. !=lie"'" ~CAP ... qu.um<nc

Page 38: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

, , , , 0


• , .. " , " , , u

! " ,~ " - ,

" , , " , I • " • • , " " ,

• " , " " " 21

" " " " " "

(it) The ploinnff< ,nd CDE sh.H lh,n, ,,-j,hln 10 ,,"'ndat d.~·. 01

.. "ie! of lhe D,>Ui:,', propo"t til< • rtlPOO" ,nd'CI'JOg ."h"

.gr •• men, ",illllhe ;>ropo .. 1 or off'''''g lrl ai,,,,,,,,,'. Sptc¢ic


(iii) The CO"" Monim< 'h'lI lMr<afte, Fomplly ",~l "':lh Dr . . '10..,..,

and Dr Down;'i'-Ho"en "" Joi~lIy ik'·~op. by no tat ... "''''' ?'O\ .mbe<

I !, :001. • "I<c"d ."' of outcOtT.'" In th. "-'nt thaI no ay'«""m can

l>< ",,,,,hed the Court "'ill c .. mmne Ill ... l<"."led SOl Of outeo", •• _

~J> .. onlht~' «port$ by Ih. 'p«ill,d , ..,,,ooitoro"g "",", IU ,,,oh. the DIStriCt

m"" ,o.'ply "'ilh 011 !<-"",ni[(Jnng <It'<l "~" cu .... tI), fall. ~r "'ill f.11. "",hill </'"

porio<! .,r'lll"'.

The ~\on;,or ,han C<mIinu< Iu ~k "''''''hly lopw\l. l~" doc=c,,, RI\"'n'woo<!',

proP" «>I!.!i,,,,", "hh m. .bu'o. n~ CDE ;h .. 1 eu.,m", '" m_ ' .... ·tidy ,,;jth

Ra'· ... "..ood [0 oITe< le<:h,;ic.1 .,.;'t..,oc .I\d ."~ os ,~.J , The C DE ,h.1I m. IT.Q!lEbly

upon, idoe'!;:')'ni ~\< <cI:~.ni<:al '''',I>I1<.!lDd ""PI>"<' offer«! \0 E!.ay",,,,uOO dur,~ :h,

pr"''''ous "I.nda, IT . .,.,h. no '<pO'" stall ai,,, ioo.<,,~ ~10ll.<, ,uc!,locim,,,.I .. ,;,,,,,,,< ~r

'"Pi><>=' W", .ct",lIy pQ'I'ide:l, oed if t1OI, ~1' , .. "", <krd"",.

0. . ., ll' .... ne." «i",,1 rn'nrh •• tbe COIl." wi:) , I.., 'k,,<J~ <,~IJale R"·<o>w«,,r.

~~;tud< toward tho romeei.l ?'oc .... and ;u 1 .. <1 of <00;>"'O!;00 ~ "b oh. Co,", W.O""Ol.

BorlE (>CIa'" mo" weigh oon,,&,.blj' In ."y d'E<rmin"ion "h,th<:r <he D,><ric, «n

<on~drntl~· t. , .,?", ,,d to offo.,i ·<oly .r.d effie"n,lv impkm'", or .• ReAr An.:I "-'.H. ,r., Dis"",., p"0ItOu:rE«m.,. ... of • "r"""i'od • ..;"'''' "'" wck<>1:lC _ ;, i. f"",w<mod 11>0.; im,,, )


Page 39: Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse · , , , • • • , • , .. , " • " ~j " .. ,H " ~l .. " ., ., ' l " , " " '" " " " " " " " " , • .. " Il' THE l.'NIITOSTATtS DIS:8J2T

< • ~ , d =-' l ! I ~ .

" , ,

.xp<",io~. of JOOd ",,,.,,toOnl r31'tdl~ loSt t .. dibclity ud lOI'<t I( I~'Y 1ft "01 ... u.fOl~'~' Of

1 "''On< ) ...... ondmDiMd by 1I><OfU"trn\IIItSJliOS CII' _ ~. enMr ~ ~ of

J TI\ISI~~'" Soptf'T.:."dtll!. S(booIllfll"tpll1, 0< otbn 0...".,,, odtn,n'ftnton.

~ Th. COUf1 mOl" """ .. ,.bmi.l1on II .. III"" of any l\:nher 'pprop:r'''< ",med, .. r«

, Ra,'m",·ooII"HOIll:mpt. in;:~"'S tho propn«y ofa n<,roen~ .... It w,lI """::0 die portJ ..

6 of ~ "" ........... Ill ........ UIU ~ de ... , \0 Mar"" Zool." , • IT IS SO ORDrr, • DATED ( 0 t./. at " lC'lITED STATES Oi')TRlCT JUDGE

" , , " " " " " " " " " " " "


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