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October 29, 2017

Teaching Christian Values Almost eighty years ago, the mem-bers of Christ the King Parish recog-nized the need for a Catholic school as one of the various missions of the parish. These parishioners, as well as the many teachers, administra-tors, and families in our area, have continued to support this crucial need for a Catholic school in North-west Detroit. Inquiring families often ask what makes Christ the King different from other schools in the area. The an-swer is simple: Christ the King edu-cates the WHOLE child by focusing on the body, mind, and spirit. We do this by making our Christian values the foundation for educating each child. We not only discuss these val-ues; we put them into practice for the students to experience. As Christians, we are called to re-spect human life and the dignity of all people. We teach our students that we are all created by God as unique individuals and focus on the numerous ways that each person is important in our school, our homes, and our greater community. We practice service to others by working to provide the basic essentials of hu-man rights by partnering with St. Christine’s Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry, in both serving food and con-tributing to the food pantry outreach program. We also support Catholic Relief Services through our annual rice bowl collection. We teach respect for all of God’s crea-

tion by teaching how to be true stewards of the Earth. We focus on making the world a better place by working together to keep our cam-pus a clean and welcoming place. We also recycle our paper as one way that we are able to help reduce waste and make our environment a better place for our own and future generations. As Christians, we are called to love each other and ourselves. We teach our students to treat others as they want to be treated. In times that we forget this practice, we are able to turn to God and our faith as re-minders of our beliefs. We work to peacefully solve conflicts within our classroom and school communities. We focus on forgiveness and teach-ing the concept of free will and making choices. We recognize when we are wrong and work to improve ourselves. We promote justice by recognizing that we are all equal and all created in God’s image. We work to promote peace and equality rather than hate and prejudice. We discuss the current events in our world and what we can do as students and as a school to make our world a better place. Faithfulness, honesty, and integrity are also key components in our educa-tional program. We stress the importance of honesty and personal in-tegrity. We are faithful in our service to God and

each other. We hold the expecta-tion for all of our students of per-sonal integrity by being truthful and trustworthy. By teaching these values, our ulti-mate goal is to be partners with our parents in the education of their most precious gifts, their children. This is the essence of who we are as a Catholic school. Our focus is on teaching our shared Christian val-ues to all students who come to our school, regardless of their church affiliation. We are one family, united in our common belief of Christ and his Gospel message. Mrs. Amanda Lund, Principal

The Broadcast 20800 Grand River Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48219

Christ the King Parish

OUR PARISH MISSION We are Christ the King Parish, a richly diverse Christian Community in Northwest Detroit. We are on a journey of Discipleship with Jesus, seeking conversion, reconcilia-tion and renewal. We reach out in welcome to all the people within our neighborhood, proclaiming the good News of Christ the King, building community, celebrating together, serving one another’s needs and the needs of all our neighbors.

I Time, Talent & Treasure II Works of Service III Christ Emptied Himself for Us IV Care of the Earth V All Are Welcome

VI Bricks & Mortar VII Teaching Christian Values


Mass Intentions

Sunday October 29, 2017 10:45am Paul Sullivan By Family Sue Gordon By Bonello & Hawn Families

Monday ~ No Mass Tuesday 9am at SS/OLGH

Wednesday 8:30am CK ALL SAINTS DAY 8:30am Justin Schaefer By CK Parish Family 7:00PM Gary Brauer By CK Parish Staff Thursday 9am at SS/OLGH

Friday CHRIST THE KING 8:30am Int of Friends, Family, Neighbors & Enemies—Living & Deceased By TG

Saturday ~ No Mass Sunday November 5, 2017 10:45am Mary McEachen Karagon By Karagon & McAskin Families Coffee Hour is sponsored today by:

Ruth & Chris Remus & Lyndsay McGee


10/29 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26, 1 Thes 1:5c-10, Mt 22:34-40 Mon 10/30 Rom 8:12-17, Lk 13:10-17 Tue 10/31 Rom 8:18-25, Lk 13:18-21 Wed 11/1 ALL SAINTS DAY Rev 7:2-14, 1 Jn 3:1-3, Mt 5:1-12a Thu 11/2 ALL SOULS DAY Wis 3:1-9, Jn 6:37-40 Fri 11/3 Rom 9:1-5, Lk 14:1-6 Sat 11/4 Rom 11:1-2a, 11-29, Lk 14:1-11 11/5 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Mal 1:1-14b-2:2b-10, 1 Thes 2:7b-13

Liturgical Ministries For NEXT Sunday November 5, 2017

Lectors: Sophia Kaza & Kathleen Newell

Servers: Nicole Lynch, Aniya Lewis, Lauryn Miller

Liturgy of the Word for Children Sonja Still

Serving at the Table of the Lord Genny Singleton

Ministers of Service Ron Eady & Caroline Horton

This Week: Sun 10/29 Mass & Coffee Hour Youth Mass Tue 10/31 9:00am Mass 9:00 Bible Study 11am Crafters Wed 11/1 8:30am All School Mass Rosary 7pm All Saints Mass at Christ the King Thu 11/2 9am Mass at SS/OLGH 6:30pm Choir 7:00pm Parish Council Fri 11/3 8:30am Mass Sat 11/4 10 am Book Discussion of Writing My Wrongs in the Rectory 11:30am—5pm Fortunate Families Day of Reflection followed by Mass St. Christine Gala at St. Colette 5:30pm Mass Doors Open at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm Sun 11/5 9:30am Rel. Ed. (No Confirmation) 10:45am Mass & Coffee Hour

Christ the King Parish Grand River at Burt Road

Rectory 16805 Pierson…………………………313-532-1211

School 16800 Trinity…………………………..313-532-1213

Parish website Www.ChristTheKingCatholicDetroit.org

St. Christine Christian Services

15317 Dacosta at Fenkell………………313-535-7272 Www.SCCSdetroit.org

Siena Literacy…………………….…...313-532-8404 Mrs. Donna Nesbitt………[email protected]

The Education Experience at St. Vincent & Sarah Fisher Ms. Diane Renaud……………………..313-535-9200


Pastoral Staff Rev. Victor Clore, Pastor…...…[email protected] Deacon Joe Urbiel………[email protected] 248-910-0490 Mrs. Maureen Northrup...…Christian Service Outreach [email protected] Ms Nicole Evans………………….…..Office Manager [email protected] or [email protected] Mrs. Andi Kovach ………………………Bookkeeping [email protected] Mrs. Amanda Lund………………………...Principal [email protected] Little Scholars - Christ the King Campus Christina Lee, Director 313-693-4260 Parish Council Elected Members: Jean Krystyniak……...……………..…Council Chair Johnny Swift, Christine Convery, Bill Waterhouse Avia Cosey, Rachel Paul, Suzie Groenenboom, Jeremy Espinoza, Luis Zuniga Commissions Maureen Northrup………..………..Christian Service Carole Ann Beaman…………………...……Worship Ron Hildebrandt……………………...…Stewardship Michelle Lewis……………………...Faith Formation Michele Rochester……………….....Finance Council Lois Phillips……………………….….Evangelization Bob Bruttell & Ron Eady…………………..Inclusion St. Vincent dePaul………...…………313-535-7272 Liturgy Schedule Sunday…………………………….………10:45am Wednesday and Friday……………………..8:30am Religious Education First & Third Sunday ……………….9:30-10:30am Becoming Catholic Adults, Children, Youth: If you are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic faith or learning more about the Catholic Church, the Adult Catechu-menate will prepare you for this decision. Please call the Parish Office if you would like more information. Infants: Baptism is the public celebration of the begin-ning of life in the Church. At the celebration of Bap-tism, parents publicly affirm their decision to raised their child in the faith of the church. To make arrange-ments for your infant to be baptized, please contact the Parish Office. Pre-Baptismal classes for parents and godparents are necessary, held as arranged with fami-lies.

Holy Eucharist and Confirmation Preparation Call the Parish Office…………………..313-532-1211 Other Sacraments Reconciliation………………….……By Appointment Anointing of the sick…………………..313-532-1211

Please let an usher know if you would like to receive Communion at your pew.

The Wisdom of Pope Francis “God is love”. His is not a sentimental, emotional kind of love but the love of the Father who is the origin of all life, the love of the Son who dies on

the Cross and is raised, the love of the Spirit who renews human be-ings and the world. Thinking that God is love does us so much good, because it teaches us to love, to give ourselves to others as Jesus gave himself to us and walks with us. Jesus walks beside us on the road through life. 5/2013

Available in the Parish Office Now!


St. Christine Annual Gala ~ Saturday 11/4 ~ at St. Colette Get tickets today ~ Two Great Raffles

Antique Quilt Raffle Lottery Ticket Tree Raffle

November is Almost Here!

As much as we probably don’t want to think about it, winter is on the way. As the tempera-ture cools down, here at Christ the King we start collecting coats and cold weather clothing for those in need. Soon we will have large boxes in the church to collect your donations. Whatever we collect will be given away on Thanksgiving Day. We would also like to ask for your donations of hot food for Thanksgiv-ing so that those coming for clothing can have a bite to eat.

Another Way to Help Those in Need

On November 19 we will host our annual Pancake Breakfast. Come and have breakfast after our 10:45 Mass. There is no set price, but a free-will offering is ap-

preciated, because all the proceeds go to the work of the St. Vincent dePaul Committee. Your donation will help someone in our neighborhood to have a nice Christmas. In addition, at the Pancake Breakfast, our Giving Tree will be up. This is your chance to purchase a gift for someone in need. Please participate in any or all of these very worth pro-jects.

The Christmas Garage Sale Needs YOU!

Please keep in mind that all the proceeds from the Christmas Garage Sale also go to St. Vincent dePaul. If you have any Christ-mas items that you are not planning to use, please consider donating them to the Christmas Garage Sale. If you have deco-rated your home for many years, you know how expensive it can be when you are just starting out or when money is tight. Please share what you can. Ben is happy to accept your donations any time.

BIG THANKS… To everyone who helped to make our Egg Roll Sale a grand success! To the rollers and fry-ers, and chop-pers and eaters—Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Sophia Kaza Jeremy Espinoza Jerry Anderson Artemae Anderson Donna Wheeler Loren Mathers Denice Verville Nick Joseph Hassan Dorothy Sullivan Jean Krystyniak Judy Bruttell Mike Price Phil Hawn Christine Christner Dave Groenenboom Tom Tomala Ray Tchou Arleen Bonello Lois Phillips Caroline Horton Susie Groenenboom Parker Woo Mark Barkey My Do Lieu Do Phuong Phan Nhung Phan Greg Tchou Tess Tchou Genny Singleton Trong Vu Lien Bao Long Phan

Le Phan Louis Phan

Rochelle Jackson Stacie Harris Tracy Testa Rose Hinks

Carolina Serviss Ben Washburn

Caroel Ann Beaman Gary Beaman

Virginia Jacques David Collins Lucy Mutebi

Sr. Fiorentina Stella Carr

Francis Carr William Carr Hope Simon

David DePue Tina DePue Rick Seefelt

Karen Seefelt Ann Witcher Diane Surma Frank Surma Elvira Flores Helen Eady

Ashley Lewis Michelle Lewis

Joshua Webb Debbie McDonald McKenzie Navyac

Adalynn Navyac Nicole Filas

Special thanks to Helen Zervos for helping to pull everything together!

All Saints Day—November 1 Holy Day of Obligation

Mass at 8:30am & 7:00pm Rosary after the 8:30am Mass

Don’t forget!!! Starting November 1st we will collect non-perishable food on the marble steps of the Church

Trick or Treat!

Has anyone See Little Bo


Have a safe and fun



Christ the King Family, Company is coming soon....and we pray there will be lots of it! As you have been hearing, Christ the King will be hosting a Mass Mob on November 12th at 10:45am with a special coffee hour to fol-low. We were selected because we have one of the only four remain-ing Catholic grade schools in the city! This Mass will be a terrific way to let everyone know about our special diverse parish and that the doors to our wonderful school are still open. The media has been alerted, the Mass infor-mation has been posted all over social media, alumni and former parishioners have been invited to come back home! Now all we need is Y-O-U! This Mass Mob is set to be a very special day for our school and par-ish! What a perfect way to give of your time and talent! If you have-n’t already, please sign the board at the Burt Road entrance and stay tuned for more information! Thank You!

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