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Page 1: Class: 6 General Knowledge 1 Term Notes Unit 1 (Ethics ... · D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat 9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of

Class: 6 – General Knowledge 1st Term Notes

Unit 1 (Ethics/Morality)

Q. Multiple choice questions

1. Ethics is known as the philosophy of what?

A) Morality

B) Society

C) Justice

D) None of the above

2. Morality is _______

A) What is considered as correct within a society.

B) Making the right decision when there is a chance to do wrong.

C) Defining what is right and wrong for an individual or a community.

D) Where individuals have a conscious choice to make a right ethical decision.

3. The word ethics is derived from a _____ word.

A) Greek

B) Persian

C) Urdu

D) English

4. Good manners are needed to make our _____ successful and happy.

A) Behaviour

B) Society

C) Life

D) Community

Page 2: Class: 6 General Knowledge 1 Term Notes Unit 1 (Ethics ... · D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat 9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of

5. Who is father of ethics?

A) Kant

B) Socrates

C) Plato

D) Confucius

6. ___________ the ability to pardon graciously for any offence.

A) Forgiveness

B) Honesty

C) Respect

D) Tolerance

7. All religions are based upon _______.

A) Worships

B) Ethics

C) Beliefs

D) Human

8. _________ helps people adopt good habits, pleasant behaviour, and good thoughts,

which are liked and appreciated by others.

A) Character building

B) Good human

C) Family

D) School

Page 3: Class: 6 General Knowledge 1 Term Notes Unit 1 (Ethics ... · D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat 9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of

9. If wealth is lost, a little is lost but if ______is lost, all is lost.

A) Character

B) Life

C) Ethics

D) House

10. A _____ human being is always ready to help others.

A) Bad

B) Angry

C) Good

D) Naughty

11. ______ for others is a common value in every religion.

A) Enemy

B) Love

C) Anger

D) Respect

12. Qualities of a good person are________.

A) Honesty, Kindness

B) Jealousy, Hate

C) Bad behaviour

D) Backbitting

13. ______refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong.

A) Morals

B) Law

C) Justice

D) Ethics

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14. For some, the goal of living an ethical life is expressed by the ____ rule; do unto

others as you would have them do unto you.

A) Golden

B) Hate

C) Black

D) Jealousy

15. All of the following are sources of individual’s moral standard except _________.

A Family

B) Government

C) Religion

D) Friends

16. Why ethics is important?

A) Ethics serve as a guide to moral daily living

B) Wrong deeds

C) Bad habits

D) For better understanding

17. ______ it is the ability to pardon graciously for any offence.

A) Forgiveness

B) Lying

C) Honesty

D) Justice

Page 5: Class: 6 General Knowledge 1 Term Notes Unit 1 (Ethics ... · D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat 9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of

18. Presenting a gift to others _____.

A) Gives you happiness, spoils your relationships, keeps you apart.

B) Increases love, happiness, relations become better

C) Love decreases

D) Relations are spoilt

19. “We wish to be good citizens of every community in which we operate” is ____.

A) Ethical code

B) Manners

C) Values

D) social code

20. Which statement is/are true?

A) Ethics is not synonymous to religious


B) Ethics is the principle that guide the human behaviour

C) The term ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’ are not synonymous terms

D) All of the above

21. According to Kant’s approach to moral philosophy, ethics is based on:

A)the consequences of one’s action

B) sympathy

C) a social contract

D) practical reason

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22. To provide healthy footing to society _____is needed.

A) Good values

B) Ethical system

C) Firm planning

D) Society

23. Development of economy depends upon_____ .

A) Investment

B) Intelligence

C)Human Character

D) Labour

24. ______ spreads friendliness and love in our world and in the society.

A) Good Habits

B) Good Manners

C) Good People

D) Good School

25. ______ refers to a study of how people try to live according to the standard of

“right” or “wrong" behaviour.

A) Morality

B) Ethics

C) Government

D) Philosophy

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Q. Multiple choice questions

1. According to the constitution of 1973, Local government is a subject of the ______.

A) Federal Government

B) Provincial Governments

C) None of the above

2. Pakistan did not have any local government system during the period ______.

A) 1970-1978

B) 1971-1979

C) 1973-1981

D) None of the above

3. The government of General Zia-ul-Haq introduced Local Government Ordinance in

A) 1979

B) 1980

C) 1985

D) 1990

4. Under Local Government Ordinance 1979, there were ____ levels of Municipal

Government in the urban areas.

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) None of the above

5. In May 2015, the Local Government elections were held in ____ tehsils of KPK.

A) 69

B) 70

C) 71

D) 72

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6. In ________ Local Government System was introduced in the world.

A) 1880

B) 790

C) 1011

D) 990

7. What does zemstvo mean in Russian?

A) Good Governance

B) Sovereignty

C) Local Government

D) None of these

8. Which of the following British Act introduced provincial autonomy?

A) Government of India Act, 1858

B) Indian Council Act, 1861

C) Indian Council Act of 1892

D) Government of India Act 1935

9. Local Governments are formed to _________ the citizens of a country.

A) coerce

B) empower

C) exploit

D) none of the above

10. Who is the head of government at the provincial level?

A) Chief Minister

B) Nazim

C) Prime Minister

D) President

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11. Which provincial government announced an increase in female personnel in police?


B) Sindh

C) Punjab

D) Balochistan

12. The Provincial Government that approved ‘access to clean energy’ project to tap

energy potential is:

A) Sindh

B) Balochistan


D) Punjab

13. Who is the current Provincial Minister for Environment Protection in Punjab?

A) Malik Muhammad Anwar

B) Ijaz Masih

C) Muhammad Rizwan

D) Aslam Iqbal

14. Who is the Current Minister of Tourism in KPK?

A) Muhammad Atif Khan

B) Shahram Khan Tarakai

C) Kamran Khan Bangash

D) None of these

15. Who is the Current Minister of Information Technology in KPK?

A) Kamran Khan Bangash

B) Shahram Khan Tarakai

C) Muhammad Atif Khan

D) Ziaullah Bangash

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16. Institutions of local government are found:

A) In democratic countries only

B) In democratic countries with parliamentary system of government only

C) In democratic countries with federal system of government only

D) In almost all the countries of the world

17. In ________ the first local government system in the world was introduced.

A) Britain

B) Canada

C) Norway

D) Greece

18. Who is the Current Minister of Agriculture in KPK?

A) Akbar Ayub Khan

B) Haji Qalandar Khan Lodhi

C) Dr. Hisham Inamullah Khan

D) Mohibullah Khan

19. Who is the Current Minister of Sports & Youth Affairs in Punjab?

A) Taimor Khan

B) Chaudhary Muhammad Shafique

C) Rana Sana Ullah Khan

D) Jahangir Khanzada

20. Who is the Current Minister of School Education in Punjab?

A) Sheikh Alauddin

B) Chaudhary Muhammad Shafique

C) Murad Ross

D) Yasir Humayun Sarfaraz

21. The new system of local government under Local Government Act of 1972 came

into force on:

A) 1 April 1973

B) 1 April 1974

C) 1 April 1975

D) 1 April 1976

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22. Which is the smallest unit of Local Government in Pakistan?

A) Union Councils

B) Towns

C) Tehsils

D) Districts

23. At present, Total number of Tehsils in KPK is:

A) 69

B) 70

C) 75

D) 72

24. Who is the Current Minister of Food in Punjab?

A) Yasir Humayun Sarfaraz

B) Sami Ullah Chaudhary

C) Bilal Yasin

D) Makhdoom Hashim Jawan Bakht

25. The Basic Democracies (BD) System, introduced by the President Ayub Khan, fell

in the year ___:

A) 1969

B) 1970

C) 1971

D) 1964

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Q. Multiple choice questions:

1. The father of Pakistan Nuclear Bomb is _______.

A) Abdul Salam

B) Abdul Qadeer Khan

C) Munir Ahmad Khan

D) Ishfaq

2. Abdul Qadeer khan was born on _______.

A) 22nd March 1988

B) 27th December 1936

C) 21st August 1940

D) 1st April 1936

3. Abdul Qadeer Khan was born in the _____ city of British India .

A) Kolkata

B) New Delhi

C) Mumbai

D) Bhopal

4. Abdul Qadeer Khan remains a popular figure and many see him as a __ of Pakistan.

A) None of these

B) National hero

C) Traitor

D) Saviour

5. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a Pakistani _______ physicist.

A) Nuclear

B) Biologist

C) Chemist

D) Doctor

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6. Abdul Qadeer Khan founded & established the Kahuta Research Laboratories in _.

A) 1974

B) 1976

C) 1980

D) 1765

7. Abdul Qadeer Khan was placed under house arrest in _______ .

A) 2004

B) 1987

C) 2005

D) 1986

8. Abdul Qadeer Khan has received which one of these awards?

A) Tamgha Jurrat and Tamgha Basalat

B) Hilal-i-Haider and Nishan-e-Imtiaz

C) Tamgha-e-Shujat and Nishan-e-Imtiaz

D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat

9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of Pakistan in


A) 2008

B) 2010

C) 2009

D) 2007

10. When Abdul Qadeer Khan returned to Pakistan for joining the nuclear program,

the Prime Minister of the country at that time was _______.

A) Quaid e Azam

B) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

C) Muhammad Khan Junejo

D) Benazir Bhutto

11. Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.D. from Leuven University of____________.

A) Germany

B) Holland

C) Belgium

D) Austria

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12. Abdul Qadeer Khan immigrated with his family to Pakistan in ______.

A) 1947

B) 1946

C) 1987

D) 1985

13. Pakistani atomic scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan is hailed as a national hero for

transforming his country into the world’s first __________.

A) Islamic Nuclear Power

B) British Nuclear Power

C) Medical Country

D) American Nuclear Power

14. In 1960, Abdul Qadeer Khan graduated with a degree in ______.

A) Physics

B) Chemistry

C) Psychology

D) Geography

15. Abdul Qadeer Khan worked for the city government as an ________.

A) Inspector of Measures

B) Scientist

C) Professor

D) Doctor

16. In 1961, he went to Germany to study ________ at the Technical University.

A) Metallurgy

B) Physics

C) Chemistry

D) Mathematics

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17. Abdul Qadeer Khan is widely regarded as the founder of _________.

A) Gas-Centrifuge Enrichment Technology

B) Medicine

C) Pakistan

D) China

18. Abdul Qadeer Khan got his primary education in _______.

A) Ginnori Primary School

B) Lincoln Elementary School

C) International Grammar School

D) British International School

19. Abdul Qadeer Khan obtained the degree of Master of Science (Technology) in


A) 1967

B) 1963

C) 1987

D) 1965

20. Abdul Qadeer Khan initially worked with Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission

(PAEC), headed by _________ .

A) Munir Ahmad Khan

B) Muhammad Khan Junejo

C) Zia-ul-Haq

D) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

21. Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan was awarded Nishan-i-Imtiaz in _______.

A) 1996

B) 1987

C) 1965

D) 1956

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22. Abdul Qadeer Khan had been involved in the sale of centrifuge parts to:

A) China and Iran

B) America and France

C) Libya and China

D) Libya and Iran

23. Abdul Qadeer Khan founded a political party_______.

A) Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Pakistan.

B) Awami National Party

C) Pakistan People’s Party

D) Pakistan Muslim League

24. After the partition of India in 1947, his family emigrated from:

A) Iran to Pakistan

B) England to Pakistan

C) India to Pakistan

D) Pakistan to India

25. Abdul Qadeer Khan founded the uranium enrichment program for______ atomic

bomb project.

A) Pakistan

B) America

C) China

D) Iran

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Q. Multiple choice questions:

1. Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan?

A) Quaid-e-Azam

B) Iskandar Mirza

C) Hafeez Ahmed

D) Imran Khan

2. Who was the first President of Pakistan?

A) Quaid e Azam

B) Pervez Khattak

C) Iskandar Mirza

D) Zia ul Haq

3. The first Pakistani Scientist who won the Noble Prize was _______.

A) Abdul Qadeer Khan

B) Samar Mubarak

C) Pervez Hoodbhai

D) Abdul Salam

4. Who was the first Army Chief of Pakistan?

A) General Sir Frank Messervy

B) General Sir Douglas Gracey

C) Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan

D) General Sir Robert Willson

5. Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?

A) Mr. Justice Muhammad Munir

B) Mr. Justice Asif Saeed Khosa

C) Mr Justice Saqib Nisar

D) Mr. Justice Abdur Rashid

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6. Who was the first female Commercial pilot of Pakistan?

A) Fatima Jinnah

B) Shehzadi Gulfam

C) Benazir Bhutto

D) Shukriya Khanum

7. First Pakistani who climbed Mount Everest was______.

A) Nazir Sabir

B) Khalid Anwar

C) Babar Awan

D) John Permal

8. Who was the first female gold champion in Pakistan?

A) Samina Baig

B) Shehzadi Gulfam

C) Parveen Shakir

D) Fatima Bhutto

9. The first person who received Nishan-e- Haider was_____.

A) Captain Raja Sarwar

B) Hafeez Ahmed

C) Numaira Saleem

D) Nazir Sabir

10. Who was the first Lady Major General in the Pakistan Army?

A) Hina Rabbani Khan

B) Fatima Jinnah

C) Dr. Shahida Malik

D) Arfa Karim

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11. Who was the first Muslim Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

A) Liaqat Ali Khan

B) Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid

C) Khawaja Nazimuddin

D) Ghulam Muhammad

12.The First Chief of Staff of the Navy was____.

A) Hafeez Ahmed

B) Farooq Leghari

C) Sikanadar Sultan Raja

D) Fawad Hassan

13. First Chief of staff of the Air Force was_____.

A) Air Marshal Zaffar Ahmed

B) Jawad Rafique Malik

C) Dr. Nasim Hasan Shah

D) Pirzada Qasim

14. First missile launched by Pakistan was____.

A) Hat 50

B) Hat 90

C) Hat 70

D) Hat 80

15. First rocket launched by Pakistan was ______.

A) Rahbar

B) Hatf 5 (Ghauri )

C) AIM-7

D) AIM-9

Page 20: Class: 6 General Knowledge 1 Term Notes Unit 1 (Ethics ... · D) Nishan-e-Imtiaz and Tamgha Jurrat 9. After several years of house arrest, he was declared to be a free citizen of

16. Pakistan opened its first embassy in _____.

A) Iran

B) Lahore

C) Peshawar

D) Punjab

17. Which was the first state to join Pakistan?

A) Bahawalpur

B) Lahore

C) Karachi

D) Sindh

18. First Space satellite was launched by Pakistan in____.

A) 1990

B) 1993

C) 1978

D) 1984

19. First Sports channel of Pakistan was____.

A) Super Geo

B) Geo Kahani

C) Express News

D) Ary Digital

20. When first martial law was imposed in Pakistan?

A) 7th October 1958

B) 7th October 1985

C) 2nd December and 1958

D) 7th October 1956

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21. First constitution of Pakistan was enforced in ______.

A) 22nd April 1967

B) 23rd March 1956

C) 25th May 1975

D) 24th April 1956

22. First Motorway of Pakistan was constructed in

A) 1997

B) 1998

C) 1995

D) 1985

23. First captain of Pakistani cricket team was_____.

A) Hafeez Kardar

B) Nazir Sabir

C) Liaqat Khan

D) Nawaz Sharif

24. First Woman University of Pakistan is located in_____________?

A) Rawalpindi

B) Karachi

C) Quetta

D) Sindh

25. First public airline of Pakistan was____.

A) Orient Airline

B) Pakistan International Airlines

C) Air blue

D) Serene

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