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Classroom Assessment Techniques for Early Alert of Students At Risk

Carleen Vande Zande, Ph.D.Academic Leaders Workshop

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Assessment for Early Alert

"Assessing for learning is a process of inquiry into what and how well students

learn.” Peggy Maki

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Types of Assessments



correct misconceptions




summarize learning

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Classroom Assessment Techniques as Formative

What are they?Formative in natureSpeedyFlexibleLearning activities for students

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What can CATs measure?

Course-related knowledge and skills

Student attitudes, values and self-awareness

Reactions to instruction methods

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How can CATs influence teaching and learning?

Provide frequent feedback Provide useful information about what

students have learned or misunderstood Address misconceptions in a timely way Assist student to self-assess Immediate feedback when it is still

possible to make mid-course corrections Lower investment of time to gain useful

information about student learning

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1. One-Minute Paper

During last few minutes of class, ask students to do a quick-write

“The most important thing I learned today and/or what I understood least.”

Instructor reviews before next class and can clarify, correct, or elaborate in beginning of next class.

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2. Focused Listing

A brainstorming technique where you ask students to generate words or phrases that describe a concept

Can be used for discussion, review, assessment of prior knowledge.

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3. Pro/Con Grid

Quick Analysis of pros/cons, advantages/disadvantages of a concept or issue. Forces students to see many sides of a concept/issue.

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Pro and Con Grid

Please list the advantages and disadvantages of using CATs in your instruction.

Advantages of CATS Disadvantages of CATS

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4. Analytic Memo

Students write a 1-2 page analysis of a specific problem or issue for a specific audience.

Students need to analyze and can then make decisions or solve problems.

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5. Concept Maps

Students draw a map connecting the major topic with features, ideas and concepts they have learned.

Basis for review, discussion, overview of topic. Good check for understanding.

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6. Podcasting Problem Solving

Create a podcast of students solving a problem or talking through a process. Ask them to review for self-evaluation or you can review for thinking errors.

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7. Problem Recognition

Present students with scenarios and ask them to identify the issue/problem.

Students identify what principle, theory, technique is used to solve the problem.

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8. Direct Paraphrasing

Ask students to relate what they have just learned geared to a specific audience.

Assesses student ability to comprehend and transfer concepts.

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Directed Paraphrasing

Directions: In no more than 1-2 concise sentences, define what learning is. Write a definition that will make sense to your colleagues. But try, at the same time, to go beyond the (ho-hum) obvious and give them something to think about.

Learning is. . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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9. One-sentence summary

Students summarize knowledge of a topic by constructing a single sentence.

This requires students to select only the defining features of an idea.

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One Sentence Summary

Directions: To create a one-sentence summary, 1st answer all of the questions below in relation to your topic. Then weave your separate answers into 1 (or 2) summary sentences.

Topic: ___________________________

Who?Does/Did/Will Do What?To/For Whom/What?How?When? Where?Why?

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10. Application Cards

After teaching a theory or procedure ask students to write down at least one application for what they have just learned.

Shows if students can transfer information or if they understand the concept.

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Applications Card

Interesting Ideas/Techniques from this Session

Some Possible Applications of those Ideas/Techniques to My Work

Directions: Please take a moment to recall the ideas, techniques, and strategies we’ve discussed—and those you’ve thought up—to this point in the session. Quickly list as many possible applications as you can. Don’t censor yourself! These are merely possibilities. You can always evaluate the desirability and/or feasibility of these application ideas later.

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11. Documented Problems

Ask students to solve a problem and document the steps they took to do that work.

This will highlight thinking steps, misconceptions.

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12. Application Article

During last 15 minutes of class, ask students to write about how a major point applies to a real-world situation or how the point applies to their major.

Share examples in next class to illustrate range of applications, depth of understanding, creativity.

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Follow-up Questions

Which have the most potential for your course?

Should they be graded? All ? Some?

Keep it simpleLet students know what you are


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Recommendations for Use of CATs

Collect, sort and analyze the data looking for patterns

What did you observe?What is your next step?Share observations with

studentsBegin slowly…don’t force fit


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