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Classroom Management Blueprint

Education 480-481

Strategic Classroom Management

Professor: Katie Elmore

Created by: Morgan Davis

Here is a little insight as to what I have created for my dream

health and physical education classrooms either on the elementary,

middle, or high school level. It includes my philosophy statement,

classroom arrangements, classroom procedures, classroom rules and

expectations, discipline plan, first day plans, and a list of resources that I

can use in the future.

“Attitude is just as important as ability, if not more important”

Philosophy Statement

Becoming the best health and physical educator is what I aspire to be day in and day out.

I understand that I will be spending a lot of time creating, developing, researching, learning, and

analyzing lesson plans, students, and myself. Physical education is the staple for a well-rounded

student. They will be exposed to different physical activities, sports, fitness components and

fitness styles as well as sportsmanship, leadership, and self-discipline. It’s the one class that

keeps the kids from wondering “how, when, or where am I going to use this is the future?” In

health and physical education, they will build different skills dealing with the social,

psychomotor, and cognitive aspects, as well as building knowledge on how their bodies work

and develop.

I want to instill confidence, self-worth, body awareness, enjoyment and lifelong habits of

each and every one of my students. I want to develop an attitude in myself that shows my

students my love for not only them but for health and physical education through positivity and

engagement. I want all of my students to know that I care, love, and support each and every one

of them every single day. I want to strive for lifelong knowledge and understanding for fitness,

skills and culture for many different sports and activities. I would love to see my students take

what I have taught them and apply it and involve it in their daily lives. I will work every day

with my students and provide them with multiple skills that they can take and use on their own to

further themselves. I will instill movement strategies, teamwork, fitness, problem solving and

subject inclusion in all of my lessons as well as strategies and cultures for different games and


I want my class to be fun, energetic, caring and inclusive of everyone. I want them to be

brave and try their best at everything they do. I want to be the best I can be and learn for each of

my students, daily. Mistakes will be frequent, and I plan to learn and grow from them daily. I

want, not only to educate my students, but to inspire them as well. Everything in my classroom

will incorporate visuals and hands on learning with very little boredom. I want it to be interactive

and discussion based as well as dynamic. I want my students to have a want to learn each and

every day because what they learn in my classroom is what they will take with them in their

daily lives. Motivation will be the key factor in my health and physical education classrooms as

well as having fun! I believe that there is good in everything and I will be looking for the

positive aspects in my classroom and not the negatives.

Classroom Arrangement

Gymnasium: Physical Education



Cooling Off Station (elementary only)

Solution Center (elementary only)

Communication Corner (elementary only)

Health Classroom: Health Education




Student’s Desks

Health and physical education teachers get to see two different kinds of classrooms.

Above you can see that the first would be in the gymnasium and the second would be in the

health classroom. I have two totally different ways of seeing both of my classroom settings. As

for the gymnasium setting, I see my students sitting altogether, facing me and leaving the

equipment that is out alone after they have their warm-up for the day. They will be gathered

together in the middle of the court facing me and listening for instructions for the day ahead. I

would have it this way for elementary, middle and high school students. I will set up a routine for

them for when they come in and they should start that immediately when they walk in to the gym

each day. Once the warm-up is completed they will meet in the middle and wait for instruction

and then on my cue they will start with the activity or game that is planned for the day. I plan on

taking attendance while they are completing their activity or game. For elementary I will have

their different centers that will be very important to my daily routine. There will be a “cooling-

off place,” “communication corner,” and a “solution center.” The cooling-off place is where the

student may go when they are getting mad, upset, or frustrated during a game or activity to cool

down and get it together. The communication corner is where the students can go and talk things

out with each other if two people are getting upset at each other or they are fighting/arguing in

order to work things out. The solution center is for the students that keep getting in trouble and

are doing things that they are not supposed to be doing (like not listening, acting out, not

handling equipment well, can’t keep their hands to themselves, etc.). Here they can talk to me,

the teacher, and figure out what the best consequence is for their action(s). The teacher will be

able to talk with the student(s) and see what the student(s) think their punishment can be.

As for my health classroom (only middle and high school) I picture my desk being in the

corner of the room, next to the board. My students’ desks with be spread out with desks in

different windows set from the row that is in front of them. I believe that there should be plenty

of room for the students to move and form groups when allowed. I want to make sure their desks

are facing the front of the room, where the board is, and to make sure that everyone can see the

board without having to move themselves. I will have assigned seats for my students but I will

allow them to get into groups, either of my choosing or let them choose on occasion. I want to do

this because it allows the students to feel a sense of freedom but if abused it will be taken away. I

want my students to feel like they can make decisions on their own but also to make wise

decisions to get their work done and done efficiently. Cooperative learning and group work is

just as important to me as it is to them. I will be able to focus on classroom management as well

with this kind of set up because I can see everyone and I also have room to walk around without

running into things. I will have the students with different specialties in the front, back, near the

door, or close to my desk. This will be subject to change based on different situations or schools

as well.

I learned a lot while doing both my internship and student teaching and both of these

settings were shown at all places. I felt as if they worked and were very efficient. I would also

have different things on my walls that pertained to health and physical education. This is because

I want to have a welcoming environment and I do not want the classroom setting to be boring or

not feel as if it were a welcoming place.

Classroom Procedures

The classroom set up is important but more importantly the classroom procedures are the

staple to your learning environment and they allow you to set the tone for what, when and how

things are going to happen in your classroom. Students are programmed to have a set routine in

their school day so my classroom will have one as well, in the gymnasium as well as the health

classroom. The procedures you set allow your students to see what is expected for the structure,

ideals and organization of your class. Transitions are a huge aspect for a teacher that need to be

addressed in between classes, activities, games, or topics of discussion. From my procedures,

everything else will branch off and come from them.

As my students enter the room:

As for all of my students I will greet them at the door and talk to each and every one of them that

enters. I will either do this by greeting them with a high-five, smile, simple hello or ask them

how their day is going.

Elementary- they will begin walking on the outside line of the gym floor, quietly and in their

own space. When they all are in their own space and listening for instruction they will start their

warm up on the start of the music.

Middle and High School PE- the students will dress out in the locker rooms and then walk into

the gym and start walking around the outside of the court. Once everyone is out they will begin

their warm-up on the whistle.

Middle and High School Health- the students will enter the classroom and find their seats. If

they need to use the bathroom, they are to do that at the beginning of class, unless it is an

emergency. If there is a “do-now” on the board they will get their books or notes out and

complete it within the first five to ten minutes of class. They will also need to get all materials

out needed for the day’s activities. If it is the first period of the day, they will listen to the

morning announcements and not talk to their neighbors and participate in the pledge and moment

of silence. Attendance will be taking during the time of which the students are doing their “do-


Taking Role:

I will not be taking time out of instruction or physical education time. I will be taking

attendance while the students are doing something on their own or as they are completing an

activity or game. I do not accept students being late unless there was an emergency or they had a

note explaining as to why they were late.

When in the gym, elementary, middle or high, if they are not wearing the proper shoes or

uniform/clothing I will make a note to take points off of their daily grade. It is very important to

me that they have the proper attire, especially their shoes, so no injury occurs.

Class Supplies:

My students will be expected to come to health and physical education ready to go with

all supplies necessary. For health class they will be given health books that they must keep in the

classroom, unless they check it out to take home with them but they will have to bring them back

ASAP. They will also need to bring a notebook, pencil, paper and a health binder to class each

day. I will have a jar of pencils for the students but they must put their name on the board at the

beginning of class each day that they borrow and then they can erase it when they return it. If

they do not return the pencil, their name remains on the board and that means they owe me a

pencil at some point and time and if they never return one they will get five points taken off their

daily grade for one day. They will be given the opportunity to go get something if they forgot it

or they may ask their peers to help them out for the day.


In elementary, my students will be given a participation grade each and every day. This

means that they are engaged and doing what they are supposed to be doing every day when they

come to my class. Wearing tennis shoes is also a part of their participation grade and must be

worn while they are in the gym.

In middle and high school, my students will be given two grades in PE and multiple

grades in health class. For PE, they will be given a participation grade as well as a dressing out

grade. Participation will be based on them showing effort or knowledge of a skill, activity, or

game as well as participating in the daily activity/skill/game. In health class they will be given

different worksheets, taking notes on different topics, quizzes, tests and notebook checks.

Everyone should be engaged and participating in class to help their grade and failure to do so

will result in taking off points in the daily participation grade. They must be focused and

working on the task at hand and showing interest in the class.


Students will not be required to complete their homework at home but I will take the first

five minutes and last five minutes of each class to go over anything they want to go over, study

or work on their given homework. I do not plan on giving much homework because I think they

do enough in class and all they need to do at home is study the given material for each day/week.

If they are given homework I will go over it and let them correct their answers in another color

of pen/pencil. They will then pass their papers forward and then I will go over them myself and

take out partial credit for each answer that is wrong. I want to focus more on the students

understanding the material instead of taking off points for what they are not getting right. After I

finish grading the papers and putting the grades in the grade book, I will then hand their papers

back to them at the beginning of the next class or whenever I finish getting them all graded.

Cooling-Off Place:

Elementary only! I will have a section of the gym marked off for the students to go when

they are getting upset, angry or frustrated with the game/activity, a student, or with me. I would

like for them to go and get themselves back together instead of staying in the game/activity and

not participate or pout while everyone else is doing what they are supposed to. They will be

allowed to take themselves out of the game/activity whenever they feel they are getting upset and

they can re-enter the game/activity when they feel they can participate again.

Solution Center:

Elementary only! This is a station where students can go when they get in trouble with

the teacher and sit and wait for a free time for the teacher to come and talk to them. Once the

teacher gets everyone else going they will go and talk to the student/students that are in the

solution center and talk about and see what they think should be their consequence should be for

their rude or disruptive behavior(s).

Communication Corner:

Elementary only! There will be a corner or the gym set apart for the communication

corner. This is where two or more students can go and talk about what is going on and why they

are fighting/arguing. They will be able to talk to each other and come to a conclusion so that they

can work together in class as a group. If someone is hurting someone’s feelings or making fun of

them, instead of them tattling on each other they will be able to grab the person and go talk it out

in the communication corner.

Going to the Bathroom:

I am not going to be a huge stickler on bathroom use but I would really appreciate if they

did it before they came into the class or took care of it in the locker room (middle and high

school). If it is an emergency I will definitely let them go or if they have a note from home about

not feeling well, I will excuse it. I will also allow them to go in parts of class where not much is

going on if they ask but my first reaction will be to tell them “not right now, maybe in a minute”

and more times than not they will forget they want to go. If they ask to go during class they will

need a pass, unless it is right across the hallway. As for going to get water, I will be more lenient

in physical education class than I would in health class. If they are coughing a lot of need it for

an emergency, they will be allowed to go. In physical education class I will allow them to get it

as long as no one else is at the water fountain. More times than not the water fountain will be

located in the gym or right outside of the gym.

Make-up Work:

I will allow my students to do make-up work either if they missed class or would like to

bring their grade up. If they missed class, they will receive full credit for the assignment but if

they are re-doing an assignment or trying to bring their grade up if will only add ten points to

their lowest grade.


When I am giving instruction, either in physical education setting or health setting I

expect my students to stop what they are doing, put their equipment down, and listen to what I

am saying. Both my elementary students and middle/high school students will expect to be

respectful and show me the same respect that I show them. I want everyone’s attention so they

know what to do and when to do it. On the whistle, they will freeze, listen to instruction, and

then on the second whistle, they will go and carry out the activity/skill/instruction they are given.


When I miss a day or two, either planned or not planned, I will create a folder with the

day’s lesson plan for the day(s) that I will be missing. Everything will have step by step

instructions and I will make sure they do not feel stressed or as if they do not know what they are

to do. I will give them instructions to leave names of any students that give them trouble and I

will also let them know who to look out for, if there are any.

Classroom Rules:

Rules are the basis as to which everything else flows to make each and every class go

well and hopefully as planned. It is very important to implement them on the first day of class in

the physical education setting as well as the health education setting. Everyone must abide by the

rules and there will not be any special treatment for any student. I know that some students have

different needs but rules are rules and sometimes special expectations will be taking into account

but the final decision/consequence is up to me. Everyone will be held accountable for what they

do wrong and consequences will be given where they are due.

For both elementary and middle/high students, I expect them to start and stop on all

whistles given. If I respect my students, they should respect me. Respect is given as well as

earned. I am the teacher and they are the students but we will both learn from each other on any

given day. When I am talking, I expect the students to be listening with their eyes on me, voices

off, and equipment down between their feet. I want my classroom environment to be

encouraging and fun but everyone must work together to get that accomplished. I want to have a

good time and laugh but that can only happen when I get through everything I would like to each

day. Every student should give everything they do their all and make sure they are giving each

exercise/skill/game/activity/test their best attempt because that is all that matters. I would also

like to create a sense of community among their peers and myself as well. I want the students to

come to me if something is wrong or if they would like me to help them with something.

Communication is key and that is a very important rule for me. Equipment needs to be treated

with respect as well and I shouldn’t find any equipment damaged on purpose or missing.

I have a huge heart for students with a mental or physical disability and I feel as if they

should be treated just like anyone else. I want my students to include them in everything that we

do and make sure they feel welcomed every time they come into my class. I will be adapting

lessons to make sure they feel as if they have accomplished something and I will also

accommodate those that have trouble doing something even though they are putting forth a huge

effort. My main rule is to push yourself and accept yourself in whatever you are doing each and

every day.

Health Classroom Rules:

1. Come in and find your seat

2. Work on your “do-now”

3. Get out your homework if you have any

4. Respect is given where it is earned

Physical Education Rules:

1. Respect yourself, others, and the teacher

2. Push yourself, and give everything your all

3. Treat equipment with respect

4. Stop and start on all whistles

Discipline Plan:

Discipline can either go the hard way or the easy way. Whether the teacher wants to give

it or not, if the student(s) act out they deserve a consequence, especially if they were warned

before-hand with the rules that have already been set. I expect my students to follow the rules I

have set but if they break them, there will definitely be a consequence. I can either take points off

of their grade, send a note or call home to the parents, silent lunch, in-school-detention, or in

extreme cases—send them to the principal’s office.

There will be students that will refuse to do their work, do what they are told, or turn in

their work. Their grade will reflect their actions and decisions and if the parents or student starts

to question their grade, I can always go back and show them what they were doing wrong or lack

thereof doing anything at all. Not only will their grade be deducted by refusing to do what they

are told, but also outburst in class, talking back, or trying to be the class clown. Once the student

starts to get a zero for their actions, consistently, I will then turn to call home to the parents so

they are aware of what is going on in class. If after I call home and it continues to happen, I will

retreat to silent lunch, detention, or asking them to sit out in the hall or sit out during class time.

If that still continues, I will refer them to the principal to see about further actions or what ideas

they can give me to help solve the issue. I do not plan on using the more extreme measures BUT

that does not mean these things won’t take place.

Later in life the students are going to look back and thank that teacher or coach for

disciplining them when they did. As long as we are trying to stay positive with the students they

will remember and put a good memory with physical activity and their time in school. As long as

we create a positive learning environment by changing the ways we discipline each student will

then grow for the betterment of themselves, those around them, the school, and their families.

The better we discipline them the more we will get out of them.

Physical Education Discipline Plan:

1. Points deducted

2. Sit out of activity/game/skill-set

3. Zero for the day

4. Call home

5. Silent lunch/detention

6. Principal intervention

Health Education Discipline Plan:

1. Points deducted

2. Have them sit in the hall

3. Zero for the day

4. Call home

5. Silent lunch/detention

6. Principal intervention

First Day Plans:

The most important day to set the tone for the rest of the year is the FIRST day of class.

As a health and physical education teacher I will have two different first days. I will have a first

day for physical education class as well as health education class. They are two different

environments and I will be explaining them in two different ways. I will be letting them know

about me as well as trying to get to know them. I will go over what topics we will be going over

and learning throughout the year. I will let them know how I will be grading, taking care of

issues, what I expect each day, and what will happen if they chose to act out. I will be handing

out a letter the students should take home to their parents to let them know what I expect, what I

want to cover and how they can reach me if there are any questions. I want the parents to feel

welcomed and feel comfortable communicating with me whenever they have questions or

comments. Health and physical education is a community based class because everyone is

involved. The parents need to know what they can do to help their students as well as the

students learning what they can do to better themselves and also letting the community know

what can be done to better the community as a whole.

As for the first day of physical education class, I will meet my students in the gym. I will

also try and get their names as well. I will let them know that the first few days I will be calling

them in before we start a warm-up and call out the role so I can try and place faces with names. I

think learning their names are very important because it lets them know you care and feel

welcomed because they aren’t just another person. I will then introduce myself and let them

know a little about me and then go over what things will take place in physical education. For

example, they will report to the locker room first thing, get a locker and combination, and then

put their gym suit and tennis shoes in there. This is where they will be reporting each day to

dress out first thing and then they should report to the gym where they will need to start walking

around the outside of the basketball court until everyone is out there. Once everyone is out there,

they will have a warm-up they will need to complete, different each day and then go to the

middle of the gym, face me, and then wait for the instructions for the day’s activity/game/skill.

Once going over the important stuff, I want them to get out a sheet of paper and write down their

names, first and last, and then a fun fact about themselves. They will also be able to ask

questions they would like me to answer so they can get to know me as well.

Morgan Davis

Elementary/middle/high school health and physical education teacher


[email protected]

Dear Parent/Guardian,

My name is Morgan Davis and I so glad to have the opportunity to teach and learn from your

student(s) this year in health and physical education. I would love to hear for you if you have any

questions or comments at any time throughout the year. I want you to feel comfortable around

me and I would love to get to know where my students are coming from. I want to do anything I

can to help and better your child. I have attached my expectations, discipline plan, rules, and

philosophy statement if you would like to read about them.

Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or comments you may have. If you

have any concerns about what is going on in my classroom or how I deal with things, please let

me know. I would love to hear your opinions and see what I can do to make them better. I will

do my best to take them into account and change anything that may need some work.

I am so excited to get you know you and your child this year and I am so excited to have a very

successful and fun year!


Morgan Davis


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