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Claudia and QuentinFMS408 Make-up in MotionAnna FieldPlease remember that you can use hand written notes or note cards to present your pitch.1WHERE?WHY?I chose AHS Season 1 as it a more contemporary, creative aspect in Horror.Potential to go down a very artistic route when creating the characters as the series has a very broad range of characters initially.

Based in Los Angeles, CaliforniaDuring 2011Story line is based around a haunted house where the deceased still live as ghosts.

Remember the consideration of the setting when discussing what does gothic mean in Great Expectations well this still applies! The setting is still a major plot device for contemporary horror. And it doesnt have to be dark and gloomy to impose this watch Dexter to see what I mean!2Audience demographicsId say the target audience for AHS would be minimum age 16 maybe 18 - 40; Nudity, sex scenes, general horror.Appealing to this age range generally because it is very real. Topics are relatable; depression, infertility etc.Includes a variety of people. Disabilities, females, children, older peopleMain characters are 30+ - appeals to the older generation.

You have been given several sites to read as part of your understanding of demographics




3ClaudiaThe character of Violet (AHS) is a very good representation of (how I see) Claudia, attitude wise.My character will need to be quite contemporary depending on which way I look at it. E.g. The film she has decided to base herself on? What she actually looks like? What she sees herself as?Generally I want a quite artistic approach, something quite different and weird. But I like Violets attitude.

Save UsI see Claudia as being trapped in her own mind/imagination and she needs saving.I then looked into mental illness, concentrating on schizophrenia based on the word us and her imaginary friend.I wanted to see how other people portrayed it through the use of photography, here are some examples.

I see my character as being the main occupant of the Haunted House.Coming into contact with her mother and father very very rarelyOnly contact is with the neighbour Constance Langdon and her daughter, when her daughter goes into their house.

Claudia The way she sees herself (My interpretation).

Create an inspirational gothic horror moodboard for each character based on your key word

Begin to collect and organise images that reflect not only gothic horror references to your key word, but also ties in with your TV series. Gather primary visual evidence do not rely on the internet. We expect to see your own visual research through photography, drawing etc, plus references to the supernatural, urban myths, real horrific events (newspaper clippings etc),

You may wish to reference placesthat are similar to the ones used in the TV series. The board here shows different fair grounds, some of which are ones actually used in the show and others are similar.7QuentinQuentin is subject to Claudias imagination he is a made up Boyfriend that changes depending on her mood.Less significant than Claudia but is very similar to her in his interests etc. I would need to consider Claudias mood for his look and how this would affect his appearance. I want him to reflect the weird twisted side of Claudias imagination. But also somehow match how she is at that current point


For Quentin I chose the word Veiled as I see his true identity as being a mystery, something that is constantly covered a more metaphoric idea.I would like Quentin to be a constant in the series that dips in and out depending on the main character Claudia.

Quentin Similar to Claudia

My main concern is if I will be allowed to use the use of photography to portray my word Save Us / If I can physically do it. as my make up doesnt reflect my idea of looking into schizophrenia.

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