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Pharmaceutical Marketing Training Report on Cleanser+ 2013

1 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the

possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude to my Mentor Guide Dr.

Manish Vyas and special thanks to our class teacher Sachin Singh who helped a lot

in making the formulation and special thanks to all teachers who helped me a lot.

Whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me to

co-ordinate my project especially in writing this report.

Furthermore I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial

role of Training co-ordinator, who gave the permission to use all

required equipment and the necessary materials to complete the task “Cleanser+

Neem Face Wash

”.A special thanks goes to my team mate,

Ayodhya,Anmol,Sorbh, who help me to assemble the parts and gave suggestion

about the task “Cleanser+

Neem Face Wash”. Last but not least, many thanks go to

the head of the project, Dileep Baghel whose have invested his full effort in

guiding the team in achieving the goal. I have to appreciate the guidance given by

other supervisor as well as the panels especially in our project presentation that has

improved our presentation skills thanks to their comment and advices.

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Pharmaceutical Marketing Training Report on Cleanser+ 2013

2 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Abbreviation Table:-

l. Liter .

ml. Millilitre.

Fam. Family .

PS. Primary Standards.

TS. Transverse Section.

Lf. Leaf.


NY. New York.

x1. Expenditue of manufacturer.

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3 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Action Plan for Cleanser+


Sl. Work done Start date End date Requirments

1 Product Designing 25/5/12 26/5/12 Books, Internet, Journals

2 Literature Review 29/5/12 1/6/2012 Books, Internet, Journals


Market survey/

Purchase Ingredients 2/6/2012 2/6/2012 Raw Drug


Identification of

Ingredients 4/6/2012 5/6/2012

Drugs, furnace,Beakers, Conical flasks,

Alcohol, HCL, Distilled water

Hot plate, weighing balance, Oven

5 Production 6/6/2012 17/6/12 Herabal Drugs,Beakers, Conical flasks,

Heating mental,Propler,Mixer.

6 Packing & Labeling 18/6/12 19/6/12 Labels,Cutter,Scale

7 Marketing 20/6/12 22/6/12 -


Final submission of

Report 23/6/12 24/6/12 -

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4 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash


Ayurveda is the oldest system among all life sciences.

The Ayurvedic drugs are derived from the various natural sources like

Herbal,Mineral,Marine. Ayurvedic medicines are based on plants, animals extract

and minerals both in single ingredient drugs and compound formulations, however,

Ayurveda does not rule out any substances from being used as a potential source of

medicine. There are several formulations in Tropical use are Lepa, Taila, Ghrit, etc.

Because of the new types of drug delivery system are established in Ayurvedic

medicines/drugs are becoming popular day-by-day and demand for its usage is

increasing not only in the country but also worldwide the inherent quality of

Ayurvedic treatment of having minimal side effects, has made great potential for

its production. A large number of medicinal plants, herbs, shrubs etc. are available

in our country in the hilly/forest regions. In order to boost the production of

Ayurvedic/herbal drugs the new techniques of delivery system are Introduced such

as Face wash, Hand wash & sanitizers, Mouthwashes, Creams, ointments,

liniments, Gels, Emulsions, Jellys etc.

The plant neem is variously known as "Sacred Tree," "Heal all," "Nature's

Drugstore," "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases"

The medicinal properties of the Neem tree have been well known in India

for over 4,000 years. The healing properties of Neem are spoken about in some of

the world’s oldest books.

The Sanskrit word for Neem was “Nimba” Which Means “good health” The Vedas

called Neem “sarva roga nivarini” Which means “one that cure all the ailments and


Neem is perceived in India as a beauty aid. Powdered leaves are a major

component of at least one widely used facial cream. Purified neem oil is used in

making of Toiletries & cosmetics Products made from neem trees have been used

in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties: neem products are

believed to be anthelmintic, antifungal[11], Anti-diabetic,antibacterial,antiviral,

contraceptive. And sedative.It is considered a major component

in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine And is particularly prescribed for skin

disease.For the women, the Neem was the mainstay of the herbal beauty tradition.

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5 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

The Neem proved an invaluable source of health, hygiene and beauty that was

freely available.

Having a bath with Neem leaves kept their skin supple and healthy. Neem

leaf powder or crushed leaves incorporated into their face packs provided emollient

and anti-aging action. The antiseptic properties of Neem leaf extracts helped in

controlling pimples and acne.

Ancient face cleansing technique are bit complicated the consumer had to

buy the powder make the paste then apply it. The method of applying formulation

is difficult and incompatibility with requirement of the customers in Modern era

[1]Medicines in the form of a paste under for external application are called

lepas.The drug are made in to a fine powder .Before use on the body, it is mixed

with some liquid or other medium indicated in each preparation and made in to a

soft paste. Water, cow urine , oil and ghee are some of the media used for

mixing.[1] But as the mankind demand increases the specialty and quality depend

upon it ability of the product that how it easily the consumer should have the

interface to do a great and compatible outsource to have that facility and from

which the person will have a faster approach to the product. So, as to fasten the

speed with and greater compatibility the technology had developed. A cleanser is a

product used to cleanse something, such as a detergent or industrial cleaning agent.

A popular type of cleanser is a facial care product that is used to

remove make-up, dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other types of pollutants from the

skin of the face. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such

as acne. Many people use a cleanser once or more times a day as part of their skin

care regimen together with a toner and moisturizer.

Different types of cleansers have been developed for people with different

skin types. Active cleansers are more suitable for oily skins to prevent breakouts.

But they may overdry and irritate dry skin, this may make the skin appear and feel

worse. Very dry skin may require a creamy lotion-type cleanser. These are

normally too gentle to be effective on oily or even normal skin, but dry skin

requires much less cleansing power. It may be a good idea to select a cleanser that

is alcohol-free for use on dry, sensitive, or dehydrated skin. Some cleansers may

incorporate fragrance or essential oils. However, for some people, these cleansers

may irritate the skin and often provoke allergic responses. People with such

sensitivity should find cleansers that are pH-balanced cosmetic balanced contain

fewer irritants, suit many variation skin types, and do not make the skin feel

dehydrated directly after cleansing. Tight, uncomfortable skin is often dehydrated

and may appear shiny after cleansing, even when no sebum is present. This is due

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6 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

to the tightening and 'stripping' effect some cleaners can have on the skin. One

should discontinue use of a cleanser that upsets the balance of the skin; cleansers

should work with the skin not against it. Finding the right cleanser can involve

some trial-and-error. [2]Dirt on the skin may consist of Residues of the skin

secretion as well as deposits from the surrounding, the dirt is bound by oily

substances, is very adherent and required special method of removal. Washing with

water is not adequate since the grime is generally oil bound.[2]

Marketed Formulation of Face wash.

- Himalaya Neem Face wash.

- Vedicline Face Wash.

- Lotus Herbals Cleansers Face Wash.

- Khadi Neem Herbal Face Wash.

- Ayur Neem Face Wash

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Section 1 - Review of literature (Ayurvedic & Modern View).

Ayurvedic Review.

The medicine intended for external use only. For that purpose in ayurveda

different form of external application are described for the contingency of

treatment of different diseases. They are Lepa kalpana. As per Ayurveda in

sarangadhar samhita the facial lepa is being described Medicines in the form of a

paste under for external application is called lepas. The drug are made in to a fine

powder .Before use on the body, it is mixed with some liquid or other medium

indicated in each preparation and made in to a soft paste. Water, cowurin, oil and

ghee are some of the media used for mixing. Wet medicine drug are made in to

kalka(Paste) from, it drug are in dry state, they are converted in to paste from

adding little amount of Water and grinding. That kalka is used for the external

application and applied in the face and after some time wash it.

Importance of Lepa kalpana: In Susruta Samhita, in the context of Vrana and

Sopha treatment alepa is given prime importance.

While explaining the efficacy of lepa it is mentioned that by pouring water,

over a burning house, how the fire get stopped immediately, same manner by

application of lepa provoked dosas of Vrana (Vedana, Sotha etc. complication of

Vrana) will get subsided.Lepa is having actions like sodhana utsadana,Ropana etc.

Acharya Sarangadhar concept regarding lepa Kalpana: on the basis of the

drug used for the preparation of lepa kalpana and their action Acharya

Sarangadhara has classified lepa kalpana like wise

Lepa kalpana is of three types, viz:

- Doshaghnalepa(anti-dosic)

- Visaghnalepa(anti-poisonous)

- Varnya Mukta Lepa (Cosmetic application over the face to improve colour

and complexion).

Many individuals of the Royal family became icons of beauty using this natural,

clay cleanser. The natural, herbal clay cleans and tightens the skin, removing dead

skin and smoothing wrinkles.

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8 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Modern Review.

A healthy skin is generally considered to be a clean and well kept skin. In

general, a good toilet soap and water is the best way of achieving this cleanliness.

A final rinse with clean, cold water is an excellent measure to promote circulation

and toning of the skin and it is the best way of achieving a facial cleanser is a

product used to cleanse something, such as a detergent or industrial cleaning agent.

A popular type of cleanser is a facial care product that is used to

remove make-up, dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other types of pollutants from the

skin of the face. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such

as acne. Many people use a cleanser once or more times a day as part of their skin

care regimen together with a toner and moisturizer.

Cleansers may incorporate fragrance or essential oils. However, for some

people, these cleansers may irritate the skin and often provoke allergic responses.

People with such sensitivity should find cleansers that are pH-balanced cosmetic

balanced, contain fewer irritants, suit many variating skin types, and do not make

the skin feel dehydrated directly after cleansing.

The regular use of the face wash can give a clean and clear pimple free oil

free face.

Drug Review:- Main Ingredient:- Neem

Nimba (Leaf) consists of dried leaf of Azadirachta indica A . Juss Syn. Melia azadirachta Linn. (Fam.

Meliaceae); a moderate sized to fairly large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 12-15 m with stout trunk

and spreading branches, occurring throughout the country up to an elevation of 900 m.


a)Macroscopic Leaves - Compound, alternate, rachis 15-25 cm long, 0.1 cm thick; leaflets with oblique

base, opposite, exstipulate, lanceolate, acute, serrate, 7-8.5 cm long and 1.0-1.7 cm wide, slightly

yellowish-green; odour, indistinct; taste, bitter

b) Microscopic Leaf- Midrib -leaflet through midrib shows a biconvex outline; epidermis on either side

covered externally with thick cuticle; below epidermis 4-5 layered collenchyma present; stele composed

of one crescent-shaped vascular bundle towards lower and two to three smaller bundle towards upper

surface; rest of tissues composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells having secretory cells and rosette

crystals of calcium oxalate; phloem surrounded by non-lignified fibre strand; crystals also present in

phloem region. Lamina - shows dorsiventral structure; epidermis on either surface, composed of thin

walled, tangentially elongated cells, covered externally with thick cuticle; anomocytic stomata present on

lower surface only; palisade single layered; spongy parenchyma composed of 5-6 layered, thin-walled

cells, traversed by a number of veins; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in a few cells; palisade

ratio 3.0-4.5; stomatal Index 13.0-14.5 on lower surface and 8.0-11.5 on upper surface. Powder - Green;

shows vessels, fibres, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, fragments of spongy and palisade parenchyma.

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9 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Section -2. Production details - Material and Method


Ref: -[7]

Guardian Laboratories. NY [7]

Material required:-

Sl. Ing Qnty Activity

1 Neem Extract 60 %


200 ml Alcohol Soluble nimbin

compound .

2 Neem Extract Aqueous 500 ml Anti bacterial,Anti


3 Glycerin 1.5 liter. Thickening Agent &


4 SLS 240 gm Surfactant.

5 EDTA 4gm Anti-oxidant &


6 Methyl Paraben 10gm Preservative.

7 Boric Acid


10 gm Anti- Acne.

8 Salicilic acid. 2 gm Anti-Fungal.

9 Sodium Chloride 20 gm Thickener enhancer

10 CMC 24 gm Thickener.

11 Strawberry


60 ml Fragrance.

12 Mint


30 ml Fragrance.

13 Rose


20 ml Fragrance.

14 Colour(Pink & Green) 0.07 gm Colouring Agent.

15 Distilled Water Make up to


Make up Volume.

Total 3000 ml -

Bottle 60 x Quantity 50 ML= Total - 3000 ml

Equipment required:-

10 liter Plastic Container, 1000, 500,100ml 50,ml Beakers 2 Piece each, Measuring

Cylinder 1000,100,

50,10,Propler, Mixi, Weighing balance, Distillation Assembly,

Porcelain, Filteration Assembly, Filter Paper, Heating Mental

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Method of preparation :- ( Step wise)

1. Neem Aqueous & 60 % Alcoholic extract is made put in a side and rap it

with foil to avoid contamination.

2. Put the glycerin in the 10 liter container and mix it with the help of Propler.

3. Side by side 24gm of CMC is mixed in extra water and mix it with the help

of mixi.

4. Then after mixing of that CMC put it in the Container and maintained the

consistency and left some for after mixing.

5. After wards add the ingredient 1&2 then extract of neem is added to the


6. Then 4 to 6 all ingredients and dissolve in appropriate water and heated it

and after proper dissolvesation and filter it.

7. Add SLS and mix it for 30 min by the help of propler. Don’t rotate the

propler speed to the extreme make it medium

8. Add all the Organoleptic Ingredient no 11-14.

9. Mix the whole formulation for 30 min and mix the makeup volume

10. Then the reaming CMC is added according to how much viscosity you want.

11. Mix properly to make a stable formulation.

12. Fill it in the bottle Label it properly and dispense it.


1. Proper attention should be taken in Extraction. Check the water flow time to

time. 2. Mixing should be at slow speed.

3. Organoleptics ingredient are been added should be added during mixing.

4. Mixing should be done for 30 min.

5. Container in which we make the formulation should be plastics or glass

container. No metal container is used.

6. Always use Distilled water.

7. pH should be maintained 5.5.

8. Viscosity should not be high. If happen it will stick to the bottle.

9. Sodium Chloride should be added slowly.

10. Colour should be mixed in liquid media.

11. Container should be cleaned properly.

12. Special care on filing of the bottle because of the slippery nature of the


13. Label should be properly fixed in the bottle.

14. CMC should not be heated.

15. Filtration should be done properly.

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11 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Product details:-

Cleanser + Neem Face Wash

Description: Cleanser+

specially formulated to give you clear, problem free skin,

daily use face wash liquid gel that cleanses your skin by removing excess oil and

impurities without over-drying. Neem, well-known for its purifying and

antibacterial properties, kills problem-causing bacteria. It helps control acne and

pimples leaving your skin soft, clear, refreshed and problem-free.


Clears skin, prevents pimples

Use Directions:

Moisten face, apply a small quantity of Cleanser+ and gently work up lather with a

circular motion. Wash off and pat dry.

Typical Properties:

Form : Viscous liquid gel

Colour: Green & Reddish Pink

Clarity: Clear

PH (at 20 to 25oC) : 6

% Methyl Paraben: 0.12

Tested: It is not irritating to the skin, and is not a sensitizer. A summary of safety

tests performed using Cleanser+ (See Annexure 2 - Safety data sheet)

Derivation: We do not use animal derived ingredients in the manufacture of

Cleanser + All raw materials used in Cleanser

+ are of Herbal vegetable origin drugs,

Mineral origin and synthetic.

Storage and Handling: Cleanser+

is very slippery and appropriate care should be

taken during handling. Avoid contact with strong acids, alkalis or oxidizing

agents. Avoid exposure to x-rays. Avoid excess expose to more sunlight.

Labeling: Cleanser+

is clearly explained that the product is used for external use

only and how to use it and some other information like store in cool and dry place.

Packing: Cleanser+

is Packed in 50 ml Plastic container.

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12 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Label of Neem Face Wash Label of Neem Face wash in Strawberry Fragrance.

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13 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Section -3 -Promotional details – Marketing:

According to market survey the global market for cosmetics and toiletries reached

nearly $150 billion in 2004, increase by more then 4 percent 2003, which highlight

major growth in key developing market.

The herbal market has been boosted by increasing demand for natural alternative

medicines; world demand for herbal product has been growing at the rate of 10% -

15% per annum. The medicinal plant related trade in india alone is approximately

Rs.5.5 billion. World health organization (WHO) has forcasted that the global

market for herbal product would be worth $5 trillion by the year 2050.Global sales

of herbal product are expected to reach $26.2 billion dollars in 2007. Europe and

the united states are the two major herbal product markets in the world, with a

market share of 41 percant and 20 percent respectively.

According to world bank the global market of medicinal plant and their products

includes the potential sectors of Pharmaceuticals, Neutraceutical, Cosmeceuticals

to be estimated of worth US$62 billion, offers a plethora of opportunities for the

Indian pharma and cosmetics companies.

Today a new hot topic in the cosmetic industry is ‘cosmeceuticals’, which is the

fastest growing segment of the natural personal care industry. Cosmeceuticals are

topical cosmetic pharmaceutical hybrids intended to enhance the beauty through

ingredients that provide additional health-related function or benefit. They are

applied topically as cosmetics, but contain ingredients that influence the skin’s

biological function.

These Cosmeceuticals, serving as a bridge between personal care products and

pharmaceuticals, have been developed specifically for their medicinal and

cosmetic benefits. Tracing the origin of cosmetics, the first recorded use of

cosmetics is attributed to Egyptians, circa 4000 BC. The ancient Sumerians,

Babylonians, and Hebrews also applied cosmetics.

Promotion - Push & Pull Strategies.

"Push or Pull"?

Marketing theory distinguishes between two main kinds of promotional strategy -

"push" and "pull".


A “push” promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade

promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product.

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14 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

The producer promotes the product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote it to

retailers, and the retailers promote it to consumers.

A "push" strategy tries to sell directly to the consumer, bypassing other distribution

channels. With this type of strategy, consumer promotions and advertising are the

most likely promotional tools.

Pull ( Our stagey )

A “pull” selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and

consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product.

If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the

retailers will ask the wholesalers, and the wholesalers will ask the producers.

We apply Pull strategy. By 20 % OFF Promotional strategy.

Sales promotion relates to short term incentives or activities that encourage the

purchase or sale of a product or service. Sales promotions initiatives are often

referred to as “below the line” activities.

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SECTION 4 Report & Result:-

Ingredient Report:-

Neem Sample

Test Topic Value

Foreign matter 1%

Total Ash 9%

Acid-insoluble ash 0.5%

Alcohol-soluble extractive 24%

Water-soluble extractive 22.4%

Report on Finished formulation.

Appearance: Clear, Green & reddish pink, viscous liquid gel

Odor: 1.Mint 2.Strawberry

pH: 5.0-5.5

Melting Point: < 0°C

Boiling Point: > 100°C

Evaporation Rate: Less than water

Flammability: Not flammable

Solubility: Water soluble: Complete

Stability studies (As per Physical Pharmacy by S.P.Agarwal)



Storage Temperature

in (OC)

pH Viscosity Formulation

1 30o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

2 40o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

3 50o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

Result:- Cleanser+

Neem face wash was standardization of the herbal drugs the

formulation is made which is ready for cosmoceutical use it is of good quality

Product and it found and tested in healthy human and apply but no irritation is

found. As it is a stable formulation upon study many research study says that neem

pharmacological activity.

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Cosmoceutical sectors as the herbal cosmetic products are growing day by day so

with Conceptual model represent the formulation. But the main focus is to

consume the market trend in the cosmetics that’s from Cleanser+ Neem face wash

is a haptic Formulation to extrapolate the model and range of it more over

products are available in market but the trend says Compatibility. As INDIA is a

country of fashion and Tradional culture. So we combine both the things fashion

with tradional knowledge for healthy wellbeing and make the formulation and

grow able to come in completion with the beauty products as neem is known as the

good for skin disorder in Ayurveda. We formulate and standardize as per the

possible criteria and condition and marketed as the push marketing strategy. And

the sale of the Cleanser+

Neem face Wash .And made a new advance drug delivery

system which is compatible to the modern era.


The conclusion summarizes the major inferences that can be drawn from the

information presented in the report. It concludes our effort that had been darned in

the formulation to engage with the project and after the formulation of the


. And we know the formulation well how to formulation how to stable it

and various consequences that effect also but we tackle it and made a stable

formulation. And after the formulation in the sales we manage it well manner and

Complete sales of the product and got a good response. And the sales success it the

Proper Marketing and advertising tricks the attract the customers by using the

pamphlets we attract the customer and after the sales the main response in the

Female category and sales in the young age people. And after the effort we get its

color in Positive signs of sales. So, If anyone interested in this project it is really

profitable and knowledge gaining project.

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Annexure 1.(Analysis of Raw drugs and finished products ,Costing,Sales etc )

Analysis of Raw drugs.


Nimba (Leaf) consists of dried leaf of Azadirachta indica A . Juss Syn. Melia

azadirachta Linn. (Fam. Meliaceae); a moderate sized to fairly large evergreen

tree, attaining a height of 12-15 m with stout trunk and spreading branches,

occurring throughout the country up to an elevation of 900 m.


a) Macroscopic Leaves - Compound, alternate, rachis 15-25 cm long, 0.1 cm

thick; leaflets with oblique base, opposite, exstipulate, lanceolate, acute,

serrate, 7-8.5 cm long and 1.0-1.7 cm wide, slightly yellowish-green; odour,

indistinct; taste, bitter

Constants Features

Shape - Oblique, lanceolate.

Size - 3.9-5.1 cm in length and 1-1.4 cm in wide

Colour - Fresh leaves are green and in the dry state green to light brown

Base - Symmetric.

Margin - Serrate.

Apex - Acuminate.

Venation - Pinnate type.

Orientation - Dorsiventral.

Texture - Thin papery.

Taste - Bitter.

Odour - Unpleasent.

b) Microscopic Leaf- Midrib -leaflet through midrib shows a biconvex outline;

epidermis on either side covered externally with thick cuticle; below epidermis 4-5

layered collenchyma present; stele composed of one crescent-shaped vascular

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bundle towards lower and two to three smaller bundle towards upper surface; rest

of tissues composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells having secretory cells

and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate; phloem surrounded by non-lignified fibre

strand; crystals also present in phloem region.

Lamina - shows dorsiventral structure; epidermis on either surface, composed of

thin walled, tangentially elongated cells, covered externally with thick cuticle;

anomocytic stomata present on lower surface only; palisade single layered; spongy

parenchyma composed of 5-6 layered, thin-walled cells, traversed by a number of

veins; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in a few cells; palisade ratio 3.0-

4.5; stomatal index 13.0-14.5 on lower surface and 8.0-11.5 on upper surface.

Powder - Green; shows vessels, fibres, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate,

fragments of spongy and palisade parenchyma.

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Quality Testing of Raw or Crude drugs.:-

- Raw Material Quality Testing

- Finished Product Quality Testing

Raw Material Quality Testing:-

1. Foreign matter determination

2. Total Ash

3. Acid insoluble ash

4. Alcohol soluble extractive

5. Water-soluble extractive

1. Foreign matter determination:-

Foreign matter is material consisting of any of the following –

(1) Matter coming from the source plant but not defined as original sample

(2) Matter not coming from the source plant.

(3) Matter of mineral origin such as sand, stone, soil, dust, etc.

Method and Procedure –

(1) Weigh 100–500 g of sample and spread in a thin layer. Sort the foreign matter

into groups either

by visual inspection, using a magnifying lens (5–10 x), or with the help of a

suitable sieve.

(2) Weigh each group of foreign matter separately, and calculate the percentage of

foreign matter in the

weight of sample.

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2. Total Ash determination procedure:-

Incinerate about 2 to 3 g accurately weighed, of the ground drug in a tared

platinum or silica dish at a temperature not exceeding 4500 until free from carbon,

cool and weigh. If a carbon free ash cannot be obtained in this way, exhaust the

charred mass with hot water, collect the residue on an ashless filter paper,

incinerate the residue and filter paper, add the filtrate, evaporate to dryness, and

ignite at a temperature not exceeding 4500. Calculate the percentage of ash with

reference to the air-dried drug.

3. Acid-insoluble ash determination procedure:-

To the crucible containing total ash, add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. Collect

the insoluble matter on an ashless filter paper (Whatman 41) and wash with hot

water until the filtrate is neutral. Transfer the filter paper containing the insoluble

matter to the original crucible, dry on a hot-plate and ignite to constant weight.

Allow the residue to cool in a suitable desiccator for 30 minutes and weigh without

delay. Calculate the content of acid-insoluble ash with reference to the air-dried


4. Determination of Alcohol Soluble Extractive:-

Macerate 5 g of the air dried drug, coarsely powdered, with 100 ml of alcohol the

specified strength in a closed flask for twenty-four hours, shaking frequently

during six hours and allowing standing for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly, taking

precautions against loss of solvent, evaporate 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a

tarred flat bottomed shallow dish, and dry at 105°C, to constant weight and weigh.

Calculate the percentage of alcohol-soluble extractive with reference to the air-

dried drug. For determination of methanol soluble extractive use methanol on place

of alcohol.

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5. Determination of Water Soluble Extractive:

Macerate 5 g of the air dried drug, coarsely powdered, with 100 ml of Water the

specified strength in a closed flask for twenty-four hours, shaking frequently

during six hours and allowing to stand for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly, taking

precautions against loss of solvent, evaporate 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a

tared flat bottomed shallow dish, and dry at 1050, to constant weight and weigh.

Calculate the percentage of Water-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried



Foreign matter Not more than 2

Neem sample

The total amount of drug sample - 100gm

Total amount of foreign matter - 1gm

% of foreign matter - Given amount X 100

Total amount

- 1/100 X 100 = 1

% of foreign matter - 1%

(In API mention foreign matter not more than 2% in Neem.)

Total Ash Not more than 10

Empty Crucible weight (W) - 24.44gm

Sample weight - 2gm

Weight of Crucible with sample (W1) - 26.44gm

Then make ash with the help of furnace at 450* temperature.

Weight of Crucible with sample after making ash (W2) - 24.62gm

Weight of ash of drug - 0.18gm

% of total ash = Wt of Ash/wt of sample X 100

0.18/2 X 100 = 9%

% of total ash = 9%

(In API mention total ash not more than 10% in Neem.)

Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1

Weight of Ash - 0.02gm

Weight of ash of filter paper - 0.01gm

% of Acid insoluble ash = Weight of ash - Weight of ash of filter paper/2 X 100

% of Acid insoluble ash = 0.5%

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(In API mention Acid-insoluble extractive value not less then 1% of Neem)

Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 13

Weight of sample (W) - 5 gm

Weight of empty crucible (W1) - 57.25gm

Weight of Crucible with sample (W3) - 62.25gm

Weight of residue (W4) - 0.30gm

% of Acid soluble extractive = 0.30x100x100/5x25

= 24%

% of Acid soluble extractive = 24%

(In API mention Alcohol-soluble extractive value not less then 13% of Neem)

Water-soluble extractive Not less than 19

Weight of sample (W) - 5 gm

Weight of empty crucible (W1) - 55.56gm

Weight of Crucible with sample (W3) - 56.28gm

Weight of residue (W4) - 0.28gm

% of Water soluble extractive = 100 (W4 / W X Volume make up/Taken)

=0.28x100x100/5x25= 22.4%

% of Water soluble extractive = 22.4 %

(In API mention total ash not less then 19% of Neem)

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Analysis and Evaluation of Finished formulation.

Properly evaluating of face wash products ranges from personal testing to

understanding terms found on product containers and labels. In addition to making

your own informed decisions, dermatologists can recommend various products

specific to your skin care condition.

Appearance: Clear, Green & reddish pink, viscous liquid gel

Odor: 1.Mint 2.Strawberry

pH: 5.5-6

Melting Point: < 0°C

Boiling Point: > 100°C

Evaporation Rate: Less than water

Solubility: Water soluble: Complete

Irritancy test: Mark an area (1sq.cm) on the left hand dorsal surface. The Cleanser

+ was applied

to the specified area and time was noted. Irritancy, erythematic, edema, was

checked if any for regular intervals up to 6 hrs and reported.

Result:- Non Irritant tested in 2 healthy person

Stability studies:

The prepared formulation was filled.

Stability Study for 7 days at 20o 30

o 40

o (After extrapolated stability study stable

up to 6 months.)

Sl.no Storage Temperature

in (OC)

pH Viscosity Formulation

1 30o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

2 40o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

3 50o 5.5 Standard viscous Stable.

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Total Manufacturing Cost

Sl.no Title Price .(Rs/-)

1 Herbal Ingredient 240

2 Chemical Ing. 650

3 Organoleptic Ing. 80

3 Cointainer 330

4 Label 140

5 Traveling expn 100

6 Electricity 40

7 Advertising




- Total 1680

Whole expenditure of manufacturer.

28 x 60 =1680

(x1) Per bottle expenditure of manufacturer – 1680/60 = 28

Formula of Making Market price per bottle = Expenditure of manufacturer x 2.5


Calculation of market price per bottle:-

28 (x1) x 2.5 %=+ - Rs 40 ( Actually 39.2 but round up )

Therefore, Marketed price for per bottle is Rs.40

40 x 60 = 2400 Total return to manufacturer

Total Sales of bottle 55 bottle.

Total Sales (Rs)40 x 55(Bottle) = 2200

Profit of Rs.520

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26 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash


Sales report of the Cleanser+


Sales According to Sex.

The most of the consumer are of female category.

Sales According to Age Group.








20-06-2013 21-06-2013 22-06-2013












Male Female








Below 25 25-30 31-onwards

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27 Balaji Panigrahi, Registration No. 11101057, Report on Cleanser + Face Wash

Annexure - 2 Safety Data Sheet


Product Identifier: Cleanser+

Face Wash

Recommended Use: Cosmetic / Personal Care

Manufacturer Details: Balaji Panigrahi, Lovely school of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, L.F.A.M.S,

LPU, Punjab

Emergency Phone Number: 08437174022


NONE No Hazard Class


First Aid Measures (Skin): Wash affected area with copious amount of water. Seek medical attention if

symptoms persist.

First Aid Measures (Eyes): Flush with water for 15-20 minutes. Seek medical attention.

First Aid Measures (Ingestion): No expected adverse affects. Seek medical attention

First Aid Measures (Inhalation): Move victim to fresh air. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.


Suitable Extinguishing Media

Class "A" (water) fire extinguisher

Class "B" (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher

Class "C" (dry chemical) fire extinguisher

Combustion Products



Fire Fighter PPE: Wear self contained breathing apparatus for firefighting as necessary.


Handling Precautions: Slippery

Conditions For Safe Storage: Store in cool and dry place

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Appearance: Clear, Green & reddish pink, viscous liquid gel

Odor: Mint & Strawberry

pH: 5.5 to 6

Melting Point: < 0°C Boiling Point: > 100°C

Evaporation Rate: Less than water

Flammability: Not flammable

Solubility: Water soluble: Complete


Reactivity: Non-reactive

Chemical Stability: Stability Study for 15 days at 20o 30

o 40

o (After extrapolated stability study stable

upto 6 months.)

Hazardous Reactions: Hazardous polymerization will not occur

Conditions To Avoid: Extreme temperatures

Incompatibility: Strong oxidizers, salts, strong acids or bases

Hazardous Decomposition Products: CO, CO2


Likely Routes of Exposure: Skin.

Symptoms Of Exposure: None known.

Toxicological Effects: Non-toxic and Non-irritating.


Disposal procedure:- Blue dustbin.


Revision Date: 18 June 2013 Prepared By: Balaji Panigrahi

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1. Page no.649 Ocean of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics by: Dr.K.Rama Chandra Reddy

First edition 2007 Publisher: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan,Varanasi .

2. Page no.257 Cosmetics Technology by Sanju Nanda, Arun Nanda, and Roop

K.Khar First edition 2006-2007 Publisher: Birla publication Pvt. Ltd.

3. Page.240 Sarangadhara Samhita (A Theasise on Ayurveda) by

Prof.K.R.Srikanta Murthy Reprint Edition:2010 Publisher: Chaukhamba


4. Page no.131 Volume 2 API –Ayurvedic Pharmacopiea of India.Govt. of India.



6. Page no 67. Hand Book on Cosmetic Science and Technology by Marc paye Second edition.

7. Guardian laboratories. http://www.u-



8. Chapter 6 - Extration technology for medicinal plants and Aromatics Plants by-

Sukhdev Swami Handa (International Centre For science and high technology.)

9. http://scholarsresearchlibrary.com/dpl-vol5-iss1/DPL-2013-5-1-83-88.pdf

10. Page no 2524 and 2525 IP (Indian Pharmacopeia ) Volume 3 .IN

11. https://www.specialchem4cosmetics.com/formulations/selector/formulation.


12. Phytoparasitica, Apr-Jun;21(2):98-101.

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