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Page 1: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.


We hugely value our client success stories, and so

wanted to share them with you.


Page 2: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

There is only one solution to a

business problem:


Coaching isn’t a new thing.

Some 8,000 years ago, within the walls of Babylon,

Arkad, a lowly scribe, took advice from a rich man

to take 10% of everything he earned and keep it for

himself. The rich man went on to give Arkad seven

further tips on how to amass wealth.

Thankfully Arkad kept a record of these tips on

several clay tablets, the internet of Babylonian

times, for our reference.

Arkad went on to become the Richest Man in Babylon

and was invited by the Babylonian Government to

teach the top 50 teachers in Babylon on how to build

wealth, so they could teach more people.

The secret? Wealth didn’t come from earning more

money, but in learning how to manage their money


The people of Babylon had found their coach.

2,500 years ago, the problems of the modern world

were being discussed by the greatest thinkers and

founders of western philosophy.

The best of those philosophers weren’t the ones

providing the solutions to those problems.

No! They were ones who probed the problem.

Page 3: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

Plato noted a conversation between Socrates and his

student Meno:

Socrates: Well, does anybody want to be unhappy and


Meno: I suppose not.

Socrates: Then if not, nobody desires what is evil,

for what else is unhappiness, but desiring evil

things and getting them?

Meno: It looks as if you’re right, Socrates.

Socrates invited Meno to go even deeper into his

conscious mind to find a solution inside himself.

Meno found his coach.

Woodrow Wilson turned to a young man for advice

during World War 1. The trusted adviser had

previously founded the George Washington School of


The principles of success and self-confidence were

taught in this school. So much so, that Woodrow

Wilson’s adviser sold $100,000 of shares in the

school which later led to his adviser’s arrest…the

school’s assets were valued at just $1,200.

That man was Napoleon Hill, credited with writing

Think and Grow Rich in 1937. What many don’t know is

that it was Hill’s then wife, Rosa Lee Beeland, who

wrote most of the content in the book.

Either way, 20 million or so people who have since

purchased a copy of Think and Grow Rich.

20 million people found their coach.

Page 4: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

Self-help and motivational gurus are now ten-a-

penny. Profiting off the back of Think and Grow

Rich, regurgitating the models and tools of others.

But they’re missing one key attribute.

Combining the tools of modern business thinking with

the art of asking the thought provoking questions of


This is the true skill required to ensure internal

growth in self and external growth in business.

It enabled Napoleon Hill to turn $1,200 of assets

into $100,000 of investment.

Whist totally illegal, yes, I certainly wouldn’t

condone anything illegal, it does demonstrate the

power of being fearless in business.

Tiger Woods enlisted the help of a swing coach,

personal trainer, nutritionist, sleep coach and a

mindset coach.

Tiger didn’t need just ONE coach, but he found FIVE

coaches to help him win 14 Major Championships

between 1997 and 2008.

Is it any wonder he flopped after sacking his entire

team in 2008 and has struggled to be competitive in

ANY tournament since?

In 2003 British Cycling turned to Sir Dave

Brailsford to inject some extra performance into

British Cycling.

Brailsford is credited with championing a philosophy

of 'marginal gains' at British Cycling.

Page 5: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

The whole principle came from the idea that if you

broke down everything you could think of that goes

into riding a bike, and then improved it by 1%, you

will get a significant increase when you put them

all together.

Until Team Sky and Sir Dave Brailsford came along,

no British rider had ever won the Tour de France.

Winning a total 8 Olympic Gold Medals and 59 World

Championships under Brailsford’s direction between

2003 and 2018. With Chris Froome, Sir Bradley

Wiggins and Geraint Thomas winning 8 Grand Tours

between them.

Both the British Cycling and Sky Cycling Teams have

found THEIR coach.

Fast forward to now…

• When the owners of a local web design company

were struggling to achieve £1,000 per month

turnover, they turned to the advice of [fill in

the blank here] and failed to grow. Then, they

chose one coach, who helped them to productise

their service, grow in confidence around

pricing and build multiple streams of recurring

revenue £2k/mth after 3 months, £3k/mth after 8

months and £4k/mth after 15 months. They found

their coach!

• The owners of a £2.14m turnover accountancy

firm had sought and failed to find a coach. The

coach’s simple brief: find a way to produce a

healthy profit from their 2,438 customers.

Page 6: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

During the first 15-minutes of their first

coaching session ensued synchronised face-

palming. What prompted this? A simple question,

“When was the last time you put your prices

up?” A subsequent decision to raise prices by

10% increased profits by 200% within 6 weeks

with a zero percent attrition of clients. They

found THE coach.

• A pet behaviourist was exhausted from

rehabilitation dog walks and working 12-20

hours per day. She turned to coaching to help

her tackle the overwhelm.

Within 6 months, she was earning more money

from working regular 8-hour days. She’d found

HER coach. Her success rate from implementing

the Customer Journey is almost 95% conversion

once she talks to people via her telephone

consultation. And in less than 12 months, her

turnover has increased by 325%.

• A local photographer was taking bookings for

low prices and working hard to increase the

organic search reach of his websites for little

return, he knew something had to change. The

hours weren’t accommodating enough time to fit

in his family commitments. He went to a local

seminar about business mindset and signed up

for a breakthrough session with the speaker.

The photographer has found HIS coach. Within 3

months, he created a fully portable business

Page 7: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

and could travel to visit family, while working

similar hours with 3X as much revenue.

• When an artist and poet wanted to balance

graphic design work with more time to spend on

his creative passions, he tried several coaches

to help him assess the next steps.

In less than three months he successfully

launched an office-premises service to create

the most imaginative work, transforming bland

walls with wall-sized art. With pieces selling

for 6X their original price. The artist had

found THE coach.

• Russ, a golf professional from North Wales was

struggling with students drifting in and out of

lessons which affected his income.

It transpired he had no products. Russ now has

5 clearly defined products, offers a 100% money

back guarantee on his products, and is charging

3x the going rate for lessons.

Russ found THE coach.

• A husband and wife bought a local garden shed

company 3 years ago. The average shed sold for

£450, took a day to build and created £100

profit per shed. They were exhausted, building

30 sheds per month.

Fast forward 9 months and 3 key decisions

later...they now sell Garden Studios for

Page 8: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Copyright © 2018 – Robin Waite Limited

£20,000 on average each, taking just 10 working

days to build and producing a £8,000 net profit

per studio. They have a 6 month waiting list.

They found THEIR coach.

• A 7-figure Medical Aesthetics company with 2

clinics wanted to leave a legacy and double

their turnover ASAP.

They were not far from reaching capacity in

their existing clinics. The only way to double

the turnover? Double the number of clinics.

Someone needed to give them confidence to open

the third clinic. That someone appeared when

they found THE coach speaking at a local

business event. The third clinic is now open

and thriving. The fourth clinic isn’t far


• A quietly spoken divorce specialist held a

secret dream to hit £10k a month. After she

found THE coach and got a leg up she has now

turned her little business into a Ltd company

and tripled her marketing budget. After hitting

£10k a month her new dream business will be

doing £15k - £20k.

Just in case you haven’t worked out who ‘THE COACH’

is in all the success facts above . . . it’s me,

Robin Waite – The Fearless Business Coach.

Page 9: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

“Working with Robin gave us courage to complete the re-brand; we wouldn’t have opened the third clinic without his support.

Because Robin has so much technical expertise in websites and online marketing, he helped us review how to merge the two sites to make sure our new one was fast, secure and stable. When I find an external supplier to work with, it’s reassuring to check their proposals with him. He is mathematical and well-read, demonstrating high credibility at a senior level, which is not easy to find in a small business coach.”

Stephen Thorns, MD Qutis Clinics

Husband and wife team, Marea and Stephen, run Qutis clinics with a passionate vision to help people look their natural best.

Qutis offers nurse-led treatments, solving clients’ skin and body image issues which affect their confidence when they look in the mirror. Their clients subtly go from looking worn out to healthy and well again, which improves their mental well-being. Qutis consultations are all with trained practitioners, building a safe relationship for clients to discuss their concerns.

Customer care comes first, but Managing Director Stephen Thorns knows it’s important to keep monitoring and improving the business operating model. His background, managing systems and processes in the corporate world, means Stephen has plenty of experience shaping and testing business ideas. They had decided to consolidate the brand because the clinics were operating under separate names, where Marea founded MBNS over 20 years ago.

But they’d had come through a difficult period, buying out a former business partner. They also trialled franchising, then found their clinics ran more effectively as managed operations with staff trained by Marea. Although opening a third clinic and merging the brands seemed a good strategy, they weren’t ready to tackle it alone.

Fearless Business journey

The business had reached a plateau with their turnover just shy of a million pounds when Robin was speaking at an event Stephen attended. Robin’s talk resonated with the phase Qutis was going through, so Stephen booked in for a follow-up consultation with Robin.

Stephen says, “I wasn’t looking for a business coach. But what Robin was saying in the presentation at our accountants made a lot of sense. When we first went to see him, it was about testing we were on the right course and finding suggestions to improve the business, to make it more simple or more profitable.”

Qutis Clinics


Page 10: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

To prepare them for expanding with the third clinic, Robin helped Stephen and Marea analyse their overall value proposition. Using Robin’s coaching model, they looked at the whole experience for new customers when they find Qutis and come in for their first consultation.

They identified gaps where conversations started with clients about lip fillers or skin treatments, but Qutis had nothing to offer if they didn’t book immediately.

Next, they reviewed pricing. It was a simple step to introduce direct debits to spread the cost for clients who were coming for repeat treatments. In the year of working with Robin, they’ve made a huge amount of progress on decisions to invest in marketing, new equipment and training for additional services, which led to their opening a third location in March 2018.

Impact from the coaching

With Robin’s help, Qutis merged their website and re-branded everything at the former MBNS clinic in Thame, keeping customers happy while they transitioned. For new clients, Qutis has improved their offers and marketing by shifting their strategy to give as much value upfront to patients. One example is branded gifts for customers – a luxury lip balm and an aromatherapy roll-on fragrance – to take away after their treatment to relax and revive them.

When reviewing their services, Robin helped Stephen and Marea realise how important facials are because it’s an easier first step for

customers who would like Botox or fillers but aren’t ready to commit to it. Their customers had been asking about medical facials, so Qutis introduced a 6-step HydraFacial process which is a powerful tool delivering results in one hourly sessions.

As a benefit to their business model, spreading the cost of repeat facial treatments has dramatically changed their cash flow. By introducing GoCardless and designing individual packages for customers, around 10% of revenue now comes in by monthly direct debit.

Their turnover since increased by 6% on an annual basis, due to progress made in the first six months of coaching.

They’ve invested in more equipment and treatment training for staff – the first was a specialist camera for skin consultations and the second was a Cool Sculpting machine, to branch out their services. The camera enables them to take photos of clients skin in different lights, enabling us to track ‘before’ and ‘after’ images so clients can truly see the difference from their treatments.

It was a huge achievement to open the third Qutis clinic in March 2018; and Stephen and Marea still managed to take their planned holiday. Having set a series of revenue benchmarks together, the third clinic has hit those targets every month since opening.

“We spend such an enormous part of our lives at work, it's important to us that Qutis is successful and provides employment where our staff feel valued too. Compared to where we were a few years ago, we each work four days a week with some evenings and Marea helps look after our grandchildren.

Our holidays are an important part of the balance; I like to feel like I’ve earned the holiday!”

Stephen Thorns, MD Qutis

“Robin helps you find a solution within yourself and provides confidence to follow through an idea. The coaching acts like a physical workout, where you can’t expect it to feel good and have an instant impact, but we’ve definitely seen the results from putting in the work with Robin.”

Marea Brennan-Thorns, Nurse Director, Qutis


Page 11: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

"It's hard to explain the Robin effect -

he's literally transformed our way of

thinking, and subsequently our

business. His knowledge, expertise

and experience is undeniable and I'd

recommend him 110% to any business

owner. He has helped us with every

aspect of our business and created

time for us as a family again.

We now have the confidence to say no

to potential clients that don't fit in with

our goals - for example clients asking

for a 24/7 support service, or working

on websites built on a CMS other than

WordPress which is our specialism.

Our monthly sessions give us the

advice and confidence we need to

keep moving our business forwards.”

Amy Coe, Service Director, Anorak Cat

Business coach helps creative web

business treble their turnover

Creative web design business, Anorak Cat, was

founded by Richard and Amy to help other

small businesses get online. From launch,

Anorak Cat offered logo design where needed,

website design, build and cost-price hosting

services. To attract customers via networking

and online Facebook groups, they kept prices

low, building up a portfolio of finished sites. That

soon led to plenty of interest, however, their

time and efforts weren’t well rewarded.

The founders didn’t have a clear strategy for

growing the business; they quoted for each

website and adapted their process every time.

Amy and Richard feared that business would dry

up if they charged more, even though Richard

was working hard all the time. They knew he

built professional Wordpress sites but felt

Anorak Cat couldn’t compete with larger web

design agencies. Amy was going on maternity

leave for the second time, so making Anorak

Fearless Business journey

After noticing Robin Waite's book, Online

Business Startup, in the Local Business Network

group, Richard ordered a copy to explore how it

would help Anorak Cat. At the initial consultation

with Robin, they re-visited their personal goals,

defining what they wanted to achieve with

Anorak Cat and their business strengths. After

the free hour, they signed up for monthly 1-to-1

business coaching, because they could see a

huge opportunity to drive further changes with

Robin’s support.

Each 1-to-1 coaching session focused on an

area of business strategy, raising Richard and

Amy’s awareness of product architecture, sales

preparation and operations. Robin used visual

models to explain the concepts, which helped

Richard and Amy see how they could transform

the business to support their family with a

steady income. Meeting monthly gives them

consistent support, yet makes them accountable

for driving through the changes.

Anorak Cat


Page 12: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Impact of the coaching

The first change was to get Anorak Cat’s

pricing sorted, and introduce packages where

they charged more. Richard says, “He gave

us the confidence to increase our prices and

charge what we’re worth.”

By applying Robin’s model for Goal Setting,

Richard and Amy realised that logo design fell

outside of the core process of launching

professional websites. They immediately

withdrew that service, saying no even to new

startups who needed a logo for their new


Robin helped Richard and Amy to review the

lifetime value of their customer relationships.

Existing customers have a great experience

with Anorak Cat, benefitting from proactive

and ad-hoc support from Richard as well as

basic hosting.

When analysing the amount of follow-up time,

Anorak Cat realised they could adjust their

services to achieve higher Customer Lifetime

Value by keeping websites up to date and

secure for their happy customers. This led to

another product change: the launch of

properly priced hosting and support packages,

based on the size of the client’s business and

their website maintenance needs.

As great customer service sits at the heart of

Anorak Cat’s business, Robin has advised

Richard and Amy in their subsequent monthly

coaching sessions on how to streamline their

business processes.

The recommendation to create a Default Diary

has improved their weekly time management. It

enables them to spend more time focusing on

looking after clients, developing the business

and starting conversations with potential new

clients. Anorak Cat now systematically tracks

their job progress and sends every client a

monthly website report.

This summary outlines website performance

and any maintenance work Richard has done.

Where work exceeds the agreed time, Anorak

Cat can easily charge for it separately or

transfer the customer onto a more suitable

support package.

In the seven months of working with Robin,

Anorak Cat has doubled the number of clients

they serve and trebled their monthly turnover. In

addition to their 1-to-1 sessions, Amy and

Richard have participated in Robin’s ‘7 Day

Fearless Pricing challenge.’

This intense business analysis exercise inspired

Richard and Amy to re-visit their potential

income and pricing packages. Under Robin’s

guidance, Anorak Cat operates with consistent

processes and delivers outstanding customer

aftercare, creating a strong foundation for

recurring revenue.

“Robin makes a point of being available

for us all the time to answer any

questions or help us in between

sessions. Having a coach has removed

the anxiety from running our business,

it’s made it much more exciting and

given us the motivation to push our

business forwards and get better.”

Richard Coe, Managing Director, Anorak



Page 13: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Startup agency, Lean Content, scales for

growth after navigating startup overwhelm

Jo Duncan launched her content marketing

agency in 2018 after publishing her first book,

Lean Content.

Three months in, she found herself struggling to

keep all the plates spinning. She wanted to keep

communications with clients clear – in line with

her core values of making content marketing

simple and straight-talking.

Her efforts to bring on board new clients were

working with the book to send out to new

contacts. But the overwhelm of starting up a

business left her feeling she wasn’t managing

the flow of communications and work effectively.

Finding a business coach was not on her

agenda. She had been to a few sessions with a

business coach, but after meeting Robin and

reading his book, Take Your Shot, she decided

to go for an initial consultation. Given the

potential investment, it led to her scoping out

another business coach to compare three

different coaches.

She says, “Robin was the most expensive. But

the themes in his book truly resonated with me.

And then I got so much value from the initial

consultation, he gave me so many ideas to

improve on what I was doing. It really gave me a

chance to step back from the business and work

through what I needed next. I signed up to work

with him for three months.”

Fearless Business journey

Although the Fearless Business programme

was available to her, Jo appreciated how

Robin took a very pragmatic approach. He

tailored each coaching session to her specific


Like many owner-directors, Jo’s greatest

challenge was making decisions on where to

apply her focus and time.

In four intensive 1-to-1 coaching sessions, Jo

brought her most pressing business concerns

up for review. Based on his extensive

experience in marketing and agency life, Robin

offered Jo a series of strategies to solve those

challenges. Robin’s suggestions included a

focus on conversations, based on the 70-10-2

lead generation model and automation tools to

support her.

Lean Content


“Robin is a good bet for any business

startup who needs advice and practical

strategies to decide what to do next and

how to grow.

In those early stages, it feels like the

stakes are very high. Robin helped me

connect the dots and make decisions

faster, which made me feel much less

vulnerable. His approach is warm and

friendly but be ready: he talks fast and

covers a huge amount in the time.”

Jo Duncan, Founder, Lean Content

Page 14: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

These included a default diary and an online

initial enquiry form. Together they worked on

how to get the most from her CRM system.

Armed with greater knowledge, Jo mapped

out her ideal customer journey and turned it

into a formal process. In between coaching

sessions, Jo went away to integrate the

software for her business.

“Every session gave enormous value. I wrote

down all the ideas Robin gave me and

implemented them. It was painful to learn the

software and build in the changes. But if you

want better outcomes, you have to push

outside your comfort zone – no excuses.”

Increased revenue and

foundations for business


In three months, Robin helped Jo build a lead

generation system to develop conversations

on LinkedIn and save time by building a

systems architecture ready to scale the

business. She soon reached her target

revenue agreed as a goal at the outset of the

sessions and grew it exponentially into a

steady turnover.


“Robin’s style of looking at the issues and

helping me as the business owner decide

whether to keep going or stop an activity was

perfect for me. He helped me enormously to

prioritise and make decisions on where to

spend time and money.

And it’s had a knock-on effect for my

conversations with potential suppliers. I have

better conversations with them, to consider

the value of what they’re offering me.

That’s the real difference when you’re clear

about the value within your own business

and what you need to enhance it.”

Jo Duncan, Founder, Lean Content

Headline results of her work with Robin were:

• Standardised the Lean Content services

and created sales pipeline within 6 weeks

• Doubled the number of enquiries within 3


• Doubled the business turnover within 3


Improving the systems means Jo can deliver

greater value for clients, focus better every

day and get more done. Since completing the

coaching, her strategy is clear; successfully

marketing her book, speaking at events and

winning new clients, while managing the

copywriting workflow efficiently.

Robin was delighted to see how quickly Jo

implemented the strategies discussed in each

coaching session.

Page 15: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

Re-engineering Social Paws as a lifestyle

business for animal behaviourist, Helen


Animal enthusiast, Helen Motteram BSc,

launched Social Paws in 2012 after studying

Animal Behaviour and Welfare, and working at

Cheltenham’s Animal Shelter and a local vets


Her goal is to make a difference in animal

welfare, to rehabilitate anxious, nervous or

rescue dogs and support their owners.

Her passion for looking after animals led her to

offer a wide range of services, walking dogs, re-

training pets with behavioural problems and

even pet-sitting overnight to aid an animal’s


She developed a fantastic reputation, working

with hundreds of pet owners in Cheltenham and

around Gloucestershire.

However, her working hours seeped into her

family life, spending 12-hour days walking dogs

and training with pet owners, and evenings

catching up on business administration, sales

and marketing.

In spite of continuously growing Social Paws,

exhaustion began to affect her confidence. On

hearing of the benefits of business coaching

from a local marketing colleague, Sali Green,

she sought Robin Waite’s advice in an initial


Fearless Business journey

Robin’s first step in the free consultation was to

review Helen’s goals for Social Paws and how

she wanted to balance her lifestyle with the

business. Her love of animals meant her

committing wholeheartedly to working so many

hours each week. Yet Robin immediately helped

her to calculate, on average, she was earning

less than the minimum wage and the business

wasn’t profitable

Social Paws


Page 16: CLIENT SUCCESS PACKCLIENT SUCCESS PACK We hugely value our client success stories, and so wanted to share them with you.

It was apparent, working one-to-one with pets

and their owners with her hourly tariff would

not sustain her income nor allow her to share

her expertise more widely. Robin motivated

Helen to review her pricing and re-engineer

her services, and on the first session, she

signed up for monthly one-to-one coaching

with him.

To solve the pricing challenge, Robin guided

Helen on Creating a Product – re-engineering

the former 20 plus services into a coherent set

of products where her clients will perceive and

value the benefits and outcomes she delivers.

This work focused on packaging the value of

her animal behavioural expertise in with her

animal and owner sessions.

From before Social Paws, Helen a wide range

of advertising, events and marketing skills and

she was using Facebook to support other pet

professionals with free advice.

Next they reviewed the Customer Journey, to

look at Social Paws’ onboarding process and

how Helen could save time by structuring her

free advice for a wider audience and tweak

her consultation model to attract longer term

clients. Robin talked Helen through an

approach to help Helen share more

information to an even larger number of

people – attracting conversations and

enquiries, then converting them to consult with

her after a free telephone consultation.

As a member of Robin’s Fearless Crew – the

private Facebook group – Helen also joined in

with the monthly 7 day challenges which he

sets up for everyone to accelerate their

progress and work on an aspect of their

business or mindset.

Impact from the coaching

Helen was soon earning the same money

from working regular 8-hour days that she

previously earned in 12-20 hours per day.

Her success rate from implementing the

Customer Journey is almost 95% conversion

once she talks to people via her telephone

consultation and she helps even more people

through her online videos and free tips.

“Working with Robin will change your life.

It has changed mine – and if I hadn’t seen

Robin, I possibly wouldn’t have been

working now because I was getting to the

point of making myself ill. He learned so

quickly about my industry and thought

outside the box to adapt what he knew to

apply it to my business. Pets are a popular

comfort in our lives, with more than 44% of

households owning an animal in 2017, but

the challenges of pet behaviour do cause

stress. You could say I have doubled my

money already because I’ve gained so

much time back. That’s the next step

which Robin is helping me with – to make

the most of my time and expertise to help

other pet professionals to grow their

businesses too. And I love being part of

the Fearless Business online group, where

we openly share our challenges – it has a

real family-feeling, as well as benefitting

from Robin’s coaching!”

Helen Motteram, Social Paws


Although she has experienced quieter months

during the business transition, her positive

energy, enthusiasm for business and personal

health are all intact.

Helen’s new focus has scaled back Social

Paws to regular hours where she offers three

core “Walk and train” programmes with ongoing

therapy support to transform her furry clients

into obedient, relaxed pets. These are designed

to help pet owners, where they have struggled

to train nervous dogs or leave them with a dog-

walker, making it especially difficult to work

away or take holidays.

As she has become well-recognised in the

veterinary and pet industry, Helen is coaching

other professional animal specialists to build

their business model around their expertise and

provide support in her Pet Professional

Network. Helen has also launched a book

featuring her much-celebrated rescue rook,

Russell Crow, who has been instrumental in

gaining national TV fame and opportunities for

Helen to speak in public on the topics she holds

dear. She credits Robin for helping her to re-

structure her pricing and her diary management

to make it all possible.

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