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Page 1: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice

SEA Change CoP MeetingBangkok – November 2011

Steve AdamsSenior Advisor - Adaptation

Page 2: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Presentation Overview

• Backdrop – Adaptation in the US• Assessing results in place-based projects– Implementation metrics & indicators– Top down & bottom up (CBA) approaches

• Knowledge management & diffusion in building practice– Case studies

• M&E tools in building practitioner networks• Emerging Issues in US adaptation practice

Page 3: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Since 2007 – Growing Interest in Adaptation Planning in the US

Moser (2009) analysis of US media showing explosive growth in reportage on adaptation in US media following the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report

Page 4: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Notable Local Government Efforts

• King County – Seattle (WA)• City of Keene (NH)• City of Chicago (IL)• City of New York (NY)• Miami-Dade County (FL)• City of Eugene (OR)

Page 5: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Adaptation Planning in the States

Source: Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Page 6: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

President’s Council on Environmental Quality Interagency Adaptation Task Force

• Final Report to the President in October 2010• Guiding Principles:– Adopt Integrated Approaches– Prioritize the Most Vulnerable– Use Best Available Science– Build Strong Partnerships– Apply Risk Management Methods & Tools – Apply Ecosystem-Based Approaches– Maximize Mutual Benefits– Continuously Evaluate Performance

Page 7: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

CEQ Adaptation Task Force – Final Report to the President (Oct 2010)

• Policy Goals & Recommendations:– Encourage & Mainstream Adaptation Planning

Across Federal Agencies– Improve Integration of Science Into Decision-

Making– Address Key Cross-Cutting Issues– Enhance Efforts to Lead & Support International

Adaptation– Coordinate Capabilities of Federal Government to

Support Adaptation

Page 8: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Chicago Climate Action Plan

Page 9: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Chicago Climate Action Plan

• Sample Metrics:– Since January 2008, 265 development projects have been

addressed by the stormwater management ordinance, resulting in: • 20% increase in permeable area per site • increase of 55 acres of permeable surface area• 120 green alleys have been installed to date, resulting in the

conversion of over 32,000 square feet of impervious surfaces to pervious surfaces.

– Green roof and tree progress to date, includes:• more than four million sq. ft. of green roofs planned or completed

since 2008; and• more than 9,000 acres of tree canopy added since 1993.

Page 10: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Community Based Adaptation Initiatives – the Pacific Northwest

• CLI Climate Futures Forums – 4 Replications in OR & CA

• M&E via Survey & Policy Impact Assessments

• Public Sector participants in CFFs more likely to:– allocate staff time to adaptation– take action on adaptation– feel they can be effective at

implementation of mitigation and adaptation activities

• Mixed local policy impact results

Page 11: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Contributions to Practice – the Case Study Literature

Page 12: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Contributions to Practice – the Planning Guide Literature

Page 13: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Critiques of the Literature: Learning from Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives

• Brunner & Smith– FEMA Project Impact (Clinton Administration)– Key Case Studies:• Tulsa, Oklahoma• Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin• Napa Valley, California

– Focus on the processes that built tangible outcomes – a critique of scientific management

– Lineage in Adaptive Management

Page 14: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

Novel M&E Applications: Building Practitioner Networks

• Innovation from Rockefeller Foundation & executed by the TCC Group (Jared Raynor)

• Case 1: The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network

• Case 2: From the “Climate Preparedness Learning & Adaptation Network” (CPLAN) to the “American Society of Adaptation Professionals” (ASAP)

• Presented at AEA Evaluation 2011

Page 15: Climate Adaptation M&E in the US An Overview of the Practice SEA Change CoP Meeting Bangkok – November 2011 Steve Adams Senior Advisor - Adaptation.

The View from Here – Critical/Emerging Issues in US Practice

• Science for localized climate impacts• Sector integration (natural vs. built systems)• Governance & geographic scale – intergovernmental public/private/non-profit sector

coordination around issues of place– “mainstreaming” adaptation

• Adaptation economics & finance• M&E, learning & fostering an adaptive culture

within communities – the EEN challenge

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