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ClinicalConnect EMR Download Training Guide December 17, 2019

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Table of Contents About EMR Download ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Part 1 Accessing Your EMR Subscription List ....................................................................................................... 4

Part 1 Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for All EMR Subscribed Patients ................................................... 5

Part 1 Setting up your EMR Subscription Default Preferences ............................................................................. 7

Part 1 Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for an Individual Patient ............................................................... 8

Part 1 Manually Adding a Patient to your EMR Subscription List ......................................................................... 9

Part 2 Generating and Downloading the EMR File: Manual Process ................................................................... 10

Part 2 Generating and Downloading the EMR File: Automatic Process .............................................................. 12

Physician Office Staff Doing EMR Downloads for more than one Physician’s EMR office ....................................... 13

Batch Edit Subscriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Resetting Subscriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Eliminating Duplicate Report Delivery from HRM and ClinicalConnect into your EMR - Telus (Practice Solutions) EMR Clients Using the Manual Download Process ............................................................................................... 16

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About EMR Download

EMR Download is used in physician’s offices to integrate hospital-specific electronic patient health information such as Labs, Microbiology, and Transcriptions etc. into a physician’s office Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Patients are automatically added to a physician’s EMR subscription list based on the physician’s CPSO number for any Inpatients, Outpatients and ER patient encounters.

EMR download data from participating hospital systems is available for the EMR subscribed patients 30 days back from the day of the download. For the most up-to-date status of participating hospitals please visit: http://info.clinicalconnect.ca

Privacy: Personal Health information (PHI) accessed through ClinicalConnect can only be used for the purpose of providing healthcare or assisting in the provision of health care to a patient to whom the information relates. Users must abide by the privacy and security policies and procedures of their organization, Personal Health Information Protection Act and applicable professional standards and guidelines.

The EMR delivery function is made up of two main parts; setting up your EMR preferences and downloading the EMR file:

Part 1 A. Accessing Your EMR Subscription List B. Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for All EMR Subscribed Patients C. Setting up your EMR Subscription Default Preferences D. Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for an Individual Patient E. Manually Adding a Patient to your EMR Subscription List

Part 2

A. Generating and Downloading the EMR file (Manual Process) B. Generating and Downloading the EMR file (Automatic Process)

Additional Functions

Staff Doing EMR Downloads for more than one Physician’s EMR office. Resetting Subscriptions Batch Edit Subscriptions

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Part 1 Accessing Your EMR Subscription List Your EMR subscription list (List of patients) is automatically populated for you based on your CPSO number for any inpatients, outpatients and ER census listings. This allows you to view the patients on you EMR Subscription List and the EMR delivery modules that you have selected for your patients. This is also where you can manually add or remove patients from your EMR list. In addition, you can make changes to the modules of information that are being downloaded for an individual patient using the EMR Delivery Subscriptions (refer to the section; Editing an Individual Patient’s EMR Delivery Subscription).

You can also manually add a patient to your EMR subscription list for whom you are not the Provider of Record. This may be in cases where you may be providing consultative care to a patient. In such cases, you will first be prompted with the Provider of Record Override before you can add the patient to your EMR subscription list.

Example of Provider of Record Override

To access your EMR Subscription list;

1. Log into ClinicalConnect https://clinicalconnect.ca/clinical/

2. Select Census from the top right of the screen

3. Select EMR Subscription

4. The EMR Subscription lists your patients and the EMR download module(s) subscriptions that have been associated for each patient.

For first time users, the Subscriptions column will be blank until you set up your EMR download preferences by selecting the modules that you wish to be included in the EMR download.

You are now ready to set up your EMR delivery preferences for all of your patients on your EMR Subscription list. Please refer to Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for All EMR Subscribed Patients in this guide.

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Part 1 Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for All EMR Subscribed Patients Your EMR delivery preferences allow you to select which ClinicalConnect modules you would like to receive data delivered into your office EMR. This customization will ensure that you are downloading the most appropriate data from the patient modules into your office EMR. For first time users, you will need to customize you EMR Delivery preferences for all of the patients on your EMR delivery list.

For first time users, the volume of data being downloaded for all of your EMR patients may produce a large downloaded file and can take some time to complete. It is recommended that you contact your office vendor to ensure that your environment is ready to handle the EMR downloaded file. Subsequent downloads will find only new information that has not been downloaded to your EMR. To customize your EMR delivery;

1. Select the Preferences icon

It is recommended that you set your EMR delivery preference settings as outlined in detail on the next page. Your EMR Delivery preference settings can be changed anytime however, only new EMR subscribed patients will be impacted by your new changes.

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This is the EMR Subscription preferences that you will need to customize before initiating an EMR download. NOTE: For the first-time download, this may take some time to complete the entire download for all of the patients. Subsequent downloads will find only NEW patient information that has not been downloaded to your EMR.

You are now ready to set up your EMR Subscription Default Preferences for your EMR patient list. Please go to the next part called ‘Setting up your EMR Subscription Default Preferences’ in this guide.

2. Ensure that this option is set to “Enabled”. If it is disabled, any new inpatients or outpatients that would normally qualify to be added to your EMR Subscriptions will not appear on your EMR list. Note: This will download module information for your EMR subscribed patients 30 days back from the day of the download.

4. Select the EMR download modules you’d like to download information into your EMR for all your patients.

5. Select the “Sort By” and “Sort Direction” options to define how you’d like your EMR Subscription list sorted.

6. Click Save & Apply to save your changes.

3. You can select the number of days after discharge to have the patients removed from your EMR subscription list. It is recommended that you set the Remove Subscribed Patients X Days After Discharge field to 180 days. Any subscribed patients will be automatically removed from your EMR patient subscription list after the 180 days. You will not get data downloaded to your EMR once the patient has been removed from your list. Note: If the patient has an inpatient, outpatient or ER hospital encounter, after the 180 days, this will automatically add the patient back to your EMR Subscription list and will remain for another 180 days.

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Part 1 Setting up your EMR Subscription Default Preferences Your EMR subscription settings can also be changed from your EMR Subscriptions screen. These prefereces are similar to the previous EMR download settings however this route allows you to select the patients that you would like to customize your EMR download modules. These defaults will ensure that you are downloading the most appropriate patient modules for your EMR subscribed patients.

First time users must customize their EMR Delivery preferences for all patients first. (Refer to Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for All EMR Subscribed Patients )

1. Select EMR subscription , then select the Preferences icon

2. Edit the your EMR preferences

Selecting or deselecting the check box beside the module will tailor what module data you want to include as in your EMR delivery for all of the patients in your EMR subscription list.

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Part 1 Customizing EMR Delivery Preferences for an Individual Patient There may be situations where you would like to change the type of module data that is delivered from ClinicalConnect to your office EMR for an individual patient on your EMR subscription list. These changes can

be made using the Edit Subscriptions button found to the right of each patient line.

Setting EMR Delivery Preferences for a patient: Your default EMR download preference settings can be modified for each individual patient using the Edit Subscriptions button (as shown). For example, you may only want the Labs module information downloaded for a specific patient.

Select the module(s) that you would like to include as part of the EMR download for this patient. If you deselect all of the modules, this will manually unsubscribe the patient from your EMR list. Alternatively, you can set up a preference to have the patient automatically removed from your EMR list after discharge. You will not get data downloaded to your EMR once the patient has been removed from your list. If the sources facility generates reports for the visits after your patient is already removed from your EMR list, those reports will not be downloaded into your EMR.

Ensure that the Auto-subscribe field is Enabled. If Disabled, this patient will not be included in your EMR subscription list. Once you’ve made the changes, Save your changes.

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Part 1 Manually Adding a Patient to your EMR Subscription List EMR Patient subscription lists (for inpatient, outpatients and ER patients) are generated automatically for physicians based on their CPSO numbers. However, there may be times when you may need to manually add a patient to your EMR subscription for reasons such as: consulting request, providing office care, providing coverage requests or other reasons. You may receive a Provider of Record Override screen (see below). To continue, you must perform the override.

A Provider of Record Override is always tracked and triggers an alert to the Privacy Office.

To add a patient to your EMR subscription list manually; 1. First, search for the patient using the simple

or advanced search function use the search functions at the top of your screen

then select the patient from the search results. You may need to perform the “Physician of Override” prompt before you access the record as shown above.

2. From the patient header, select the Edit EMR Delivery icon to open and add the EMR delivery preferences for this patient.

Ensure that the Auto-subscribe field is Enabled. If Disabled, this patient will not be included in your EMR subscription list. Once you’ve made the changes, Save your changes.

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Part 2 Generating and Downloading the EMR File: Manual Process Once you have set up your EMR delivery preferences, you are now ready to generate and download the EMR file. As defined by your EMR office vendor, this download process can be done automatically or manually. This file will contain the patient information for the EMR modules that you have selected previously. This file will be used by your office EMR vendor to upload the information into your office EMR.

Please ensure that you are downloading the file from a computer that has been set up to receive EMR downloads as defined by the computer IP address previously in the set up process. If this has not been set up, you will receive the following message:

You will need to contact the Hamilton Health Sciences Computer Help Desk 905-521-2100 ext. 43000 or email [email protected] to log the issue. If your office EMR vendor cannot be set up to automate the EMR download process, you will need to do this manually. To manually generate and download the EMR file;

1. First select the patients from the list, then click Generate File

You will notice a message alerting you that a file is being generated. Once the file is available for download, you will see the notification in the orange banner at the top of your screen.

2. The file is now ready to be downloaded into your office EMR. Click on EMR Files.

Downloads are not permitted from your current IP address

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3. The EMR Files page will show the number of files you have ready for downloading as shown below.

When you are generating a file, (regardless of the number of patients you have selected) there will only be one file created. This file will contain all of the individual records you have requested. Once the file is imported into your own office EMR application, it will handle separating the file into the individual patient records.

4. Click on a file to download. It will automatically be sent to a designated location on your desktop.

Deleting a File: You can select and delete the file after downloading if you wish. However, this is not required, as files that have been downloaded are automatically deleted from this view after 7 days. Any files that have not been downloaded are automatically deleted after 30 days.

Please ensure that you check that the file has been uploaded into your office EMR first before deleting it. Your message now will show that all files have been downloaded and there are no more outstanding files to download. You will also see a Download Date.

An Empty EMR File: There may be times when you may have an empty EMR file. An empty file may occur if there is no new data for patients since your last download. You cannot download an empty file. If you try to download an empty file you will receive a message indicating File is Empty. Now you are ready to import the EMR file into your own office vendor solutions. Log in to your EMR office vendor to begin the import process.

04/10/2017 P

File is Empty

If you place your mouse over a record, you may see a message indicating it is empty.

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Part 2 Generating and Downloading the EMR File: Automatic Process Some Vendors may set up an automatic EMR download from ClinicalConnect into your office EMR. In such cases, you will not see a download icon in your EMR subscription list as shown here. ClinicalConnect automatically creates a file each night and your office vendor EMR system will upload the data. (Example: Oscar) This will need to be set up with your office EMR vendor. Please note that the Generate File button will not be available as shown in the example below.

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Physician Office Staff Doing EMR Downloads for more than one Physician’s EMR office To access your EMR Subscription list;

1. Log into ClinicalConnect https://clinicalconnect.ca/clinical/ 2. Select Census from the top right of the screen

3. Select EMR Subscription

4. Select the Physician’s name from the dropdown list then select all of the patients and click Generate File. You will notice a message alerting you that a file is being generated or is available for download in the orange banner. You may want to refresh your page to see the progress of the download.

After refreshing your page, the orange banner notification will display the EMR file Ready message, indicating that the file is ready to be downloaded into your office EMR.

Now you are ready to import the EMR file into your own office vendor solutions. Log in to your EMR office vendor to begin the import process.

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Batch Edit Subscriptions The Batch Edit Subscription function is used to make a change to the EMR download modules by adding or removing modules for some or all patients on your EMR Subscription list. The EMR download subscription change will affect all future EMR downloads. This change will not impact any previously downloaded data.

1. Select Batch Edit Subscriptions

From the EMR Subscription screen, select the patients that you would like to change the EMR Download modules.

Select some or all of the patients that you want to edit the subscription. A locked patient means that the data is in the process of loading for EMR delivery.

Select the modules you would like to have added to your EMR download for the patients or remove the ones you don’t want then click Apply to save you changes.

Click this button to select all of the modules.

It is recommended that you set the Remove Subscribed Patients X Days After Discharge field to 180 days as part of the batch edit subscriptions.

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Resetting Subscriptions This function should not be used at this time.

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Eliminating Duplicate Report Delivery from HRM and ClinicalConnect into your EMR - Telus (Practice Solutions) EMR Clients Using the Manual Download Process To avoid receiving duplicate patient Transcriptions and Radiology reports from both HRM and via ClinicalConnect EMR download, you should exclude these two report types from the ClinicalConnect EMR Download to avoid getting duplicates. It is important to set your preferences to exclude the Transcription and Radiology reports from the ClinicalConnect EMR Download by setting up your EMR delivery preferences. This will ensure that these report types will not be added to any new patients that get added to your list in the future.

1. Select the preference icon from the banner.

Modifying your EMR Delivery Subscriptions for your Existing Patients Now you are ready to edit the subscriptions for your existing patients. Steps 3-6 demonstrates how to edit and remove the Transcription and Radiology reports from the download for all your patients at once.

3. Select the List icon to return to your EMR download patient list then select all of the patients on your

EMR download list as shown below.

2. Be sure to uncheck the Transcription and Radiology and click “Apply” to save these preferences. This will ensure that these report types are excluded from the EMR download for any new patients moving forward.




Apply a ‘check’ to the first box beside the MRN to select All patients at once.

Notice that the patients in your current list still have the Transcriptions and Radiology modules included in their EMR download subscription. This is because they were on your EMR download list prior to when you changed your subscription delivery preferences. This next step describes how to remove these two report types from the delivery using the Batch Edit Subscriptions function.


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4. Select “Batch Edit Subscriptions”.

Once you’ve applied the change, check your patients’ subscriptions (as shown above) to be sure that there are no Transcription or Radiology modules added as part of their subscription list. It is recommended that you do this “Batch Edit Subscription” process (Steps 3, 4, 5 and 6) as described above each time before generating the EMR download file to avoid getting duplicate Transcription and Radiology reports for historical patients who may have these modules included in their subscriptions.



5. Uncheck the Transcription and Radiology modules to exclude them from your EMR download for all of the patients you selected then click Apply to save you changes.


6. Select “Continue” to apply the changes. This will update ALL of the patients on the EMR list to exclude the Radiology and Transcription data.


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