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Jafer Hassan — IB Student

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Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth

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Architecture Summer Program | ECUAD● My articulate personality and nonchalant attitude allowed me to quickly

make friends and approach my colleagues. ○ With that said, I still had some issues regarding group work, as I was

not comfortable with making decisions outside of my own immediate sphere of influence.

● My difficulties regarding time management were made apparent.○ Resulted in numerous situations where projects are barely finished at

the deadline.● Forced me to take leadership roles, something that I was not too familiar


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Undertaking new challenges

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● Although I’ve always been fairly artistic, at least the technical aspects, I haven’t engaged myself in art for numerous years. Thus, it was fairly daunting for myself to engage in an art focused program (specific reference to the core skills).

● The architecture studio did not deal with any autodesk programs to my surprise, what it did instead was to encourage the mindset of a successful architect

Architecture Summer Program | ECUAD

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Swimming● Although I love the ocean, I’ve always had a peculiar fear of pools

○ I loved to swim, thus I hoped it would provide a means of getting over this dislike of pools.

● Every time I swam, I would initially feel somewhat disgusted by the thought of what I may be swimming in. I would later reconsider when I thought about how the ocean is far dirtier.

● Nevertheless, I consciously outweighed the dirtiness of the pool with the benefits of exercise.

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Piano● I taught myself how to play piano

○ Although I’ve learned numerous instruments up to now, I had never taught myself how to play an instrument prior to the piano

● Was an enlightening experience, would prove to be a useful asset as the lessons learned can be applied to more than just music.○ Lessons such as the importance of perseverance, along with the

dangers of overdoing something

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Planned and initiated activities

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CAS Project — IBGreen● I personally began the project and requested the assistance of my

colleagues.● We got together numerous times in the planning of the activity, both

regarding specific dates/schedules, along with the nature of the project itself.

● An environment campaign focusing on the everyday was initially my idea.○ I wanted to do something feasible, yet beneficial to our immediate

community.○ The thought process was very straightforward

CAS Project → Campaign → Help Community → Environmental Campaign

● Design of the website was also headed by myself.

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Working collaboratively with others

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CAS Project — IBGreen● Being a multi-person project, collaboration was necessary.● We met up to collaborate numerous times, as conflicting schedules was

something that came up a lot during our experiences with this project. ● Specifically, all aspects for this project were done at least somewhat

collaboratively.○ Alex Du and I worked together to complete the website, although I

myself did the designing.○ We all participated and helped to collaborate in the cleaning of the


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SPCA● Nearly all the work done here was collaborative

○ Cleaning of litters○ Grooming and cleaning of animals

■ Specific reference to animals whom disliked to be groomed or washed.

● The environment itself also promotes collaboration○ Collaboration helped to facilitate the healing of some of the animals

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Showing perseverance and commitment

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● I would set aside two hours each week to play the piano

● Although I would often get frustrated with the instrument, I would continue to persist rather than just dropping it.

● The volunteer opportunity itself requires a significant amount of dedication on the part of the volunteer○ At least 2 hours a week and

6 months of continuous volunteer work


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Engaged with issues of global importance

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CAS Project — IBGreen● The purpose of the project itself was to promote global values in our day to

day lives. ○ We cleaned parks as means of showing the negligence in society, and

that those that are complacent are just as guilty; how as members of our community, we have an obligation to maintain its well being.

● The importance of the environment is directly engaged, along with the concept of mutual respect between people and nature.

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Consideration of ethical implications

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SPCA● I would have to directly engage with the past of numerous animals, most of

which involved mistreatment and cruelty.o Some animals are now somewhat aggressive as a result of this

cruelty. SPCA chose to take them in rather than euthanizing them, ● Ethical implications are directly considered as we take animals into the

shelter.● On a personal level, this program appeals to my own sense of ethics and

morality, along with my love of animals.

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Developing new skills

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● Through this activity, I have learned to play piano to a fair extent, and I hope to continue learning for the foreseeable future.

● Learned how to manipulate autodesk revit, the program to which most new architectural design is currently being done on.

● Provided a perspective into architecture on a whole.


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● I have developed numerous skills through my experiences with this program, as a result of not only the core Architecture Studio, but also Core Skills and Visual Culture.

● Other than improving my technical art skills, I have bettered my ability to cooperate with others, abilities as a leader along with my time management.

Architecture Summer Program | ECUAD

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