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What is Cloud Computing?.• An environment created in a user’s machine from an on-line application stored on the cloud and run through a web browser.

• In simple Cloud computing is using the internet to access someone else's software running on someone else's hardware in someone else's data center.

Cloud computing refers to the use and access of multiple server-based

computational resources via a digital network (WAN), Internet connection

using the World Wide Web  etc.. Cloud users may access the server resources

using a computer, netbook, pad computer, smart phone, or other device.

In cloud computing, applications are provided and managed by the cloud

server and data is also stored remotely in the cloud configuration. Users do

not download and install applications on their own device or computer; all

processing and storage is maintained by the cloud server. The on-line services

may be offered from a cloud provider or by a private organization.

Cloud Computing- CONCEPT

Cloud Computing Services• Software as a Service (SaaS)-End Users

• Platform as a Service (PaaS)-Application Developers

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)-Network Architects

Software as a Service-End Users Just run it for me!

also known as On-demand Service.

is an application that can be accessed from anywhere on the world as long as you can have an computer with an Internet Connection.

We can access this cloud hosted application without any additional hardware or software.

E.g. : G-mail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail etc..,

Also they can provide security features such as SSL encryption, a cryptographic protocol.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)-Application Developers• Give us nice API (Application Programming Interface) and take care of the


• In the PaaS model, cloud providers deliver a computing platform and/or solution stack typically including operating system, programming language execution environment, database, and web server.

• is a platform for developers to write and create their own SaaS i.e. applications.

• which means rapid development at low cost.

• E.g.: Salesforce.com, Windows Azure etc.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)-Network Architect

• also known as hardware as a service.

• is a computing power that you can rent for a limited period of time.

• allows existing applications to be run on a cloud suppliers hardware.

• cloud providers offer computers – as physical or more often as virtual machines – raw (block) storage, firewalls, load balancers, and networks

Application provided by Cloud Computing – Google Cloud

Cloud computing is a natural evolution of the widespread adoption of virtualization, service-oriented architecture, autonomic, and utility computing. Details are abstracted from end-users, who no longer have need for expertise in, or control over, the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them.

The actual term "cloud" borrows from telephony in that telecommunications companies, who until the 1990s offered primarily dedicated point-to-point data circuits, began offering Virtual Private Network (VPN) services with comparable quality of service but at a much lower cost.


To reduce the IT operations and

management costsCloud model of software architecture.Reduce the complexity of networks.Do not have to buy software licenses.Customization.Cloud providers that have specialized in a

particular area (such as e-mail) can bring advanced services that a single company might not be able to afford or develop.

scalability, reliability, and efficiency.Info. at cloud are not easily lost.


Why Now?

• Experience with very large datacenters

• Other factors

• Pervasive broadband Internet

• Fast x86 virtualization

• Pay-as-you-go billing model

• Standard software stack

• Hardware VirtualizationRefers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real computer with an operating system

• Virtual Machine isA software implementation of a machine that executes programs like a physical machine

• VM Technology

• Allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical machine


Service Models • Cloud computing providers offer their services according to

several fundamental models


Cloud computing may create a dependence on the provider (Google, Amazon) and may make it difficult to move to another platform.

Google itself admits that Google App Engine is targeted at consumer applications, not businesses.

There’s always the risk that the Cloud provider may change business models or even go out of business.

Key Characteristics • On-demand self-service• Users can obtain, configure and deploy cloud services without

requiring human interaction with each service’s provider

• Broad network access• Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through

standard mechanisms

• Resource pooling• The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple


Key Characteristics

• Rapid elasticity

• Gives the illusion of infinite computing resources available on demand

• Rapidly provide resources in any quantity at any time

• Measured service

• Services must be priced on a short term basis allowing users to release resources as soon as they are not needed

• Must implement features to allow efficient trading of service such as pricing, accounting, and billing


Deployment Models • Private Cloud

• Cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization

• Community Cloud

• Shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns

• Public Cloud

• Cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public

• Hybrid Cloud

• Cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds

PROS AND CONS : ADVANTAGES: Software as a SubscriptionReduced Software MaintenanceIncreased ReliabilityEnvironmentally FriendlyCost ReductionPortability/Accessibility


Bandwidth could bust your budget

App performance could suffer

Data might not be cloud-worthy

Too big to scale

Future of CLOUD COMPUTING The 55% of respondents believe that cloud computing

has a lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

74 percent of respondents indicated that cloud computing would either lead to an increase in hiring or have no impact, while rest of respondents expected any decrease in hiring based on cloud adoption.

39 percent indicating that the cloud would make for less or more complex environments.

Conclusions• Cloud Computing is the fastest growing part of IT

• Tremendous benefits to customers of all sizes

• Cloud services are simpler to acquire and scale up or down

•Public clouds work great for some but not all applications

• Private clouds offer many benefits for internal applications

• Public and private clouds can be used in combination

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