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© 100%Open 2012

100%Open CSW Geneva 2015


100%Open 2015

David Simoes-Brown

April 15, 2023 2CSW Geneva 2015100%Open

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© 100%Open 2012 3100%Open Networks

© 100%Open 2012

The 3 Minute

Joint Venture

15/04/2023 4Instant network

© 100%Open 2012

100%Open is dedicated to open innovation.  

Our network & know-how helps you co-innovate

better, cheaper and faster.

15/04/2023 5About 100%Open

100%Open 2015

Innovating with partners by sharing the risks

and the rewards.

April 15, 2023 6Open Innovation

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100%Open 2015April 15, 2023 7Customer Co-Creation

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What if your customers were your partners?

© 100%Open 2012Case Study – The LEGO Ideas

We developed the open innovation programme leading to the launch of LEGO Ideas, now the most successful crowdsourcing community in the world with a million users.

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April 15, 2023 9100%Open 2015Case Study – E.ON

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Home of the Future was a service innovation competition with 45,000 customers, linked to a Channel 4 TV programme, that lead to 8 x £10m propositions.

© 100%Open 2012Case Study – P&G

100%Open has designed and run various open innovation communities with P&G, creating new strategies, adverts, packs and more with customers.

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100%Open 2015April 15, 2023 11Advantages of customer co-creation

• Customers are diverse, talented and already like you

• Relevant and easy to engage audience

• Customer Co-creation increases involvement in your brand

• CC is fast and cost-effective

• You know whey they live!

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100%Open 2015

Innovating with partners by sharing the risks

and the rewards.

April 15, 2023 12Open Innovation

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© 100%Open 2012

Open Innovation sounds good. But how does it

work in practice?

15/04/2023 13Open Innovation

100%Open 2013Here’s how!

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100%Open 2015April 15, 2023 15100%Open Toolkit3 Minute Joint Venture

We’ve already used two of the 100%Open tools.

The 3 Minute Joint Venture is written up in our tool ‘Co-Creation Techniques.’

100%Open 2015April 15, 2023 16100%Open Toolkit exampleGive|Get

Long-lasting partnerships are built on mutually satisfactory Give|Get balance. So we ask:

What are we going to Give? (e.g. time/resource, licence fees, scale, development, test marketing, brand)

What are we going to Get? (e.g. exclusivity,IP, concept development funding, prototyping, branding)

Repeat the exercise from a potential partner’s point of view and note differences.

100%Open 2013100%Open Toolkit Demo www.toolkit.100open.com

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100%Open 2015

2 degrees of separation

April 15, 2023 18Instant network part 2

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© 100%Open 2012

South Building | Somerset House | Strand | London | WC2R 1LAPhone: +44 (0) 20 7759 1050Mobile: +44 (0) 7747 634038Email: [email protected]: www.100Open.comTwitter: @deeyesbee @100open

David Simoes-BrownCo-Founder & Networks Partner

Thank you

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