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Page 1: Co-located and Collaborative Design Argumentation Space

DDSS 2006 - 06-07-06, Zeest

Nishchal DeshpandePhD Student

Design Systems Group(DS)Dept.of Planning and Architecture

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Supervisors:Prof. dr.ir. Bauke de Vries (DS)

dr.ir.J.P.Leeuwen (DDSS)Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)


TNO (Applied scientific Research Organization of The Netherlands)

Co-located and Collaborative Design Argumentation Space

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• Area of Research Design Teams, Architectural design Domain

• Challenge Dynamic nature - Multi-disciplinary - Collaborative - Synchronous

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Objectives• Developing Shared Understanding

• Capturing the design process

• Effective way to represent, structure and access dynamic elements of a collaborative session

• design Unobtrusive interface and interaction techniques

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• Argumentation is the main way of discussing points between members of a design team

• Shared Understanding equals the construction of Design Rationale

• Argumentation as design rationale

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Contribution of the Research

• Developing a Hybrid notation scheme to capture and visualize dynamic elements

• Developing a representation and structuring method to capture, link and show the knowledge, documents and their with arguments to team members

• An attempt in Conceptualizing a GUI collaborative interface to achieve objectives

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Capturing arguments

• Communication and reasoning

• Keeping track of issues and eventual arguments and Process

• Facilitates in understanding what others have done

Deliberation process and arguments with appropriate labels

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Roots of Argumentation

A seminal paper – A vision

A conceptual framework for augmentation of man’s intellect(‘concept structure’ - Englebart)

Representational form

TBL (Toulmin Based Logic -Toulmin)

QOC (Question, Option, Criterion – (MacLean) IBIS (Issue Based Information Systems – (Rittel)

Fact So (Probably) Conclusion

Warrant Rebuttal









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• Not intended for multi-disciplinary collaborative activity

• No representation of dependent relations between members views

• No link between argumentative and design artifact construction activities

• Overall representation of the session is not possible, focus on single issues

• Organization of rationale elements according to the task at hand not supported (following the process)

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Our approach• Recognizing rationale as a collection of three

elements Knowledge, arguments and design documents

• Construction of collaborative knowledge and creation of concept structures

• Creation of argument structures and decisions• Design document support• Bridging the above three

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• Causal Mapping of concepts (Knowledge, concept structuring)

Statements -> Concepts -> values -- Causal Mapping “Statements are systematically challenged in order to expose them to viewpoints of the other sides and the

structure of the process becomes a following process” (Rittel)


Many collaborative situations are best understood in cause to effect relation

Advantage of upgrading to decision Networks

• Adapted Ibis structure (argument construction) Advantages

Generic and seems promising

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CDAS Framework

Each Element is anObject that holds:

Information aboutSelf [ i ]

Information aboutRelations [+]

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The spaceVisualization and communication spaces

Interaction spaces


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Interaction SpaceMember’s Space

Interface sketch of Interaction Space

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Knowledge Space Knowledge construction

A Group ofStatements

A concept

A concept

A concept

A Value

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Knowledge and concept structure

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Knowledge Evaluation

Generating and incorporating cases

Screen shot of the Network - Netica(Norsys sofware)

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Argument SpaceArgument construction

Argument Structure

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•Argument Structure

Sketch of Argument Space

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Browse and organizeSession documents



Design Document Space

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Initial test

2 Sittings Traditional Brainstorming Proposed causal mapping –> Wizard-of-oz Relatedness rating of Concepts (Langan-Fox)

Result of initial test (knowledge construction)

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•Work in progress•New Hybrid structuring approach to combine all rationale elements•Three spaces defined

•Positive feeling on conceptual schemaSkeptical on collaborative interface and interaction

Future Work • Continuation of prototype implementation• Focus on controlled experiment design• Analysis of Arguments

• Further study on new interaction techniques/tools

•To fully take advantage of DNs,find ways to minimize the existing gapbetween informal knowledge construction methods and formal DNconstruction

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Thank you.

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