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Page 1: CO0NT BASIE Auditori Townsh FRIDAYNITE,SEI?OthCO0NT Page Eight _ GREENWOOD NEWS Sunday was a &rand day for church services. At Morris Chapel Baptist church, the Rev. H. B. in Mitchell

Page Eight _


Sunday was a &rand day forchurch services. At Morris ChapelBaptist church, the Rev. H. B. inMitchell preached a most powerfulsermon Snmlay mornmg--«nd~in..Ilie_ *evening at 8 oclock.' The B. T. U. ^rendered a unique program which ^consisted of music and lovely sing «

w ing, sweet melodies. At Weston *

Chapel A. M. E. church at 11:00 I1o'clock Rev. M. G. Williams intro- s,<duced the Rt. Rev. R. W. Chap- 55

__. pptle "Bishop of the Holy Sanctifiedchurch wh0 preached a soul i""ntim.in[T 0.,v»inn "Visitor*Mrs. Willie Enlow of K. Y. City ;~J°'Mrs. JUL- H. BuyLin of Lancaster; yMrs. Lila Williams of Mtl Pisgah J1A. M. E. church in Greenwood 01

At 8 o'clock Rev. E. E. Chappellepreached a soul stirring sermon, el

He used for his te/t Romans 8:21 dsohioof (loil w<iH toko iai'P of His I(NChildren. Visitors; Mr, J. W. Waller, Dilliard, S. C.; Mrs. Oquilla ^McCullen. Detroit. Mich, flu* good -Cpeople at Mt. Pisgah lechby Mrs. ^Lila Williams have sponsored a czgreat popularity contest. The *

most popular- girl in each church ^is being sought. Reports from "

this contest will come out later. _

Old""Mt. Zion Baptist church.Rpu-.irth S t Rev, ~M M. Peacepastor,begun its annual revival pmeeting Sunday. August 10 andcontinued through Friday day andnight. The meeting w"as~TOhducl:bv one uf our most outstand-ing young ministers, RPV. Jr""S.Mrddox who "seemed to have been"at hic best for at every servicehe preached out of his heart the i

tCTHTl of Cioil..tto.W4is.deep^jxndas the spirit descended upon thechurch the hallelujahs rang out.Seventeen were added to thechurch "as candidates for Baptism.It was well attended and the contributionwas $153.ll>. These with |tthe spiritual power exercised in j.this meeting made this one of the vgreatest meetings in the history ofthe church. Those that could notattend the meeting but sent theircontribution were as follows: Mrs. '

Gloria Graeie Herbert, Bishop St.Watc rbui y. Conn.. Mr. Willie J.Ueiin. Foit Bragg, "N. C':; Mr. I-. -JW.Dean. Greenville, S. C. Among" ^the visitors trom Aiken were Mrs pM. M. Peace ami little son, M. M. "

TrTl Bracon antl--Mrs.-Winn. Miss,William.-, Deacon Goorge Beninand Miss Anderson. We ale ^l- »

ways gh.d to have our pastor'smembers visit us. Visiting mem

bers ind friends from, the ncvlh .

were Mr Glemon Butler and son .

Moses. V r. Randolph Thornton.Mr. ami TT77! *T1t Brown Mn _JHattie. GrhVin. all of Philadelphia. T

1. Pa.i_Mr. and Mrs. Gaitie Robinson ?Mrs. I :.ii,Mtnu~Price7"MT; ami Mrs.Horace McBriah «1 from Washing- J*ton. D. C.; Messrs Archij Mar- ,.

tin. Osie Bell. Booker, George and JF. A. Kemp from JConxvllle. TennMrs. Cecil Trottle. from N. Y. C. °

Among those who entertained 0

the, preachers in their homes this 1

week were Mr. and Mrs. J. K w

Dean, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Block- 11

er, Mr. and Mrs. P. I). Dean. Mrand Mrs. J. M. Blocker and Mr. 11

Chas. Dean. ^Mr. Julian Dean, clerk. c

Bishop and his wife Rev. Mrs.Tena Chappelle. evangelist preach '

er arc leaving Sunday to open1

a revival meeting i'.t Pine Grove ,"Pentecostal church, Edgefield, S.C.Thev announces that they are ex- ^"pectlngggreat'that "r

Social News jLittle Miss Robbie Mae Robinsonof Detroit. Mich,, is returninghome.after spending some, time Jhere visiting her grandmother, (Mrs. Mariah Ross,Mrs. Florence Nerarex of Cleve

land, Ohio, is here visiting her ^mother Mrs. Mary Jones.Mrs. Ada Wilson from Chicago. 1

111., visited her sister Mrs. Eliza vTurner in Atlanta, Ga. then cameby train t<> Veidery, S. C. to vis- (It her aurit Mrs. AlmiP Chapoh.~3

Miss Elizabeth Smith from N. t,Y. City is visiting t.er pnrpms-f.Mr. and Mrs?- Alex Smith in the rWhite Hall section. "

Mrs. Pearl Mitchell and little.Hui-vpy Mitchell are visiting

htrr.brothers ami "Mrs.Smith. .. ~.L«Mrs. Asa lee Griffin on Hackett ^

street, is vsiting friends in Cross.fHill. i

Mr. H. B. Wideman from Pitts- ^burgh, Pa., is here visiting his bro ^t.ber e.nd sister Mr. Bakfi.iv Widemanand Mrs. Josie Bel Reynolds v

Maxwell Ave. \.-Mrsr-Pearl Jones or i\. x* vuy .

is here visiting her aunts Mrs. vLouise Devoe on .Sumter J-t. and vMrs. Dunshkia Rouknight wn Mug ^nolia St. Miss Jessie Devoro of ,.

N. Y. is.heBC visiting her motherMre. Lou Decore on Sumter St. [

P. F. C. J. A. Wells from port j"Rrapg, \T. was 'n the cify and r

spent the week-end visiting Mrs. fTulia Fair and her daughter. Miss {Alberta 'Fair. Mr. Robbie Fairof Philadelphia.. Pa., has returnedafter spending his vacation here awith his mother, Mrs. Julia Fan <

and Mr. Julius Fair of Chicago, !\another son of Mrs. Fair is her-'visiting her also. dMv« fttiiMrt A rlrl »ml /UrnoU-

ter of Seneca spent tbY1 week end t

with Mrs. Lola Wadsworth. Mis.-;Otvel1a Wadsworth of Greenville !\is spending: her vacation wjth her fmother Mrs. Wadsworth. n

Mrs. Nannie Drummer and Mr? v

Mamie White of Detroit. Jrtieh., />» «» nn + Lirrw./l hrtr»e after SOend- j;injr sometime here with their mo- vther Mrs. Sallie Hodgres of Mill- nwe« atreetj also h«r other daugfh tter Mrs. Lizzie Cothran of Green- i:



BiihriiiitiAiiM-Mn in i II iiM


fFriendship Church

The pastor preached an inspir- ;

ig sermon Sunday morning from ile subject Men To Match Our ^Tine*. And ~durir.g the spcciai IIeii*8 Day services during Diie c

zoning service he preached from tle subject. Are you a Mouse or a jIan ? Although the men didn\uite cOlTle up to the go; 1 they?t they say they will reach ;t nextunday. Time will tell. j'I htr subject Tor next.Kcmd.ry-

illbe Silver.'Symbols and.astor is.ashing for all the mciinETs tTTT^ifrlenlls ell" till1 I'llUJlfl t" "

ring out all the old imMiilien* a idriends of the chimin .Put.altar3~at~ their dispostrk

'i here will be a lawn party givnby the Sunday school on Fri«ay night. We are asking thepc ration of the coufunityThe visitors ami ret..ruing nu nYers are: Pea. S. Marion. l»r,«.hi\irl Marion lini..Ininrs I'.nglev. Bruce Williamson. Brm Ali!dg3 Drasp, Sister Prasp. M»\ 11uyvij, Miss Mane Grant. IV >'. cJ. Williams and Mrs. Williams. ]Irs. McGhpe. All visitors" are .:1.'F.vs welcome to our church 'tny time. ,.

lethiehem Baptist ( hurcti !lev. RVW. WUjin, Pastor(Iraniteville, K. C. Sun. school .

inned at the usual hour. Mm at- '

ehdance was fair. Glass No. ! Jron the finance banner, l.ic. Pos-weaeher.Sunday. August 2-1 i> seg-uini !

ervice day. Sunday school lOa'.l '

E.D.S.T. Prayer scfvTTe T,T:"U:'Iivaehinp 12 norm: '1 a'it] n.mf m-g-ion meeting Borcon Will^ Mill- \r. 7 p.m. night service.Pulpit i,Ad club Tuesday (pro

t Mrs. Owens.Mr. Richmond nr.it Krtdre -Onr=.

?y returned Friday night to th<-irome after spending a low day'itt,their trrandmothcr Mrs. \]I. Miller.Rev. S. WF. Mile, of Babylon1. Y. was the house guest of Mr.

ames Grant, Jr.Mrs., Tdlla Rrnnsnn "f I i'-i -

ille, Fla., is visiting- i.t r s:-:.l-law ^11 !*. llotiie iSl , ii fecond Baptist Chun hlev. J. W. Mills. PastorKuiwhiv A: IT *1

choul mel TIT iTs u TT!iupt. being absent L.-.. ...

[olnus anted. t _

he regular devotional >; t iiach class took theiristruction of the lesson. \ vi ynteresting lesson On- 1.Thich regular church >'tvi.rorrtlm.-ft.-tl uv..LLv..Aiiici i \\ .m -.

r, who alt*e.i»».cjtt4n-tl i-h. m nigsermon.'; II*. v. (' V, ... s

lways Away 0IV tile~thn-d~r-.:::tfcr..turning. The opening h;. nm wasnod by Lie. Daniel bowman. Re\(Talker and Lie. Lawman ai< son.-f the Viroiee nn<l w.. i\ .1 '

f them as young ministers. Athe evening service Rev. Turner"as with us_and pre;whcii_ in hissual wa\, which aTT enjo,.cd..Mrs. Etna (Sun i>: wh,, has be i;

11 Washi"('inn, 1) s|u nt tii.eck end at home with her parents1 r. and Mrs. M. H. Holme.* 1H01hunter St. Mis. Burris n.; herliishaml Mr. Carroll 15 rri.. are

naking their home in Washinguii.Visitors at trie ev nine seinewere Mrs. Funic (iarrett and.lis* Nellie Belle Wallace. I,nthif New York. Miss Wah.ci ispending sonietiine with h -r na

ents, AIr. and Mis. .Jesse Wallace.Tri. Garrett.is.visd-urg.Mr..A1-in Settles and als,, ^

relatives iSdgefield.The S. S. picnic August 1.5 wis

uite a success. One of the tilings0 be long remembered is a sur-rie birthflay party given Rev.

.T. Justice mi Monday niglittutrust IS. By his wife Mrs.lartha Justice. The nuniber preent to witness this occasion wi s

ille was here.Mrs. Annie "H MaTtin of N. V."

1ity is here visiting *:.er parentsTr. and Mrs. L. X. Smith on Hacktt street.Mrs. Lee Ruth of AVasi.uTgt< n.

h C. is here visiting her parentsJr. and Mrs. Wiley Sullivan andther relative,. and friend-*..Mr.('. Stevens end .laughter


pent lust -Friday -here vaduuv-isson Mr. Ed. Stevens on Single

tin street. '

Mrs. Hattie Ptiekett is spendingei vocation inn Chicago visitingioi children.M-rsr-4dainy.Hohiiatt has gore "to

u*\v Jersey to visit her relativesJrs^^^Vjice^Nudinlsandrit]^Mrs. TnTTTT-TTTrTT from A-sia


ill V i

nit*, v spcin snrnctline hereisiting her mother Mrs. Ida ,}nrkmi-and-sister Mr* Berttrn.KttHti-The many friends of. Mrs. Wil

ir Turner will he trf; 1 .T to knowhat her son little Willie .Tr. hasecovered from a serious operationor Appondbrm the Hockley -Couu.y hospital and has returned home..>n Cokesbuty St..Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thorn is

,nd son Jimniie of Mon ks Cornrwere the week end guests ofIrs. Matilda Smith.Mrs. T.illa William*, of I'hiln

elphia, Pa., is here visiting hertrnt Mrs. May Liza Peri in rein.ive<- and friends.Mrs. Carrie Turner and her son

4r. Williams. Dr. Turner and""his"riend. Miss Maria Grant .spentpleasant afternoon in Cokeshur'.isiting Mrs. Turret's sister Mrstdn Mace also Miss Mnria GrantVET"" ritf"" " TV Inth her mother Mrs. Knima Cole Inan in Waterloo, S. C. While Ihero she will attend revival meet |ng at Laurel HiH B^pt. church.



Deacons, memberB a n d M1 lends from different points some R10 :1 Trenton, Columbia and quite1 few home folks. Among the c<Ministers present were Rev. W.H. Ufaughn. Rev. Washington also ailev. C. \V. Turner and Rev. J.II.san.levs of Augusta, Ga. A most hini >y: ble affair. We are toldhis inarkB the 52nd year of Rev. wJustice life. We l#oue for Ihlim unn y more years, fill with the 11»le-mngs -of the Master. Rjev. t><lustiee is one of our outstanding;Ministers of our town.* \j


|: Benedkfl»*1.

! .BEGU«*1,».j: Next Session, Wedneiv

X l);;\ Students Register .>X

^:{* Guarding Students Registerv'f 'flashes Begin VVednes;!;

I'or Further Information, W1-i- Th

I 1ti.&.~




A Mottumont -olN^V

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High School| School of_Edi$ Liberal Arts£ ;

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| September{ Kates Reasonable Catalo:

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,ip FRum~TIt. Zion A. M. E. Church

*v. P. L. Weill*, Pat»torGraniteville, S. C..Sun. schoolmvened at the usual hour. The?sson was beautifully discussedrid reviewed by Rev. Wells.At 11:30 the morning serviceegan with spngs led by Mr. A.. Spann. The pastor delivered aonderful sermon from Job 14:14sing au his subject Life Aftereuth. This sermon was enjoy-11 by all hearers. IAt 4 o'clock the W. H. and F.lissionarv society met at the

College 1sday, Sept. 17, 1941 jrIc.nday, September 15

Tuesday, September 16

day, September 17 I!

rile ?|e President |Benedict College '&

Columbia, S. C. J

COLLEGE II, s. c. I?gro Baptists |


22, 1941 IA

Kue Sent Upon Request !£.. $>Vrite X i\kcting President i:


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J 41 :






It~"5 "


,...-a:, a

IDAYNhome of Mrs. Maggie Moore conductedby our President Mrs. L.W. Williams who is very proud ofber society. Mrs. Mattie Mao

| Wells, Mrs. Mattie B. Fergusonand Mrs. Helen Gowdy wereelecteddelegates to the CharlestonDistrict meeting on Friday the 22at Holly Hill. S. C.At 8 o'clock the pastor preachedfrom Acts 16:25. He selectedus his subject Jail Housfe Religion.The out-of-town visitors wereMrs. Gwendolyn Branch of NewYork City; Mrs. Lillian Brunsonof Jacksonville, Fin.; ArTnTe"Singleton of Charleston, S. G.,ttnH Itfl- ..f VU-n-l.

ington, D. C. We are always gladto have visitors. You are welcome.^lr. and Mrs. Elliot Simpkins,Miss Eleuse Samuels, Mr. RobertCollins and Mrs. Helen Gowdy motored to Saluda, Sunday.

Wesley Methodist ChurchRev. E- N lamicn" .

. -Hinmi, i wfinirChurch school was opened atthe usual hour. First Bible clas3was taught by the pastor. 11:00a.m. Rev. Jamison preached fromEecel. 12:13, theme Life's GreatestTask. 6:00 p.m. The^-EpworthLeague met at the church. 8:30Rev. Jamison preached a noblesermon from Hebrew 12:1, themeLife'sRace. Visitors: Mrs. Sam-"uel Hightower of Columbia; MissVermeil Stalling, Mrs. MaymeLickson and daughter of Brooklyn,N. V.;. Mrs, Carrie Kirklandand Mrs. Lucile Cooper. ,Rev. Butler pastor of JerusalemBaptist church will preach at Wesley Methodist church August 31at 4 p.m. The public is invited.

Cumberland A, M. E. ChurchRev. J. P. Washington, PastorServices were good all day.D..c to the anniversary of the

-Yormg People's society the attendancewas somewhat small. Thechurch school whs opened on timeby "Supt. Jones. The lesson wasinteresting throughout.The pastor.preached two strong

sermons. The morning discoursewas taken from II Kings 4:26 Isit well with thee, it it well withthv husband; it is well with thytaken from Isa. 40:37: The sourceof the Christian stregnth.The pastor having ben in revivalmeetings for the past two

weeks seemed to be charged withthe Holy Spirit. Miss Brodie ofTampa, Fla. presided At the or"ganin .the absence oT~Mrs. Jenkiis who is in Denver, Coloradoattending The American Wood-nit*n meeting. Much congratuflationsand praise is due Miss Brodiefor she certainly got music outof the organ. The pastor is takinga much needed rest this week, iCome t0 Cumberland when in Aiken..


Rev. A. A. Sims, Pastor-Clinton.Sunday school beganat the usual hour. The lesson was

ed by the pastor.The morning sermon w}as

preached by the pastor, Rev.Sims. The sermon was good. Threejoiiiied the church.B, Y. P. U. convened at 6:30.At twilight baptisim service

was held. 13 were baptized andfejlowshiped into the church.Tbe night service was very




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Hund*y, Monday and Tnaaday

ITE,SEIbrief. Three deacons were ordained.

Mrs. Mary B. Williams and littlegrand children, James L. andSamuel D. Fleming left Saturday ffor a visit to Mrs. Williams' son jin law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ^William J. Young in Washington, cD. C. Mrs. Hattie Young and lit- ..

tie son also left. Mrs. Young isthe mother of Mr. Young. rI-1Miss fOssie L. Foggie has re- fturned to her home after a visit Cto her father in Columbia. She v

ther. Miss. Helen Foggy, land lit. (Mra T oeom i- *

uavis is nome irom £Washington, D. C. and New York. (She was accompanied home by her Iniece, Isabella Jones. jMrs. Mittie Taylor is home af- jter visiting relatives in Detroit, jMich.. Chicago, 111., and Colum- tbus, Ohio.eMr. Claude Kinard of Washing- r

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kinard. tMr. Floyd Cheeks of Baltimore,Md., is visiting his mother andother relatives. ®I

Friendship At--M.-Er- htirch 1Rev. H. W. Walker, Pastor v

g. vClmtoh.Suhdav"school began at ,10:30 with the Supt., Mr. H. L.

vAlexander at his post of duty.Everybody was happy to see Mr.I Alexander, Hfi_eave. a very in-

gIteresting review. Many vital pointsIon the lesson were given for ourJ information.| Among the out of town visitorsvI were: Mrs. Lula Mat Brown fromI Washington, D. C., also a friendI who accompanied her, Miss Fran-.Ices Cephus; and Mrs. Dora Mae *I Edwards of Greensboro, NT^

The pastor preached two strong* fI striking sermons Sunday. In the *I morning's service his text was tI taken from Proverbs -&rt. Subject, v|"Tho Christian Foundation." HeI said that every christian should aI have as a foundation, first, Faith, YI second, Hope; third, love; fourth, vI Truthfulness; fifth, Prayer; six- fI th, Sacrifice; seventh, Remem- _riI berance. For the night service hisI text was taken from the 73rd (jI Psalms, 2nd verse, subject, "A 6I Slipping Christian." ^I Sunday was men's day. Coll.ec- aI tion, $27.87. The second Sunday aI was women's day. Collection,I $24.86. All clubs are working hard. ^I Among those visiting here re- 1!Icerrtly were: Mr. and Mrs. John iIE. Brown and children, also a ^I friend, Miss Frances Cephus, allI of Washington, D. C. While here I _I they were the house guests of tI Mrs. Brown's cousin, Mrs. Na- 3I thaniel Copeland. :^I Messrs. Moses, Aaron and Osie £!I B. Gary of Washington, D. C., visi *I ted their parents. Mr. ami Mrs. *I John P. Gary.I Mr. Claude Kinard of Wo.shinvIton, I). C., has returned. after rI spending a week with his parents. 5| \t,. ci-.-i * -

..... . .uyii s\. juneeks of Balti- V:mure. Md.. has also retllmn/1 pftnr ^a week's visit with his parents. 11Mr. Bernard W. Reeder left a

Sunday for Hendersonville, N. C. °where he will spend some time ewith his sister, Mrs. ElizabethMarable. From there he will go ^to Asheville, N. C. to spend some ^time ith his iaunt, Mrs. Daisy ®Moore.

, 2.Other.visitors.now are: Mrs.Dora Mae Edwards and little Pdatighter, Jacqueline of "Ureens-boro, N. C. are visiting her pa- ''rents, Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Walk- ver. Her little son, Woodrow, Jr., nhas been here since May.Miss Helerr Reid, Mr. Isiaae IJohnson, Miss Margaret Reid of ^Spartanburg, spent Wednesdaywith Miss Frezelka Walker. INorth Carolina Mutual Life In- 1

only by PtMl-CoHCorc



\ Undertaking And EmhaiminI . __«|,OC*N_

T nnrm nnTm^2 ij\/Yvrjiv i iv IV\ AMBULANCE SfifRVlCE' "An N«w A# V«»ur F'hon*

. | B»twburi and Hidg»wv. 8. ('."jj 1831 TAYT-OR ST. COM'MHl,*; * PHONES: 23619.23610

Saturday, August 23, 1941


(Continued from Page 1)

inest carpenters and contractorslemettsville has ever had. He>ad many friends both white andolored, who regret to learn of his M"tassing. He leaves to mourn his **

tassing, a devoted wife, who,trior to her marriage, wag a Misstosa Halloway of Darlington, S.

three loving children, Miss Viian Ruth McCallum who is homeconolhist atp»Ridge Spring, S;C7;""ardoza, Jr., who is in his seniornan at Bnantning Hama, Camden,5. C.; and little Miss Katrina Mc}ollumwho enters high school atdrowning this fall; three sisters,drs. Hattie Hope ami Mrs. DhisyCllison, Bennettsville; and Misstuth McCallum, New York; two ^mothers, Mr. Arthur McCallum, ,arpenter and contractor, Benlettsville;Dr. McCallum, dentist,iehhettsville, pnil a host of rela-ives.r unerai services were conduct

dvery briefly but impressively>y the Rev. A. J. Wright, pastor,Vednesday morning at 10 o'clockit the Baptist church. Twoiym n». "I came to the.GardenUone," and "Le»ad Kindly Light",vere sung by the choir very softy. g?Miss Sarah Morris sang verywectly^Well Done." ~

Although the services were atin earty hour, there was a flgrge:rowd, aixl the floral offeringsrevp plentiful and beautiful.Mr. McGnllum .was a very active

nember in his church. He servedis treasurer of the trustee boardor=-over.20 years.Miss Vivian Ruth~McCallunr ac- ~

ompnnied by her little sister,(athryn Van Laesel, returned tolidge Spring Sunday where sherill resume her work.F.\ and Mrs. L. M. McCallum

ire remodeling their beautifulionic on Hudson St. In a fewreeks you won't know the pjace. ^Cothing hotter than to preparP a fF)icfu_ comfortable place to stay.Mrs. Murmerlyn and grand

laughter Mi«s Jessie Man Jarvispent n week or morn in Orange>urg house -guests of Miss Bak£I ..

hd M's. .taivis. They reportedn enjoyable trio.Mrs. Cora McEddv of Washing

nn, n P. spent n few davs homeiccomnanied back by her sisterJrs. Florence Sally. Mrs." Ff^llyrill spend a week or tiiore in' theCapital.

uranee "Thrift Club," Mr. H. P.Irawford, agent, met at ihe -homa r

if Mr. and Mrs. Murry GilliamFriday evening. After business,he hostes« sei*vod doucrhnuts and?t> cream. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Columbus C. Hu- .

is of Giden Hill, had as theiruests for dinner Sunday: Mrs.Camilla Delgardo of Tampa, Pla;ifiss Ehrleon D. Parks of Ard-lore. Pa.; Mrs. Carrie B. Rollinsnd daughter, Rubye Mae. Theinner was very elegant and wasnjoyed by all.Don't miss the "Florida proram"Sunday night at Friendshin

t. M. E. church, August 24th ato'clock, day light savii g tim .

"hi? program is being sponsoredy Mrs.XarailLa_D£lgarda_afTanira, Fla.iams and Bertha E. Fergusonill be glad to know that they arcluch improved at this writing.






I ^

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