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  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


    Bene tsTYLER W. JENSEN

    777 South Coast Hwy Suit e 215 Solana Beach, CA [email protected]

    920-TJE-NSEN (920-853-6736)858-344-5163 cell

    tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen

    Bene ts of Working with Coastal Latitude Consulting

    Make more money and have more freedom, all while working less Your time will be used more e ciently, increasing the amount of freetime you have to go to the beach, play with your kids, and leave thestress behind while not losing sight of your business. We will help youcut the loose ends and do what you do faster and more e ciently soyou can enjoy your business freedom.

    We will help you clarify your business goals

    We will help you clarify your business goals: A small company meansthat you will get the attention you deserve, the help you need, and withthat, success will closely follow. With personal attention on your businessyou will be able to successfully de ne your business goals and develop aplan to achieve them. We will work with you on short-term and long-termstrategies and help you work through the steps to achieving your goals.

    Be able to work on your business, not in your business

    Be able to work on your business, not in your business: Instead of work-ing on your business like a chore, enjoy time working in your business.

    Achieve greater nancial success

    Achieve greater nancial success: Having clari ed goals, strategies,and more e ciency will quickly increase business success.

    Bene ts

  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


    Services &

    ProductsTYLER W. JENSEN

    777 South Coast Hwy Suit e 215 Solana Beach, CA [email protected]

    920-TJE-NSEN (920-853-6736)858-344-5163 cell

    tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen

    Services and Products Outline

    Latitude Business Plan: A Business Plan Help Package Bene ts: Increase goal clarity Help you clarify your vision Improves your odds for success Helps keep you focused Helps you obtain nancing, if necessary Improves your business concept

    Guided Path Business Plan Package: A Business Plan Assistance PackageBene ts: Accelerate your business to the next level Improve your odds of success Save money on costly mistakes Learn from an experienced entrepreneur Helps you obtain nancing, if necessary Improves your business concept

    Good Life Growth Package: A Marketing and Sales Plan PackageBene ts:

    Accelerate your business to the next level Increase your sales Get a clear consistent direction for driving new business Systemize your marketing & sales to save time & money Surf Time Systems Package: A Systems PackageBene ts: Be able to work on your business, not in your business Have more free time Have faster and more efficient business processes Create a system, then test it by going to the beach!

    Navigation Package: A Small Business Strategy PackageBene ts: Be able to work on your business, not in your business Have more free time Have faster and more efficient business processes Create a system, then test it by going to the beach!

    Balanced Life Bookkeeping Package: A Bookkeeping PackageBene ts: Be able to work on your business, not in your business Have more free time

    Get a clear picture of your nancial status

    Packages &Bene ts

  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


    Service &

    Product DetailsTYLER W. JENSEN

    777 South Coast Hwy Suit e 215 Solana Beach, CA [email protected]

    920-TJE-NSEN (920-853-6736)858-344-5163 cell

    tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen

    Services and Products Details

    Business Plan Help: A strategic Business Plan is essential for all newand existing businesses and greatly increases the chance and levelof success.

    Business Plan Assistance Package: We will walk you through theprocess of writing a business plan with 12 weekly coaching/consultingsessions and provide you with a complete resource guide on how to

    write a business plan.Marketing and Sales Plan: Over 8 weeks we will identify your long andshort term goals for you and the sta , and create a system to measureand motivate your team towards those goals & develop a complete marketingand sales plan including 3-6 month tactical plan (execution).

    Systems Package: Over 8 weeks we will help you examine & build systemsin each major area of your business with the help of outside service providersor internal employees to free up your time to work on the business, ratherthan in the business. This would include Accounting, Human Resources,Management, IT, Communications & Operations.

    Small Business Strategy Package: Over 8 weeks we will identify your goalsboth personally and professionally, set up 2 strategy sessions with businessleaders, and build your Business Compass Executive Summary whichincludes your goals, mission statement, core values, core purpose and highlevel 3 year strategic plan summary.

    Bookkeeping Package: Experts in bookkeeping and accounting will provideyou quick and professional bookkeeping. We will get your nances up todate and keep it up to date. Data will be stored and backed up on theserver and can be viewed by you or your own accountant at any timefrom any computer.

    vice & Product


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


    Case Study TYLER W. JENSEN

    777 South Coast Hwy Suit e 215 Solana Beach, CA [email protected]

    920-TJE-NSEN (920-853-6736)858-344-5163 cell

    tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen

    Client: Green Gardens Landscape and Design is a full service companyserving residential and commercial clientele in and around San Diegosince 1979. Green Gardens focuses on bringing innovative design ideascoupled with a functional approach to meet speci c needs. In 2003Green Gardens was acquiared by Tyler Bilyk who increased its revenuesto a peak of $1.7 million in 2007.

    Problem: In May 2008 Tyler Jensen, CEO and founder of Coastal LatitudeConsulting, was called upon by Tyler Bilyk to help Green Gardens increaserevenue and implement an e ective organizational system. Net pro t forGreen Gardens was low at 0.5% of revenues. Revenues were already decliningsharply in the rst half of 2008, and int he meantime, Bilyk was stressed andworking as many as 80 hours per week while only taking home a basic salary.

    Goals: Bilyks goals were to increase pro t, implement systems that wouldhelp his business run more smoothly and more e ectively, and work less sohis business would be serving him instead of him serving it.

    After only 9 months these goals were met, as gross pro t increased sharplyto 8%, and as Bilyk now works 40-45 hours per week, cutting his previouswork time almost in half. Green Gardens now has an o ce, an HR system withjob descriptions, a bookkeeping system, and morning meetings which have

    shown an increase in communication and higher morale in the company. Bilyk has now been able to delegate many of his responsibilities, reducing his work load and his stress level greatly.

    Solution: Jensen met with Bilyk, analyzed the situation, and created a strategicplan to make the necessary changes. Jensen coached Biyk and consulted himcontinuously providing him his knowledge, expertise, resources, accoutability,and network.

    Many tools were used to repair the situation but more importantly, thebusiness and personal goals have been clari ed and are still beingacheived.

    Changes: Bilyk gained more free time, an increased salary, and arevamped organization. The whole operational system changed, whilemorning meetings were instituted to increase communication with andamong the team. job descriptions helped to de ne responsibilities andbetter accountability.

    Resolution: More recently, Bilyk asked Jensen to work with him on amarketing and sales system. This will create more free time for Bilyk to enjoylife while bene ting from an increase of 15% in pro t in a bad economy in 2009.

    Green Gardensndscape and Design

  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit



    777 South Coast Hwy Suit e 215 Solana Beach, CA [email protected]

    920-TJE-NSEN (920-853-6736)858-344-5163 cell

    tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen tylerwjensen



  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


  • 8/14/2019 Coastal Latitude Consulting Marketing Kit


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