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Page 1: Coastal Miwoks Food

Coastal Miwoks FoodBy: Kate Hautau

Page 2: Coastal Miwoks Food

This is a deer.The Miwoks used deer for Their meat for food and theirfur for blankets.

This is wild spinach.The Miwoks ate wild spinach.They found wild spinach in fields

This picture is about wild blueberries.They found they found theBlueberries on bushes.

Page 3: Coastal Miwoks Food

This is a map of whereMiwoks were found.The were also found wherea park is now. Called MiwokPark.

This is deer meat.They caught deer by washing off their humanscent and rubbed their selfwith bay leaves.

The squirrels were a good source of protien.

Page 4: Coastal Miwoks Food

This picture is acorn mush.You can put many things in acorn mush.

This is soap plant.The soap plant is used to clean themselvesand to stun fish to kill the fish.

This is a picture of aquail. The CostalMiwoks ate quail.

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