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Page 1: Cockermouth School News · 2018-03-05 · fabulous way of keeping active, gaining self-confidence and finding focus. Cockermouth School & Community Association January 100 club winners

Police and Crime Commissioner Visit

Beauty and the Beast

Cockermouth School News cockermouthschool.org 5 March 2018

Issue 4


Dr R P Petrie BSc PhD

a s p i r e

e n j o y

i n c l u d e

r e s p e c t

c o m m u n i t y

A Message from the Headteacher

Over the last few weeks we have had an increasing focus on our students’ futures. We held our very well-attended Sixth Form Open Evening, which gave us the opportunity to showcase the superb opportunities available to students and we also held a Year 9 Preferences afternoon, where students and their parents could meet with staff to discuss which GCSE subjects they should take. Both of these events have resulted in thorough discussions to support students in making the right choices in preparation for their educational futures. Information, Advice and Guidance meetings are a wonderful opportunity to pick the brains of our well-qualified staff to ensure that students maximise their potential, and I would encourage everyone to make sure that they take advantage of this support. We enjoyed hosting Year 5 students from our feeder primary schools in a Science taster day with a Harry Potter theme at the end of February. The event was a huge success and more information, along with photographs, will be published in our next newsletter but in the meantime, I would like to thank staff in the Science department, particularly the technicians, for the work they put in to make this an exciting and beneficial learning experience.

Forthcoming Events:

Recitals Week :

6 - 7 March

Y8 Parents Evening :

8 March

Y8 Sports Tour :

16 & 17 March

CSCA Meeting :

19 March

Y13 Parents Evening :

20 March

Y5 Curriculum Day :

28 March

Easter Holidays :

30 March - 15 April

Erasmus Trip to Czech Republic:

15 - 21 April

Y7 Parents Evening :

25 April

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This year’s annual school performance saw three nights of truly outstanding talent. Beauty and the Beast was a beautiful success with over 50 students and staff involved both in performance and production aspects of the show. Audiences were impressed with the lively and animated dance routines, comedic action and also the innovative way the classical Disney tale was brought to the stage. With help from the Art department and the school site team, the Music and Drama

departments have worked passionately on this collaborative project. The local community thoroughly enjoyed seeing the production and thought the performers and back stage crew were very professional with a hardworking and committed ethos to making musical theatre a family treat for all. Our congratulations and thanks go to each and every member of crew, cast and staff for their contributions towards making this such a spectacular event. Well done to all.

Tuesday 6 February was Safer Internet Day. The

Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall,

visited the school and saw our Sixth Form Cyber

Champions working with younger students to raise

awareness of how to ‘create, connect and share

respect‘ online. Students took part in an online

safety questionnaire and joined in a social media

‘Thunderclap’ to spread a positive message about

safe online behaviour. Our Cyber Champions will

be back at KS3 Parents’ Evenings - Year 8 on 8

March and Year 7 on 25 April – to offer information,

advice and guidance to parents and students

about keeping safe online. Parents can find more

information about internet safety on the School’s

Firefly support pages: http://



Page 2: Cockermouth School News · 2018-03-05 · fabulous way of keeping active, gaining self-confidence and finding focus. Cockermouth School & Community Association January 100 club winners

Rotary Food Competition

The annual Year 9 Rotary Food Competition took place on 20 February. Students were given a brief; to provide a two course meal for two people for under £8.00, using at least one local ingredient. This had to be prepared and presented within a 90 minute time frame and points were allocated for taste, appearance and presentation. The competition saw eight participants; Jonny Edgar, Alfie Parker-Weir, Liam McAlpine, Leoni Hardwick, Lucy Pointon, Aimee Bell, William Devenish and Noah Westwood strive for first place. Following a lengthy deliberation the Mike Wilde Trophy was presented to the admirable winner Leoni Hardwick, with the runner-up prize going to William Devenish. High praise was received from the panel of judges for their inspiring menus and tasty food, with particular mention of Jonny’s fruit crumble having an excellent balance between sweet and sour. Our thanks go to the Rotary Club for their continued support of the event with specific thanks going to their judges Joe Fagan and Michael Rooney, and freelance chef Stuart Powley.

Cameron Clague

Our A Level results see our school being placed in the top 10% of

school nationally. It’s not too late to apply to join our amazing

Sixth Form. Application deadline is Wednesday 7 March 2018.

WOW - our World of Work morning took place on Tuesday 30 January. Year 11

students had the opportunity to engage with over 50 local employers to find out about

the employability skills needed and the range of jobs available in the local labour

market. Thank you to all of the local employers who joined us, for giving their time so

generously and inspiring and enthusing our students.

An interview with:

Mr A Westley - IT Systems Manager

Rapid fire questions:

Name something from your bucket list - To

go to Japan, somewhere totally different

Favourite emoji -

Favourite food - Curry, Vindaloo or Pathia

Who is your hero - Phil Collins

Preferred social media platform -


Biggest regret - Wish I had travelled more

when I was younger

What challenges you - Finding free time

Spender or saver - Spender

What have you done that are you most

proud of - Having children, I have 2


Cameron Clague in Year 8 has been

proudly showing staff and his peers the

bronze medals he received following a

recent Karate competition which was

held in Liverpool. He was placed 3rd for

Kata and joint 3rd for Fighting. Cameron

attends a Karate Club once a week

which is run by his sempai (teacher)

Lauren, he is currently a purple belt but

is working hard to achieve his brown/

white striped belt. Well done Cameron,

keep up the hard work. Karate is a

fabulous way of keeping active, gaining

self-confidence and finding focus.

Cockermouth School &

Community Association

January 100 club winners

1st Mrs V Pallister £24

2nd Mrs N Neen £18

3rd Mr M Statter £12

For only £12 per year you too

can join the 100 Club Draw. If

you are interested in joining

please contact reception for a

subscription form.


Congratulations to our KS3 Badminton players on a

fantastic win at Carlisle. Following their win in the

County round Year 8 student, Corey Stewart, and Year

9 students Sam Wright, Dan Casson, Connor Paterson

and Archie

Frazer will now

go on to play

the regional

round in


Well done, we

wish you good


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