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Cocktail and Wine Digest









(From Private Notes)



© Oscar Haimo 1966 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965,


All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from

Oscar Haimo Publisher

Drawings and Poems by Oscar Haimo

Printed in the United States of America


International Standard Recipes

Officially Endorsed by

The International

Hotelmen Association and

The International

Bar Managers'











The International Mark Tmain Society INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS






CYRIL CLEMENS, President H BRISTOL WILLIAUS, Executive Vice-Président

CARROLL SIBLEY, Sécretary General

April 11, 1945

Dear Mr. Haimo:

For your contribution to literature, the Executive Committee has voted you the Hon-orary Membership. The award wi l l be made upon your approval. There are no dues.

Cordially yours,









TABLE OF CONTENTS Bar M a n a g e m e n t 9

No te to the Professional Barman 11

Preface 1 2

A Note A b o u t the Author 14

Problems of A l c o h o l 16

Bar Utensils 20

The Drink Mixer 's Commandmen t s 21

Glas sware 22

The Basic Guide

( W h a t Every Barman and Host Should Know) 2 4

N e w M o d e r a t e Trend is to Sparkling Tall Drinks 2 7

S tandard Bar Measures (U.S.A. and British) 2 8

Amer i can Equivalents of Foreign Standards 2 8

S tandard Sizes o f Glasses 2 8

Cocktail Digest—International S tandard Recipes 2 9

Cocktail Party a n d Bar Preparations for 3 6 P e o p l e 3 0

Mean ing of Liquor Labeling 4 4

Explanation of W i n e Labeling 4 4

W i n e & Liquor Cask Standards 4 4

The Nine Cycles o f Life 5 9

Calor ies & W e i g h t Control 6 2

B e v e r a g e Calor ie Chart Digest 1 0 4

International Toasts 106

Z o d i a c o f Wines 108

W i n e Digest (How, W h e n , W h a t to Serve) 109

Basic Classification o f Wines 113

Correc t W i n e Procedure and Proper Service 114

Vin tage Chart for Imported W i n e s 115

Origin o f the Finest Imported Table Wines 1 1 6

The " S o m m e l i e r " W i n e Suggest ions for Courses 117

Draughts and Brews Digest (Beers, Ales , Stout & Porter) 118

S tandard Barrel Contents 119

S tandard Bottle S i ze 120

Spirit Digest 122

Index o f Drinks b y Bottled Ingredients on Hand 128




I. B. M. A. 252 EAST 61st STREET

NEW YORK, N. Y., 10021 8


The position of the Bar Manager is of extreme importance.

Besides being an expert drink mixer and having a complete knowl­

edge of all Cocktails, Wines, Beers and Spirits, he must have a

thorough understanding of buying, percentage, control and proper

storage of all beverages, compliance with all regulations of the

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, handling the public, supervising

and training his personnel.

The responsibility imposed upon the Bar Manager rests entirely

upon his ability tor the functioning of the Bars to produce the

results and profits expected.

It is for this purpose of improving and elevating the standards

and ethics of all Bar Managers that the International Bar Man­

agers' Association was organized by outstanding Bar Managers

and Head Barmen throughout the world.

OSCAR HAIMO, President of the International Bar Managers' Association.


BARMEN'S SCHOOL FOR VETERANS under the supervision of Oscar Haimo


The professional b a r m a n has many obligations to the public.

Courtesy, cleanliness, restrictions on smoking, dr ink ing, etc. . . .

these you al l know about . O n e obl igat ion, however , of e q u a l im­

por tance, many of you tend to forget : that a drink should be

the same al l over the country.

In a lifetime devoted to the better cocktail, the author has

read l i teral ly hundreds of "gu ide -books" containing " s t a n d a r d "

recipes. M a n y of these he respects; however, very often the same

drink has as many different recipes as there a r e books. It is

seldom, therefore, that two barmen make even the simplest of

drinks a l ike , and e q u a l l y seldom that the customer is served just

the kind of drinks he expects.

C lear ly what is n e e d e d is some standard for dr ink-mixing, some

w a y to p r e p a r e drinks in similar fashion f rom state to state and

region to region. This, no less than decorum a n d politeness, is

the barman's pr imary obl igat ion to his patrons. A n d it is with

this purpose: S T A N D A R I Z A T I O N , that the Internat ional " C o c k t a i l

and Wine D i g e s t , " The Barmen's Bible, is respectfully offered

to the t rade and to the public.



P R E F A C E Historians have been misled into imagining that the name

"cocktail" was in some way derived from the caudal plumage of the domestic rooster; or have attributed the word's origin to a fantastic tale of a Mexican King with a beautiful daughter who was conveniently named "Coctel." Though somewhat labored in the one case and romantic in the other, neither happens to be accurate.

The author of the "Cocktail and Wine Digest, The Barmen's Bible" has heard the question, "Where did the name cocktail orig­inate?" debated in hundreds of the foremost bars of both Europe and America, but has never yet heard any two of the debaters agree on the point; or indeed anyone able to produce any definite and satisfying proof of his contentions, so he offers his own theory —a simple one.

The word "cocktail" is from the word "concoct." If it isn't, it ought to be. In any event, why seek for involved reasons for the christening of so delightful a potion—for in the hand of a master of the art, the cocktail, like nothing else in these trying days, has the power to lighten our heavy hours and give a rosier hue to our lighter moments.

In this little book will be found the results of years of study and research by one who has been acknowledged a supreme master of the art, for art it is. . . . And though the author is confident that, should anything pertaining to the mixing o f cocktails have been omitted from this book it was, in all probability, not worth including—and so:

With a slight bow to the artist in you, Sir or Madam, insert any new concoctions you may create—A Votre Santé.


S.S. UNITED STATES (52,000 Gross tons) "World's Fastest and Most Modern Luxury Liner"

—has a capacity of 1 , 9 3 0 passengers—


A NOTE ABOUT THE AUTHOR Walter Winchell, in referring to Oscar Haimo's prize-winning

MacArthur Cocktail, wrote in his "On Broadway" column, that it was "as zingy as its name."

This in effect was as perfect a description as could ever be given, not only of the most famous of the author's drinks, but probably of every mixture the author has created. That certain "zing"—the deft flair which makes his cocktails different—has made Haimo renowned throughout the world.

Oscar Haimo's doctrine "Will It and It Won't Be A Dream" began with his career in Europe where, after the usual apprentice­ship, he became maître de bar of Fouquet's on the Avenue des Champs Elysées in Paris. Later, he filled similar positions at the Royalty Bar and The Casino in Monte Carlo, the Ritz in Paris, and others.

In this country, he has been at the Embassy Club, the Royal Box and Surf Club at Miami Beach, the Belgian Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, the Waldorf-Astoria, the Plaza, the Hotel Pierre and the International Bar Managers Club in New York City.

In his lifetime of drink-mixing, Haimo has qualified particu­larly for those establishments which cater to the fastidious. He has mixed drinks for the world's best known celebrities, and is so much the master of his art, that he can judge the ingredients and formula of any drink by merely tasting.

Aspiring always to the best in life, Haimo has mastered not only the wines of France, Italy, Spain, Germany and England, where he has made a close study of wine-processing and spirit production, but also the languages of these countries as well.

Oscar Haimo also carries his artistry with drinks to other fields and his unusual drawings and poems are graphic and convincing evidence of great sensitivity and a great wealth of experience as a human being coupled with a philosophy which would d o credit to a savant.


His latest autobiography "Nothing Lasts Forever" ($3.00) is an exciting chronicle of one man's will to succeed regardless of the almost insurmountable hardships which had to be faced. This tale which begins in the back streets of Paris carried the reader to Marseilles and Algiers, through the desert wastes of Africa into Jerusalem, to Monte Carlo and finally America.

However, the greatest thing in this mixologist's life is the "cocktail par excellence." As one columnist puts it: "Oscar measures pours, stirs, or shakes, as the case may be, the ingre­dients as if he were presiding at the discovery and birth of some new chemical process which will stir the soul of all mankind."

As Founder, and President of the International Bar Managers' Association, Ex-President of the International Barmen Association, Honorary Member of the International Mark Twain Society, Honor­ary Member of the "Associazione Italiana Barmen e Sostenitori," Member of the American Society of Bar Masters, Honorary Mem­ber of the Venezuela Barmen Association, Honorary Member and American Representative of the United Kingdom Bartenders' Guild, Honorary Member and American Representative of the "Barmen de France," Adviser to the University of the State of New York for Barmen Schools.

Oscar Haimo's unequalled knowledge of all beverages gives you invaluable information and understanding on Wines, Liquors and Spirits for your benefit. With his professional advice, he presents the rules for the BETTER COCKTAIL and recommends only BRAND names of excellent quality in this International COCKTAIL AND WINE DIGEST, The Barmen's Bible.


PROBLEMS OF ALCOHOL Every person connected with the sale of alcoholic beverages

can play an important part in the industry's over-all public rela­tions program. This is particularly true in establishments dealing in sales by the drink.

To the average man in the street the liquor industry consists of his corner tavern or hotel bar. If the operators of those bars succeed in winning his respect and' confidence, that is good public relations. If, on the other hand, they alienate his good will and permit him to leave with a poor estimate of the operator's ethical standards, that is poor public relations.

Since every member of the industry has a stake in establishing it in its proper place and in winning for it the proper degree of respect, then every member of the industry must do his share to merit that consideration.

Dr. E. M. Jellinek of the Yale School of Research into the Problems of Alcohol "has estimated that 9 5 per cent of the people who drink do so sanely and moderately." However, five per cent of the nation's drinkers occasionally abuse alcoholic beverages and are a matter of serious concern to every responsible member of the industry.

The bar manager and the bartender are the most important factors in helping to reduce that five per cent by setting up a hard and fast rule of not selling to intoxicated persons.

Another instance in which the bar manager and the bartender can play a highly important role in the industry's public relations is in the matter of sales to minors. There is no one single act that can lose the respect and support of decent people faster than the sale of alcoholic beverages to teen-agers. Of course, in the vast majority of cases such sales are accidental. However, a little added caution in such cases will pay rich dividends in enhanced public esteem.


Other factors that will help win friends and respect for your establishment and for the entire industry are the maintaining of scrupulous cleanliness in your bar, and the strict observance of all regulations affecting your business. You may feel that refusing to sell a drink after hours might irritate the good will of a customer—but it won't, it will win for you and your establishment the respect of everybody within earshot.

The industry's most effective public relations expert isn't behind a mahogany desk in a panelled office, he's behind a bar—your bar!





BAR UTENSILS Top Row from Left to Right: Silver C h a m p a g n e C o o l e r , Southern Comfort Electric Mixing Machine , Mixing Glass and Stirring S p o o n , Silver Cocktail Shaker ; S e c o n d R o w : Cork Screw, Funnel, Two-way J igger , Wire Rimmed and Handled Strainer, Lime and Lemon Squeezers , Swizzle Stick, Stirrer; Bottom Row: W i n e Basket, Ice S c o o p , Muddler , Fruit Cutting Board and Stainless Steel Fruit Knife, Ice Pick, S n o w Ice Shaver .

2 0

The Drink Mixer's C O M M A N D M E N T S

1 . When in doubt, MEASURE. . . . Measure with a JIGGER, not the eye. Mixing drinks is, after all, a culinary art, and ANYONE CAN DO IT IF HE FOLLOWS DIRECTIONS.

2 . Use the best liquor you can afford.

3. An essential ingredient of any cocktaii is ice—be sure it is clean.

4. When mixing drinks containing fruit juices, egg, cream, milk and/or sweetening—pour the spirits last.

5. Use only fresh fruit juices as a mixer—never canned. Use only fresh white of egg for foaming cocktails, never chemical preparation. (3 teaspoon egg white per cocktaii.)

6. Don't use squeezed juice which has been in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours as Vitamin C will have diminished.

7. For sweetening use powdered, not confectioner's sugar.

8. If shaking is called for, shake; don't rock. Contrariwise, if stirring is called for, stir; don't shake. . . . Remember this: stirring makes a clear drink, shaking a cloudy one.

9. If possible, chill cocktail glasses before serving.

10. Don't let cocktails stand; drink as soon as possible after mixing. Do not use any "ready-made" cocktails or mixed drinks from cans or bottles.


GLASSWARE Top Row from Left / o Right: C h a m p a g n e Cut Down C o u p e , Stand­ard C h a m p a g n e C o u p e , Brandy Inhaler, Absinthe Drip Glass; S e c o n d R o w : Old Fashioned Glass , De lmon ico Glass, Highball Glass, Tall Glass or Tom Collins Glass , Cal ifornia Cocktail Glass ; Bottom R o w : Whiskey Glass , Cordial or Pony Glass, Brandy Liner Glass, Sherry or Port Glass , Claret or Red W i n e Glass , Whi te W i n e Glass , Rhine W i n e Glass.


GLASSWARE Top Row from Left to Right: Beer Glass, Z o m b i e Glass , Peach

C h a m p a g n e Glass; Second Row: Large Decanter , W a t e r G o b l e t ,

Large Pitcher; Bottom Row: Frosted Punch Cup , Tom & Jerry Mug ,

Silver M u g .



Name of

Drink Correct Gloss Ingredients Ice

Aperitifs (Appet izer) Approp r i a t e glass Straight and mixed Chill Cobb le r s W a t e r g o b l e t Liquor, C u r a c a o or sugar, b randy , fruit, mint Cracked Cocktails Cocktail A c c o r d i n g to cocktail desired Cracked Collins Collins Liquor, lemon juice, sugar, s o d a Cracked Coolers Collins Liquor, g inger a le or s o d a , syrup or

g renad ine , fruit Cracked Cordials Cordia l , liqueur, Liqueur, b y name

Cocktail or Sherry Glass (if Frappé,) Shaved Crustas Cocktail or W i n e Half o r a n g e p e e l e d (sugar rim of glass),

Liquor, lime juice, maraschino Cracked Cups Glass pitcher W i n e , cordia ls , cucumber rind, b randy , fruit,

mint C u b e or Cracked Daisies Highball Liquor, raspberry, lemon juice, s o d a , fruit Cracked Egg N o g s Collins Liquor, egg, milk, sugar , nutmeg Cracked Fixes Highball Liquor, lemon, sugar, s o d a , fruit Shaved Fizzes Highball Liquor, lemon, sugar, s o d a C u b e Flips De lmon ico or wine Liquor or wine, sugar, egg, nutmeg Cracked


Highballs Highball Liquor, ginger ale, soda or water Cube Hot Buttered Old Fashioned or mug Rum, hard butter, sugar, nutmeg (Boiling hot water) Juleps Tankards or Collins Liquor, sugar, mint, (frost glass) Shaved Lemonades Collins Lemon juice, sugar, water or soda, fruit Cracked Old Fashioned Old Fashioned Sugar, bitters, liquor, fruit Cube Orangeade Collins Orange juice, water or soda, sugar, fruit Cracked Punches Bowls, Cups, Collins Claret, Burgundy, Planter's, Milk, from

or tankards recipes. Puffs Collins Liquor, fresh milk, soda Cube Rickeys Highball Liquor, lime, soda Cube Sangarees Highball Wine, slice lemon, sugar, fruit, nutmeg Cracked Shrubs Tumblers. Made in Special recipes and soda Cube

pitcher and bottled Slings Collins Liquor, fruit juice, cordials Cracked Smashes Old Fashioned Liquor, lump sugar, mint, fruit Cube Sours Delmonico Liquor, lemon juice, sugar, fruit Cracked Swizzles (Pitcher) highball Liquor, bitters, sweetening, soda Shaved Toddies Old Fashioned Liquor, slice lemon, sugar, cloves, hot or

cold water Tom & Coffee cup or Liquor (Jamaica rum), egg beaten, hot

Jerries Tom & Jerry mug water or milk, sugar, nutmeg Zooms Wine Liquor, honey dissolved in boiling water,

fresh cream Cracked


New moderate trend is to sparkling tall drinks

Recent years have seen a m o r e sensible a p p r o a c h in drinking habits, a heart-warming trend to modera t ion .

A n d with this new trend has c o m e a rising popular i ty for tall drinks m a d e with sparkling mixers. Especially wor ld-famous C a n a d a Dry Mixers.

It is e a s y to see w h y . Whicheve r C a n a d a Dry Mixer y o u prefer —Canada Dry G i n g e r A l e , Club S o d a , Quinine W a t e r , Collins Mixer o r Sparkling Grapefruit—it actually makes your tall drink taste better. And—it makes a drink that is better for you, t o o !

This is a fact , p r o v e n conclusively b y research at a leading university. The reason is exclusive "PIN-POINT C A R B O N A T I O N . " O n l y C a n a d a Dry has it. These millions of tiny, livelier bubb les s p e e d liquid through your system 8 0 % faster than plain water , aid digest ion and curb unpleasant after effects.

These pin-point b u b b l e s last l onge r , t oo—keep y o u r tall drinks sparkling with g o o d taste. And good taste it is! C a n a d a Dry Mixers br ing out the full b o u q u e t . . . enhance the flavor of any liquor y o u use.

That is w h y I strongly r e c o m m e n d C a n a d a Dry Mixers in all tall drink recipes included in this G u i d e .



Approximate Equivalent in British Ounces

1 ga l lon 1 2 8 ounces 1 3 3 . ounces 1 quart 3 2 ounces 3 3 . ounces 4 / 5 2 5 3 / 5 ounces 2 6 . 6 6 ounces 1 Pint 1 6 ounces 16 .66 ounces 1 W i n e Glass o r 1 Gill 4 ounces 4 .2 o u n c e s 1 J igger 1 1/2 ounces 1.66 ounces 1 Pony 1 o u n c e 1.04 ounces 1 T e a s p o o n 1/8 o u n c e .13 o u n c e

1 Dash 1/16 o u n c e .05 o u n c e


Litre 1 .0567 quarts 0 . 2 6 4 1 8 ga l lons Quar t 0 . 9 4 6 3 litres G a l l o n 4 quarts 3 . 7 8 5 3 litres Hectolitre 100 litres 2 6 . 4 1 7 8 ga l lons 9 Litres ( a v e r a g e content o f a ca se o f wine) 2 . 3 7 7 6 ga l lons Kilogram 2 . 2 0 4 pounds

STANDARD SIZES OF GLASSES 3/4 o z . to 1 o z .

Pony or Cord ia l 1 oz. to 2 oz

Brandy Liner 1 oz to 2 1/2 oz. Whiskey o r L,quor 2 oz. to 2 1/2 oz.

Sherry or Port 2 oz. to 31/2 oz.

Cocktai l 4 oz.

O l d Fash.oned 5 oz. to 6 oz.

champagne 5 o z . to 7 o z . Highball 8 o z . to 12 o z . G o b l e t or Tumbler 10 oz. to 1 4 o z .

Z o m b i e 14 oz. to 16 oz.


Cocktail Digest International Standard Recipes

or What Will You Have?

All Cocktail Recipes in

the DIGEST are based on

the STANDARD 31/2 o u n c e

glass, due a l l owance hav­

ing been m a d e for ice

dilution, sweetening, etc.

. . . For all other drinks,

recipes a re b a s e d on the

standard size of the a p p r o ­

priate glass.



For 36 PEOPLE* (Increase your STOCK accordingly,

figuring 3 Drinks per person.)

STOCK TO HAVE ON HAND: 3 Bottles SCOTCH 2 Bottles RYE 2 Bottles BOURBON 2 Bottles GIN 2 Bottles RUM 1 Bottle VODKA 1 Bottle SOUTHERN COMFORT 1 Bottle TEQUILA 1 Bottle COGNAC


12 Small Bottles BEER


CONTROL BY BOTTLE: (Depending on size of glass being used)

A Fifth or 25.6 ounce Bottle of LIQUOR will serve about 17 Drinks using 1 1/2 oz. Jigger or will make about 15 Cocktails. (See Recipes.) A Quart or 32 ounce Bottle of LIQUOR will serve about 21 Drinks using 1 1/2 oz. Jigger or will make about 18 Cocktails. (See Recipes.) 1 Bottle of CORDIAL will serve about 25 Ponies. 1 Bottle of WINE will serve about 6 Wine Glasses. PUNCHES per Gallon—see page 79.

COBBLERS page 42 COLLINS page 45 COOLERS page 47 CUPS page 49 DAISIES page 51 EGG N O G S page 53 FIXES page 54 FIZZES page 55 FLIPS page 58 HIGHBALLS page 63

OLD FASHIONED page 73 RICKEYS page 84 SANGAREES page 87 SHRUBS page 89 SLINGS page 90 SMASHES page 92 SOURS page 93 SWIZZLES page 98 TODDIES page 99 ZOOMS page 103

I N G R E D I E N T S : Fresh Lemon Juice—Lemons—Lemon Peel—Limes—Oranges—Fresh Pineapple —Sprigs of Mint—Tomato Juice—Red Cherries—Pitted Green Olives—Pearl Onions—Powdered Sugar—Grenadine—Aromatic Bitters—Eggs—Nutmeg— Cream and Mitk—Worcestershire Sauce—Salt and Pepper.



A * ABSINTHE ( S u b s t i t u t e ) . I n d e x of Dr inks . See p a g e 1 2 8

* ABSINTHE COCKTAIL 2 oz. Absinthe (Substitute) 3 dashes Anisette 1 tsp. Sugar Shake with Ice, Strain & Serve. Twist of lemon peel on top.

* ABSINTHE DRIP Place a lump of sugar in an absinthe Drip top. Pour 1 Vx oz. of absinthe (substitute) when the sugar is dissolved, fill goblet with cold water.

* ABSINTHE FRAPPÉ See Frappe page 58

ACAPULCO COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1/2 oz. Triple Sec. 6 dashes Pineapple Juice 2 oz. Tequilla. Shake with Ice & Strain.

ADMIRAL COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime

1/2 oz. Cherry Cordial 2 oz. Gin Shake with Ice & Strain.

AESOP DRINK Aesop, son of Clodius Aesopus, dissolved in vinegar, a pearl valued at $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 in order to have the satisfaction of consum­ing the most expensive drink ever known.

AFTER-DINNER COCKTAIL 1 oz. Prunella Brandy 1 oz. Cherry Brandy Dash of Lime Juice Shake with Ice & Strain. Serve in Sherry glass.

*The use of Absinthe is prohibited by law in the U.S.A., but there are legal substitutes that may be used.



3/4 oz. Yellow Chartreuse 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

ALEXANDER COCKTAIL No. 1 1/2 oz. Cream

3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1/2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Top with Nutmeg

ALEXANDER COCKTAIL No. 2 1/2 oz. Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Top with Nutmeg

ALLIES COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth

2 dashes Kummel 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.


3 dashes White Creme de Menthe 1/2 oz. Grenadine Syrup 1/2 oz. Dry Vermouth 1/2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain. Top with port wine.

AMERICAN FLAG CORDIAL 1/3 oz. Grenadine Syrup 1/3 oz. Maraschino 1/3 oz. Creme de Yvette

Pour carefully in cordial glass.

AMERICANO HIGHBALL 1 oz. Campari Bitters 2 oz. Sweet Vermouth 2 cubes Ice in highball glass Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir.



2 oz. Amer-Picon 3/4 oz. Grenadine or Lemon Syrup

2 cubes Ice in highball glass Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

A M O U R COCKTAIL 2 oz. Sweet Sherry, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir with Ice and Strain.

ANGEL'S DREAM CORDIAL 2 / 3 oz. Apricot Brandy, 1 /3 oz. Cream on top. Use Cordial glass.

ANGEL'S KISS CORDIAL 2/3 oz. Creme de Cacao

Top with cream capped with a cherry on cordial glass.

ANGEL'S TIT CORDIAL 2/3 oz. Creme de Cacao 1/3 oz. Maraschino 1/3 oz. Creme Yvette

Pour very carefully in cordial glass. Top with cream capped with a cherry.

APERITIF — French word for appetizer.

APPLE JACK— Index of Drinks. See page 128.

APPLE JACK COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 tsp. Sugar, 2 oz. Apple Jack Shake with Ice and Strain.

A Q U A V I T — Index of Drinks. See page 128.



3/4 OZ. Dry Vermouth, 2 oz. Aquavit. Twist of Lemon Peel. Stir with Ice & Strain.

ARF & ARF—A blend of half Porter and half Pale Ale.

ARGENTINO COCKTAIL 3 dashes Grenadine, 2 dashes Aromatic Bitters

3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth, 2 oz. Brandy Decorate with lemon peel. Shake with Ice and Strain.

ARMY COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 2 oz. Gin

2 dashes Orange Bitters Shake with Ice and Strain. Twist of orange peel on top.


Juice of 1/2 Lime, 2 oz. Southern Comfort, 3/4 O Z . Aquavit,

4 dashes Brandy. Shake with ice and Strain.


3/4 oz. Apricot Brandy, 3/4 oz. Gin, 2 dashes Lime Juice 2 dashes Orange Juice. Shake with ice and Strain.


Juice of 1/2 Lime, 3 dashes Maraschino 3 dashes Triple Sec, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and strain.



1/2 oz. Benedictine, 1/2 oz. Brandy. Serve in cordial glass.

BACARDI COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 4 dashes Grenadine or 1/2 tsp. Sugar 2 oz. Bacardi Rum. Shake well with Ice & Strain.

BAHAMAS HIGHBALL 2 cubes Ice in tall glass, 1 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 oz. Gin, Slice of Lemon Fill with Canada Dry Quinine Water. Stir.

BALLET RUSSE COCKTAIL 4 dashes Lime Juice, 2 oz. Vodka

1/2 oz. Creme de Cassis. Shake with Ice & Strain.

BAMBOO COCKTAIL 2 oz. Dry Sherry, 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitter. Stir with Ice & Strain.

B A N G — Spiced Ale and Cider served warm.

BARBARY COAST COCKTAIL 1/4 OZ. Cream, 1/2 oz. Creme de Cacao, 1/2 oz. Gin 1 1/2 oz. Scotch. Shake well with shaved ice and strain in Delmonico glass.

B A R M A N or B A R T E N D E R — M a n who mixes and serves drinks in a Barroom.

BAZOOKA HIGHBALL Juice and rind of 1 Lime, 4 dashes Grenadine, 3 dashes Curacao, 2 oz. Rum or spirit desired. Serve in tall glass wilh shaved ice. Decorate with fruit. Top with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage. Stir.



Juice of 1/2 Lime, 2 dashes Maraschino, 1/2 oz. Triple Sec 2 oz. Rum. Serve in Champagne glass with shaved ice banked on one side. Serve with short straws.

BEER H o m e M a d e Recipe 2 pound of granulated sugar, 3 quarts of barley 31/2 oz. Hops, 3/4 oz. Yeast, 1/4 pound Chicoree for color-Boil the mixture for 2 hours with 4 gallons of water. When cold, bottle and close tightly-After 6 days it is ready to drink.

BETWEEN-THE-SHEETS COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 3/4 oz. Brandy, 3/4 oz. Triple Sec 1 1/4 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

B E V E R A G E — Drink of any description.

BIARRITZ COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1/2 oz. Orange Curacao 2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

B I J O U C O C K T A I L 1/2 oz. Chartreuse, 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth

2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with cherry. Twist of lemon peel over drink.

BLACKBIRD COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern. 2 oz. Apple Jack Serve on the Rocks. Stir.

BLACK RUSSIAN COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 2 oz. Vodka Pour over Ice Cubes in an Old Fashioned Glass. Stir.

BLACK SEA COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 2 oz. Rye, 3 Tsp. Egg White Shake well with Ice and Strain into Cocktail glass.



Split Chilled Champagne, Split Chilled Stout. Pour simultaneously and slowly in tall glass.

BLACK W I D O W COCKTAIL 2 oz. Rum 1 oz. Southern Comfort Juice 1/2 Lime Dash rock candy syrup (or sugar water) Shake with cracked ice, strain and serve in cocktail glass.

BLAST OFF COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. lime juice 1 oz. grapefruit juice 1 jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort White of egg—sugar to taste (1/2 tsp.) Shake, strain, and serve in cocktail glass. Top with cherry.

BLOODY MARY COCKTAIL— S a m e as R e d Snapper Cocktai l . See p a g e 8 3 .

BLUE BLAZER Use two large silver or copper mugs. 1 wine glass Scotch Whisky 1 wine glass Boiling Water Put the whiskey into one mug and the boiling water in the other one, ignite the whiskey and while blazing mix both ingredients by pouring them five times from one mug to the other. Sugar to taste. Decorate with lemon peel.

BLUE MOON COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Creme de Yvette, 2 oz. Gin

White of egg. Shake with Ice & Strain.

BOILER MAKER I jigger of Spirit desired with beer chaser.

BOLERO COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 4 dashes Orange Juice, 1 oz. Brandy, 1 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.



Same as Whiskey Sour page 9 3 but add 4 dashes Absinthe (substitute)

BOMBAY COCKTAIL 1/4 OZ. Sweet Vermouth, 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth

3 dashes Curacao, 2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

B O N A N Z A COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern 2 oz. Bourbon, 2 tsp. Egg White Shake well with Ice and Strain into Cocktail Glass.

BOOMERANG COCKTAIL 2 dashes of Juice of Lime, 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth, 3/4 oz. Swedish Punch, 1 oz. Rye. Shake with Ice & Strain.

BOOZE or BOZA—Turki sh word for strong drinks .

BOURBON—Index of Dr inks . See p a g e 1 2 9 .


2 dashes Creme de Cassis

3 oz. Chilled White Wine. Serve in wine glass. B R A I N D U S T E R C O C K T A I L

1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz. Brandy Dash Orange Bitters. Stir with Ice & Strain.

BRANDY—Index of Dr inks . See p a g e 1 3 0 .

BRANDY CAPRICE Make an incision around center of orange. Carefully pull skin back towards one end so as to form a cup and still be fastened to orange. Pour 11/2 oz. of Brandy and ignite. While burning, slowly pass one lump of sugar in a teaspoon through flame until sugar melts.

BRANDY COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 4 dashes Curacao 2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.



1 1/2 0 2 . Sherry 1 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 dashes Absinthe (substitute) Top with Lemon Peel. Stir with Ice & Strain.

BRONX COCKTAIL 1/4 oz. Orange Juice

1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

BROOKLYN COCKTAIL 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth Dash Maraschino. 2 oz. Rye. Stir with Ice & Strain.

Beware of Satan's Temptation

Enjoy Life in Moderation by Oscar Haimo



Place Ice cube with 1 1/2 oz. Rye (or any liquor desired) in Tall glass. Fill with Canada Dry Cola. Stir.

BUG-HOUSE COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz. Brandy 1/2 oz. Absinthe (substitute). Shake with Ice & Strain.

BULLSHOT HIGHBALL In highball glass with cube ice 1 1/2 oz. Vodka. Fill glass with beef consomme. Salt to taste. Twist of Lemon Peel. Stir.

BURGUNDY—Index of Drinks. See page 131.

BYRRH COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Gin. 2 oz. Byrrh.

Stir with Ice & Strain. Add twist of lemon peel.


2 oz. Kirsch, 1 tsp. Sugar, White of Egg and add Coffee. Shake well with shaved ice. Strain and serve in wine glass.

CAFÉ DIABLE Put in Silver bowl entire peel from one lemon and one orange 1 oz. coffee beans—4 cloves—2 cinnamon sticks—sugar to taste and 8 oz. very hot coffee. Set on a fire until boiling. Mix in a ladle: 1/2 oz. Benedictine. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy and ignite, and while blazing mix with the boiling coffee in the bowl. Serve in demi-tasse.

C A F E R O Y A L E or C A F É BRULE On top of demi-tasse or cup of hot coffee hold a teaspoon with a lump of sugar in it. Pour 1 oz. of Brandy or spirit desired on sugar. Ignite and mix in coffee.

CAFÉ TURC Pour hot coffee on pulverized coffee. Heat to boiling. Serve in demi-tasse.



4 dashes Lemon Juice, 4 dashes Orange Juice 4 dashes Maraschino, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and Strain.

CASSISCO HIGHBALL Serve in Highball glass, ice cubes, 1 1/2 oz. Creme de Cassis 1 oz. Brandy—add Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Sparkling Bitter Lemon. Stir.

CH'A CH'A COCKTAIL Stir one teaspoon Instant Tender Leaf tea in tall glass half filled with water. When foamy, add a jigger of Southern Comfort. Fill glass with ice cubes, stir to cool. Add mara­schino cherry. Serve with straws.

CHAMPAGNE—Index of Drinks. See page 131.

CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL 1 lump Sugar, in Champagne glass, saturated with Aromatic Bitters, (ice cube if desired) Twist of lemon peel Fill with chilled champagne

CIDER, (hard) or FRUIT WINE Home Made Recipe In a tub mash your apples with a little granulated sugar everyday for 2 weeks. After, strain the pulp and the juice through a cheese cloth and put the juice into a barrel to be kept in a cool place. Everyday fill the barrel with sugar water until it stops fermenting. Then cork the barrel and let it stand for 3 months. But after 1 year it is best. For wild fruit wine like blueberry, cranberry, elderberry etc. . . . use the same process, except keep the barrel in a warm place to ferment. When using berries of any kind that stain the hands—First put lemon juice on your hands and let it dry.

CLARET—Index of Drinks. See page 131



Cracked ice in tall glass. Juice of 1 Lemon, 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar A d d liffle water or Canada Dry Club Soda and stir. Top with Claret Wine Add Fruit. Serve with straws.

CLOG—HOT W I N E DRINK ( S e r v e s f i f teen)

3/4 cup Sugar, 1 pint Sherry Wine, 2 oz. Aromatic Bitters, 1 pint Claret Wine, 1/2 pint Brandy. Use large flame-proof casserole. Place over fire until piping hot. Serve in Old Fashioned glass or mug.

CLOVER CLUB COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lemon, White of Egg, 4 dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice, Strain in wine glass.

CLOVER LEAF COCKTAIL Same as Clover Club Cocktail but with sprig of mint on top.


Fill goblet half with cracked ice, 2 oz. Southern Comfort 1 slice of Lemon, 4 dashes curacao. Stir. Decorate with fruit, sprig of mint.

W H I S K E Y or W I N E COBBLER Fill goblet half with cracked ice 2 oz. Whiskey or 3 oz. Wine desired 4 dashes Curacao, 1 slice Lemon, 4 dashes Brandy. Stir. Decorate with fruit, sprig of mint.

COFFEE COCKTAIL Yolk of Egg, 1 tsp. Sugar, 1 oz. Brandy, 1 oz. Port Wine Dash of Curacao. Shake with Ice and Strdin. Serve in wine glass. Nutmeg on top.


C COFFEE S O U T H E R N — I n d e x of Dr inks . See p a g e 132

Made by Southern Comfort Corporation. St. Louis, Mo.


1 oz. Coffee Southern 2 oz. Brandy, 3 tsp. Egg White Shake with (ce & Strain into Cocktail glass. Top with Nutmeg.


Pour Coffee Southern in a Cordial Glass and serve.

COFFEE SOUTHERN A N D COINTREAU 1 part Coffee Southern, 1 part Cointreau Pour Liqueurs over Ice in a short glass; Stir gently.


On top of Demi-Tasse or Cup of Hot Coffee pour 1 oz. Coffee Southern. Ignite a teaspoon filled with Southern Comfort; pour into Coffee and mix.


Pour 1 1/2 oz. Coffee Southern over cracked Ice into Cocktail glass. Serve with short straws.


Pour Cordial Glass one-fourth full with Creme de Menthe. Fill with Coffee Southern and serve.


1 1/2 oz. Coffee Southern Serve in Old Fashioned glass with Ice cubes. Top with twist of Lemon Peel. Stir.


MEANING OF LIQUOR LABELING E (Especial) F (Fine; M (Mellow) V (Very) O (Old) S (Special,) P (Pale) X (Extra) C (Cognac) 1 star means 3 years old—2 stars means 4 years old—

3 stars means 5 years old—and so on . . . V.S.O.: On Brandy labels means "very special old"; from 12 to 17

years. V.S.O.P.: Means "very special old pale" Brandy; from 18 to 2 5

years. V.V.S.O.P.: Means "very, very special old pale" Brandy; up to 4 0


EXPLANATION OF WINE LABELING BRUT OR NATURE: Very, very dry. .5 to 1.5% sweetening. EXTRA SEC OR EXTRA DRY: Fairly dry. 1.5 to 3% sweetening. SEC OR DRY: Medium sweet. 3 to 5% sweetening. DEMI-SEC: Sweet. 5 to 7% sweetening. DOUX: Very sweet. 7% or more sweetening.


Gallons Litres Barrel 2 6 . 2 5 1 0 0 . 0 0 Barrique 5 9 . 2 2 5 . 0 0 Butt of Sherry 132. 5 0 0 . 0 0 Hogshead Cognac 71 .8 2 7 2 . 0 0 Hogshead Sherry 6 6 . 2 5 0 . 0 0 Octave Sherry 16.5 6 2 . 5 0 Piece (Burgundy) 6 0 . 2 2 8 . 0 0 Pipe of Madeira 110. 4 1 6 . 3 8 Pipe of Port 138. 5 2 2 . 3 7 Puncheon (Wine Cask 160 gallons) Liquor 111.6 4 2 2 . 3 4 Quarter Cask of Sherry 3 3 . 125 .00 Queue (Burgundy) 2 pieces 120. 4 5 6 . 0 0 Tonneau (Bordeaux) 4 Barriques 2 3 8 . 9 0 0 . 0 0

The largest wine cask in the world is kept in the cellar of Heidel' berg Castle in Germany. The famous copper TUN is capable of holding 4 9 , 0 0 0 gallons.



TOM COLLINS Use tall glass with c racked ice Juice of small Lemon 1 tsp. Sugar , 2 o z . Gin Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir well. Or pour 2 o z . Gin for Tom Collins in tall glass with cracked ice and Fill with Canada Dry Collins Mixer. Stir well.


S a m e as Tom Collins but use l iquor des i red . Fill with Canada Dry Club S o d a o r Canada Dry Collins Mixer

FLORIDIAN COLLINS S a m e as Tom Collins e x c e p t use Lime juice instead of Lemon juice. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Collins Mixer.

JOHN COLLINS S a m e as Tom Collins but use Holland Gin Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Collins Mixer.

SOUTHERN COMPORT COLLINS Juice 1/4 lime, 1 J igger (1 1/2 oz . ) Southern Comfor t Blend Southern Comfort and lime juice in glass , a d d ice . Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

"WINK" COLLINS Use tall glass with c racked Ice 2 o z . Gin, V o d k a or Rum Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Stir.



Juice of half Lime, 4 dashes Drambuie 2 o z . Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

C O M M A N D O C O C K T A I L Juice o f 1/2 Lime, 3/4 o z . Triple Sec , 1 1/2 o z . Bourbon 2 dashes Absinthe (substitute). Shake with Ice & Strain.

CONGO C O C K T A I L In electric mixer. 2 s c o o p e s Shaved Ice, 1 tsp. Suga r 1 tsp. Coconu t Snow P o w d e r e d , 2 o z . Rum Serve unstrained in Champagne glass. Nutmeg on top.

The average person can metabolize one ounce of Whiskey or about half-ounce of alcohol per hour. At that rate, they will not be drunk or become alcoholics.

by Oscar Haimo 46


GIN OR REMSEN "COOLER" Cracked Ice in tall glass 1 tsp. Sugar or 4 Dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Gin. Peel rind of Lemon in spiral form Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Or pour 2 oz. Gin for Remsen "Cooler" in tall glass with cracked ice and fill with Canada Dry Collins Mixer. Stir.

HONOLULU "COOLER" Juice of 1/2 Lime Hawaiian Pineapple Juice 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Pack 12 oz. Glass with cracked Ice. Add the Lime Juice, then the Southern Comfort—Fill the glass with Pineapple Juice. Slir.

LEMON "COOLER" 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Pour Southern Comfort over Ice Cubes in Highball Glass Fill with Canada Dry Sparkling Bitter Lemon. Stir.

PANAMA "COOLER" Same as Remsen Cooler except use Cherry Liqueur, Juice of half lemon Fill with Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Or Canada Dry Collins Mixer. Stir. Decorate with Orange slice and cherry.

RUM or CALYPSO "COOLER" Same as Remsen "Cooler" except use Rum Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Collins Mixer.

WHISKEY "COOLER" Same as Remsen "Cooler" except use Whiskey Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Collins Mixer.

WINE "COOLER" Same as Remsen "Cooler" except use 3 oz. Wine desired. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Collins Mixer.



3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth, 2 oz. Gin. 2 sprigs Mint Shake with Ice and Strain.

CORKY—Bottle wine with a faulty cork which adversely affects the flavor.


1 1/2 oz. Sherry, 1 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 dashes Maraschino, 2 dashes Orange Bitters. Stir with Ice and Strain.


Rub rim of Cocktail or Wine Glass with slice of lemon, dip edge in granulated sugar. Juice of 1 Lime and 1 tsp. Sugar 3 dashes Maraschino, 4 dashes Aromatic Bitters. 2 oz. Spirit desired. Shake with Ice & Strain. Decorate with 1/2 Orange Peeled.


Insert juice of 1/2 Lime and rind in tall glass 2 cubes Ice, 2 oz. Rum Fill with Canada Dry Cola. Stir.

CUBA LIBRE SUPREME 1 Jigger (11/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Juice and rind of 1/2 Lime Squeeze Lime over Ice cubes in tall glass and add rind and Southern Comfort. Fill with Canada Dry Cola & Stir.


1 oz. Green Creme de Menthe 1 oz. Brandy, 3/4 oz. Milk

Shake with Ice and Strain.



STIRRUP CUP Pour into a Tumbler glass filled with cracked ice 1 tsp. Powdered Sugar, 2 oz. Pineapple Juice 2 oz. Rum or Spirit Desired. Stir and add a Swirling Peel of Whole Lemon.

WINE OR CIDER CUPS (Approx imate ly 8 servings)

For all Cups use glass pitcher and cube or cracked ice. 4 dashes Lemon Juice 3 pieces Thin Sliced Lemon and Orange 3 pieces Sliced Pineapple, Peaches, Apples & few Grapes 6 Maraschino Cherries, 2 long slices of Cucumber Rind 1 pony Brandy, 1 pony Yellow Chartreuse 4 dashes Maraschino, 4 dashes Curacao 1 quart Wine or Cider desired Sprigs of mint on top. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda


3/4 oz. Fiori Alpini, 2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice and Strain. Decorate with Lemon Peel.

DAIQUIRI COCKTAIL Juice of Vi Lime, 1/2 tsp. Sugar 2 oz. Rum (white label) Shake well with Finely chipped Ice & Strain.

DAIQUIRI FROZEN Same as Daiquiri Cocktail, add 4 dashes of Maraschino 2 scoops Shaved Ice in electric mixer Serve unstrained in champagne glass with short straws.

4 9

Food Maintains Life

Stimulants Embellish It by Oscar Haimo


BRANDY DAISY Juice of 1/2 Lemon 4 dashes Raspberry or Grenadine syrup 2 oz. Brandy or Spirit desired Serve in goblet with fine ice. Fruit. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

GIN, RUM, VODKA, or WHISKEY DAISY Same as Brandy Daisy but use liquor desired. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SOUTHERN COMFORT DAISY Same as Brandy Daisy but use Southern Comfort Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

DeGAULLE COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 5 dashes of Creme de Cassis 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

DERBY COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Peach Brandy, 2 sprigs Mint

2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

DEVIL COCKTAIL 1 1/3 oz. Brandy 1 1/3 oz. Green Creme de Menthe. Shake with Ice & Strain.

DOCTOR COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 1/2 oz. Swedish Punsch

3/4 oz. Jamaica Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

DUBONNET COCKTAIL 1 1/3 oz. Dubonnet, 1 1/3 oz. Gin Stir with Ice & Strain. Twist of Lemon Peel.



Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 3/4 oz. Creme Yvette 1 1/2 oz. Gin. White of Egg. Shake with Ice & Strain.

EARTHQUAKE COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Gin. 2 oz. Bourbon 1/4 O Z . Absinthe (substitute). Shake with Ice & Strain.

EAST INDIES COCKTAIL 3/4 O Z . Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz. Orange Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy Decorate with cherry. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Mankind, is likened to a Vine:

The Laborers are the Branches,

The Learned Men are the Fruit,

and the Unlearned the Leaves.

by Oscar Haimo

5 2


BRANDY EGG NOG 1 Egg. 1/2 pt. Milk.

1 1/2 tsp. Sugar 2 0 2 . Brandy. Shake well with Ice & Strain. Serve in tall glass. Nutmeg on top.

GIN, RUM, VODKA or W H I S K E Y EGG NOG Same as Brandy Egg Nog but use Liquor Desired

PORT OR SHERRY EGG NOG Same as Brandy Egg Nog but use Port or Sherry Wine.

CHRISTMAS EGG NOG (For 1 Gallon) (Approx imate ly 36 Servings)

Take 12 eggs. Beat up yolks and whites of eggs separately then mix the yolks and whites together and add 1 cup Powdered Sugar. 1 pint Milk. 1 quart Ice Cream (Vanilla)

3/4 Bottle Southern Comfort 3/4 Bottle Jamaica Rum. 1/2 Bottle Brandy.

4 Ponies Creme de Cacao. Stir well with ice. Serve in punch cup or Delmonico glass. Top with Nutmeg.

SOUTHERN COMFORT EGG NOG 1 quart Dairy Eggnog Mix 1 cup (8 oz.) Southern Comfort Pre-chill Eggnog Mix and Southern Comfort. Blend by Beating in Punchbowl; Dust with Nutmeg. Serves 10.

5 3


Juice of 1 Lemon 2 tsp. Sugar 1 Egg Shake and serve in tall glass with Ice. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Serve with Straws.

EL PRESIDENTE COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth

Dash Curacao 2 oz. Rum. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Orange Peel.


1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.

EVERGLADE COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime; Juice of 1/2 Orange 4 dashes Curacao, 1 1/2 oz. Gin._ 2 dashes Apple Jack White of egg. Shake with Ice & Strain.

EVEREST COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime

3/4 oz. Triple Sec 2 oz. Rum 1 teaspoon of Coconut Powder. Mix in Electric Mixer with shaved Ice. Serve in Champagne Glass.


In making Fixes put one slice of Lemon in Tall Glass 2 Tsp. Sugar, 6 dashes of Cherry Brandy Juice of 1/2 Lemon; 2 oz. Spirit desired. Fill with Shaved Ice Stir Well and decorate with Fruits. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda. Serve with straws.



BRANDY FIZZ Juice o f 1 Lemon, 1 tsp. Sugar 1 1/2 o z . Brandy Shake with Ice & Strain in highball glass with 1 c u b e Ice. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

DIAMOND FIZZ Juice o f 1 Lemon, 1 tsp. Suga r Serve in highball glass with 1 cube Ice. Fill with chilled champagne.

Eat For Pleasure, Drink By Measure.




Same as Brandy Fizz except use Liquor desired Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

GOLDEN FIZZ Same as Brandy Fizz except use Gin and Yolk of Egg. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.


1 1/2 oz. Scotch, White of Egg, 1 tsp. Powdered Sugar Shake with Ice and Strain into Righball glass with 7 cube of ice. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.


Juice of 1/2 Lime, White of Egg, Juice of 1/2 Lemon 3 dashes Orange Flower, 3 dashes of Kirsch 1 tsp. Sugar, 1 oz. Cream, 2 oz. Gin Shake with ice and strain. Serve in tall glass with 7 Cube of Ice and fill with Canada Dry Club Soda,


Juice of 1/2 Lemon, White of Egg 3 dashes Orange Flower Water 1 oz. Cream, 1 tsp. Sugar, 2 oz . Gin Shake with ice. Strain into Highball glass with 7 Cube of Ice and fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SILVER FIZZ Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 1 tsp. Sugar 1 1/2 O Z . Gin, White of Egg Shake with Ice & Strain into highball glass with 1 cube of Ice and add Canada Dry Club Soda.



Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 1/2 teaspoon Sugar 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Shake well. Strain into Highball Glass. Add 2 ice cubes. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda and serve.

SOUTH SIDE FIZZ Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 2 sprigs Mint 1 tsp. Sugar, 1 1/2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain into highball glass with 1 cube Ice and add Canada Dry Club Soda.


Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 3 dashes of Grenadine-1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and Strain.


Serve in champagne glass with Ice Cube Juice of 1/2 orange, 2 dashes of maraschino Fill with chilled Champagne.


1 oz. Coffee Southern 2 oz. Sloe Gin, 3 tsp. Egg White

Shake with Ice and strain into Cocktail glass.



BRANDY FLIP 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar, Whole Egg 2 oz. Brandy. Shake well with Ice & Strain. Serve in Wine glass. Nutmeg on top.

GIN, RUM, VODKA or W H I S K E Y FLIP Same as Brandy Flip except use liquor desired.

PORT OR SHERRY FLIP Same as Brandy Flip except use Port or Sherry Wine.

SOUTHERN COMFORT FLIP 1 jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort, White of one Egg Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into Cocktail glass, grate nutmeg on fop and serve.

FLOATED—Means same as Frappe, but topped with last ingredient.

FLOATS Pour chilled Canada Dry Ginger Ale in Tall Glass Add 1 Scoop of Ice Cream desired Stir and serve with Straws.

FLYING GRASSHOPPER COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. White Creme de Menthe 3/4 oz. Southern Comfort 3/4 oz. Vodka

Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into Cocktail Glass.

FRAPPE Fill Sherry glass with shaved ice, then pour 1 oz. Southern Comfort or cordial desired. Serve with short straws.


WHEN a human being is born. He is like a KING Everyone loves him. In his infancy, He is like a LAMB Meek and gentle. During his boyhood, He is like a CAT — — Changing his character. When he is eighteen, He is like a LION Rejoicing in his strength. When he marries, He is like an ASS — Carrying a burden. After forty, He is like a FOX Enjoying the. taste of the grapes. Later, he acts Like a DOC Asking favors. At seventy, He is like a MONKEY Curious and childish. After ninety He is like a MEMORY After all, nothing lasts forever.

"The NINE CYCLES of LIFE" by Oscar Haimo

F "FRENCH 7 5 "

Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 tsp. Sugar , 2 o z . Gin Serve in tall glass with Cracked Ice. Fill with Chilled Champagne. Stir.

"FRENCH 9 0 " Pour juice 1/2 Lemon a n d 2 o z . Southern Comfor t or Brandy, (1/2 tsp. Sugar , opt ional ) into tall glass. A d d c r acked Ice. Fill with chilled C h a m p a g n e . Stir & Serve.

FRISCO COCKTAIL 3/4 o z . Benedictine. 2 o z . Bourbon.

Twist o f Lemon pee l . Stir with Ice & Strain.

FROZEN SOUTHERN COMFORT Juice o f 1/2 Lime. 1/2 tsp. Sugar 2 o z . Southern Comfor t Dash of Maraschino . 2 S c o o p s shaved Ice Serve unstrained in Champagne glass with short straws.

Drink Nothing without Seeing it; Sign Nothing without Reading it.

—Oscar Haimo 60


3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth. 2 oz . Gin Decorate with small pearl onion. Stir with Ice & Strain.

GIMLET COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1/4 oz. Triple Sec 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

GIN—Index of Drinks made with Gin. See page 132 .

GIN & BITTER LEMON 1 1/2 oz. Gin or spirit desired in Highball glass with Ice cubes

Fill with Canada Dry Sparkling Bitter. Lemon. Stir.

GIN BUCK Crush juice of 1/4 Lemon in highball glass. 1 1/2 oz. Gin,

2 cubes Ice. Fill with Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.

GIN COCKTAIL 2 1/2 oz. Gin. 4 dashes Aromatic Bitters. Stir with Ice & Strain.

GIN TONIC 2 cubes Ice. 1 1/2 oz. Gin Slice of Lime or Lemon. Serve in tall glass. Fill with Canada Dry Quinine Water. Stir.

GIN " W I N K " 1 1/2 oz. Gin in Highball glass with ice cubes. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage". Stir.

GRASSHOPPER COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Cream, 1 oz. White Creme de Cacao

1 oz. Green Creme de Menthe. Shake with Ice & Strain.

"GROG" 2 oz. Jamaica Rum, Brandy, Southern Comfort or Wine 1 lump Sugar, 2 Cloves, Juice of 1/2 Lemon Small Piece of Cinnamon. Slice of lemon. Fill glass or mug with boiling water. Stir well.

GYPSY QUEEN COCKTAIL 2 oz. Vodka, 4 dashes Benedictine I dash Orange Bitters. Shake with Ice & Strain.


Calories & Weight Control ONE must consume 3 ,500 Extra Calories in Food or Beverage in order to gain a pound of weight. ONE must burn up the same amount of calories to lose a pound—Most of us require 1,500 to 3 ,000 calories a day to supply the ENERGY the body needs to function properly.

To gain one pound every week O N E must eat or drink 5 0 0 calories more per day. On the other hand, to lose one pound every week eat or drink 5 0 0 calories less per day.

The best way to control body weight is through the Food and Bev­erage intake. Use this basic knowledge—Avoid all gimmicks, gadgets, fads and pills. ONE must find the exact amount of Food or Beverage necessary to maintain a constant normal weight.

A HORSE can pull 6 times the weight of his body—more than that— He collapses.

A HUMAN BEING can maintain a status of health, if his daily food or beverage intake is the equivalent of the following number of calories.

For a W O M A N about 18 times the weight of her body. (if very active increase 15%)

Example: (For a Woman) If your weight is 125 pounds, multiply by 18 or 2 2 5 0 calories for your daily requirement.

(if very active increase 15% or 2588 calories.)

For a M A N about 21 times the weight of his body. (if very active increase 20%)

See "Beverage Calorie Chart" on page 104. * * * Be Calorie Wise . . . Not Pound Foolish * * *

62 By Oscar Haimo


1 part Coffee Southern, 1 part Southern Comfort Serve in a Cordial Glass.

HAWAIIAN SURPRISE COCKTAIL Into Electric Mixer place: 1 Ring of Pineapple, 2 oz. South­ern Comfort, Juice of small Lime and cracked Ice. Mix two minutes. Strain into Champagne glass.

HIGHBALL (Spirits) Cubes of Ice in highball glass Add 1 1/2 oz. of any spirit desired. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.

"HOCK"- Name used in Germany to designate any Rhine wines.

HONEYMOON or H A B A N E R O S COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1 White of Egg, 2 dashes Absinthe

(substitute), 1/4 oz. Honey, 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Man's superiority over animals is in the power of speech. But when he speaks in vanity or folly, He is not BETTER than the ANIMAL.

by Oscar Haimo



Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice. 1 1/2 oz. Gin. 4 dashes Curacao. Shake with Ice and Strain.

HORSE-NECK Peel the rind of a lemon. Spiral in one piece. Place one edge of the peel over the tip of a tall glass, allowing he remainder to curl inside the tumbler.

Add cubes of ice. Fill with Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.

HOT BUTTERED RUM 1 1/2 oz. Jamaica Rum. 1 lump Sugar. I Small Slice Butter. Use Old Fashioned glass or mug. Fill with boiling water. Nutmeg on top. Stir.

HURRICANE COCKTAIL 1 1/4 O Z . Brandy. 3/4 oz. Absinthe (substitute). 3/4 O Z . Vodka: Shake with Ice and Strain.


In tall glass: Cube Ice. Powdered Sugar, Cream or Milk de­sired. Fill with hot or cold coffee. Stir.

ICE CREAM SODA ICE CREAM SODAS may be made in many flavors by using 2 or 3 tablespoons Jams, Preserves, Sunday Sauces, or Fruit Syrups. Add 1/4 cup milk and large scoop of ice cream desired. Fill with chilled Canada Dry Club Soda, Stir gently

ICE TEA In tall glass. Cube Ice. Slice of Lemon. Powdered Sugar de­sired. Milk or Cream optional. Fill with hot or cold tea. Stir.

I N T E R N A T I O N A L COCKTAIL 3/4 OZ. Dry Vermouth. 2 dashes Absinthe (substitute) 2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice and Strain.



Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 2 dashes Apricot Brandy. 4 dashes Brandy. 1 1/2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice and Strain.

IRISH COFFEE 3/4 cup of coffee. 2 Teaspoons Sugar 1 1/2 oz. Irish Whiskey. Whipped Cream. Fill a stemmed 6 or 8 ounce glass (or use a cup) with hot

Black Coffee. Add sugar, then 1 1/2 oz. of Irish Whiskey. Float lightly-whipped cream on top. Don't stir.

IRISH and TONIC Same as Gin Tonic, page 6 1 , but use Irish Whiskey.

IRISH W H I S K E Y — Index of drinks. See page 134.


Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 4 dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Apple Jack. Shake with Ice & Strain.

JAMAICA RUM COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 tsp. Sugar

2 oz. Jamaica Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

JAVA S U N D A E 1 scoop Ice Cream desired, 3/4 oz. Coffee Southern. Use dessert glass or dish. Pour Coffee Southern over Ice Cream.

JULEPS— See page 7 0 for Mint Julep.

JUPITER COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 1 oz. Scotch 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 3 dashes Orange Curacao. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Cherry.



3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth. 2 oz. Vodka. Stir with Ice and Strain. Twist of lemon peel on top.


2 oz. Gin.3/4 oz. Passionola. 1 oz. Cocoanut Milk. Shake well with Shaved Ice. Serve unstrained in Champagne glass. Decorate with a Tropical Flower and straws.

LEMONADE Squeeze Juice of 1 Lemon in tall glass with cracked ice and 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar. Fill with water or Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Decorate with fruit. Serve with straws.

LEMON OR ORANGE SQUASH Squash 1 Lemon or 1 Orange, 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar Cracked ice in tall glass and Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or use Canada Dry Collins Mixer. Stir. Serve with Fruit & straws.

LEPRECHAUN HIGHBALL 1 1/2 oz. Irish Whiskey in highball glass with Ice, twist of Lemon

Peel. Top with Canada Dry Quinine Water. Stir.

LILLET —Aperitif wine. Serve chilled in Sherry glass.

LIMEADE Same as Lemonade but squeeze in 2 Limes instead of using lemon juice in large glass with cracked ice and Fill with water or Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Serve with straws.

LITTLE COLONEL COCKTAIL Juice 1/2 Lime, 1/3 oz. Bonded Bourbon 2/3 oz . Southern Comfort Add Ice. Shake in Cocktail Shaker. Serve in Cocktail Glass.

LONE TREE COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. of Sweet Vermouth, 2 oz. Gin

Stir with ice & Strain. Squeeze Orange Peel on top.

LULLABY COCKTAIL 2 oz. Gin, 3/4 oz. Cordial Medoc Serve on the "Rocks" with lemon peel. Stir.



Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1/2 oz. Triple Sec, 2 oz. Rum 3 dashes Jamaica Rum, Dash of of Egg White Shake with Ice and Strain.

M A C K A In Highball glass half filled with cracked ice:

1 dash of Creme de Cassis. 1 1/2 oz. Gin. 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Add slice of Orange. Stir.

MAI-TAI COCKTAIL 2 oz. Dark Rum (151° Proof). 1/2 Lime Juice 3 dashes Curacao. 3 dashes Apricot liqueur. Shake with shaved ice and pour unstrained into Champage glass. Decorate with Pineapple Stick, one small orchid and straws.

M A L T E D MILK In electric mixer: 1 glass of Milk 1 tsp. Natural powdered Malted Milk 1 Scoop Ice Cream desired. 2 oz. Syrup desired. Serve in Tall Glass with straws.

MAMIE T A Y L O R 2 Cubes Ice in tall glass 2 oz. Scotch. 1 Slice of Lemon. Fill with Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.

M A N G A REVA Juice of 1/2 Lime. 3/4 oz. Triple Sec. 2 oz. Applejack and 2 tsp. Honey. Shake with ice and strain. Serve in Cocoanut shell filled with shaved Ice. Decorate with large slice of Pineapple capped with cherry on toothpick. Serve with straws.



3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Rye Aromatic Bitters (optional). Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with cherry.

MANHATTAN (DRY) COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth

2 oz. Rye Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with twist of Lemon Peel.

MARCO POLO COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern. 2 oz. Rum. Serve on the Rocks. Decorate with twist of Orange Peel. Stir.

MARTINI COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth

2 oz. Gin Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with olive or twist of Lemon peel if desired.

MARTINI (DRY) COCKTAIL 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 1/2 oz. Gin

Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with olive or twist of Lemon peel if desired.

MARTINI (EXTRA DRY) COCKTAIL 2 dashes Dry Vermouth 23/4 oz. Gin Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with olive or twist of Lemon peel if desired.

*Wash the olive, as the brine in which the olives are preserved changes the flavor of the gin.



3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Gin Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with cherry.

MARY PICKFORD COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Pineapple juice

3 dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

M A Z A G R A N or CAFE AROSE Serve Black Hot Cottee with I 1/2 oz. of Brandy, Cognac, Marc, Eau de Vie, Southern Comfort or Jamaica Rum in goblet. Sugar to.taste. Stir.

MEMPHIS BELLE COCKTAIL Champagne glass filled with fine Ice 2 oz. Cherry Liqueur Decorate with 1/2 Peach and Cherry on Top. Serve with short straws and Demi-Tasse spoon.


1 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 3/4 oz. Byrrh. Stir with Ice & Strain.

Twist of Lemon peel.


4 dashes of Curacao

2 oz. Tequila. Shake with Ice & Strain.

MIAMI COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. White Creme de Menthe

4 dashes Lemon Juice. 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.



Any substance which will make one feel uncomfortable. (Forbidden by law to be used or sold.)

MILK PUNCH-See page 80 .

MILK S H A K E In electric Mixer: 1 Glass Milk. 2 oz. Syrup desired. 1 Scoop Ice Cream desired. Serve in Tall Glass with straws.

MILLIONAIRE COCKTAIL Juice of Vz Lime. 13A oz. Sloe Gin. 14 oz . Apricot Brandy. 4 dashes Jamaica Rum. Shake with Ice and Strain.

MINT JULEP 2 oz. Bourbon, 1/2 tsp. Sugar 4 sprigs Mint. Mash with muddler Fill a silver mug or tall glass with shaved ice. Stir until the outside of mug or glass is frosted. Top with dash of Jamaica Rum or brandy.

Decorate with sprigs of mint. Serve with straws.

MIST—See Scotch Mist. Page 88.

M I X O L O G I S T - A specialist in Mixing Drinks.

MOJITO HIGHBALL Juice of 1/2 Lime and rind. 1 tsp. Sugar. 2 oz. Rum Serve in highball glass with 2 cubes ice. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Decorate with few sprigs of mint.

MONTE-CARLO COCKTAIL 2 oz. Rye.3/4 oz. Benedictine. Stir with Ice and strain.

7 0


Term used in the U.S. to designate whiskey or other alcoholic liquors made illegally.

MOSCOW MULE Vi Lime Squeezed and Dropped in 2 oz. Vodka 1 split Ginger Beer or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. 2 Cubes Ice. Serve in mug. Stir.

MULE NECK Same as Horse Neck page 6 4 but use Canada Dry Club Soda.

MULLED WINE CUP Same as Hot Red Wine Punch. See page 80 .

en the Fox Cannot reach the grapes

on the vine Says he to himself: Those grapes are not made

for this stomach of mine.

by Oscar Haimo



2 dashes Port Wine. 2 dashes Curacao. 2 dashes Fernet Branca. 2 oz. Gin. Shake, with Ice and Strain. Squeeze Lemon peel on top.

N A T I O N A L COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice. 3 dashes Juice of Lime.

3 dashes Apricot Brandy. 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice and Strain.

NEGRONI HIGHBALL Lump of ice in Highball Glass with: 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth. 1 oz. Campari Bitter. 1 oz. Gin.

Fill wih Canada Dry Club Soda. Twist of Lemon Peel and slice of Orange on top. Stir.

N E W YORKER COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 4 dashes of Grenadine. 2 oz. Rye. Shake with Ice and Strain. Twist of Orange Peel.

NICOLASHKA Chew Slice of Lemon sprinkled with powdered sugar then drink one Pony of Brandy.

NIGHT-CAP — The last drink of the evening.

NIGHTINGALE COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and strain into Cocktail glass. Top with Nutmeg.

N U T T Y — Denotes characteristic pungent flavor of Sherry Wine.


O OENOLOGIST— A Wine Specialist.

OLD FASHIONED COCKTAIL Muddle 1/2 lump sugar saturated with 1 dash Aromatic Bitters. Add 2 dashes of Canada Dry Club Soda in Old Fashioned Glass with Ice Cube. 11/2 oz. of Spirit desired. Decorate with twist of lemon peel: 1 slice Orange 1 slice Pineapple. 1 Maraschino Cherry. Stir.

OMAR'S DELIGHT COCKTAIL Juice of half Lime. 4 dashes Lemon Juice. 3 dashes Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Southern Comfort. Shake well with fine ice.Strain and serve in champagne glass

ON THE "ROCKS"-Means serving drinks (usually in Old Fashioned Glass) with cubed ice.

ORANGEADE Juice of 1 Orange in tall glass. 1 tsp. Sugar Fill with cracked Ice and water or Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Decorate with fruit. Serve with straws.

ORANGE BLOSSOM COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Orange Juice, 1/4 tsp. Sugar

2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

ORBIT COCKTAIL 2 oz. Absinthe (substitute;

3/4 oz. Yellow Chartreuse. Shake with Ice & Strain.

"OSCAR HAIMO" COCKTAIL 1 1/2 oz. Southern Comfort 3 Dashes Campari Bitters Serve in old fashioned glass with Cube Ice. Add 2 Dashes of Canada Dry Club Soda and Twist of Lemon Peel. Stir.




The HORSE and MULE live thirty years And nothing know of WINES or BEERS The GOAT and SHEEP at twenty die. But never tasted BRANDY, SCOTCH, BOURBON or RYE The COW drinks WATER by the ton And at eighteen is almost done. The DOG at the age of fifteen cashes in, Without the aid of CORDIAL, RUM, VODKA or GIN. The CAT in MILK and WATER soaks, And then in twelve short years it croaks. The useful, sober bone-dry HEN, Lays EGGS for NOGS and dies at ten. All ANIMALS are strictly dry, TEETOTALERS rarely enjoy life, and quickly die. But the sinful or pious MEN, Survive for three score years and ten. And some of us (though mighty few). Stay PICKLED 'til we're ninety-two.

by Oscar Haimo


3/4 oz. Cream 2 oz. Southern Comfort. Shake with Ice & Strain.

PANAMA COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao,1 1/4 oz. Rum Shake with Ice & Strain. Nutmeg on top.

PARADISE COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Orange Juice, 4 dashes Apricot Brandy

2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

PARISIAN COCKTAIL 1 oz. Dry Vermouth. 1 1/2 oz. Gin 3 dashes Creme de Cassis. Shake with Ice & Strain.

PARTRIDGE COCKTAIL 4 dashes Triple Sec. 1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Rye. Stir with Ice & Strain.

PASSIONOLA COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Passionola Syrup

2 oz. Southern Comfort or spirit desired Shake with ice & strain.

PEACH VELVET Insert small Raw Peach in peach champagne glass Fill with chilled Champagne and prick Peach. Dash Southern Comfort on top.

PENTHOUSE COCKTAIL Same as Champagne Cocktail except use Sparkling Burgundy.



3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth

1 1/4 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice & Strain. Twist of Orange Peel.

PERSUADER COCKTAIL Juice 1/2 Lime 2 ozs. Southern Comfort Pour Lime Juice and Southern Comfort into a 14 oz. mug or stein of crushed ice. Fill with Champagne. Stir and Serve.

PICK-ME-UP COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 2 oz. Brandy

3 dashes Absinthe (substitute) Shake with Ice & Strain.

PIMM'S CUP No. 1 2 cubes Ice in tall glass Slice of Lemon, Cucumber Rind 2 oz. Pimm's No. 1. Fill with Canada Dry Hi-Spot Lemon Soda. Stir.

PINA-COLADA 2 oz. Pineapple Juice, 1 oz. Grenadine 2 oz. Rum. Shaved ice in electric mixer. Serve unstrained in Zombie glass with straws. Sliver of pine­apple on top.

PINEAPPLE DRINK 3 ounces of Pineapple Juice. 1 1/2 tsp. of Sugar In Tall Glass with Cracked Ice. Fill with Water or Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Serve with straws.

PINK LADY COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 lemon. 4 dashes of Grenadine 4 dashes Apple Jack 2 oz. Gin. One Egg White. Shake with Ice & Strain.



3/4 oz Cream. 1 oz. Creme de Noyaux (red) 1 oz. Creme de Cacao (white) Shake with Ice & Strain.

PINKY 6 dashes Aromatic Bitters in 1 jigger of Gin.

PISCO COCKTAIL Juice of Half Lime. 4 dashes of Anisette 2 oz. of Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

PLANTER'S PUNCH—See p a g e 8 1

POLARIS COCKTAIL 2 oz. Rye, 3/4 oz. Cordial Medoc. Stir with Ice & Strain. Twist of Orange Peel.

POLYNESIAN COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Swedish Punch, 1 oz. Rum, 1 oz. Apple Jack

Shake with Ice & Strain.

POMPIER HIGHBALL or (Vermouth-Cassis) 2 cubes Ice in goblet glass 3 oz. Dry Vermouth. 4 dashes Creme de Cassis Twist of Lemon Peel. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

POSSETT 8 oz. Hot Ale or Wine 4 oz. Cream 2 tsp. Sugar Top with Nutmeg. Serve in mug.

POUSSE-CAFE 1 /6 oz. Grenadine (red color) 1 / 6 oz. Creme de Cacao (black color) 1 / 6 oz. Maraschino (white color) 1 / 6 oz. Green Creme de Menthe (green)color) 1 / 6 oz. Creme Yvette (violet color) 1 / 6 oz. Brandy (amber color) Pour in the order named very carefully and slowly in cordial glass to prevent cloudiness, and ignite.

P O R T — I n d e x of Dr inks m a d e with Port . See p a g e 1 3 5



Yolk of Egg,. 5 clashes L. & P. Sauce, Pepper and Salt to taste, 1 1/2 oz. Brandy or Sherry. Serve in old fashioned glass. Dash of vinegar on top. (To be swallowed without breaking the yolk.)

PRESBYTERIAN HIGHBALL 3 oz. Red Wine desired. Serve in Highball Glass with Ice and Fill with half Canada Dry Ginger Ale and half Canada Dry Club Soda, Twist of Lemon Peel.

PRESIDENTE COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth, 3 dashes Curacao

2 oz. Rum. Stir with Ice & Strain. Twist of Orange Peel.

PUFFS 1/2 Pint of Milk, 2 oz. of Southern Comfort or Spirit Desired. Shake and Strain. Serve in Tall Glass with one cube Ice and Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Serve with Straws.

Give Strong Drink to the Depressed, and Wine to the Bitter Heart, That they may forget their sorrow, and hope for brighter days.

by Oscar Haimo 78


For parties use large punch bowl with ingredients accordingly.

BRANDY PUNCH 2 or. Brandy 4 dashes Curacao, Shaved Ice Use goblet. Dress with mint and fruit. Stir well. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

CHAMPAGNE PUNCH ( f o r 1 g a l l o n ) 2 qts. Champagne 2 ponies Maraschino 4 ponies Brandy Juice of 4 Lemons 2 ponies Curacao 2 ponies Yellow Chartreuse 2 qts. of Canada Dry Club Soda. Sugar to taste. Fruit. Block of ice. Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.

CLARET PUNCH 3 oz. Claret 1 tsp. Sugar. Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 2 dashes Curacao Dress with fruits Serve in goblet with fine ice. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

CLARET PUNCH (for 1 g a l l o n ) Juice of 6 lemons 2 ponies Benedictine 3 ponies Curacao 4 ponies Brandy 2 qts. Claret Wine 2 qts. Canada Dry Club Soda. Sugar to taste. Fruit. Shave Ice. Stir. Serve in Goblet.

* Approximately 36 servings by gallon.


P FISH HOUSE PUNCH ( F o r a gal lon a n d a h a l f )

4 cups sugar. 1 quart lemon juice. 2 bottles Jamaica Rum. 1 bottle Brandy. 4 oz. Peach Brandy. 2 qts. of Canada Dry Club Soda. Block of Ice. Sti'r well. Serve in Punch Glass.

FRUIT PUNCH (for 1 ga l l on ) 1/4 qt. Pineapple juice. 3/4 qt. lemon juice. 1 qt. Orange Juice.

1 cup powdered sugar. 2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Block of ice. Stir. Add Sliced Pineapples, Oranges, Cherries and other fruit in season. Serve in Punch Glass.

HOT RED WINE PUNCH or MULLED WINE CUP Boil 1 cup of Water with 3 oz. Red Wine or Port. Add 2 strips of Lemon. 4 Whole Cloves 4 tsp. Sugar. 3 dashes of Brandy. 2 sticks of Cinnamon. Stir. Serve hot in cup.

MILK PUNCH ( P l a i n ) 1/2 pt. Milk, 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Serve in tall glass. Top with nutmeg.

BRANDY MILK PUNCH Same as Milk Punch but add 2 oz. Brandy

RUM MILK PUNCH Same as Milk Punch but add 2 oz. Rum

SOUTHERN COMFORT MILK PUNCH 1 Teaspoon Sugar, 3 oz. Rich Milk 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Shake with cracked ice and strain in tall glass. Dust with nutmeg.

WHISKEY MILK PUNCH Same as Milk Punch but add 2 oz. Whiskey or Spirit desired



Juice of 1/2 Lemon—Juice of 1/2 Orange 4 dashes Curacao—2 oz. Jamaica Rum Shake and strain into tall glass filled with shaved ice. Stir. Decorate with Maraschino Cherry, Sliver of Fresh Pineapple, Half Slice of Orange and Sprig of Mint. Serve with straws.

PORT WINE NEGUS PUNCH (Serves 8 ) Pare off the Yellow Rind of one Lemon—with the juice of the Lemon add 2 tsp. of Sugar and half bottle of Port Wine-add 1 cup Boiling Water. Stir. Strain and serve in Mugs. Top with Nutmeg.

RHINE WINE PUNCH ( f o r 1 ga l l on ) Juice of 8 Lemons, 4 ponies Brandy 4 ponies Curacao, 2 ponies Benedictine 2 qts. Rhine Wine , 2 qts. Canada Dry Club Soda. Sugar to taste. Fruit. Block of Ice.

ROMAN PUNCH Juice of 1/2 Lemon, Juice of 1/2 Orange 4 dashes Curacao, White of Egg, beaten 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain. Fill goblet with chilled champagne.

R O Y A L T Y or RABBIT PUNCH CUP Pour in Large Punch Bowl over Ice: 1 Bottle (28 oz.) "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage". 1 Bottle (28 oz.) Canada Dry Ginger Ale 1 Bottle (28 oz.) Canada Dry Club Soda 1 Bottle (28 oz.) Canada Dry Hi-Spot Lemon Soda A d d 1/4 cup Powdered Sugar, small jar (8 oz.) Maraschino Cherries and juice, Sliced Oranges and Lemons, and 2 Bottles (fifth) (Gin, Rum, Vodka, Whiskey or Liquor desired). Stir. Makes about 45 servings.


P RUM PUNCH (for 1 g a l l o n )

6 oz. Pineapple Juice, Juice of 6 Oranges Juice of 6 Lemons, 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar 1 1/2 Bottle (fifth) Rum 1 1/2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale Fruit. Block of Ice. Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.

SAUTERNE PUNCH ( f o r 1 g a l l o n ) Juice of 5 Lemons, 4 ponies Brandy 2 ponies Apple Jack, 2 ponies Yellow Chartreuse 2 qts. Sauterne 2 qts. Canada Dry Club Soda Sugar to taste. Cucumber rinds Dress with fruit. Block of Ice. Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.

WHISKEY PUNCH Juice of Lemon, 4 dashes Curacao 2 oz. Whiskey or Spirit Desired 2 dashes Brandy. Shaved Ice. Use goblet. Dress with Fruit. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

PURL 1 1/2 oz. Gin or spirit desired. 3 dashes aromatic Bitters in a Stein. Pour heated Beer over.

PUZZLER Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice. 1 Jigger (1 1/2oz.) Southern Comfort. Pack Tall Glass with cracked ice, add Southern Comfort. Fill with Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice. Stir.



Juice of '/2 Lime 4 dashes Apricot Brandy 2 oz. Apple Jack. Shake with Ice & Strain.

RAINBOW 1/7 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 / 7 oz. Creme Yvette 1 /7 oz. Yellow Chartreuse 1 /7 oz. Maraschino 1 /7 oz. Benedictine 1 / 7 oz. Green Chartreuse. 1 / 7 oz. Brandy Pour carefully in order and slowly Into cordial glass.

RAPHAEL St. Raphael, Quinquina Aperitif Wine.

RED LION COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 3 dashes Grenadine 3 dashes Grand Marnier 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.


1/4 oz. Grenadine. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Cherry.


3 dashes Lime Juice, 1 dash Tabasco Sauce 2 dashes L. & P. Sauce. 1 1/2 oz. Vodka Salt, pepper and red pepper to taste. Shake with Ice, Strain in Delmonico glass.

RHETT BUTLER COCKTAIL 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Barspoon Curacao. 1/2 teaspoon Sugar. Juice 1/2 Lime. Juice 1/3 Lemon

Shake with cracked ice. Strain into Cocktail Glass.

RHINE or MOSELLE W I N E — I n d e x . See p a g e 1 3 5



GIN RICKEY Insert juice of 1/2 Lime and rind in highball glass with cube ice. 1 1/2 oz. Gin. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

BRANDY RICKEY Same as Gin Rickey except use Brandy Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

RUM RICKEY Same as Gin Rickey except use Rum Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SLOE-GIN RICKEY Same as Gin Rickey except use Sloe Gin Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SOUTHERN COMFORT RICKEY Same as Gin Rickey except use Southern Comfort Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

WHISKEY RICKEY Same as Gin Rickey except use Whiskey Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.



3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth or Dry Vermouth, 2 oz. Scotch. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Cherry or Lemon Peel

ROCK & RYE 1 Bottle of Rye, 1/10 of a Bottle of Rock Candy Syrup The Peel of two Whole Lemons

Stir the mixture together and it is ready to serve.

"ROCKS" Means serving drinks (usually in old fashioned glass)

with cubed ice.


2 oz. Dry Vermouth, 1/2 oz. Kirsch, 1/4 oz. Grenadine

Stir with Ice and Strain. Decorate with Cherry.

ROYAL SMILE COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 4 dashes Grenadine, 2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Apple Jack. Shake with Ice & Strain.


3/4 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Crème de Noyaux

2 oz. Southern Comfort

Shake well and serve in Champagne Glass.

RUBY COCKTAIL 4 dashes Grenadine, 2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Apple Jack. Shake with Ice & Strain.

RUM—Index of Drinks made with Rum. See page 135


1 1/2 oz. Rum in Highball glass with ice cubes.

Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage". Stir.


1 oz. Scotch, 1 oz. Drambuie, Lemon Peel. Serve on the "Rocks" Stir.


RYE—Index of Drinks made with Rye. See page 137.


1/2 Peach or Apricot Chilled Southern Comfort Place Peach or Apricot in large Sherbet or Champagne Glass. Add cracked ice. Fill with Southern Comfort. Serve with Demitasse spoon and a short straw.

SALTY DOG HIGHBALL Cube Ice in Highball glass. 1 1/2 oz. Vodka. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Dashes of Salt to taste. Stir.

I n life there are four types of men—

The first if like a sponge —He absorbs everything in­discriminately. The second, a funnel—He takes in at one end and lets out at the other. The third, a strainer—He lets through the wine and retains the lees. The fourth, a sieve—He lets off the bran and retains the flour. by Oscar Haimo



"SANGAREES" 3 oz. Port or Sherry Wine, 1 tsp. Sugar Cracked Ice, Slice of Lemon. Fill glass with water or Canada Dry Club Soda. Serve in Tom Collins glass. Top with Nutmeg. Sti

SANTA ANITA COCKTAIL Same as Scotch Mist, see page 88.

SANTIAGO COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 4 clashes of Curacao. 2 dashes Bra 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice and Strain.

SAUTERNE WINE—Index of Drinks. See page 138.

SAZA "ROCK" -Same as Old-Fashioned Cocktail but 2 dashes of Absinthe (substitute).

SCAFFAS 11/2 oz. Benedictine 1 1/2 oz. Bourbon or Spirit desired. Serve unchilled.

SCARLETT O'HARA COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Fresh Lime 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz). Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail. 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Shake well with cracked ice and strain into Cocktail Glass.

SCHNAPPS— Word used to designate potent Spirits.

SCORPION COCKTAIL 2 oz. Rum (151° Proof), 3/4 oz. Brandy, 2 dashes Almond 1/2 Papaya Juice. Shake well with Ice and Pour into Champagne glass. Decorate with small Gardenia and


S SCOTCH—Index of Dr inks . See p a g e 138.

SCOTCH MIST 1 1/2 oz. Scotch or Liquor desired. Serve in old fashioned glass with shaved ice Twist of Lemon Peel & short straws

SCREWDRIVER HIGHBALL Cube Ice in Highball glass with 1 1/2 oz. Vodka. Fill with Orange Juice. Stir.

SEDIMENT Organic matter which forms in particles at the bottom of the bottle (Usually in red wine).

SEPTEMBER MORN COCKTAIL Same as Daiquiri Cocktail but add egg white.

SHAMROCK COCKTAIL 3 dashes Green Creme de Menthe 3 dashes Green Chartreuse 1 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Irish Whiskey Stir with Ice & Strain.

SHANDY GAFF Mix Cold Beer with Cold Canada Dry Ginger Ale. No ice. Serve in tall glass.

SHERRY—Index of Dr inks . See page 1 3 9 .

SHIRLEY TEMPLE 5 Dashes of Grenadine with one Cube Ice in champagne glass. Decorate with slice of Orange and Cherry. Fill with Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

SHORT-SNORTER COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Sloe Gin 2 oz. Drambuie

Stir with Ice & Strain.



BRANDY SHRUB Cut thin rinds of 2 lemons and the juice of 5, add 2 quarts of Brandy; cover it for 3 days; then add a quart of sherry and 2 pounds of loaf sugar; run it through a jelly bag and bottle. Serve in highball glass with cube ice. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

RUM SHRUB Put 3 pints of orange juice and 1 pound of loaf sugar to a gallon of rum. Put all ingredients into a cask, and leave it for 6 weeks when it will be ready for use. Serve in highball glass with cube ice. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

* Approximately 36 servings per gallon.

SIBERIA COCKTAIL Same as Frozen Daiquiri (page 49) but use 2 oz. of Vodka instead of Rum and 3 Dashes of Triple Sec.

SIDE CAR COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 3/4 oz. Cointreau 1 3/4 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.

SKIDDING SIDE CAR COCKTAIL 1/2 Jigger Southern Comfort 1/2 Jigger Cognac or Whiskey 1/2 Jigger Lemon or Lime Juice

Shake with Ice and strain through cracked Ice into Cocktail glass, the rim of which has been rubbed with lemon juice, then dipped into powdered sugar, to lend a frosty appearance.

SLEIGHRIDE 2 oz. Vodka in Goblet with Ice Cubes. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Decorate with Cherry. Stir.



GIN SLING 1 1/2 oz. Gin.

4 dashes Aromatic Bitters Serve in tall glass with cracked ice. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Twist of lemon peel. Stir.

BRANDY SLING Same as Gin Sling except use Brandy Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

IRISH SLING Same as Gin Sling but use Irish Whiskey Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SINGAPORE SLING Juice of 1/2 Lemon, Dash Benedictine

2/3 oz. Cherry Brandy, 2 oz. Gin Serve in tall glass with cracked ice. Decorate with slice of orange and sprig of mint. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir. Serve with straws.

SOUTHERN COMFORT SLING Same as Gin Sling except use Southern Comfort Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Serve in tall glass with cracked ice. Stir.

WHISKEY SLING Same as Gin Sling except use Whiskey Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SLOE GIN—Index o f Drinks . See p a g e 1 3 9 .

S L O E ' N SOUTHERN COMFORT 1 oz. Southern Comfort 1 oz. Sloe Gin Juice of 1/2 Fresh Lime Mix in Blender with cracked ice. Strain into a Cocktail Glass and serve.

SLOPPY JOE COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice

2 dashes Grenadine 2 dashes of Curacao, 1/2 oz. Port Wine 2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.


A Mountain is Strong but; Iron Hews it to Pieces Fire Melts Iron but; Water Extinguishes Fire— Clouds Absorb Water but; The Storm Disperses the Clouds. Man Withstands the Storm but: Fear Enervates Man. Wine Dispels Fear and, Gladdens the Heart of Man.

by Oscar Haimo



Crush half lump sugar with 3 sprigs of mint in old-fashioned

glass, 1 Cube Ice, slice of orange and a cherry.

1 1/2 oz. Brandy, Southern Comfort or spirit desired.

Top with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.


1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice. Juice of 1/2 Lemon and tsp. of sugar. 2 oz. Rum. White of Egg Shake with Ice & Strain in Delmonico glass.

SOCIETY COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 4 dashes Grenadine, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Goûtez aux Vins et aux Amours, Croyez moi, Rien ne dure Toujours.

Oscar Haimo 92


WHISKEY SOUR Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1/2 tsp. Sugar 2 oz. Rye, (Bourbon, Scotch) Shake with Ice & Strain into Delmonico glass. Top with few dashes of Canada Dry Club Soda. Decorate with slice of orange and cherry. Or pour 2 oz. of Whiskey desired in Delmonico glass and fill with Cold Canada Dry Whiskey Sour Mixer.


Same as Whiskey Sour except use liquor desired.

PISCO SOUR Juice of. half Lime. 1 tsp. Sugar. White of Egg 2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain in Delmonico glass.

SOUTHERN COMFORT SOUR 1/3 Jigger Lemon Juice 1/2 Teaspoon Sugar 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Shake well with cracked ice. Strain. Serve with orange slice, and Cherry.

WHISKEY SOUR ON THE "ROCKS" S a m e as W h i s k e y Sour but serve in old fashioned glass, with Cube Ice.


s SOUTHERN COMFORT—Index o f Dr inks m a d e with

Southern C o m f o r t . See page 1 4 0 and 1 4 1 . (Originated in St. Louis, Mo.)

SOUTHERN COMFORT BLUE BLAZER Fill bottom half of cordial glass with white creme de menthe. Gently fill glass to top with Southern Comfort. Ignite. When flame has subsided pour contents into cool glass and serve.

SOUTHERN COMFORT CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL 1 oz. Southern Comfort. Dash aromatic bitters Chilled Champagne Pour Southern Comfort and aromatic bitters into Champagne glass. Fill with very cold Champagne, Stir, garnish with lemon peel.

SOUTHERN COMFORT DAIQUIRI COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1/2 teaspoon of Sugar 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Shake thoroughly with cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass.

SOUTHERN COMFORT HIGHBALL 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Twist of lemon peel or juice of 1/4 lime (optional). Pour Southern Comfort over ice cubes in highball glass; then add lime juice or lemon peel. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda and Stir.


1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Dash of aromatic bitters. (Optional) Stir with cracked ice until thoroughly chilled, strain into cocktail glass and serve with cherry.

SOUTHERN COMFORT MINT JULEP 4 Sprigs of Mint 2 oz. Southern Comfort Dash of water. Chill glass, crush mint in water. Pack with cracked ice, pour Southern Comfort to 1/2 in. of top. Stir until frosted. Top with fresh mint sprig. Serve with straws.



Splash of Canada Dry Club Soda 1/2 tsp. Sugar. (Optional)

Dash of aromatic bitters 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Top with orange slice & cherry Stir bitters, sugar and Canada Dry Club Soda. Add ice and Southern Comfort, orange slice & cherry.

SOUTHERN COMFORT ON-THE-ROCKS Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Pour into old-fashioned glass over cracked or cube ice. Add twist of lemon peel & stir.


1/2 oz. Southern Comfort Fill a tablespoon with Southern Comfort and balance over coffee cup. Touch a match to the fumes rising from liquor. Then as the blue flame fades, pour slowly info the coffee.

SOUTHERN COMFORT 'N SCOTCH 1/2 Jigger Southern Comfort 1/2 Jigger Scotch Whiskey 1/2 Jigger water

Pour Southern Comfort and Scotch over cracked ice in old-fashioned glass. A d d water or Canada Dry Club Soda, stir, then add a twist of lemon peel.

SOUTHERN COMFORT SIDE-CAR 1/2 Jigger Southern Comfort 1/2 Jigger Triple Sec 1/4 Jigger Lemon Juice Stir with cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve.

SOUTHERN COMFORT STINGER 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort

1/2 Jigger (3/4 oz.) White Creme de Menthe Shake well with cracked ice and strain into glass.



Beat 6 eggs well, add 3 teaspoons powdered sugar. Stir thoroughly. Pour 1 teaspoon of batter into mug. Add 1/2 jigger Southern Comfort, 1/2 jigger Jamaica Rum. Fill with hot milk. Grate nutmeg over top.

SOUTHERN COMFORT 'N TONIC 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Juice and rind 1/2 Lime (optional) Squeeze Lime over ice cubes in 8 oz. glass, add rind, Southern Comfort, and fill with Canada Dry Quinine Water. Stir.

SOUTHERN GRASSHOPPER COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 1 oz. Brandy,

1/2 oz. Creme de Menthe, 1/2 oz. Fresh Cream. Shake with cracked Ice; strain into Cocktail glass.

SOUTHLAND SPECIAL Pour 2 oz. Vodka or spirit desired over Ice Cubes in tall glass. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Stir.

SOUTH SIDE COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 tsp. Sugar. 2 sprigs fresh Mint. 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and Strain.

SPIDER COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 2 oz. Tequila Shake with Ice and strain into Cocktail glass. Twist of Lemon Peel.

SPRITZER HIGHBALL Pour 3 oz. chilled Dry White Wine in highball glass. 1 cube Ice. (Lemon peel optional.) Fill with chilled Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

SPUMANTE— Italian term for sparkling wines.

SQUASHES—See Lemon Squash page 66.



3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. 2 oz. Apple Jack Stir with Ice and Strain.

STATLER M A N H A T T A N COCKTAIL 1 1/2 oz. Southern Comfort 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth, dash of Curacao.

Stir with Ice and top with Lemon Peel. Serve inCocktail glass.

STINGER COCKTAIL J oz. White Creme de Menthe. 1 3/4 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice and Strain.

STINGEROO COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. White Creme de Menthe, Vi oz. Lemon Juice

1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort Shake with Cracked Ice, Strain and serve in Cocktail glass.

STONE FENCE In Highball glass: Ice Cubes, Dash of aromatic bitters, 1 1/2 oz. Liquor desired. Fill with Cider. Stir.

STRAWBERRY BLONDE 1 Jigger (11/2 oz.) Southern Comfort

3/4 oz. Sunkist Strawberry-Lemon Punch Concentrate (undi­luted). Pour Concentrate and Southern Comfort over Cracked Ice in Old-Fashioned Glass. Add Canada Dry Club Soda & Stir.

SUISSESSE COCKTAIL 2 oz. Absinthe (substitute) 4 dashes Anisette, White of Egg Shake with Ice & Strain in Delmonico Glass.

SUZE GENTIANE HIGHBALL 3 oz. Suze Gentiane, Ice in Highball Glass. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

SYRUP (Plain) Dissolve 4 cups of Powdered Sugar to 2 cups of water. Heat but not boil to hasten solution. Skim off any scum that forms, cool and pour into a clean bottle. One spoonful of this syrup is equivalent to one spoonful of Sugar.



RUM SWIZZLE Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1 tsp. Sugar. 4 dashes Aromatic Bitters, 2 1/2 oz. Rum or spirit desired. Pour ingredients into a glass pitcher. Add 2 scoops of shaved ice. Churn vigorously with a swizzle stick until it foams. Serve in Highball glass. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

SOUTHERN COMFORT SWIZZLE Same as Rum Swizzle except use Southern Comfort and only 1/2 tsp. sugar. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.

TAHITI DRINK Same as Planter's Punch, but add 3 dashes of Absinthe (substitute).


Juice of 1/2 Lime, 3/4 oz. Apricot Brandy, 1 oz. Apple Jack 1 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and Strain.

TEQUILA—Index of drinks. See page 141

TEQUILA DRINK 1 1/2 oz. Tequila. Serve straight. Then chew slice of lemon sprinkled with salt.

TEQUILA COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 tsp. Sugar or 4 dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Tequila. Shake with Ice and Strain.

TIPPERARY COCKTAIL 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 1/2 oz. Green Chartreuse 1 1/2 oz. Irish Whiskey. Stir with Ice and Strain. 98



RUM TODDY Use old fashioned glass with spoon 1 tsp Sugar, 3 Cloves on Slice of Lemon with small pieces of Cinnamon,1 1/2 oz. Jamaica Rum. Add boiling water or cold water as the case may be. Stir.


Same as Rum Toddy except use liquor desired.

SOUTHERN COMFORT TODDY 1 Teaspoon Sugar, 2 Cloves, Slice of Lemon, Cinnamon Stick. 1 Jigger (1 1/2 oz.) Southern Comfort. Pour ingredients into Old-Fashioned Glass. Add boiling water or cold water, whichever you prefer.

TOM AND JERRY (For Parties use large Bowl with ingredients accordingly) 1 Whole Egg Beat up yolk and white of egg separately. Then mix the yolk and white together. 1 tsp. Sugar, 1 1/2 oz. Jamaica Rum Use stem glass or China mug, adding the spirits, then fill with boiling water or milk. Dash ot Brandy. Top with nutmeg.

TOMATO HIGHBALL Lump of Ice in Highball Glass. 1 1/2 oz. Absinthe (substitute) 6 dashes Grenadine Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

TOM COLLINS-See Collins page 45



2 oz. Sweet Sherry 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain.

Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.

TORNADO COCKTAIL 1/4 Part Fresh Orange Juice

1 Part Gin, 1 Part Apricot Brandy 1 Part Southern Comfort Squeeze Orange over crushed Ice and drop rind and pulp into shaker. Add Gin and Brandy and shake well. Strain into Cocktail Glass and pour Southern Comfort over top.

TOVARICH COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 1/2 oz. Vodka 1 oz. Kummel. Shake with Ice & Strain.

TRANSFUSION COCKTAIL Same as Red Snapper Cocktail but add dash of Egg White. See page 83 .

TRINIDAD COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime, 1 tsp. Sugar 4 dashes Aromatic Bitters. 2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

TROPICAL TWISTER Pour 2 oz. Gin or spirit desired over Ice cubes in tall glass. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Stir.


Fill Champagne glass with chilled Champagne. 2 dashes Brandy. 3 dashes Yellow Chartreuse Decorate with Lemon and Orange Peel.



1/2 oz. Sherry, 2 1/4 oz. Gin, Stir with Ice and strain. Twist of Lemon Peel if desired.

VERMOUTH— Index of Drinks. See Page 141.

VERMOUTH CASSIS Cube Ice in Highball glass. 3 oz. Dry Vermouth 4 dashes Creme de Cassis. Twist of Lemon Peel. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir.

VICTORY COCKTAIL Fill Champagne glass with chilled Champagne. 4 dashes Southern Comfort on top. 1 dash Orange Bitters. Decorate with Lemon and Orange Peel.

VINEGAR A fermentation of Cider, Malt or Wine—when the percentage of alcohol in Cider reaches nine the ferment of the Acetic Acid begins to work and it soon changes to Vinegar.

VIRGIN COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Forbidden Fruit, 1 3/4 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. White Creme de Menthe. Shake with ice and Strain.

VODKA— Index of Drinks made with Vodka. See page 142.

VODKA COCKTAIL Juice of 1/2 Lime. 1/2 oz. Cherry Brandy, 2 oz. Vodka Shake with Ice & Strain.

VODKA " W I N K " 1 1/2 oz. Vodka into Highball glass with Ice Cubes. Fill with "Canada Dry "Wink" Beverage." Stir.

VOLCANO COCKTAIL 1/2 oz. Vodka, 6 dashes Rum, 2 oz. Southern Comfort Shake with Ice and Strain. Twist of Lemon Peel on top.



1/2 Jigger Southern Comfort, 1/4 Jigger Brandy 1 / 5 Jigger Lemon juice. 3 dashes Grenadine Shake with cracked ice, pour into frosted cocktail glass. Decorate with stemmed Cherry.

W A R D EIGHT Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 6 dashes Grenadine 2 oz. Rye. Shake with Ice & Strain. Serve in tall glass with cracked Ice, top with Claret Wine. Decorate with Fruit and Straws. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda.

W A T E R (H20)-Contains 2 volumes of hydrogen to 1 of oxygen.

WEST INDIES COCKTAIL Same as Frozen Daiquiri Cocktail but add 6 dashes of Pineapple Juice. See p a g e 4 9 .

WHISKEY SOUR See Sour page 9 3 .

WHIST COCKTAIL 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 54 oz. Apple Jack

1 1/2 oz. Rum. Shake with Ice & Strain.

WHITE LADY COCKTAIL Juice of Vi Lemon, 54 oz. Triple Sec 2 oz. Gin. Egg White. Shake with Ice & Strain.

W H I T E RUSSIAN COCKTAIL 1 oz. Coffee Southern, 1 oz. Vodka, 1 oz. Fresh Cream. Pour over Ice Cubes in an Old Fashioned glass. Stir.

WIDOW'S DREAM COCKTAIL 1 1/2 oz. Benedictine, Whole Egg. Shake with Ice & Strain.

Serve in Delmonico glass and top with Cream.

WINDSOR COCKTAIL 2 oz. Gin, 3/4 oz. Green Creme de Menthe. Stir. Decorate with twist of Lemon Peel.


W W I N E — I n d e x of Dr inks m a d e with W i n e . See p a g e 142

WINE or CIDER CUPS-See Cups page 4 9

WINE HIGHBALL Cubes of Ice in Highball glass, 4 oz. Wine desired. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda. Stir (Twist of Lemon Peel if desired).

WINE LEMONADE (HOT) Juice of 1 Lemon, 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar, 1 Slice Lemon, 2 oz. Red or White Wine. Serve in highball glass with teaspoon in glass before pouring hot water. Stir.

WORLD'S FAIR COCKTAIL In Champagne glass with one Ice cube— 1 1/2 oz. Southern Comfort. Fill with chilled Champagne. Top with Twist of Orange Peel.


Beat 1 Egg Yolk and 2 tsp. Sugar. Add 3 oz of sweet Sherry or Marsala Wine. Beat the mixture until it thickens—then add the beaten Egg White. Stir well and set it on a gentle fire until it is frothy—Serve in a tall glass with a teaspoon.

ZAZA COCKTAIL 1 1/3 oz. Byrrh, 1 1/3 oz. Sloe Gin. Twist of Orange Peel. Stir with Ice & Strain.

ZOMBIE Serve in Zombie glass with cracked Ice. Juice of 1/2 Lime, 4 dashes Passionola or Papia Juice, 4 dashes Apricot Brandy, 4 dashes Cherry Brandy, 2 oz. Amber Rum, 1 oz. Jamaica Rum. Top with 151 proof Rum. Stir. Decorate with green and red Cherry and slice of Orange. Serve with straws.

ZOOMS 1/4 oz. Honey, 1/2 oz. Cream

2 oz . Brandy or spirit desired Shake with Ice & Strain into Wine glass.



( Approximately) Calorie value varies on many alcoholic beverage, because of sugar content & Proof.

(If your particular drink is not listed look for a similar one).

COCKTAILS (3 oz. Glass) & MIXED DRINKS (According to Glass)

Alexander 2 5 0 Flip 2 2 5 Punch Cup 185 Smash 175 Bloody Mary 2 1 5 Grasshopper 2 5 0 Rickey 135 Sour 2 0 0 Bronx 185 Manhattan 2 3 0 Rob Roy 2 1 5 Stinger 2 3 5 Champagne 165 Martini 180 Rye & Ginger Ale 175 Swizzle 2 0 0 Cobbler 165 Mint Julep 2 1 5 Sangaree 165 Toddy 185 Cuba Libre 2 2 5 Old-Fashioned 185 Scarlett O'Hara 2 3 5 Tom Collins 175 Daiquiri 190 Orange Blossom 195 Scotch & Soda 110 Tom & Jerry 3 0 0 Egg Nog 3 2 5 Pink Lady 2 5 0 Screwdriver 2 5 0 Zombie (14 oz.) 5 0 0 Fizz 165 Planter's Punch 305 Side Car 2 3 5 Zoom 2 6 0

DISTILLED LIQUORS: (By VA oz. Jigger; Absinthe (Substitute) 1 5 0 - A p p l e Jack 125-Aquavi t 150 —Bourbon 125—Brandy 115—Gin 112—Irish Whiskey 120—Rum 125—Rye 125—Scotch 110— Sloe Gin 112-Southern Comfort 150-Tequila 1 5 0 - V o d k a 150.

CORDIALS OR LIQUEURS: (By 7 oz. Pony Glass) From 75 to 9 5 .

WINES: (By 4 oz. Glass) Burgundy 85-Chabl i s 9 0 - C h a m p a g n e (Dry) 95—Champagne (Sweet) 110-Chianti 85—Cider 7 5 - C l a r e t 85 -Mose l l e 90-Rhine 90—Riesling 90—Rose 90—Sauterne 9 5 —Sparkling Burgundy 110.

APERITIF OR DESSERT WINE: (By 2'/j oz. Glass) Byrrh or Dubonnet 100-Made ira 85 -Marsa la 90—Muscatel 95—Port 100—Sherry 95—Tokay 90—Vermouth (Dry) 65—Vermouth (Sweet) 100.


MALTED BEVERAGES: (By 8 oz. Glass) Ale 135-Beer (Lager) 125-Bock 1 6 5 - H a l f & Half 130— Porter 145—Stout 150.

SOFT DRINKS: (By 8 oz. Glass) Cola 1 0 0 - C r e a m Soda from 115 to 1 3 5 - G i n g e r Ale 8 5 - R o o t Beer from 95 to 115—Sweet Soda from 9 0 to 135—Tonic or Quinine Water 9 5 .

SOFT DRINKS: "CANADA DRY LOW CALORIE BEVERAGES." The average calorie count for these Low Calorie products is about 6 1/2 calories per 8 oz. glass.

INGREDIENTS: (By J fbsp.) Aromatic bitters 20—Barley 30—Butter 100—Buttermilk (By 8 oz. Glass) 90—Cocoa Powder 35—Cream 30—One raw Egg 75—Grenadine 65—Honey 60—Hops 25 —Milk (By 8 oz. Glass) 165—Pearl Onions (3) 10— Rock or Hard Candy (7 oz. 110—Sugar (1 tsp) 2 0 - S y r u p 5 5 - V i n e g a r 2—Yeast 3 5 .

ICE CREAM: (1 scoop or 1/2 cup) Banana 290—Banana Split (Fountain Size) 1160—Chocolate 3 2 0 —Coffee 290—Frozen Custard 150—Fudge Sunday 350—Peach 290—Pineapple 150—Pistachio 150—Strawberry 290—Tutti Frutti 150— Vanilla 150.

ICES OR SHERBETS: (1 scoop or 1/2 cup) From 115 to 120.

ICE CREAM SODAS: (Fountain Size) Black & White 3 0 5 - C h e r r y 295—Chocolate 320—Chocolate Milk 2 4 0 - C o f f e e 308-F loa t 2 6 0 - M a l t e d Milk (Chocolate) 3 2 5 - M a l t e d Milk Shake with Ice Cream 600—Vanilla 310 .

FRUITS: (One Medium Size) Apple 75—Apricot 25—Banana lOO^Berries (1 cup) 60—Cantaloupe or Honeydew Melon (1/2 x 5) 40—Cherries (1 cup) 75—Coconut 80—Date 15—Fig 30—Grapes (30) 75—Grapefruit 100—Lemon 30—Lime 15—Mango 90—Nectarine 45—Nuts (6) 25—Olives (70) 7 0 - O r a n g e 1 0 0 - P a p a y a (7 cup) 75 -Peach 4 5 - P e a r 90-Pineapple (7 cup) 85-Plum 30 —Pomegranate 60—Prune (Dried) 20—Raisins (J fbspj 25—Rhubarb (7 cup) 35—Tangerine 35— Tomato 25—Watermelon (7 cup) 60 .

FRUIT JUICES: (8 fl oz.) Apple or Sweet Cider 115-Coconut Milk 60-Fruit Punch 2 0 0 -Grape 170—Grapefruit 90—Lemon 60—Lemonade 105—Lime 60—Orange 100—Orangeade 105 —Papaya 90—Pineapple 120—Prune 170—Sauerkraut 40—Tangerine 90—Tomato 50 .



American "Your Health"

Arabian "Fi Schettak"

Australian "Bottom's Up"

Brazilian "Viva"

British "Cheerio"

Chinese "Kong Chien"

Czechoslovakian "Nazdar"

Dutch "Gezondheid"

French "A Votre Sante"

German "Prosit"

Greek "Is Yan"

Hawaiian "Meli Kalikama"

Hungarian "Egeszsegere"

Iranian "Salamati Shemoh"

Irish "Slainte"

Israel "Lochaim"

Italian "Salute"

Japanese "Banzai"

Jugoslavian "Na Zravlje"

New Zealand "Kia Ora"

Polish "Na Zdrowie"

Portuguese "A Vossa Saude"

Roumanian "Noroc"

Russian "Vasha Zdarovia"

Scandinavian "Skoll"

Scotch "Hoot Mon"

Spanish "Salud"

Turkish "Serifinize"


"Blessed art Thou, O Lord for

the land, the sustenance and the

fruit of the nine." by Oscar Haimo

Zodiac of Wines by Oscar Haimo


Wine Digest

HOW, WHEN, WHAT TO SERVE There are 38 Wine Growing Countries in the World :

Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Aus­

tria, the Azores and the Canary Is­

lands, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Can­

ada, Chile, Corsica, Cyprus, Czechos­

lovakia, Egypt, France, Germany,

Greece and its Islands, Hungary,

Israel, Italy, Jugoslavia, Luxemburg,

Madeira, Mexico, Morocco, Peru,

Portugal, Rumania and Bessarabia,

Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzer­

land, Tunisia, Turkey, United States

of America, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Bordeaux is like a Smile from a Woman's eyes. Burgundy is like a Smile from a Girl's lips. Champagne is like a sparkling Smile from a Child . . .

***** Le Bordeaux c'est d'une femme le sourire des yeux. Et le Bourgogne d'une jeune fille le sourire des lèvres. Le Champagne, c'est le fou rire d'un enfant . . .



Wine is the pure, naturally fermented juice of fresh, ripe grapes, a product of nature. Although the fermented juice of certain other fruits is called "wine," the term as generally un­derstood applies to the product of the grape. Man's refinements in winemaking are the cultivation of the grape, control of fer­mentation, care in the winery, proper aging and expert blending.

Earliest picking of wine grapes starts about August 15 and continues through October. Immediately after picking by skilled and experienced workers, the grapes are delivered to the winery. There a mechanical crusher separates the grapes from the stems, and crushes the grapes without breaking the seeds.

The crushed grapes and their juice are pumoed into large vats, where fermentation takes place. In this natural process the grape sugar is transformed into almost equal parts of carbon dioxide and wine alcohol, through the action of the yeasts found upon the grapes. Fermentation is accomplished within periods ranging from a few days to a few weeks.

All grape juice is sweet before fermentation, and it is the complete conversion of the natural sugar which produces the "dry" or table wines. When some sweetness is desired, as in sweet dessert or appetizer wines, fermentation is arrested while the proper proportion of the sugar remains. This is accomplished by adding a little pure grape brandy to the wine.

Red wines are fermented with the pulp and skins of the grapes, the natural pigment from the skins giving the color. Passover wine is made from the purplish Concord grape; after fermentation pure cane sugar is added for sweetening as well as to counteract the acidity of the grape. White wines are fermented from the juice alone, the juice being run off the pulp and skins immediately after crushing. May wine is a light grade wine sweetened and flavored with Woodruff. Pink or "rose" wines are produced by allowing the juice to ferment with the grapes for a short time, then completing the fermentation alone. (See CIDER or Fruit Wine recipe P. 41 .)

After fermentation the new wine is placed in storage casks.


to begin the aging which may require months or years, depend­ing upon the type and quality of the wine. Wine is a living thing, and changes from day to day, and like a human being, is born, matures, grows old and becomes senile and dies. Excessive aging in the casks may give an unpleasant "woody" taste, so the winemaker must watch his wines carefully.

In aging, some of the minute grape solids settle out of the wine and come to rest upon the sides and bottom of the cask. For this reason, wine is "racked" at varying intervals, that is, transferred into fresh casks, leaving the solids behind, until it is "bottle ripe," ready for bottling. Wine is the only beverage which continues to age in the bottle, and for that reason bottled wines should be treated with care, kept from strong light and shielded from changes in temperature.

Most wines are blended, either to improve an older wine by adding a small quantity of younger wine to add fruitiness and freshness, or to impart certain desirable qualities not found in the wine of a certain grape variety. Some wines are tradition­ally made from three or more grape varieties, among them Sauternes and Champagnes.

Over 125 principal varieties o' grapes are grown—the choicest wine grapes are:

BARBERA (Purple; makes heavy Red Table Wine

CABERNET (Jet Black) for Red Table Wine

CANELLI (Greenish-Yellow) for Asti Spumante Wine

JOHANNISBERG (Yellow) for Riesling or Rhine Wine

MUSCAT (Golden) for Muscatel or Sweet Vermouth Wine

PALOMINO (Straw Colored) for Sherry Wine

PINOT NOIR (Black) for Burgundy Wine

SEMILLON (Greenish-Yellow) for Sauterne Wine

TROUSSEAU (Reddish Black) for Port Wine

ZINFANDEL (Black) for Claret and Port Wine


BASIC CLASSIFICATION OF WINES There are only five classes of wine:

APPETIZER WINES are so called because they are favored for before-meal or cocktail use. Examples are Dry Sherry, Ver­mouth, Byrrh and some other wines bearing trade names. All these wines, with the exception of Sherry, are flavored with herbs and other aromatic substances. They contain from 16 to 2 0 per cent of alcohol, due to the Brandy that has been added to the wines from which they are produced, to halt fermentation and pre­serve some of the natural sweetness.

RED TABLE WINES are usually completely dry, and with their rich, sometimes tart or even astringent flavors, blend admirably with red meats, pastes and highly seasoned foods. The most popular are Burgundy and Claret, while others include the red wines of Bordeaux, Chianti, Cabernet, Zinfandel and Mourestel. Red and white table wines both range from 10 to 14 per cent in alcoholic content.

WHITE TABLE WINES vary from extremely dry and tart to sweet and full-bodied, with delicate flavors that blend best with white meats, fowl and seafood. In color they vary from pale straw to deep gold. Most popular white table wines are Rhine Wine, Sauterne, White Bordeaux; while others are Moselle, Chardonnay and Sylvaner.

SWEET DESSERT OR FORTIFIED WINES are full-bodied, range from medium sweet to very sweet, and from pale gold to red in color. They contain about 2 0 per cent of alcohol. The most popular types are Port, Muscatel, Marsala, Malaga, and Madeira.

SPARKLING WINES are table wines which have been made naturally effervescent by a second fermentation within a closed container. This second fermentation is caused by adding cham­pagne yeast and sugar, which form carbon dioxide gas, giving the wines their sparkle. Champagne and Sparkling Burgundy are the .two best known of this type, and, like still table wines, contain from 10 to 14 per cent of alcohol.



White or Rosé Wines (still and sparkling) should be served much colder than the average cellar temperature. They should be stored in an ice box or iced before serving.

Red Wines should never be agitated or warmed. To "take the chill off" ruins any good wine.

Burgundies and Clarets of age should be decanted two hours, and Vintage Ports three hours before being served, and placed in the room in which they are to be consumed, so that the tem­perature of the wines may be about the same as the "room." Note: "Chilled" means from 4 0 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Cellar temperature" from 5 0 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. "Very cold" means just above freezing. "Room temperature" 65 to 7 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

When storing wine, always lay bottle on its side so that the cork is kept moist.

* PROPER SERVICE Remove the metal capsule entirely, arlso all dust and wax on or

near the cork before it is drawn. For plastic cork, before drawing it, carefully twist blade of knife between edge of bottle and cork.

Do not move the bottle or jerk the cork while drawing it.

When drawing the cork, always hold the bottle with a napkin, to allow for the possibility of a split neck. Carefully wipe the lip of the bottle after drawing cork.

For Champagne or Sparkling Wine after cooling: Hold bottle at 4 5 ° angle wrapped in napkin. Remove foil and wire, then ease cork out gradually and slowly. Don't Pop Cork.

Fresh glasses should be used for each bottle of fine old wine.

After the bottle is opened, the host should fill his own glass about 1/4 full, then hold the glass to the light for "color," then smell it for "aroma" and "taste It." Then, if satisfied with the quality of the wine, he should fill the glasses no more than 2 / 3 capacity around the table, his own glass last.

* Never put Ice In wine, it would ruin its flavor.





1955 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 1 9 5 6 Very Good Good Good Good 1 9 5 7 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 1958 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 1959 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 1 9 6 0 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 1961 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 1962 Good Good Good Good 1963 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 1 9 6 4 Good Good Good Good 1965 Good Good Good Good

* IN FRANCE the finest wines that are produced are rated PREMIERS CRUS-First growths are "Excellent"; Second growths are "Very Good"; Third growths are "Good" and so on . . .


Our American wines are excellent. The grapes from which the wines are made are grown in the East and Middle West, and are unlike any other wines in the world.

California wines are produced on the West Coast and are similar to the European wines; for the California Vines were im­ported from Europe, Asia, Persia and Egypt.

Bottled Wine after 13 years no longer im­proves. The third year in bottles or the sixth year from the vintage is the time when most of the qualities may be appreciated.



Alcohol Content 10 to 14%

Name of Wine Country of

Origin Color Taste





Piedmont, Italy Verona, Italy Piedmont, Italy

'Bordeaux, France

Burgundy, France

Sparkling White Medium Sweet Red Dry Red Dry

White Red

White White & Red

Red Red Red


Sweet Dry

Sweet Medium Dry

Dry Dry

Very Dry Sweet

Red White Red

White & Red White White

Red Red

White & Red

Dry Very Dry

Heavy Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry

Very Dry Medium Sweet

CHAMPAGNE Champagne, France White & Rose Dry to Sweet CHIANTI Tuscanl, Italy White & Red Dry FRASCATI Latium, Italy White & Red Dry GRIGNOLINO Piedmont, Italy Red Extra Dry LACRIMA CHRISTI Campagnla, Italy White & Red Medium Dry LIEBFRAUMILCH Bingen, Germany White Medium Dry MOSELLE Berncastel, Germany White Dry NEUCHATEL Auvemier, Switzerland White Dry RIESLING Rhinegau, Germany White Dry RIOJA Logrono, Spain White & Red Dry ROSE, VIN Tavel, France Pink Dry SOAVE Veneto, Italy White Very Dry STEINWEIN Wursburg, Germany White Dry TRAMINER Alsace, France White Medium Dry VALPOLICELLA Veneto, Italy Red Dry VOUVRAY Touraine, France White Sweet

* T h e Best "BORDEAUX WINES" are those which are labeled "CHATEAU." T h e y are m a d e f r o m grapes grown at the owner's vineyard a n d are of guaranteed authenticity.

"CLARET"—Name c o m m o n l y given to "RED BORDEAUX WINES" f r o m the French word "CLAIRET" mean ing of light color.




AS AN APERITIF Cocktail, Highball, Dry Sherry, Vermouth


Dry White wine such as Chablis or Vouvray: chilled

SOUP Medium bodied Sherry or Madeira

FISH OR WHITE MEAT Sauterne, Graves, Barsac, Moselle, Burgundy, Rhine Wine or Cider: well chilled

ENTREES Claret, Chianti, or light red Burgundy: room temperature; rosé or vintage Champagne; iced

ROAST Chateau bottled Claret or red Burgundy: room temperature

GAME Heavy red Burgundy or Chateau bottled Claret: room temperature

CHEESE Port, Sherry, Marsala, Muscatel, Madeira, Malaga or Tokay

DESSERT Vintage Champagne or Chateau bottled white Bordeaux: iced

COFFEE Fine Champagne, Brandy, Cognac, Armagnac, Eaux de Vie, Southern Comfort, Liqueurs

In General: White wine may be served with fish or white meat. Red wine may be served with entree, roast or game.

* Champagne or Sparkling Wines may be served with any course.


Draughts and Brews Digest Beer, ale, porter and stout are among the best-known drinks in

the malt beverage group. They are made from starchy grains, of which malted barley is

the most important. The grains are mashed with hot water to produce a liquid solution, transforming the starches into ferment­able sugars. The liquid is fermented by yeast, clarified and stored in aging tanks till it is ready for the consumer. The alcoholic content average 3.51% by weight, 4.40% by volume.

Definition of Malt Beverages:

BEER—Product obtained from controlled fermentation of an infusion obtained either from ground malt and wafer alone, or malt and adjuncts such as corn, rice, or sugar and boiled with hops for flavoring prior to fermentation.

BOCK BEER—Is a dark, sweet beer brewed in the spring, with a higher proportion of hops than ordinary beer.

ALE—A fermented and hopped malt beverage, as a rule brewed heavier than beer and fermented with top fermentation yeast. It is pale in color, and somewhat vinous in taste.

STOUT—A type of ale very dark in color, strong malt and hop flavor with a sweet taste. It is brewed with roasted malt.

PORTER—A heavy ale brewed with dark roasted malt, has less hop flavor than ale; a mixture of ale and stout.

BEER IS BEST when served at a temperature of 4 0 degrees. Store containers in a cool, dark place. Temperature for ale, stout and porter is about 5 5 degrees.

DRAUGHT BEER: Before tapping a barrel of beer be sure to turn off the pressure.

It is important to let the full barrel settle or "wild beer" will result. Pressure may be air or carbonic acid gas. As soon as the barrel is tapped, connect the hose and keep pressure pound­age determined by the pressure supplier, depending upon lift and footage, of the coil and temperature of beer storage. Keep pressure on at all times or beer will lose carbonic acid gas and become flat.


Since beer absorbs odors quickly, the pipes and coils should be cleaned at least every two weeks.

GLASSES must be free from grease or soap film. Rinse in scalding water containing salt or soda. Do not wipe glasses with cloth. The slightest film of grease prevents beer foaming.

POURING is an art. Pour closely and gently at first, then raise container, causing beer to gurgle and agitate into the glass. The fine, creamy head depends on beer's temperature, sparkling and cleanliness of glass, and your own knack.

For home made Beer Recipe. See page 36.


1 Hogshead 62 Gallons (7936 ounces) 1 Barrel Beer 31 Gallons (3968 ounces)

1/2 Barrel Beer 15 1/2 Gallons (1984 ounces) 1/4 Barrel Beer 73/4 Gallons ( 992 ounces)

Half Barrel


330 Glasses 6 Ounces 2 8 3 Glasses 7 Ounces 2 4 8 Glasses 8 Ounces 2 2 0 Glasses 9 Ounces 198 Glasses 10 Ounces 180 Glasses 11 Ounces 165 Glasses 12 Ounces 152 Glasses 13 Ounces 141 Glasses 14 Ounces 132 Glasses 15 Ounces 124 Glasses 16 Ounces

A L E , S T O U T A N D P O R T E R 1 Barrel Ale, 31 gallons with 15% foam or

5 6 7 glasses ( 8 ounce glass) 452 glasses (10 ounce glass) 3 7 7 glasses (12 ounce glass) 3 2 4 glasses (14 ounce glass)



Split or Nip 6.0 ozs. Pint 12.5 ozs. Bordeaux wine 24.0 ozs. or 25.6 ozs. Burgundy wine 24.0 ozs. or 25.6 ozs. Rhine, Moselle and Alsatian 24.0 ozs. or 25.6 ozs. Chianti 32.0 ozs. Sherry, Port and Madeira 24.0 ozs. or 25.6 ozs. Vermouth 30.5 ozs. or 32 ozs.

CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE Split, Nip or Baby 6.5 ozs. Pint , 13.0 ozs. Bottle or quart 26.0 ozs. Magnum (2 quarts) 52.0 ozs. Jeroboam (4 quarts) 104.0 ozs. Tappit-hen 128.0 ozs.-l gal. Rehoboam (6 quarts) 156.0 ozs.—1.22 gals. Methuselah (8 quarts) 208.0 ozs.-l .65 gals. Salmanazar (12 quarts) 312.0 ozs.-2.44 gals. Balthazar (16 quarts) 416.0 ozs.-3.3 gals. Nebuchadnezzar (20 quarts) 520.0 ozs.-4.07 gals.

LIQUOR BOTTLE Scotch and Irish Whiskies 25.6 or 32 ozs. Rye and Bourbon Whiskies 25.6 or 32 ozs. Gin and Vodka 25.6 or 32 ozs. Rum 25.6 or 32 ozs. Southern Comfort 25.6 or Fifth Cognac and Brandies 25.6 or Fifth Liqueurs 25.6 or Fifth

BEER BOTTLE Small Bottle Beer, Ale or Stout 6 ozs. or 12 ozs. Large Bottle Beer 32 ozs.

CANADA DRY Club Soda or CANADA DRY Ginger Ale Split 7 ozs. CANADA DRY Club Soda or CANADA DRY Ginger Ale Pint 12 ozs. CANADA DRY Club Soda or CANADA DRY Ginger Ale

Family Size 28 ozs.


122 • SPIRIT DIGEST • Approximate

Nome of Spirit Analysis Proof

Absinthe Green alcoholic liquor from oil of wormwood, anise and other aromatics. (The use of Absinthe is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. , but there are legal substitutes that may be used).... 9 6 - 1 2 0

Advocaat Made from eggs and brandy. Bottled in Holland 6 0 Alcohol Is obtained by the distillation of fermented sugar or any other

(Spirifus Vini substance containing carbohydrates. The percentage of the Rectificatus) strength is 92 .3% by weight or 94 .9% by volume at room

temperature (Alcohol evaporates completely in cooking). Amer-Picon French bitter aperitif made with quinine, spices and aromatics 78 Angelica Basque liqueur flavored with Angelica & Pyrenees plants 6 0 Anis or Anisette Colorless sweet liqueur from anise 6 0 Apple Brandy Brandy distilled from hard cider 86—100 Apple jack Brandy distilled from apple mash 86 Apricot Liqueur Made from fresh apricots and grape brandy 6 0 Aquavit Liquor commonly made from rye with an infusion of Caraway. 90—115 Arrack A spirit distilled in the East from rum or grape brandy 9 0 Arrack Punch Made of syrup & several flavors with a base of Batavia Arrak 8 6

Benedictine D.O.M. French liqueur made of brandy, sugar and aromatic herbs 86 Bitters Abbott's Bitters, 90; Amaro Bitters, 39 ; Angostura Bitters, 9 0 ;

Compari Bitters Liqueur, 48; Fernet-Branca Bitters, 78 ; Orange Bitters, 60; Peychaud's Bitters, 70; Ramazzotti Bitters, 39.

Blackberry Liqueur Made from Blackberry, usually with addition of red wine 72 Brandy Spirit produced by the distillation of the fermented juice of

white sound ripe grapes (Aguardiente, Armagnac, Cognac, Eau de Vie, Fine Champagne, Grappa, Marc, Metaxa) 80—90

Calvados Same as apple brandy 86 Chartreuse Liqueur made by Carthusian monks, Yellow or Green 86—110 Cherry Liqueur Made of wild black cherries and grape brandy 60 Cider Expressed juice of apples (used for drinking and for making

vinegar) containing 2% to 8% of alcohol by volume. Coffee Beverage made with the seeds from the Fruit of a Tropical

Tree, roasted and ground; percolated with Boiling Water (Sugar, Milk or Cream optional) A cup of dark roasted coffee contains about 3 mg. of niacin (part of the Vitamin B complex)

Coffee Southern A Coffee Liqueur prepared from the world's finest coffees by

Southern Comfort Corporation, St. Louis, Mo 55 Cointreau Colorless French liqueur with a brandy base and orange formula 86 Cognac Brandy made only from grapes grown in Cognac, France 80—90 Cordial Medoc Mixture of brandy, orange Curacao and Creme de Cacao 88 Creme de Ananas Sweet liqueur flavored with pineapple 60 Creme de Bananas Sweet liqueur flavored with banana 60 Creme de Cacao Brown or white liqueur made from Cacao beans 6 0 Creme de Cassis Sweet liqueur made from black currants 21—50 Creme de Coffee Sweet liqueur, coffee flavored 60

Creme de Fraise Sweet liqueur made from strawberries 60

Creme de Framboise Sweet liqueur made from raspberries 60


124 SPIRIT DIGEST—(Continued) Approximate

Name of Spirit Analysis Proof

Creme de Menthe Sweet liqueur flavored with peppermint and various varieties of mint (usually colored green) 6 0

Creme de Moka Sweet liqueur, coffee flavored 6 0 Creme de Noyaux Extract from fruit stones, which produce a harsh almond flavor 6 0 Creme de Rose Sweet liqueur flavored with oil of rose petals and vanilla 6 0 Creme de Vanilla Sweet liqueur, vanilla flavored 6 0 Creme de Violette Sweet liqueur, violet flavored 6 0 Creme Yvette Sweet liqueur, violet flavored 6 0 Curacao Made from dried peels of green oranges 60 Dantziger Wasser White Liqueur containing little gold flakes 80 Drambuie Liqueur made of Scotch whisky and Heather honey 8 0 Elixir d'Anvers Similar to yellow Chartreuse 86 Falernum Sweet flavoring made of the distillation of rum 6 Fiori Alpini Sweet Italian liqueur with Alpine limb inside bottle, similar to

Chartreuse, covered with rock candy crystals 60 Forbidden Fruit Sweet liqueur made from shaddock infused in brandy 80 Framboise Liqueur distilled from alcohol and crushed raspberries 86 Gin Usually made by distilling a grain mash in pot stills with Juniper

berries, Coriander, licorice, cassis and some botanicals 8 6 - 9 4 Goldwasser Made from orange peels and spicy herbs; contains Gold Flakes 8 0

Grand Marnier Liqueur made from oranges, flavored with a brandy base 80

Grenadine Red syrup, flavored; usually made from pomegranates.

Guignolet A French Cherry Brandy distilled at Angers, France 6 0 Kirsch Colorless liqueur distilled from wild cherries 9 6 Kummel Brandy flavored with Cumin and Caraway seeds 86 Mandarine Sweet liqueur made from dried peels of tangerines 70 Maraschino Made from fermented juice of the Marasca cherry, 6 0 Mirabelle Distillation of fermented white plums 80

Orange Liqueur Made from fresh oranges and grape brandy 80

Orgeat Flavoring syrup prepared with an emulsion of almonds.

Parfait Amour Sweet liqueur distilled from cedrates and lemon peels 60 Passionola Non-alcoholic, thick syrup, made from passion fruit. Comes in

three colors—Red, Green and Natural. Peach Liqueur Made from fresh peaches and grape brandy .. 60 Perry Cider made from pears. Contains 2% to 8% of alcohol. Pimm's No. 1 Cup A cordial from old English formula, colored in burnt sugar. 67 Proof Measure of the Alcoholic Content of a liquid. In U. S. A.

Proof is double alcoholic content by volume.

Prunelle Liqueur made from fresh plums and grape brandy 80 Pulque Fermented drink made in Mexico from the juice of the maguey.

A cider-like taste. Contains about 7% of alcohol.

Quetsch (or Slivovitz) Liqueur, distilled from fermented juice of plums 80

Quinquina Reddish-brown aromatic wine flavored with quinine and herbs.. 20


SPIRIT DIGEST-(Continued) Approximate

Name of Spirit Analysis Proof

Rale Syrian wine made with Figs and Brandy 50 Ratafia Liqueur flavored with almonds, kernels of cherries or peaches 60 Rock and Rum Mixture of fruit juices, rock candy and 50% rum 75 Rock and Rye Mixture of fruit juices, rock candy and 50% rye whiskey 70 Rum Made by distilling fermented molasses or sugar cane 80-151 Sake Refermented brew made from rice, national drink in Japan 17 Sloe Gin Made from sweetened ordinary gin, soaked in sloe berries 6 0 - 7 0 Southern Comfort Liqueur made according to a secret formula (brandy'and

whisky base.) Should be served ice cold 100 Strega Spicy Italian liqueur with orange flavor, colored yellow 85 Suze Made in France from Gentiane Roots and Fresh Plants 16 Swedish Punch Same as Arrack, but flavored with extracts; tea, lemon, etc. 52

Tea Beverage made by steeping dried leaves of an oriental shrub in boiling water, (Sugar, Lemon, Cream; Milk or Spirit optional). The most consumed beverage in the world.

Tequila (Mescal or Aquardiente) a distillation of pulque 9 0 Tia Moria Liqueur of Jamaica made of various essences and coffee 63 Triple Sec Same as Curacao but white 80

Van Der Hum Elixir liqueur from spicy South African plants & tangerine 63

Vodka Liqueur commonly made from rye or potatoes 8 0 - 1 1 5 Zubrowka A Vodka in which Zubrowka Grass had been steeped—slightly

bitter with a straw tinge


WHISKY Is an alcoholic obtained by the distillation of the fermented mash Originally worded from of wholly or partly malted cereal grains (rye, wheat, maize, corn, barley);

the Gallic "Usque usualy contains from 47% to 53% of alcohol by volume and from 8 6 to Baugh "meaning" Water of Life" 100proof, and must be stored in charred wood containers for a period

of no less than four years. Blended Whisky Is a whisky which has been aged in wood for a sufficient length of time

of maturity. Bourbon Whisky Is made in Kentucky from a mash of Indian corn and rye and barley

malt, of which Indian corn forms more than 50%. Canadian Whiskey Blended whiskey made from Rye with less aging than the American

whiskey (70-85 Proof)

Corn Whisky Is made from malted corn or of corn the starch of which has been hydrolyzed by barley malt.

Irish Whisky Is made in Ireland, and conforms in the proportions of its various in­gredients to Scotch Whisky, save that it may be made of the same ma­terials as prescribed for whisky, but the malt used is not dried over peat.

Rye Whisky Is a whisky in the manufacture of which rye, either in a malted condi­tion or with sufficient barley or rye made to hydrolyze the starch, is the only grain used.

Scotch Whisky Is made solely from barley malt, in the drying of which peat is used. Straight Whisky Is a whisky which has been aged in wood for a sufficient length of time

to ensure the changes by which the congeners of the alcoholic distillate are altered in a manner which produces the characteristic odor and taste distinctive of whisky, coloring matter from the charred oak barrels being at the same time taken up. 127

INDEX OF DRINKS (With this index, the author enables you to mix drinks according to the bottled ingredients you have on hand.)

Drinks Made With: Page

ABSINTHE (Substitute) Absinthe Cocktail 31 Absinthe Drip 31 Absinthe Frappé 59 Absinthe Highball 63 Earthquake Cocktail 52 Orbit Cocktail 73 Suissesse Cocktail 97 Tomato Highball 99

APPLE JACK Apple Jack Cocktail 33 Apple Jack Collins 45 Apple Jack Daisy 51 Apple Jack Highball 63 Apple Jack Sour 93 Apple Jack Swizzle 98 Apple Jack Toddy 99 Blackbird Cocktail 36 Jack Rose Cocktail 65 Old Fashioned 73 Star Cocktail 97 Taj-Mahal Cocktail 98

AQUAVIT Aquavit Cocktail 34 Aquavit Highball 63 Aquavit Collins 45




37 Boiler Maker

38 Bonanza Cocktail


Bourbon Cobbler

Bourbon Collins 45

Bourbon Cooler 47

Bourbon Daisy 51 53

Bourbon Egg Nog Bourbon Fizz 56

58 Bourbon Flip Bourbon Grog 61

63 Bourbon Highball

80 Bourbon Milk Punch Bourbon Old-Fashioned 73 Bourbon On the "Rocks" 85

78 Bourbon Puff

82 Bourbon Punch

8 4 Bourbon Rickey

8 7 Bourbon Scaffa

9 0 Bourbon Sling

92 Bourbon Smash

93 Bourbon Sour Bourbon Swizzle 98

99 Bourbon Toddy •.

103 Bourbon Zoom Commando Cocktail 46

52 Earthquake Cocktail Frisco Cocktail 60 Mint Julep 70

87 Saza "Rock"


Drinks Made With: BRANDY


Alexander Cocktail No. 2 32

Argentino Cocktail 3 4

Brandy Caprice 3 8

Brandy Cocktail 3 8

Brandy Collins 4 5

Brandy Daisy 51

Brandy Egg Nog 5 3

Brandy Fizz 5 5

Brandy Flip 5 8

Brandy Grog 61

Brandy Milk Punch 80

Brandy Punch 79

Brandy Rickey 8 4

Brandy Shrub 8 9

Brandy Sling 90

Brandy Smash 92

Brandy Sour 9 3

Brandy Toddy 9 9

Café Diablé 4 0

Café Royale 41

Coffee Cocktail 42

Coffee Southern Cocktail 43

Cucumber Cocktail 4 8

Devil Cocktail 51

Española Cocktail 5 4

Old Fashioned Cocktail 73

Pisco Cocktail 7 7

Prairie Oyster Cocktail 78

Side Car Cocktail 89

Sloppy Joe Cocktail 9 0

Southern Grasshopper Cocktail 9 7

Stinger Cocktail 9 7

Zoom 103 130

Drinks Made With: Page

BURGUNDY WINE (Red or White) Burgundy Cobbler 42 Burgundy Cup 49 Penthouse Cocktail 75 Wine "Cooler" 47


Black Velvet 37 Cardinal Cocktail 41 Champagne Cocktail 41 Champagne Cup 49 Champagne Punch 79 Diamond Fizz 55 Flicker Cocktail 57 French "75" or French "90" 60 Peach Velvet 75 Roman Punch 81 United Nations Cocktail 100 Victory Cocktail 101 World's Fair Cocktail 103


Claret Cobbler 42 Claret "Cooler" 47 Claret Cup 49 Claret Lemonade 42 Claret Punch 79 Clog 42


Drinks Made With: COFFEE SOUTHERN— World's Finest Coffee Liqueur. Page

Blackbird Cocktail 3 6 Black Russian Cocktail 3 6 Black Sea Cocktail • 3 6 Bonanza Cocktail 38 Coffee Southern Cocktail 43 Coffee Southern Classic 43 Coffee Southern and Cointreau 43 Coffee Southern Flambe 43 Coffee Southern Frappé 43 Coffee Southern Mint 43 Coffee Southern on the Rocks 43 Flipper Cocktail 5 7 Half and Half 63 Java Sundae 6 5 Jupiter Cocktail 6 5 Marco Polo Cocktail 68 Nightingale Cocktail 7 2 Southern Grasshopper Cocktail 9 6 Spider Cocktail 9 6

White Russian Cocktail 102

GIN Admiral Cocktail 31

Alaska Cocktail 31

Alexander Cocktail No . 1 32

Allies Cocktail 32

Army Cocktail 3 4

Australian Cocktail 3 4

Aviation Cocktail 3 4

Bijou Cocktail 3 6

Blue Moon Cocktail 3 7

Bronx Cocktail 3 9

Clover Club Cocktail 4 2


Drinks Made With: GIN—Continued


Everglade Cocktail 54

Flamingo Cocktail 57

French " 7 5 " 60

Gimlet Cocktail 61

Gin Buck 61

Gin Cocktail 61

Gin "Cooler" 47

Gin Daisy 51

Gin Fizz 56

Gin Highball 63

Gin Rickey 84

Gin Sling 90 92

Gin Smash I 9 3

Gin Sour

Gin Swizzle 98

Gin Tonic 61

Gin "Wink" 61

Golden Fizz 56

Honolulu Cocktail 64

International Cocktail 64

Martini Cocktail 68

Napoleon Cocktail 72

New Orleans Fizz 56

Nightingale Cocktail 72


Drinks Made With: GIN—Continued


Old Fashioned Cocktail 73

Orange Blossom Cocktail 73

Paradise Cocktail 75

Parisian Cocktail 75

Perfect Cocktail 76

Pink Lady 76

Ramus Fizz 56

Red Lion Cocktail 83

Remsen "-Cooler" 47

Royal Smile Cocktail 85

Ruby Cocktail 85

Silver Fizz 56

Singapore Sling 90

Society Cocktail 92

South Side Cocktail 96

South Side Fizz 57

Tom Collins 45

Tropical Twister 100

Virgin Cocktail 101

White Lady Cocktail 102

Windsor Cocktail 102

IRISH WHISKEY Irish and Tonic 65 Irish Coffee 65 Irish Collins 45 Irish Sling 90 Irish Whiskey Highball 63 Leprechaun Highball 66 Old Fashioned Cocktail 73 Shamrock Cocktail 88 Tipperary Cocktail 98


Drinks Made With: PORT


Coffee Cocktail 42

Port Wine Cobbler 42

Port Egg Nog 53

Port Flip 58 Port Wine Negus Punch 81

86 "Sangaree"

Wine "Cooler" 47

Wine Highball 103

RHINE or MOSELLE WINE Rhine Wine Cobbler 42

Rhine Wine Punch 81

Spritzer Highball 96

Wine "Cooler" 47

Wine Cup 49

Wine Highball 103

RUM Bacardi Cocktail 35

Beachcomber Cocktail 36

Between the Sheets Cocktail 36

Bolero Cocktail 37

Christmas Egg Nog 53

Congo Cocktail 46

Cuba Libre 48

Daiquiri Cocktail 49 Daiquiri Frozen 4 9 Daiquiri Frozen

Doctor Cocktail 51

El Presidente Cocktail 54

Fish House Punch 80


Drinks Made With: RUM—Continued


Honey Moon Cocktail 63

Hot Buttered Rum 64

MacArthur Cocktail 67

Marco Polo Cocktail 67

Mary Pickford Cocktail 69 National Cocktail 7 2

Old Fashioned Cocktail 7 3

Planter's Punch 8 1

Presidente Cocktail 7 8

Rum Cobbler 4 2

Rum Collins 4 5

Rum or Calypso "Cooler" 47 Rum Daisy . 51 Rum Egg Nog 5 3

Rum Fizz 5 6

Rum Flip 5 8

Rum Grog 6 1

Rum Highball 6 3

Rum Milk Punch 8 0

Rum Mint Julep 8 6

Rum Punch 8 2

Rum Rickey 8 4

Rum Shrub 8 9

Rum Sling 9 0

Rum Smash 91

Rum Sour 9 3

Rum Swizzzle 9 8

Rum Toddy 9 9

Rum "Wink" 8 5

September Morn Cocktail 8 8

Snow White Cocktail 9 2

99 Tom and Jerry

Zombie 1 0 3


Drinks Made With: RYE WHISKEY


Black Sea Cocktail 36 37

Boiler Maker 38

Bolivar Cocktail 39

Brooklyn Cocktail 68

Manhattan Cocktail

Monte Carlo Cocktail 70

New Yorker Cocktail 72

Partridge Cocktail 75

Polaris Cocktail 77

Rock & Rye 84

Rye Cobbler

Rye Collins 45

Rye Cooler 47 51

Rye Daisy

Rye Egg Nog 53

Rye Fizz 56

Rye Flip 58

Rye Grog 61

Rye Highball 63

Rye Milk Punch 80

Rye Old-Fashioned 73

Rye On the "Rocks" 85

Rye Rickey 84

Rye Scaffa 87

Rye Sling 90

Rye Smash 92

Rye Sour 93

Rye Swizzle 98

Rye Toddy 99

Rye Zoom 103

W a r d Eight Cocktail 102 137



Sauterne Cobbler 42 Sauterne Cup 49 Sauterne Punch 82 Wine "Cooler" 47 Wine Highball 103

SCOTCH WHISKEY Barbary Coast Cocktail 3 5 Blue Blazer 3 7 Boiler Maker 3 7 Jupiter Cocktail 65 Mamie Taylor 67 Morning Glory Fizz 5 6 Rob Roy Cocktail 85 Scotch Cobbler 42 Scotch Collins 4 5 Scotch Cooler 4 7 Scotch Daisy 51 Scotch Egg Nog 5 3 Scotch Fizz 56 Scotch Flip 5 8 Scotch Grog 61 Scotch Highball 63 Scotch Milk Punch 8 0 Scotch Mist 88 Scotch Old-Fashioned 7 3 Scotch On the "Rocks" 85 Scotch Puff 78 Scotch Punch 82 Scotch Rickey 84 Scotch Scaffa 87 Scotch Sling 90 Scotch Smash 92 Scotch Sour 93 Scotch Swizzle 98 Scotch Toddy 99 Scotch Zoom 103


Drinks Made With: SHERRY Page


Bamboo Cocktail

Brazil Cocktail 39

Coronation Cocktail 48

"Sangaree" 86

Sherry Cobbler 42 53

Sherry Egg Nog

Sherry Flip 58

Zabaglione 103 SLOE GIN 57

Flipper Cocktail

Millionaire Cocktail 70

Sloe Gin Fizz 57

Sloe Gin Highball 63

Sloe Gin Rickey 84

Za za Cocktail 103


Drinks Made With: SOUTHERN COMFORT Page

Atomic Cocktail 3 4 Black Widow Cocktail 37 Blast Off Cocktail 3 7 Ch'a Ch'a Cocktail 41 Christmas Egg Nog 53 Cuba Libre Supreme 48 Flying Grasshopper Cocktail 5 8 Frappe 58 "French 9 0 " 60 Frozen Southern Comfort 6 0 Half & Half • 63 Hawaiian Surprise Cocktail 63 Honolulu "Cooler" 4 7 Lemon "Cooler" 4 7 Little Colonel Cocktail 6 6 Mazagran 69 Omar's Delight Cocktail 7 3 Oscar Haimo Cocktail 7 3 Pacific Cocktail 7 5 Passionola Cocktail 75 Peach Velvet 7 5 Persuader 76 Puff 7 8 Puzzler 82 Rhett Butler Cocktail 83 Royal Southern Comfort Cocktail 85 St. Louis Cocktail 86 Scarlett O'Hara Cocktail 8 7 Skidding Side Car Cocktail 89 Sloe 'n Southern Comfort Cocktail 9 0 Southern Comfort Blue Blazer 9 4 Southern Comfort Champagne Cocktail 9 4 Southern Comfort Cobbler 42 Southern Comfort Collins 45 Southern Comfort Daisy 51 Southern Comfort Daiquiri Cocktail 94 Southern Comfort Egg Nog 53 Southern Comfort Fizz 5 7 Southern Comfort Flip 58 Southern Comfort "Grog" 61


Drinks Made With: SOUTHERN COMFORT—Continued Page

Southern Comfort Highball 9 4 Southern Comfort Manhattan Cocktail 9 4 Southern Comfort Milk Punch 8 0 Southern Comfort Mint Julep 9 4 Southern Comfort Old-Fashioned Cocktail 95 Southern Comfort On-the-rocks 95 Southern Comfort Rickey 8 4 Southern Comfort Royale 95 Southern Comfort 'n Scotch 9 5 Southern Comfort Side Car 9 5 Southern Comfort Sling 9 0 Southern Comfort Smash 92 Southern Comfort Sour 9 3 Southern Comfort Stinger 95 Southern Comfort Swizzle 9 8 Southern Comfort Toddy 9 9 Southern Comfort Tom & Jerry 96 Southern Comfort 'n Tonic 9 6 Statler Manhattan Cocktail 9 7 Stingeroo Cocktail 9 7 Strawberry Blonde 9 7 Tornado Cocktail 100 Victory Cocktail 101 Volcano Cocktail 101 W a g o n Wheel Cocktail 102 World's Fair Cocktail 103

TEQUILA (Mescal or Aguardiente) Acapulco Cocktail 31 Mexicano or Margarita Cocktail 69

VERMOUTH (Dry or Sweet) Americano Highball 32 Bronx Cocktail 39 Manhattan Cocktail 68 Martini Cocktail 6 8 Perfect Cocktail 7 6 Rob Roy Cocktail 85 Vermouth Cassis 101



Black Russian Cocktail 3 6

Moscow Mule 71

Red Snapper or Bloody Mary Cocktail 8 3

Salty Dog Highball 86

Screwdriver Highball 88

Siberia Cocktail 89

Southland Special 9 6

Tovarich Cocktail 100

Vodka Cocktail 101

Vodka Collins 46

Vodka "Wink", 101

White Russian Cocktail 102

WINE Burgundy Drinks 131

Champagne Drinks 131

Claret Drinks 132

"Grog" 61

Hot Red Wine Punch or Mulled Wine Cup 8 0

Hot Wine Drink (Clog) 42

Marsala (Zabaglione) 103

Origin of the Finest Imported Table Wines 1 1 6

Port Drinks 135

Rhine or Moselle Wine Drinks 135

Sauterne Drinks 138

Sherry Drinks 139

Sparkling Burgundy (Penthouse Cocktail) 7 5

Wine Cobbler 42

Wine. "Cooler" 47

Wine Cups 49

Wine Highball 103

Wine Lemonade 103 Wine Suggestions for Courses "The Sommelier" 117


He who tastes of the juice of the grape in moderation will be meek and gentle as a lamb. He who partakes too gen­erously will be as bold as a lion. He who drinks even more freely will become absurd as a monkey— But he who partakes to excess will become revolt­ing as a pig.

by Oscar Haimo

He who remembers his friends — Keeps litem

"Cocktail and Wine Digest" The


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