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Page 1: Codes and conventions

Codes and Conventions

Of Interior Magazine

Page 2: Codes and conventions

After going through various magazines regarding my genre I have noticed some common codes and conventions that are usually followed. While designing the magazine main emphasis is on the interior and its following environment rather than including people. Its very rare that models/actors are used as advertisement in an interior magazine until a designer is featured.

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Masthead :Font cover are quite simple and large. Only one color tone is used so that it is easy to read and much attention is given to the photography that actually reflects the genre ”Interior”.

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COVER LINESDepending on the photography cover lines are setup. VOGUE displaying an elegant environment with color tone white only few cover lines on side are written. Whilst the other magazine contains many cover lines in different color and sizes because of its funky furniture.

MAIN COVER LINEUsually seen at the bottom of the magazine but still catches the readers eye due to being the second largest font on the cover.

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LOCATIONMostly living room or kitchen can be seen as the setting for the front cover. These are the two main areas of the home that are utilized the most.

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Day lighting is considered to be an exclusive time to capture. It gives the picture a realistic look. In media terms such effect is known to be Key and Fill allowing the light to shine on the subject. It balances by illuminating shaded surfaces

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