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D7.7  –  Contribution  to  Standards  Report    



Document  Number   D  7.7  

Status   Final  

Work  Package   WP  7  

Deliverable  Type     Report  

Date  of  Delivery     30/June/2016  

Responsible  Unit     TID  

Contributors   TID:  Diego  R.  López,  Antonio  Pastor-­‐Perales  

Keywords   Standardization,  SDO,  Open  source,  IETF,  ETSI,  ONF,  OpenStack,  OPNFV,  OSM  

Dissemination  level   PU  

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Acronyms  and  Definitions  

Acronym   Defined  as  

ANIMA Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

IRTF Internet Research Task Force

ISG Industry Specification Group

NMLRG Network Machine Learning Research Group

NMRG Network Management Research Group

ONF Open Networking Foundation

OPNFV Open Platform for NFV

OSM Open Source MANO

SDO Standard Development Organization

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Executive  Summary    

This  document  presents  the  results  of  the  CogNet  project  in  standardization  

activities.  This  includes  a  discussion  of  the  feasible  targets  for  standardizing  

machine-­‐learning  techniques  in  network  management,  how  they  have  been  

evolving  during  the  project  lifetime,  and  how  the  different  original  targets  

described  in  D7.6  have  been  considered,  and  the  nature  and  reach  of  the  

different  contributions.    

Evolving  from  the  initial  intention  of  standardizing  machine-­‐learning  techniques  

for  network  management,  the  project  contributions  have  focused  on  

standardizing  interfaces  and  facilitating  integration  for  open  data-­‐centric  

management.    The  contributions  have  been  structured  along  three  main  lines,  as  

described  in  the  document:  

•   The  applicability  of  the  CogNet  open  data-­‐centric  management  

principles  and  results.  

•   Open  data  sources  and  formats.  

•   Open  action  streams  for  policy-­‐based  management.  


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Table  of  Contents  1.   Introduction  ............................................................................................................................  5  

2.   The  Evolution  of  Standardization  Targets  ................................................................................  6  

3.   Applying  Principles  and  Results  ...............................................................................................  9  

4.   Open  Data  Streams  ...............................................................................................................  11  

5.   Open  Action  Streams  ............................................................................................................  12  

6.   References  ............................................................................................................................  14  


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1.  Introduction  

Standardization  activities  were   identified  as  one  of   the  key  ways  of  achieving  a  high   impact  of   the  results   and   of   demonstrating   the   technical   progress   of   the   project,   especially   given   that   the  application   of   Machine   Learning   techniques   to   network   infrastructures   was   becoming   a   realistic  approach   for   actual   network   operation,   beyond   the   initial   steps   of   exploratory   research   within  industry   and   academia.   The   project   has   always   understood   standardization   in   the  widest   possible  sense,  being  aware  of  the  new  standardization  mechanisms  offered  by  open  source  projects,  beyond  the  use  of  open  source  software  as  the  base  for  project  development  and  the  further  distribution  of  project  results.  

As   the   project   evolved,   and   the   interest   in   cognitive   techniques   grew   among   the   standardization  organizations,  the  CogNet  team  became  more  active  in  this  process,  though  it  became  progressively  clear   that  a   traditional  standardization  path   for   the  application  of  cognitive  techniques  to  network  management   was   unfeasible,   and   therefore   the   project   re-­‐focused   its   goals.   CogNet   has  concentrated  its  efforts  on  standardizing  interfaces  and  facilitating  integration  for  open  data-­‐centric  management,   without   pursuing   a   rigid   architectural   approach,   in   an   inclusive   strategy   able   to  facilitate  the  application  of  data-­‐intensive  evidence  to  network  management.  

The   rest   of   the   document   discusses   the   rationale   for   this   approach,   and   how   it   evolved  with   the  direct  action  of  the  CogNet  partners  in  different  SDOs,  and  how  the  contributions  of  the  project  have  been   structured   along   three  main   lines   that   define   the   structure   of   the   following   sections   of   the  document:  

•   The  application  of  the  CogNet  open  architecture,  based  on  a  double  closed  control   loop  of  data-­‐centric  management  interfaces.  

•   The  application  of  open  data  sources  and  formats  in  the  data  streams  of  this  double  closed  control  loop.  

•   The  use  and  evolution  of   standards   for  policy-­‐based  management   in   the  action  streams  of  this  double  closed  control  loop.  

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2.  The Evolution of Standardization Targets


At   the   beginning   of   the   project,   the   application   of   machine   learning   techniques   to   network  management   was   still   perceived   mostly   as   a   research   activity   by   the   different   standards  communities,  and  several  activities  at  the  research  level,  specifically  in  the  ETSI  NFV  ISG  and  the  IRTF  were  launched.  In  particular,  the  start  of  a  prospective  research  group  within  the  IRTF,  the  Network  Machine   Learning   Research   Group   (NMLRG),   was   a   clear   indicator   of   this   interest.   The   CogNet  partners   contributed   actively   in   these   initial   stages,   building   awareness   on   the   CogNet   activities,  reporting  results  (especially  in  what  relates  to  the  architecture  that  was  being  consolidated  by  those  days),   and   identifying   future  collaborations   in  which  CogNet  could  provide   feedback   to   the  bodies  dealing  with  some  of  the  technologies  at  the  CogNet  basis.  

But  from  these  initial  contributions,  and  the  direct  exchange  with  the  participating  communities,   it  became   clear   that   a   traditional   standards   path   approach   to   apply   cognitive   methods   to   network  management,   including   the   definition   of   an   architecture   or   reference   framework,   and   the  identification   and   specification   of   “cognitive   modules”   in   such   an   architecture,   was   not   the   right  approach,   especially   in   the   light   of   the   concerns   about   architectural   and   protocol   ossification   of  networks,  and  given  the  lack  of  traction  of  previous  related  attempts  like  GANA  [1].  

Cognitive   management   methods   can   be   considered   a   particular   case   of   general   data-­‐driven  management   techniques,   able   to   support   a   wide   variety   of   autonomous   and   semi-­‐autonomous  behaviours  by  consuming  operational  and  situational  data,  applying  analysis  mechanisms   to   them,  and  taking  action  according  to  this  analysis.  These  correspond  to  the  well-­‐known  closed  control  loop  common  to  Control  Theory  [2],  and  whether  the  analysis  phase  is  performed  by  means  of  elements  that  are  fixed  or  able  to  evolve  by  self-­‐tuning   is  something  that   is   immaterial   in  terms  of  the  basic  architectural  principles  around  the  closed  control  loop.  


Figure  2-­‐1:  A  canonical  closed  control  loop,  well  established  in  general  control  theory  

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This  is  one  of  the  core  findings  within  the  NMLRG  that  led  to  its  quick  closing,  subsuming  some  of  its  main  goals  into  the  existing  NMRG  (on  Network  Management)  and  the  ANIMA  IETF  WG  (focused  on  protocols  and  data  models  to  express  autonomous  behaviour).  And  it  was  this  that  made  the  CogNet  partners   refocus   the   project   standardization   contributions   towards   other   targets,   better   suited   to  the   relevant   results  CogNet   could  bring.  A  new,   related  proposal   appeared  during   this  period,   the  ETSI   ENI   ISG   [3],   that   seemed   to   be   addressing   the   same   original   goals   as   CogNet.   The   partners  present  in  ETSI  (and  especially  in  the  NFV  ISG)  participated  actively  in  the  discussions  about  the  goals  and  methods  of  this  group,  expressing  the  conclusions  of  previous  experiences,  and  suggesting  the  proponents  to  join  forces  in  the  directions  described  in  this  document.  The  ENI  proponents  decided  to  only  pay  partial  attention  to  this  appeal,  and  they  followed  up  with  the  creation  of  the  group,  with  a   set  of   terms  of   reference   that  does  not   clearly  define  what  we   think  are  attainable  and   realistic  goals,   and   therefore   without   the   participation   of   any   of   the   CogNet   partners.   Nevertheless,   the  project  continues  monitoring  the  evolution  of  the  ENI  ISG,  to  identify  opportunities  for  convergence.  

The  most  salient  characteristic  of  the  CogNet  architecture  is  the  creation  of  a  double  closed  control  loop  with   common   interfaces   in   each   one.  One   control   loop   is   the   “classical”   one,  where   CogNet  proposes  to  apply  cognitive  control  to  an  integrated  NFV/SDN  Software  Network  architecture,  which  provides  the  data  to  be  fed  into  the  cognitive  control  module.  The  other  control  loop  is  the  machine-­‐learning  one,  where  different  algorithms  and  modules  can  be  applied  in  order  to  shape  (and  control)  the  cognitive  controller  of   the   first   loop,  using  a  set  of  data  derived  from  the  same  sources  as   the  classical   loop.  The  cognitive  controller,  at   the   top  of  one   loop  and   the  bottom  of   the  other,   is   the  nexus  between  them.  


Figure  2-­‐2:  The  basic  CogNet  architecture,  showing  the  double  closed-­‐control  loop  


CogNet Solution

Network Management Existing Solutions

NFV/SDN-based Environment

Data Collector

Policy Engine



Data Stream



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e En





art E













y En



h En


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While,  as  said  above,   it  does  not  seem  reasonable   to   try   to  standardize  such  an  architecture,  as   it  would   become   an   over-­‐specification   that   would   either   constrain   further   evolutions   or   directly  ignored,  there  are  two  important  aspects  related  to  the  data  and  action  flows  in  the  double  control  loop   that   require   the  application   (and   further   feedback  and  contribution)  of   standard  approaches:  open   mechanisms   and   formats   for   publishing,   routing,   and   consuming   data   streams,   and   open  protocols  and  models   to  express  actions.  And,   in  addition   to   these   two  aspects,   the  application  of  the  CogNet  architecture  is  able  to  provide  further  insights  in  the  requirements  and  use  of  cognitive  methods   in  particular  application  domains,  suitable   for  contribution  to  standardization  activities   in  the  broadest  sense  mentioned  above.    

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3.  Applying Principles and Results  

The   CogNet   architecture   is   directly   based   on   the   SDN/NFV   integration   originally   proposed   by   the  ETSI  NFV  ISG  in  its  EVE005  document  [4]  that  was  produced  in  coordination  with  ONF  analysis  in  [5].  The  CogNet  team  has  confirmed  the  applicability  of  the  EVE005  findings  and  recommendations,  and  provided   additional   feedback   to   the   EVE   (Evolution   and   Ecosystem)   WG   within   ETSI   NFV.   This  feedback  has  been  consolidated  in  the  recent  contributions  on  slice  orchestration  and  slice  isolation  within   the   new  work   that   the   EVE  WG   has   started   around   the   applicability   of   NFV   orchestration  principles  to  network  slicing  [6].  The  evolution  of  the  ONF  towards  a  reduced  standardization  activity  and   a   much   stronger   focus   on   open-­‐source   development   within   the   ONOS   platform   [7]   has  discouraged  further  contributions  from  the  CogNet  partners  to  the  ONF  regarding  this  issue.  


Figure  3-­‐1:  Mapping  between  the  CogNet  architecture  and  EVE005  SDN/NFV  integration  


Beyond   the   application   statements   on   the   architectural   principles   on  which   CogNet   is   based,   and  following   the   philosophy   described   in   the   previous   sections   about   avoiding   over-­‐specification   and  focusing   contributions   on   practical   aspects   of   network   management,   the   team   has   sought   direct  collaboration  on  the  application  of  the  CogNet  results  to  standardization  and  open-­‐source  initiatives,  in  particular:  

•   The   application   of   CogNet   cognitive  models   able   to   identify   different   root   causes   for   VNF  performance   degradation,   contributed   to   OPNFV   and   OpenStack   through   the   Vitrage  initiative.   Within   OPNFV,   this   is   related   to   the   Doctor   project,   a   fault   management   and  maintenance   framework   for   high   availability   of   network   services   on   top   of   virtualized  infrastructure  [8].  

•   The   integration  of  CogNet-­‐based  cognitive  capabilities   for  NFV  orchestration  as  part  of   the  OPNFV   Orchestra   proposal,   focused   on   the   integration   of   the   open   source   Open   Baton  platform,  with  existing  OPNFV  projects  for  specific  scenarios  and  use  cases  [9].  

•   The   future   OSS/BSS   initiative   within   the   TMForum   [10],   that   acknowledges   the   need   of  business   and   operational   processes   driven   by   data   analytics,   as   the   service   levels   and  flexibility   required   to   compete   cannot   be   achieved   with   offline   manual   analysis   and  

MANO Block

Resources and Services Managment


Tenant Controller


VNF Manager(s)

Virtualized Infrastructure Manager(s)


Virtualized Infrastructure

Virtualization Layer

Physical Hardware Resources

Compute Storage Network


Servcie, VNF and interface descriptions

SDN Controller



Policy Engine

Policy Repository



Policy Distribution

Policy Adaptor

Policy Publisher



Policies Generation


Policies Recommender




Data Collector

(Near) Real-time Processing Engine

Batch Processing Engine

Data Pre-processing

User inputs

Data Normalisation, Transformation


Feature Selection and Extraction

Distributed File System

Measurements (Network and Infrastructure)

Automated Model Selection

Dataset Analysis

Comparative Analysis


Data Storage

Frozen Data


(Semi) Supervised & Unsupervised ML

Distortion Evaluation

Model Training

Online Learning and Scoring or Score using model from Batch Layer

Model Training

Pull Model ModelScoring

Model Scoring

Data Cleaning, Filtering, Feature


Hardware AnalysisUser


User inputs

E2E inputs

Action Parameters

Thresholds &Events Values

Event Instance Name (Events Values)

Target Parameters

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adjustment.  A   first   contribution   in   this  direction  has  been  made   through   the  Open  Source  MANO  community  [11]  

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4.  Open Data Streams  

The   data   streams   in   the   CogNet   double   closed-­‐loop   architecture   have   been   implemented   in   the  common  infrastructure  using  open-­‐source  elements,  that  allows  to  provide  feedback  from  CogNet  to  the   relevant   upstream   projects:   OpenStack  Monasca,   Apache   Kafka,   and   the   relevant   monitoring  activities   in  OPNFV   and  OSM.   At   the   time   of   this  writing,   no   other   contributions   than   application  statements  are  available  for  these  projects,  but  the  consolidation  of  the  common  infrastructure  and  the  demonstrators  running  on   it  may  well  bring  opportunities   for  more  significant   feedback  to  the  upstream  projects.  

The  CogNet  project  has  struggled  with   the   lack  of  usable  data  sets  since   it   started,  and  developed  the  concept  of  an  open  environment  for  the  generation  of  significant  synthetic  datasets,  suitable  to  be  applied  to  the  different  use  cases   in  the  project,  and  generalized  to  further  application  of  data-­‐driven  network  management.    



Figure  4-­‐1:  Synthetic  dataset  generation  at  CogNet’s  “Mouseworld”  


The  concept  has  been  introduced  at  the  recent  ETSI  Summit  on  5G  Network  Infrastructure  [12],  and  brought  into  several  other  research  projects  within  the  H2020  programme.  To  produce  the  datasets,  the   team  has  analysed  several  open   formats  and  open  source   tools   for   the  generation  of  network  flow  information,  and  finally  selected  tstat   [13].  We  are  currently  working   in  specific  extensions  to  tstat,  intended  to  improve  the  quality  of  the  training  synthetic  datasets,  that  will  be  contributed  to  the  tool  development  community.  

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5.  Open Action Streams  

One  of   the  key  challenges  for  CogNet  was  the  selection  and  application  of  an  open  and  extensible  mechanism  to  specify   the  control  actions.  Almost   in  parallel  with   the  start  of   the  project,   the   IETF  launched   its   SUPA   WG   [14],   focused   on   the   definition   of   information   and   data   models   to  communicate   network   management   policies.   After   some   initial   discussions   with   the   main  proponents  and  chairs  of  the  WG,  CogNet  decided  to  embrace  SUPA,  and  that   is  the  way   in  which  control  actions  (of  whatever  nature,  from  the   identification  of  an  event  to  the  request  of  concrete  activity   to   one   of   the   control   and   orchestration   elements)   are   communicated   within   the   CogNet  action   streams.   The   project   has  monitored   and   contributed   to   the   SUPA   effort   since   this   decision  was   taken,   collaborating   in   the   refinement   of   the   information   and   data   models,   and   the  consolidation  of  the  SUPA  solution  with  the  introduction  to  the  applicability  of  SUPA  to  support  the  data-­‐driven  network  management  control  loop.  The  work  of  the  SUPA  WG  is  going  to  conclude  likely  by   the  end  of  2017,   that  brings  an   interesting  parallelism  between  the   lifespan  of  CogNet  and  the  standards  activity  the  project  has  been  most  directly  involved  with.  



Figure  5-­‐1:  The  SUPA  policy  framework  

The   project   team   has   followed,   reviewed,   and   contributed   to   several   standardization   activities  connected  with  some  of   the  project  use  cases,  defining  network  management  semantics   for   these  areas.  In  particular:  

•   The  IETF  I2NSF  WG  [15],  dedicated  to  specify  a  model  for  the  operation  and  management  of  network  security  functions.  

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•   The   ITEF   I2RS  WG   [16],   committed   to  define  a  programmatic   interface   to  network   routing  systems.  

•   The  ONF  and  OIF  activities  around  the  definition  of  a  Transport  API  (TAPI)  [17][18],  a  unified  approach  to  manage  optical  networks.  

The   CogNet   action   streams   essentially   transmit   policy   statements   to   the   policy   optimizers   and  proxies  in  charge  of  requesting  the  control  actions  at  all  layers.  This  implies  the  integration  of  policy-­‐based  management   and   orchestration   in   the   current   frameworks   proposed   for   implementing   the  Software   Network   approach.   The   project   has   taken   the   opportunity   of   the   growing   interest   on  policy-­‐based  management  in  the  ETSI  NFV  ISG  and  contributed  to  the  document  IFA023  (“Report  on  Policy  Management  in  MANO”)  [19],  aimed  at  developing  the  use  cases  of  applying  policy  framework  in   the  NFV  MANO  functionality,  and  analyzing   the  potential   impacts  of  policy  management  on   the  MANO   architecture   and   work   flows.     The   IFA023   document   is   about   to   be   finally   approved   and  published  by  ETSI  NFV  at  the  time  of  this  writing.   In  addition,  the  SEC  WG  has  started  the  recently  approved  SEC017  work-­‐item  [20],  focused  on  identifying  potential  use  cases  of  NFV  security  policies  design,   and   to   identify   the   types   of   information   to   be   included   in   security   policies   for   those   use  cases.  The  CogNet  team  has  participated  in  the  discussions  to  charter  the  new  work-­‐item,  and  plans  to  contribute  the  CogNet  experience  in  security  applications,  even  beyond  the  project  lifetime.  

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6.  References [1]   ETSI  AFI,  “Autonomic  network  engineering  for  the  self-­‐managing  Future  Internet  (AFI);  Generic  

Autonomic  Network  Architecture  (An  Architectural  Reference  Model  for  Autonomic  Networking,  Cognitive  Networking  and  Self-­‐Management)”  http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/AFI/001_099/002/01.01.01_60/gs_afi002v010101p.pdf    

[2]   M.  Barr,  “Introduction  to  Closed-­‐Loop  Control”,  Embedded  Systems  Programming  http://www.embedded.com/story/OEG20020726S0044      

[3]   ETSI  ENI  ISG,  “Experiential  Networked  Intelligence”  https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/ENI/Docs/ISG_ENI_presenatation.pdf    

[4]   ETSI  NFV  ISG,  “Network  Functions  Virtualisation  (NFV);  Ecosystem;  Report  on  SDN  Usage  in  NFV  Architectural  Framework”  http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-­‐EVE/001_099/005/01.01.01_60/gs_NFV-­‐EVE005v010101p.pdf    

[5]   ONF,  TR-­‐518:  “Relationship  of  SDN  and  NFV”  https://www.opennetworking.org/images/stories/downloads/sdn-­‐resources/technical-­‐reports/onf2015.310_Architectural_comparison.08-­‐2.pdf    

[6]   ETSI  NFV  ISG,  “Details  of  DGR/NFV-­‐EVE012  Work  Item”  https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=51391    

[7]   ONF,  “Open  Networking  Foundation  and  ON.Lab  to  Merge  to  Accelerate  Adoption  of  SDN”  https://www.opennetworking.org/news-­‐and-­‐events/press-­‐releases/3194-­‐open-­‐networking-­‐foundation-­‐and-­‐on-­‐lab-­‐to-­‐merge-­‐to-­‐accelerate-­‐adoption-­‐of-­‐sdn    

[8]   OPNFV,  “Doctor  Project:  Fault  Management”  https://www.opnfv.org/community/projects/doctor    

[9]   OPNFV,  “Orchestra  Project”  https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/PROJ/Orchestra    

[10]   TMForum,  “Building  the  OSS/BSS  of  the  future”  https://www.tmforum.org/future-­‐ossbss/    

[11]   D.  Lopez,  “Open  Source  MANO.  The  open-­‐source  approach  to  build  a  reference  MANO  stack”  http://www.tmforumlive.org/wp-­‐content/uploads/2016/05/1440-­‐LOPEZ.pdf    

[12]   ETSI  Summit  on  5G  Network  Infrastructure    http://www.etsi.org/news-­‐events/past-­‐events/1148-­‐etsi-­‐summit-­‐on-­‐5g-­‐network-­‐infrastructure  

[13]   “TStat  –  TCP  Statistic  and  Analysis  Tool”  http://www.tstat.polito.it    

[14]    IETF,  “Simplify  Use  of  Policy  Abstractions  (SUPA)”  https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/supa/about/    

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[15]   IETF,  “Interface  to  Network  Security  Functions  (I2NSF)”  https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/i2nsf/about/    

[16]   IETF,  “Interface  to  the  Routing  System  (I2RS)”  https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/i2rs/about/    

[17]   ONF,  TR-­‐527:  “Functional  requirements  for  Transport  API”  https://www.opennetworking.org/images/stories/downloads/sdn-­‐resources/technical-­‐reports/TR-­‐527_TAPI_Functional_Requirements.pdf    

[18]   L.  Org,  “OIF  SDN  Transport  API  NFV  Proof  of  Concept”  http://www.oiforum.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/L123-­‐NFV-­‐WC-­‐OIF-­‐NFV-­‐PoC.pdf    

[19]   ETSI  NFV  ISG,  “Network  Function  Virtualisation  (NFV);  Management  and  Orchestration;  Report  on  Policy  Management  in  MANO”  https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Drafts/IFA023_Policy_Mgmt_in_MANO_report/NFV-­‐IFA023v080.zip    

[20]   ETSI  NFV  ISG,  “Details  of  DGR/NFV-­‐SEC017  Work  Item”  https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=52906    

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