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' . . . .



Harbor Grace Standard. ft. Jons'8 .. ... ... .. .... . .. Mr. 1'. Ryali. 'DRIOU .. .. .. . ... .. .. . ..... " G. Ousbue B•r Rou~>nTI ........... .

'*eu:co l'on: .. ... . .... .... " JobnCmno. 'ARIIONI<o\8 ... .... .. . .. . .. .. J . E. Pike. GIL\~u Uo~.s~t & Foa-1 " H . • r. lind·

Tun .... .. ..... . .. .... 5 don. TRn.,Tr .... .... .. .. ... ... .. " W Pittman. Ruconll Sou so .. .... .. .. " .A . TtLJ.ET. C:ATALl~A. ... .. .. ... .... ... Capt . • J. Pe rry. Ru~UIST.L ......... .. . .. . . MI'. J. Ln\\·ruoco MusoJUT~ Tows .... . .. . " G. WAy. G 11EESS1'0ND .. .... . . ...... •• F. White. 1-'ooo .. .. .. ... . .. ..... .... . " J b'it&l!erald TwiLLlNO.L n .... .. . .. .. .. . " 1. J. Penl\.'0.

r\OTitB DA.~.a: D.\Y.

NonTlt ~uonE .. . ...... . .. Mr. F Thorn~ LtnLE B.\1: hL\l'D .... ·• J . Cna1pbl'll.

ilotice - ··----


. AlUlUY~E LI~IMEXT 70K clT:&L'\.A.L A.'\D EXTFB~AL 118£,

h now 111 itt S•a• i~t h )•ar •nd i• to·dar • here !l io \wowr., thr moot


Parson's Purga, .ives Olt

ANTI.,BILIOUS PILLS. The ca01po::.enta of thtet wonderfUl Pille,

I hot are now uto10iahinJt nero b<>dy by ~t i•· h~t rollt fto hundred• anllthounnda nf cu~• tl.at hue ,rrnualty br~n aupl'ond to be ill• curahl• h ,., been und in a pbyaicitn'o ltractict lor the lu1 f!f.y yuu, .loll If enough, nn~ wuuld A 1y, lor th•m to nndlcatt hetr cloim tn public f.,yor. Rut unfortunat•lr lht JlUhlio ho'l'~ bten (or a long time dt~ ft•udt d of tht bentf!U wbich lbHo Pill• o~n· frr, in ctont•(lutn~. f!nt, of tha .,IB· h nar· , ., • .min d~dl\tJI or !be nwnd, end, aecondi'J, hia in •biliry ' " car~y out auccet•lully an en· l• rpri•• ••quirill,lt 10 muoh monr)' and -p•r­•i•l•nt •ff •rt u tba manufocture ancl tale of a t'atrnt ~t.dicln•, how•1·er gond and u lu•· lot• h ma1 bt-. An~r the d~alh of tha phj •l· rian rrf•Htd to •bo~c. the rtcip• puo~ lnln ' "' hancla of 1ho ptopritlora of Johnaun'a J.in·mrnt, •ho Will h•ntf'fnrth pr•;>are lhPID 10 • tricl aceorc!ance with the original r~eipe, a111l ••II lhtm in conntction with !heir Lini­lntnl; th~;W giving sll r•ople, P.rtrywhtrt, an npl.l"riUOit)' 10 nail lhemoclua nfthe a•fe•l , ••••.~t •l , and !11~•1 reliahte !lurgoriu or antl­bmoua med1c1nt k~own to Dlrdical Dltn.

All Who Need Physic, TAKE

P. P. Pills. Popular Medicine lf :rnur •Jdem Ia in an uuh••lthy 111tr,

twu nr tt.ree of" Pauooa'• Pilla" will bring in 1hr U11 ·•~ rl :' 1311'•. Thon,ololh • f '' "" ' ''" j i1 roun•l ,.IJ right. u • t. •,., ••·~ Oo·l " "" •orh >•••· •"'' :h .. u.


Sid . ll caJacht, Ntr'fOV Hudacht Diz­•aloo;a '"'" • 11 i11 nt "~ hen 6 lrolhy t', "'"••e zinea•. ••·~II• of Dlindoeu, &c:., 01ar be


curtd II er ..... ~ •. r '" lnr •dt ""'~ , .tu•. Tn· ' " h~ II""' or Pau~n•'• Purgatl\'e l'i!la, wbicb i• ll4•,. ilh .. h n • m tl r 11~ 1n 1h1-4 t t'U'• 'H ' '111 ~ co~lt hfttll)' -flYe et~nta .. · 1 .. l'Ar~ons' Pill " th b It ad•l•trtl In •h• r• h· f ""'· ·,. •·f ... ~:rr•l • "' l . I C • . •. art( h' But I nown re.

• • , ,., } ~' 1 or,aupatlon o t e ow •· I nftam· ,. .. , , .. I)'" nf th• ... .... • 11d "1 Im· • • RJio. Juh u- on • m_.-.t•on .. r thr Kidn.-y•, Nuvoua Heatlathe, ANOLI\'SE LJSUI F.~T. 1' .- ol• &:•nrontl• 1 ' Irk llradacbt, lrrej~ularil)', Cootiunu1 ,

thrN•whuct thr !\• ,.. F.· · ~•· '1 Stulr• ao,. lll ll ~u•nua, Dyaprpaia, hdi~ation, Female tntl,.,.•a•lic in il• prai•~ •n m3u)' thull· Uh•lrl:ctiona, \\'nitu, [nftuto:n, Lou or Ap·

rl r JlCIII.,. and Lnu of Strrngth. The Pilla are u u • u ~- put u11 .litil ltrtat care by

Ilona Fide-Ce~tes .s. JOHNSON & co.,



RIGHT REV. HENRY CARFAGHIN!, ~D. S. F. ' B~hop of Harbor Grace,

Po:r.• 't.b..e :i..e:n.li· 1H72.

Health and To the Clergy ani Laity of sa.id. DiocsJe: Benediction in the Lord.

h" .rf'fJUt'l!ll u~ t o hnvo unity a 11J I'OIH' ••nl a ·n ·•nt! nur•c1 1'e~ ; "nurl lw 1 t.i~ umou. Ito 1\Bci.u!'l's ~tA. thnt thr triu111ph of tho Church will n t. t bu loug tlelay.·d •· -110 • tro>u6 ' ' umty! ao powerful i11 cltaruy!

! ""'' no ~('r\·irr, it~ ( .lh'i "' • l\ •

lh"'" tu om OUI Jl••rt 1

ti•~Y '''l'n' IWrhal'" " ' ' ' • ,, • • 1

t h.'.• n'~<pc• ·t Ill' thr.v uoi:;h t II v,• .... 1~111 the 1\'0rk wu h1•ttcr nod n .ur.· r ,.

1 1 F A h ' l'!Pnlly JWrlo rno<>d th:m nt uny 1,n-, io a- rom . ~ - \edne~dny to E:~"t~r-S:.tur•IM·, inclusive, cTery dny is " I t uno ns r rs;:n rd" fn• ·i liti•·~ for 1, ~

f:r.•t dnr o n ono m~l .. nJ 11 coll .&tiOn, o.~:..:opt S.tuol.1y , whi.:ll i::1 nei t~llr a JIIU'St' nl!l'r, nncl frci•·ht trnffic .• 1 11, '


dn.v ol fns t or nb~hncnro. I " . I III II c~_t 'lud that notwith• t:uul.n

2.-0 n :all MnntlnyR, Tucetln~·s tllld Thur1dnyll, flt•8h Olf'Rt is nllnwr d nt OliO rrdu\'11011 or ltll'nl pul!ln~t· l.l~t ., l. r ' . meal onl.v, t he 'J'hur ... lay of t hl' fi nol 11nu lnst Wt.!eks t'Xl'Cptcu. po~tu l rc·f••llllf' hn~ lwc1 , ..... ~icl , ,; • ·.,

8.-Fi·h nnu n.·~h mrat nro nnt I ll !Jc u·cd :Jl the 1!.1me m~n l. llli:,:OJCIIh od. •·wiu~ lU t·ht· int.·r· •·n I 4 ~l 'lk b . 1 ~lt·nm dt·n j,.,. ltl\\'il.ll-( bw u rlhl'l ,, 0

.- ' • u tter, c lt' <'IIC n·•d ~':::!!<t cannot bo u~cd on Adh· \Vedut'~tlny Sf'\'· ~"''~ <'u lnr:.:cd bn•ul li e t ru>lc·t.l 1 \\' cd m·o:d:.y ur G ood-F .. idny. ' • 111 Jut uri' t here would \,e l'AUKe foe .,

6.-Thc li!C o f C)!{::< id morcol'e r prnhil.itetl on cn •ry F ridnv. ~:r•·o t c · r 1!.1t i"fnc•t h•n on thi~ tu·n•l \ .• 6 Tl1o•o I 21 1 G" • · ~hou ld !Jo trul.v t h:t~~k l'u l fio r 1 1~. , ,

.- • uno I'T nn• over "vcnrs nrr rc,.. r•c•·li\'l•l r CI I'mpt fr.•m the f:~•t ·• ns nro nlHO lll'n<OII3 CII:,:ng.c·d a t hard bhur, t l•c infi rm nuci uur.•c~. ~lu•tal 1' bl'l'.

11 ~pn•_f'd frum t ltc ,.i.irntinn of ,., . In Our b st I ..cntcn Pn.•tnrnl.:l'l'hil·h W e hnd tho pleMuro or nddrc•- I d I I I d I u I :JL!If•ll ~. tlii!CA.•l' ... HO brief nnd flll t! l 'lttnl '

&tngto W II d t . d h . • . I nn_y •:u nnmc. IIIII •·r I ll~ !I'll ' Tl':l 1.• n~:col t hi~ imlnh:c •wc•, tw mn•· ub-_)OU, o rc.:n ~ o your 10111 t o n• crR~1ty ut passtn,:; t .o~e lloiT Uav• tmn 1t fNIII J1111 Confes!or. who is hero:lll' authori.,;c d to !!~Ill it. • nulnt ru·• · Jt 1nny be t bnul!lot pc1 h ·

aecordmg.to tho example {:I Ten to u:~ by Our 'a\·iuur, 1\nd lhc de•ircil ,;f O ur ~ h:t l uu r t-~cmption rrou1 tho•~> l cou r

Wtntrnblc an~ ~rtobrb ~rrtbnn :

1\Io her tho Church. \Vo told TOU nl"o thnt thi$ te nder i\tutlw r e\'l' r nntio u• The .GI':!cc of ou r T..nrrl .Trsn~ Chri~t. nncl th!' ( 'h.lri•Y nf r; ,11, , a rl the 1" d uo• :o our iM>IRt cd po~itinn tn ,

fur your spiritual welfnro tric,., by H er tou..:hin~: and i!npoJiu~ l,itur <>v, durin~> Commuull'nllull of tb., Holy Ohodt be with you alJ.- .d ,11, ;_.-:! C:oa :tt ll , 13 ;:,i:Jhl'lnu• r limate, to ehllnt·e, ~. <'ldt • this ncceptable tim~. to oxcito in vo ur ht•nrte senti mont~ of true re pont1n1·e tha~ I 0 ." . , .,uc Pud1 t·ou"e"; but t bt•

1 rr·,·

by 11 !ifo of morti6rAt.ion and sclt-denhl you mny mnkc atonement, for your Ghcn (rom o ur llr~idt•nro in Ha rbo r Grncr IH'fiOr_,. fll l'lll'lln 'd ndt•JliE'cl by lht• G • paat ame, and..hy rructfymg your flcPh you mny ·• fill up" in it " thost. th.in"d on Quiuqu3gt:tiimn ::iundny, 1812. ' E'rUiuent lo~t Yf'Dr wcro of "" 11t tin. thtr.t aro 'l'l'nntins;: or tho s utreriuc" ••f Chri~t ."-(Co1.oss. x. 21.)

0 n. chnrad~r as to render 1\.l.no. t im~

. Wuulcl to God that \Vo might t.·ll you, ~~ ~ :-it. p ,, ul to tho c .orin- t HENRY, ~ · blc tho m t rodnl'linn or thu~ct·p 11('111

th1a~e, thl\t ~~~hal"~ no other knowlcdt:o to tcn~h you but fl"'l of J r11u1 thnt ~n ,·c inflicted dire aocin.J a..... .l

ph rut and Drm Orucijied- (1 Con. 22.) whoso knOWil'd~c foli01\'Cd by imitntio n :\isbOJI O( ~arbor tfJrac". '"~' 1'''"' l'OH>\.'qliC:o .. :.· .. u ro- t:.c ~s tho moet UIICful, tho m011t nrcCIIIIItry of nll kinds o f knowlctl>(o; for it nlonc if" - 0' - • o~her rountric~ .. R_cforrin~ to t iie l' · ta tho kno1oldge of &!ration {Lva.E 1,77) tho !.:no•~ltdg~ of tire Saint• {\VIs. S•t·nl S url'e.f wh•chtn nn undcl'rlu('ed • ~· 10) which .. mal.:u .uco11jormabl,." to tho imn~o (Ro Y. '1'111. 27.) of onr St\T. unox.!'lored : ountry li ke thi>§ mi~:ht 1our, Who" ontored into Hi~ gl!'l·y," (LUKE ni'I", 26.) onh· nfter au!Ie rinJ: LEGISLATl:VE COUNCIL tho promoti .. n of :~ ::rirultnrc inn J;rcnl cnnftJdl'red t o pnrtnke nl•o or th<· rl humiliating Himsel£, and be~oming obedient JntoJ.,alll , eoe1i to til~ d<!alll, oj ' --o-- de,· rcc rleprnd .. d . lnerelllM.l and improvu nctcr of nn ngrirullurl\l surn ·y. the Oro11 (Pnu.. J, 2 ) leavmg 111 an e.ru11ple tltal ICe tlrott lrl fulloto /[i1 1t,.p1 ro:ld~ cou11muni.·a t iun, nnd n~ n untuml hoped thnt it would lo:~d to n l'\\" ti (I PETER, 11, ~1) 1~ ordo: thnt you lllllJ profit l:.ly tho Pflluln ry lcu ons o f th~ TllUR!ID~ T, J nn. 25, 1872. rc•ull. n::ri<·Ulturo folluw~ 8 0 far AM i t nr ·" ' " p_loymc:nt for thu r ,,. ; -.. mvetery _of Hts p~•o!!, w1tb whtch, AS you kno":. tho Church occupies hor. ( Conlwu~d) t·nu in a diut:ltd nnd doil il:imio·nl l tJ t hu wh1lo d• ·t·u~s•u~ frc>~h POt: ·;-

1 uf Ill

se~f dunng I ..cnt, tt ~~ neccstUry for you, anys :St. Auo;u~tine, to look d urilu lion. ~- Hnrt't•y co_rdm~ly Bl'<'~n~~·d pr<>ducti<>n o( cer,·nl&. I n th11 rn~t 'TI'nr H npp<':IN'•I ' '' hi•n l!:.·rc wn. on". th11 holy acMOn nt H1a CroM, AS to tho ele \'ntoo thron 1.1 on \rhich vour g11,·iour , the mouon. . On pcrlormm~: n Kluu lnr lnrm produce wn6 a hu11tlant in qun1itily '""~' whollr undc· r t>lvrNI, " ·h · tho 7huhu ofj~alice (JoEr., 11, 2,3) tCAchcs yo u, _l)y hieex.'lmplt!, all virtues ' du•y I":At ::iCJSIOU u pon tho OCt:Miou uf oud ,.:uod iu ki nd, nnd Ito bohon -d t he lCrf'o l l'n<l p ron•ntrd. \lf'Uid d co

Yes, my de:~rly beloved brothcrn, tho prmciples o f thnt fl\ith \\' 0 p ro- ~ .. ,·ondwg ~hu nddrc~os ho mnJe lhu rc- ng ric·u ltu rnl pnrtinn uf thc pcuplt· wn•. r:~ lo-n.dolo ud,·nnt:•g·. tn t ho 1 11onT- -

fC811, tho oxnmplo o£ J oaus Christ, whoso school wo follow, tho promi11ea wo ha.-e mark. thl\t It hAd M•·ldn~l fnlh·n to the "" n rule, bettor o f£ t hn n cvl•r bcfoN'. J 1 n!lnlil'd H• t hl' ,., nriutr u! ~111 .. )o m11du boforo tho Church, thAt hM rt'gonerated us in t !Jo h fliV B~pti~ 1n nil !o t ul n ~O\'t>ruur uf th\,1 C:ulou\· when wns nlau A wa ltl•r ul l'on:.:n• t ulatmu tha t hi~ li r~t urrh n1 !:. thla c.P: · " \" . unite in inculcating on us the ncceiiSity of walking in tho r,1ot-stepe o £ ' our •nnug urnllu;; n & lllliun of tilo L c;.:idln- •1ur couat~ t~hnll hl'nceforth bo bct tc·t· ycttre ng.,, he lul'l br c: lilrlfrk · · ... Redeemer; (or lte tlrat 1aith lte habittth in Him ought lrimt elf alto to ICallo: turo, t o .b.· n blo .to addrt'ISII tho asscm- li)!htcd l hnn hcrctofur<', onJ wu ~t.ouiJ nhno:s~ bunntl' ,•u CliJ .. ,bilid . ~ it .,:; etttll a1 Jle 1calked-{Jou~ r, 6 .) bled .LegMinture 1n n ~p:ech con tniniu~t ha il with snti~rnelion the nn11ouncc - fnr t h1s hraul'h o f cnu1._111

-: iTI'' ur . ,J;ce, tho duty of A true Christinn is to imitate Him in nll flis virtue~ uotlnng but c<•!lgrntulnuou, no 11u bj .:ct m1·n t of tho intc ntiun of t ho liriu~h nnd notwitholandinq it wnt~ ,1 tl.r~nd , .,

-tn hum1hty, !Deoknt'u, mercy, obedience, nnd 1\bovo nil in Charit l' townrJs nur but ~~.:h ""· pollltcd to ~ho wulfnru of G overnment to e rcct;a ~team fog whi. tJ,. • u bjcct , it "'"" Ptill tru" t hnt un e1111s fellow-men wbtch is tho bond of pt:rlection aut! n certnin proot thnt we Al

6o lho <.:o~ony _and pro:operlly o f the pee· on Capo Hlll'O without exp1m•c to t hi a ·~•cut .roul.l bo on~n,;ed in o ut,oido or · ..

lovo God : P.o much eo, thnt if auy man anv I lo,·o God 1\t tho llllmo timo plo. 1'\ ulti'Jth"tltlldln~ the cin·um5tnn C:olony. In n maritime country like ll~lu·n··~ wlw·h lullv uO\'I'Iopcu, WO' , he hates his brethcrn hi' ia 1\ liar ; ror ho iltat f., relll noi !til brothl<f' whom he ces t_hen described, which wo might :'\ ewfou ndiAnd eul'h a ppli11ncrs, pru,·id,·d n•ld'loo.Jitr:,:elr to the wt>nlth


1 •

.-11., 1. ... ': --;· '· ~~.~· '?"" •.n'"'M "·.•••'" ..nl t-f.Tn!~ rv. 20.) .But h,..;.l.,. hATe JUstly cstt:emcd ex,·eptionnl tu our r.,r th~ protc!'ti ~>u ofrthippin).:, nmlprL~ ~ortn~.cd nl thl' colo11y, n nd tho flrl"'l ,

V d U

wo must unttAtO Htm 1n HIS euiform!..,rtl. and, ns llmncr• nnd aubjcc• w sir., :""&' "'" "'"""' • ·· ~ u- .a ... . ... '- . .... _ r · --· · · • •·· · • • · · • · , •. "'' , , . """" '" , "' '· ='~ ·•~·rr A arie ses wo mus! mortify our eenaualllppetitt'll, eruriry our ncsh, nnd uy A life of llldl311('0 n. ro~1.111Wfl10_n uf. thnt hnr~.l· mntt:d. Thcir mluo tn the CO,"I:<t in::: t~dt· terca to room nt .ai)!O Ill n p~i t ." ;.;, for which the Ano•lyn• Liuim•n• i• pnfrc•ly X S k G mortification redeom ourscl\'cs from pnst. ein11, ng11in G od's £ricnd~hip, nna stnto haa_J~•.uli~d lltll J::xcel_lcncy '!' \\'1\ll lnet\tunnblo. ~&ud btl hoped to ~cc lito co un try, &uch on enterp~i ill• ,·n·. , ,., a•h;•l"cl· lout lh• .... ,poio lnr• wit~ ch••rfully •

0 toe. or uarnntee Capital take caro not to loso it 1\f,"llin. For, if our R cd!'emer iiWOCent, ana tcparnlt d ~rc:\ter t .. helt3110!lt1 i and JUd:,:mg hy ht.. t ho tlay when A llt•·nm whi:ttlo ~hoiiM I.Jc \ 'CI' I'Ittmd, nnd he ('AMICStll' hob d I !

otncl t•<rl'•lci, 10 unr .. nt who • !II .. ric• fnr I DR.4 WING J.VTEREST. /rom 1innu1, ougltl to !tare tuff'ertd ht'}ore entering i11lo H it (i/ory ( J.~UKE ~pcr~h of !'0-dr~y It mu~t Ol.l Oo\·uc:d thai heard nt t :tii.C ::lpcnr or t•on: Amho•l'l!t il\ rluring tho prell!'nt S(l5<tion , n 'me:- . ~ ..

lli.'\ooa, llinn:. ~For Sale nt tho Drug Storca of

)leaars. W. H. TuOlUsos IUld J. J . D J: .IIliN.

5rpt 1 ~.'

mij:hl lot <ohlainrl f1 nrn lhnot whns• prrju d1c,. ha.a lattn u \"t<rt•<unt" h \· it• •alu "ar\· rr· •uh -. h w. uu 1d ~C' im P u.., • eb 1• b .. ,. t o

enumerate 111 the

h, " pam1•hlr t ~;. in,c full p•rncul ""· In· • , x:uv, 26.) bo'K' CAn wo expect to cntt•r ir.to cvcrlMting li£u by ahriuk inl( tnu yl'llr ~~ 1~>7l 1\' nd OH·n mo re eucee•~· hcu of the folt JtUII ••ow ui!Cd nt tho lilt. ~hnll bo in trodur ed in this Cl.o .~ ·• , p •ll<r wuh mon\' «rliliC&Ito ftlod much But m lieu thereof rrom auffe ringe, murtnurin~: at tho littlo erouea He is rli'Mc<l to @l'nd us ful thAII lht prt:dccc·~or ; the~ tiho uiJ tc r plncl', whit·h, t hou~;h of g r.•nt od\'llll· thni !Dilj pnM into law, IIIII I.. ili~ ~ o1h•r nluahle informa·inn A frw eo-r:iR llll:t.

1000 O gratifying our appetitee, followin~ vnnitic~. nnd, \'Pry orten, the ~inful I'll: a t! hopo till' llllloM! ol tho CI~~UIIljt year tn~e t o ~hipping entering ~t. John'

8, yct kcc vmg of do:::11 nlmost pcunl. ::,h .::. Ul~• art' htrl' ui~rn, wloich it io hoprd wih ~ , C>C> . f h' ld I h d \VIII b • cr . cd " th I f b 6 d . I . h • ft In f th • k . d . " JO"mcnts o t ts wor ? A n•! t c fun nmontal princi1•IA• nf' our nhr•'•t•'•.

0 u . "" u n'l . e~un I uot ,.: r•~llt · !!I IlL: re nt mle rv:t s of nn our could · ~ w u ·l • 1n .•omc Jnlu ... , , rt.'

!.an the co•noiderotir.n lhr) d· ••,.·• · cc•miAil J - ""' ' " ·• bl 1 ' J L


., ob•r ,, <·•• ,,.,1

,.'" of 1

,. M,,,., 8 U.:rp.L UJ!J. prof~iooo oro too ofton tOogotton •nd wot...,kotod by .,.il """' ; but if tho "'. ~'"•"· I o '"P J !"'~""' thut ooot bo ~ offio·loot n "..,;.,, " " ""'' "' loo liooo o"h·o wh'" • • oh .. ll , , rt•l'rc~abili : y. - :o:-:- lifo, in which wo ought to upiro exclusiToly to H r avc n, i~ "re nt in fullo 11.-i 11~: !ltd E!l'ellcucy'a •1.1\t? o l hea.lth . pr~ runn ing on to"·nrd~ tlw l:uul in t hicl.. ·~o do~" in l'i<"wfo unclt!lntl . " "' ~i cnrthly thin'"' and eArthly ODJ·o.-ments, nt l(':llll let the~ a few d 1.,., of f,c11t, wh1· .. J1 n.·ntcd l11U1 frou1 open."'~ t_hc ~<'ll51un 111 fnl! ns" whi•l lc hluwin.: tho who lu ti m• nnJ •l~eep rnil!in;: ~< J•rin;.: it'' 'l 1 1.•u .

Fr()flt Er-Goct r11or Ct'111mberlnir.. UNION o- J J ' 1 d 1 1 Cl f · I tho Church purposely IICte "l'"rt ror ue ns exc&ption:~l dl\f8 of our liru, be ~rout ~~~ nccu~L me J.llll'O 111 t ' '" uuub;or ; " ~~~ r onlinunnrc. He h~d kw •wn nn norllmt c e mcnt in nnr •u,.; 11 ''"l 1

Hltu~swtCK. April 16. 18i0. • by ue in n:d.eomiug u\'il daya-roturuing to tho pnth 0 ( rirtuo rrom wbicb we but he tru•t . .-d that hu ~houltl b~ "~"'" i 1•1nnce wlwu lh•· ~t ' nmc·r Cil!j of fla/i. untl i11 t ime nu~mont t!1c \T

1 . !1

Mr Drar f;ir. - l ·havr nnrr h~•n " lth<'ut haTe strn'I"Cd. bled to prcl~Jdu bore nt Ita wrmhnlllto ll frz wns kt·pt oul•id~: for s ix tc•o1ior ci :.:ht. t~~ Culuny to n J e;:rco 1h:11 th•• 1 ~

t:~.r ~~~~dJ:,d ti:•~:·~:~:.;in~i~ll c~(' .~:m~:~d MUTUAL Ll FE J NS URA N C ~ £0, . Yes, • my dcnr brethren, W .- toll yon nil in 8 f~:w word~: !!pCnd the "!'d be ~pan:d to o.pcn nn~ clnJ<O m ,D,II) con hnu l'll 10 n fol! uwin:.: to wnnt nf such ''' " 'oouryf nwong~t l,!_d \YoJUld ~ tu _, iutht' ma


kl't. W~t used a gt•at dral of it comtng Lent for tho in~erior profit uf your ~oule M ~·ou IIJIPilrl the n·~t 11f th1· tut un: ".•~:e lllllll ul tho .t.t·~ l<~f.,ture . . 1 he ",~·nrni!ll! A~ IVe hopo bl·forc lo 11;.: to <lrc.1111 o . in th• arnl)' during lhe war, where it •a• •• (INCORPORATE[) 1848·> year ror your tompomlmtercaU!, a nd (lfti'U ill tho l·lc:v•urc uf lhi~ world. 'r ilnt N dtOt.l!lUII ~ .. (ll·nl~h oiiiiJ n •. ynllll~h· CllJUY chrcct tll<'lliO commnnieatiun with He br~:g··rl to ! eeoutl tho mntio I I>OI•ul•r u it · h at homt . Cun~ralulal ir.~t exertion and enro you uso for attaininl! tomporal J.."llilld, "•hi.·h I'OU m~t 80011 ~·c~~ the l'rttol'O ut Wull.ld whuJO sever•• rcniGn·a~ Hritnin nnd th!t U nited :\tnte~. , 1'ilo wotiun wu then JIUt nud <'- ~-) OU UI•OI\ your ourc•u, and upon the goocl DirectoJs' Ojfict, lcn\·e-if thoy do not.lcnvo you bofor!' by snrpriao-lct them 00 'w Y''" nt.lcur • line"~. hull evuk~:J sut:h d.-op anxiety ~ut•h nn unprm•cmont upon tho old fu(: ned. )'OU ar& clo•n' at th• am• •im~. aa 1\ rulo :md 11. s tnndnrd of tnnt. oxertiun yuu 11u ~ht to ll~c r,1r nttninin~ n•ur I ni t a nd wulelll'rcti.J ciprc>li~IOn of .. yUlpn• t.y ~nn ~'J"Iem " uuiJ l:wilit.uto itM opern- IJommittee-Hon'blcP. 1\!cl'llrt!. 1v r.

1 •m ynu• frll' ncl . nd • ., .. n,, 27 Qtonrt .Sttrd, ~aston. ond, and thue nu uro to yourel!h'eft, during the6e dnys of pardun, thnl "Etorn it )' and d t:\'Ott:J nttndunont ro Her ~lnjet~ lj" tiun nnd in fact bc.·omo nlmnMt n runt. born, Hnr\'l'y, T~esicr, KouL nnd .• !. JOSitU·\ .L CH:\!'olU~Jtl,..,IN. thnt ie ncnr to all, and 'l'l'hrn ouco arrh·oJ shnll h 1~0 no euJ. Lot fAlnt bo tho Qut·e•~· .HPr .Rov.•l H•t:hni!S:o the rer o r nere~s1 ty. Hr {)Ir. II ) bcl1r l·eJ bnt. Lo'l'l'tLL. :\In• • S•pt. 11, lll69 I OFFICERS to you a ~ropitioua 110nson, or re-cntcrinl! into ~ounocln•s with sin1·critT, a ('. ~'rlllccd:l ol \Yu le.~ nnd Bl'ltt.~h Crown thnt then• \\"11~ but 0110 le1•1in~ in t he . lion. J aa C'li£t, g:tTo notice to t ,, ,.,

O•nllti'Drto.-A ffltDd of rnint h•· hnn • : koowlcdl;mglour orrorll, meditatio~: on• tho dl\ngcno. in which r ou ho\'0 vllh'l'd I rom u ti. pu~l ll ol ll u~ '.'· ~mom .. , \\' II" n t•o :nrnuu itv, nnd that tl r .... li n .. of re"rr t fur the nppointuteut o f n scl••t•t l'

trnublcll •1th " h >rkin8 c~ul(h ror ••'·•rat HE:O."llT Cnocii:a .. .. ... ...... .. . Preaidont. you_r sou~,nn corrcctin,.'!lnci nnirin~:your I'""· Comt', th.-r t' lo rc,fro.1u,.111 Jy, mutter. l_ur "m.•·, ro reJOII' IIl<; UJIU"· th a t the tc;•ninntion of tho l17m11n ~on.' mitteo Ill\ Drintino• nod c11ntin!!r·m·i

)elfl, and II'C•nliY ., •• JO Wl'tlk ~hal he D s v· p 'd . ., ,. • I I I' 1


Th -., -. wu unlhle


,.0;.,~ llnin;r •Pen lhe , ,. A-'ffEL JL\IlP ... . .. . .... . 1co- TOll ent. dunng Lent, to tho roct. tlf ur G.ld, whu expect" you at Hi~ nh:~r rc.1dr 1,, JJ<~rt o. lt·r o.'"l ~UUJO. t. It nJ t:utrcd l ra.·t fur tho stenw a!lrt'i"o between hero .. ou ~. urbum I;AfO noli~" • . (~til of \ nor Linim~nt on ntll•ro. 1 lonk '\V. H . HoLLiaTKa .. ........ .. .. J~ocretary. (orgivo you, and tllke you in into I lid fn.-or, and po ur into \"0111' bruom; H i~ ~ot ur dldJillt\l that thu ~~we~~ ol tho· :I lid H;tlifax. 'l'hu l'l'11!llltion "ftbnt 1'011 ho_wnuld en to-morro" mOt'O lht'

bu:nl! • tionl• a nit !CUt him; in lr•• tbon CIUilLElll H. BanEa .. .... .. Chief Clerk. holy gTIICCB-llia inetfnbl consolntions. tht.l I n •Mlll't'l4 uf H rd bencfld n. nud n .•llc rlt'6 l~\11 b~cn t~l' w:uu "OUI'Ct! of 1111 t mrt WRit nnl the fnult o f this Colonv pullltDient of ll ' elect rommittL't' to r. . e a .... k •h~ cnuji!h hod tulirrly lrfl hi:n I D. L , G.u.LUP .. . . .... .. . .. .. ..... . Actull.l'}'. boundle!!t morcy. H c.1 , 1"('1\d nnd mcditnto lli~ holy word wbich ~thnll tbu UIUit'rl~l pru•IJent~· wu ha\'c cnjtJ_,.eol. thf' P rourit•to rll hnvin:.: thou~,:ht fit to tit.' n congrnt u lntory Addrc.lll to HC!r han no l,..na~ion in rrcon.m•ndiug i1 to, J . C. SIL\U, M. D ... Mcdie&l Examiner. unrcil to you tho wouu\ls of your 110ul, mnko them hnteful to vou, ond o ~o t heir pruJu.:tl ~tln,•u u1 u~t b.· lnw it !o expire wi1hout ruut-wnl nuo! (h nl·ious Mnj (ljlty tho Queen, on t h• all o~r cvotou~tra who •n in wont .. r. good H. P. B.LnTOS .. . ... Superintendont of tc¥h you how to hcnlndd curo them. Mortiry your flc·~h by fnsi i11gs ne a l!rcducd Hut on ly c xompu on f rou1 w.tnt• 1\' lthd rn,., th•·ir ~tt'nmer whic·h perfor

10- t·o~ury of His R(lsal lj~thnn.•, t' '

tbiuc. • Agencies. prnnnco duo tn TOUT sine ·,\ for ponnnro is na Jl~l'lt.'lrV to U& childl't!n or l\ 111\m n.uOI_Ihllt u_ur JIO .. UlltliOII, but ni!!O the ··d I lie ~erd··~ flO Mfi .. f .. l'tt•rilv tho p· ·· Prlll('tl or \Vales froUl hia recout a~· l •• Vn'J rn~Ltfully \'OUrll, . . • • • •· I • h 1 1 h ' l' • ,.... · d ' · · H s. WOOlJ, Ucu~tt(i•t 4: Apnlh•c•r}'· M Baptism ia, in order that we mny enter into evorl~~.o~tin~: lifo. H ence it, i~ thnt u e>I~IO!::O•. ua ''· t o ablliJ to pr.1vid•· li·w _,.,.,1':1, \"hen the Cuunrd Companr H1 lt![l081hon.

,., .. ~.. '""' u. t010. B. 1!. CORWIN ... . . ·""""1"'1" c... tho p~<ti~ orruring in Loot<o.•~"" by o .. "'''~"'"· ... hnnd"' do woo '" pobh< '"PN""'"''"· ""' mOOM \0 , ...... to ' '"" m" wio h 'hn Colo;oy <h.-0 ho honoo .... adjoomol , ., ... ... ,,,_,,_ .,.,., ~•" • ·• h! , • ., mol\ ada and BriO.b Pro'"""" <o un by Apootolin tmdltion, M wo\1 M o<h" poooltooolinl wn<b, ;, " ""-" "'"~,:'"'. """"~! ''""""' nlitO• Colo· , . ., """'~! ""'~' "' thn o~mmuoohy noday rt.

one h•lf sro•t.J ,.hn• ..... •• Atto •rn· Lin•m•11

t 1

THOS. A. TEMPLE .. .... General Agont to you, in order to qire to tho justice of GuJ 1\ a:\ti~Ettction for 110 mnn·, tn~n;. uy. IU tlliJlr•n·~ood pN~< Jlel·t .. of tbu lfe... t hat a Com puny thnt maint.ni,1cd euch =---.,-..... -

a• It io


h, Ollt.T IU'JoiEilY f·•r Pu1rhl ~,. for Maritime Provineca. grcuioue agaiuet His holy lnw. . You mu.¢ li.'"t al~o ns 1\n a.utitlote ·a,.nin~t pi~ auoudunt ul'o" good ,·oyo~~ h:\\'l' un l!xalred ~tntu~ 1111d n!l>lllut ion in tbu GEORGE HUDSO~. THE RAI L-.. Thr~oal, ao1 :;n.ol•l R·•h. Kn•J l"rao1. ein by aubduing your ft011h to ~he control or tho spirit. A. nd, A"ftiu, you


muet lntuel-d c nt:rg v anJ Jl"r~e\·er:mco inco '"~'"'nnlile m11rino uf th.. '"'orld t~houlrl W ·- ;, "'' ,o,r~• ,._u •'" •11 "'" STATEMENT '"' nod pny """"'" th,.. '"' tho m~t .m,.,·ion• "'" "' " ,:'.,o tho ooooo·y •h•~ '~""""' donou oi, <nmro.r. '"' !om witbdn•~• '!""'a wn<k whi' h thoy AY KIN G. !Hdlcioe f••'•· , · of God to grant you tho necOI!Mry ~mct'l! of which you Btllnd iu occJ . H oncu ftbundnut food hA\'O "timulatcrl tht-ir in- pcrrnrn•cd ~o l'ffic•ontly ; and at that time

B••Pj~~~~:~:·:~·IUTNEY. For the Year Ending Dec. 31, We rccnpitnlato to you thi8 threefold nue03llit.v of lutin~; with lho word~ of St Ju~try, nnd ou~o~ r.tgcd nn~ ! L• ong rhcn. L!m vo doubt.s were 4\ntertnined wh~:tbcr 1810. John Chryaostom (rlom. 21, el4j~t•)-" }1ul 6eea1o11e yo~ ltaoe 1inned,fa•l that tid thcu1 tor t netr u\'OC:IIIuns, nud we t hoir ~u,'Ce.-8\Jr>l \\ Ould f::i\"C ut rqu:tl lr.ll·

Promlomo . . ..... , •·Sl~.Ut

you may Mt 1ir1, ,,.a fait tltot you muy reoejr~e.'' uuw ~around Ul' th~·~h~rio~ r.-sultd ; i~tu•·• ion. 1'ho r~ult ~n" pro,·e•l thAt un.

lo!nat...... .. .. .. 271,.S6;1JIO

Total tetlpb ... .

Aa to tboso who foro just cause are unable to fl\llt, 'Ve recommend to out whtluc_oullnttulauug our:~e1vcs upeon de r the Inman contract tho soni~:o hna them that fut which St Augustine recommended aa ita aubstitutl' to thu ou_r ~oud lur:J..Unl'•, wo •houlrl above nll been carried out r .. r bettor thnn it e vor

11,128,231.21 laithful ofhi• time; th:~.t is, if you ~Annot fnat let your tongue fn.st, a~ well a~ •.b•ag• tlad'k a bene6eu~1t Pro>idenco wn.s. Tho 11hip proved b,y tbom l''U of your IOD.IOS, your Hlf.tove, your w11l and your paaeione. Compenqto tho fllt!t tort wca.uro ot s ucc:n11a that " liottcr cl:ut, 11nd tho commercial 1\nd by oiJering fervent prayers to G od , by giving Ill me to the poor, by auiduously ou.r opcr~tiona. Mnrkcd plt6llt.lu~:er trnUie between 1 hi a countrv '-e ..... t2G7 ,1100.00

. htunl £n-4o..-t.. 1.000.00 ·~

Paid ror IUtrtOIMretl Polidet ........... .

Diwi.S.OU .......... .. ltU4G.It ~•.no.ae


Ttt.al Amt. ntorued to Polley. Hololnw Ia 1170.... .. .... .. S11S,+ll.D7 ---

Orou A-u,J)H.. 31,""10, t$,296,233.2'1

aeaietingat the holy aabriftcc of the Maae, bT freqoently receh•iug theS..:rument• tbu .'u•provc111cnt in tho gen. n~~d Nor a & ot i.'l, hu ll.<t a consequence ofPena.n~ ana the~loued Euehariet,and by pradieing_otherchri•tian virtue11• . ~llll•,ol tho co?ntry in the pMt o f h t'r auperiur, nccomodation nnd CliP"· By eo doJDg you wiy be ablo to fCf'd you~lvcs !lext Easter with tbo o~h "' J:ha .Kxl·oUeney" ::Speel·h fore- l'ity tor freight incro:t!ICd tour fo ld . the apotloaa Divine Lamb, whh·b if recei,ed with proper di~position• will hadowa Ul))' avauu~. which, if opened F n •nl t hi11 t:ircum!!tl\ncc bo iuduloocd tho for you a eource of true joy and a pledge of that etefn&l bapp1Dtllll "hich up, ":hich add m11tt.~riall~ to thu com. hov~> of future iDiprovom•·nt in ~ho 0

m Hil mercy may gnnt to u. all. / werc1al artvauugo of tbe liolouy. ::ibould pe rntiun of the :~e\v L'Ontr.&ct entered in t.1

In tin17 my dearly beloved brethem, Wo requeat •oo to continue tn the 1'reaty of \\'ubmg tun como iuto and tru~t«l that tho 11hip <'ngagr d iu ~. er np roar trilrtful and fenont prayers to .tho Thronu or Morey for. ou . uperati~u, a frco<h uulltlL _for our Jlru- tho S!'rVIl'O would cshibit PUperiori~\' Holy Father tho Pope. that. God mayahorten h" preeenb triale, and !lute11 th duce Will at onc:v Jll't'lent ttat>lf, 1\Jl in- oyer tht: Oily of/Lalifaz in tho rnml­_,,..., • .,,, of the Obureh oYer her enemiM. The HolT Father bu already re- de.-d hu would 11\1 that no couutry COU· 1'3tio oe that YCMel OXl'Oill'd the Jkrli


.... -~ ..... U1, hie man heartfelt tha11h for your attacbm•·nt to et~roed iu tb.t compact " ·ill reap aueh and tho OIP"t. There baa been a coo­il the -riei'ble Head, all wuU aa for the geneNut offer. l&rgo benc6t, and a& lbe 81ll.ne ti10e yield eiderable esp'toaaion of opinion u to

him •• On tbo day of the reaat or the lmmuulate RU; h a IDiall n:turn .. Nowfoundlaod. "'!ether it were more adwantugeou• to otll' PatrooN~, We, having beeD aathor:.ecl bv Ctll' l'r,:aty will remove tor all time Una Coluay to .. d~re to Halifax in'tead

~..,,_..., •• - HiW'f' ""'"'"'- uant~lrliod. lo you all bit lpoe~ic Benediction whic:h pot0111 c:au,_ of qu.anoel bt-twtleu Gf'CIIt of Pic:lcta, u the Nota ~ia terminue.. ~Wdalli you through your lir~ • - ' jjntaiuand. the Ureat Republic of the He twliewecl the Gowerum,.m had the

fo one .rit, and lilul oae Chriltiao family gather U .ul:l-Cl ~t.l'ot. and no pt:ople~ more than option of wl~ng either port, and fo}. P!'li~ iiDcJ, eoooer or la1-. God Will' ttretA:h bi. we~ ahould. ~joice at a pacific 111lution ~ either neommendation or the

,.,we:tbl!liiUIIIlti~llal .Be&'fttuaDcl Uf !Mit to tbe jnfuria~ of r$Yolotioa dub- ,j tb111r dtffii!NUl'"· Jt ~ hardly be t~,.ial docility aa conainecl in ita _...,_.. JOek qo wltia H• hubailt Bia Claa~b "HUberto thou o.Nen"\d &hat our poation iD &hia cvun- lea& year'• 'Report, theJ decided apoo

go DO fiai'ther and here tho1l abd b'...k thy •eiUnJC ~tel be "boliJ iutol•rable in the ww be {Mr. B.)beliete4 to be die Cfll'-. Holyl'atWia ODe ol hia 1M& repliee,. to ~•Dt or an An!Clo Ameriaan war, J"eet COUI'IO • ...,.. fiOCD a ..._

= to all tbe ftlit6lM' ftle unfoo. And trad11 ..,_w be mlllaed, CMU' Lberiee nand point. r.= PictoG for tlw tiM&oaiiiiiJ...,IMar ...oa .,..,.,.,, b' ~Otlf.pto,11• would•ne.. IGIDIDW&" ' *llewiaterterm·

~~~·=~~=~:~:~11/=w~eH~•~•~== :-"' * tNm ~ Ia to uae IUI"itwt. ulu.e ia~. Js -• ._....,_. 6\e tbiJ..,. l'lli' _..,..,......, .aut thi~Hia•b• ot ~ abcnalcl bt oarl· ....... "t w.W lcMt u i~ ......... ·-~.,.,...... vllfewBrtMWicii1 NOt& I.M..

"io of

(Bl ll TQE Tl\IU.)

W'e MTO to record tCHlay tlto l!c~ · ·. of oo? who~o nnmo h1111 bc(>n long u. to pomt the moral of naltintr ambiti.:· and unatable fortune. A n ow ,.,.,..,... tion hu riten lllOl'O Geo~ nod..: "'·" lhe Bailw"' Ki'lg. 1'hOM to wbo \. h111 face nnd figure and Yoico • ·or3 1 A

milin, \v)10 1\ddod to t ho ('rn•h nt 1 1


c n.tc r tainolenb, anc\ li~tcntd to 6r r , tnt l~>d tho nuccclot.ca roepecti~ h '" . , ~o lJc lound ooly nmoug the ~iddL a~t•d utombon o f tho h outcof Como•o• 4

or I ho nl~ll l, S<'ll-"ClUed f re•liiC!DlNII Co. •.

Lontloo Sflcae\y. Thoro wiUI a ti.m . wh~11 not to k now hio1 '«'Ill! to afl,'ll ooo ~ !'Olf unknown ; now hn i11 .ouly s. trad1tion. It often b3ppcna thn~ a ma1

who baa bent faunons au t ho pttllt. ('n r ge. I rom 11. l1.1ng obltc-urity in t !le nf'•.- •· papt>r pnra~ph, wbit·h announc-H hi de:lth. The lnt impul• ia to uelai " Hu ho reallY beea aliYe all thi time P" .fkrme iucb dloaPt will OCI.'ll to oi&DJ who rtme~D-.r tbe Geor&tt Hudloa oftl.e oW ti--. wbu be •• 14 and what. wu dooe tw Ilia. 1M ..W.. hU~dour, and lril llill eooia' preCeeiled lala politieal ··::=:: Bo .. IIMIIDber fat Sal




j ,

pa..d • al8o ls.6, the 1)\"eot wujudpd to bepf aueh Tnu ia quite a dHrtb of po£1 mat- with 10 ~ .. ple1: uodety! with aue!'l~triously ap'preh:deltha~.~llan4 will ~tow•ark~rop.l fatoroo a.pableaud' tba& Hr. Glad.toutt'a laufCUP 18 DOt ~~ n:~a=~C:C,. bCJ llligb~j:_;0 mad~ public inlcreilt t~at a tpc.'ltill traiu WP teN at pre.eat. Tho. late IDOW ba• •. •ut nnetf ~f 1 eed., wt.t''h ol~ trad•· bt•led .iuw~efollJo£ropu:.mlog$boAr. l'ai~u!-P.ublio ~aDt ' ikolyto iudueo the Americue to wiU.. uothC'r furwnu. To t~ la~t be waa lt'nt to [fludwt with an at'COUilt of th• ~nablcd people to get 111 tho wood• to t10011 of tea.ehio~; al~d' 1~ c~tt.eoro, bitnuou ou thu pretoxUhAt woUk moe Hlr ~obn .PackiDgto'll Jn tho abeence draw other deman~

. 1,rut'i. ... diug-. and lm,·olled durin" 1 pu4 haul 6~w~, &c. We rl'8rtt. to ~1 and of ~t1 ttll~ng • Powerful th:au wo ha't,o to claim, or popW.,~-ID;j of D;.;.eli eGif~ ufcigued regret The Tj.,, •troncly dep"'"tee ..,. ~·~'Jl"llc and onterpri-Ut):. •·wn to au- ., tb r th aot eno .. h atttonhou paul inftutMO o~ All toaucatioual u~t&itutioe• our in Engbod ahQJuld defeat lft~ .... tl aud~·llftia.T bal diecUNioo o••r tL:. ,_,,. lat·ity. 1'o the lut "" l'('hi'UH" woult.l uf it•journev at thu rato uJ 110"11\1· I l'to &II • u,. ll JJV 1'b ~h I d .,JI II h . u~ ]) 1ft T. lloan~oA I . tl t E "' ..., ""' ~avo dolel'l"ee.. hito b.' it.- diffic-ulty, 00 Rvo miM• 11 n:hour. Tho eYenu th8t to the -boft'Uin~ of ro:ada aftt>~ anow new au o . o ·· oo • aro ~ n ou question and compc> t otr aucoo•· a If 11 ogn~p comp a1n1 "' D· ~IW Yoal, 9.

. 11 f V"oduc·ed hi• 11..,t'Jiuo and fnll aru too fa lie. 1Jonce tb• path• are •ld~hnfl: 11nd iu dift'erf'nt dii"''Ctiona by tho demand' aof" to drnouncu and withdraw from tho ~eli•h papeN are not -a~umcicntlr di~~oo Americau ae<"uritiea hue dO<'Iined ill ~~·ul~&liuo b• 11" t.lanj!er. u~ a l.-r d D) and t'-·f'oo tho 10110 lint>11 of tho Unircnitil.'tt, bf dem:andll of tho treaty of Wuhin!!ton, it ill not tho tinct and •choment iu deouncintion F-11krort lrom f to~ ·•er -o• 011 1~ uf'Pat fail be \\'JUI oblit:~;d til I'OIIIfllt w .. ll kuuwn. Uie owu Prt"uto affui~ nngefClU ,- !II" • • ' b L bl' · b t" • " , 1, h · l- h A ri •b h ' t • •• '' • ,.. '"' • ac­~101~.1£ with 1111 ob't'uro and limited Wfl i"P lound 10 1 ... iueuric'llbly in,·oltcd too. Tbero lea great nair to hro . ":"d pnrenta, y pu JC ~p11110n, Y jo fqb~ United titnlos that will bo .,.o cavtoU ~ t e '!"0 c~ t;aae •. dY• •

1 o ce~ ~ couut. of tho alarming upect oftbo AJa.

!eld. At ClUe tiUtu how.,,. a ~rooJ deal wilh tho"o uf tho comp.,nir• .,birh lu.· P':"pcrty. Wo trust proptor. provu1oo ed rf't:ulation•; nn'4 •iu~o m11c • o t ~~ loaor by auch acourae. wg tooo 10 enllcJJm 11 ccp 1 n-grett b:ama clnim1 • .. .. rulnd, and lt•••Al p~d,'uu•, ''Vbt'cb Cit· 1nll .be ~t OIICC mado fur tln1 .muler. medln ('Jinnot llo deatroytd, there iM no OTr.t.w.t., 6. :aa it tondt to encou~o e rron('()us no The n .. xt int .. m.1 tionlll boat raee :.

ibroad. amd wu Urttlc,.,.to.•J to "" run· ~ n OV'.H ... • d d r I f1b . . . h . f I r E 1' I. ! -rl u -•u-·' "or

1 .. ~-, 0 ....... 1t•"W ).,· ... -d•' t [t vnll be. to.u latl! when o.miJ!O 11 one. remeoy l' ut to re-orboautxo 1t 1n aue Tho now dollar billa of tho Dominion ttona o I'O:l purJ>Ilee o 11!! sau prop c to rnmo off on tho Putomac.

r¥ro.,cl iu contintontal t•nterp ~""· ..:r.•m u ·~u H ··~ "., ,~ • o ~" 1 h h 1 h ' b · · ,, · 1 · h r all·• de•pul'l•d t 1·w ·•f ,,1·• ,rnalth. Pre\'t'I1110n 111 .better thn11 curo. t•e a vrny AI t put 11' At wo mvo to I 10 are to bu ombolliwhed "''itb tho por- w IC II to 1mpresa .u..merJcaus t tat m The neC(.ou:ary fuml• ha. been rai.ed

the- '"""Ut!l we utu-t 1\ruoutue t ut.110 11r " • ~ u .. I' • ·~ 1 ll U b b '-· d -·'· f 1• be 1 h · d d th t b --, · · forml'd lnte \' •n to ar (lr, ut vrry UC"It us11, 11 WAAO room or moro uy mit- of a well-kllown Ottawa I ow· t OU' OIIII'Jl 1, oro CBDIIO o any llnd tho 'l'::a.rlo.r WlnAJ1j1, ri'Cw o( En"• u he'"" ('()11 !t•rul'd tlwy vrrrl· unl!ll('• Th d be h 'd f " 'b'J'ho r b . I t . t'fi •. .. ·-·ful. Th~ 6not llclr La hill ulfnint hod vnrtiaiiJ. ere oot 1101 appear to l 0 II 0 0 t . Lo!(I>Olll, 6. IJO"Idl lv do II. II .3uOW 0 JUI I c:JhiOD. lnnd bas accepted che challuugo or tbo ••• C.1L.~D • u rnu l!'t.:llkta..Jtt. llii2. ~ny rc•Mn to believe I but co~mu. ni~· ~ _. Tbo -rrm~ tbi• mo,.,.ing ~red'"ftl tho Tho oman coutmuCII. Bi~lin <' I"''W. on to fo~rtunt-, bnL b .. " :"' llflcr\fUNII ., y - - ... .. .... , Th "'.. " h I • r .

h -l ..,.,.....1. ~ \ion.. will .be Unl>Med to any ~'l"t'llt •s- · tono of .mo>duntionauumc .... oatordayin o .u .vgrap ~ny• t. o c 111011 M 10· Tho l'aria •Tf'w. the Bialin crew, tho 111,.1111.-d.JWdrll'itlwrheuorlti•;oc urno ~ I '"· ' ,- . BY TELEGRAPH d . r I . f A . .. ~uld ftoat. A !)IIArlt•r of llo c~<utury ::>. )f. T. ,, •r. 1 }'. S. tcut. Some of tho h:u•le•t nm.wo ever thrc:atcoing on tho aubject. of Amerir:rn cmotty ~r pro oog:\tlon o lite

1men. nt1'1 crew uf Wnrd Rru11 aud Tnlor Win •

.. v -- ~ bad frl\ \'t'~otord;~y. Our people are clAims. 1~ rle~ricatea intemperate do· can war "10 monetrout that it ca'ftt ahip t'rtw will enter 1h,. cont~t. aao. bA tuMlOCI aU tl1411 b .. wuched iniO I \ I ' 8 'f, h I fi h d h b . th h h t h d ..,.. " 1 2 pN'pari11lo! fort u M'n • ~ ury an 'II' c. n nunriation oft 10 &.rcaty, 11nd op01 at no o cr rellt'urco ut to" u t u uor lt i• nl~o rumour.;o) thllt tho Anal .. old: in aflt·r Y''""" hi. unme Wdtl 7 u n 10 h J tt d ""'"'"b , ll 50 ' II d I . I . th r f . d' t d .,, Ql-" 1 G U , "' 1 t ''Y o d'.M~ ~ay CVW'J o~ucccll• a on Lo:coox, ..-u . -- . . ..,, ~u w no wt.y act1011 or roso vcs. m 11 aaco o nn m · 1roc nmu.f:tCI. taua w1 pulla~oain•t t~e Attlanta., 1110 ~liVI1J¢h tt• wither tJ .. , l'ro•r~';'"" . ·01


ll 12 l:l I~ l:t HI 17 I thC\11. • . )fore F.tni••rantll llllilnd from Lil·cr· Tho present duty of En~:li•b Sto.lcemon Tho D aily NtU:I I A)il introduc- tri"'CllUOtllm:llUro cbamp10D ~M" or tho Whl'n}1 1'• wa11 priutt"d. 1'ht' worrol Willi' 1 -• ""' b · · · ' t t' t · d ·

• w 18 Hl 21.1 ~ l ••·• ,3 ;.:,. fOol in Janu:\ry thnn !n Decem cr.. i•do lll1Y or do notbin~t-likoly to j>K'JU· u ou w o .10 J~UlOru:::m cuo. cr. use mill· uited l:illlte.. bliudl1 truBtf'd hi~n, whio·h t·ri~t;:c-d tu 25 20 1 2i 2~ 21i I ~ Wt: ha"" plcvumro in nuticin:: thllt The Chica!!o tiro aumnlatcd elDIJ;r:l· dfcr an~· nttrmpt to rNDO\"O tho mis- und.eratn. ndtn~ sod, unleu it ia rectified BosTo~. , n . him anJ Oattt:l'l.od hw1, nvt·n~!·d 11-clf h\' w =- J p [ c ·· ' '· ·-' " ClC!'Nh·e &ltlltlll\'8):0 n:pruhatinn. ltto :...-....=:-.. , v 1!111,\l:a. L. l'II C~l:tL. E:"t·· . .• 0 ar· t ion or CllrJWUtCra and Muons.. ... . . un!!~nrtnudin:: .... , ich uohappily ..... b. ar-:;~rnlt~~ CJIOIIOt pEui. d d r The Do8lon Trg~eu,.,. of tO·da! I<IITI anl!cr and ront!lmpt wcri\ iurn·a~~l by )( t::l'E080 L0010.\ L NOl\J:;:i. bout•ar, on J .. t Frit.l:ar w ok hi" ' eat :\I Tho.ruih\'ll)' l:lburc~l' a\ .!xrc11 li{tl!lco ri1~u. ~ho _'JH~g 11pA prQitouncca t. o u tn1u snys, ·~.: :an . ee '""" th:at the n'port tclt'lo(MIJlbt:d from Uafi-lho dl~'ll\'tHj that he 1,11~ «!Dll.'· uoth\nt; A biltmrt of .-.reteorolo~it'al Obacrv- tfto l 'nurt ll on116 h.:ru r a At·tin~: l>i~triet 1trul·k and ~trc;~,tcurtl to slop trallls. cla1m uf 1od1rt:l' l d:amBgc~ tUI nllorly 10· 11n~ atauda on. dcfer~1v~ :IJ:IliD't the II tax th11t tho Morning Oltro11iclo ol'to-da:r

. t ionA forthe wc>ck ending Mondny. 12th Jud):e of tho nel\" J>i~trif.'l Court. of Thl' troupK 1 1\'1' been a.l'nt. .· dofon•ihlc, aud baaclee11. lt regret~~ cla1me.o{ Amenca for.mdtrcet dama~rP. hall 1111td 'hat Grt•at Britaiu knowt'na left.. "Seohowiii · J!Oitel' t•nw~ '"ntt = H boG TI G .. 1' 1 I "t I Th h f h h hd If I I b d •· d "' i~h 1 .. exclnimo•d thi'~O ~noru ... li~l" t~ftcr FclJrnnry, I i2, 1Ako~1 ut ar ! . mco arb,,r rnre ..... c., w '"' 1. till a .o r Y Nrw pl11r IlL ,Vnoder1l c! eAtre c~n1- sny hc~itlltion on t e psrt u ht o t eb wtth nwdi"·t~ w 'r"·,

1•11 ohun

1 era .. ,u that •he t'Ould not Ul"fond Cant~da iu

,.. k KuwfoUtull:md. ll elj:ht of po"11011 a£ t:ollar juri~tlil·tiun , .t-r. \\'o wi~h to mnku taiuio~ eJpreNtOUII favounng ImpoMII • L<>ndou J>r''<'U t o ttit;n11ltito t oso to o t o con IOU o tow o o :agree- t'II~O oi 'll"ar witb thi1 countrv atanda tbe oretttl. Jlud hn 11111ll"l-t"rl tQ t•rp o'·•cr•ntt.Oit, ' -" feet a bove sea lc,·cl :- this ~~ wi.dt•ly koown 11s po~~iblt>, 10 1 n - - · ---' t 1 d d th d Th · I t' ment d I !f h 1 · ' ono or two thl.lu.ancl I'~'" II~!\ hi' \'I'Oulll u , uv ~ i,w atu D\,U.apathtitll 1 nu""" prca e • eml\n ~ n11 ey oeen:o. o 1U on . 1011 1 • • • I tl'a y .t 1 1 -~ lt!r o m t e o!:lAtt ei,;n of

not ltnvo 11<-en 80 ~>1tilt<'. Whal. 11 101111 Colollolo~1 TUJ:IWOlolt:TEJl. thnt thl"\ pt'oplt~ m,y Mail themache.• citemcnc Jut ni.,:ht. _, Tbdi~l"'l[ ordered tho of Engl:~ud l'l\nhnot bo t

1ou 'rtrohogi}'Uim.; 1


, Th~ Ze~lu.ng conl"!•1ta ll

111enco idof thcde Jan,;ur. Jt i~ ju't aa ~··IG~h u a f'llrent

,.. ~ h · of lhe f11l'ilitie11 ll'hlch tho Cuurt ~i""'· p111y to·b Ct'U~n(kn, an 1 ~CeiiiJ!')' to prrllllc-d on t o poop o o t o . "· ..;:to~oncan • pr~• 11'11 1,.1 cona Cl who puncul'<i b.v 4 wolf mi!:ht racnfico ~ • '"'11 hold thu wt>rlti l\ll'lliV•f• ~" ca• a Mean Tt>mpcrntnro. .. ... ......... 23" \\' e bclievn tllcre io! aomo jmpl.\f"\)Ut clo~c tho T\ln:~trc. The 'JHrgraph feels confident that .tho cl:a1m1 of Eugl111h and \ tCIIOA. his cLiltl'oi lifo 10 ,.3\'o h 'wll(•lf. but in ~ riEtht to hold. Hc~id~ hill c r,.dit "~ ~ N un,1bf?r of p:arli:U cLlya n1in bue\ut'll bc('Qro tbo Court lo ·do.J . f ' Tho A~mbly y011terday by a IA"!:O A.mcricau Govcrumont will withdraw 'l'bo NeiD Frett Prr11 ~~Y'• En~lnnd thi~< cue thn Ct.it•od ~tll.tr~< will no t ap. aucces.ful mnn woultl '~~"11 "" ''~ "\' !~'~ and hnil · · · · ......... ... ... .... '~. mBJ'orit,· r'"vcd a bill. llnthnriz.in~t the it~ Pstrnurdinnry dom:aud•. I a.saumua lu bo .party, :aud J ud:;cs Ill ooe peasu it• wmth nnri nn~er b\' moiNtintt its J,:round, aud ttUCt'Uii CO\'"C('I n . \Jl\\h\· Amount of min nuJ h.Jul 1 ouo· - Govcrn~ncnt to notify Eng1~tnd nnr\ Bel. Tho 'IinlU rrpriu!s "ithou! :a word of and tho MUlO tam. l'. • t he t'astn\\"'ny, hut on tho · ;,ther h:1ud tude! of 11in11. It '~1111\tl bo rt'<i\''1\lnua tl ' !'() inchca ~~'orr""'ponbtnct · f 1 ,, · Th u ·_ iDJ D I 1 . d d b' r I II • .. ... .... ... ..... ... 'L ... • • .:ium or the tcrmiualiOU 0 tiQ \,010- cxpllll!:\tto::. ' 0 . .au:IIWr • • tp oma lque ~~Y"· t:.h:ht. provo willinl( to ndopt her ... ll to apolo):U.C for ham fll cnv ··11 ou ~~~ Num~r C?f pnrtifl d.nr• ano" ... ~ -- .mcrrial Trl!nlice. '!'he rl•porl of tho Qn~n'a Speech &II a qucat1o~ ~or .md1rect d:awngea ~saw~t •i,ter, and ~iro bcr the privilui!CII of tho tim ply bccau.e hr il\ t.lrad ; bu~ it. iu fair A.mountohnow t.liai!Oh·ed, ou&- [To TUI: I:!UTOJL OJ> Tilt liTIS DUD.) A molioa for tho return of tho .!s · r•ubliabcd in tho Pull J.lJtll Oaze/16 yc•· i Great BrllUIO II not" no~·clty, 1t. ~as moat f11vourablo 111ember of btr fno.i lv, to uotico tlutt tu \~EI t,...t. hll h:\d wnrm tenth im·b . · ...... .... .. .. ..... ::illl.- -- IICmblv 10 Pnri11 "'"" rejected. tcrJ.1 mo:-uing, ad\·ortilcil :~l10 copic.e of d iatinctlv thop~muiAtedprotocol•oftho and it is -u11poctod thllt C.ulllJ, under friend•. aut! t\m\ th"'.0 \~tire lllUOI~ Lunnr Dalo .... ................ _ .. ~il 'l'hc fifll oi tho following r~rAh'l'l\Ph• At the Phillippioo Ialnuda, 120 111\· tho :;pccch :md adtle tho foro~:oiog iii a lr~tY: ?t \V:aahiD.gWo, Without. protcllt three t·ircum~lnnrra wnuld not all be tho mcu WV\l ~U\~ btm lotl&f.llt a\\U A.urorn ............... ... .. · · . .. J\cgnli\"O refer" to tho proeou~ &:hop ay~\6111 in th·o soiJicra rubrllcd and took po>d!Cae. l cJe,·er nnticip3lion. In .-\.mrrit'l\ it. will ' o£ Dr~llah C'omm._1oneno. aver•e to 11 uniun 1\•hi&·h would bo at beat. · Prevnlcnt wiudt N.\V. to \\r., very 8cotlnnd, nnd tho aecoud ia a cQmpnriMn ~· of tho Fort. Tbo rrgull\rll . at o r. I crc~tc a. powerful imprcuiou • ·bich wi)l . WASIII:f~Tos, 7. .-;oco oat.ur:~l £ewibl., and tnUllllliiJil.d-

Tbo hill h iT)' oJ \~O r:~\l~l\f C\)tcrprh\O llro,nl!. 'Jixturo of winds from s.~. w .. o£ tho d&'t:foorell' EuropnlllliVI!tCUJI. Both d "l.' • J '·iJJl.'1 all tho '"'U ~ I I be . . t ··· h tL- Q~oech II Tho Sen:aU\ foroljtU rel:atlbnll com l co Ul• Bog'~ II' I ;,. " 81 nuwo one. Th\• t'tlUn· , . ., u~ • •· c o ~or. :u. "' "' '"' •. oo y mttlgt. .. ou w on ..., uy . . . . · • van M: ua.

"' ~ ,.. ~ h ~. E., F...S.E.,nnd E ., exhibiting tendency plnlGrllphs arc cllraclll lrom tho rc- c::.~~. I al·tually delh·orod aa publillb.ed. uutloo ~d 10 forli_U'l di~CUIIII .. n :\.labaota Thl· llnow blockade o r tbll Pal'iBccon-~~:: :,~:c~~~~~1r ;t~t~ .. ; ~~~~~l~i~u~! lu E..N.K Lowl!lt obMlr,·cd tcmpot3· porta of llcr Mnjeaty'1 C'ommiuic:l~nr. NL-w. YoiiJ', 3. \ 'fhe Timu romplaina that t~ Am&ri· m11ttcr 1U co~noclion ":1th 11llua•oo mado tiuu., •ith no prollpecu of trucliing for iud tho hl'obit.. tof n•vtl ao,d tho ~L•\lonll turo plu.1 4. High,c!t ·l~. 9.1"-0U\lli~o Y QUr~ t ruly, Thu Tim1r dcdA~ that l::n~land ruu't. Nn cue has beeo traaalated 10&.o the to the Gene\ a conveution. aovc raL daya. orkio~:dQJDII, AI' ,·l\anJ.to ll\ \ho ~iijtory wluu N., b~Bvy, Sl'('Y nf!d yello"tl{ anow, P. F. immedilltC'I.r gi\'o noti1·e to tho GcnO\"Il continontal languagea andecatt.oredov.er In tb.o Queen'• Speech .U I'I Edmunda' Gold 1101.

b b 1 0 cloud paa~ins b1 E., "' &th appcnmnc:o l:!lh Fob, lSi~, .\rbitrntiou thnt. thcA morican O uvcru- Europo. It adda wo do no~ gwo up aU re10lu11on h:lll f1111> COillluere~ A com- Mona&u,-6. of tho ~tc.rld ~-' J;roa\.et t "

1G1 t e c taSg na of gtl!llt ray11, kf\o\\n by namo of - uwnt. elto 11d eu1·h ac liou ltal'tt not. bceu h••pc~. but a mieun.dol'lltADding ouco be- ~ettoo d~teru11ucd to oppoa~ 111 ~~~'?P· A dinorr waa givoo at ~utt11n ta1t

whit'h " '1\ll e(ruciCil Wl•l'l\ UO\'!;G tc·. ·• \find dobra," goin~ :). E., 4 p.m. Sun- "Tl1n Rt-beol ,"Vitem appears to com- tnkco :already that if tho A:nerit'an CIIIIO in~ est.ablilbod t.hero can bono tf.'quel ~100, uut1l thov "oro plnccd I D. a P?Sitl~n oi,;ht by tha couuty of IJrowao to ~t~1:~~· ~~:~~~!~:u ~d ri~ ut~~ dn)', llth- \"erv floc, li,t:ht ain1 E.~."E., prii!O thrco gradcro tof iuatitution11 for bunK rCJIOrted clfot~ at Arbitmtion l.llll}' other than th~ abandonment r"f lllbl. ro- ID thbo te::_ o£ tho mca~ngt.cdo wht 1ch 1s nllllld J ut.lge Buokio, late momber for tho.t

" " d' brt"bt roun. Thcrmomrlcr, ·12. 2 p.m.- cdul'alio 11, Parochial :irhooll<, intcndrd u well cl1.1110 fcrcn.:o of ela1ms to Iloard. o M 1tra· to aro ...,.,u communtt•a o our u u Y· cuunty. for mauy "CAI'II thisj!l'\'llt IIOCQ.'' crv ~~u .. b n .. Gl f f 11' h . L- t tho ub' L ' B ' t ' b r-r ~ • 1.. 1 1 ~ .. mptoma ~" ..... w au · o a mg 1·hie6~ for ~rim:ary inetructioo; t ,. T he Dm'ly Ttl,.am·' reo port" tnat nc- tiun. . • o~nmon on 1 ~ec 'JY n 1.5 w • but. little 11ppJied 1n t ole CO. UlllrJ. \\'I ll". I J b) • .7 y • f (' ) L-. "' -1 b U 1 ,.} Sl: 1 t wcnthrr. wit probn o eno'" or ram, Burg Sl'ltoo a or A.cndcn1icll. !'or n:l'?n· l:'>tilltions to tha.t ond It:\\'.: llo•cn open- The .:\rchb1sbop o o o~:no,... or- e1gn OL~J.<:O. produced \t. 11 t 0 111

c da .•·•• with wind between S.E. ~nci X.E. Ni~ht •lnr\' in~trurtion ·, :111d tho Umvera111ce. c.'d bC'twr rn En!!l:111tlnnJ Amcril'"• nut! J crcd profet~~~ora of tho uoi\•orai~ to ticntimenta among melnhC'rA of Con. wu aettleJ upon nt once, nu Ill n .. 1. · t.h h U · d · 0 rou~tb W!\.V thu A merit·ans in~eNeCt~ finC', Iii! Itt wind~< ~nmc, R G.30 p.m- T ho Parochial &hool• nee do~cly •·on· thnt Brili•h rcpr.·~··ntution h:111 not yo t dub•cribo to tho dogm" of i!Uall 1 1ty gheu

1ds :~ \, e mtC' .Ma~CII th ovoro~

alllbo ~orthe:a•tom Stalcil 1\"lth 1'1\11. mtnr11 brilliAnt. Orion ~. Slc ighinc nil nccted with the & otch Church, ao 10uch bccu re.:cin:d lll n fricnt.lly u!Anner. on paiu ,of u communication. • ou r.o o. o .aoy ac~19n 10 o ma

TORO:cTO, 9. s:;o,ooo arE! atkcd for in thtl Ctltim:ato

bv th~ <J-n·c rumcnt. u~ a re1•nrd for thl) :r.pprchco•ion of &ott'• mur.lcrtra.

., v 1 tho week nnd tiutin.'\bu)tllion of aiC'iJ.:h 80 thllt whe n tho t 'rco Church accedl'tl X t.:w Y onr;,;. 3.

1 Lo:n>o,;. 6. tcr, but leave It oottl"'"ly t o btl do-

~aJ.~rr;~~~.:::\~\"::I\~S,:,.11tu~;i~cuE~~~ bel11. Appnl"''ut poi!itinn of :\lilky Way f~m -tho l'lit:~blishmcnt, tho 1\CI'C,Icrs , A. thi,·k •now ~torm tu-J:~y with much Parli3lOOnt opcnod thllrtly aft.cr nooo cidod bf tho G C11CI'.3 C:II~~C'rc,~o. 6

PROfl.\Bt~DL~.i \'~f~EALT. Ill BE&. .. ' "' b t ~orth nuJ ::iuuth-it for-mod llcrnud l'rocccdctl to build new ~rhoolt!! :18 wdl ! ire in tl'u l::a•t~rn nuJ Xorthcrv · to.JAy. • . . , . ~~ E~ ~ OR It, • "' .....,.., 11'11.1 too lJcal\tiful n country to Ru~ cu an·h of li••ht r ight 11rron the hc:wons a• now churf'lt(·B. 'Tho ~chu•1ls ~~re by ri,·rrd. Tho Q•teenll Speech begma WJlh Tner~ w:u an l nt.crO!ohn~:; dub:~. to· . In Wo :arc informe•l b'• JamC't E. Crou~h. :ul'l ~:1b1141~~l:i~~~:iore~t~,1 ::~~ with apr ; of '"''h bowiuJl for1urd to lAw undrr the eoutrol 1111d ~urwrd.iull T ho Greclty Rr pJlhlican genPral rom. thanks to God for tbo roc~very of tho tbu Uu~tcd Sthte.s :Scn11to on , r <:'olutlon er, £,q., Co•mmid_i;,110r o£ W rot' ked

' J. {I \\'('~t about 20° trou1 tl•~ Nor1h nnd of tho Prcllb.)'tl'rinu~. the u~h tho build- nnllco hus rc~nh• 111l llJ.'\t tho Comruutl Priuco uf W11lc~, and grat.ltudo for tho ~quet~hng . Prl!~l~cnt .G.nn~ 11 mforNI\· Propt!rly llt Great Placcnti11 , th"t 00 hjlato our uurivalk•d ~tc'-' h IOt><C', pu~ Suuth line. Hero i"- " rrcal l~ht to iog'lul carh •··houl nro mnmtniut-d. nud Cuum·il ehould itn!'C:\t'h Mayor lbll ~ympMbJ o[ tho peoplo. \ ton oftho mtcnhon ol E111.:h.•h 9°'·~rn· tho morutu:: o r tho 20th Januan·, 0 an cvd to hunting 10 ~Ot cr co.untry stud)'· Mnndny, 12th-DIIpC!Br:&ncCtlllll a lll\nl'<" i.d pniJ to tho. te•chur by the an·l requctl~ the Lfo~ialnturo ll.l tompc.r - Tho rclntiooa with forei:;n powo.nr mcnt to ro\'olto th~ trc3ty uf \\ :ushan:;- •, qunntih· or lhrco· inl·h. llnruro dA• I,· to-tporte, nroduce a doru r rullc w•xturo I d ' . • r ~

r c:lu '~"s Oii!Ou thn 11·c nn!l de~troy I rl:1y of 'n' ather, .r npor.o'!s wl\lcry c ou hcrito,. or lnnd.owm·r• of tho p:~n.h. urily abuli•h tho Mayoralty. • sru friendly aud in all xetpocta ll1l111· ton, 1 J;Cth1•r wilh '"me pioN's of lpnl'll and ~ tnfo; b t ho uoxiou' dRuvift of tho I . . and ::3..£.-w~ud :S.f ':, ~ommi'Ut'ed 'l'ho mccondary BCh?~l~tnro tho UutJ:h 'I'he iUtport~ of dry goodd at -:'\ e\or f:at"tory. .X~ Yon~: 7. piN'Ctl of d1•ckiu:;. drine.l on 11ho"' on

1 ego :· \ Y AI . uit ,.,·cry ~oblc·man ha1l11t 6 p.m., wu.d monn~: 111~0 R.~:E. School•. in tho muntMpAI WI\'IIS nnd tho York fur J:mu:arv \\"\•ro nculy tltirh ll' ll A bill will be prc.ent.ed to check the Gold ~10. I t ho benche. nc11r Utt!at Plnt-cnti:~. Tho ocomo 1"

1cd. m ,ftd IQ 0 QMO ll•o 10 ao p.m., cotmnl('llt'C~ frro r:un wh1ch .A cudcmic•. 'l'ho ButJ:h .'t·hools aro milliontlrJllar~ ; tlte lar~cst,ll•jth t ho CI· · Siav., .Trado in P~.~lyno.sia, w.hich ia ao- Wash1Dgll;'n dcapatchea ~.tat': t~nt.t.nlk I piPCOll of "Jl3ro~ nn•l t.lt·1·king aro nf ~omo

•nd ,.cnt cmllll "l".ll" ~ .. Y P · d · · h · d · 1 · d d d b t t'· E I .t 1 m~uno>u~ f t' of nn au&·h ,~or~ in ltia contltluea unul! 01~ t-,nn mo~rn: m11int.ninrd 11nd controlled bv t to muDI· c. pt it>n uf l SGi, ou rccor . ,·eroh· coouot"c . a ou w:~r WI u ' u,: a.n " . • lnr~-:e r euel, novrlv built, nn:i f""ll•ned co?•b~t' 1

10ntl .I !s.~ indred he Wll~ E. nnd E..~ . H. T o-dny (Tuc·~dny) 'nud. t·ipnl authorittc•. who nppornt tho Dll\ll· :ltnkea' trinl will probably bo poatron· Tlia c££orll to eocuro a continnaneo of oven Englnn.t rcP.udmtea Wn .. un:;tuu l ·• ilh ~nh·aniz .. d nlildnud bolt.t.-C.\ro~t-nCJg mo~:to c~u~1\.~ ,g~ted fn7- hu t .. 11d ~~ _:1\ .K !~· F.. with hC'nry rnin. TJ.ero ten~, dctcnnino the • uhject11 o~ iW'lrUt'· cd to .:\13rt·h in \vhit•h clUe it will como tho Coulmorci11llre.1~Y with Fnncc, eo trc:1ty u 11uch acttou wuultl. only ro- ide of &uurdav. enor l be Ph . .-aco.l.lllt'll mn' h'l'd 11< no on H'C to 11how thM the ,::enrrnl tion and fix tho fcca to be p111U b) tho bcrnrt- Ju,J:;:o UcrnliN. £3r, no t aucceedod; but no~:otiationt '\oro former lcg31 lll:ltues of CMCII. !:""""--::---,::=., takcdu, l1.


1 t 11

0 t• •est~~ H~tin•• 1

1 chnrnt·h· ,,f lho ~~o·iud will not continuo Pt·h~lan~. Jt 18 not cat~ to drn\v n lino T.to civil war io Mo1ico continue11. Bro 14till pending. Tba followin~: refer- These- vicY..'ll are ht•ld by tho Call- '- -won er u 'l nr o • o . bl I "I h . d ... And . . . b h I d Th I . . t d" . d to tb A'-ba Cia' 'ne'" -Sixl~n mil~ lirom Pt'nn..:JI• 'f~

d h · ·h' ·f ·boola J>rolest e•l cnPr. ,·nrt:t c. w 11 o t o wtn m~.v "'a of d1~hncl1oo ctwceu t II'IC ac eo son o ro,·o U\IODI> 1 aro commll.ll lllj; oneo 11 m11 o e "' ma 1m1. • •· ~ ~~ ... .... ... • . , " • -liD ot crt ~~ "" I,. .... . ., r £ d tither ~Ill' h d . r =-t l bo th B h ~ ...... • b' t t . ··d nurauaot Toronto ~\'il't!e to-dQJ at.ato that I'll· n onnlol ""nnlry, .\ti .. ouri. csiol• Ont• o£

l. ll ·n t. the 1!.'\f•lil(•"t' nf llri-Jg. · ' ·or ,, ,.:,, urn ('W nys. . t o A.ca cm1ct . ......,. y,a vo o U fl( .._ .. ma~e. ~ no A.r t ra ora appo)IJ""' • ... I D ..

I:C ICil 1 ~~ ~ . . _ .. ': , ~• _ L..l,l~ r•n~. 1,.1 ,-l l.~•t' ~.·1,). .,..,,,_ fr ..... vvo= - .. .a .o.--"·-•-= ~•--·• •'"' ovuo· • J.OSno.-c, lJ. to tbO treaty of \VUhlngtOO, for the p01"11 throng out l iO OIUIUIIIO COUtuin• l thu IIIU"t \\'IJndorfuJ 1'::1\'t'll Kllt>WII lu" ~-;,;~~ -~~~~; w~~ ll~t for ten y•·nl'¥ nf- f.i:;l'. ?\ . \\ .,nn~l \' · \\'1~0~ \ t ng.111 "~P Y U~i ICI'ilitics. 'rho pt.>cu.linri~y o~tho. N· Tho t ono u( tho Prer.a on tho Al:abl\ma JIUrposo of amicable 111ttliug the Ala- nrtidc1 on the Alnb:una trCIIty· 'f onc ontraucu i11 Ut·:ar :iugar Creek, nnd lw-1er tb~ priucipal WI\& 8ticntifh·nlly de. , locn. n_h~crrull~n) d. u;m:: com mg. ~co. lt. latto~1 be~'' cc-~ thwo \'ArlO US mshtult~n~ cl11i1U~ 1141 ~!ightly modcrntrd. All loo ·k hnwa Cl~ims, bold their fil'ilt mooting at i• modontc, :although .A mcricau ~rn•~ in;.: 1wn• thl' A rk:\n"-"" li1111, it cah·nd~

l t d tho ndrnnco 111nclo wn11 .:\ly kmd 11,...1• tnnt :J Olt·~ ob~l'r\ Dtton rvu~l8111111 tbu tlu\t thov t·ou1pcte w1th f"1.1r"·"rd to tb~ Q<~oon'a apeedf tu· mor- Qeuova ; tho Cl\101 wuro laid before aro con,idcrtd iullt.llni•sable: No dCri. untler the bnulc~o:round of l'11!\ Rid~t"• :::1i !~o 1nnin line~ wt>ro n~thoriT.C,I , n l noow. on ~a t ul'\.lny, 10th r'cbru3ry. 11nd orcrlnp e11~h other.· Tho P:1rochial row for A po~iti\"O o.nnouncomrot of he th11 Arbitratora on behalf of c:JA:b p~rty oua djfficulty i.lapprcbeodcd. Arklin:4ll.ll. It hn• been ctplt.re<l to a b t ~roud thia 31J WM timiJ .• ono:\ti,.., , o f wh:~l . (poso1bl~·) 11111~·;,bc f'l\llcd .. 011Y Schoola often gh·o wh11t ian-ally lll'cond- atand to be 13kon by tho Go"oMlUlC:Dt toJ tho truly. Io tho cue, ao tubm tted l.olfoos, 7. di•tnnct• of eight or teo mi:ea, and :. :a~d feeble. It wns a chnrnrtcri.!~ic "£ ! tn:ll:lll'tll" dc,·t:'!opuwnt . It. nppl\llrs to nry instruction; tho Bur~:h Schools nnd with rct.::rrd to tho !merica.n caae. bv A10erica tho Claiu11 wore included, Tho Wuhingtcn treaty or tho claims ~~:~id t o bo thirty to ilea lou:;, coutAiuio~: tho En ... li•h PC{\l'lo tha t, though th(·y ~:1\ o Ft rctcl•PJ Wl " t rC'mbltn:.; n rrh of ,'ll·nd;omit•• ofien ~h·o prim11ry; l\nd tho Tho Timu in :tiNldi11g nrtido on & . .,.,:ltich wcro uu.tonrtood on my pori, not of tho Amoric:m Go\'crumcnt for iorli- • J.;re:lt cumbt·r of lnrJ:o roowa. bt+airll'l arc 110'; 10 ndopt" new thing. thrir n.:- lt.:ht tluu.•: ~:h the. hl'n•·cn~ fr,•m ~· to Unh·r~tie~ ll\r):ely l'ompe~e '1\'ith tho t urJay u~ tho CoiJo,\:ing lnngu:aJtO : to bo '1\'ilhin the province of tho rcct .lnmngca will n•!:lin be befoN tho n rtVtr and la ku of dur w:atcr. 'J'ho · ' ty J en.\bu-insm 11ro " o tulcrful W. nnd ' 1:lrttl«'t.l hke tho Au ro;a. 1 UC!I Burgh :Scnoo)p anti .Ac:ndt•mlce,nnd aJ. " Wo rep~diatc tho conotruction which Arbitrlllon on this 1mbjcct. The~c llouto of C'omUtonw

0 to·dny. 1\Ir. Oa. t'Oom•, as i• common in cave•, in limo-tlh :h~y do tnke to it nt lust. :o;o t.lny, l:lth, UOOI• I"U!f heavy M11" noled. mit ul llllV to the profcA~onr' le<·ture•, hils been putou tho Traty of Wa1h- e!lno<ed a frion•lly commumcatiou to be born, f rom " 'atllrfor<l Cttf, d i1cua•ed dtone.ro.;k, •ro ornamunlto~ wit~l mo;t

~ :::. '!l;ith railwau. 1t Willi ~uddenl.r TUl·~dny, .Fe b. l :J. ll . G. who would Ulllrl' Ullturnllv be It ill aL in::toa in the Amerirnn .:nsc, ned must made to tho Gorcntmcnt of tho United abo question lit lelll,rth, chnr;;iut: th:\t mag~t6ciCII~ ~talllt•ttte•, whtrh l(lttl~n ID tliiiCOvered tlt:~ot we weru or:.:lcdin:: t he achool. Fo~~ch infttitution in fart tnkCtl wilhdraw from tho 1\rllit r.&tion, if this :3tatCll. N othing furlhwr ia u.id in ro. tho l::nglisb A.rbitrntON wero uut\\ittlod t~o hi!~ ol explore':' torrh ... .~~ ... If l ilt mo•t. importru~t dli'CO\'erJ o£ tho a;:c, :~lld The Harbor Grace Standard ita O\'l'n icd ·pen~cnt line ·1dthol~t ':'-'l'ard con~truction ia insistod on but il tbi11 gnrn a.o other prv~·~oot of tbe ti'C3ty and anid tho Go\·ernmeut hlld armi~ w1th dtaUtond•. 'l'h11 ruo whH·h acern" bttinlt our .Ameri1·"n riraltl come bc·ll.lfl' tu thn othcra. Tho Cotnm1u1oneno point is reconcile-d '1\0 sro r e11dy t o of Waahio:;lon. "hicb could uot march ; ships which wcru t~ ri\·al thu. f11moua Yam mouth Cnvo r.f ut. Then cnmo thtt rail""'ny m:auin. - .1.sn- tben proceed to .moro particularly de- stand loynlly by tho troaty. • Tho Emperor of Ootman;r btu accept- unseAworthy, and nO\\' " trcnty they Ke11tu•·ky 111. utent. and numhen1 of Thll countrv W l\8 quiet nnd proapl'rOIUt ; Rcribe each cilllla of Achools, Bnd sum up Tho 1'iofltl to dny ia 1\frai.t t h11t 11n ell tho arbitrlltiou of thu d11pulo in re- could Mt stand by. ~Ir. Otwnv furmorly "'onduno, " 'JUI u~~d aa a place of rorul(o tbore Willi a ~:ood Jc.nl or Uoom·y to in- QLonctption ~au ~~brrtistr. with the f~.llowin:; r<'rcrcocc to the kcl'll attempt to 1011'0 tho Alabama difficult{. sarJ to tho San Juan boundary, and tho uoder Secretary of Stnto biamed th'o during tbu robullioo, and•upon it• l•ke, TCIIt and'it nil \rent in ra il·.\'ay1. Tho intoreAt felt by ::!cotl'h pareu~ in the may prO\'Il abortivo and hope• that [ai · t:l!ICS lite oow pN'p:uiog for proscnb· Go\'ornmcnt but thought th!t America nplorenr found an nld bo11t. lof\ ther.s eou~dn&l' of tbo poliry w),iclt Sir Ro- W"E DXESDAY. FEu. 14, 1872. education or thr ir ehildrC'n: .. Out11do urc wiU not excite bittt.:r fcelins.s in t ion. Government' would roc1odo from it" os . 'J.< former occuvnnll. Alt!-tuu.;h thi. bert P uc! ~pportcd with all tho 'ni;:ht _ __ _ ---- ---~- t !lo 1chool• thoro i• a furco at work, Amcrira . Tho mised Commiuion appointed uu- tromo domnud,. but if it did not Eu~- c.we ii1 corrf.K•t lf dCll<'ribed b! tho110 of hi• io6ubnce hn.s been seriou. lv qul'8- Ow\-oo;O to the rn~tamount ol Tclegrapl . which rt>ally supplic. thom with 1111 tltrir Tho P cdthi• morniug thinkt tbcro will der tho treaty ie io aeuion; ono portion land having admittet.l cho prinl'ipal of wh~ ~tnvo already a~en it, i~ well worthJ t iooed. lle de<·ided on {reo t rnJo in ic ~ewe recPired )'l'tlterday wo ha,·e lil'o and \i~our, and thii is the tzlro- be timo eooup;h when the United ::ibt~• of tho treaty yet require• tho eooacnt indirect d:~ims, muat bo prcp3red to :1. run by tbl.' tuurtat who" at thC'..ame rnilwny entcrpri-jh:\1 is oo 111y, un. btoo com pellet!, in tnis ~eek"• i;uup. ordinory in/N'UI whic~ the parent. tako refu•o tu withdraw it• demand fo r indir- of tho Caondian puty. meot tho cuormoua dcwanda of tho Uni· tuno n lover of DO\'lU a ud wooderful limited competition between project ora to enrroach on tho rolumn devot'-'d to in tho progrt'tln of .thc1r boys. ~II the oct dllm:\gel!!, to dl'Cido upon fulturo 11c- Tho eouditioo of Irola.nd it improring teo St.atOll. Glndstono an11 eover;\1 scenery. and compa1.it!l, lil·rco Parltnmt•nlnry "X""'' in Brit>[." In our opinion the eoorj!y aud all tho 10tereat of tho :SCutcb tion. M doaccs Ito now utterly uu- mornllr and mawrially. other mombenr dcfw•lcd action. 'l'bc ----------b:attlrt, use leu bmnche•. Pu icid:al rhalry itoportlln!'C of tftO DC WI received ju•tifled teacher " 'ould, . perhnpl', n?t prod~co gracious. CrilO& and paupcri.tm in. Great Dri- Commiaaiooee~ aud tho Go rommuot -The Boa ton Board or Trado baa io tnOie, ant all that chicfty m11rk11 tho ua in ..a doin~. moro reaul~ thAo thAt whl('h Englt~h Tho AJUC> tone ptrvadet tho articles to.io ie docrouing. u.icltbo claim a• for indirect damage• uoanimotUtly re.olvad to .. meworalixo railway lfi\Cm or En~:land up to tho <·ountry Grnm!UU' &buola afford, vrerc of tho other moroing~'onrnalt. Tboutimatct trillacou be laid before "ould ~ withdn"o. tbel~~laturo in fnor of cbu immo-preaeut ume. Undoubtedly the non.in- Os& would lhink th:~t tho world bad they not aeconded by tbe anriou• lind To dAy tho WtJtl.:ly ~~~mOlt of the Common•, wbieh her Majoety hopea NEll' You, 8. dia&.e and total abrogation of tbe tax J,erf~reoce of Gonmment allowed tho aeeu eoouj!h of war to Jail\ for a time inttlligoot watchfulmou of parent11 and which wcot to Preaa on hul'lldlly laat, wj ll provo fuourable and indicate tho, T~o excitomoot oror the Alabama on immiJCmnt puteoger., known aa ~tirll'f oC 1~r• .full l'laf. and "ithout tryin~ w m11ko more. We &aJ patron•, and by tho OOI\IIequent eager- about the limo oftbo Burry of indigo•- pNapcroua condition of th11 Unitod claima ill wlai)atcd. bead wooey." EDgland obtained a C(I!Jl~}eto l(!ri~a of 1uch thinEt• are bard. Life at tho nt- neu . and dili.genco of tho child!"'':'· tion, which the Apleri.:all cuo culmina· KinP,dom. Tno •peccllet in parliamellt tuccend· ~--------raii'I'•Y• at an earlier penod than would mott;. but bri<•f. and turoiJ great wi•- 'What place m tho dua te>day Ill 11 ted, wu li;,ngo and bi\-tCr. Tho apcoch enumomte• moaauret ing tho nowapaper li*:uaaiont, keep tho workmen at tho Dritilh llo.rat "tborwi-haYe beta 'the~· Tha ad. i• oonr exJmplifted lo national generally found to bo tho firn ~Unn Tho &turdaJ Reo~~ take• the which are w be 1ubmitted for Parli.a- poblib miiuiag~tattd and tho effect i1 A oolwieh, ou111ber now 8,162, YaDHgO thut ubtaioed c.•er tho Coo- quarro& Yet ~lcgramt ha o t that ukcd when A boy " ·eut llome. from around tha&.tha. United ~tea prefer to ment action. Amoop thom a bill .for ceueloaely felt oD.chan&o and in bu1i. al:ll 900 for t"o yean ago. tinental nation• hn been, ut> doubt. w ... ;. Upe<'ted between Rnflland and ~ebool1 then would follow qucatlosu aa have no eettlement au4 wiPh to bold oducatioo in ScotlanCl eetablilhing ali noaa. circlet. Great actiYitJ proYailt b the ruyal .man important. Dnt at what a c08t Au,erka. W e •hould mthc-, h"'e aaid to \that bl.'laad roa~; wbotber auoa aRd their AlabamA claima perpotually. con10 ayttom proNi.u.g for Totin~t and Tho 1teo.mehip O,lDratlo from Li•or- lllbor&torJ dep:t.rtulunt and the gull. ,.n tiM waa done I Contitltr tho auo•• thnt •poeulato,.,. wi ll hMo it eo. Wo do •uch nelp;bbeu11"1 aoo wu abo\'1} or be. The Lotu/011 . ..V•~•u.ya.tbo Quoen io preYoutiog &Dd puniabmeot o£ bribery, pool yoatorda1, collirlod with theetoam . bctcrica.. wuted in Briti;h rail\U..)'I and jurlgc not believe that theee twu groat nation• low him in tho OWl; and ii llbo\'0 hirr., her IJ~CeCh ou the opeui~ Parlillmont Afior referring to Yariou• otbor- tub- ahip ..!rabian In tho !!OI'IMif loaiog fivo 'f'Mtber it· call w uid t}lat tho ·~·atrm aro going to jeopardize tlloir trade and why ac; and wbe&hor ir ~ worked a to- morrow will ~ .. a vri.olh that the jccta cloaoa with au exprc11ioo of eon- pa~~eoge,. who ".Oro drowned. Tbo ,ddt to oar reputation u a pradeot aud cotamerro and lll&p &heir friendl1 reb- little ~ardor ho could not man.ago to Tribunal at Ge to~ may be ablo to l!deoco that tho pcoplo and Parlialll8Dt Ooloratfo grouodod at tho mouth of tho 'jluai..,.like peeo!.. t itone. Wo are quite cerlllio that Amtri· take h1m dowu ; bc•w be had g~d or proceed ~t6 ita dutiea on a . ba~~ill ac- will al&lltaio the Cro"o in. upholding thll Meraey, and lice fqJI ot 1'Ater.

QHfF Bu4tftn 'fU •be cmaturo of ca "ould not act 10 abturcUy u to why he bad !oat a placb; wbo. .aa Az,; et"ptablo ltu tlw &gliah Go•ernment hooor of tho Empire. · '· · The Pt'eliueot baa b.:en reqo01w to auch a •J*'ID . bo JUr.d• tlte t-t of it ~to war with En~tland on account of and rl!•l Ito think he O\'Or bnd a cbanca ao<l , ~tion. Naw Yoax, 6. furoitb Coogt011 with a eopy •of tho

No orgu of Thuu1(ht or Action ean. bo omplo!od without the uai•tance or tho blood. a.od no organ eao be employ.


,ad tuniocl.iUo acC"ouut fer him••M alld .dlabolll• claim•. Tho t'OUI!('(}Uent'U of flf !M!IIlf; du.r .. !lp~;-.eYory wqrq · ~ : Lo:rno)f, •l . Tho Trihrw eomparoa tbo e:r.cit.ed A.meric:a.n =ao as at Ucoan for publi-tlte natioa. fi i• nov-ible to duny aucb a atC'p would bo heavily fell in abow1!'g {bo ke~ urtereat tho pa~ent. Tho, Pri~ aud~Ainc.e• of Walei" English to March han!~, and aayt t~t cation. ·, •* M cbct 1,...t t~iug~~ to derc-lope the Ncwfottttdland.. We now uk again feel• 1n tho ~n 11 p~ an~ tho 1m- "ill bo prhaent nt tho Thanktgiring -'Or· oono o[ tho Preaa. repreteoted comm,on Gold 1101.

cd aFeiJ or with i111pWliLy without a aupply of h!Wtby blood., Wi1h hal~b blwd .*b& e.terciaod orpot become dovoloped, whether ~1 be mUICufar -iutellt~..tu:al. B1lhe uae of FELLO \V'$ t;OMPt>UNl> ~YRUP OP RYt'O. PliO:iPlUT~ the blood il apeodily-

........ y...tem ift tho 0 .,1th J iol(land, what proritlioo aro "e mall.ng for tbo port~nce whll'h tho w faonly atiAPh ,·ice.o at ::!t. l'aul'a,l . · • ltlllfle. Lo:mo!f, 9. , and to ~-*he natio1nal enUt'JirUe in · 1upply of home prodi)Ctl and f~ i~ thll to h11 ·~~· : ln abort, the achooli Thu mtcting at Galway on ~bturdiy Tho HnoolJ aayt thoro will be peace, The London Tilllu ded area that

to Ida ebuDitl. Tllo DOrth country peo. e'ept or a war- at aDT future nme. are practically m th" hand" of tho p&· to nomi~!o a c:ailclidato f<>r Parliament that Eogl.iwl will retreat from tho re· EnglAnd hu not refoked. and will oeYer le atood bY bim for y~ au4 bi• COD• Bol~o "" 'U'f kind to ue in 184&-- reo'-; the .pareota UJM) tile mutef'll to termiuo.teCl in a riot. Many were aer· aclutioo aull pr-uro of American piJb- raYoh the tl'etoty ol"\Vuhiogton. She

!'utuea&.neo\ ~aim to tht Homo e! <;001• "'tC! aeot St. Jllhu'• IS,OOO barre~Js of flour e~ut'&to the1r IOf!'• bat they t~e.m-:1~~ iou~l1 wounded. lio opioiOIY'U.ahe retreated be(oro Boa- ie •till roady and rosu!Yca to tr.aod' by it nion• tlll Ul6&. He"' .. an.an wbct uni- for poo11 Pre auJfere,.. 'no ,p)nt of din"C"Hbal'tlut"ahOI). ~ retpoAiibih.. Tbo Yroneb miniatorJ will probably aia and tho Black Sea qutttioll. We but cannot and will not embark in an ted :mur 'it:" ~Wit It ,rondcrful the Ameriraa nation it !rind nd ~ner. ty, .the OXJtenBO, the gu•dauco are aU lo.o ll. Percero in cou.equeuce of tho ronptulate tbo conntry that "o ha•o arbitration •peoiallfiiCIIIi!Jued. to oloae 1 ulati• ~· ~0 w~' in for ~tic; yt.-t Cbo~htful. Wh,rein i<r the t~tlr ow.n. aDd tho ~ult ~ ~t they J'Cifuaal of the A.ttembl.y to return w a Preaideut who takee th&ll view u a t.bo door 00 all hopct of 1 tottlomt~ot. pee tllao an · 0110 eltte. HI! tli-tinction of di(Bcu)t1 betwoto theae gm~ tbe1r hear'- tQ a tuk which Kl many Pari•. mao who will do all that il juat and P. 9: !'!r.~·· ~b » (bat l!lu' .\Ia bema .:laimamore tbaD otbert. Wh1 re~J*II no a& hera nn do 10 wtiL'" Tho Orlean• family favor tlio returu kind aDd uk only joatice in retum. It il reported that the ~:~· ~ .: ~ · · to ~il•te ~- toar~'t the bothe,_,me ... tte~r be aeftlod .. Tlae Frmcb, the Pru.ian, and tho oftho .oU.embly and Go•crumout. to Tho lYcwlJ &aJI there tlaere it a Do- bataJ, at \'luhington. baa been o4Ured 100&b. -~taodtbob.tld- amicablf, liurelrt!:tprincipl8ofrigh• 8wit111yltemlowo&hoeomt>leteoeaa .,f Pari•. mocratio oppoaiti'-ll in tbia conntr1 M.. Lb ~&bf ~ ....... ,. likely i~ waa to and law will help to each aettliltat'Dt. It; thtir tuccell to the perf'eeti.on of their Tho ~o Rito uputiel in tho late whicb baa u.o reaped for the pereonal to A ~~:~~ :tt~ in tM ~m­" · ll••~:·-dctJceb• io- i• ceJtaiDIJ• weeupeetolhmanna- Dl&chinery. Thereiuaowuteofpowtll'. Cone. d maodl't:!orma promi.od that qualitieaofPNiillat {Jrantae au. in· blytomale'l'hieral'reoiclenlorLittutl. ~ .a.a ... , oue:e.. Wr-e, we DlO&Q t!W i1\ nkh tile Maire Tbe 'aim of tho teacher ia dau nd dill· Colo or 1 . " diridul, but •• Bridab HioiatrJ will and mew the AleembiJ bJ auua1 -.. 11~ aH .,iU'(1f til- to make money t~fteD ,la.c:oa aoa. Spoc:Q- tint.-t; tM acholara bAw perf'ectl1 Au• .• nan of 23rd Doo. &aJ• make a terrible bl~f OD tU' ·ac- 'n -"-'tioa • _ __.

'~ tldlil tile kiotl of ruan Jato,. will not boaitate to Nile na- what to espoct; th. work ia te.tod at tllo uloctaph'C'ablo from JaYa to Au.a- couu' '* Ap~ •· caa ·oo t ,UDCloiiWI. • P•v...-• • 10Pt"'-'"';.-...•6e ...w. LPt hMa bte mouN. of wara jut to booelt theaa- ft11U1 proper poin&; the ~ ocluca. uia ua ~UftlelltulJ1laid. . iotenaatioD&l 11108 pt U. ad· ~j1 :: ~p~ of tho

" trill fulluli' bim -_.,._. aM cario~ whu auffe... Aa ua- tloq ie-oot ioterfend with bJ the do. 1'bo espedidoo tOUploM New Guinea ~ an4 thO dec~. , npalt of ite t•oaunit~ ieeommtDCI ,... wu fop two hol! t1Jiratof'801d and pia m-... dUD IDAW af tbe lcnrer,~• ia the cue per- will loa•• A~~ J&DUI'J'. In 0.0 . LoboarL~ iD• ...aeaty to aU t'Ommuoiata audor

,. ha'iag down .U ~ it. that 1ta NtllaQUI ha~ iD aome cii!IVM iD Amer.ca J nor ia A •alukb~ l!n~d mille blela &- ~IIIOD& ylderclay Hp.br veni- tt: raok 41 commillfioned olJcera and 'fteworld pttite 1111y bit eatWecL Y•, &he lower ioterf...,.. ~~by tlb8M. oonnlll~ dA111tralia. aDC*lthatin~ueoceor~, ..._riuscommittocluooli.Deeuclw the

ie CUM maeh muat tla• be clooe to ~ 1ID- lllllada er the • oertaioly the N~nr You, 6. tu.lda, 00111peUecl teDcl• ~natiou.o ;. •• law. ~ . -. . ..-. u. frieDcllJ NWione a pier ........... t. - iD lkot.eh .,..._ ~a.. .. ooafer. Be ~iDa me. IDArb4 wida ell\o- • • ...,..._ .. ..- .,._ .- - .... .._ '"' ADiook farnrd doe ancl...r.r.l to tbe ,..,.. 1ae W J tono,., '8.

JU.; Jl...,._... · llll1 t_D.aaGimpr for oeeupW~-'•Iaiohlaenaaowaboa' .J.ID the or Co.lnou to-da~. ~~~~r,~ ... •· · ... ~~~===~ o1 ~tuu~ t:Ueo ao He ·~ .,...-.. ,.. »f .a..u. rto. 'l with nprd to Am· t1J tJ.e lob i5ftl1a Deo-

of'Utci Ho .. , I"'!!IID~Il'l~~~lhDtiiDa Ide

'italUed and puritit!d, 111d eo made ~ pablo of producing a acuod miod auJ a IOUDd bod1.

" l'er110u. auffering from impure· blood, or whu.e hoalth ill gifin.c wn.J, ei.t)u,r u mtni.tel'll or tbcuo wbo atu­dJ doaolr, will fiod in tbo ~1rup tbo material t.1 build them up and the tw:Ue to. keep theDl. tbere.''-Dr. Oltlf.



( (Fro" tu NH"Aittg 0\rtn~icl•, .Pd. 8.) lbflm.

.111t~•rlfMII Tt1e Hnuae of A.aembly met 1eator·

da~ ahortly before noon, accordmg to adjoumwent, and p'ro<'eeded to Govem· m~ont Hou..e, when Mr. Sptoaker pre. -.en~ to .Hie Excellen•·y tho followin~ A•ld~ 1n reply to tho tipCC4·h "'ilh whic~ I:Jia Excellency had heen pleased tu o:'lon tho pre•eut &ssion of tho Lc~;ult.turo :

, 2_:_Tbo Taluable ..-.i~ ...... .. .. an~ aro now bein~r J»eiformecl by Kr. Murrny of tho Geologiral &aner,1D fl!rni~bins: imJIOrtaot information' te­aJ)toctinl! the A(lricultural &Dil othel' <'IIJ>abilitiea of tbu country, are, we beg t~ '""uro your Bxcellenc:y, duly appre­cll\tcd by 1111, ftnd we •hall thank your Exrellener ror. cnueing to be laid before. ual\lr. 1\furrtn'a report of hia proceed­in~tt durins tho preaent E. r.

P1re ~ T ·1%e Aaau·ranoe Company,

OF LONDON. ADDRE~: 10-W" 'ACCept with t pleaallro Established 1821.

!lb Hu F.:rull•ttcJ STEPDL'f Jon~ lhLL, EsQOl E, C. B., Gc•ernor and Comma,..hr.in- 06itff in and 011~r tlt.tt l.Zantl ol Nellljountlland alta ill LJ~petttl~ltcicl.

vnur Excelloncy'a tolltim y aa to the law-abitling, peaceable and orderlY con­duct of th11 people of the Col011y clwing tho put year.

SnacttaKD O•PJTAL ... £!!,000,000 S~g. Toti.I. lNvFOSTED FvSDS

To which Hia E1celleocy wu plcued

V.PWUDII OP ...• ••••••• 2,750,000 " ANIIV.U. Jsco~E, CP·

w.u»s Ot' ....... . .... . : :iuO,OOO " MAT IT PLL\SE "'fooA Exc&LEE~CT.- to mako tho following We the R""l'rcsentnth·c" of Rer l'lfn. R

jc~ty',. lo.vnl ,.uujet't<~, thu inbuitant<~ of E pLy : N'<'wfuuntllnnd, in G01ner:1l A~•llUtbly .4tr. Sf)('akcr ond Ottlllle~Mtt ~ tAl t·onvon~d. b~:,.: to thnnk your Es,rell ... n· llonorah/11 1/oute of .dt"mbly. cy for the 1!1'1\l'i<•UM Spt.'t'Ch with '"hi.-11 1 am j:l'lltifled to ltoarn from tho Ad­J•lUr Excelll'n<·y baa been plo.ucd to opon dN'Sd whi.·h you h:n•o l.eon plo:uod to tbtt pr.s•:l•lt SoJ•iu I ,f t!u r. l :i:sltturu. r:r•cnt t.o llle, that you eoucur in tho

l.-,Vonccnrd with your F..tcellcnl·y \' lt' IVII whtrh I.h~TO then-in exprenod, in the \'icw that tho t·il't'umst:uwes un. l ~nd aro ~nxtous t~ aid my adriscra drr which wo wcot aro pcculi:ul.r. it ua· '" fur\hcrmg tho mtereata of this

. Tho "GU.dRDlAN" being t. fi rst. clau Eng)iab luaurnuco Cowpany, offers nll thoao ndro.uta~:~ most domnblo t~ iu­aurcrw, \'i%.: undoubted stability, fo.fdur· ablo tcrm11, and prompt aoltlcwout of clai m1 f<>r !0111.

pio·i•tUII, rotv: ••N•d so t•ot onl,Y by the Gol?ny. . r on•·lu•t<m nf, \TU tru~t. a 1:.11tt 11~ t>CIII'O 1 h••re aro few thm~ which tond betwt'()ll the two ~"''"t power• ~n lntr ly mnre to t'onfer ~ubapmtial and laating

. in ~un llid, anti hv tho 1';\l ifirntilln of 11 bl'u .. 61a •m any count", thkn fro· -~tnt! hctwl'l·n Grt>at Brit.tm on•l 11111 1 q•1rnt nr.d fnr iltt i11tel't'ouno \Tith oth· ~nitc• l Sbtl'd of A•u•·rir", r.&!.·'.lbt!'•l 1o 1 <'l'i'. l1heroforo N'~tlrd with extremo

l'ndur.: rh:.t hnr1n<1nv whh·h Rh .. uld ,.1 . 1 plt•.JPn~o the pt't18pect of aoeuriog, ere idt b.•tw ~" '' tw .. u tti., ~ ~ h ' ''in ~ " , . .,m. i l.•uc: dn"t·rt 11tcam cowmunication with rnuu o: i).!in nnd a,.,,"'""" 11\ ns,:lla~!' : but . t h<• . mother C:•lllntrv. I truet that thia nl<O '>y tho I'I·Co\•ery uf II i~ Unyal II i~h- : prOJ<'<'I · nt p~• .. nt pro,pectiTe, may noH tho l>rinct• of \V.< Ie~ from hi6 n·· : IIOI•n bo a renhty, !)nd that in thi•great CCitt 50\'l're i llne~:t-:10 ilhwH,, the 11~0 or P.ro~ru~ . tho c:ompan.ti\'lj iao)a. th rentrwd rt·~ulu or' which fi lled thu I 11on n·ha,•h now envelopes this countrr. bc11ru of Ller \fnj••sty'11 ~ubjed with 1 1011~ ."""" bo ebok <'n ofT', nnd that ,CYCr)' pro£ouncl 110rmw nnd nnxi~ty. Tho:ae, j f~trahty ~~~~". bo offcrrrl to tempt atran. togt·th~rwith the:r ..:rent t;mtift•·3t ion at , J:e~ tQ. v1•1t Newfoundland and OX· his conmll'•rcncc, ~a\·o unmi~tahblo 1 a~111o furo.o rcrources-.lJtricultural 11nd e\'itlca ... tl of their devotion and 11tt.lu:h- ! mu!cralL towt'rda tho de\>elopement of ment to tue Throne,o.nd which, we need , wharh you anoualiJ devote 10 liberal hnrJly aa~urc your Excclltm<'y,nro ~hnr- an amount . . I n ~b11, and in all otbor t·d in by Her :ll:aj~ty'a loynl pcuplo of 11 .nut~ters 'll'ht.rh w11l promolo tho pros· Ncwfonnland. ln thesu ..avera! inter. pr r11v"of thtil hland, and tho welfaro pMitiow• of :\ferry wehumhly and grntc. 1 an~ hlff,pu~e"' of ita people, be aa1und fully r.·co)!niel! tho hand uf Him who 1 of my mon be:utv eo.oporatioo. guide• the dc~tinit•ll of m11ion11. j STEL'HE~ J . HILL.

2- W c ngrcc Al~o with ·your Etcol- I , Go•·l'rnmPnt Houac, ~ . l<'ll l'.f ·~ c>.xprc...,.iunl' a:o tu thu propitinua I Newfoundland, 7th Ft•b,lS7!lJ t"hnrnr tcr fl f (lUr llll'nl afrni rs. Tho ::lt·al ---ant! l'oJ Ftehuri<·a of tho pn11t ycnr were I :\[r. Spcnkcr and tho Memborw or tho 010re thnn u•unllv lllll'<'eaaful o.nd wt'ru As~embly lheo returned to their Cham. £Uppll'm~ntt•d by· nuundnnt ~rops, o.f- bt'r, whon, tho membt-l'\1 being UDC()Yer. f6rd ia~: a bou11tcou" ~uprly of tho UCl'· ed, Mr. Speaker read Hia Bxcellency'a <'lli:lrie" ol li.tu to n .lllrJ::o proport ion of rel'!Y· . our populntton, \\'htle tho cnterpri:~o of .1 hen npon mohoo of Roo. tho Pre­o;~r ){ ert·hnnt~ lm.• r •• war · cd by tho ro· mtcr, the I lonsc adjourned to Friday utulteralh·o pri,·cs obtained for our pro· I next nl 2 o'd ock. " dm·•~ in for.·i.! ll wntC'tA. Your Bx. • cd l,•ncy'll te~timnn1• to tho S.:r:tllual HoLt.OW,\t's Ot~T.UEln' .f.N'D PILLB.-nd~·nn•·c.'nl'n.t mnde· ~i ~·~u r Exn •JI('n· Thu fi nl.'~t r!'mcdtua in tho world for c1· s nrn•·nlm the Colull\~11 t c differ· b~d le.:.r, oltl wouode, aol'ell and ulrorw. e'nt bto.<whl's of iu ~lal·•lc i du•t ric~ nnd I 1 •· d' '· "'ec n.~•·orumg. t <> trectiona f'ven tha imlJrOI'Cllll·nt. in the u 1\t<.' rial o.nd with them thr ru ts no wound b:\ leg

or u •·erous ~ore, owevcr obatinatl' or aot·ial ,·ondiuon uf th!\ p~~ pic ''""a"- 1 h ' ' qncut. <lit t lt i~ al-a to of p ••peril 5, is Inn!! 8tnnding, bnt will yield to their wry gratil) in;.:. W11 thnn lily .-.~('opt hrnlinwnd curnti•·e properties. Num­~ our Ex.:ellcnr) '11 <·ongratulnl~d ou ~·ra Oll'~"rHnn$ who hnd been pntientt tho :.:oo•l fnrtun11 Wliict!'b'na..bitbcrto at- tu IIOI't·rnl of t!1e lnrgo hoPpitala undcr t c11ded our Ll•g i~ lath·c lo.IJon~. tlw <'nrt• nf cmmcnt au~cona, without 3.-W~ thauk your Ex•·cllcnry fur rit ri\·in~ the ali):htcat benefit have boon

tho promi>O thnt :l copy of thu l'rc·nty thr>ro't'.!hly cured by HOLLOWAY'S si;.: ••cd :1t Wu•binglon 111 ,\l ily ln~t nuJ OlNT.'fl::~T AND PILLS. }-'or gran. of tlw currc~poudrnco bnu hy your Ex· d~alnr "wclhugs, tumoUI'l!, acurvy, and ~cHen··~· with the Imperial <?o~t·rume•.•t dt•Cn)JC~ of tho sktn thoro is no mt:di­tn rc:l crcnl'o thereto, ~bat! IJo hud due that can bo uaed with ao aalutllr bcforo u~ • . nnd we trust that tbu nn ••ffcct. ln fact, iu tho worst for./. rl' prc~~utnttonll wndo by your ~xcel- 1 of di~CAliC, ciPpendenl upon tho coudi. l .. ncy. 111 tb:~t. corrr•~on~co~o wtll ro· 1 tion of tho blood, these n1edicino1 usod •nlt 111 Pccurwt: .for th•.• Colony tho conjointly aro irroaiatiblo. ' f reu entry of ~CAl Ot! nnd other

Death. pro.Juch of the Seal into tho m11rkets of 1hc Uuitcd Stat eto. We :enrn with n• u•·h 81\t idfll~lion fro111 TOUr El ~<·llcurv th:~ t t.he !'Ourso pun<ucd lty your Em:it: , Ye~tcrday afternoon, tb!l 18th inat., lrtwy" Go,·t'rnuteut m re~p•·•· t to tho at. 2 o clock, aftrr a long Jllneaa borne proet-l'ulion of 'tho ::; .. 111 li~!lcry l.ult wtth exe10plnry patiouce.aud meekne ... op:ia~ by the U. $. ::i tt•ll tuer.l/o.~. ic./ o, a..:cd 3:1 Vl'ars. Mary Tbcreaa, · oldest in \\ llh'r" nlljnct•nt 10 t lu~ l'olun\· , h.L• •hul(h:er uf our reo~pect~d towuemao met 1h1: Rppru•·al of ll c>r :\I :~~P~ty·· .;,.c. Johu .F.:nncll, .E'q., Clerk of the P03ce: r .. ta~· of StAt I' f•>r the l'oJ,, ,.,. '• nn•l we Her luueral wdl tako placo'ou Thure­<'Un•:t:r m the hope •·xpr•·J"u! L1• v ur rby all crnnon nt 2 o'clock. Frie.nda and "Exl'rllt'llt·y tnnt . u.·h nlkuh· .:·~ a: n;ic;h: :t··quntn t:.nc .. ~ aro rc11pcctfully roque•· b., Ji ir.clytval,•Ciro n.·nt~·s ui t t. :. naturc, l tctl t >J &Ltcu d.

will in tuturebl.! a~o1dcd b\' tho r.•qui~itu . ~=====~~~~~~~~ pru•i•iou• uftho Wr.•hin~ ''" Tr~atl'. .. S hip ~-'\Ve nrc Mlietiedth11t 1 ho lar~e np· , ,

propriati"" 111ado t:\.dt :sclli>ion · rur tbu New s lw3d •t•ni,·<·, aud the addition:\lamount · ' vOtl'd for spet·ial local impro•·omeut•, PonT OP HA.'IlBOa GLI.CE. ban• betJn t·xpcndcd with due rego.rd to tho public exigencies 110d that tho 1 E."\TEJlED. pn.t11l and !0<-al roada ' throughout tho 1 25.-Releu~. Kehoe, St. Vinct.n~ mo-Col,.ny ht.re b~n conMider:ably io1prov- laaaea-.Punton & Muon. · ed Md extended. It atford.t ua gratifi- CI.Ea~D. cation to learn from ~uur Escellenc! Jan. 30.-'JWie&~~e, Cluno, Bxo r, fi1h tbilt 1it01 baTe bCNl cboaeo and arr:an· -PuntoJ: & Mnnn:-~emontl mado to proceed with the er- Belle, Heoncuy, Liabon, do-do. cction of tho Light Houaee prorided for Marian H.idley, Hartery, Barbadoee, J.o lut Senion, and that tho lmerial Go•- -Ridley & &111. , ornmeot propoao to ervct a ~team Fog Feb. 2.-Amelia, Taylor, do do-Pun-

... Whiatle a~ ('ape Race during the enau. tou & Muon. iOJt aumm€'r. Tho twt_abli•hment of 8.-Solario, McLeod, Pernambuco do au~ aida to our local and' foreign abip- -do. ' pit~~:t caunot. fail to prove of great ad­vantage to tho tradll of tho Colony.

6- \Vo are glad to learn tba' your llelll'y'a advi..-rs ban completed geoumta for the con'l'eyauco of

• between ~~~wr'ouodland aud

Joti!ts. THE FiftJ-Ei~tht AnniTeraary Meet•

ing of tho Conception Bay

'fbo urideo~od ho.vinJ:I' boon appoint. ed Agoutfor No\\'four.dlt.ud, ie proparcd to iaauo Policiea again•t lou by Fire.

JAY&S S. WlNTEil, s~. John'e.

ROBERT T. SQU~\REY, Bub-Agent, Harbor G~.

Fobrusr~ 7. ·

PUBt 10 .NOTICE. WHEREAS, a Rrquisition bas been

presented to the Stivcntliary Magiatrato at Bri~;us, from over one­fifth of tho Re~idtcred Electors of tho Electoral Difision of Port-dc-Grafe, ff'quit ing tbttt--a voto mav bo taken to determine M to whether 'two thirds Qf tho qunlificd :!lectors aro in fil\'Or of a Procbmatiou beiug ill8uod by His Ex­collont•y tho Governor, for tho prohibi­?oo of tho &'\lo of intoxicating hquors 1n tho abovo named Divi11ion, I, tho Governor, do therefore, under tho provi· eion of " 'fu& Tl::111'£JU~C£ ACT" <>f 1871, 8-i Vi~ .• Co.p. 7, St.>..:.!!, appoint Tu&snn, tho 20th d4y of Februo.ry next. enallin~:, for tho purpoao of t.o.king such l'oll in tho matter aioNll!aid, riz. : al



PORT.DE-GRA. VE, In too said Division, and 1 hereby re­quiro nil penon a roncerued to tako duo notice nnd ~O\'Crn themaol ve11 nccord iu~:l y.

By Hia Exeellcncy'a commlnd, JAMES f,. NOONAN,

Colonial Secretary. Secrotary'11 Offico, } St.John'~23rd Jnn.,l872. 3i.

PUBLIC NO"[I'OE. w~REAS, 11. Requisili.>n baa been

pn'aonted to the Stipendiary ?t!agi•trato at C11rboncar, from over on Go fifth of tho Registered ·Electors of tho Electoral Divfaion of Bay-de-Vords, re­quiring that & \·oto may bo taken to dotenoino as to whether two· tbird.t of the 3~~~cd Blectore are io ft.vor of a Proc tiou being iuuotl by Hia Ex­cellency tho Governor. for tho prohibi­tion or tho aale or intoxicating liquors in the above named Division, I; tho GnYoruor, do therefore, undor the f.ro· visions of "Tm: TJru:PEU."''CI! Acr,' or 1871, M V\e., (,ap. 7, Sec. 2, ap­point ToESJ)AT, tho 20th dt.y ofFobru. ary next, en.-sing, for tho purpoc10 of taking euch Poll in tho m11tter &foro. aaid, viz. : &t




In tho said Di'l'iaion, and I herobv ro· quiro all [!eraoae con·eeroed to take duo notice and govern Chemaclres accord. ingly. .

By Hie Excclloncy'a commaDd, JAYES L. NOO~AN. . ....

- Colonial Secretory:

Secretary'• 0~. · l St. John'•, 2ard Jan., 1872. J Si.


Lut of Litemed Horues, bfltlr. Wholesale arul Retail: in the District of Harbor Graa,pur. suaut to ilct 31st Vic. Cap. 5, Sec B.


n Buller, P:~tric:k

c C'allnno.n, Jo.me• Calll\bnn, Cntherio Clin, Alc1andcr Connell, l\[aurico Colbert, Philip

!I) /

Dooliug1 Catberinl Doolry, Bridge'

F Fitzgerald. John Fari'Cll, MArgaret l'oloy, Mary

Howlett, ~liza I


Wo.ter Strccl do. do. do. do.

do. do.

Deach. Water Street.



do. do.


K Keefe, Mary Kenefic, Patrick Keefe, Bridget LeMcrcbant Street

L Lynch, Thomas Lynch, Ann


Water Street. Ril·~r U~d.

araona, Ebenezer ~Vt atcr Street. s

Shea, n onnis Shea, John

y' Carboucar oad.

Van, .Edmund \\'

do.~ Bench.

Walah, Mark i C6un~o·s Beach. JOHN FENNELL,

Clerk of lhl$ Peace. Polico Office, Harbor Gro.ce, ~

29th January, 1872. J

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~ thnt tho lists of pcraous qualified to


Grand and Petty Jurors, within {he pre~Cribed limi~ of the Hnr­bor Groce l>iatrict , aro non· open in t ho Polico Offico in tho Court-Houso, for tho inspection of nil peM'ona inteN'ated; and ou Tossnu, tho 20th dny of FEDilV· ART noxt, ensuiul!, tho faia liata will be refis~-d ~y the Stipendiary Ma~istrntc, and after sneh ro\'i!ion, tho pPrsona D!lllled therein will bo compelled to serve aa euch Jurors for the period of Twol\'O Months from tbnt date.

(By Order,) JOHN ~'ENNELL, • Clerk of the P eace.

Police Offict>, Harbor Grace,~ 22ud Ja.nunry, 1872. 5 .

tor Jalt.


J!LL.'\.R[) lHtuTll'ERS,

A Few Excellent

SE!~A~ '~~~j~1~S, Fclb. 14.

"Ne1o Y Mr comu but once a year" " 4.rul uolm it comu it bring• good clteer."

THE SUBSCRDJERS . HAYO great plouuro in announcing

that according to tho abo•eproverb, it ia thdr intention, during ~be win.

tor monthe, to eoo tlTeryono aupplied with tho req ui~itee for the cold eeuou at really

unparallelled pric:e~~. They having on l.aoda a well •ell}cted uaort.

men' of

WI~TER GOODS, dceiro ttio patronage of CASH BUY.

ERS, who wil! in all caaea be uti&­fied with their efforti to pleaao

ahd their fabulous rcduc. 1 tioo.

Lbok out for Cheap Blanke~, FlannoU., Blanketing Wio~y• (allahade• and make.)

Maatle11, Cloak1, J~~.ekc~. Muff•, Bou, Cl&'ii'd• -r Crolllovora and. TarlOUI

W ooleo GOOde, . Linen•~ ealie!OOI

Towelinga and general • Drape.ry.

Boo-t• cbSl:l.oea India Rubber do

Oil Floor Clothe, C'arpclings Nova 8c:.ltia. ana we accept" ltb plea­auro your Excdle:ncy'a cou~rratulatioo• npon tho en en,1on of our co.uul 11e-am acrvit·o. We trust that your Elcclloncy'a mini1tera mlly be enabled to t~el'ur ere Jon~:, direct •team com­muuil-a un with tho mother eountry.

:Benevolent Irish S'ooi~ty Will bo held in tbe Soca:rr'a Rooxa on ::SATURDAY nos~ the 17th iuat., at 8 o'clock, p.m.

Paper Han~ inn .i

T HE UNDERsiGNED bega roepect. Mona' StrongBootafor winterwur fulltt1.1 iofomi~ia numorona frieiuta T -d' • d d . ...... ,... o. • . o.

6-l aftin•ct. u• uti,racliou to lo m fro '! ur Elt·ellency thl\t although tho B.·v a of the put year I aa fallen abort tbot of abe preceding one, yet ~t it exceeded tho etlimato by ~ lar~-te a IUJD a• £18,000. .

7-We thank your &~~for , tho &QUr&D~'e that the &C\'OUllta or1tho

PAAt yl'iar and tho ettimato for tbe pro. .ent year will be laid beloro ua, witho1U uneftP&f! delay, ~nd .. e ab.U make

(By OJ"lno,) JAM~ BOLGER,

B~ory. Harbor Grace, February H, 1872.

ALL Peraona hving elaim1 lft&inat the Be tate of .&be late W U.LI.u&

\Vunu, of Brigqa, Conception Bay, planter, deceu8d, are roq~ to i'urni•b the aame to tho Uderaiguc!. the .aid eatate being ~ut to be cloeed up. . .


1u St. Jo n'a and t o Oulportll., tht.t.thc Oil Suits, Cutlerr buain~ hithorto . conducted under the 4- Jcwclery fino of D. & J. D.Lill.D, at ~o. 217 Wfttcr -.L>e:D-

Street,u Grocerund Wine Merchant., GENERAL "GROCFRlES. wm. in futul't', be carried on by him on NEYL'E & GORDON. laia own a.eeoant, &l'Jd bo hopea bz con. tilluiog to .keep a atoek of · Harbor Graco, Doc. 271 1~71.

nBS! CLASS GOOl!S Fisheries I Telegraphic. 'Pbat thl p&tiOoage hRherto beatowed • u~a them wtn be mai11t.AineJ. Morcbt.nt1, 1mexpectedJ1 want~ng

Tbe ~ii•JlaO about to leAve JW as. s. H-.- C.. tbe &otch and 8 :El X N :El 8,

&stia!rmarketa, tq pafellue a Stock of can ord• by tel~h br ·# ·f.a. ..... .:a WfOTR aua DUTIL tililea

lor Jalt. BY

D~. GREEN, ..

CHEAP FOR CASH. 0ol'fet3, Sbawla

Glazed LiLingt Satin, l:!triyed Moleskin•

Bod Tick . Fawcy Ski:tinge

Brown Rolland Fanrv Ginl!h&Dla

Oil C!otba l:ra,·nttt


Braces Coloured and White I L.udkerc:bie£11

Collnrs, Neckties KiJ Glo\'es

Whilo and Blue Yarn Lamb's Wool

Boom P11per Hail Neodlca

Thrcnd Blacking Bruebea

Scrubbing do. Sou'wetl~r•

Ca!icor~, Shn~lntt• . Whit• •nd Fancy Flanntl · Winctfl. Cobourl(•. Alpacu

l'ancy l>tut Stuff• · Reppa, Scotrh Tarl•a•

Frrnch ~.lerin"' Fancy Cuun•trpanta, l'loga

Q uit a, Blankru, Scra~u ·tiwftn>kina

Bluc"•d r.anuo-nfall numL•ra C•nadian •nil Enirli•h fwulla and D~a .. lns

Frln~t••, 0 1mp1 Wooll•n ::iharll •nd D••wtra

Ouorn••)' frnck• Hooi•n •nd !.talbtrtrlre

Trunka lludy Ma<lt (;luthing

D<rlin Woo: 'Pina and Nrrdlea

Hats ~Caps (Latest Style.)


600 B•rrela Chnic~ FLOUil 100 TUBS PRDIE CANADIAN

BUTTER, , Bread, Peas,

2J Puncht~n• \IOLASSES 30 u .. a•• TOBAC• ·o 7~ do C OLOATF. SC'AP 40 du Ollll~l'\IALCAl\IJLI!S SJ Chtsll T Jo: \ 60 llouo Rr\I~I~S 20 \.:••k• Klo'IIOSE~E OIL

Sole a11d Upper Leather 141 Cnit• CORUAOE-••·ortrd eilea

OAKU)l And l'l rc :H NAIL8-aa•nrl•d •iz••

Sl'IRI r~ I URl'F.:-lTt;o.;F. J.I~:IRF.U OIL •nd l'.\lN fS

25 Doz. Pails, 511 Doz. Brooms - .um-

.\ lartrt llaorlmtnt of

Ear'th.en. 'VV' a1"e. DANIEL GREE..lll.

· If.


J. J, DEARIN, 87 'VV'a.'ter S t.


TRUSSES, BRU.·H-1~, co:uns, PATE~·r MEDlCl~E::!




A large Stock of

STATIONARY. Pray r B3oks, Albums


FANCY ARTICLES. Medicine Chests replenished ~t

short notice and on moderate terms.

1)rescriptions accul'lltd)l ~isptnsr.~. 8'0rdere from tho Outporta respect­

fully eolidted. January 17.


Fallows' CoD) pound Syrup or

HYPDPHOSPHITES. WPT10lt1', Digby Co., April '• 1871.

J .uua I. FELLow•, Eeq., DuaRia,- 1 hAvobt-euformanvyMn

a Tictimto HeortlJi.oRIOa.nd l'roetration of the t~yatom generally. H1ning tri"d ph,Vdici.1u1 . o£ ewiuenee .~th in Europe and A.wenra, and obtanung no relit~£. 1 waa at"lutinducod to try1ourSyrup, and aut hAppy ~ MY with beet rotulta. On uaing the Brat boLtlo my complait>t waa belkr, aud j)eforo tho fourth wu fini,hed. I waa completely cured.

Pleuo publiab for the bcnellt of others, and obbgo

Capt. MAURICE PBI'BBS. Sold by Aootboearioa. ·Price ll.SO

per buttlto, or 6 for 7.GO. On tbe eeip' of 17.60 tho proprietor will for­ward 6 t., MJ pan of No•• 8ootia or Now BrunsWick fNe. · •

JAMB I. FELLOWS. Obeomlat. SUobn,N. B.

........ ordert!d,=· • : . • COD ::SBINBS run frolq 8 to tt in.

W'atla wliicla to o~ .. a Geurat HBRRINQ dltt " ll to 2


S'IBt»HBN WBBLAN. • Brigua. Feb'J.l~1872. fi.

W. H . TROMPS()N, Aour J'Oa Ha~• Guoi

To be Let. ft.M, · 'ILolaJ.Ua'h--t, OA PLIN dlu.o " f to :a io. .,....., .-..rt~• . LA NOB B~ " - i ineb.

• the ~utred pruTmuo for the public llft'rice. We are with you Buellouey !(nUlled that the Colooylw been re­lit~Yt:d of ita loatiog debt. aod that ita Aaaorial pi'OIIfMiriCJ wiU admit or a .,.,,. tioa of &ia Beveo" beinJ devoted to tbtl pmoaueatimpro•ftDftlt c fdtecouh· t rJ. Ja 7our .RICellftcJ' • opini.lll tl at the aiatinttr dell* ~DOt be ~ ._,., wiMo ~pan4 yi&b &be &t-


TWO Ia die tU&iboi rat.e11oo- AYBBIC!AN NBTctTWINB Co. COfleclbJ :rct1'aoxncur ' .S ao-mW Slf'69, Botta.

~. Jma.~ _a~~---~·-~~M1~·~-------- The Oheapeet Lot of


(J ............. ,kea bJ 'JoaP Buen.­to~ == ........


lor Jalt.






Jilh.rd Brothers. C.nTAI--·lr'Ho MILLl9N8' STu. ----- - - --- -- - -NEW GOODS! A.mro.u. Rrvgn no.u .Flu

Pulltulol.ll ... .. ... ... .. .. ... £1Sb,ooo NEW GOODSII Cheap for Cash

JILLARD BROTHERS, HninJt rtcei••d. p•r "H~ctor."" C!llun­dra" •r.d "FI•Hwir ~r." frr.m Li,.•rv ·nl and prr "Alpho," •· Billow" and "Ftub," Crow llo•tc.n, 1hei1 Fall ~lock u (


Broad Clotho. UuYu• \VIItocy•, Pilnto

.lJnn kin•-black and fancy Tweeda-~co<ch •nd Dominion

W•nCfJr>-plain • nd rancy D1eat and Skirt 1\ht•ri•lr-ill &r••L nrieiJ

Uoaitr)', Fun, Clouda Doola :)b~a end Slippera-

KnRii•b ood Domloiun ltudy ~hde C'lotbu-lot•ll foahiona

Calico••· R~g1111••• Blanketing-o C•rpetin.:a-ia hemp, fell & wool

A ••ll·•tltCieQ Stock or


UARIJWARE and TOOI,')­or t• •rv d .. cription

P.n~tliah, Frtncb, Otrmln •nd Amenc•n WEL>Ul~O Rl:SOS •od


ELE CTRO-PL.dTE W.d.RES, Are prtpared 1o diopoar of lltt .. rn. •1 che

V t>ry Lowest c .,sh P1 ices ! 9'" Place of Bll!llncu-HiO Wnter

l:!tr·cet, llirbor Gmco-:>ign of tho GoLDE~ Lro:-r.


All aulf •rtra from coutth•, cnlt!a, hro .. chj. til, aothma, And irrrs:ufar oCii'ln n ( lhf' ht.,l ., .. urnr11h· r.curnmen•l~d to rub H .. n .. w.y'• •••r~h ln l( Ointm<r.l well o~•r tht tt.ro•l brto•l 11nd b.1elt " 1hs cue may r•qture. t•1re • day. In•• lid• m •)' cnnlid·nt h· r•h upnn lhl' bt!n•flciat tff•cta re•uh in~or frnin thio •raatm ... n•: th:• O anlm .. nt i• thr mo•t tru•t wnr•hv r•m•dy fur all intern1u ant! n.tt rn•l • ilrnti•' 1 uf the 1 hro•l.

Bad Legs, llad Breasts, Ulr.crs. A\)scesses, \Vounds and S(lres

of all ktnds . May be th"~r'lughly !!••led hy the applie• ·

tion or ,hh Ointmtul to the parla •lf...-lfd. •f­l tr 1ht)' han b-en duly fomenlf<l with ••rm Wal•r. Undrr chd action or lhla P"•· 11ful Omtm•nt, • idrd br the P1ll.,. th,. d~-1'"•·•1 "um .. uro of In• body will be quickly r,.no•t!rl: e•tn •crolulnuo olctra • nd full oor••· huwn•r utd or lll<tl<talo, con thua bt currd.

lu Gout, Rheumntism, and Neu­rnlgic Pains

This Oin lmtn• nrur fa il a lo riu relitf Ita ~tr'! 6ra1 •l'plieolton lc•atnt tt e iuft•· mation, •nil dinw,iahu O••th ~•al •nd pain Thi• aoothin~: Oint ment, by drpur~t in lf tne blood on ite route lo or from lh• afl'•cttd paru, promnlto hl'ahhv aclion. In •e•tr~ •nd chrohio ce•u lhe Pill• abould • I••Y• be l•ktn. •• their purlfJin& alttrn•the ~tHI r•· llor•ti•• qu •li1 ita place lbt whole m .. , nf aolida aad fluida inlo a wbolNome cocdl· tton.

l'be 'Mother's :Friend-Skin Dis­eases, h<lwever Desperate m 11y

l'ndica.lly Cured. Seatd hand•, Itch , blntcbeo on the akin,

ac1ofu loua aoru or lting'o nil, and •••ch like atr.c•inns, yie!d IO tht migt•IY IIOWPf or lhi· Bn• Oh•lm • nl, pro'fidtd h b• rubhtd •round t~t .fr•c••d t•rrtt two nr lhtu timra a day ...tt th· Pilla be taken •ccurdtog 10 1b• pr;nt· ~d dircclior.e, Dropsi~ul Swellings, Pnralysis

abd tit iff Joints. fohnT or th• wone cen• of the •bove dia ·

•Uet will ' irld In • e<~mparatin ly ah••rt timr 11 the Uin1m•Dt he di:i~ntl)' •PI'Il"d to tht> alf·c<td 11••11. nen wh•n Olhn -•o• h8'ft tailed. Whrt.~ur the 01alady h., . ., l>eta of lunjl a!IIIIO>ng thr O•nlm~nt ahuuU be •a· •l••cd by Uollnw•y'• purifrinl( l'il:• •hleh •CI upon lhe atomocb •od liter. JCUDr.Jinl( di­g•atinn uainu fa,finJr Into 1ha1 dlaordtotd •to••, •hich .b. pain. rcul:ur.•u. and frnr, aUonllinJ th~•~ ailnot.>ll 11 apl to pruducr, and wbtch much ntardo •tco,.cr)', aad anmrtimct neo mal111 oerbua ~ ahpltll

~·· '"· rills, 1-'istuTaa, and IntcrtJal 1n. flamma.tions.

Pertan• eflltettd with the" d"t""•lna compl•lnu will lind in IIlia wouderful Otn(• ment in•u.nl <D .. n• ofraU. t, and all e.n .,,. t'CI their owo our• wi1ho1U n pl•intnR lbtir u6rmhr to •nron•. Tbe l"itla, if in 1m• II do•"'• jlrull)' •ultl ~h• Oiutmtl\1, 11 thr)' purlf)o 'b' blood ud f4'1u'ate the alom.c:b. Bot/a lA• Oi•l•e,.l ts1Ul PiU1 IAOIIIJ b. .-;,. 1M Jo llo•iR.voo•plililth:

B•d Lraa ·Corn• (Soft) . Bad Hrnatl CoatnO\td •Dei BLUr Hural ,. • .lulnll Bunioae • . _ 'P(•tWIII · CtulbMial . ¥ •• 001&1 ' Ulepped H•n~ . Oland~ BweO..,.

LuaabaJO' ~ llbeuaatl• llu11 N!pptta lkakll tlo ... Thnltl

!lfsu.u. Bffun raox L1n · PJLEKJlllfl . . . .. .. .. . .... .. .. £110,000

A..~uu RxvJt.'CVE nou .bTu.-EST UPO~ b\' .uTJD) l'1J5DI, NJU.JU.X . . . . .. .. ........... . £42,000


Lo~DON-1 Moorgflte Stleet :\UERDEE~-3 King St.reet.

Ioenrnncea offocted on Propertr i11 '>Mr foundlnnd &t Cur rout & tea nt' Pl'\'t-i· um. .

Proepodut~e~-F?nna of Ap:;Jl:c:\tion for }t'iru auJ L I:J l.nlumJh:e and all <>tl•c.: Information ~n bo obb.inod al thu Office of

July 1, 1870.

A. 0 . llA.YW Aim. St. J obn'11,

Agent for NewfoundlanJ.

PHCENIX Life .Assurance Company.

Lombara Street & Gharing CrosJ LONDON.


tkustees anb ~irtctors : Sir J. l.ut.hnck. B•rt., ~1. WhhlnJt, E•q.

:\U' ~ 1-' .lU!.J. .Oal(uod H•nhur d (<q Oeci •nu~ Uurlur., E>q. K . U Hod~o K•q. Tru•r~ Buatoo. E•q. J ~:o. U. Mol!•n·P.· q. Hoo. J:vnts U~ niC 1Da'JI •min Sh .. Y.-q. Juhn Clull•ln, t-:•Q. W . fhomp•nu Po~ q. 0. 1!:. t;""P• . &q. II. H. Toulmin, I , q , J .. hn C J)"U i• . uq. C. £. Uood b~.r• . !-:...j. 0. A. Full•r. E•q. , . A. Ootd••n, E•q.

0 -o• ge W. Lon !I, E•q., Sccuto~ry. Juhn J. Broum6a•d, .il.ll~taJtl litcrtt<Try

The PllO\ti'TI run~ and LIBERALI'I Y wil!l which •II claims upon tbe

P l:l ill N I X 0 F F I C 1·:. hue bnn paid •re wtll kaown,1nd the cot • t inu~: increu i••g bu•ineu or \he Compoon~. uooo n~orly ttindy ~" iN uillc.«, •h"" rha h1gh po. niuu ill:uhh in pu'llta ntiw•· linn. ·

Annual and ahort time lnaaranOH arc t f· f•CI<d ~n a!n1oal P~rlf kind of proptt'i in ~~·fuundl.r.d on 1he onoat fuorahle ttl mt.

l~ul• • anfi t>.rliculart oflnaurtnce tuay l:. t ·,.d on appliu uon to

W. k G. RENDEJ. l., ST. J fllllo • • •

'- AgCJIU f or 1it:tDf01U4dlanrl, ur to W. G. WOOD, EsQ., Darrister·at-J,, .,.

l:baBOil Gtt.lC!

Ji~~ anb Wf.


--oF-LJf'ERP00L ~ LO'ND') .\'

l'APtTAL-£2,000,000 Stc rl i 11 ~.

' Fire Department.

T Rl ' lon • c,tablilhod &Ud well.ka ~n Comp:1ur, e~er celebrated. tbr·~~·

out tha worlJ, for prvmpt and I 1..\:ral aettlcmeut <>t' nll le~tiu tato IOMC; • .: n · tinuetl to elfect luaur:w.:e on ' ' cry description of property, both iu tuwn and cnuutrv at tho lowest and u !l teo mo11t fBroniblo tennL

Ite att>:!odily increasing buainet•. i• tto beat proof of ite great popult.r.ty, 1111

well u of tho unl)oundea c:oo6duu~'O ilt .. hic.b it ia held by tbesgonoral pulJli:

Life Deparlment.

IN '!!oint of 10enrity it ia believed thnt " Qor.a!f". Policies aro un.Urpu>< I.

arcful eclectio n of livea, &Dd 4.'t'llil ~'-ueut IA'rpo Bonuaea. . • ~WIIIC6I· ·Fim Cllllr.q_,tdmll ~la,lSJ

D.lN ·lk«od otllo • ~I.IIH\iG Policic• iaauod from thi• agency, ,,.it!:·

out nny reference to Homo Ofllcc. W. U. StullS, M.D., JlediC4l L .Jminu

J. HENRY TOBl~, Oe11eml 4gcntfor Nnifo•HdlJ ·!'·

Onlc£-2~7 ])u<.kworth t!treot,. ::i: . John'•, Nild. ·

A. T. DRYSDALF., Harbor Grace-. 1

Sub•AgeDt for Conooption & ! . Jun• T.

c. f I L.AN~i SURGEON DBliTisr, . .


-.--o--( Mosnn,' Jao 29.

B.s. Attorney Q,......_p..,.Jtill r .. r Ort:altiZllll!lll, n ••• ipllue, .tc' - or Oon~tnbullll'y Forte 10 tb .. lllland Tu •tnnd O\ll'r

Hon Attorney Ot'nl'ral-For Selert



The Houae met at 4t l' v , pUNuont to adjoummuot. • Cnmm•tii'O oo Re"Kd ~tatua. Tu

11tand O\'Or.

the W.wl~ Treaty lleeerred lpe-1 blame In all""'· tn .. or , ... fan but for .. JriacJD• of • I t 11'81'8 negloeted in him- betften tbll coantry and .... Noa Sc:otia ra,lattentiou We hacl lM!en told that tbt'y had O«Uoouall! to deal wath and tho Agent or-Newman & CO, at Boee eel£. :t'oJI' 4e. (bOA A. G.) dad uot Therefore at wu u~1 t._ h. tho c:oune taken b1 the tniniatry upon empolyf'd u1011 who tun1ed out to bo un. lJlauchcs Aa the ataiDel'• Wcleu wu, think tbaftbe condaet of t!lo Oovcnt •hould ilwcll upon the aUbJDCt, further lhe AlollfiOI'~ que11hon had met wtth truatworthy or d"b"net~t, and unul at not now upon thAt route, he ahould aa1 mert~roacbanacterto need thejutlll than rcUlark. that bevood &he ran or 1 ho •Pitrolal of tho ~tar! of Stllte lout thote damcult~ •ere daiiCOYercd, notbtnj: forth~ at preacnt than tba' 1t 6catiou o1 Hii ETcellency tho Gt~ver11or , a UYIIIJ: ot four to fho tbouooaod pound• But 1h1.1 re~u~ upon wbk:h thai <'PID· he pre.umed tbe1 clid no' ronaoader waa owing to berciA;fereifearnDjf8a:eq_q but af tt diil noi 10ent aucb .a eeruficllte, annually to thi. country, he •ould ~o­""' bad bt'enl:tYen wure not laid befnN' thcmaehe. N)lpO!llllble He had P.,anl llert'ftbin """'' pet'f'ect ~ aliOp' tor at would not hnYo rccenod tho IIJlflNI:t.l ~•dcr tt a vaat benefit to our c:ommt'r· the bou•e. nnd tboao rl'aaona tho hvu..e 1 can: um~tanco coune~ ted wath the ap thb accommodAhon or flret.claa. pA!I8D of one oeeup1iog 10 ~po111ablo IWd cle cu1t 111terc"t to Jua\'C ateam C'ommuot• a ou~ot 1hu ra~ht t, requare to have hut! pr.tprtnhon of a J.'fll!lt for makang a acre ln bran~tnlt 4lady pauonger on _VDtod a poaition aa H11 Excollcn(y Ifl taoo wub tho I..ower l'N)rtnC'Cll, aud ltefore It UJJOD euch qucthon•.,. tht~ rond at &lndom, wbtch had boon ro· boud lw (Mr E.) bad to conduct her tho government had uot performed watb 11uch a centr:tl port 11 Pi; tou The howt H!r, we C'Ould a'l form I'IUr opan· ID.tl'd to huo b1 a ~tcntiC'mAn who hrtd to tho luwer end of the cabm to aYoid tbetr dutie• bonos,ly, theN) wore t~oao ho11 and learned mt>mber hu refert.!d •On", nn•l he ( 11 r E) ohd nut ho.ott.ltl ~n do•nrou!l o' le11mua~: oil nbout tbl' annoynnco On one oecamon a penon who would JUdge tht>m by thetr 11rb If to loc111 lltcnm It mUIIt be N)JDember­to ASsert mn•t o:npbatically nod posa. nppropnouon of tbete rond ;:rnnts H e \lOU~ on bG.'lr.lm one harbor and became the publao moni011 wore not hont>atly ed. th."lt they "ero oulym tho lOitlstiro U H h '"' ' •out rt:fcrt~o~c to tlt& ~"r" hi\CI procqred a copy of tho Journals of autostcatcd to aucb a degree as to b&- appropnated. bui filched by theUl, thu of gN'nt reform• Tlieprc~~eut Govom­wrr ·of Stnto or llllf othPr nulhl'r tl\ thu Aucmblr a11 well na of tho rend net, como 4 lljltMnce t~ tho locahty. people would ao duo timo pl11co thom ment d1d oreryrbmg 10 I bear power for thM tho ndu11ttmg of tho Mo1111oello t" tutti fouml thnt n 11um ot ruone) b,ld bccu l::lon P.romaer-Why had not the •horo they should deserro to be, 1n tht• tho effirtont cnrrvang out of that acr• he tiu,J ou~ lor 'tho Pt'lll·fl@hl'r\ 1pprnpr~ated fur tho rood, but no rond hon gentleman mBde complamt to tho CQld ebade8 of oppo11t1on Ho (hoo A \tCC TbeT hue- IOt'urecl A eupcnor her pre•t'<'Uilnn of thd fi~bl'rr, th• 11:14 to bt> touud \\ben the gcntlrmou Go,or11meut on tho aubJOCt il 1 G l represented na wdopcudeota con- bo.1t tor tho Northem r 'Ute, a-nd they mngut,; 111 of her t'lll'l!O to ~t .John• , nmo to St .Joh1•'• hCl c11llt>d nt tho bon Mr Emerson Bbould have dono eo ehtutonoy as any 10 tho country, nnd h 1p0 to eccuro~ equally aa fine a ltf'Amer 111d l h<> tn3nufa, luran~ and- export Ill. nrH')Or Gt'm•rola oflil f' for tbc pur- hod not the 1Yalru• been removed af 1n duo ttmo Ito could not 1usu(y b18 for tho WCl'twonl whoso tnp ahAil 01•

pt thu ml tht' prn<ln• e of th11t cnrco po~r of tllllltUtlll,: requtncB N'ilpcctan::: beforo.bo hnd nn opportuDlty of dotbg conduct, hlS coo@tatucnte flOSSea8ed the tend to Sydnuy, C B And m aft'cchng '\\Cro 4 du"Cd vaol~ttaon of tho I m JS,. this pnrlt( ulnr nppropr1nhon Thcro h~ IW, nnd n \\ ell known gentfeman hnd power of cnshog htUlndrtft. A• to the tbcsP th11178 they wall h~t\'O 'll'ork~-d a

.tioo tho Prim lei' pvo noti,-e th11t on to.uovrrow bo would mo1o tbnt tl bo 11

1tand111>( order d•mng tho pre" nt Se' 11on. th•* the H ou~e. at tti rJ;ml!, be nd j •nmed uottl-! o d ttt k nest duy, unlel<l' otburwaiiC spO<'miiJ ordered

Mr Enwi'IIOn-ror Bill to amrn<l \t t fur Co~otrorortt'd Ell'l..'taou~, &e. To

.rtn11d O\l'r J\lr J::mi'Mion-For BtU to 1\Diencl

Cro11 n J.nnds Act. on II to prc~cnt dt> ~lruct aon of}'oret~l L:mJ•, &r To st:1nd lll<r":

C'3pt, Pnr110oa--'J'bnt on to-momm hi' \\ nuld Mk ICliH: tn mtrodutc a ll1ll for the 11bohtaoo of Roynlhc., Crown l~cnt ,., .~·

)lr Emer110n-Th11t on t<'·tnorrow lw '' uhl mo10 1111 arl•IN'll~ to R•" E • • 1llenc'l', tht• G.wornnr f.,r Clpy o£ Dtoputo hi'J fro111 tho :-\C'rret 1rY ol 'ta· tn rt ft'r( nrc tn U S "JJont•:at , ' a otl "'twn 11f :1h" Gml'rnmcnt tl11reon

l\Jr Rcnddl - Thnt br won'd on tn· morro\\ a•k tho Hun C'ololmul Socrctnry fur n t't'turn of t'Xpt•ntlaturo ol Lo~ul llontl Gr:~nt 111 C&t11hnn 1n l !-171

H un .Htom ev O~>nrrol-Th~t b1 would ou II• morrow n•k h nvo to Ill·

t raduce a Btll to amend Alt 33 \'tc, Cnp5

1 he hou~o then nd.oumt'd f tl' o'clo~k to- morro"

'VEP~~DAT,Jan 31, 18i2 Tho hou~o mrt nt 4 o clock

Cllltl :un l'al'll(.'ll! PN'~rntt>d 3 p ta tum f ~m 'Va!h:~m Kl'lh•v, of :St ,]uln ~ pra~•tuu to be nrpomti'J to tht' 111tuntmn Ol ttppcr Door K1111 er, N'IIU• rt d >&l'llllt bJ tho d!!een@c of tho b1c l'luhp Bco11u lu prc~rnun;: lb!' pdtlwn, lhe hon ):c.nllcmau etllted thllt the pr t111 11·

cr \\'ft<ltl fi"hcro1an, Rnalho nf the Coal ODJ'. nod htl\1n::: 11pcnt h111 hfl· 111 11 , llO\\ tn baa old a:.:o BOUJ:ht thl!i 111t ua11un flu P"liiiOII borq on It' face tht> ' hnrn' tt r of re!lp(l('tabiht\', btmt: oumrnou~lv ••t-rnod by Cler[:y, LcJ:t~lnlll'l' l 'outll ll lore. and other lel\dmc tnhabtt mtft of tho ('Ountry Ho (Capt P ) loukt d UpOn tho fi~llCrmen Of tho l.'flllll t rv II~ llllnng pr1or el1111nsut cnst'lt o£ tl1111 kmd to C'apt:uoe nod 01 bcl'i! "ho h"d bcHcr mcnn11 of 11upportmg thctD~I!h c~ After l )mo further ob~crrohon& m 6tl pport of the 1 etihon tho hon ROn I lemnn ~3\'e no:t.o t h~t on to •unrre1~ he woultl move pc'H•on"• d n: poautmcnt ns up per o<~nr krcper of I bat llou"o The }J~Illa011 'YIIll then nrNI tnOtlrtO, rl' C:.'111'd, re:td aud OIUcr\)0 10 h\l on I he uLJ<.> ORDEn OF Til" D\T

~r \ \-anton - All Cha1rm-;n of the C'o1· mttlco nf the Whole on tho A1l · Conm m co nppomtt d to prcp:1ro tho nd drcr.tO 1u reply to baa Excclleuc: 11

d reu 111 N'IJIJ to the "l'~h of 1J ·~ Ex Speech celll!ncv 1ho Go"t'rnoi," nl the oprmur. On moh••n of l'tfr Wanton, tlto ltnuN> of tho &~nnn, be~;_'Cd lcn,0 to pre,rnt rt'•olrl.'d ttso If mlo C'otumttte t> of llu tho report t•f tho Comonttee Wh < h \\'hnlo on the Acldr"'" an r. ply to fi t• report 'II III then upon ruollon rect'tvcd Excellency's spcech-Mr D:arneom the nnd rend 11 flrilt tame, to be rl'nd :1 sl'ron•l cha•r tame to morrn" , nod pnntrd 10 tho Upon the first flll~!!r:lph bran~ l'l'ncl mean taUic. Tho ,hou t;cntleman tht>n M r Emrnoo11 would not nllow tin• ga1o noflcc th4ron to morro" ho won II ntldreto~ lil pn~ "tthont mnktnc n fcw move the IIU1p<'n81un of 1he Rute11 oftho r• mnrk~ m n latann In tlu• :Speed• of Houao 111 rercrenco thereto llt6 Excellrm "·or r tttbc r of tho )hu •~

?tlr Emerson llR\'O nollco thnt on to t;y lt rcanmJ,,I hun ('[r E) of onr morro"!\ ho 'II'Ould mtroJuco a ball to of Profr,~nr 11 lloJiow11v'• puOin.: nd ami'nd tho net for tho tranl of Contr.>- ~erlt•c u>entM Thc~o o<unlly I'Ommen verted Etl't'hons, IWd to make othrr pro r«l ''II h n rt>f1 r~•nco to ~nmt\ I'UbJPCt nl \I~IOPI m heu thcre,.f ,\nt1 ol,o, th:tt ~:real or nh•orbml( llnJ.IOrtnnc•, nnd nf on to morrow be would mtroduco 11 ta111 tt'r the tntcn ' t uf tho n nd, r lt:~d bern to nmcnd tho Crown Larod11 t\ t t , nnd t" nron•cd upnn tho SUUJ•' t, he wntt mth prevent the ruttmg nnd dcstro1 mg ol er d•~PI'"'"ll J nt fiorlaug hun•olf r n tho forOI'ts of tba§ cuuntrv • trappul wtu r1 ndang the llll'rt' puffi n~t

Mr T1'lllliH pre~entcJ ; pltthon from uf a qmck mt'dh 1110 U JIOII t h1 Mille Thomu \\ nbh, 01 ~t lohn 11, J>r:lltll!: for ,,nnr1ph , t ho spcct h of lito 1111 a•lr\" thct~tunhnuoruppt>rdoor koc tJur 1nc:t llt \\Ill• h op1'11ft \\lth mn t1 r n1 bt•nrmt: II J-011 bv the dt~cnscot the Into Phthp Uro 11 11 •ub1• • Itt uf ' n~t nuri 11e•.:ht• tmporl luprcsrnttn!! lhepct•llonthchon ~~ ntl •n tb• mttdH~, lh au_h btet~h_hll l r~ ll cc m11n atntrtl thrtt he l11d kn1,,111 the P' lin.: 11:1 an t lu• Cni•HI\', <l\l•nrllctt llo\\ 11 bh?"fr formnnv , enr~~ tlt:tt h1 lmd, ~ r nt the ln•t ttl 111ero self ln11da\IIOII of ned <J11he busmt'!<:l o Lovp• r n111t thn t I I he •nu•t nnn•• :IIIII..' 1 hnra• tor Tlu tho cdotmts of the I'~' 1lon ,~<rl' per '' hnll' "Jli!Cc h ''"" 11 mn .. 11f mere Fclf­fcctly'rorrcct Tho bon g~at lc 111nn 111,., prn1•e thl' more off• n•tvo ,,J,t>n rnfltltrl presented n pettlhm frrtm flnhp p011 _ cred ns h~' •nt: I.Jocn prepf rcd bv hnn cr, nfSt J ohn's, on tho umc •ub;t(! mcmbt'l'i! thl•ua•thc• 1t , wa~ lurlh~r tn presoutang thae j>ctataon ho wnul•l ollJt<'t totnthle u• a lllli'Ccb <1f he UIIIIIM·

aJeo obaer\ C t h3t tt 1nd nop orlrd to tt trl' rrn10 t hu rurt I hIt II h 11! bl'ell tho ftl"llalnrcll <'f man\' oJd nnd tCIIjJCC l fr:lmi.'IJM llti1N !l! I Ord IIIlO \~ llh tJu oble t~hnbtlants ~~; .. Affid he 1\cll k. 11 pula. y of thl' pr<'.scnt Go' hopt'd tt n ould rcc CI\C! fron1Tho lton~r ~'""' r nl, '•z, th •t of ro111 ll\lmcnt The that cooaademuon to win~, 11 \Hid e 11t1t Go•crnm••nl 11 11~ht \I t'll lnku to them )I'd And nl~o , n pctu11a11 I ron J oh11 ~rhcu 1r1 Ill! tnr lh!' nrt of cont c~l111; Condon on tho eame MubJCt't fnr npon 1'111101111111:: thl'lr ~pt>c ch 11

All 1\h1clt potthonA \\Cro rctc11cd wouJJ b(' fouud l ha t 1t r onthlltl.'d no-rend, nnd ordered to Ito nn tho ln hl•• thtn:.: \\httCicr f1 0111 whtch could br

Mr Pursona gti\'C notu o thnt on 10 ~Jthcrc d tho ~hght .. ,t lndacntton of morrow he would moro that i\lr Puul tho pnhr) of the G"'ernult>nt upo•1 Heonet~~~y boappoaotcd upper doorkeep any qu.~llon or nnv pro.;mmme ,,f eroftha~Houao thclr 111ttnded a• I• tn the tuturo Th1

Mr Wanton gnvo notice thnt on to tcrmanntmn of tho t:rl'at con8ttt bel\\ ern morrow be would tn0\ 0 th11t Captnm Frn11cc nnd Pru~<.~~tt, '' ~~~ n umttcr upon Thomu Duff be appomtcd :u upper door "'mh nil ''rro \\ ell 10rormcd, nnd upon kceperoftbas Houao 11lnch no aet'On•l opamon cr•~ted nnd

Tho lion Surreyor Gt'nrml ~~\'e no- Lhc ro11grntulullllnA cxprC3!!Cd 10 tbr taco that oo to morrow he \\oulrl brang ~pct>ch mu~t be rudor11ed h\' t' \ Cr\ bod1 ao n ball to llmt'od the St J ohn d re Tho ~cnllmcnLI of j;:l'llll(.rlllton at thr butldan~act reco•• r\ nf lla.t Ro1ol lf•,:bnl'~~ t l11

1bo Hou Attornod General J!ll"<' 00• Pru1ce of Wn L'3 \\ore su~ h u wrro but ttco tbnt on to morrow he would brml! a re e~bo of tha t'rprt>~RtunM of the roel tn a b1ll for tho or,l!nmutlton daPl 1phnt> 1111::~. of e\Ct) lnyal nnd patno•tc heart &c ' of n ec'l~tllbulnry Fore~ Ill tlll8 ls throughuut tho countrr Thl' l'TJII lo.nd A11d also, thnt on to morrow he nnd compo,.ttlon of tho .\rldrCI's m ro· would move for tho appoantmcn t of n ph to the ~j>ecth wrrc ~ucb ua mtght SelectCommattco on rt''t~cd ~t:~tutea be cxpcctecllroul 11 s , hool bo; clovur

The Hon Attocnry Gcnernl bt>g,.rd nl et~•:cy wrttm.;-clnborntt> pcrtoJa arul lc.ne tO present the report of C;;11- b1{:h ~OIIlld i iiJ; rcdundara ll'S were 1!8 mtsatonen on Conl'ohdntcd Stntutea prommont fe:atu i'Cll As to tho COIIJ:r:l · nnu also to movo thrtt they bo prmtcd' tnlottoua upon tho prospllraty of the Molton came<! _!: try lllld of tho r' ople, e\cry tone

'Ihe House thcnad;ouroed hll4 p :u must be gl11d th3t tho facta nro tl.:l ttu · to-morrow. ted, omltt " llS to be hoped thot such

TultsD.LT, J anuary,80 11 ~t.."lte of nffatr. ma;.:ht lon;r conhuue The Ho11110 met at4 o'clock purauaot rhcro ~'•• one sentence of tho 11ddrcF•

to adJournmoi)t' ' now bc(oro thu bou~e "ltll h waa wo1<1 OADD OP TID: D.LT. 3111UI1Dg. It "oa tb1s ' ' \\'e tb:~nkfuJ

lv 11crrpt your Ex~ollonry'e conl!mtu-2nd ~aclittg ofthe .Addre .. in reply lnlauos on tho ftOOd fMtuo~cb hBI'

to the Speech of Hi• Excclloocy the lutherto atwnd• d our LegtKlat1ve '"· Go'fll1'Dor, boura.." Tin~ ~u, uf C JUMIO aotendcd

Oo motion of Mr. Winton, tlte Ad .ouly to deccl\'c tho pubhr, and to mnkt areaenal'e;id a liecond ume. to bo re- It tppl':lr that 10 tho lnn!!UIII(O Ul'ed br

.. forred to a comm1tte0 of tbe Whole on bts Eret>llt-ncy 1n ha• Spcl'l n, ho w11~ .. -11\otroW. cxprCI!.!Uij.t h111 011 n approv I of thrar

Hou. the 'Prem ~ -For an Ad tin.., " tnlouttertlll pola~y and <onduct, and glV to her Ma.)flty on th11 RllC'oferv of 1111: tbem, .. st \fOri', thta coru&c .. te of Baa Bo~ Higbnea the Pnnce of l{ood tharMter It Will well kno•n, Walel. ho"'o' or, that tn effl'C t, thu l"naullj.tc

Boo. the Premier mond, aeconded of the ~pet-<h only Amouuteu to tlu by Hr ~fUr, 'that the A.ddrcaa be hop. .P~mtt'r and h1~ IIAIIOCtKtee wnttn~ adopted. IJid It WU adopted ac~rd th11 ti',IIDlOIIIAIIII tboJ.r OWO fii\OUr inttlT• A.litUintllg for ai'$:UD1CIIfil lakfl th111

On mobon, ,1£ wu o er6cl w 'l>i <'U- thG longoo~o used bv lha Es. ciJenl')' ~ aacl pe_pt to !Hil ~Escel~c\ wa11 Ins r11m, what 'll'ero ate mc.,mng tlae GoYernO'k to betran&autietf tJ th'e anJ ell'e1-t ., Wh.r ~tbnukl ho eon~ratn Seereta.!t.,.2LP~~ f~ fheJ:.oiOaiea ·cor late hts mi01ster• i' Where 'll'llll tb,. prMeDtation to uer lbJe•ty uect-ltlHt.Y or n:>IIJIOn for It P lt onl) H~u. UrTeTnr•• Generai-For tP· "hta•ecl bnw, 111 the bhndneu of t hear

poiD • of Committee on Conbo- own ront"at, lae mma~try fiu ll-d to do-ace~ . ~ttiftg, Pubh•hiog, and teet the aanum lurlunlt beneath the Pnn • ..,..A. • r. -.J • ~ word11 Uk'd by Ha11 Elcfllleu''J'· Whnt

Owl ftlf· J'CipoeN for adopttt n, waa the ~ood forUI.ne, what w«e thr taitea ,lib-~ took ada ol'ment W~lncb '0 Ue4 forth the on thle Jo~e·ot't.W-Hooae, l'OIIJ:fll&ulattona o{ Hta B~trelteney r t.lae Boa. -a.; PnaD.r. lfr.,W"mt~d _Tho firat a1..-t of uuportuuee ttL tllo lai~~o c...t. ~=~ . 'M•Gol'8~at .lid,. tory of the ~-ft't('llt GMerameat wu

' ..i Killin.. and '£mcNtln of 1be t.loclllt'ltiou ot tile loumala o( the -.... the ~den; lidO ' pliaCMt: after H01~. darin.: thear Jut MMion. aod

tbe _,.. ._,. appointed. 'YII :- the nod wu a brutal .att.&t-lt dpo,o ~ ~ .. 't~ aod the bon. be penon o( ooe or tthe old~ mem. ....... il/li-~1. Qa_pt. "Par- OA th11 11ide or the Hou-. TbMe 11011&. 'M · a uil tho HOa. were the matter&\ which mu.t h&na Bpetk r, - f#.;... been the ••bjee& of .HII ·~·

..__ 8 ..,_ iro.oieal c.oaeawt 'tMaa WIMilter •· ---:-r . ~ill tWawas.• ......

.;3~;;;:.:- , .... 'Wil .. ~.., ••• .....,. &IDe pu~h 11 .De. ...... or... ..... • ........, ...... . tt.e anfft'i; ...P•

.... Jt \8 I 'J'ben W&lliO lle •

.. lf.a.Qdation.

wul•l thu GuH!rllllll'lltlll'i fort:~ ot 1b1 tr learned th:1t the otoneJ hnd not onl'" J.:ll en ham permt~aton to m11ke uao o£ pi'Oieut Qo, crnment, all at pro;;rCSIIcd at gre3t rOt"Olullon upon tho paet an this r~n~un f•JP 11nt mh rf"a1ng \\ 11h the .lf n. been t:rnn!t'd, but thnt at h:td nctunll\' Ius name af n~-ceail:lrv So much for tho ncqmred 11tnb1ht~ ,:md waa o\"cry dny ac- dep."lrtmcut of tho pubhc ternce, ro­IC 1/o, l h t 1hu motttr 111\0IH•d tbc qucs bren cspcurled :\. copy of tho rctum of mannea Ill wh1ch 1t 1tnd hoeD cnrraod qum11g more of tho coolhtcuco of tho sulttog 111 untold bcncBtil to ,he conn­'" 1 of 1real\ r1.:hta bct\\erll tho ha~h tho Ch11mucu oflbo Boon! \\IIR placed a.< out b1 the Wo{,.,, Now tho Anlll WIIB country Those hou mombcrsronncct trj As tG tho comphunt of tho bon ontra• hn~: r• wer" bu~ to b•~ (~lr t:: ~) h~t~ hnurla. l'pon I11K return he npphcrl 011 thu ronlt',nod althl'lugh much nbeus ed w1th tho Go1eroment \\bO hnd to mhl loarned m3m!>o~r nbout tho atcomar

0111111011 the true reuou ""~ th11t tho en to thl' Chamncn for anformnhon Ill! to ed she \\.>uiJ, uo doubt, c11rry out her fl'O to thCir coustatuoucaet for rc-clccL- rFal!u• bt> 1 ~ mu tnken nt I~Aet m uno tt'rpraac wu cnrrted on bj ogcnte 111 how the!*nnof!v h:~d been opphcd ' On trrnn;::cmc11ta moro llltaofactoraly ITc 100, h3d been rcturnmg mlhout oppos· pnrtl~ ulnr rsho w113 not out of tho~ Go\'­tlu~ C'ouutry \lho wcro a~ ll\ 0 wuvpor thl.l rond or co'ur~~ " • \\'oil, but wb:~t " ould mc.ke nuotbor fipccafic ch3rgc, ttiou Aod 10 Trimi.J 13ay, n \ Oiuntecr eromonl acr\lcl.' 111 Septombt-r, abe waa t\!ra of tho preAcnt GoH•rumeut llu• rond " \ l11 , th:~t ono, to be l!urr ,· I' bach nn•, t!Mt a morcnntalo gcullemnn cnwo forwnrd 10 8upport of tho Go• ern rct:unCd unttl Ottobcr, and 1 e conaadar­•ho UN('a~111ea of tho rude, nnJ t l11 a>Omtan;: 111 ri ttnrtaculnr dtrt't'lh>ll "Dut nt J,:ll'o•lc hnd Ins IIBII:o.l corrcsponcleocc meut, o.nd 'II all tnumph:tnU\' returned ed at notbt11g ICM thnn n great derohc­rt.:hts of 1bo tountrr so ltrgPiv 111\ol\'cd th"ro s no road there :1t nil " Tho rc for fnll bUJtphCII "rtllcn, and tho JYult us mtbont oppoaatlon '}'hear m nks an- tton of duty 00 ht:t pllrt llll 11 reJorell(!n. II tlna matll'r, det;anndcJ that tiCIIOll ~ult on ••• t'IICJIIInt'zl Phutt J tho anfor nftrr ICil\111{; Rose Blnncho at dC\CU llt\!ad oi bc.mg llnnncd by dcdorhon, l tti\C nut to hMOt t'llri!aeOII'd tho mot-upon I he m11ttcr •hould be tnJ.rn by . 111 lll:lhrtn 1h:1t tho Ch urman h:~J fir•t tn n'r lurk of t1 clear find dny. pan ed \lith ,, ere alrcngtncocd J.,~ 111crc:u!O of num ter 10 tho Got"ernmru t \\'1tb N)prd ~ GoH•ruuwn• 1111d tt " II" m' t tnl.en ]I kt>n lm 10 per ' cnt ofl tho nmom: t, cut ns much na c3lhn~ for thoso com bera, and nol\vathatnu<!mg nil that hnd to tho eptdenllc 8mnll-pox, whk!h baa .... \\nuld no douht, bo conltndcd, lh:1t tfll l'td hn.l thr n npprttprmled tho b.tlnucc IIIU il ll :ll lull~ upon \\Inch eo mueh de been mud, there 1vcre no b11kcran,~:e or mndo&urh gr•nt rl\\ll~('•lliOihcr couu.. m:ltltr d1J not 10me \\athm the npcr:1 h~ d11aJm~ at l>ct\\ t'Cn haa::,elf nnd t1H.' pend~d "'"h rdcronco to tho Gcolo SJmllloms of duumuu nmong~t them tncs, through tho bonagn mterfcr('nce o£ uon of the treaty of S lS nud of the ••ther munbcr• of the 11card 1-ioll ho [!ten! l:inn or, ho Plr E) fell ua:~rcd Iu1 tc1 d of mLnt'preRt>ntmg thcopt. aon• Pro\ldr m<>, nnd through tho ACtive 'l:t· lmpertnl n1 t bn•cd upun tt, II-'! the Inn- ( \I r L ) r~..:~rJrd 1h •t ns 11 pretty f:ur tl at 1t " ould be cxcccdmgly gmtaf) ang of tho people of the conut1), tl11 y \l l'rc tln11cc of tho GMernmcnt, tht>v hnte ~:un~e of tho tn;nty, \\ lm II ~pphcd to dlu~t ratto l of tho m:utner tu wind• tlH to <'>l'rJ hon member of thnt boueo tho truo ropi'O.'Ieotah\CR nf tho peoplo been 11pnred f r'>m l h:~t dare chi!O:lAIO "fi•h" mtght not be htld to utr lu•l< ro:t•l•tr\1\e h~d bcl'n c!lrru:J out Thu to fin,J that.1t ' \\M eo npprcca11tccl bv nud tho pohcyof tho l)olornutent , ~~ ~ rho Go1crnanunt (Xpcct 110 fn1nur •• 'rnl~," or the rt>:tl fi~hrry But t'\ Cn ~ubwct of llnrbur L•.:ht~ &~ , \\11' t he the Oorcrnmcnt, aod bo felt lhnt under ect forth m tho Spec~h from tho tl1ronc from tho uppo•tlaon of tho 111y It 11 11 that 'ae11 nf the mnttcr \\l.'ro RCli'Jil next 1op1r, thcse la \.;ht~. we WC!rc 11form the nl.lc Bllpcn t•IOU of Mr l'tlurro\', tt anl tho atntemcol! thel'l'm routamrd, thcar :hltJ to pro1o 01ery Ouvenunont ed ns rorrcd, the• Colony h3d 6tall t ltt , d ln11l sc •~1"11 ~~ ere to bo crt'dt'd w ath 1\ oniJ tend t.> tho pcrmanout advantt.ge 1vero mcrelv the rcftcx ol tho op1mon~ m3 ue1, to holol theu1 up to tho lt~bt ra.:ht aud the• po11er In tnkl' I he ~U hJeCt IJI ut dcln~ ThcJ "ero not crcdcJ ~ et , or tho Cclonv lion ~entlemcu op • of tho people llo \\'Ould p:~•~ 01 cr the t1nd 1f I hey ~ 111 uot bear m•p!!Cilon, to hnnrlnnd ' "deal \\at lilt Undl r our Joe~ I hut llll J \\1 rt ~t·ll prom••cd Jl, fiOMIIe, \\he:~ 10 orpo•ttiOU \\'1\8 pro- hon. and lenrllCU gont lcmll11 fJ romnrke conJemn them A. I! Iron. Oll(l\UII IOD Go1ermncnt, un•l C~<pe< tnll\' upnn tin hehc ~cd he l'ullm l ~l1111d La~ht \\R8 th,• pnred to t;tvo ful crodat to C\cry And grol! lnud:~ttou on tho pnrt of tbc -nn honcet oppCMallon, jtUnfi~:a thl' l!rnut of 11 Loc:nl Lcca~ lnturc, the m:ht oul9 one ah:~ t h:~d rr1 e11 erl ~"" Rltt>nlton lhtnE; hkelv to ndr11nco the futuro mcu,bca'>! ol tho GoH·rnmcnt (l\lhllcnl ntmo•phcre nnd l.lllbfil'l lbo nn po\\er were co1 o r~:rN'd upon IP, olorl l •o i1r the~~~~ folr thnt Lt~ht h:\d been antcresl~ ol the country Tho pro- nd ho would como to tho c1ucshon ol puohe tlut tltctr mtere .. ts nro JlWU'.il..-d remnm to us eull 1•1\aol1bll' of rr,:ul 1• t •let. rmmt>ol he bd ae11d bu t not \\llh 'enllun o£ tho mtroduc1toa1 of em:>Jl the .Jlollltcello caeo Xoll', Ill! to the nud obht;el' tho Go1 .. rnount 1,, le mor~ till!: nnd c ont rnlhnt: uur fi•hc"'" qur• I out n c onst It roll It> c:t •enJ t~orc lnr' h, r~c pox '' ~~~ nlso n Ullltlcr of much gmll6 les;nl qucatton " holhcr or not at •~ n galnnt The bon and le:1rood muwber tons, lie(~ 1~ ) \IM ~u~prlml tin t I :111<l nlr llo ( \lr F, ) con•u.l~rcd the • nttontn tho l'Ountr~ ln rcferenco to ngbt nod conautulto11nl for th3t vcMel hu~ ccrtaanly ~un6'lcol han:tolt 10 a mott ''" hnn ~urvcrur Gcncroltnlns ~ru h Lt,.;hlil ror Uur_l'o and L aPotlc n11~ thr '"' ohsunntion of tho hou Sur\e)' or to come dol'ln to Newfoundl11nrl for thr consi11Uilonaltn3nucr !ot tho •uh;ett aho.:oth• r evadt>d tlno qu, ~taon :~nrl 1 1 111 I h••t lq,'lllmnlth cnlllled to the conPad Gcnt rnl, of ID.st cvorung, to tho effect purpoao offitttn~t out for nnd pro•cru waller of l ht oddrcu 1\nd tho remarka mmo aurpn•cu I hilt, ns n profe•~1d ll".tlaon t f thu Gorernmr 11t Tho Oo1- thr~t the hon nud lc."lrned member for ttng the 11011! fil!hery, be hnd gtfcn h1~ 110 tho epee, h from. I he lhmn\l ~~ hH h fraf'n•l of tho reoplo of aho country he , rnuwnt hnd n.: rred 10 CliO In• da~tmt lJurm, Mr Cnrtcr, h11d been tho ID· legal optoaon, nud by that opmwn ht> ~pecch h11:1 rt'Cun~rl tho ondor..ataon of •hnulol rxpre~<• ns hts O(liiiiOII thnt th•' t1•w h.:ht~,and tf tht>\ '' ould nnh fu ll.! trod mer of n Lallanto thn~ hou110 dur \Us now bound Att 10 the P"Jpnct ~ vi the rllprcs• ntnu1 0 ol l:ior l\liiJt'~IJ It Jlonl•cello ' trap to tho 11<·31 fi•horl" 11 :~s a 1 h .. tr pro111ueo~ ot onct>, he (M r E ) "'!: n former acssaon, for tho propn~n- 10tcrfonng waUl tho H as..l liM tho hon. mu4t bo th~r, t•1r,• 11 .:rl'ltL 1 11~fm uon 10 pub'tc bcn~fit Our fi •hl'r r:: cn, l\lr "•Juld bl' da11po~·d to be Kome\\ h 11 lent· lion of"' •ters on the cout of thas CAll- guutlemJln opr.ostto "1\ ero des1rou11 tho the people to hnd thnt tho ncuon u{ tho Lhntrmnn should n so nnd cxcl:t11n •nt 10 them Jlc prettumccl ho•H •"r """· l•o (:}lr E) 'l'iOUid obscr1o that Go\ernmoutsboulddo they \\oul•l&hl•l\ GuH r 111ueut hM m"t the nppr>ll.ll of •:.: uu•L tta811Utulrarh un e>f 1hc r n~h •~ I d11t 1he~o ampnn:~ nt utnllcr • \\null br 1hc :~••crtto>n<.of tho bon gentleman wns tbomselvcs cncmacs to tltcar 01111 m. 110 lngh nn nulhoatly 1 ~ tL be~ nu~r a fc11 of our hehl rmr n n ·1 held back unul tlu an pro h h of tlu; ll!''t l 1 r·oneon•, tho ball h:t.\aog bet<u tntro- tcrests nod cnomiC8 to tho l auprranl Mr ~endcll 11 •~hcd to msko f w

1 , 11 c•l omplu) mont, thM 1c~•cl ,h~ui,J .:• nero I \ It l t1011, "loh It \\ n~ nuw no I fu r due cd b) tho bon n1cmbcr fur tho St Government .An•l 1r the pro•cnl G01- ll 0

1Jo prrmlltcd In tl'liiO dv'"' ho' rc, nnd I oO \\'uh rctn'\ln,o 10 the Xu1n ::;,olin Johns .Enst , Mr P3rsone Such a crnment dad notmtcrf.,ro m · has par brtcf obilf.'tllllhtn~ t.pon l bc eubJC• L fi t out fur tho 11 ~ 111 rJ nL Brt.:n" or I \1311 :-iCr\H c 11 ~~Ill< under31oool thnt th. mcn~u ro llnacredttnblcto3nyhon mom. h culnr 108tnnct>, tlnn " "ro onh nctan.: m 1tiCI'il or the A lt.rc~,i Ad rc.;nr.la p.,rt ,fe Gr:"~ n~od her rar~.:o ts rC('l'l" d , onl r:H t \Hth 1 he l nman L111o hn\ tng ber of th:1t hou•e, nud af •t h3d not been aa other GoH•rnu1cuta " ho P~'~'" dc.t l 111:1 lj of thu p.1r:qr .1p'1:~ 1111 \f.U pr<.!p.&r· f rce ol •lu1 r 111 I he U uated ::ita to• nt tlu , ~ptrl'd nn nr•nn~~ n•rnl hnd been mnd1 n1Lroduced, bo (Mr :E) 11hould h:~rc them h11d do 10 D JoJ not 01 Clrr oae know ctl to cndo~ C\Cr) than:.: thl'j ~ont:n u. C'xpcn•e of 1bo l"•'" fJcn~v of tin• conn 11 tth th11 Gulf P.orl.g Company for the dono at htmeelf ' Vatb reference to tho tb:~~ eomo few yen !'I' :u .. o tho ~1w1 o H~ t'U He " us proud thnt thu &r~ nt tn ? Is thnt n ~ubjcrt for con:;rntu cunllnnll•ton of thnt PCrvtcc Jlo chd " ood:1 and foreatl!, ot n futuro I uno he eel fitted C'Ut for 1 he hrrr111.: fi~l" rr nt ~auso of complnmt bohl dC'II tho tw 0 l &uon 011 I he p11rt ~of tho hon Ueer11• r not 1hnak 1lwr1 nns 311\ occnsaon for 11 ould g1ro cxpre&saon to has opamooe Fortune Bay, tu t ins Islaucl th:1t nftcr t

1 • E

1 d d :\.

Gcncntl :J " rc '' 111t 111'1110 of the~c c.tmpl~a •t tho.t l'ulou \\ns to bo the on the &nbJcd , h6 I'IM not nwnro what prosccutang her \ O\'IIj.!O sho took hor l.:rc:l coun riCd 01 11~ •111 nn lllllrt·

,\ m, ru no Ptenmer11 here nt nil, 1 nit ula fut ure trrmmn~ anstcntl of Ual•fax If the; opuuons of that house" ere untal he berrmj;ll to tho United St..'ltcs of \ mrr en had bocu a mit nbly ~ell led, nnJ 1 hnt. 1cd nt~lbt•y nro to 1wnmp tho 11 hole 1om h.: ,, ero tl t ro~cller, ho ~~ uuld, pc rhnp~ hr~d tntroduccd h1s Ball m reference lc:L und sold them there \V ns t ht> now nil ob•ttu )(.,. bcutg remoH•d, nnJ •n,..rrllll trn•lt of the ronntry, anJ brnt): pref, r the rou1o by Ptctou, prn\ldrd thi'rcto H e cortaanly would sny, thnt queehoo then n•ootcd :18 to tho pro I.Jetn!! unat1..'ll onewtth the other, 11 pow­u• to utll'r ruan h wn" tdlc 111 ~uppo•• tho bontd \\ Oro of aubstnnu 1l ch:lroder ho \\ Ill! oppo1oo to tho mdascnmmnto prae'y of such n procrcd•n,. ? Certnm erful tmpclus \HII bo ~1\'l'n t•• thu tmJo 1h:1t tho Gowrnment \VI.'re not prrfc~th t11ulau nil re•peds au11nble He could deitruchon of the wood~ ami forests of ly not E1cryth1111! Wt\.8 Jugnl nnd ~on b\' thc•c countrtcs Wttb 1\:j.,'Rrd to tho on nro otthe1r dutv 111 t h .. mntter Th" note<'" thnt thuro \\:Ill much e>ccn~aon tlus country R1ch ne tlus country un· statultonnl t ht>n lho hon nnd lcnrncd r;srv 0~ Jh., 'lro~nl ll •.:hut'l~ l ito ' \lontttcllu,' he plr E) hchc, ed, haJ lor~ '"' ' t'll lltlallon nl the fnct th:~t tho doubtcdlv t•, ln mancml resources, fbh- mombt>r anbmate~ thrtt tltrr tho Go1 1 rill~ of \If niCl', tht) ou~tht 1•> l'~p-c;~~ he, n hen.• t111cc D rc nd \', 311d at \\ .,8 ex- ro• cuu; " n" MUIO £ l ' ,000 an CII'I 8~ crtes &o ·, htll tmpreuaon WM, thrtt tf 10 ornmcnt \\as q111ol on tho l~•t vccC\S1nu lht!lr lh lllks t o Oavane Pro, adcnce t 111L pcct<'d 1l1:1 t ~lw '' ould he h1 rc ncotn tluo oll tlu .-~lunate Tho Go\ 1.'"111110ut. h:1d tho futuro rutile were to be erected ID bOC:luso ' one ol tho eupportcra of tho 8 hfe 110 prt'caous had been hrtserv('(j \ cnr And1f rhc 14 peru111trd aot111nc, wh1 bl<'l told •o tune aftor t1 mo, nnd not the ctlu11trv, that 10 20 lcara 1f such Government p:~rrr \I' :IS tho CO!)SI"D••e If he, hko hid h.monred Fat er, hnd •hould uu~otht>r3 'omr ht>ro too, dt>~troy "uh~tomhnc 1 hctr prote•l3~tons 3;;nm>~t dcstrucllon 1\"18 pcrmattc , theN) would of tho ves~ol Thnt 15 nu nrj.!u~u~nt been snlltchcd nll'lly from II young fouu­IIIJ; nnr acnls hy '>~"hnJe,ale, 80 thnt the 1hc lu.:h tnxntton wh1ch hn!l been tm unt be aufficlt'Dt wood m tho country that wall 1vork both wnya Wot~ld hon I), tt l'lonld boa ~ ery unplutMnt IDI\t· "'nhn); ~ C's&ol~ c..f uur own • ount ·y br~• e po•ecl upon lito C'Ouutry, yet 1t nlltl con for tbctr erection Ho coosadorcd tho gcnllomcn oppo"1tc bn1c ~0 stirred up rc; for t ho dtntCI!mcn 1 f Grcnt Bn~n1:1 IlLII<.' or no chan' e ~ hntt'\ cr of dome om I o~nurd ye:~r :~fter yeor wnhout thl' pre!scnt Crol'l n Lo.nde' Ar.t M dofoch\'C thaa queshon hnd not her con~tj:nee \\ ttb rcgnrd to our lor-n I offutrs at " " th111g "hen thev J!O out. lie rchnvt>d •h,:hti'St ncrclllnty Look 111: nt tho d1f tn ate ch~trocter By 1ts pronsaoos, a been no Anta·coofec!crntc Had n Con great t'nlll!c of coo~:rntuiAtaon th11t they tho Oo\crnment bnd httlo mdecd to a, ul•ll 8 wh1d1 then eXIsted, thoro 11 :1s n mnn cau obtam 200 ncree of lnod for fedornte been 11ppomtcd there \vonld b3~b extf~n nrc\lluch 1rcnt pro8pednty con! . .'r~tulntc thcmache11 upon but n rl'nl ni'Cl'tl~aLv f<>r tt4 conhuunuce At thr purposes of a mall , but there WAS not lmro llcen 4 11 ord 11bout tt Tho 10 0 J t:raca 1 0 p!!$ ICMOU • AD IU crr:~t dc.nl to bu n•hameol orn11ct to be thnt timo there v;ns11lnrgo ""m of mo nntlmu; 10 that Act to prcfout. lnm action of tho Gofernment 10 th1s m:it - th•• Jlnrtlculnr thc1 ou~ht to> bo thank· rcj:rt>III'A BuL 1111 nro n•aurcd, for- no\' ~qu:~nden:d an poor rohcf, 11bacb 1;01n~ mto tho forest. lands of t ho coun- tor bas been uncloreOol by tho Sccrct:lr\' ful \o thu Good GHer for bte beut'fita. south, that tne Go1ernment hn•o bt'Cn 1he Go,ernmont conld now dcfoto to try nnd cutlmg 11ny nmount of hmbor of State for the Colou1os, ond ho (hon The present Gurernment hnlc lud ~roat con~:rntul3ted by th•• Secrctnry of Stttt purposes of pubhr tmprot'ement, ns the Thoro WIIS no adcqunto romedv for such AUorneJ Gcnt'ml) com!ldert>d when fortune eance tbear nuumptton of o!fico, •nr lh,• '' • ~•lom tl dtaphyru to con nee llll ubua of Poor llohef ha.d been rc :111 e11l, 3nd he thought th3t. ns our pco comphmcnled by 80 b1gh an 11~thont\' oud the carcumwtaocca of tho Colonr tlVn 1111h thl~ Molltlccllo, tt 11.38 th<> mnH'tl Smco thcar ncce•ston to pon cr plo ~C!re :1 fishtng people, nod thllt tho ns th(l Soe...,tnr o( :State fo r tho Col· tur b~~n " •"c 10 m .. k~ tbear P••b

h h f f h t ho Jd b · r ry h perfectly IITOut h Tn• IUIJ•~c• or the finst llml' ho ()lr E) ltd henrtl tb11r the present Go\'ernmcnt MO ntt O\'er- oreRb o t o couo ry B u o pre- oo1ee nny condomnatory remarks oft e J

"ord used 11 'ynonymv fur folly Thl'y fto\\1ng rotenue, aud what lao \\ Ould Mk scn cd for then· usc E1erythaog poua. bon ~ud lenrncd member were woi'30 W "1111"1t'On ,,,,,. wu on .. lbal wo .. IJ aell u8 tha~ tho ;:)C<!tetllrf of :Stuto 11s bo.o been dono 1n tho WdY or publtc un blo ahould bo dono to protect and fos- thnn u110lcas t\ s he woe upoo tho quca- •~ctaYr fuller con.tleralloo ar ano• her ~ure• th~m of thu Wldclnm of tltotr con- provemcnta Tho flnnmanl affatrs of tor the lisbmg tntcroat ol tho CQuntry t aou of tho legnhLy of tho \Cu e! comann lim• In >!unnerhon wllb that auhject duct , but who.t dati tho hon anembcl'!! the Colonr, wero to 3 mo~t OnllriSbiD!; For hta own part, be v; ould ra1~e h11 do\\o here for the purpose of prosccut" he (Mr R.) would o\utrre •• preoent know of h111 o,ttn1on• , tho dCIIp:~tcht'lt roodllauo, wbnt morn furournble tame \Otco ngnmst anv person comwg from aog tho senl fishery ho lfould rcmnrk 111111 th••• " 11 ooe mafler upon •btcb had bl.'en n~kcd for, but no p:~per h11J lhe!n ,ould there bo for n roduclloo of C111111da or cJso,rhcre, nod cuthuf; 11nd th:~t she daJ not co~o for the pnrpoee he hnpe.t 00 h•wy ac i.>n wouiJ :,, yet bren lA ttl before tho houw Th1•\' the bnrduu~ of tho pt>orlo llo {M E ) dest roym:; tho fo~at11 of UIO country m <.of depravm:;, nor dadaho llctUAllr deprtvo •Aken H~ nf.ned to tbe du•1 upna l'Ould thrrcforc ouly surnneo No doubt d•d not go au for 3~ unla~cmmo:~to re such 11 Ulllntler, mOtct.log a permonent tho people of tins country of tho 13bour our ''•I 01 • esp• rltd tnto the Uuat•d 1t tho ttme ll11'1 matter 1'1 011 reft rrcd tu' due lion of tnxnh on H o laked to ecc IIIJUr.f ou tho Colony Thnt hoaae WAll thoy olherwa~o wo•ald halt' b3d ::shu S•all't At preernl our ttal 011 •u the 1 oopermt Got"ernnwnt tho \ bbnmn :tn amount ol n \Cnuc nt tho command logadlntmg not nlouo for tho present, cnmo and loft two-th1rda of tho produce ~uhJtCt 10 h ..... , du•\ • whtlt It wool' trrnty 111111 u11dcr con~adernlton of th1• of the Government 11ufliuent to cnrq but. oleo for tho futuroantoroats of tho of the 'I'O)llgo 1n tho t ountrt", ood to hP r~m.,mbtrtd 11181 J •• , r · ar •h~ Jtonf~· Br1ta~b nntl UQ.Jtt>d SUilell Gut'ernmen~, lllt!. the n<!ri'N~~~ry rcqutromcuts of tho counl ry , 1\0d ho hoped that tho Act thAt extent ht leaat our people havl' cello 1 I rip wu admllttd duoy fr "• ln 1\nd tt \\118 nnt onl,y drstrablo thnt nny Colour. \\athout bcmg m any li llY 1duch ho mtcndcd mtroducmg would been bonc6ttcd JTe (hun A G) ehould 'he dt•cue•ann upon th11 •u "J~c• J .. r paltry • olomul d11liculty Mhould tnt. r· 11hnrkfcd 10 tho ellirtcnc \ of tta opt>ra· h31 c the dct1red cft'ect regret noy 110I11hon of tho prople ll .f"''• 1h" :,-.n R·c:•tYrr G n r•l h•d ~enc to dtsturb tho nmacablo ndJnst- twos Elooomy Phould hn\'O been m:1do llon Attorney General-It \\'AI wath nghta, ifthcro wero no ree• proc11l bune !I'd "' ~ 10 b· II•Ye that :h• Aon•••c•n• lllll)tt of thot. tmportnnt atr.~1r llut ,~~~..,of m the m:tna.;cmeut of tho pubhc tho grcntest feelings of ple!uuro th11t lite to bo depnt"ed. Dad tboy rorraro no taad lrYiftl du 'I upon •hit •• • It •• \\'Ore tho llltCI'Cillc of tho people of tht~ l'e~I!IIUC 'fb~re h:td been durlll~ tho he had Jt~tooed tO tho OMII.ortc:\) dts- return from tho poopJo of the U 8 of ~ohrr Oil •mpoued IOIO the Ut.l•fd I 'olony to bu ~nenfircd bC('nueo of nny pn~t til u '('An! tho I'Unl of .£ !3,000 tn ploy of tho h'>o and le:1med member for Amcnca, he " ould CQndo on 1101 @Ut h • •••, bu r 11 .... It no•n now lbal be. pou able IDic.> rll'rco!'O with Tmportlll ('X\.'t~~ uf tho gencrol rcqutrcmonta of Burgto and !APo1lo Ho should Bll)' to\astoo of tbcar ra"hta lie wouiJ lbr }Jlonfl«llo 1·1· brre for •h~ •nl poh<y Wh11t he 11ould hko to knnl'l , tho Colony Thto nmount ahould bo to d.11t tho bon nnd lea mod gont'loman dcoy, bowc1or, that there w11a any ID· fi • u.(tl.e I r •pu .. u r• h•d • l ·ntr fr• m dad t he Impennl Oo'ernml'nt care for tho eredat of tho Colunv to o1eet th fu had denlt wttb tho mAt tor boforo tho fmtgmcnt upon tho watt'l'll of tlu11 coun. Die II ) 11"'"' " 111 •1 'V ••h•ur•on, 8 .. u•-onr fi~hl'rY n t:hte 11nd prmlej.:PB? 'Vt 1uro hnbahllut, and ht> (Mr E) ft'lt not bouse 10 a mo1t coushtuttonal DUUIOer, try 10 tbts parhculu m~tanco l t 1:1 a '"ll'"•m •hall he Jlollt l r:Mlo'• 0 I • •uld could oil recolll'ct 1h" lero1ent \\hat h tho 11hghtcet doubt.s but thllt. tho Gl'· nnd had treated the •ubJect moat ere. well. lrno\\D faot-tbllt tho "col fi•hery llt allo•~d 10 tn•~r lrre "' 11.,,... T •re tnok Jllllce not only 10 tht~ I'Ommuull~ l' I'IIIIICIIt ~t uuld bo prcp3N'd, IU duo lame, Uttnbly I but, at tho aame ttme, he fcl t mar be eArned on tor mile& QUIBidO the ..... hlllo douhl i h• lb• Moltl.ullo btHI­but throuAhout 1ho who!(\ hlrtnJ, whl'n to l!" e u l':ttldrnctorv acroun~ of 1t, as rorry th11t he could not ct.ngratulat~ legal boundary, tl'tercfs>ro they could not n•-· • ,. te Yolll•l •ort nf T· ~• J ra~ · t•, •"d upon A flNII'IOU• OCl~IOO, our n~hery the rutthful ~;uanhnna of tho pubhe Ill him for CODSIIU!ncy In 011 openm:; totercforo \\ llh tho VOllll'l when on. n~ (Mr R) C:t'Q•IdPred lbal I h e G ,._ n~:ht• wore about to be bortered a11 n tercatll Heru tbrn "'1111 £.!3,000 an ox remarke he nccueca thq Goveromcnt of gnged~ung-itet-toyll,l:8to A !ega- rn•n•~ot wu• ~ 1 bl•m~, 10 nnt !"""'« Be lMr E )coultle~ll tnmmdthu Frcu• h cese uf the IIDIIUnl &t•mnte• 'Vos eolflaudotion, of a certnan amount ,r tamato wny A.s to tho veut! !;010.{ tn • me •c '"" an the m~""'• 1 "l'P0>l11R '' lUme11taon of l~:i7, when the st.t~•dnl th t>ro Mlflbtog then he 110ulrt nak more aelf pra1110, set forth 10 the apeech of Htt a fa1oured daetn ctnf the l•land, ho (hon "'rre onlr o! ten iouaaln•) chuac: .. ,, -nil pr 1111 th11t prompted ' thnt rotuenttou hollow t~an tho promli!CI of bon gon Ert:elloney tho Go\'eroor, u an amount A. G) '1\0uld dony ~t IL ., tho flrtot '' would b .. , ruuh~d in tom• d. a...__ was al~o coullade~ to be 'nado10 Be I Iemen that the hunlen• of tho people aoulethuag gloaay. In graphic term• be tame be had. heard of tho di3trtct bct>n •nd fin•l oolu•lon of •h, A ~··•m• cl-11~-lore ltavu'~ thla question tJ ore wu oRe ahoultl be redured Whcro hon gen. d S8ecta Jtl rcaemblaltco to aomo of favol\~ So much for tbe Alo~liet:llo " ••' I but tl·b•ry d1•p"t~• w-,11ld. be lllllln&tt•J, IIIIUt Uteti wath tt In the tlemcn, 00\V that they h:td atlatned or tboiiO eO'UdiOOI from the pen of Dr HoJ. case. .. to tho goyemioent. tho bon and mallt!rl ,., uc:ond·uy I upe•t•nC•,. o.ad •h• Jnmo paraj:l'llph, tn whl(b tho odoptmn fi1t>, 1111 Mmflcd 111th thear quartcn, lA· lo\\AJ' lt would certlWliT appear that Jeamed mcml>er doeauotoha11:c anypn• """to •h"n I he c~m11•r• tY• '"''"" 8-ot the Wo•lnnboton~n-oty "'" •ecom· lllry rr~:ul3rly comang round, u to 1m- tho hon. nod l0:1mod gentleman hod bcularofficllllofthogo\"ernmeututo the C:•n.:t of •h10 C lolnJ an..t 11a r ah•• w•re mendrd to thaa H6uee He Plr E.) 11~ane tbnt tht' pcoplo cUd no~ expect eomo P?:Chcal acquaantance ~ath the unpN)per crpendtture of rood moot')' cone•d••~d. Baat 10 u• •b· .. m•••er. • l1lntendfd that 1f th11t Trcftt" ellmO N). thcar burdqne to bo h~:hteuod llo hnd beneficw effect. of tho learned Dr'a W11b rcjtord o abo particular nllltter on wrre or •h• dPPI'fll cuncern, tend our commended Ill' at now atanda to tba& no obJl'Ctton to thoao bon ~cntlemen ro rcmedtea; but af tho Gorommcut 1111.1 whaob the hon and lt'Anted member •'K"" "'" n •lu• q ''"' '"" """ t lo be hou110 by tllo GMernment, 110 that YCII cetvtn~t the1r ulAn~:~, but 'll'hals~ doaog to be accueed of puffing and blowtog, epoke, ho (hori A G) anquarel vf tho a·aloutl1 eod tolt11ub raarded. tel- hke tho .Monttcello could como hl'N' "o, tht')' were expected to dt~~~:hargo tho bon. and leuned gentleman teemed bon. Survoyot G~noral, 1\DJ be aofNmed [TO •r: COifTlli1JG J 1111d manufacture the1r 1'811111, the reauh thetr obhgahona fatthfully to the pco- to be affected 1r1th the aame weak nee a, ham thAt no auch rcturu~ bnd been made • wouiJ be the total eulu"ton of our o•n plo It made rery lattle daft'orence to for be beam h1aapeec.h by ayill!, I W1th ~rd fo tn o • IPJOC:t of Harbor oal from thcn1Hketa uttbe UmtedStatea that Hou•t-, whbtber Flour 'IYIU ra. dad thte,lproclaiiDed that 4e. Heap· Lu~bte, lie would r&IUIJ'k that aomethm~t and lao tertaan11 thought the language duced ooe ahtlhng oo tho barrel. nerer- pearad to 111ume the im~t poaition aubataotial ha. bOI!n cfone1 tho monl'1 uae.l tD the lai!C. Jl9rheD oltbatpara~raph the leu, tt affected the intAireatl of ercry of lel(jor of that formtdible bocly1 the baa been •u~d for thew, lll(ht• bno uuAbt •"' tA be adope.d bJ thfl Houae. man, more partlcularl.r the ft•bermou of oppoi!thon, a~~d pNillellted t9 tbt bOne been cbolen, add J9 two localiuoe the Tho qen aubJeet iA His Bxcell('llrl'• the country Ir bon memben of tbal h11 O.Ptnioo• u to tbe.remecl~ .to _b_e wo'l'lroh~'*~ bAa lleeQ cowlllenCf'd •JM*h bM rer...,.~ "- dae aprropna.- H ouae.dicl not adYocate & JQIJadaon. of apphed to tho ttri.W,g nila p(\be eou. He would U.urG tho .Koua& that he tion or oar road moo..,. :Qnri.~ h11 JWt tho.bu.,dna orthe people, u-e1 woul,d trr.- No..-, be (boa. A. G:) ~ul aot ay 'fOilld not be,. parif to 1111 prowa.ee to h11 (Mij :8'8.) d~ot Jae1 CWJ ~ aay Oe~t to tbe tnnt repoled to them thAt ~o COJtdemned tht~ pnaeapal of tile made to be brokea. Be wo»uli1 adYo·

lhcTiart01 Gwc·c~tuudrud

a~~rthipg,of tt, pi'Obabfy Le:auae tt wu by their co=ta. With reference for lhl proteetioD of ,...,. and cat. that-. pqrtiO'll of Ua• aQtphaam•na noL the aeuon of the~-- wheu work to tho local Stea eeme.,lae clid IIOt fltr. tab. Bat eome at tbe clia~l df tt.e premmeut · be of that aort 1fU \liUillT liade.Uitm I !mow J.ow tbe G mmeot eollld ana learned appropria~ to Gnfal wor\1 ~ which be certainJ1"•w Uad aome ecnuiclerable tJao eliou~ to c:oupulate tJ.em. a tohe trade of ~ bo pro-ampi'OhiD_.. had '-a eft'eet.ed. But ~~eiYee GD tbe ~CJ Of ~d ..me.. Ianda moted. ita in • aud ite

etber p.m. cl tli. couat17 1ae I.e! Aa ~eel tbti · JCorth, be, ..Id •1 0U... reaoui"CCOI denJioped.-..,.. and \elr4 Ylrf lltrll'D(te 'lerf littJ .. not haria& Uf eyenenoe hoD. will be -.r~ llf

The tiUiia for iutaaoe, ia .&ltd dtreetioa ; bQt eo far u tbe iWd 6Jit•P

~;$~: wu In a W eet""' tlerrice wu •DOPraed, be fe1t of

~1per'&le the ro.ct alao epaapiilW to proaoaace su faree aud a ....,,_,.,. • INud apoD tM ~a_&rr. Tnltin1 to

_._.,_ PI'ODIM wbiela W bteD by

;=.~=~~~C.~==~= Goter~~_,.'j- a..ailed ' Of

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