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Page 1: Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Pembelajaran Kolaboratif di Perguruan TinggiTotok Amin Soefijanto

Page 2: Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Pendahuluan Kemajuan teknologi telah mengubah

gaya belajar mahasiswa dan dosen. Dinamika kegiatan kelas bergeser dari

pasif menjadi aktif. Pendidikan tinggi memang berada di

garis depan perubahan sosial.

7/27/2013 Totok Soefijanto 2

Page 3: Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (in Bahasa Indonesia)

DefinisiPembelajaran kolaboratif adalah kegiatan belajar yang menekankan peran mahasiswa (student-centered), kerjasama kelompok, dan kebenaran ada di dalam proses diskusi antara mahasiswa.

7/27/2013 Totok Soefijanto 3

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Learning is an active, constructive process Pembelajaran itu aktif dan konstruktifLearning depends on rich contexts Pembelajaran bergantung pada "konteks" yang kayaLearners are diverse Pembelajar itu beragamLearning is inherently social Pembelajaran itu sejatinya bersifat sosial


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Tindakan dan ingatan


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PerbandinganPembelajaran Biasa Pembelajaran KolaboratifBerpusat dosen Berpusat MahasiswaDosen --> Mahasiswa Dosen <--> MahasiswaHubungan satu arah Hubungan kompleksTransmisi informasi Transformasi pengetahuanEvaluasi grading Evaluasi peer dan grup


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Involvement KeterlibatanCooperation and teamwork Kerjasama dan kerja timCivic Responsibility Tanggungjawab warganegara


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Mahasiswa = Digital Native? Lahir setelah 1982 Menyukai kegiatan kelompok, Sibuk dengan kegiatan ekstra-

kurikuler, Ingin dianggap pandai tapi juga

“keren”, Orientasi ke hasil nilai prestasi, Menyukai teknologi baru, Secara ras/etnis beragam.


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Suka “sharing” on-line


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Kesenjangan hard & soft skills


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Implementasi (1)

Problem-Centered Instruction direct experiential encounters with real-world problems.Guided Design: The approach asks students, working in small groups, to practice decision-making in sequenced tasks, with detailed feed-back at every step.

Cases: A case is a story or narrative of a real life situation that sets up a problem or unresolved tension for the students to analyze and resolve.

Simulations: Most simulations ask students, working individually or in teams, to play the roles of opposing stakeholders in a problematic situation or an unfolding drama.

Peer Teaching students teaching their fellow students

Discussion Groups and Seminars In college settings we usually think of discussions as processes, both formal and informal, that encourage student dialogue with teachers and with each other.

Learning Communities They attempt to provide intellectual coherence for students by linking classes together and building relationships between subject matter, or by teaching a skill (e.g., writing or speaking) in the context of a discipline. Second, they aim to build both academic and social community for students by enrolling them together in a large block of course work.

“the instructional use of small groups so that studentswork together to maximize their own and each other’s learning”

Many writing groups begin as composing groups: they formulate ideas, clarify their positions, test an argument or focus a thesis statement before committing it to paper.

Writing Groups

Cooperative Learning


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Implementasi (2)


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Penutup Pembelajaran kolaboratif untuk

hari ini Adaptasi peran dosen Tantangan ASEAN 2015 Riset ttg pembelajaran


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Q & A


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