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Page 1: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Collaborative Teaming

Working Together Effectively

Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Page 2: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.


Welcome and introductions Collaboration… What is it? Keys to Effective Teamwork and

Collaboration Managing Conflicts … What

happens when we disagree? Getting on the same page - A shared


Page 3: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Brainstorm - What makes for good teamwork?

• Think - of qualities that make for an effective team.

• Pair - With the person next to you, discuss your list, and add to it

• Share - With the whole group

Page 4: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.


“an interaction

between at least two equal parties

voluntarily engaged in

shared decision making

as they work toward

a common goal.” (Friend & Cook, 1992)

Page 5: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Characteristics of Effective Collaboration

Individual value Mutual respect,trust and support Open, genuine communication Commitment to the goal Problem solving Share in team roles Is prepared

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Work done by a group of people with each doing his/her part but all working towards a common goal for the good of the whole group

Page 7: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Keys to effective teaming

Valuing individual strengths & talents

Collaboration & Problem Solving

Understanding & Accepting Change

Self - care

Page 8: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

What happens when we disagree?

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5 Responses to Conflict

Avoid Compete Accommodate Compromise


Page 10: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Warning!!!Devaluing any team member reduces the potential of the team

Page 11: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Managing Conflict

Preventing conflict

Resolving Conflict

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Page 13: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

How do you deal with conflict ?

Avoid conflict at all costs?

Feel that any criticism or disagreement is an attack on you?

Hit "below the belt" and regret it later?

Page 14: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

How do you deal with conflict?

Feel "out of control" when conflict arises?

Withdraw and become silent when you're angry?

Store up complaints from the distant past?

Page 15: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Preventing Conflicts


Being organized

Effectively Communicating

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To effectively communicate we must…


Monitor communication Exchanges

Give Feedback

Page 17: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Resolving Conflict

u Calm down and check yourself

u Know what you want from the other person (e.g. to hear you out, to change something etc.)

u Set a time to talk to the person that is convenient for you and that person

Page 18: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Resolving Conflict

u State the problem clearly (use “ I” statements. Name not Blame)

u Listen as the other person share his or her views. Seek to understand their perspective

u Discuss solutions

Page 19: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Managing conflict - Activity

Choose a facilitator and note-taker

Read the scenario

Brainstorm responses

Page 20: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Getting on the same page: A shared agenda

What do we want to accomplish?

What will it take to get there?

What will it look like when we’ve arrived and when to do want to get there?

Page 21: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Getting on the same page: A shared agenda

What actions will we take to accomplish our goal?

Whose going to do what, when, and how?

Did we do our plan and did it work?

What are our next steps?

Page 22: Collaborative Teaming Working Together Effectively Presented by Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

To Contact Me:

Seena M. Skelton, Ph.D.

Empowering Education659-5472

[email protected]

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