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Page 1: Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out!...Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out! SLIDE 11) Finish with a 2 minute reflection and prayer. You could use the

Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out!

Content Overview: We want children to know that when they get hurt they often want to get even. The drive to make things fair is strong. They want to rub it in, get their own back, let that person know that they’re not ok. But this ends up hurting themselves. The only way through hurt is to rub it out. Forgiveness is the best gift that they can give themselves and it’s an important theme in the Bible. Ephesians 4:32 reminds us ‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.’

SLIDE 1) Say, “HeartSmart is about being smart with our heart. The life of our heart affects the whole of our life. Today we’re going to look at the third of the HeartSmart High Five.”

SLIDE 2) Read the slide, “Don’t Rub it in, Rub it Out!” and highlight Boris’ new position. Ask the children what they think the principle means. Explain that part of loving ourselves and loving others is knowing how to make things better if they’ve gone wrong. Today we’re going to look at what to do when someone has upset us or when we’ve made a mistake. It’s all part of being HeartSmart.

SLIDE 3) Ask the children if they’ve ever felt angry. Explain that anger is when we feel like something isn’t fair. There’s nothing wrong with the feeling but what we do with it is important because it can be easy to hurt others when we’re angry.

SLIDE 4) Get a whiteboard and whiteboard marker and describe a situation that would make someone angry e.g. someone crashed in to you on the way to school this morning and then they drove off, (explain that this is just a made up story). Ask the children to describe how they think you would be feeling and make a note of the descriptions on the whiteboard. Then ask them to imagine that you saw the person who crashed into you in the shops later. What could you do to them (if you were rubbing it in)? Make a note of the answers on the board. Lastly explain that when we’ve been hurt we often replay the situation over and over in our head, perhaps imagining us getting even. Ask the children to share thoughts of what you could be imagining.

Stand back and look at the board. Ask the children, if it looks like a happy place? Explain that this is what rubbing it in looks like and say that you’ll come back to this later.

SLIDE 5) Say, “When it comes to being hurt, we’re going to look at the bravest, happiest and strongest thing that we can do and that is forgive. What do you think forgiveness is?”Explain what forgiveness is i.e. choosing not to get even. It’s not a feeling, despite what some dictionary definitions say, it’s a decision not to hold onto the hurt.

Ask, “Why do you think this is a brave thing to do?” It requires courage to lead our heart against what it is feeling.

© HEARTSMART, Hilltop Media Ltd, 2018. Please do not use without a valid licence.

Page 2: Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out!...Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out! SLIDE 11) Finish with a 2 minute reflection and prayer. You could use the

Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out!

SLIDE 6) Ask, “Why do you think forgiving someone is the happiest thing to do?”

Because getting even, creates more trouble. Choosing to let go isn’t just the best thing for the person who hurt you, it’s the best thing for you too! As Nelson Mandela said, “resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

SLIDE 7) Ask, “Why do you think forgiving someone is the strongest thing to do?”

Explain that although we might have heard, “if someone hits us, hit them back harder,” or, “you show them who’s boss,” hitting back isn’t actually a sign of strength; it’s a sign of weakness. It might make you seem like you’ve got big muscles but it shows a weak heart. Forgiveness shows a strong heart, a big heart, it’s HeartSmart.

SLIDE 8) Go back to the whiteboard and ask the children what would be the best thing to do here. What would the bravest, happiest and strongest thing be? Rub it out.

SLIDE 9) Explain that this is what it is like in our heart when we forgive. Our heart is cleaner and clearer when we forgive. After cleaning the board you could write on it and clean it again and explain that choosing to forgive is not a one-off decision, there’s always opportunity for us to forgive others or even ourselves. Forgiveness is the best gift that we can give ourselves and it’s the right thing to do. The Bible says, in Ephesians 4:32 that we are to forgive others, just as God has forgiven us.

SLIDE 10) Tell the children about one of the best footballers that ever lived, Zinedine Zidane. He is a French footballer who was named the greatest European footballer of the last fifty years and was awarded the FIFA world player of the year three times. The last match he played in was the in the 2006 World Cup final against Italy. However in that match Materazzi, a player from the Italian team kept saying horrible things about him. You could ask the children if they think Zidane rubbed it in or rubbed it out?

He got so angry that he head-butted Materazzi in the chest and as a result was given a red card and sent off. Not only that but the game ended up going to penalties and Italy won. Many people have said that if Zidane was still on the pitch, France would have won.

Unpack the point that rubbing it out is better for us as well as for others.

© HEARTSMART, Hilltop Media Ltd, 2018. Please do not use without a valid licence.

Page 3: Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out!...Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out! SLIDE 11) Finish with a 2 minute reflection and prayer. You could use the

Collective Worship 7 - Don’t Rub it in Rub it Out! SLIDE 11) Finish with a 2 minute reflection and prayer. You could use the following questions as content:

- “Jesus said to forgive not 7 times but 77 times. What do you think he meant by that?”

- “Can we decide today to rub out any thing that makes us feel angry or sad? Imagine yourself rubbing it out like we did on the whiteboard. How does it feel?”

- “Is there anyone that we need to forgive now? Take a moment to think and choose to quietly right now forgive, forget and move on.”

- “What can we do now, to love ourselves and others more?”

SLIDE 12) Holding slide.

© HEARTSMART, Hilltop Media Ltd, 2018. Please do not use without a valid licence.

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