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The 140 web color namesNgun : http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wdnut/excerpt/color_names.html

Color Name SamplesThe 140 web color names are displayed alphabetically in the table below along with their respective RGB values aliceblue 240,248,255 F0F8FF antiquewhite 250,235,215 FAEBD7 aqua 0,255,255 00FFFF aquamarine 127,255,212 7FFFD4 azure 240,255,255 F0FFFF beige 245,245,220 F5F5DC bisque 255,228,196 FFE4C4 black 0,0,0 darkslategray 47,79,79 2F4F4F darkturquoise 0,206,209 00CED1 darkviolet 148,0,211 9400D3 deeppink 255,20,147 FF1493 deepskyblue 0,191,255 00BFFF dimgray 105,105,105 696969 dodgerblue 30,144,255 1E90FF firebrick 178,34,34 lightsalmon 255,160,122 FFA07A lightseagreen 32,178,170 20B2AA lightskyblue 135,206,250 87CEFA lightslategray 119,136,153 778899 lightsteelblue 176,196,222 B0C4DE lightyellow 255,255,224 FFFFE0 lime 0,255,0 00FF00 limegreen 50,205,50 palevioletred 219,112,147 DB7093 papayawhip 255,239,213 FFEFD5 peachpuff 255,239,213 FFDAB9 peru 205,133,63 CD853F pink 255,192,203 FFC0CB plum 221,160,221 DDA0DD powderblue 176,224,230 B0E0E6 purple 128,0,128 1

000000 blanchedalmond 255,255,205 FFEBCD blue 0,0,255 0000FF blueviolet 138,43,226 8A2BE2 brown 165,42,42 A52A2A burlywood 222,184,135 DEB887 cadetblue 95,158,160 5F9EA0 chartreuse 127,255,0 7FFF00 chocolate 210,105,30 D2691E coral 255,127,80 FF7F50 cornflowerblue

B22222 floralwhite 255,250,240 FFFAF0 forestgreen 34,139,34 228B22 fuchsia 255,0,255 FF00FF gainsboro 220,220,220 DCDCDC ghostwhite 248,248,255 F8F8FF gold 255,215,0 FFD700 goldenrod 218,165,32 DAA520 gray 128,128,128 808080 green 0,128,0 008000 greenyellow

32CD32 linen 250,240,230 FAF0E6 magenta 255,0,255 FF00FF maroon 128,0,0 800000 mediumaquamarine 102,205,170 66CDAA mediumblue 0,0,205 0000CD mediumorchid 186,85,211 BA55D3 mediumpurple 147,112,219 9370DB mediumseagreen 60,179,113 3CB371 mediumslateblue 123,104,238 7B68EE mediumspringgreen

800080 red 255,0,0 FF0000 rosybrown 188,143,143 BC8F8F royalblue 65,105,225 4169E1 saddlebrown 139,69,19 8B4513 salmon 250,128,114 FA8072 sandybrown 244,164,96 F4A460 seagreen 46,139,87 2E8B57 seashell 255,245,238 FFF5EE sienna 160,82,45 A0522D silver 2

100,149,237 6495ED cornsilk 255,248,220 FFF8DC crimson 220,20,60 DC143C cyan 0,255,255 00FFFF darkblue 0,0,139 00008B darkcyan 0,139,139 008B8B darkgoldenrod 184,134,11 B8860B darkgray 169,169,169 A9A9A9 darkgreen 0,100,0 006400 darkkhaki 189,183,107 BDB76B

173,255,47 ADFF2F honeydew 240,255,240 F0FFF0 hotpink 255,105,180 FF69B4 indianred 205,92,92 CD5C5C indigo 75,0,130 4B0082 ivory 255,240,240 FFFFF0 khaki 240,230,140 F0E68C lavender 230,230,250 E6E6FA lavenderblush 255,240,245 FFF0F5 lawngreen 124,252,0 7CFC00

0,250,154 00FA9A mediumturquoise 72,209,204 48D1CC mediumvioletred 199,21,133 C71585 midnightblue 25,25,112 191970 mintcream 245,255,250 F5FFFA mistyrose 255,228,225 FFE4E1 moccasin 255,228,181 FFE4B5 navajowhite 255,222,173 FFDEAD navy 0,0,128 000080 oldlace 253,245,230 FDF5E6

192,192,192 C0C0C0 skyblue 135,206,235 87CEEB slateblue 106,90,205 6A5ACD slategray 112,128,144 708090 snow 255,250,250 FFFAFA springgreen 0,255,127 00FF7F steelblue 70,130,180 4682B4 tan 210,180,140 D2B48C teal 0,128,128 008080 thistle 216,191,216 D8BFD8 3

darkmagenta 139,0,139 8B008B darkolivegreen 85,107,47 556B2F darkorange 255,140,0 FF8C00 darkorchid 153,50,204 9932CC darkred 139,0,0 8B0000 darksalmon 233,150,122 E9967A darkseagreen 143,188,143 8FBC8F darkslateblue 72,61,139 483D8B

lemonchiffon 255,250,205 FFFACD lightblue 173,216,230 ADD8E6 lightcoral 240,128,128 F08080 lightcyan 224,255,255 E0FFFF lightgoldenrodyellow 250,250,210 FAFAD2 lightgreen 144,238,144 90EE90 lightgrey 211,211,211 D3D3D3 lightpink 255,182,193 FFB6C1

olive 128,128,0 808000 olivedrab 107,142,35 6B8E23 orange 255,165,0 FFA500 orangered 255,69,0 FF4500 orchid 218,112,214 DA70D6 palegoldenrod 238,232,170 EEE8AA palegreen 152,251,152 98FB98 paleturquoise 175,238,238 AFEEEE

tomato 253,99,71 FD6347 turquoise 64,224,208 40E0D0 violet 238,130,238 EE82EE wheat 245,222,179 F5DEB3 white 255,255,255 FFFFFF whitesmoke 245,245,245 F5F5F5 yellow 255,255,0 FFFF00 yellowgreen 154,205,50 9ACD32

HTML Color Names4

Ngun : http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp

HTML Color NamesThe table below provides a list of the color names that are supported by all major browsers. Note: If you want your pages to validate with an HTML or a CSS validator, W3C has listed 16 color names that you can use: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. If you want to use other colors, you must specify their RGB or HEX value. Click on a color name (or a hex value) to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors: Color Name AliceBlue AntiqueWhite Aqua Aquamarine Azure Beige Bisque Black BlanchedAlmond Blue BlueViolet Brown BurlyWood CadetBlue Chartreuse Chocolate Coral CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan DarkBlue Color HEX #F0F8FF #FAEBD7 #00FFFF #7FFFD4 #F0FFFF #F5F5DC #FFE4C4 #000000 #FFEBCD #0000FF #8A2BE2 #A52A2A #DEB887 #5F9EA0 #7FFF00 #D2691E #FF7F50 #6495ED #FFF8DC #DC143C #00FFFF #00008B 5 Color

DarkCyan DarkGoldenRod DarkGray DarkGrey DarkGreen DarkKhaki DarkMagenta DarkOliveGreen Darkorange DarkOrchid DarkRed DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkSlateGrey DarkTurquoise DarkViolet DeepPink DeepSkyBlue DimGray DimGrey DodgerBlue FireBrick FloralWhite ForestGreen Fuchsia Gainsboro GhostWhite Gold GoldenRod Gray Grey Green GreenYellow HoneyDew HotPink

#008B8B #B8860B #A9A9A9 #A9A9A9 #006400 #BDB76B #8B008B #556B2F #FF8C00 #9932CC #8B0000 #E9967A #8FBC8F #483D8B #2F4F4F #2F4F4F #00CED1 #9400D3 #FF1493 #00BFFF #696969 #696969 #1E90FF #B22222 #FFFAF0 #228B22 #FF00FF #DCDCDC #F8F8FF #FFD700 #DAA520 #808080 #808080 #008000 #ADFF2F #F0FFF0 #FF69B4 6

IndianRed Indigo Ivory Khaki Lavender LavenderBlush LawnGreen LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan

#CD5C5C #4B0082 #FFFFF0 #F0E68C #E6E6FA #FFF0F5 #7CFC00 #FFFACD #ADD8E6 #F08080 #E0FFFF

LightGoldenRodYello #FAFAD2 w LightGray LightGrey LightGreen LightPink LightSalmon LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray LightSlateGrey LightSteelBlue LightYellow Lime LimeGreen Linen Magenta Maroon MediumBlue MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen MediumSlateBlue MediumTurquoise #D3D3D3 #D3D3D3 #90EE90 #FFB6C1 #FFA07A #20B2AA #87CEFA #778899 #778899 #B0C4DE #FFFFE0 #00FF00 #32CD32 #FAF0E6 #FF00FF #800000 #0000CD #BA55D3 #9370D8 #3CB371 #7B68EE #48D1CC 7

MediumAquaMarine #66CDAA

MediumSpringGreen #00FA9A

MediumVioletRed MidnightBlue MintCream MistyRose Moccasin NavajoWhite Navy OldLace Olive OliveDrab Orange OrangeRed Orchid PaleGoldenRod PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed PapayaWhip PeachPuff Peru Pink Plum PowderBlue Purple Red RosyBrown RoyalBlue SaddleBrown Salmon SandyBrown SeaGreen SeaShell Sienna Silver SkyBlue SlateBlue SlateGray

#C71585 #191970 #F5FFFA #FFE4E1 #FFE4B5 #FFDEAD #000080 #FDF5E6 #808000 #6B8E23 #FFA500 #FF4500 #DA70D6 #EEE8AA #98FB98 #AFEEEE #D87093 #FFEFD5 #FFDAB9 #CD853F #FFC0CB #DDA0DD #B0E0E6 #800080 #FF0000 #BC8F8F #4169E1 #8B4513 #FA8072 #F4A460 #2E8B57 #FFF5EE #A0522D #C0C0C0 #87CEEB #6A5ACD #708090 8

SlateGrey Snow SpringGreen SteelBlue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Wheat White WhiteSmoke Yellow YellowGreen

#708090 #FFFAFA #00FF7F #4682B4 #D2B48C #008080 #D8BFD8 #FF6347 #40E0D0 #EE82EE #F5DEB3 #FFFFFF #F5F5F5 #FFFF00 #9ACD32

RGB to Color Name Mapping (Triplet and Hex)255;0;0 0;255;0 0;0;255


NGUN : http://web.njit.edu/~kevin/rgb.txt.htmlBy Kevin J. Walsh; please click here for copyright and copying policy. The color table has been roughly divided up into shades. Select one of these: Black; Blue; Brown; Gray; Green; Orange; Red; Violet; White; Yellow; to jump to that division. Other sections show the HTML behind the BG/FG color samples on this page, info about printing this page in color, the problem with metallic colors, credits, and some other sources of information. Shades of Black and Grey Color Name Grey Credi ts N R;G;B Dec 84;84;84 RGB Hex 545454 CC S Hex BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### 9

Grey, Silver grey LightGray LightSlateGrey SlateGray SlateGray1 SlateGray2 SlateGray3 SlateGray4 black grey0 grey1 grey2 grey3 grey4 grey5 grey6 grey7 grey8 grey9 grey10 grey11 grey12 grey13


192;192;19 C0C0C0 2 190;190;19 BEBEBE 0 211;211;21 D3D3D3 1 119;136;15 778899 789 3 112;128;14 708090 4 198;226;25 C6E2FF 5 185;211;23 B9D3EE 8 159;182;20 9FB6CD 5 108;123;13 6C7B8B 9 0;0;0 0;0;0 3;3;3 5;5;5 8;8;8 10;10;10 13;13;13 15;15;15 18;18;18 20;20;20 23;23;23 26;26;26 28;28;28 31;31;31 33;33;33 34;34;34 000000 000 000000 000 030303 050505 080808 0A0A0A 0D0D0D 0F0F0F 121212 141414 171717 1A1A1A 1C1C1C 1F1F1F 212121 222222 222

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###


grey14 grey15 grey16 grey17 grey18 grey19 grey20 grey21 grey22 grey23 grey24 grey25 grey26 grey27 grey28 grey29 grey30 grey31 grey32 grey33 grey34 grey35 grey36 grey37 grey38 grey39 grey40 grey41, DimGrey grey42


36;36;36 38;38;38 41;41;41 43;43;43 46;46;46 48;48;48 51;51;51 54;54;54 56;56;56 59;59;59 61;61;61 64;64;64 66;66;66 69;69;69 71;71;71 74;74;74 77;77;77 79;79;79 82;82;82 84;84;84 85;85;85 87;87;87 89;89;89 92;92;92 94;94;94 97;97;97 99;99;99

242424 262626 292929 2B2B2B 2E2E2E 303030 333333 333 363636 383838 3B3B3B 3D3D3D 404040 424242 454545 474747 4A4A4A 4D4D4D 4F4F4F 525252 545454 555555 555 575757 595959 5C5C5C 5E5E5E 616161 636363

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 11

102;102;10 666666 666 2 105;105;10 696969 5 107;107;10 6B6B6B

7 grey43 grey44 grey45 grey46 X X X X 110;110;11 6E6E6E 0 112;112;11 707070 2 115;115;11 737373 5 117;117;11 757575 7 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

119;119;11 #2006 [email protected] 777777 777 9 # grey47 grey48 grey49 grey50 grey51 grey52 grey53 X X X X X X X 120;120;12 787878 0 122;122;12 7A7A7A 2 125;125;12 7D7D7D 5 127;127;12 7F7F7F 7 130;130;13 828282 0 133;133;13 858585 3 135;135;13 878787 5 136;136;13 888888 888 6 grey54 grey55 grey56 grey57 grey58 grey59 X X X X X X 138;138;13 8A8A8A 8 140;140;14 8C8C8C 0 143;143;14 8F8F8F 3 145;145;14 919191 5 148;148;14 949494 8 150;150;15 969696 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 12

0 grey60 grey61 grey62 grey63 grey64 grey65 grey66 grey67 grey68 grey69 grey70 grey71 grey72 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 153;153;15 999999 999 3 156;156;15 9C9C9C 6 158;158;15 9E9E9E 8 161;161;16 A1A1A1 1 163;163;16 A3A3A3 3 166;166;16 A6A6A6 6 168;168;16 A8A8A8 8 171;171;17 ABABAB 1 173;173;17 ADADA 3 D 176;176;17 B0B0B0 6 179;179;17 B3B3B3 9 181;181;18 B5B5B5 1 184;184;18 B8B8B8 4 187;187;18 BBBBBB bbb 7 grey73 grey74 grey75 grey76 grey77 X X X X X 186;186;18 BABABA 6 189;189;18 BDBDBD 9 191;191;19 BFBFBF 1 194;194;19 C2C2C2 4 196;196;19 C4C4C4 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 13

6 grey78 grey79 grey80 grey81 grey82 grey83 grey84 grey85 grey86 grey87 X X X X X X X X X X 199;199;19 C7C7C7 9 201;201;20 C9C9C9 1 204;204;20 CCCCCC ccc 4 207;207;20 CFCFCF 7 209;209;20 D1D1D1 9 212;212;21 D4D4D4 2 214;214;21 D6D6D6 4 217;217;21 D9D9D9 7 219;219;21 DBDBDB 9 222;222;22 DEDEDE 2 221;221;22 DDDDD ddd 1 D grey88 grey89 grey90 grey91 grey92 grey93 X X X X X X 224;224;22 E0E0E0 4 227;227;22 E3E3E3 7 229;229;22 E5E5E5 9 232;232;23 E8E8E8 2 235;235;23 EBEBEB 5 237;237;23 EDEDED 7 238;238;23 EEEEEE eee 8 grey94 X 240;240;24 F0F0F0 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 14

0 grey95 grey96 grey97 grey98 grey99 grey100, White Dark Slate Grey Dim Grey Light Grey [sic] Very Light Grey Free Speech Grey X X X X X X N N N N F 242;242;24 F2F2F2 2 245;245;24 F5F5F5 5 247;247;24 F7F7F7 7 250;250;25 FAFAFA 0 252;252;25 FCFCFC 2 255;255;25 FFFFFF 5 47;79;79 84;84;84 2F4F4F 545454 fff ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

219;219;11 DBDB70 2 205;205;20 CDCDCD 5 99;86;136 635688

Shades of Blue Color Name AliceBlue BlueViolet Cadet Blue CadetBlue CadetBlue CadetBlue1 CadetBlue2 Credi ts X X N X X X X R;G;B Dec RGB Hex CCS Hex BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 15

240;248;25 F0F8FF 5 138;43;226 8A2BE2 95;159;159 5F9F9F 95;158;160 5F9EA0 95;158;160 5F9EA0 152;245;25 98F5FF 5 142;229;23 8EE5EE 8

CadetBlue3 CadetBlue4 Corn Flower Blue CornflowerBlue DarkSlateBlue DarkTurquoise DeepSkyBlue DeepSkyBlue1 DeepSkyBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 DeepSkyBlue4 DodgerBlue DodgerBlue1 DodgerBlue2 DodgerBlue3 DodgerBlue4


122;197;20 7AC5CD 5 83;134;139 53868B 66;66;111 42426F 100;149;23 6495ED 7 72;61;139 0;206;209 0;191;255 0;191;255 0;178;238 0;104;139 483D8B 00CED1 00BFFF 00BFFF 00B2EE 00688B

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 16

0;154;205 009ACD 30;144;255 1E90FF 30;144;255 1E90FF 28;134;238 1C86EE 24;116;205 1874CD 16;78;139 104E8B 170;187;20 AABBCC abc 4

LightBlue LightBlue1 LightBlue2 LightBlue3 LightBlue4 LightCyan LightCyan1 LightCyan2


173;216;23 ADD8E6 0 191;239;25 BFEFFF 5 178;223;23 B2DFEE 8 154;192;20 9AC0CD 5 104;131;13 68838B 9 224;255;25 E0FFFF 5 224;255;25 E0FFFF 5 209;238;23 D1EEEE

8 LightCyan3 LightCyan4 LightSkyBlue LightSkyBlue1 LightSkyBlue2 LightSkyBlue3 LightSkyBlue4 LightSlateBlue X X X X X X X X 180;205;20 B4CDC 5 D 122;139;13 7A8B8B 9 135;206;25 87CEFA 0 176;226;25 B0E2FF 5 164;211;23 A4D3EE 8 141;182;20 8DB6CD 5 96;123;139 607B8B 132;112;25 8470FF 5 153;204;25 99CCFF 9cf 5 LightSteelBlue LightSteelBlue1 LightSteelBlue2 LightSteelBlue3 LightSteelBlue4 Aquamarine MediumBlue MediumSlateBlue MediumTurquoise MidnightBlue NavyBlue PaleTurquoise X X X X X N X X X X X X 176;196;22 B0C4DE 2 202;225;25 CAE1FF 5 188;210;23 BCD2EE 8 162;181;20 A2B5CD 5 110;123;13 6E7B8B 9 112;219;14 70DB93 7 0;0;205 0000CD 123;104;23 7B68EE 8 72;209;204 48D1CC 25;25;112 0;0;128 191970 000080 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 17

175;238;23 AFEEEE

8 PaleTurquoise1 PaleTurquoise2 PaleTurquoise3 PaleTurquoise4 PowderBlue RoyalBlue RoyalBlue1 RoyalBlue2 RoyalBlue3 RoyalBlue4 RoyalBlue5 SkyBlue SkyBlue1 SkyBlue2 SkyBlue3 SkyBlue4 SlateBlue SlateBlue1 SlateBlue2 SlateBlue3 SlateBlue4 SteelBlue SteelBlue1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 187;255;25 BBFFFF bff 5 174;238;23 AEEEEE 8 150;205;20 96CDCD 5 102;139;13 668B8B 9 176;224;23 B0E0E6 0 65;105;225 4169E1 72;118;255 4876FF 67;110;238 436EEE 58;95;205 3A5FCD 39;64;139 0;34;102 27408B 002266 026 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 18

135;206;23 87CEEB 5 135;206;25 87CEFF 5 126;192;23 7EC0EE 8 108;166;20 6CA6CD 5 74;112;139 4A708B 106;90;205 6A5ACD 131;111;25 836FFF 5 122;103;23 7A67EE 8 105;89;205 6959CD 71;60;139 473C8B 70;130;180 4682B4 99;184;255 63B8FF

SteelBlue2 SteelBlue3 SteelBlue4


92;172;238 5CACEE 79;148;205 4F94CD 54;100;139 36648B 51;102;153 336699 369 51;153;204 3399CC 39c 102;153;20 6699CC 69c 4

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 0ff 0ff 0ff ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 19

aquamarine aquamarine1 aquamarine2 aquamarine3, MediumAquamari ne aquamarine4 azure azure1 azure2 azure3 azure4 blue blue1 blue2 blue3 blue4 aqua cyan cyan1


127;255;21 7FFFD4 2 127;255;21 7FFFD4 2 118;238;19 76EEC6 8 102;205;17 66CDAA 0 69;139;116 458B74 240;255;25 F0FFFF 5 240;255;25 F0FFFF 5 224;238;23 E0EEEE 8 193;205;20 C1CDCD 5 131;139;13 838B8B 9 0;0;255 0;0;255 0;0;238 0;0;205 0;0;139 0;255;255 0;255;255 0;255;255 0000FF 00f 0000FF 00f 0000EE 00e 0000CD 00008B 00FFFF 00FFFF 00FFFF

cyan2 cyan3 cyan4 navy teal turquoise turquoise1 turquoise2 turquoise3 turquoise4 DarkSlateGray DarkSlateGray1 DarkSlateGray2 DarkSlateGray3 DarkSlateGray4 Dark Slate Blue Dark Turquoise Light Blue [sic] Medium Blue [sic] Medium Slate Blue Medium Turquoise Midnight Blue Navy Blue Neon Blue New Midnight Blue Rich Blue


0;238;238 0;139;139 0;0;128 0;128;128 0;245;255 0;229;238

00EEEE 0ee 008B8B 000080 008080 00F5FF 00E5EE

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### (c) 1999 [email protected] ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 20

0;205;205 00CDCD

64;224;208 40E0D0

0;197;205 00C5CD 0;134;139 47;79;79 00868B 2F4F4F

151;255;25 97FFFF 5 141;238;23 8DEEEE 8 121;205;20 79CDCD 5 82;139;139 528B8B 36;24;130 241882 112;147;21 7093DB 9 205;127;50 CD7F32 205;127;50 CD7F32 127;0;255 7F00FF

112;219;21 70DBD 9 B 47;47;79 35;35;142 2F2F4F 23238E

77;77;255 4D4DFF 0;0;156 89;89;171 00009C 5959AB

Sky Blue Slate Blue Summer Sky Iris Blue Free Speech Blue


50;153;204 3299CC 0;127;255 3;180;200 65;86;197 007FFF 03B4C8 4156C5 RGB Hex CCS Hex 56;176;222 38B0DE

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### #2007 [email protected]# ### SAMPLE ###

Shades of Brown Color Name RosyBrown RosyBrown1 RosyBrown2 RosyBrown3 RosyBrown4 SaddleBrown SandyBrown beige brown brown brown1 brown2 brown3 brown4 dark brown burlywood burlywood1 burlywood2 Credit R;G;B Dec s X X X X X X X X X N X X X X N X X X BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 21

188;143;14 BC8F8F 3 255;193;19 FFC1C1 3 238;180;18 EEB4B4 0 205;155;15 CD9B9B 5 139;105;10 8B6969 5 139;69;19 8B4513 244;164;96 F4A460 245;245;22 F5F5DC 0 165;42;42 166;42;42 255;64;64 238;59;59 205;51;51 139;35;35 92;64;51 A52A2A A62A2A FF4040 EE3B3B CD3333 8B2323 5C4033

222;184;13 DEB887 5 255;211;15 FFD39B 5 238;197;14 EEC591 5

burlywood3 burlywood4 baker's chocolate chocolate chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3 chocolate4 peru tan tan1 tan2 tan3 tan4 Dark Tan Dark Wood Light Wood Medium Wood New Tan Semi-Sweet Chocolate Sienna Tan Very Dark Brown

X X N X X X X X X X X X X X N N N N N N N N N Credi ts N

205;170;12 CDAA7D 5 139;115;85 8B7355 92;51;23 5C3317 210;105;30 D2691E 255;127;36 FF7F24 238;118;33 EE7621 205;102;29 CD661D 139;69;19 8B4513 205;133;63 CD853F 210;180;14 D2B48C 0 255;165;79 FFA54F 238;154;73 EE9A49 205;133;63 CD853F 139;90;43 8B5A2B

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### (c) 1999 [email protected] ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

151;105;79 97694F 133;94;66 133;99;99 855E42 856363

166;128;10 A68064 0 235;199;15 EBC79E 8 107;66;38 6B4226

142;107;35 8E6B23 219;147;11 DB9370 2 92;64;51 5C4033 RGB Hex 2F4F2F CCS Hex Shades of Green

Color Name Dark Green

R;G;B Dec 47;79;47

BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### 22

DarkGreen dark green copper DarkKhaki DarkOliveGreen DarkOliveGreen1 DarkOliveGreen2 DarkOliveGreen3 DarkOliveGreen4 olive DarkSeaGreen DarkSeaGreen1 DarkSeaGreen2 DarkSeaGreen3 DarkSeaGreen4 ForestGreen GreenYellow LawnGreen LightSeaGreen LimeGreen MediumSeaGreen MediumSpringGre en MintCream OliveDrab OliveDrab1 OliveDrab2




### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 23

74;118;110 4A766E 189;183;10 BDB76B 7 85;107;47 556B2F 202;255;11 CAFF70 2 188;238;10 BCEE68 4 162;205;90 A2CD5A 110;139;61 6E8B3D 128;128;0 808000 143;188;14 8FBC8F 3 193;255;19 C1FFC1 3 180;238;18 B4EEB4 0 155;205;15 9BCD9B 5 105;139;10 698B69 5 34;139;34 124;252;0 50;205;50 228B22 7CFC00 32CD32 173;255;47 ADFF2F 32;178;170 20B2AA 60;179;113 3CB371 0;250;154 00FA9A

245;255;25 F5FFFA 0 107;142;35 6B8E23 192;255;62 C0FF3E 179;238;58 B3EE3A

OliveDrab3 OliveDrab4 PaleGreen PaleGreen1 PaleGreen2 PaleGreen3 PaleGreen4 SeaGreen, SeaGreen4 SeaGreen1 SeaGreen2 SeaGreen3 SpringGreen SpringGreen1 SpringGreen2 SpringGreen3 SpringGreen4 YellowGreen chartreuse chartreuse1 chartreuse2 chartreuse3 chartreuse4 green green lime green1 green2 green3


154;205;50 9ACD32 105;139;34 698B22 152;251;15 98FB98 2 154;255;15 9AFF9A 4 144;238;14 90EE90 4 124;205;12 7CCD7C 4 84;139;84 46;139;87 548B54 2E8B57

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### #2006 [email protected]# ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 0f0 0f0 0f0 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 24

84;255;159 54FF9F 78;238;148 4EEE94 67;205;128 43CD80 0;255;127 0;255;127 0;238;118 0;205;102 0;139;69 127;255;0 127;255;0 118;238;0 102;205;0 69;139;0 0;255;0 0;128;0 0;255;0 0;255;0 0;238;0 0;205;0 00FF7F 00FF7F 00EE76 00CD66 008B45 7FFF00 7FFF00 76EE00 66CD00 458B00 00FF00 008000 00FF00 00FF00 00CD00

154;205;50 9ACD32

00EE00 0e0

green4 khaki khaki1 khaki2 khaki3 khaki4 Dark Olive Green Green Yellow [sic] Hunter Green [sic] Forest Green, Khaki, Medium Aquamarine Lime Green [sic] Medium Forest Green Medium Sea Green Medium Spring Green Pale Green Sea Green Spring Green Free Speech Green Free Speech Aquamarine




### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

240;230;14 F0E68C 0 255;246;14 FFF68F 3 238;230;13 EEE685 3 205;198;11 CDC673 5 139;134;78 8B864E 79;79;47 4F4F2F 209;146;11 D19275 7 142;35;35 35;142;35 8E2323 238E23

209;146;11 D19275 7 219;219;11 DBDB70 2 66;111;66 127;255;0 426F42 7FFF00

143;188;14 8FBC8F 3 35;142;104 238E68 0;255;127 9;249;17 2;157;116 00FF7F 09F911 029D74

Shades of Orange Color Name DarkOrange DarkOrange1 Credit s X X R;G;B Dec RGB Hex FF7F00 CCS Hex BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 25

255;140;0 FF8C00 255;127;0

DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4 DarkSalmon LightCoral LightSalmon LightSalmon1 LightSalmon2 LightSalmon3 LightSalmon4 PeachPuff PeachPuff1 PeachPuff2 PeachPuff3 PeachPuff4 bisque bisque1 bisque2 bisque3 bisque4


238;118;0 EE7600 205;102;0 139;69;0 CD660 0 8B4500

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

233;150;12 E9967A 2 240;128;12 F08080 8 255;160;12 FFA07A 2 255;160;12 FFA07A 2 238;149;11 EE9572 4 205;129;98 CD816 2

139;87;66 8B5742 255;218;18 FFDAB 5 9 255;218;18 FFDAB 5 9 238;203;17 EECBA 3 D 205;175;14 CDAF9 9 5 139;119;10 8B7765 1 255;228;19 FFE4C4 6 255;228;19 FFE4C4 6 238;213;18 EED5B 3 7 205;183;15 CDB79 8 E 139;125;10 8B7D6 7 B


coral coral coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 honeydew honeydew1 honeydew2 honeydew3 honeydew4 orange orange1 orange2 orange3 orange4 salmon salmon1 salmon2 salmon3 salmon4 sienna sienna1 sienna2




### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 27

255;127;80 FF7F50 255;114;86 FF7256 238;106;80 EE6A50 205;91;69 CD5B4 5

139;62;47 8B3E2F 240;255;24 F0FFF0 0 240;255;24 F0FFF0 0 224;238;22 E0EEE0 4 193;205;19 C1CDC 3 1 131;139;13 838B83 1 255;165;0 255;165;0 FFA500 FFA500 CD850 0 8B5A00

238;154;0 EE9A00 205;133;0 139;90;0

250;128;11 FA8072 4 255;140;10 FF8C69 5 238;130;98 EE8262 205;112;84 CD705 4 A0522 D

139;76;57 8B4C39 160;82;45

255;130;71 FF8247 238;121;66 EE7942

sienna3 sienna4 Mandarian Orange Orange Orange Red



CD683 9

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### CCS Hex

139;71;38 8B4726 142;35;35 8E2323 255;127;0 255;36;0 FF7F00 FF2400 RGB Hex

Shades of Red Color Name DeepPink DeepPink1 DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4 HotPink HotPink1 HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4 IndianRed IndianRed1 IndianRed2 IndianRed3 IndianRed4 LightPink LightPink1 LightPink2 Credits X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X R;G;B Dec BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

255;20;147 FF1493 255;20;147 FF1493 238;18;137 EE1289 205;16;118 CD1076 139;10;80 8B0A50 255;105;18 FF69B4 0 255;110;18 FF6EB4 0 238;106;16 EE6AA7 7 205;96;144 CD6090 139;58;98 205;92;92 8B3A62 CD5C5C

255;106;10 FF6A6A 6 238;99;99 205;85;85 139;58;58 EE6363 CD5555 8B3A3A

255;182;19 FFB6C1 3 255;174;18 FFAEB9 5 238;162;17 EEA2AD 3


LightPink3 LightPink4 MediumVioletRed MistyRose MistyRose1 MistyRose2 MistyRose3 MistyRose4 OrangeRed OrangeRed1 OrangeRed2 OrangeRed3 OrangeRed4 PaleVioletRed PaleVioletRed1 PaleVioletRed2 PaleVioletRed3 PaleVioletRed4 VioletRed VioletRed1 VioletRed2 VioletRed3 VioletRed4 firebrick firebrick1


205;140;14 CD8C95 9 139;95;101 8B5F65 199;21;133 C71585 255;228;22 FFE4E1 5 255;228;22 FFE4E1 5 238;213;21 EED5D2 0 205;183;18 CDB7B5 1 139;125;12 8B7D7B 3 255;69;0 255;69;0 238;64;0 205;55;0 139;37;0 FF4500 FF4500 EE4000 CD3700 8B2500

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 29

219;112;14 DB7093 7 255;130;17 FF82AB 1 238;121;15 EE799F 9 205;104;13 CD6889 7 139;71;93 8B475D 208;32;144 D02090 255;62;150 FF3E96 238;58;140 EE3A8C 205;50;120 CD3278 139;34;82 178;34;34 255;48;48 8B2252 B22222 FF3030

firebrick2 firebrick3 firebrick4 pink pink1 pink2 pink3 pink4 Flesh Feldspar


238;44;44 205;38;38 139;26;26

EE2C2C CD2626 8B1A1A

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### c33 f00 f00 e00 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 30

255;192;20 FFC0CB 3 255;181;19 FFB5C5 7 238;169;18 EEA9B8 4 205;145;15 CD919E 8 139;99;108 8B636C 245;204;17 F5CCB0 6 209;146;11 D19275 7 204;51;51 CC3333 FF0000 FF0000 EE0000 CD0000 8B0000 FF6347 FF6347 EE5C42 CD4F39 8B3626 856363 8E2323 255;0;0 255;0;0 238;0;0 205;0;0 139;0;0 255;99;71 255;99;71 238;92;66 205;79;57 139;54;38 133;99;99 142;35;35

red red1 red2 red3 red4 tomato tomato1 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4 Dusty Rose Firebrick Indian Red Pink Salmon


245;204;17 F5CCB0 6 188;143;14 BC8F8F 3 111;66;66 6F4242

Scarlet Spicy Pink Free Speech Magenta Free Speech Red




### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### CC S He x

255;28;174 FF1CAE 227;91;216 E35BD8 192;0;0 C00000

Shades of Violet Color Name DarkOrchid DarkOrchid1 DarkOrchid2 DarkOrchid3 DarkOrchid4 DarkViolet LavenderBlush LavenderBlush1 LavenderBlush2 LavenderBlush3 LavenderBlush4 MediumOrchid MediumOrchid1 MediumOrchid2 MediumOrchid3 MediumOrchid4 MediumPurple Medium Orchid Credit s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X N R;G;B Dec 153;50;204 191;62;255 178;58;238 154;50;205 104;34;139 148;0;211 255;240;24 5 255;240;24 5 238;224;22 9 205;193;19 7 139;131;13 4 186;85;211 224;102;25 5 209;95;238 180;82;205 122;55;139 147;112;21 9 147;112;21 RGB Hex 9932CC BF3EFF B23AEE 9A32CD 68228B 9400D3 FFF0F5 FFF0F5 EEE0E5 CDC1C5 8B8386 BA55D3 E066FF D15FEE B452CD 7A378B 9370DB 9370DB BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 31

9 MediumPurple1 Dark Orchid MediumPurple2 MediumPurple3 MediumPurple4 lavender magenta fuchsia magenta1 magenta2 magenta3 magenta4 maroon maroon1 maroon2 maroon3 maroon4 orchid Orchid orchid1 orchid2 orchid3 orchid4 plum X N X X X X N,X V X X X X X X X X X X N X X X X X 171;130;25 5 153;50;205 159;121;23 8 137;104;20 5 93;71;139 230;230;25 0 255;0;255 255;0;255 255;0;255 238;0;238 205;0;205 139;0;139 176;48;96 255;52;179 238;48;167 205;41;144 139;28;98 218;112;21 4 219;112;21 9 255;131;25 0 238;122;23 3 205;105;20 1 139;71;137 221;160;22 1 AB82FF 9932CD 9F79EE 8968CD 5D478B E6E6FA FF00FF FF00FF FF00FF EE00EE CD00CD 8B008B B03060 FF34B3 EE30A7 CD2990 8B1C62 DA70D6 DB70DB FF83FA EE7AE9 CD69C9 8B4789 DDA0DD f0f f0f f0f e0e ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 32

plum1 plum2 plum3 plum4


255;187;25 5 238;174;23 8 205;150;20 5 139;102;13 9 153;102;20 4

FFBBFF EEAEEE CD96CD 8B668B 9966CC A020F0 800080 9B30FF 912CEE 7D26CD 551A8B D8BFD8 FFE1FF EED2EE CDB5CD 8B7B8B EE82EE 9F5F9F 871F78 F5CCB0 800000 DB7093 FF6EC7


### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###


### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 33

purple purple purple1 purple2 purple3 purple4 thistle thistle1 thistle2 thistle3 thistle4 violet violet blue Dark Purple Maroon [sic] Maroon Medium Violet Red Neon Pink


160;32;240 128;0;128 155;48;255 145;44;238 125;38;205 85;26;139 216;191;21 6 255;225;25 5 238;210;23 8 205;181;20 5 139;123;13 9 238;130;23 8 159;95;159 135;31;120 245;204;17 6 128;0;0 219;112;14 7 255;110;19

9 Plum Thistle Turquoise Violet Violet Red N N N N N Credit s X X X X X X X X X X X X X 234;173;23 4 216;191;21 6 173;234;23 4 79;47;79 204;50;153 EAADEA D8BFD8 ADEAEA 4F2F4F CC3299 CCS Hex ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

Shades of White Color Name AntiqueWhite AntiqueWhite1 AntiqueWhite2 AntiqueWhite3 AntiqueWhite4 FloralWhite GhostWhite NavajoWhite NavajoWhite1 NavajoWhite2 NavajoWhite3 NavajoWhite4 OldLace R;G;B Dec 250;235;21 5 255;239;21 9 238;223;20 4 205;192;17 6 139;131;12 0 255;250;24 0 248;248;25 5 255;222;17 3 255;222;17 3 238;207;16 1 205;179;13 9 139;121;94 253;245;23 0 RGB Hex FAEBD7 FFEFDB EEDFCC CDC0B0 8B8378 FFFAF0 F8F8FF FFDEAD FFDEAD EECFA1 CDB38B 8B795E FDF5E6 BG/FG color sample ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 34

WhiteSmoke gainsboro ivory ivory1 ivory2 ivory3 ivory4 linen seashell seashell1 seashell2 seashell3 seashell4 snow snow1 snow2 snow3 snow4 wheat


245;245;24 5 220;220;22 0 255;255;24 0 255;255;24 0 238;238;22 4 205;205;19 3 139;139;13 1 250;240;23 0 255;245;23 8 255;245;23 8 238;229;22 2 205;197;19 1 139;134;13 0 255;250;25 0 255;250;25 0 238;233;23 3 205;201;20 1 139;137;13 7 245;222;17 9


### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 35

wheat1 wheat2 wheat3 wheat4 white Quartz Wheat


255;231;18 6 238;216;17 4 205;186;15 0 139;126;10 2 255;255;25 5 217;217;24 3 216;216;19 1


### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

Shades of Yellow Color Name Credits R;G;B Dec RGB Hex CC S He x BG/FG color sample

BlanchedAlmond DarkGoldenrod DarkGoldenrod1 DarkGoldenrod2 DarkGoldenrod3 DarkGoldenrod4 LemonChiffon LemonChiffon1 LemonChiffon2 LemonChiffon3 LemonChiffon4 LightGoldenrod


255;235;20 FFEBCD 5 184;134;11 B8860B 255;185;15 FFB90F 238;173;14 EEAD0E 205;149;12 CD950C 139;101;8 8B6508 255;250;20 FFFACD 5 255;250;20 FFFACD 5 238;233;19 EEE9BF 1 205;201;16 CDC9A 5 5 139;137;11 8B8970 2 238;221;13 EEDD82

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 36

0 LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 LightGoldenrod4 LightGoldenrodYello w LightYellow LightYellow1 LightYellow2 LightYellow3 LightYellow4 PaleGoldenrod PapayaWhip cornsilk cornsilk1 cornsilk2 cornsilk3 cornsilk4 goldenrod goldenrod1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 255;236;13 FFEC8B 9 238;220;13 EEDC82 0 205;190;11 CDBE70 2 139;129;76 8B814C 250;250;21 FAFAD2 0 255;255;22 FFFFE0 4 255;255;22 FFFFE0 4 238;238;20 EEEED1 9 205;205;18 CDCDB 0 4 139;139;12 8B8B7A 2 238;232;17 EEE8AA 0 255;239;21 FFEFD5 3 255;248;22 FFF8DC 0 255;248;22 FFF8DC 0 238;232;20 EEE8CD 5 205;200;17 CDC8B 7 1 139;136;12 8B8878 0 218;165;32 DAA52 0 ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 37

255;193;37 FFC125

goldenrod2 goldenrod3 goldenrod4 moccasin yellow yellow1 yellow2 yellow3 yellow4 gold gold1 gold2 gold3 gold4 Goldenrod Medium Goldenrod Yellow Green


238;180;34 EEB422 205;155;29 CD9B1 D

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

139;105;20 8B6914 255;228;18 FFE4B5 1 255;255;0 255;255;0 238;238;0 205;205;0 FFFF00 ff0 FFFF00 ff0 EEEE00 ee0 CDCD0 0

139;139;0 8B8B00 255;215;0 FFD700 255;215;0 FFD700 238;201;0 205;173;0 EEC900 CDAD0 0

139;117;0 8B7500 219;219;11 DBDB7 2 0 234;234;17 EAEAAE 4 153;204;50 99CC32

HTML behind the BG/FG color samplesThe "BG/FG color sample" is made by changing both the background and foreground colors. The background is changed with and foreground is changed with

In these "xxxxxx" is the six hex digit of the color, such as 2F4F2F for Dark Green. You will see a solid block of color in the samples shown if your browser supports both markups; or just "### SAMPLE ###" in color if just one is supported. (Almost all support both now.)


Description of ColumnsNames of colors as given in the various sources I used to Color Name create this table. See "Credits" below. In some cases the sources contradict. Credits RGB Hex CCS HEX See "Credits" below. The hexidemical version of the triplet describing this color. The "short" or "abbreviated" version of the hex triplet used with Cascading Style Sheets (CCS). R;G;B Dec The decimal version of the triplet describing this color.

BG/FG color See HTML behind the BG/FG color samples above. sample

The Problem with Metallic ColorsSeveral times folks have written asking what the codes are for a metallic color, such as gold, silver, or copper. It is my understanding that these tones cannot be depicted with an RGB code because they are not composed of a single basic color: Several different shades are mingled to produce a shiny-metal look. The mingling of shades requires the use of a GIF, JPG or other image; it could be used as a background. If my understanding of this is a misunderstanding then I'd greatly apprecate enlightment. Here are some attempts to make a metal color with just RGB, as depected at Netscape at http://home1.netscape.com/home/bg/colorindex.html Shades of Metal Color Name copper cool copper Green Copper bright gold Old Gold gold silver Silver, Grey Credi ts N N N N N N N V R;G;B Dec RGB Hex CCS BG/FG color sample Hex ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### 39

184;115;51 B87333 217;135;25 D98719 133;99;99 856363 217;217;25 D9D91 9

207;181;59 CFB53B 205;127;50 CD7F32 230;232;25 E6E8FA 0 192;192;19 C0C0C0 2

brass bronze bronze II Light Steel Blue Steel Blue


181;166;66 B5A642 140;120;83 8C7853 166;125;61 84;84;84 A67D3 D 545454

### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ### ### SAMPLE ###

35;107;142 236B8E

These metallics are, IMHO, lame. Anyone who happens to have samples of metalic looking GIFs that I might use for an example here are urged to email me. A potential chrome metallic is http://isd.cme.nist.gov/graphics/backgrounds/chrome.gif, but unfortunately the image doesn't wrap properly (the edges show when used as a background). Another metalic http://www.space.net.au/~jooste/art/others/backgrounds/ripplechrome.gif also falls short of my expectations but it wraps perfectly and looks cool. (So I'm using it as my screen background :-) My exact idea of good metallic rendering is found at http://userpages.nkn.net/userpages-3d/chrome-icons.gif. Unfortunately this image is of the word "Icon" spelled out in chrome, so it cannot be used as a background. Another metalic example is this "brushed aluminum"; the same site also has unconvincing examples of "grey aluminum" and "corrugated metal".

Other Resources

Whatcolor Displays R;G;B for the pixel under mouse cursor; displays corresponding names when known (about 1/2 of those shown above). Intended for use by partially or totally color blind people, it is invaluable for matching colors to images when making HTML documents. Shareware, I think a real bargan $8.00 registration. http://www.hikarun.com/e/. Defining Colours is a great explanation of how RGB and other color models work. It also has more info about what specific colors' names work with what browsers and CCS2. Also explains the difference between RGB and HSL color spaces. RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart Many of my co-workers have this very concise 200+ colors with R;G;B chart on the wall behind their monitor. Also very useful FG/BG/LINKs color calculator and other useful stuff from Douglas Jacobson at http://homepage.mac.com/jakesan/DHP. Color Composing MachineClick-and-see interface, cranks out actual HTML for background, text, and links that you can cut 'n paste into 40

your hand-edited documents. Other useful stuff, too. [Broken as of 19-May-2006] http://www.two4u.com/color/ The Mother of All HTML Color Charts is great if my list doesn't have enough (!) for you.

Printing This Page in ColorThe default settings of some browsers is to not print background colors or images, which means the color sample column will just contain "SAMPLE" printed over and over again. You can turn on the background color/image printing as follows: Firefox: Netscape Navigator: Click through FilePageSetupFormat & Options, then check "Print Background (colors & images)". Same as for Firefox.

Click through ToolsInternet OptionsAdvanced, then scroll MS Internet down (about half the list) to "Printing" and check "Print Explorer background colors and images". Click through FilePrintCopies & PagesSafari, then check "Print Backgrounds" box. Unfortunately there is a bug in Safari (at least in 2.0.4) and "Print Backgrounds" doesn't do anything. A work-around is to FilePrintSave as PDF, then open the PDF and print it.


Please see this website for hints for browsers not mentioned here. If all else fails please email me, I'll see if I can find a way or maybe even change how the samples are presented. There is a version of this document without the background image at http://web.njit.edu/~walsh/rgb_nobg.

CreditsThis is a composite of several color name sources, which are indicated by letters in the "Credits" column of the table as follows: Credit Source X Denotes colors named in MIT's Xconsortum red/green/blue (RGB) color specifications, Xconsortum version 10.41, 1994. Denotes colors named in Netscape's beta 1.1 "Colors" table located at http://wp.netscape.com/home/bg/colorindex.html. The document seems to contain some odd errors, which are tagged [sic] in chart. Denotes colors named in Microsoft documents [not yet complete] VGA colors. According to http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Style: "These 16 colors are defined in HTML 3.2 and 4.01 and correspond 41


to the basic VGA set on PCs. Most browsers accept a wider set of color names but use of these is not recommended." Unfortunatly this advice has been flummoxed by differences between the Xconsortum, Netscape, and Microsoft uses: Not all all have documented the use of what color is provided, or the documentation disagrees about what color is presented. For instance, "green" and "lime" above have different values! The colors of the Free Speech flag, which I have taken the liberty of naming Free Speech {Green, Aquamarine, Magenta, Blue, Grey, Red} as of 10-May-2007. The flag does not contain red for some reason, so please also see the colors swatch provided by Tim Jarrett in his JarretHouseNorth blog. Unnamed colors provided for use of the CSS shortcut example (Please inform me if this color is named someplace.)



Some duplicate and contradictory cases exist because of the multiple sources. When sources provided only decimal or hex values, I computed the missing values. The first version of this document was in 1995 or 1996. Thanks to Kenji Mikasa for the idea of using BG/FG samples in 1996.

Copyright and Copy policy

This document is Copyright 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Kevin J. Walsh, all rights are reserved. The master copy of this document resides at http://web.njit.edu/~walsh/rgb.html This document can be copied with or without modification provided that you indicate that it came from http://web.njit.edu/~walsh and that it is "Copyright 2007 Kevin J. Walsh". Please do let me know if you find any errorrs or inaccuracies.


So You Want A Basic Color Code, Huh?NGUN : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/colors/article.php/3478961 By Joe Burns

For an explanation of Hex Codes, click here. Also... see the list of Non-Dithering Colors.42

Please note: "Aqua" and "Cyan" produce the same color: 00FFFF "Fuchsia" and "Magenta" produce the same color: FF00FFAliceblue F0F8FF Aquamarine 7FFFD4 Bisque FFE4C4 Blue 0000FF Burlywood DEB887 Chocolate D2691E Cornsilk FFF8DC Darkblue 00008B Darkgray A9A9A9 Darkmagenta 8B008B Darkorchid 9932CC Darkseagreen 8FBC8F Darkturquoise 00CED1 Deepskyblue 00BFFF Firebrick B22222 Fuchsia FF00FF Gold FFD700 Green 008000 Hotpink Antiquewhite FAEBD7 Azure F0FFFF Black 000000 Blueviolet 8A2BE2 Cadetblue 5F9EA0 Coral FF7F50 Crimson DC143C Darkcyan 008B8B Darkgreen 006400 Darkolivegreen 556B2F Darkred 8B0000 Darkslateblue 483D8B Darkviolet 9400D3 Dimgray 696969 Floralwhite FFFAF0 Gainsboro DCDCDC Goldenrod DAA520 Greenyellow ADFF2F Indianred Aqua 00FFFF Beige F5F5DC Blanchedalmon d FFEBCD Brown A52A2A Chartreuse 7FFF00 Cornflowerblue 6495ED Cyan 00FFFF Darkgoldenrod B8860B Darkkhaki BDB76B Darkorange FF8C00 Darksalmon E9967A Darkslategray 2F4F4F deeppink FF1493 Dodgerblue 1E90FF Forestgreen 228B22 Ghostwhite F8F8FF Gray 808080 Honeydew F0FFF0 Indigo 43

FF69B4 Ivory FFFFF0 Lavenderblush FFF0F5 Lightblue ADD8E6 Lightgoldenrodyell ow FAFAD2 Lightpink FFB6C1 Lightskyblue 87CEFA Lightyellow FFFFE0 Linen FAF0E6 Mediumauqamarin e 66CDAA Mediumpurple 9370D8

CD5C5C Khaki F0E68C Lawngreen 7CFC00 Lightcoral F08080 Lightgreen 90EE90 Lightsalmon FFA07A Lightslategray 778899 Lime 00FF00 Magenta FF00FF Mediumblue 0000CD

4B0082 Lavender E6E6FA Lemonchiffon FFFACD Lightcyan E0FFFF Lightgrey D3D3D3 Lightseagreen 20B2AA Lightsteelblue B0C4DE Limegreen 32CD32 Maroon 800000 Mediumorchid BA55D3

Mediumseagre Mediumslateblu en e 3CB371 7B68EE

Mediumspringgree Mediumturquoi Mediumvioletre n se d 00FA9A 48D1CC C71585 Midnightblue 191970 Moccasin FFE4B5 Oldlace FDF5E6 Orange FFA500 Palegoldenrod EEE8AA Palevioletred D87093 Peru CD853F Powderblue Mintcream F5FFFA Navajowhite FFDEAD Olive 808000 Orangered FF4500 Palegreen 98FB98 Papayawhip FFEFD5 Pink FFC0CB Purple Mistyrose FFE4E1 Navy 000080 Olivedrab 688E23 Orchid DA70D6 Paleturquoise AFEEEE Peachpuff FFDAB9 Plum DDA0DD Red 44

B0E0E6 Rosybrown BC8F8F Salmon FA8072 Seashell FFF5EE Skyblue 87CEEB Snow FFFAFA Tan D2B48C Tomato FF6347 Wheat F5DEB3 Yellow FFFF00 Enjoy!

800080 Royalblue 4169E1 Sandybrown F4A460 Sienna A0522D Slateblue 6A5ACD Springgreen 00FF7F Teal 008080 Turquoise 40E0D0 White FFFFFF YellowGreen 9ACD32

FF0000 Saddlebrown 8B4513 Seagreen 2E8B57 Silver C0C0C0 Slategray 708090 Steelblue 4682B4 Thistle D8BFD8 Violet EE82EE Whitesmoke F5F5F5

A Quick Color Explanation Gi Tr Thp Lc PhnNGUN : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/colors/article.php/3478951

A Quick Color ExplanationBy Joe Burns It's pretty easy to understand the word color codes, but those hex codes are rather strange. Here's a quick explanation.

The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Remember that from high school art? They're called the primary colors because there are no two "lesser" colors that make them up. Purple is not a primary color because it can be created through combining equal parts of blue and red.45

In the world of mechanical things that make color, like a television, or a computer screen, color is created through the mixing of three basic colors to make other colors. It's a process known as "additive color". You would think that the TV's and computer monitors of the world would simply use the three primary color to start with, but nothing in life can just be that easy. The three colors used to start additive color mixing are red, green, and blue. Why, you ask? Because by starting with one composite color, green, you can still create yellow because it's contained in the green. In addition, now you are actually starting with four colors, red, green, blue, and yellow. Stay with me here... To go on, I need to explain a second process of working with colors, "subtractive color." Subtractive color is the concept of combining colors to make another, like mixing red and blue paint to get purple. That may sounds like additive color, but in reality, colors are made by subtracting a hue out of the color scheme by adding more of another. Adding more white to black makes it more silver subtracting more black as more white is mixed in. Get it? One other big difference between additive and subtractive color, and this is the key, is what you get when you add them all together. If you add all the colors together in a subtractive color method, you get black. Why? Because you added them all together and all those colors subtracted from all the others leaving no set color...or black. A computer, on the other hand, works with light, not paint or any other goopy stuff. Mix a computer's additive colors, red, green, and blue, together, you get white. No kidding, you really do. Shine a white light at a prism or a lead crystal glass. You'll get a rainbow of colors. Actually, that's how a rainbow is created. White light is being shown through water in the air. That separates the white light into the "rainbow" of colors. Now on to the 6-digit representation of color known at the hex code. Basic Hexadecimal Notation: Hex numbers use 16 digits: 0123456789ABCDEF Zero, "0", is the smallest representations of a color. It's almost the total absence of color. F is 15 times the intensity of the color of 0. Combinations of these digits create46

different shades of a particular color. Double Zero, "00," is equal to zero hue. FF is equal to a pure color. This color representation is done three times, once for red, once for green, and once for blue, in that order. Put the three, two-digit, codes together and you get a 6-digit hex code. The hex code is just a representation of the red, green, and blue intensity, in that order. The computer creates the three intensities, mashes them together, and you get a single shade of color. For an example, here are the opposite ends of the color scale: FFFFFF The code above is equal to white. Why? Notice the three colors are all set to FF. That means the highest level of red, green, and blue. As I said above, in a computer, or television, the combination of all three primary colors creates white. Now here's black: 000000 This is just the opposite. All three settings of red, green, and blue are set to a total absence of color. Black. Now, here are a few other codes and their breakdown:

FFFF00Let's start with the concern from up above, yellow. The code above produces pure yellow. Notice the red and the green are at full tilt. There is no blue. By mashing the red and green up against each other, the red cancels out the blue and all that is left is the yellow. It's actually a subtractive color method being employed in an additive world. Man, this gets loopy, huh?

DC143CThe code above creates a shade of red called "crimson." The red setting, DC, is pretty intense. There's not much green. Blue is set a little less than halfway up.

EE82EEThat's violet. The Red and the Blue are at pretty high levels. The green is there, but at a lower level. Now, this is not purple, but violet. Purple, as I said above, is a47

combination of red and blue alone. The code is 800080. Notice there's no green at all. Just an equal amount of red and blue.

FFA500That's orange. There's lots of red, not quite an equal level of green, and no blue. That's how the hex codes work. This lesson probably won't make you an expert in color creation, but at least you'll be able to understand the creation of color in a computer. So, are there more hex code colors that what I show above? Oh, yes. There are thousands upon thousands covering every color in the scale from pure black to pure white. Every time you change even one of the red, green, or blue levels, you change the color. Feel free to change the colors to get exactly the shade you want. Enjoy!

Non-dithering colorsNGUN : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/colors/article.php/3479001 By Joe Burns The non-dithering color codes by Lynda Weinman. Used with permission.

Huh? Dithering? What?As if there isn't enough to be concerned about in terms of colors here's one more little deal. This is a chart of 216 "non-dithering" colors. In layman's terms, these colors will look like the color you ask for on all browsers and all computer screen resolution settings.

Have you ever seen a color created by what appeared to be one solid color and then a few lighter colored dots across the top? It didn't blend at all, but sort of created the color. Have you ever printed something in color, and instead of being a straight color, it appeared to be a series of different colored dots? I guess if you were able to truly mix those colors together, you would get the color you are looking for. But they're not mixed. That's dithering.


What Makes These Colors So Great?They won't dither. They always give a nice smooth color on web pages and in graphics. The reason is because these are the 216 colors chosen by Windows and MAC operating platforms to make up their palettes of colors. The colors that aren't represented here are the colors that these try to make up by dithering. Get it? The color list comes from a mathematical formula using the shades 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF from hex codes. Using just those 6 hex combinations over red, blue, and green hues, gives us a total of 216 colors that will render perfectly on your screen.

Read a much more in-depth description of hex codes here. Also look into the 140 word and hex code combinations.

That said - here you go. These are the chosen 216.FFFFFF FFFF00 FFFFC FFFF99 FFFF66 FFFF33 C CCFFF CCFFC CCFF9 CCFF66 F C 9


99FF00 33FFFF 66FF99 66FF00 33FF66 00FF66

FFCC9 66FF6 66FF33 00FFCC 9 6 33FF9 FFCC6 FFCC3 CCCCFF 9 6 3 33FF3 00FF9 FFCC0 33FF00 3 9 0 00FF3 00FF0 CCCCC CCCC99 3 0 C

99CCF CCCC6 CCCC0 CCCC3 99CCCC F 6 0 3 FF99FF 99CC9 66CCF FF99C 99CC66 9 F C

66CCC 99CC3 00CCF 33CCF 99CC00 C 3 F F 49


66CC9 FF996 66CC6 33CCCC 9 6 6

CC99F 00CCC FF993 FF9900 66CC33 F C 3 66CC0 33CC9 00CC9 CC99C 33CC66 0 9 9 C 00CC6 CC999 33CC3 FF66FF 33CC00 6 9 3 CC996 00CC3 9999F 00CC0 CC9933 6 3 F 0 CC990 FF66C 9999C FF6699 999999 0 C C 6699FF FF666 CC66F 999966 6699CC 6 F

99993 FFCC3 FF660 FF33FF 3399FF 3 3 0 99990 66999 CC66C 0099FF FF33CC 0 9 C 3399C CC669 66996 FF00FF 339999 C 9 6 66993 66990 FF339 0099C 9966FF 3 0 9 C CC666 00999 CC663 CC660 339966 6 9 3 0 FF00C FF336 00996 CC33F FF3333 C 6 6 F 33993 00993 9966C FF3300 FF0099 3 3 C 33990 00990 6666F CC33C FF0066 0 0 F C 99669 FF003 FF000 CC00F CC3399 9 3 0 F 99666 6666C 99663 996600 3366FF 6 C 3 CC336 CC00C 9933F 0066FF 666699 6 C F CC333 CC330 3366C CC009 9933CC 3 0 C 9 66666 66663 0066C 9900FF 666600 6 3 C 50

CC006 33669 99339 CC003 6633FF 6 9 9 3 33666 00669 CC000 993366 9900CC 6 9 0 33663 00666 33660 6633C 3333FF 3 6 0 C 00663 99333 99330 6600FF 990099 3 3 0 00660 0033F 66339 009966 3333CC 0 F 9 66336 6600C 99003 0033C 990000 6 C 3 C 3300FF 66333 66330 660099 0000FF 3 0

33339 3300C 00339 333300 660066 9 C 9 33333 00336 0000C 660033 333300 3 6 C 66000 33009 00333 003300 000099 0 9 3 33006 33003 00006 330000 000033 6 3 6 000000

Bn c th tham kho thm : http://jmol.sourceforge.net/jscolors/

M hnh mu RGBNGUN : http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B4_h%C3%ACnh_m%C3%A0u_RGB

Bch khoa ton th m WikipediaBc ti: menu, tm kim


Phi trn mu b sung: thm vo xanh l cy to ra vng; thm vng vo xanh lam to ra trng. M hnh mu RGB s dng m hnh b sung trong nh sng , xanh l cy v xanh lam c t hp vi nhau theo nhiu phng thc khc nhau to thnh cc mu khc. T vit tt RGB trong ting Anh c ngha l (red), xanh l cy (green) v xanh lam (blue), l ba mu gc trong cc m hnh nh sng b sung. Cng lu rng m hnh mu RGB t bn thn n khng nh ngha th no l "", "xanh l cy" v "xanh lam" mt cch chnh xc, v th vi cng cc gi tr nh nhau ca RGB c th m t cc mu tng i khc nhau trn cc thit b khc nhau c cng mt m hnh mu. Trong khi chng cng chia s mt m hnh mu chung, khng gian mu thc s ca chng l dao ng mt cch ng k.


Mc lc[giu]

1 Lch s 2 C s sinh hc 3 RGB v hin th o 3.1 Cng nghip in t 4 Biu din dng s 24 bit o 4.1 Kiu 16 bit o 4.2 Kiu 32 bit o 4.3 Kiu 48 bit o 4.4 RGBA o 4.5 Phi tuyn tnh o 4.6 Kim tra mu sc chuyn nghip 5 Mu sc trong thit k Web 6 Xem thm 7 Lin kt ngoi

[sa] Lch sS dng m hnh mu RGB nh mt tiu chun biu th mu trn Internet c ngun gc t cc tiu chun cho ti vi mu nm 1953 ca RCA v vic s dng tiu chun RGB bi Edwin Land trong cc camera Land / Polaroid.

[sa] C s sinh hcCc mu gc c lin quan n cc khi nim sinh hc hn l vt l, n da trn c s phn ng sinh l hc ca mt ngi i vi nh sng. Mt ngi c cc t bo cm quang c hnh nn nn cn c gi l t bo hnh nn, cc t bo ny thng thng c phn ng cc i vi nh sng vng - xanh l cy (t bo hnh nn L), xanh l cy (t bo hnh nn M) v xanh lam (t bo hnh nn S) tng ng vi cc bc sng khong 564 nm, 534 nm v 420 nm. V d, mu vng thy c khi cc t bo cm nhn mu xanh nh vng c kch thch nhiu hn mt cht so vi t bo cm nhn mu xanh l cy v mu cm nhn c khi cc t bo cm nhn mu vng - xanh l cy c kch thch nhiu hn so vi t bo cm nhn mu xanh l cy. Mc d bin cc i ca cc phn x ca cc t bo cm quang khng din ra cc bc sng ca mu "", "xanh l cy" v "xanh lam", ba mu ny c m t nh l cc mu gc v chng c th s dng mt cch tng i c lp kch thch ba loi t bo cm quang. sinh ra khong mu ti u cho cc loi ng vt khc, cc mu gc khc c th c s dng. Vi cc loi vt c bn loi t bo cm quang, chng hn nh nhiu loi chim, ngi ta c l phi ni l cn ti bn mu gc; cho cc loi vt ch c hai loi t bo cm quang, nh phn ln cc loi ng vt c v, th ch cn hai mu gc.


[sa] RGB v hin thMt trong nhng ng dng ph bin nht ca m hnh mu RGB l vic hin th mu sc trong cc ng tia m cc, mn hnh tinh th lng hay mn hnh plasma, chng hn nh mn hnh my tnh hay ti vi. Mi im nh trn mn hnh c th c th hin trong b nh my tnh nh l cc gi tr c lp ca mu , xanh l cy v xanh lam. Cc gi tr ny c chuyn i thnh cc cng v gi ti mn hnh. Bng vic s dng cc t hp thch hp ca cc cng nh sng , xanh l cy v xanh lam, mn hnh c th ti to li phn ln cc mu trong khong en v trng. Cc phn cng hin th in hnh c s dng cho cc mn hnh my tnh trong nm 2003 s dng tng cng 24 bit thng tin cho mi im nh (trong ting Anh thng thng c bit n nh bits per pixel hay bpp). N tng ng vi mi 8 bit cho mu , xanh l cy v xanh lam, to thnh mt t hp 256 cc gi tr c th, hay 256 mc cng cho mi mu. Vi h thng nh th, khong 16,7 triu mu ri rc c th ti to.

[sa] Cng nghip in tRGB l mt dng ca tn hiu thnh phn ca video, c s dng trong ngnh cng nghip in t ch to cc thit b nghe nhn. N gm c ba tn hiu - , xanh l cy v xanh lam - c truyn i trong ba dy cp ring bit. Cc cp b sung i khi l cn thit truyn i cc tn hiu ng b. Cc nh dng tn hiu RGB thng thng da trn cc phin bn sa i ca cc tiu chun RS-170 v RS-343 cho cc thit b hin th video n sc. Loi hnh ny ca tn hiu video c s dng rng ri chu u v n l tn hiu c cht lng tt nht c th truyn i trong cc b kt ni SCART tiu chun. Ngoi phm vi chu u, RGB khng phi l dng tn hiu video ph bin S-Video chim v tr ny trong phn ln cc khu vc phi-u chu. Tuy nhin, phn ln cc mn hnh my tnh trn th gii s dng RGB.

[sa] Biu din dng s 24 bitKhi biu din di dng s, cc gi tr RGB trong m hnh 24 bpp thng thng c ghi bng cp ba s nguyn gia 0 v 255, mi s i din cho cng ca mu , xanh l cy, xanh lam trong trt t nh th. V d:

(0, 0, 0) l mu en (255, 255, 255) l mu trng (255, 0, 0) l mu (0, 255, 0) l mu xanh l cy (0, 0, 255) l mu xanh lam (255, 255, 0) l mu vng (0, 255, 255) l mu xanh ngc (255, 0, 255) l mu hng sm

nh ngha trn s dng tha thun c bit n nh l ton b khong RGB. Thng thng, RGB cho video k thut s khng phi l ton b khong ny. Thay v th video RGB s dng tha thun vi thang v cc gi tr tng i chng hn nh (16, 16, 16) l mu en, (235, 235, 235) l mu trng v.v. V d, cc thang v gi tr tng i ny c s dng cho nh ngha RGB k thut s trong CCIR 601.


[sa] Kiu 16 bitCn c kiu 16 bpp, trong hoc l c 5 bit cho mi mu, gi l kiu 555 hay thm mt bit cn li cho mu xanh l cy (v mt c th cm nhn mu ny tt hn so vi cc mu khc), gi l kiu 565. Kiu 24 bpp ni chung c gi l tht mu, trong khi kiu 16 bpp c gi l cao mu.

[sa] Kiu 32 bitCi gi l kiu 32 bpp phn ln l s ng nht chnh xc vi kiu 24 bpp, do y thc s cng ch c 8 bit cho mi mu thnh phn, tm bit d n gin l khng s dng (ngoi tr kh nng s dng nh l knh alpha). L do ca vic m rng ca kiu 32 bpp l vn tc cao hn m phn ln cc phn cng ngy nay c th truy cp cc d liu c sp xp trong cc a ch byte c th chia c ngang nhau theo cp s ca 2, so vi cc d liu khng c sp xp nh vy.

[sa] Kiu 48 bit"Kiu 16-bit" cng c th ch ti 16 bit cho mi mu thnh phn, to ra trong kiu 48 bpp. Kiu ny lm cho n c kh nng biu th 65.535 sc thi mi mu thnh phn thay v ch c 255. N u tin c s dng trong chnh sa hnh nh chuyn nghip, nh Photoshop ca Adobe duy tr s chnh xc cao hn khi c hn mt thut ton lc hnh nh c s dng i vi hnh nh . Vi ch c 8 bit cho mi mu, cc sai s lm trn c xu hng tch ly sau mi thut ton lc hnh nh c s dng v lm bin dng kt qu cui cng.

[sa] RGBAVi nhu cu v cc hnh nh ghp xut hin phng n ca RGB trong thm vo knh 8 bit d cho trong sut, v th to ra nh dng 32 bpp. Knh trong sut c bit n ph bin hn nh l knh alpha, v th nh dng ny c tn l RGBA. Cng lu rng v n khng thay i bt k ci g trong m hnh RGB, nn RGBA khng phi l mt m hnh mu khc bit, n ch l nh dng tp (file) trong b sung thm thng tin v trong sut cng vi thng tin v mu trong cng mt tp.

[sa] Phi tuyn tnhCng ca mu hin th trn cc thit b hin th hnh nh thng thng khng t l thun vi cc gi tr R, G, B. V d, gi tr 127 l rt gn vi gi tr chnh gia ca 0 v 255, cng nh sng ca thit b hin th khi phi hin th gi tr (127, 127, 127) ch bng khong 18% ca gi tr khi hin th gi tr (255, 255, 255), ch khng phi 50%. Xem sa cha gamma bit thm chi tit ca vn ny.

[sa] Kim tra mu sc chuyn nghipVic ti to mt cch thch hp ca mu sc trong cc mi trng chuyn nghip yu cu vic kim tra mu sc mt cch rng ri cho mi thit b tham gia vo qu trnh sn xut. iu ny l kt qu ca mt vi chuyn i trong sut gia cc khng gian mu ph thuc thit b trong chu trnh sn xut in hnh m bo s ng nht mu sc trong qu trnh sn xut. Bn cnh nhng qu trnh sng to th mi s can thip nh vy trn cc hnh nh s ha cng lm nh hng n cht lng hnh nh do s suy gim gam mu. V th cng nhiu gam mu ca hnh nh gc th cng c nhiu quy trnh n c th h tr m khng to ra nhng suy gim r nt. Cc thit b chuyn nghip v cc cng c phn mm 55

cho php ngi ta c th lm vic vi nhng hnh nh 48 bpp (16 bit trn mt knh) tng mt ca cc gam mu.

[sa] Mu sc trong thit k WebMu sc c s dng trong thit k web thng thng c biu din vi vic s dng RGB; xem cc mu web c gii thch cho vic s dng mu sc trong ngn ng HTML v cc ngn ng lin quan khc. Ban u, s gii hn su mu ca phn ln cc mn hnh dn ti s gii hn bng mu l 216 mu RGB - c nh ngha bi Netscape Color Cube. Tuy nhin, vi s thng tr ca cc thit b hin th 24-bit, vic s dng ton b 16,7 triu mu bng cc m mu RGB trong m HTML s khng phi l vn vi phn ln ngi s dng. Ni ngn gn, bng mu an ton ca web cha 216 t hp ca , xanh l cy, xanh lam v mi mu c th c 1 trong 6 gi tr (trong h thp lc phn hay s hex) l : #00, #33, #66, #99, #CC, hay #FF. R rng l, 63 = 216. M hnh mu RGB cho HTML dc chp nhn v mt hnh thc l tiu chun Internet trong HTML 3.2, tuy nhin n c s dng t trc .

[sa] Xem thm

Mu b sung Danh sch mu Hin tng di phn mu bpp Khng gian mu: o M hnh mu CMYK in mu. o Khng gian mu HSV o Khng gian mu HLS o M hnh mu RYB m hnh mu truyn thng ca cc ha s. o YUV cho ti vi h PAL o YIQ cho ti vi h NTSC

[sa] Lin kt ngoi

RGB Hex Color Chart - Chart of web friendly colors for web developers Color Charts RGB-Color Mixer Java-Plugin required Learning by Simulations RGB Color Model HTML Color Chart

Ly t http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B4_h%C3%ACnh_m%C3%A0u_RGB Th loi: Khng gian mu



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