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…Colour and tone…

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How the colour affects us mentally and physically:

• Red: Increases enthusiasm, stimulates energy, encourages action and confidence.• Orange: Stimulates activity, stimulates appetite, encourages socialization• Yellow: Mentally stimulating ,stimulates the nervous system, activates memory ,encourages

communication.• Green: Soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps alleviate depression,

nervousness and anxiety, offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony• Blue: Calming and sedate, cooling, aids intuition• Purple: Uplifting, calming to mind and nerves, offers a sense of spirituality, encourages

creativity• Brown: Feeling of wholesomeness, stability, connection with the earth, offers a sense

orderliness.• Grey: unsettling, expectant• White: aids mental clarity, encourages us to clear clutter or obstacles, evokes purification of

thoughts or actions, enables fresh beginnings• Black: feeling inconspicuous, a restful emptiness, mysterious evoking a sense of potential

and possibility.

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Primary, secondary &tertiary colours:

There are 3 primary colours that cannot be mixed from any other colours. Secondary colours are colours that can be made by mixing 2 primary colours and tertiary colours are colours that are a mixture of 3 colours.

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Artworks consisting of primary colours only:

These artists have used primary colours in a very effective way. The painting on the left is very symmetrical but by using black to isolate the yellow creates depth in the picture. The painting on the right is also very effective even though we don’t picture those objects those colours in real life we can still make out what everything is and we can also see form and depth coming through. The artists who painted these were very clever in the way they made use of black and white too.

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Complimentary colours:Complimentary colours are colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel.Red and green; yellow and purple; blue and orange. The colour that compliments a primary colour are secondary colours. When complimentary colours are mixed they always produce brown. Very interesting…

In these two pictures we can see the use of the complimentary colours blue and orange. The painting on the left is of a shoe and it uses different shades of blue and orange which helps to create form and by making the background orange it causes the shoe to stand out as the focal point. The image above is very symmetrical but by

layering the shapes the artist has created depth. Placing the lighter orange square on the darker blue background has made is the focal point. I really like this image.

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The use of the complimentary colours in this painting is very effective. The way the artist has made the purple the background and graded it from light to dark.by making the face a lighter shade of yellow on the darker purple causes the face to stand out and the background to recede.

In the painting below we can see the opposite effect is happening the purpled bottle is standing out becoming the focal point and the yellow fruit is not standing out so much.

By using different shades of complimentary colours artists are able to create different effects.

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Tone is the degree of lightness or darkness of an area. Tone varies from the bright white of a light source through shades of grey to the deepest black shadows.

In this drawing we can see how the artist slowly brings in tone.

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In these sketches we can see how the tone is displayed.in the 2 pictures above we can see how form is created by using different shades.in the sketch on the left we can see how the artist used tone to create depth and form and a 3D effect.

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I love this picture and I think it demonstrates the use of tone very effectively. You can really feel the texture and form of the tree. The wholes in the tree are very black and almost create the feeling that you can climb inside it. The cracks are also very well shown by being very dark.

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Cool and warm coloursIn these pictures we can see how the cool colours either recede or stand out.in the pictures below and to the left we see hoe the warmer colours stand out but in the picture on the right we can see how the blue flowers stand out.

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In this picture we can see how effectively the warm colours stand out. When the painting is in black and white the no part of the composition stands out more but when it is painted in colour the orange glass stands out more then the tea pot.

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When we look at these paintings we get a feeling of unease because they are very busy and there is no real focal point so our mind kind of goes wild. We also see movement on both there artworks. But the artist used very bright colours so there is a happy emotion that we still feel even though we feel uncomfortable.

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In this picture we can feel movement created by the lines. The birds stand out because they are warmer colours then the background. The colours are also different shades which also help with the overall softness of the artwork.

In the picture below the artist has used warm colours which create a feeling of joy and comfort. The colours used are solid colour. There again is no focal point but the picture is not so busy so it does not create a feeling of discomfort.

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This picture for me creates a feeling of somberness, even though there are flowers in the picture that normally create happy feelings the dullness of the colours for me create a feeling of sadness.

The picture on the right creates a feeling of distress and fear. The dull grey colour evokes these feelings and the dark blue-black colours of the sea also evoke those emotions.

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Colour to black and white

We can see in this picture how if we covert a picture that was originally in colour to black and white the different tones are easier to identify.

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