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Headings are usually the first thing that readers see. An interesting one will even hold their attention for a while before they flip through the pages. Hence why we should spend more time writing headings. However, an intriguing heading alone is not enough. Colours play a vital role too in attracting the readerʼs attention.

Tip: Go bold with headings. Use vibrant colours to emphasize its presence in commercial environments.


TextTexts should be readable, effortlessly. No reader should have to strain his or her eyes trying to read your content. Chances are, they might just abandon the entire article altogether, no matter how great your heading is, if the text is hard on the eyes.

Tip: Avoid pastel-coloured texts unless the font size is large, or when a dark background is used. Grey text may be the preference in some cases to harsh black, especially in corporate stationery; and this could be well achieved if the density is not too light, especially for small or condensed text. To enable easier reading, heavy drop-down shadows should also be avoided at all cost.

A call-to-action is an instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response. It can be in the form of QR codes that direct the audience to your website or just a simple “call us now”. Either way, it is important to make sure your call-to-action stands out so as to prompt your readers to take action.

Tip: Contrasting colours work best for a striking CTA. When choosing contrasting colours, make sure similar hues, shades, and tints are not placed on top of or next to each other.

Call to Action

Overall Colour SchemeThe overall colour scheme of your visuals should go well with your corporate colours to reflect brand consistency and promote readability. You wouldnʼt want a green and purple colour combination on your brochure, would you?

Tip: Make sure the colour schemes donʼt clash but match well with the corporate colour and purpose of your organization. Experiment with different sets of colour palettes and choose one that co-exists best with each other.

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