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1. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce The 28th BPW International Congress Empowered Women Leading Business 26. May 2013, Jeju / Korea 2. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Topics Facts from the international development of Gender Pay Gap - If you deal with a problem you need basic knowledge BPW EPD Awareness Campaign I will show you, how we as BPW can manage this topic, start with an EPD campaign and reach great attention Pictures /Examples of activities around the world Gift from the taskforce for BPW 3. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce The Gender Wage Gap exists worldwide Example of OECD Countries Pay gap between male and female income for full-time workers (Source: OECD Employment Database 2013) 4. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Worldwide Pay Gap The pay gap varies with the position of men and women It is larger for higher-earners than for low- earners The smaller gap for low-earners in many countries reflects the influence of minimun wages and collective agreements to protect lower-income workers 5. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Pay gap at the top and bottom of the earnings distribution 2010 /Full time employees Source: OECD Employment Database, June 2013 6. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Development of pay gap (median earnings of full- time employees), 1970 to 2011, for examble Source: OECD Employment Database, June 2013 7. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce What are mean reasons for the Pay Gap? "women's work" is undervalued women more often work part time due to the family work women interrupt their careers more frequently gender role stereotypes still exists women dont negotiate as well as men discrimination against women 8. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Abstract of the Gender Pay Gap around the world The pay gap is estimated globally to be 22,9%, Gender pay gap decreased in most of the OECD countries (OECD average in 2010: 17,6%, 2011 17,3%) A positive trend can be notice in most of the countries But unfortunately it would take us further 75 years to close the gap (Source ILO Conference 2011) 9. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce We cant wait 75 years ! We started BPW Awareness Campaign EPD NYC, 2009, 53rd CSW Work for the introduction of more EPDs worldwide and for networking for worldwide activities 10. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce We want to achieve a rapid decraese of the pay gap fight for subject matter Raise awareness and mobilize Demands: transparent salaries systems in companies Have an equal number of women on board Inform women so they can act with more confidence Improve conditions for working mothers Promote discrimination-free job evaluation Increase the number of women in full-time jobs 11. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce What we have achieved Establised a worldwide movement We started with 2 countries, meanwhile we celebrate EPD in over 30 countries BPW deal all over the world, on each continent with this topic, even there isnt until now an EPD BPW gave the gender pay gape more relevance A lot of governments and parlamentariens put this problem on a higher position of their agenda We reach also support from men, companies, organisations, assosiations and trade unions 12. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce How to start and how to reach a large number of people 1. Start with an EPD and repeat every year 2. Organize events and go public 3. Wear RED! Red bags are the BPW- Equal Pay Day symbol 4. Take as BPW a leading role, determine the date /EPD, 5. locate and find federats (unions, politician, companies), Equal Pay is an important topic, which interests the popultion, (there exists a competition about topics finds attention, other oganisations must legitimate there existence), 6.BPW dont fight against each other, work together! 13. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Pictures from activities around the world 14. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Equal Pay Day a worldwide movement Australia Canada Finnland 15. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD 2014 - Germany 16. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Equal Pay in Germany 2013 Over 1000 events all over Germany big resonance in the media TV broadcasts 2008 - 4 to 2013 184 Articles 2008 - 1.353 to 2013 4368 Internet 2008 - 138 to 2013 - 2293 Meanwhile all parties, the parliament and our government support us, Equal Pay was topic in the last election New Government promised minimum wage 17. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD 2014 - Germany 18. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Poland EPD 19. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce BPW France Paris 20. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Korea 21. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Japan EPD 22. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Australia 23. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Australia 24. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Italy Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 25. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Austria Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 26. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Croatia Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 27. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce EPD Bulgaria Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 28. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Singapore EDP event 29. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Get organized ! 30. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 30 Organize Events Riding the red London bus in Gttingen USA, Long Island An Equal Pay Day breakfast 31. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Meet at Public Places ! 32. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Organize demonstrations and invite press! 33. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Raise awareness 34. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Involve Members of Parlament and Politicians pay equity is everyones issue Members of Parlament, New Zealand Male politicians for EPD, Australia Minister of Foreign Affairs, Germany 35. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Involve politician / important person Viviane Reding, EU Justice Commissioner Horst Khler, former President Germany 36. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Take Attention, Organize Petitions Hand over results to government officials 36 37. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Meet at public places 38. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Organize public events, like a soccer match, a rallye, a bike race or have games 39. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Have fun - Unhappy Hour Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Powerpoint Karaoke in Baden, Switzerland on EPD 2013 40. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Sew your own Red Bags !! 41. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Show your Red Bags 42. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Dekorat shop windows in Switzerland 43. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Let Balloons fly! 44. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 44 Glasgow, UK Red has become the color for the movement because when it comes to salaries, womens finances are in the red. more red baloons 45. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Print your own Newspaper: Or get into your local newspaper: 46. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Create your national Equal Pay Day website like: Switzerland: www.equalpayday.ch Germany: www.equalpayday.de Austria: www.equalpayday.at Austrialia: www.equalpayday.com.au Belgium: www.equalpayday.be Czech Republic: www.equalpayday.cz EPD Taskforce: www.eqaul-pay-day.com Or put your pictures and reports at your national or at our international BPW website or put them direct on internet 47. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Produce and show EPD-Videos Initiative EPD in Australia 2013 Initative gender pay gap EU Comission 48. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Bake, cook and play music ! Or simply have a video night with the plenty equal pay day related videos online ! 49. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Create small presents /advertising specialities 50. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Offer from the taskforce to you We create with you your own flyer You translate the text into your language We can made a foto here or you send me some Send me name and emailadress of the responcible person We will email you your flyer Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce 51. Dr. Bettina Schleicher BPW Germany e.V. Past President 2004-2008, Chair Equal Pay Day Taskforce Thank you for your attention Help continue the fight for equal pay!

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