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Command-Oriented Architecture

Maceió DEV Meetup #6

who am I?

➔ Tony Messias ~ @tony0x01

➔ Building web stuff since ~2010

before we start...

➔ CRUD thinking


➔ Commands/Events

➔ Clean Architecture

“CRUD is an antipattern”

(Mathias Verraes)

“CRUD doesn't express behaviour. Avoid setters, and use expressive, encapsulated operations instead.”


$order = new Order();






$order = new Order();

$money = new Money(120, new Currency('EUR'));

$order->pay($customer, $money);

class CommentsController extends Controller {

public function store($postId)


$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment([

'message' => 'A new comment.',

'user_id' => Auth::user()->id



return redirect()

->route('posts.view, $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller {

public function store($postId)


$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment([

'message' => 'A new comment.',

'user_id' => Auth::user()->id



return redirect()

->route('posts.view, $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller {

public function store($postId)


$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => 'A new comment.']);

$user = Auth::user();

$post->comment($user, $comment);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller {

public function store($postId)


$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => 'A new comment.']);

$user = Auth::user();

$post->comment($user, $comment);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class Post extends Model


// ...

public function comment(User $user, Comment $comment)


$comment->user_id = $user->id;



// ...


class SendSMS {

public function fire($job, $data)


$twilio = new Twilio_SMS($apiKey);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],


$user = User::find($data['user']['id']);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],





class SendSMS {

public function fire($job, $data)


$twilio = new Twilio_SMS($apiKey);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],


$user = User::find($data['user']['id']);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],





class SendSMS {

public function fire($job, $data)


$twilio = new Twilio_SMS($apiKey);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],


$user = User::find($data['user']['id']);


'to' => $data['user']['phone_number'],

'message' => $data['message'],





class SendSMS {

function __construct(UserRepository $users, SmsCourierInterface $courier)


$this->users = $users;

$this->courier = $courier;


public function fire($job, $data)


$user = $this->users->find($data['user']['id']);

$user->sendSmsMessage($this->courier, $data['message']);




use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model


public function sendSmsMessage(SmsCourierInterface $courier, $message)


$courier->sendMessage($this->phone_number, $message);

return $this->messages()->create([

'to' => $this->phone_number,

'message' => $message,




class SmsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

public function test_user_can_send_sms_message() {

$user = Mockery::mock('User[messages]');

$relation = Mockery::mock('StdClass');

$courier = Mockery::mock('SmsCourierInterface');



'to' => '555-555-5555',

'message' => 'Test',



'555-555-5555', 'Test'


$user->phone_number = '555-555-5555';

$user->sendSmsMessage($courier, 'Test');



class SmsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

public function test_user_can_send_sms_message() {

$user = Mockery::mock('User[messages]');

$relation = Mockery::mock('StdClass');

$courier = Mockery::mock('SmsCourierInterface');



'to' => '555-555-5555',

'message' => 'Test',



'555-555-5555', 'Test'


$user->phone_number = '555-555-5555';

$user->sendSmsMessage($courier, 'Test');



class SmsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

public function test_user_can_send_sms_message() {

$user = Mockery::mock('User[messages]');

$relation = Mockery::mock('StdClass');

$courier = Mockery::mock('SmsCourierInterface');



'to' => '555-555-5555',

'message' => 'Test',



'555-555-5555', 'Test'


$user->phone_number = '555-555-5555';

$user->sendSmsMessage($courier, 'Test');



class SmsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

public function test_user_can_send_sms_message() {

$user = Mockery::mock('User[messages]');

$relation = Mockery::mock('StdClass');

$courier = Mockery::mock('SmsCourierInterface');



'to' => '555-555-5555',

'message' => 'Test',



'555-555-5555', 'Test'


$user->phone_number = '555-555-5555';

$user->sendSmsMessage($courier, 'Test');



be careful with MVC

your framework is not your architecture

$ tree rails/app


├── assets

├── controllers

├── helpers

├── mailers

├── models

└── views

“this is a rails app”

Screaming Architecture

ok, but what does it have to do with Commands?

they are basically DTOs,with cool names

class CommentsController extends Controller


public function store($postId)


$user = Auth::user();

$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => 'A new comment.']);

$post->comment($user, $comment);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller


public function store($postId)


$user = Auth::user();

$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => 'A new comment.']);

$post->comment($user, $comment);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller


public function store($postId)


$user = Auth::user();

$post = Post::find($postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => 'A new comment.']);

$post->comment($user, $comment);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class CommentsController extends Controller


public function store($postId)


$user = Auth::user();

$message = Input::get('message');

$command = new LeaveCommentCommand($user, $postId, $message);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



class LeaveCommentCommand


public $user;

public $postId;

public $message;

public function __construct(User $user, $postId, $message)


$this->user = $user;

$this->postId = $postId;

$this->message = $message;



how do I execute them?

class CommentsController extends Controller


public function store($postId)


$user = Auth::user();

$message = Input::get('message');

$command = new LeaveCommentCommand($user, $postId, $message);

return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesCommands;

class CommentsController extends Controller {

use DispatchesCommands;

public function store($postId) {

$user = Auth::user();

$message = Input::get('message');

$command = new LeaveCommentCommand($user, $postId, $message);


return redirect()

->route('posts.index', $post)

->withMessage('Your comment was successfully created');



what does dispatch do?

finds a handler for our command

one Command can be executed by one and

only one Handler



class LeaveCommentCommandHandler


public function handle(LeaveCommentCommand $command)


$post = Post::find($command->postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => $command->message]);

$post->comment($command->user, $comment);



what if I want to notify the post creator about

that new comment?

class LeaveCommentCommandHandler {

private $mailer;

function __construct(UserMailer $mailer) {

$this->mailer = $mailer;


public function handle(LeaveCommentCommand $command) {

$post = Post::find($command->postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => $command->message]);

$post->comment($command->user, $comment);

$this->notifyPostCreator($post->creator, $post, $comment);


// ...


class LeaveCommentCommandHandler


// ...

private function notifyPostCreator(

User $creator, Post $post, Comment $comment)




sprintf("New comment on [%s]", $post->title),

sprintf("User @%s left a comment for you: \n%s",






works, but we can do better...

use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;

class LeaveCommentCommandHandler {

private $events;

function __construct(Dispatcher $events) {

$this->events = $events;


public function handle(LeaveCommentCommand $command) {

$post = Post::find($command->postId);

$comment = new Comment(['message' => $command->message]);

$post->comment($command->user, $comment);



// ...


use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;

class LeaveCommentCommandHandler {

// ...

private function dispatchEvents(array $events)


foreach ($events as $event)




class Post extends Model


use EventGenerator;

public function comment(User $user, Comment $comment)


$comment->user_id = $user->id;


$this->raise(new CommentWasLeft($post, $comment, $user));



trait EventGenerator


protected $domainEvents = [];

public function raise($event)


$this->domainEvents[] = $event;


public function releaseEvents()


$events = $this->domainEvents;

$this->domainEvents = [];

return $events;



events are also just DTOs

class CommentWasLeft


public $post;

public $user;

public $comment;

public function __construct(Post $post, User $user, Comment $comment)


$this->post = $post;

$this->user = $user;

$this->comment = $comment;



but they can (and most of the time they do)

have lots of listeners/handlers

class NotifyPostOwnerAboutNewCommentHandler {

private $mailer;

function __construct(UserMailer $mailer) {

$this->mailer = $mailer;


public function handle(CommentWasLeft $event) {



sprintf("New comment on [%s]", $event->post->title),

sprintf("User @%s left a comment for you: \n%s",

$event->user->username, $event->comment->message)




class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider



* The event handler mappings for the application.

* @param array


protected $listen = [

CommentWasLeft::class => [






➔ Boundaries interacts through commands;

➔ Command is executed by its handler;

➔ Command handlers fires/triggers domain


➔ Events are listened by event handlers/listeners.

$ tree app


├── Commands

├── Console

├── Events

├── Exceptions

├── Handlers

├── Http

├── Providers

├── Services

└── User.php

$ tree app/Commands


├── Command.php

└── LeaveCommentCommand.php

$ tree app/Handlers


├── Commands

│ └── LeaveCommentCommandHandler.php

└── Events

└── NotifyPostOwnerAboutNewCommentHandler.php

avoid CRUD thinking

$ tree app/Commands


├── CreateUserCommand.php

└── DeleteUserCommand.php

└── UpdateUserCommand.php

class DeactivateInventoryItemCommand


public $userId;

public $itemId;

public $comment;

public function __construct($userId, $itemId, $comment)


$this->userId = $userId;

$this->itemId = $itemId;

$this->comment = $comment;



you can easily use queues to speed up your


use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeQueued;

class DeactivateInventoryItemCommand implements ShouldBeQueued {

public $userId;

public $itemId;

public $comment;

public function __construct($userId, $itemId, $comment) {

$this->userId = $userId;

$this->itemId = $itemId;

$this->comment = $comment;



use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeQueued;

class NotifyPostOwnerAboutNewCommentHandler implements ShouldBeQueued {

private $mailer;

function __construct(UserMailer $mailer) {

$this->mailer = $mailer;


public function handle(CommentWasLeft $event) {



sprintf("New comment on [%s]", $event->post->title),

sprintf("User @%s left a comment for you: \n%s",

$event->user->username, $event->comment->message)





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