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Page 1: Common Table Expressions in MariaDB 10.2 (Percona Live Amsterdam 2016)

Common Table Expressions in MariaDB 10.2

Sergei PetruniaGalina Shalygina

Page 2: Common Table Expressions in MariaDB 10.2 (Percona Live Amsterdam 2016)


● A standard SQL feature

● Two kinds of CTEs



● Supported by Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, …

● MySQL world:

•MariaDB: 10.2 Beta (Sept, 27th)

•MySQL: MySQL-8.0.0-labs-optimizer tree

Common Table Expressions

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion

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CTE SyntaxCTE name

CTE Body

CTE Usage

● Similar to DERIVED tables● “Query-local VIEWs”

with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering')select * from engineers where ...


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select *from( select * from employees where dept='Engineering') as engineerswhere...

with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering')select * from engineers where ...

CTEs are like derived tables

● Similar to DERIVED tables● “Query-local VIEWs”

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Use case #1: CTEs refer to CTEs

● More readable than nested FROM(SELECT …)

with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept in ('Development','Support')),eu_engineers as ( select * from engineers where country IN ('NL',...))select ...from eu_engineers;

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with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept in ('Development','Support')),select * from engineers E1 where not exists (select 1 from engineers E2 where E2.country=E1.country and E2.name <> E1.name);

Use case #2: Multiple use of CTE● Anti-self-join

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select * from sales_product_year CUR, sales_product_year PREV,where CUR.product=PREV.product and CUR.year=PREV.year + 1 and CUR.total_amt > PREV.total_amt

with sales_product_year as ( select product, year(ship_date) as year, sum(price) as total_amt from item_sales group by product, year)

Use case #2: example 2● Year-over-year comparisons

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select * from sales_product_year S1where total_amt > (select 0.1*sum(total_amt) from sales_product_year S2 where S2.year=S1.year)

with sales_product_year as ( select product, year(ship_date) as year, sum(price) as total_amt from item_sales group by product, year)

Use case #2: example 3● Compare individuals against their group

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● Non-recursive CTES are “Query-local VIEWs”

● One CTE can refer to another

•Better than nested FROM (SELECT …)

● Can refer to a CTE from multiple places

•Better than copy-pasting FROM(SELECT …)

● CTE adoption

•TPC-H (1999) - no CTEs

•TPC-DS (2011) - 38 of 100 queries use CTEs.

Conclusions so far

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion

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Base algorithm: materialize in a temp.table

● Always works● Often not optimal

with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering' or dept='Support')select ...from engineers, other_table, ...

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Optimization #1: CTE Mergingwith engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Development')select ...from engineers E, support_cases SCwhere E.name=SC.assignee and SC.created='2016-09-30' and E.location='Amsterdam'

select ...from employees E, support_cases SCwhere E.dept='Development' and E.name=SC.assignee and SC.created='2016-09-30' and E.location=’Amsterdam’

● for each support case•lookup employee by name

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Optimization #1: CTE Merging (2)

● Requirement


● Output

•CTE is merged into parent’s join

•Optimizer can pick the best query plan

● This is the same as ALGORITHM=MERGE for VIEWs

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with sales_per_year as ( select year(order.date) as year sum(order.amount) as sales from order group by year)select * from sales_per_year where year in ('2015','2016')

with sales_per_year as ( select year(order.date) as year sum(order.amount) as sales from order where year in ('2015','2016') group by year)select * from sales_per_year

Optimization #2: condition pushdown

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Optimization #2: condition pushdown (2)Summary

● Used when merging is not possible


● Makes temp. table smaller

● Allows to filter out whole groups

● Besides CTEs, works for derived tables and VIEWs

● MariaDB 10.2, Galina’s GSOC 2016 project:

“Pushing conditions into non-mergeable views and derived tables in


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with product_sales as ( select product_name, year(sale_date), count(*) as count from product_sales group by product, year)select *from product_sales P1, product_sales P2where P1.year = 2010 AND P2.year = 2011 AND ...

Optimization #3: CTE reuse

● Idea•Fill the CTE once•Then use multiple times

● Doesn’t work together with condition pushdown or merging

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CTE Optimizations summary

● Merge and condition pushdown are most important

•MariaDB supports them, like MS SQL.

● PostgreSQL’s approach is *weird*

•“CTEs are optimization barriers”

● MySQL’s labs tree: “try merging, otherwise reuse”

CTE Merge Condition pushdown CTE reuse

MariaDB 10.2 ✔ ✔ ✘

MS SQL Server ✔ ✔ ✘

PostgreSQL ✘ ✘ ✔

MySQL 8.0.0-labs-optimizer ✔ ✘ ✔*

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Recursive CTEs

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion

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Recursive CTEs

● First attempt: Oracle’s CONNECT BY syntax (80’s)● Superseded by Recursive CTEs

•SQL:1999, implementations in 2007-2009

● SQL is poor at “recursive” data structures/algorithms



tire valve

rimtirespokes- Trees - Graphs


Nashville Atlanta


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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion


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Recursive CTE syntax

Recursive part

Anchor partRecursive use of CTE


with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union [all] select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

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Sister AmyAlex

Mom Dad

Grandpa Bill

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Recursive CTE computation

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Computation Result table

Step #1:execution of the anchor part

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Computation Result table

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | moher |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Step #2:execution of the recursive part

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Computation Result table

Step #2:execution of the recursive part

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

Computation Result table

Step #3:execution of the recursive part

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

Computation Result table

Step #3:execution of the recursive part

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

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with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Alex' union select f.* from folks as f, ancestors AS a where f.id = a.father or f.id = a.mother)select * from ancestors;

Computation Result table

Step #4:execution of the recursive part

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL || 98 | Sister Amy | 20 | 30 |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

+------+--------------+--------+--------+| id | name | father | mother |+------+--------------+--------+--------+| 100 | Alex | 20 | 30 || 20 | Dad | 10 | NULL || 30 | Mom | NULL | NULL || 10 | Grandpa Bill | NULL | NULL |+------+--------------+--------+--------+

No results!

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Summary so far

1. Compute anchor_data

2. Compute recursive_part to

get the new data

3. if (new data is non-empty)

goto 2;

with recursive R as ( select anchor_data union [all] select recursive_part from R, …)select …

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion


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Transitive closure

bus_routes+------------+------------+ | origin | dst | +------------+------------+| New York | Boston || Boston | New York || New York | Washington || Washington | Boston || Washington | Raleigh |+------------+------------+

New York

Boston Washington


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with recursive bus_dst as ( select origin as dst from bus_routes where origin='New York' union select bus_routes.dst from bus_routes, bus_dst where bus_dst.dst= bus_routes.origin)select * from bus_dst

● Start from New York

New York

Boston Washington


Transitive closure

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with recursive bus_dst as ( select origin as dst from bus_routes where origin='New York' union select bus_routes.dst from bus_routes, bus_dst where bus_dst.dst= bus_routes.origin)select * from bus_dst

● Step #1: add Boston and Washington

Transitive closure +------------+ | dst | +------------+| New York |+------------+

New York

Boston Washington


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with recursive bus_dst as ( select origin as dst from bus_routes where origin='New York' union select bus_routes.dst from bus_routes, bus_dst where bus_dst.dst= bus_routes.origin)select * from bus_dst

● Step #1: add Boston and Washington

New York

Boston Washington


Transitive closure +------------+ | dst | +------------+| New York || Boston || Washington |+------------+

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with recursive bus_dst as ( select origin as dst from bus_routes where origin='New York' union select bus_routes.dst from bus_routes, bus_dst where bus_dst.dst= bus_routes.origin)select * from bus_dst

● Step#2:•Add Raleigh•UNION excludes nodes that are already present.

New York

Boston Washington


Transitive closure +------------+ | dst | +------------+| New York || Boston || Washington || Raleigh |+------------+

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UNION and MySQL-8.0-labs● UNION is useful for “transitive closure” queries

● Supported in all databases

● MySQL 8.0.0-labs

ERROR 42000: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support

'UNION DISTINCT in recursive Common Table Expression (use


•No idea why they have this limitation.

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion


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Computing “Paths”

bus_routes+------------+------------+ | origin | dst | +------------+------------+| New York | Boston || Boston | New York || New York | Washington || Washington | Boston || Washington | Raleigh |+------------+------------+

New York

Boston Washington


● Want paths like “New York -> Washington -> Raleigh”

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with recursive paths (cur_path, cur_dest) as ( select origin, origin from bus_routes where origin='New York' union select concat(paths.cur_path, ',', bus_routes.dest), bus_routes.dest from paths, bus_routes where paths.cur_dest= bus_routes.origin and locate(bus_routes.dest, paths.cur_path)=0)select * from paths

New York

Boston Washington


Computing “Paths”

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New York

Boston Washington


select concat(paths.cur_path, ',', bus_routes.dest), bus_routes.dest from paths, bus_routes where paths.cur_dest= bus_routes.origin and locate(bus_routes.dest, paths.cur_path)=0

+-----------------------------+------------+| cur_path | cur_dest |+-----------------------------+------------+| New York | New York || New York,Boston | Boston || New York,Washington | Washington || New York,Washington,Boston | Boston || New York,Washington,Raleigh | Raleigh |+-----------------------------+------------+

Computing “Paths”

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Recursion stopping summary● Tree or Directed Acyclic Graph walking

•Execution is guaranteed to stop

● Computing transitive closure


● Computing “Paths” over graph with loops

•Put condition into WHERE to stop loops/growth

● Safety measure: @@max_recursive_iterations

•Like in SQL Server

•MySQL-8.0: @@max_execution_time ?

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion


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[Non-]linear recursion

with recursive R as ( select anchor_data

union [all]

select recursive_part from R, …)select …

The SQL standard requires that

recursion is linear:

● recursive_part must refer to R only


•No self-joins

•No subqueries

● Not from inner side of an outer join

● …

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Linearity of SELECT statements● Recursive CTE is a “function”: R(x)=a


● Linear “function”: R(x+y)=a+b

•added rows in source -> added rows in the result

x a


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Linear recursion

with recursive R as ( select anchor_data

union [all]

select recursive_part from R, …)select …


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with recursive R as ( select anchor_data

union [all]

select recursive_part from R, …)select …

Linear recursion

● New data is generated by “wave-front” elements

● Contents of R are always growing

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Non-linear recursion● Next version of R is computed from the

entire R (not just “wavefront”)

● R may grow, shrink, or change

● It’s possible to screw things up

•R may flip-flop

•R may be non-deterministic

● Still, MariaDB supports it:

set @@standard_compliant_cte=0

•Be sure to know what you’re doing.

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● Non-recursive CTEs•Use cases•Optimizations

● Recursive CTEs•Basics•Transitive closure•Paths•(Non-)linear recursion•Mutual recursion


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● Multiple CTEs refer to each other

● Useful for “bipartite” graphs


● MariaDB supports it

● No other database does

with recursive C1 as ( select … from anchor_table union select … from C2), C2 as ( select … from C1)select ...

Mutual recursion

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Conclusions● MariaDB 10.2 has Common Table Expressions

● Both Recursive and Non-recursive are supported

● Non-recursive

•“Query-local VIEWs”

•Competitive set of query optimizations

● Recursive

•Useful for tree/graph-walking queries

•Mutual and non-linear recursion is supported.

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Rate My Session!

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● Bill of materials


Which part of bicycle is nut situated in?

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+------+------------+-------+---------+| id | name | count | part_of |+------+------------+-------+---------+| 10 | nut | 1 | 7 |+------+------------+-------+---------+

Bill of materials



tire valve


with recursive nut as ( select * from bicycle_parts where name = 'nut' union select b.* from bicycle_parts as b, nut AS n where b.id = n.part_of )select * from nutwhere part_of = NULL;

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+------+------------+-------+---------+| id | name | count | part_of |+------+------------+-------+---------+| 10 | nut | 1 | 7 || 7 | tire valve | 2 | 4 |+------+------------+-------+---------+

Bill of materials



tire valve


with recursive nut as ( select * from bicycle_parts where name = 'nut' union select b.* from bicycle_parts as b, nut AS n where b.id = n.part_of )select * from nutwhere part_of = NULL;

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+------+------------+-------+---------+| id | name | count | part_of |+------+------------+-------+---------+| 10 | nut | 1 | 7 || 7 | tire valve | 2 | 4 || 4 | tire | 2 | 1 |+------+------------+-------+---------+

Bill of materials



tire valve


with recursive nut as ( select * from bicycle_parts where name = 'nut' union select b.* from bicycle_parts as b, nut AS n where b.id = n.part_of )select * from nutwhere part_of = NULL;

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+------+------------+-------+---------+| id | name | count | part_of |+------+------------+-------+---------+| 10 | nut | 1 | 7 || 7 | tire valve | 2 | 4 || 4 | tire | 2 | 1 || 1 | wheel | 2 | NULL |+------+------------+-------+---------+



tire valve


Bill of materials

with recursive nut as ( select * from bicycle_parts where name = 'nut' union select b.* from bicycle_parts as b, nut AS n where b.id = n.part_of )select * from nutwhere part_of = NULL;

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with recursive nut as ( select * from bicycle_parts where name = 'nut' union select b.* from bicycle_parts as b, nut AS n where b.id = n.part_of )select * from nutwhere part_of = NULL;

It is a part of wheel!

Bill of materials

+------+------------+-------+---------+| id | name | count | part_of |+------+------------+-------+---------+| 1 | wheel | 2 | NULL |+------+------------+-------+---------+

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