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  • 8/8/2019 Communicable Diseases Guidelines for Prevention and Control Japanese Encephalitis


    Guidelines for Prevention andControl of Japanese Encephalitis


    (Directorate General of Health Services)22-SHAM NATH MARG, DELHI - 110 054

  • 8/8/2019 Communicable Diseases Guidelines for Prevention and Control Japanese Encephalitis


    Copyright World Health Organization (2006)This document is not a formal publication of the World Health Organization (WHO),and all rights are reserved by the Organization. The document may, however, be freelyreviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated, in part or in whole, but not for sale orfor use in conjunction with commercial purposes.

    The views expressed in documents by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors.

  • 8/8/2019 Communicable Diseases Guidelines for Prevention and Control Japanese Encephalitis



    Guidelines for prevention and control of Japanese Encephalitis 1

    1. Introduction 1

    2. Causative agent 1

    3. Epidemiology 1

    4. Clinical manifestations 4

    5. Laboratory diagnosis of JE 4

    6. Management 6

    7. Prevention and control of JE 7

    8. Guidelines for collection, storage and transportation of

    specimens for Japanese Encephalitis 9

    9. Laboratories undertaking work on JE in India

    locate the address, phone/fax nos. and e-mails of each laboratory 13

    10. Notication 13


    Prevention and control of JE 15

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis


    1. IntroductionJapanese Encephalitis (JE) is a mosquito borne zoonotic viral disease caused byarbovirus (avivirus), involving the Central Nervous System. In nature, the virusis maintained in ardied birds (e.g. cattle egrets, pond herons etc.) and otheranimals particularly pigs. Although infection in human is incidental, the virus cancause serious neurological disease in human. Presence of one clinical case in thecommunity suggests that 300 to 1000 people have been infected. The disease

    occurs with sudden onset and the common symptoms are headache, high fever,stiff neck, abnormal movements (coarse tremor, convulsions in children), impairedconsciousness and coma. Case fatality rate in JE is high, ranging from 20-40%.

    JE occurs in a large number of countries/area of Asia. It is a disease of publichealth importance because of its epidemic potential and high case fatality rate.In patient who survive, complications may lead to life long sequelae.

    2. Causative agentThe disease is caused by JE virus, an RNA virus, which belongs to genus Flavivirus,and family Flaviviridae.

    3. Epidemiology

    3.1 Geographical distributionJE occurs in a large number of countries of Asia, including Cambodia, China,

    Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam,South-eastern Russian Federation and the Indian subcontinent. In recent decades,JE has gradually spread to previously non-affected Asian regions.

    3.2 Situation in IndiaIn India, JE was rst recorded in Vellore and Pondicherry in mid 1950s. The rst majoroutbreak of JE occurred in 1973 in Bankura & Burdwan districts of West Bengal. In

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    3.3 TransmissionThe infection is transmitted through the bite of an infected culicine mosquito. Thetransmission cycle is maintained in animals and birds. Infection in man is the deadend of the transmission. Man to man transmission has not been documented.

    3.4 Reservoir of infectionJE virus has its natural cycle in vertebrates and mosquitoes. The animal hostsmainly include pigs whereas other animals such as cattle and horses have nosignicant role in disease transmission and amongst birds are the water birds e.g.pond herons, cattle egrets, poultry birds and ducks play a signicant role in thenatural history of JE virus. Pigs are the major vertebrate hosts and are consideredas amplifying hosts. Infection in man appears to be correlated with living in closeproximity with animal reservoirs, especially pigs. Currently available evidencesdoes not indicate major role of cattle and horses.

    In India, birds particularly those belonging to family Ardeidae and pigs playimportant role in maintenance of JE virus in nature. Various studies conducted ondetection of the presence of JE antibodies in the sera of birds belonging to differentspecies have indicated that Ardeola grayii (pond heron) and Bubulcus ibis (cattleegret) play a denite role in maintenance of JE virus in nature. In different partsof the country, 12 to 44 per cent pig population has been found to be positive for

    JE antibodies particularly in JE endemic areas. Besides birds and pigs, bovines andbats have also been found positive for JE antibodies but their role in maintenanceof virus in nature is doubtful as the titres found in them are very low.

    3.5 VectorsMosquitoes belonging to Culex vishnui group are most important vector species inIndia. Culex mosquitoes generally breed in water bodies with luxurious vegetationlike irrigated rice elds, shallow ditches and pools. Mosquitoes are zoophilic,feeding primarily on animal and wild birds. Epidemics usually coincide withmonsoons and post-monsoon period when the vector density is high. Femalemosquitoes get infected after feeding on a viraemic host and can transmit thevirus to other hosts after an extrensic incubation period of 9 to 12 days. Themosquitoes remain infected for life. The average life period of a mosquito is about21 days. Culex mosquito can y for long distances (1-3 kms. or even more).

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    In India, JE virus was rst isolated from wild caught mosquito species at Vellorein 1956. Since then the virus has been isolated from 12 mosquito species in wildcaught specimen from different parts of the country. Maximum isolations havebeen made from Culex vishnui group consisting of C.tritaeniorhynchus , C.vishnui andC.pseudovishnui .

    4. Clinical manifestationsThe incubation period in man, following mosquito bite varies from 5 to 15 days.The clinical features of JE are those of encephalitis. Majority of the cases are inyounger age groups, although all age groups are affected. In areas where diseasehas become endemic, cases are mainly reported from age groups below 15 years.Various epidemiological studies conducted during investigation of outbreaks,observed that though both sexes are affected, males outnumber females. Thepatient will give history of acute onset with fever with altered sensorium. Some of the patients may show change in behaviour. There may be history of convulsions.Febrile seizures may mimic a case of JE but the sensorium is not altered. The focal neurological decits may or may not be present. Disturbances of sensorium arereected as lethargy, somnolence, irritability, apathy or loss of consciousness. Thepatient may develop difculty of speech and other neurological decits like ocularpalsies, hemiplegia, tremor and ataxia. There may also be loss of bladder and bowel control. The focal neurological signs may be stationary or progressive. 5% to

    70% patients who recover from the acute episode may have neurological sequelaedepending upon the age and severity of the disease viz. mental impairment, severeemotional instability, personality changes, paralysis etc. In majority of the cases,however, the infection is mild with no overt clinical symptoms or mild fever withheadache. Clinical laboratory nding in acute encephalitic stage - CSF is clearand may show variable ndings: uid pressure is normal to mildly elevated, CSF glucose is normal and proteins are mildly elevated. Case fatality rate is high i.e.20 to 40% in severe cases.

    5. Laboratory diagnosis of JE

    5.1 Detection/isolation of antigen/virus(i) Demonstration of viral antigen in the autopsied brain tissue by the uorescent

    antibody test

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    (ii) Isolation and identication of the virus from CSF, occasionally fromperipheral blood (within 3 to 4 days after onset of symptoms) or autopsiedbrain tissue.

    5.2 Detection of antibodyThe diagnosis of JE is supported by serological tests. The tests include detectionof IgM antibodies which appear after the rst week of onset of symptoms and aredetectable for one to three months after the acute episode.A four fold rise in IgG antibody titre in paired sera taken at an interval of 10 daysor more is conrmatory.

    IgG antibodies indicate previous infection and are useful for conducting sero-epidemiological studies to determine the extent of silent infection and immunitylevels in the local population.

    The detection of antibodies to JE virus can be done routinely by HaemagglutinationInhibition Test (HI) test to demonstrate four fold rise in total antibodies and IgMCapture ELISA test for demonstration of IgM antibodies. National Institute of Virology may be contacted for antigens and reagents.

    Note: During an epidemic situation, the laboratory receiving the samples under

    prior intimation should receive the samples round the clock. Laboratory should prioritize the testing of the samples even during the

    holidays. All tests should be performed as per standard guidelines using standard

    kits along with the kit controls and internal quality controls. The results should be communicated to the user at the earliest to initiate

    preventive and control measures in the affected area. Efforts should be made to have external prociency tests between the

    laboratories so that more and more laboratories can be added to thislist.

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    5.3 Interpretation of resultsConrmatory diagnosis is made by one of the following: Isolation of virus Antigen detection IgM antibodies in CSF and/or serum IgM antibodies in serum with relevant clinical history in a known area in an

    epidemic situation Four fold rise/fall in IgG or total antibodies in paired sera

    6. ManagementThere is no specic treatment of JE. However, supportive treatment and goodnursing care can signicantly reduce case fatality rate. It is, therefore, importantthat encephalitis cases should be referred to a hospital as early as possible so thattreatment is started without waiting for serological laboratory results.

    Treatment of JE

    The treatment for JE would encompass: Management of an unconscious patient Reduction of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) Treatment of convulsions

    Management of respiratory failure if present

    Management of unconscious patient: Maintenance of airway and breathing Maintenance of circulation uid restriction to 70% of total requirement of

    uid per day. Fluids - Dextrose saline, 5% Dextrose or Ringers Lactate

    Reduction of increased ICP:

    Osmotic diuretics Mannitol 20% (2-5 ml/kg/dose) given 4- 6 hourly;Lasix 1 mg/kg Contraindication of mannitol pulmonary oedema, uid overload

    Treatment of convulsionsDiazepam (0.25 0.5 mg/kg) intravenously to control the acute episode followed

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    by anti-convulsants.(a) Dilantin 5 8 mg/kg/day(b) Phenobarbitone 5 8 mg/kg/day

    Management of respiratory failure If needed : Oxygen inhalation Ventilatory support

    Disability limitation and rehabilitationPatient needs to be followed up for the detection and management of disabilities.The patient may require: Physiotherapy, speech therapy and special support as perthe decit.

    7. Prevention and control of JE

    7.1 SurveillanceThe component of JE surveillance consists of three major areas: (1) Clinical/ syndromic surveillance through PHC system for early diagnosis and propermanagement of JE patients. (2) Vector surveillance in JE prone areas formonitoring vector behaviour and population build up for timely implementationof intervention methods (3) Sero-surveillance to delineate high risk populationgroups and to monitor JE specic antibodies in sentinel animals or birds as anindication of increasing viral activity.

    7.2 Case definition

    Clinical case descriptionJapanese Encephalitis virus infection may result in a febrile illness of variableseverity associated with neurological symptoms ranging from headache to

    meningitis or encephalitis. Symptoms and signs can include:

    Headache, fever, meningeal signs (neck rigidity), stupor, disorientation,coma, tremors, paresis (generalised), hypertonia, loss of co-ordination. Theencephalitis cannot be distinguished clinically from other central nervoussystem infections.

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    Suspect case High grade fever of acute onset with at least two of the following: Decrease in level of consciousness independent of convulsions Signicant change in mental status either in behaviour or personality Convulsions

    Probable case Suspected case of Japanese encephalitis with or without signs of meningeal

    irritation and varying degree of neurological decits, and Usually not more than a few cases (1-2) in one village Presence of animal hosts and high density of vector Elevated levels of HI antibodies to JE virus

    Conrmed case Presence of IgM antibody in serum and/or CSF Four fold difference in IgG antibody titre in paired sera virus isolation from brain tissue Antigen detection by Immunouoroscence/PCR

    7.3 Control

    (i) Interruption of TransmissionPrevention of transmission is possible through vector control. For effectivecontrol of vectors, residual insecticidal spraying has been suggested in all animal dwellings with appropriate insecticide before the onset of transmission season.The detailed guidelines for vector control formulated by Directorate of NVBDCPare annexed.

    (ii) VaccinationThree types of vaccine against JE is presently produced and used worldwide.Inactivated mouse brain (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, PR China, India),inactivated and live attenuated primary hamster kidney cells are manufactured inChina. However JE vaccine produced in mouse brain is distributed commerciallyand available internationally.

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    In most areas of Asia, the mouse brain vaccine produced from the Nakayama strainis given subcutaneously in 2 doses of 0.5 ml (1.0 ml for people > 3 years) 1 to 4weeks apart with a booster dose at 1 year and additional booster doses thereafterat 1 to 3 year intervals. Vaccination should be carried out during inter-epidemicperiod in the age group of 1 to 15 years. In India, the vaccine is being producedat Central Research Institute, Kasauli.

    The live attenuated (SA-14-14-2) vaccine is produced and has been licensed andused in China since 1988. Recently countries like Nepal, South Korea and SriLanka have licensed this vaccine for use in their countries. The live vaccine whengiven in single dose and has a high efcacy (data reported from several countrieshave shown efcacy to be between 80 99% following a single dose vaccinationand 98% or greater with two doses of vaccination). The live vaccine has excellentsafety record and no severe adverse effects have been reported. However, liveattenuated vaccine requires eld testing in Indian context, specially in knownendemic areas.

    (iii) Management of casesThere is no specic curative therapy for JE patients. The cases are managedsymptomatically and early diagnosis with proper and adequate management helpsin reducing the associated fatality and neurological sequelae.

    (iv) Health Education and Community involvementIt has been observed that there is a direct relationship between the time lag inonset of symptoms and initiation of therapy. Immediate management of casesreduces fatality to a considerable extent. Since the disease is predominantlyprevalent in rural areas, generating awareness helps in early reporting. Furtherhealth education helps in encouraging personnel protection.

    8. Guidelines for collection, storage and transportation ofspecimens for Japanese Encephalitis

    The laboratory diagnosis of JE depends upon the proper collection of clinical material from human cases. In epidemic situations it becomes necessary to collectvector mosquitoes also for isolation of JE virus.

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    0 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    8.1 Collection of specimens from human cases

    Clinical samples for diagnosis of JE Blood CSF Autopsy brain samples Vectors

    8.1.1. Serum : Serum samples should be collected from suspected JE caseswithin 4 days after the onset of illness for isolation of virus and at least 5 daysafter the onset of illness for detection of IgM antibodies. A second, convalescentsample should be collected at least 10 14 days after the rst sample forserology.

    Blood collection Aseptically collect 4 - 5 ml of venous blood. Keep it at room temperature for about 15 minutes to enable it to clot. Separate the serum from the clot and transfer to a screw capped leak proof

    sterile container. Seal the container with adhesive tape and label the container with appropriate

    information viz. patients name, identication number, date of collection

    etc. Place the serum in refrigerator if there is delay in transportation to laboratory(Annex-1).

    Preference should be given to collection of samples from suspected casesduring an outbreak period over contacts and animal reservoirs.

    8.1.2. Cerebrospinal uid (CSF) : Collect CSF specimen in sterile screwcapped bottles under all aseptic precautions for attempting isolation of virusand antibody detection. Label these containers properly and transport at theearliest as described for serum. All attempts should be made to collect the CSF samples for conrmation of diagnosis. The CSF should be collected by a trainedperson.

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    8.1.3 Brain Tissue: To make an initial diagnosis of JE, wherever feasible, obtainbrain tissue within hours of patients death during the rst two weeks of illness.It is the best source for the isolation of virus. Collect small pieces of tissuefrom different parts of the brain-cerebral cortex, cerebellum, basal nuclei andbrain stem. Immerse the brain tissue (s) thus obtained in 2ml of Virus TransportMedium (VTM) in sterile screw capped bottles. VTM should be obtained from thelaboratory testing the samples. If transport medium is not available, glycerol-saline may be used. Alternatively, nutrient broth medium with antibiotics can beused. The brain sample for isolation of virus should be sent under prior intimationto the receiving laboratory. Brain samples for virus isolation and antigen detectionshould not be sent in formalin.

    8.1.4 Collection of vectorsIn an epidemic situation, it is desirable to collect mosquitoes from the affectedareas-both indoor and outdoor, so that they may be processed for virus isolation.This may give an indication of the species acting as vector and also provide someinformation on the mosquito fauna of the area. Mosquitoes can be collectedby standard method such as aspirator, baited traps, biting collections and lighttraps.

    The mosquitoes should be held alive in Barraud Cages wrapped with moistened

    lint or cloth. If the collection locality is not far from the laboratory ortransportation can be done within a day or two, they may be transported alivein Barraud cages. For such transportation, it is necessary to provide raisinssoaked in water or a cotton pledget soaked in 10 percent solution inside theBarraud cage.

    If the collection locality is far from the laboratory and immediate transportationis not possible, mosquitoes may be identied, pooled species wise and stored inliquid nitrogen, refrigerators or on dry ice for subsequent transportation to thelaboratory. If facilities for liquid nitrogen or dry ice storage are not availablein the eld, transport medium may be used to store the mosquito pools. Itis, however, necessary that such pools are constantly kept in the refrigerator ortransported on wet ice.

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    2 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    Note: Samples for virus isolation and antigen detection CSF, blood, autopsy

    brain tissue Samples for virus isolation and antigen detection should be collected

    (as early as possible) within 4 days after the onset of illness. Samples for antibody detection should be collected at least 5 days after

    the onset of illness. Paired sample should be collected at an interval of at least 10 14 days

    after the 1 st sample for demonstration of sero-conversion or four folddifference in antibody titre.

    8.1.5 Storage and Transport

    Place the specimens at +4 0C as soon as possible after collection. Dispatch theseat the earliest possible opportunity on wet ice in a large thermos or an ice-boxor vaccine container to the designated laboratory vide infra. Considering theemergency, preference should be given to hand carry the sample to the designatedlaboratory. Samples for PCR should be transported on dry ice. Every specimenmust be accompanied by the pertinent information as shown in annexure-1.

    To avoid rejection of samples the following precautions should be taken whilecollection and transportation of samples: Sample vial should be properly sealed to prevent leakage of sample. Sample should be collected in plain, clean, dry vial to prevent haemolysis as

    it interferes with the test result. Sample should be collected under aseptic precautions to prevent

    contamination as it interferes with the test results. Sufcient quantity, as indicated should be collected.

    Proper cold chain should be maintained during transportation. Sample should be properly labeled.

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    9. Laboratories undertaking work on JE in India (locate theaddress, phone/fax nos. and e-mails of each laboratory)

    1. National Institute of Virology, Ambedkar Road, Pune2. National Institute of Communicable Diseases, 22-Sham Nath Marg, Delhi

    3. Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raibareily road,Lucknow

    4. King Georges Medical College, Lucknow5. Armed Forces Medical College, Pune6. School of Tropical Medicine, 110 Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata7. Veterinary Biological Institute, Hyderabad8. King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chennai9. National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences, Bangalore10. Christian Medical College, Vellore

    10. NotificationIf an outbreak of JE is suspected it must be reported immediately to the districthealth ofce. The state health authorities must be informed through the quickestmode of communication, preferably through telephone, fax or e-mail of the detailsof the outbreak including investigation and control measures initiated. TheNational Institute of Communicable Diseaes, 22-Sham Nath Marg, Delhi 110054(Ph: 23971272, 23971060, 23913148; Fax: 23922677; Telegram: COMDIS, Delhi,e-mail address: [email protected], [email protected]) is expected to bekept informed of the action taken.

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    4 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis




    2. AGE/SEX:

    3. ADDRESS:












    SignatureTel No & Email

    Source : Directorate of NVBDCP

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis


    Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) is anodal agency for control and prevention of Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in thecountry.

    The strategy includes:

    6.1 Early case detection and treatmentEarly diagnosis and proper management of JE cases to reduce case fatality throughstrengthening of diagnostic and clinical management of JE cases, at PHCs/CHCsand District Hospitals.

    In order to avoid JE related morbidity, mortality and complications in endemicareas, estimation of the actual disease burden and development of appropriatecontrol measures need to be intensied in JE endemic areas. JE burden can be

    estimated satisfactorily if the facilities for JE conrmation are made available atleast in referral hospitals.

    Considering the merits and demerits of each diagnostic test and the patientsrepresenting different clinical phases of infection, establishment of two diagnostictests, one for detection of JE Reverse Transcriptase - Polymer Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and one for detection of virus antigen/virus genome is necessary.

    6.2 Vector Control

    6.2.1 Indoor Residual Spray (IRS)Vector control is a serious challenge for JE control because of exophilic andexophagic behaviour of JE vectors, which limits effectiveness of conventional


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    6 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    vector control methods like Indoor Residual Spray (IRS). Hence IRS is notrecommended for prevention and control for JE. However, in areas where vector isendophilic like Mansonia annulifera , IRS may be considered for vector control inhigh risk pockets.

    6.2.2 FoggingThe guidelines developed by the Directorate of NVBDCP for use of fogging forepidemic control was presented and discussed in the meeting of TAC held underthe chairmanship of DGHS on 16-3-04. It was highlighted that fogging would bea very cost intensive vector control tool but with limited effect and therefore,not recommended as a routine vector control measure. In case of JE outbreaks,since the vectors are mainly outdoor resting and outdoor feeding, peri-domesticfogging could be resorted to very carefully for containment of outbreaks. It hasbeen suggested that most of the states may resort to fogging whenever thereis any JE outbreak so that they can make their efforts visible in the communitybesides its impact on adult population of vector mosquitoes.

    6.2.3 Personnel protection methods-Preventive measures like use of insecticides treated bed nets, repellents, use of full clothing to cover forearm and legs, etc. should be encouraged.

    6.2.4 Anti larval operationsOn regular basis for JE vector control is neither cost effective nor operationallyfeasible.

    6.2.5 Other Vector control methodsSome of the vector control methods have been well demonstrated and publishedfor JE control, as described below: Reduction of breeding sources for larvae: Two feasible methodologieshave been demonstrated to control breeding of mosquitoes in rice elds. Theyare (i) water management system with intermittent irrigation system and (ii)incorporation of neem products in rice eld. The water management is nothingbut a strategy of alternate drying and wetting water management system inthe rice elds. By using neem products as fertiliser in rice elds, they not only

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    Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    enhance the grain production but also suppress the breeding of culicine vectorof JE. Larvivorous sh: Introduction of composite sh culture for mosquitocontrol in rice elds has been evaluated and proved to be successful. In otherlarge and small water bodies release of larvivorous sh will prevent the JE vectorsbreeding. Biolarvicides: Biocides like Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis andBascillus sphaericus were promoted and anticipated to have great implications asbiological larvicides against different mosquito species. Lack of suitable deliverysystem and short duration of larvicide effect restricted its use in vector control strategy.

    1.1.2 Reduction in man-vector contact: Pyrethroid-impregnated bed nets andcurtains have shown to reduce man-mosquito contact. However people may notprefer to use bed nets due to high temperature and humidity. In such areas, people doaccept impregnated curtains instead of bednets. The limitation with this technologyis the repeated impregnation of the curtains once in 6 to 9 months and periodicassessment of vectors for development of insecticide resistance to this product. Morestudies are required to incorporate these methods in JE control programme.

    6.2.7 Control of PigPigs constitute the amplifying host of JE and mosquitoes when bite pigs getinfected that later infect humans. In JE endemic areas, pigs are found associatedwith human habitations. Control methods can include immunizing, slaughteringpig, use of mosquito proof piggeries, etc.. Segregating pigs at least 4-5 km awayfrom human habitations can be used wherever it is possible by implementing someby-laws by local administration.

    Several studies conducted in Japan showed that pig immunization was effectivein eliminating disease in pigs, which may reduce animal transmission and possiblylower human incidence. But it has not been used at the national level because pigimmunization requires large number of newborn pigs to be immunized each yearand because the period of vaccine effectiveness is limited.

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    8 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis

    6.3 Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) or (InformationEducation Communication)

    Health Education should be imparted through all probable approaches on personal prophylaxis against vector, segregation of amplier hosts by mosquito proong

    and for early reporting of cases.Each endemic state should conduct a media advocacy and health educationworkshop a month prior to the expected season to educate media about theupcoming JE season and enlist their support in dissemination of messages on self protection methods and early case reporting at nearest medical facilities, etc.,thereby avoiding any adverse uninformed, adverse publicity.

    6.4 Training

    i. For the success of any control operation, deployment of trained personnel is important for proper transformation of control strategy into eldactivities. Therefore, training must constitute an integral part of any control approach.

    6.5 Immunization against JEThere are three types of JE vaccine in widespread production and in worldwideuse for control of JE. These are (i) inactivated mouse brain derived vaccine; (ii)inactivated primary hamster kidney cell derived vaccine, and (iii) live attenuatedvaccine.Under immunization protocol, immunization of pigs is to be considered which mayreduce viral transmission by limiting or preventing viraemia in pigs. JE vaccinesfor pigs and equines have been used in various areas of China.

    6.6 JE vaccine in IndiaJE vaccine used in India is a formalin-inactivated product prepared from mousebrains infected with Nakayama JE virus manufactured at Central Research Institute,Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh. The virus is puried with protamine sulphate treatmentand ultra centrifugation. The nal vaccine is supplied in a freeze dried form andreconstituted in 5.4 ml of sterile pyrogen free distilled water supplied by thelaboratory.

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